Therapeutic Hypothermia to Treat a Newborn with Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
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CASE REPORT Therapeutic Hypothermia to Treat a Newborn With Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Todd R. Fredricks, DO; Christopher Gibson, OMS III; Francis Essien, OMS III; Jeffrey S. Benseler, DO From the Departments of Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is caused by neonatal asphyxia and can lead Family Medicine to mortality or long-term neurodevelopmental morbidity in neonates. (Dr Fredricks) and Radiology (Dr Benseler) at the Ohio Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is one of the few effective ways to manage miti- University Heritage College of gating neurologic sequelae. The authors describe the case of a neonate who had Osteopathic Medicine a perinatal hypoxic insult and sustained no long-term sequelae after being (Student Doctors Gibson and treated with TH. It is important that osteopathic physicians who provide obstet- Essien) in Athens, Ohio. ric and gynecologic, perinatal, and emergency medical care are able to recog- Financial Disclosures: nize a perinatal hypoxic event, understand the stratification of hypoxic- None reported. ischemic encephalopathy risk factors, and implement early TH protocols. Support: None reported. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2017;117(6):393-398 Address correspondence to doi:10.7556/jaoa.2017.078 Todd R. Fredricks, DO, Keywords: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, neonate, obstetrics and gynecology, therapeutic hypothermia Grosvenor Hall 251, Department of Family Medicine, Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH 45701-2979. ypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a complication resulting from neonatal asphyxia. The incidence of HIE in full-term infants is 6 per 1000 E-mail: [email protected] births.1 If not treated, 62% of infants with perinatal hypoxic brain injury will Submitted H die or have moderate to severe disabilities by the age of 18 to 22 months; treatment July 22, 2016; 2,3 revision received reduces this rate to 41%. The incidence of long-term neurologic disabilities are as November 21, 2016; follows: 45% have cognitive and developmental delay or learning difficulties; 29%, accepted some degree of cerebral palsy; 26%, blindness or vision defects; 17%, gross motor and January 12, 2017. coordination problems; 12, epilepsy; 9%, hearing loss or deafness; and 1%, behavioral issues.4 Over the past 2 decades, several studies5-8 have attempted to elucidate the patho- physiologic and cellular mechanisms underlying HIE with the aim of expanding treat- ment options and reducing neonate mortality. We discuss the case of a patient with HIE whose symptoms were successfully managed with therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Report of Case A 28-year-old woman (gravida 3 para 2) at 39 weeks gestational age presented to the obste- trics and genecology department in active labor. On initial examination, the woman’s cervix was dilated 8 cm. Two minutes later her placental membranes ruptured, and the fetal heart rate dropped to 60 beats/min. Her obstetrician discovered an umbilical cord prolapse and unsuccessfully attempted to lift the fetus’s head to decompress the umbilical cord. Because the anesthesiologist on call was 20 minutes away and delay of delivery was not an option, the obstetrician obtained consent for an emergency cesarean delivery without anesthesia. Upon delivery, the neonate was flaccid, unresponsive, and apneic. His birth weight was 8 lb, 3 oz. A neurologic examination revealed nonreacting pupils, generalized hypotonia, The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association June 2017 | Vol 117 | No. 6 393 CASE REPORT and absent neonatal reflexes. Positive-pressure ventila- initial 72 hours of TH. After 72 hours, the neonate’s tion was initiated with a bag-valve mask. His heart rate core body temperature was increased by 0.5°C every increased to 100 beats/min within 15 seconds, but he hour until it reached a core temperature of 37°C. No remained apneic and was intubated. Apgar scores were aberrations were noted during the cooling or rewarming 1, 4, 4, and 7 at 1, 5, 10, and 20 minutes, respectively. period. Transient renal dysfunction, which responded to Laboratory tests conducted 25 minutes after birth fluid boluses and bumetanide, was noted during the first yielded the following results: arterial blood pH, 7.09; 24 hours of TH. base excess, 18 mmol/L; lactate, 10.9 mmol/L; lactate A cranial sonograph of the neonate was taken the day dehydrogenase, 741 U/L; creatine kinase, 1594 U/L; after birth and no hemorrhage due to perinatal stress glucose, 126 mg/dL; and troponin I, 0.06 ng/mL. was identified (Figure 1). A magnetic resonance image Neonatal neurointensivist consultation was of the brain was taken 10 days after birth (Figure 2). requested, and the neonate was given the diagnosis of Periventricular white matter signal characteristics were stage II HIE. Whole-body therapeutic hypothermia unremarkable, with no focal parenchymal cystic (TH), also referred to as targeted