DIARY In the Village Hall unless otherwise stated Regular activities Baby & Toddler Group: Fridays 10-11.30am in term time Toffee & Books: Fridays 3.20 - 3.50pm in term time Dog Training: Mondays 6-8.00 pm; Tuesdays 6-7.00pm (Monday class outside during summer - contact Elaine 07790 395289 for further details) Weight Classes: Wednesday,6-7.00pm and 7-8.00pm (to book contact Jennie Marie 07502 981608) South Lancaster Speakers Club: Methodist Church Hall, APRIL & MAY 2019 Most 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7.30pm September-May (Contact David Knox 01524 805554) 1st Forton Scout Group meet at the Scout Hut on Hollins Lane Scouts – ages 10½ to 14 – Thursdays 7.00 to 9 pm Beaver Scouts - ages 5½ to 8 - Tuesdays 6.00 to 7.15pm Cub Scouts - ages 8 to 10½ - Wednesdays 6.00 to 7.30pm Brownies - Mondays 6.00 to 7.30pm Please tel 01524 792089 for more information FORTON POST OFFICE, Methodist Church Hall, Hollins Lane: Mon- Fri 9am-1pm FORTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Closure after school on Friday 5th April, reopens on Tuesday 23rd April May Day closure on Monday 6th May: Mid-term closure 23rd May - 31st May (inclusive) APRIL MAY Look out for Field Day collections Wed 1st, 2-4pm: Bowling Club Social in the Wed 3rd, 2-4pm: Bowling Club Social in the Pavilion Pavilion Sunday 12th: Beavers, Cubs & Scouts bedding

Thurs 4th, 3.15-3.50pm: Mobile Library, School plant delivery Lane Wed 15th, 2-4pm: Bowling Club Social in the Wed 17th, 2-4pm: Bowling Club Social in the Pavilion Pavilion Thurs 16th, 3.15-3.50pm: Mobile Library, School Thurs 18th, 7.30pm: WI talk by Judith Beeston Lane on ‘A Preston Suffragette’ Thurs 16th, 7.30pm: WI evening with Betsy Mon 22nd, 1-3pm: Tractor Run by the Cricket ‘Happy Ever After’ Club Mon 22nd, 2-4pm: Afternoon Tea in the Cricket Church Services and events are on page 21 Club Thurs 25th, 3.15-3.50pm: Mobile Library, Parish Council meetings will now be held on the 1st School Lane Sat 27th, 11am-1pm: Nearly New Sale & Craft Monday of each month in the Playing Field Pavilion Fair, Forton Primary School beginning 6.30pm for 7pm. The Parish website address is: fortonparish.com Items of interest regarding Forton’s past remain available on: http://www.shireshead-forton.co.uk

The email address for the Village Voice is: [email protected] Rupert - a friend for over 80 years Content not attributed has been contributed by the editors VILLAGE VOICE Pages 12, 13 & 15 VILLAGECONTENTS VOICE Except forCONTENTS reports made by Village Voice Editorial Team & Advertising: David & Rhona Sharp (791758) Except for reports made by Bedding plant sale - page 3 Proof Reading: Margaret Mansfield members of Forton Parish Council,members the ofviews Forton expressed Parish in Field Day 2019 - page 7 Distribution: West of A6 - Janet Huddart (791571) & Michael Briggs (791026) C o u n c i l , t h e v i e w s East of A6 - Fiona Riley (792245) reports are not necessarily thoseexpressed of the Council. in reports are not Bowling Club contacts - page 9 e-mail : [email protected] necessarily those of the Christian Aid Week - page 11 Printed by Colin Cross of Council. Tractor Run/Afternoon Tea - page 17 Councillor Val bows out - page 23 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE (June/July) BY 10 MAY, PLEASE 2 3 Parish News - Chairman’s Comments By the time you read this, you will have received leaflets from the Parish Council about the 1st Brownies major expansion of houses.

WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, SO PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM AND Lots of creativity at Brownies over RETURN IT TO ME ( or to the Post Office). Replies can also be completed online. the last few weeks. As part of the Performing badge in the new Girl Definitions to help explain some sections: Guiding programme, Brownies have had to develop their skills of Landowners - the letters on the coloured map refer to the names on a Wyre • communication. As always there publication land ownership map dated 23/02/18. were plenty of games to work on these skills but the Pixies, Elves A is Chris Hewitt/now in the control of HSL. • and Imps also devised short dance routines to tell their own stories • B is the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Committee. and performed a puppet show. In their Six, they planned a story, C is the Potter/Thompson family. • designed and made sock puppets and rehearsed before the grand performance for the rest of unit. This enabled most of the girls to get their Stage 2 Express Myself - D is the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lancaster • Communicate Skills Builder badge and the Performing badge. The puppets were amazing and the Brownies showed great imagination and flair with their stories and designs: there • This map originally had parcels E and F which were taken off by the Planning were mermaids, crabs, kings, princes, dragons, monsters, lizards, cats, hedgehogs, Inspector. owls, dogs and even Mickey Mouse! Well done Brownies.

• Trustees - the names of the trustees who hold the Recreation Field in trust for the We welcome Bethany to the Brownie pack and hope that she will enjoy coming to the village can be found on the Charity Commission website. meetings for fun and friendship. We have spaces available in the 1st Shireshead Brownies, so do spread the word to girls aged 7 to 10 years who might like to come along • Puffin crossing? (use Safari or Google!). and give it a try. For more information about the 1st Shireshead Brownies, contact the Owls: Brown Owl Ruth (792306) and Barn Owl Nichola (791301). Village Maintenance: We no longer have a lengthsman but at the March Council meeting we had a volunteer for Forton Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Summer Bedding Plant sale  village odd jobs, so if you know of something that needs attention in the village, please let  me know. Forton Beavers, Cub & Scout Groups continue to be very popular and give children from Forton and the surrounding areas an adventurous and educational time in a safe Forton Footpaths: and well run environment. Exciting activities include camping, rock climbing, canoeing Some time ago, I started a project to walk, check and describe all the paths in Forton. and target shooting and, to help us raise funds for these, we are having our Annual There is a map on the website. Peter Young, Pip Riley, Lesley Dodgson and myself did a lot Summer Bedding Plant Sale. of ‘groundwork’ but for various reasons the project hasn’t been completed. Now, there are two new helpers and with a restart we hope to produce a booklet (before the houses We are again offering a selection of professionally grown bedding plants for sale with are built?). Mike Jenner volunteered some lovely drawings and there may be free local delivery. All plants are grown by a local nursery and there is a wide range birdwatchers and plant hunters who could also contribute. I have even heard of ‘dog available in packs of 4, 6 or 9, depending on the variety, at £2.50 a pack. Packs for friendly’ doors in stiles, this could be something we can investigate. hanging baskets are £6.00. We also offer non-stop begonias in a 11cm pot for £2.50 Any comments/ideas? and sweet peas for £1.50 per pot.

Litter: There is an order form included with this magazine but please contact Phil Cray at Some years ago, a number of people were given picking sticks. If you have one but no [email protected] if you would like more order forms or further information. longer can (or wish to) use it, please let one of the councillors have it back (we can Please send orders by Friday 26th April (we can receive orders later but some plants collect!). We hope to organise a village litter picking day soon. may be in short supply) and your plants will be delivered free of charge to addresses within a 5 mile radius of Forton on Sunday, 12th May 2019. And finally ... Once again, I hope everyone notices the lovely flower tubs around the village this Spring. Sincere thanks to Judith and her team for all their continued efforts. We are most grateful for your support. Funds raised from this sale make a major Recently, at the enormously enjoyable ‘over 50s’ lunch a new resident came to see what contribution towards the cost of running and maintaining the Groups’ headquarters, was on in the village. If you are new, to Hollins Lane or Forton, WELCOME. and enabling us to give the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts the opportunity to take part in a Janet Huddart range of healthy outdoor pursuits. 4 5 Forton Primary School Middle Holly Cottage Spring most certainly is the time to tidy up, shake off unwanted debris and start afresh, Forton, Preston, PR3 1AH That is exactly what has been happening at Forton School and we have enjoyed doing just that, as a community. Children, mums, dads, governors, staff and Lesley (from the Post Traditional Tea Room and B&B Office) worked their ‘socks off’, sweeping, clipping, unclogging, moving, planting, talking, Always warm and friendly. laughing and eating breakfast together. Thank you all, it was a very special and Always with a smile. productive day.