temperature manage- changes or cystic encephalomalacia identified. ment, was recommended. Two hours after birth, TH Because the sucking reflex was absent at birth, paren- was initiated, and the neonate’s core body temperature teral feeding was initiated the day after birth and was was maintained at 33.5°C for 72 hours. Sedation was complemented by the initiation of breast milk nasogas- achieved using a weight-based (0.05-0.2 mg/kg) bolus tric tube feedings once cooling stabilized at the end of dose of morphine sulfate over 5 minutes followed by a continuous intravenous infusion of 10 to 20 mg/kg per hour. Remote monitoring with amplitude-integrated electroencephalography was conducted during the Figure 1. Figure 2. Sagittal cranial ultrasound image demonstrating normal, Diffusion magnetic resonance image showing no evidence slitlike lateral ventricles in a neonate 1 day after birth while of anoxic injury in a neonate 10 days after undergoing undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. encephalopathy. 394 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association June 2017 | Vol 117 | No. 6 CASE REPORT the day. Mild truncal hypotonia persisted until 7 days secondary energy failure phase. This period is a critical after birth. Tube feeding ceased 8 days after birth, and time during which much of the damage created during bottle and breastfeeding were introduced the next day. the PEF phase can be mitigated with proper interven- A speech pathologist was consulted to help the tion.10 If prompt restoration of cerebral oxygen and neonate learn the sucking reflex. The newborn was dis- glucose levels does not occur, the secondary energy charged 13 days after birth, after unremarkable neuro- failure phase will be initiated.5 The exact mechanisms logic examination findings. The neonate was able to of this phase are not fully understood. The phase drink 70 mL of breast milk from a bottle for 15 begins 6 to 24 hours after the initial insult and is hall- minutes before tiring. By age 14 days, the neonate was marked by continued apoptosis and overproduction of exclusively breastfed. Follow-up appointments were free radicals, which cause further damage to the scheduled every 2 to 3 months until the patient was 1 neonatal brain.6 The inflammatory cascade generated year old, at which time the appointments were sched- by neonatal cerebral hypoxia leads to the accumulation uled for every 6 months until he was 2 years old. of neutrophils that further exacerbate cerebral edema.6 Then, the follow-up appointments were annual. At the Excitotoxicity of sensory, learning, and memory neuro- patient’s 3-year appointment, no sequelae from HIE pathways caused by elevated glutamate levels is also were identified. thought to have a negative effect on neonates with HIE.7 The tertiary phase of brain injury includes the events that follow the primary and secondary phases, and this Discussion phase can last from weeks to years.8,11 This period is In neonates, HIE can cause death or severe disabilities, marked by the long-term sensitization to the inflamma- especially if it is not properly managed. Brain injury in tion found in the first 2 phases. It is during this phase patients with HIE is the result of pathologic events that patients have increased seizure susceptibility, divided into 3 phases: the primary energy failure, impaired oligodendrocyte function, persistent inflam- secondary energy failure, and tertiary phases. The mation, and gliosis. These phenomena pose serious primary energy failure phase begins with the initial long-term disability implications for patients.8,11 hypoxic insult and lasts approximately 6 hours. Although there are no specific diagnostic tests for Reduced cerebral blood flow results in lowered oxygen patients with possible HIE, some general diagnostic and glucose delivery to the brain. This reduction leads criteria include suspected perinatal insult, gestation to lowered adenosine triphosphate and a switch to anaer- greater than 36 weeks, a 10-minute Apgar score lower obic metabolism and elevated serum lactate levels. The than 5, the need for continued resuscitation, a pH score reduced accessibility to adenosine triphosphate leads to of less than 7.0 or base deficit greater than 16 mmol/L, failure of the sodium-potassium pumps and the accumu- signs of neonatal neurologic dysfunction (eg, lethargy, lation of intracellular ions such as calcium and sodium, irritability, seizures), and evidence of multisystem organ which cause neuron depolarization. Additional mem- dysfunction.12 The diagnosis of HIE is primarily clinical brane depolarization yields the release of excitatory neu- in nature. Thus, attending physicians should maintain a rotransmitters such as glutamate. This release leads to a high index of suspicion for HIE during any delivery in cascade of events that include cerebral edema, cellular which there is evidence of potential perinatal hypoxia. necrosis, and apoptosis.9 Disruption of cell membranes When HIE is suspected, TH is initiated on the basis leads to the release of intracellular inflammatory media- of a combination of clinical signs, laboratory test tors, which causes further damage to the brain.