Gill and Andy Osborne Tel: 01524 792399 Meanwhile, the children have been busy reading ‘Stig of the Dump’, ‘Running Wild’ and Email: [email protected] Web: wwwmiddlehollycottage.co.uk ‘The Inventions of Hugo Cabret’ and generating their own stories as a result. In fact, Class 4 have become so engaged by their skills at writing that many of them have submitted their very own stories to the BBC’s 500 Word Competition. Inspired by their enthusiasm I Tea Room is now open for the 2019 season - Thurs, Fri & Sat, 10am - 4.00pm have become a judge!

At the heart of Forton School, is the absolute commitment to give every child the opportunity to ‘Shine’, and our rich curriculum supports this. Our love of books and reading is always present, and this term we celebrated International Storytelling Day and National Book Day.

Music continues to be valued by us all. In addition to the keyboard, flute, clarinet and guitar lessons offered, we love to sing. We sing in maths lesson, we sing in assemblies and we sing at lunch times. Many parents, 24 juniors, Miss Blake, Miss Lupton and I were lucky enough to enjoy a fantastic evening at the MEN, singing and dancing our hearts out at Young Voices, the world’s biggest school choir.

We have also been busy fine-tuning our sports skills. Year 5 have taken part in a National Climbing Award, pupils from across the juniors have visited GCA for a table tennis tournament and the archery, basketball and judo after-school clubs have been very popular. The children in pre-school and some local toddlers have also enjoyed a day session on Friday mornings. We are all looking forward to our annual visit to Hothersall Lodge, where we will all (yes, staff too) swing and jump from heights, roll down hills, paddle across water, dip ponds and have a wonderful time.

We have even more to celebrate as a school. Last term, we gained our first level of being a Fairtrade school. Our Fairtrade Club has been busy and organised a Fairtrade coffee morning during Fairtrade Fortnight, which was well attended. In addition to this, Kaitlin Wain won the Decorated Cocoa Bean Competition. Well done Kaitlin.

Lorna Boase, Headteacher Baby and Toddler Group We have had an enjoyable couple of months back so far this year and we are still very busy on a Friday morning with a great mixture of grandmas, mums and lots of children enjoying themselves. It is lovely to get together with new and old friends.

We are looking forward to an Easter Egg Hunt in the Dell at Forton School on the last Friday of term, and eating lots of chocolate! Lawn Care Lawn Treatment From only £14 plus vat If you would like to join us at our Baby and Toddler Group, we would love to see you during term time, please just come along on a Friday, 10am-11.30am in the Village Hall.

Jenna Metcalfe 6 7 Forton Field Day - 2019 Computer Help At Home Collections This year’s Forton Field day will take place on Saturday 29th June 2019 on the village For all Computer or Internet and Playing Field from 1pm. As usual a dedicated band of committee members will be calling at houses around the village collecting donations and selling raffle tickets to fund this Tablet Problems Connection Issues great family day. Collections will take place this year from the 1st - 14th April. If you have children, the committee members will also be handing out the free children’s tea tickets. We appreciate all the donations that we receive from the residents of Repairs Plain English Tutorials Forton. Thank you so much for your generosity.

What happens on the day? We start at 1pm at the Bowling Green car park: the children arrive in their best fancy dress where they are judged. Money prizes are given for the winners later. Judging is then followed by a procession through the village, usually around 1.40pm. Our Rose Queen Call Graham on 07787 727443 and retiring Rose Queen, along with their retinues, are joined by Rose Queens from other villages, the children in fancy dress and other groups from the village, then they march along to music provided by Brass Band.

The new Rose Queen is crowned on the field after the procession and everyone enjoys an afternoon of side stalls, bouncy castles, tombola, entertainment and tea and cakes. We have a raffle which is drawn later in the afternoon, you can buy tickets for this throughout the day. The afternoon then ends with children’s races followed by a giant tug of war, men versus women! A hotdog, drink and sweet treat are free to children who have a tea ticket.

All our games and stalls are kept to ‘pocket money’ prices where possible. Children can also enter the craft competition which this year is ‘miniature playgrounds’. Please bring them along on the morning to the playing field to be entered and judged.

In the evening at the Village Hall, we have a children’s entertainer early evening followed by a DJ. The bar is open and there is also a BBQ. It’s a lovely day for all the family to enjoy, so why not come along and enjoy the atmosphere. There will hopefully be plenty of sunshine too!

If you would like to get involved with making Field Day the special day it is, there are many ways in which you can help: from joining the committee, to manning a stall on the day, to helping with the setting up or clearing away. If you are interested, please contact Andrew B.C Maintenance Challenger on 07737 897689 or Jenna Metcalfe on 07794 337282. Decorating,Tiling Install new fencing Mobile Library The van is scheduled to be in School Lane Painting inside & out Flat pack assembly (near Coronation Avenue) Fascias/Guttering Kitchen updates etc from 3.15 to 3.50pm on 4th and 25th April & 16th May General Property Repairs Glenys your Mobile Librarian offers a warm, friendly welcome to her ‘Big Yellow Library Van’

Over 10 years experience The Mobile Library stocks books in a variety of formats and has a wide range of fiction and No job too small! non-fiction titles for all ages. It is easy to join if not already a Library member. For details of exact times and locations of stops, please ring 07717 543763 or email: garstang.mobile.ml3@.gov.uk Contact Brent on 01524 793949 or 07947 508272 Please note routes and dates can be subject to change.

8 9 Lancaster Road, Forton, PR3 0BL The new season is fast approaching and here are contact Tel no: 01524 793011 details as currently available for Captains and Committee Email: [email protected] members. The Parking at front and rear Chair - Gary Mollart - phone tbc Countryside Secretary - Brian Tabner - 01524 791118 •Carpet •Cushion Vinyl •Amtico •Rugs •Artificial Grass Treasurer - Margery Graham - 01524 791194 Flooring Sheila Gambles - Captain Over Wyre Ladies A (Tues. afternoon) - 01942 242032 Company •Beds & Mattress Alan Grocott - Committee - phone tbc Ken Gregory - Captain Mixed Young Vets. (Wed. afternoon) - 01257 421233  Linda Mallinson- Committee & Captain Woodplumpton League (Wed. night) Hugo’s Ice Cream Parlour Annabel Murchie - Committee - 01995 601570 & Coffee Shop Dave Richmond - Committee & Captain Over Wyre B (Tues. night) - phone tbc Open 7 days a week Yvonne Rogerson - Committee & Captain Over Wyre Ladies B (Tues. afternoon) - 01524 791723 Food served all day Viv Tabner - Committee & Captain Over Wyre A (Tues. night) - 01524 791118  Rita Williamson - Committee - 01524 792447

If you are interested in playing in any of these teams, or for any information about the Club, please contact the relevant captain or any committee member. The first League games commence the week beginning 1st April and there will be games at Forton on most Tuesday afternoons and evenings and on alternate Wednesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons throughout the summer. New members are very welcome but even if you don’t want to join the Club you are also welcome to come and watch and have a cup of tea. If you want to follow how we are doing check us out on www.online-bowls.com where all our results and stats. are published. We also have a Facebook page where you will find all Luxury Kitchens, Bathrooms, the info. about our events and you are encouraged to like and share. Bedrooms & Home Office Green maintenance and work around the green is well underway and all involved are heartily thanked for their efforts. The green officially opens on the Sunday Club Day in Designed to your every need early April, date to be confirmed, but is available before then and throughout the season for social bowling except when matches are in progress. All are very welcome. Free Design Service I Complete Installation Service Available Hopefully we will meet around the green in the spring. Nateby Works I Longmoor Lane I Garstang I PR3 0JB Tel: 01995 606311 Viv Tabner on behalf of Forton Bowling Club Committee www.ccsupplies.co.uk I www.fittedkitchenpreston.co.uk [email protected] Nearly New Sale & Craft Fair Forton Primary School FORTON GLASS Saturday April 27th 11am-1pm HIGH QUALITY PVCu WINDOWS & DOORS SUPPLIED OR FITTED Adults £1 - free tea/coffee Cake sale, clothes, books FAILED/MISTED UP DOUBLE GLAZING UNITS Children free REPLACED IN TIMBER OR PVCu toys, craft stalls PVCu CONSERVATORIES SUPPLIED AND FITTED All funds raised will go to FOFS body shop Tel: 01524 751600 Fax: 01524 752288 Email: [email protected] Tables available for £10. Please contact OR CALL IN AT UNIT 18, GALGATE MILL Sarah Vaughan on 07581 183203 GALGATE, LANCASTER 10 11 The new year has started well with news from David Nichols of the work LANDROVER®SPECIALISTS of St John’s Hospice to which we contributed through the proceeds from our November Craft Fair and the bookstall income over the year. He has 01524 791 214 or 07990 554 883 been raising funds by walking along the Great Wall of China and he gave us a taste of this great challenge. We also celebrated our ‘Birthday’ at the Priory with a lovely meal.

LANDROVER® PARTS In February we were encouraged to have a concern for our planet by reducing the amount we discard. Catherine Reid gave us a lot to think about in her talk on ‘Upcycling’, LANDROVER® SALES which means repurposing items or objects, for example, tearing up an old skirt or trousers and using the material in a rag rug or tearing into strips which can then be REPAIRS & SERVICING woven or knitted into a bag or hat! The theme of craftwork continued into March with a fascinating talk about the ‘Art of Batik’.

Unit 5, Hamilton House Workshops The WI nationally supports a women’s charity by collecting small change, called Station Lane, , Garstang, PR3 1AN ‘Pennies for Friendship’. The charity is ACWW, which stands for ‘Associated Country www.rogersonsgarage.co.uk Women of the World’. It is very interesting to read how this collection started. It was as early as 1936 when ACWW developed and needed an office. It was decided that every year every supporting society should collect one penny (or its equivalent) from every member and that these contributions would enable ACWW to continue. Thus ‘Pennies for Friendship’ was born and is their major source of income and supports the entire operation of ACWW.

So when our members see the jar on the President’s table they are invited to put some change in and the contents will eventually go to the good work that the charity does, of which more will follow from time to time in future reports.

The April 18th meeting will hear about Edith Rigby, the Preston Suffragette, from Judith Beeston. Members are challenged to make and wear mauve and green rosettes. The May 16th meeting will, from our knowledge of earlier encounters with Betsy (aka Joanne Halliwell), be hilarious. Her title is ‘Happy Ever After’.

The meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, and newcomers will be very welcome. Just turn up or speak to President Pat (791580) or Secretary Christine (793549) first. Margaret Mansfield

A & P Voluntary collectors will be calling house-to-house during Christian Aid Week, 12th - 18th May. In Sierra Leone, ten Painting and Decorating women die every day from giving birth.Your donations can help provide more health clinics, better hygiene and medical Satisfaction guaranteed Competitive rates training. If you pay Income Tax, please gift aid your donation No job too big or small Free no obligation quotes by completing the details on the envelope. This enables a further donation of 25% from the UK Government. I have taken over the collection coordination from Margaret Mansfield, who has done this for many years. On behalf of everyone, I would like to thank her for her work. Thanks also are due to Eddie Murgatroyd who assisted her sorting and banking the money taken.

If you would like to help with the house-to-house collections then please contact me. Call: 01524 903204 / 07858 796676 Thank you. Email: [email protected] Alice Jesmont, 3 Ennerdale Close [email protected] 12 13 condemned then, mainly because it only had one door, but now the rich have had to Joe’s Story split it three ways to afford it, and I don’t think a million pounds would buy it today. If you haven’t read my story (86 years a country lad) here’s a brief account. I was born At this point I have not mentioned illegitimate in 1933 and never knew my father. I lived with my mother, grandmother, Rupert my teddy bear. I am not sure step-grandfather* and my mother’s half-brothers and sisters at High Town Yeat in when I got him but it was at a very Crosthwaite, Westmorland (now Cumbria). From there we moved to Low Mill in early age. He appears on most of Underbarrow. When my mother got married to Jim Dunlop in 1938 we moved to the photos of me as a small boy and Skelcies Still in Crosthwaite. My mother became ill so we moved back to Low Mill, she has been with me ever since apart died June 1939 aged 24. Jim my step-father left, I stayed with my granny and family. from when I gave him to a daughter of Rhoda, Brian’s sister. She gave * Joe’s grandfather, Joseph Willshaw, was killed in the Great War, 1916. him back to me worse for wear I continued going to Crosthwaite when she got older and he is still School until I was 14 when I had to sitting proudly besides my bed. move from my granny’s. I would Mother’s half-brother Brian giving not have been able to pay board if I me a wash had taken an apprenticeship, the Following my 14th birthday, it had been arranged for me to live and work at a local only thing I could do was to work farm. Tullythwaite House was a small farm, market garden and guesthouse which had on farms and live in. I did this for 13 bedrooms. Mr and Mrs Strickland, relations of the Stricklands at Sizergh Castle, seven years moving quite a lot, I owned it. Some of the work was hard. I only weighed about 8 stone but had to do jobs then took a job in Cowan Head such as lifting two-hundredweight bags of basic slag into a wooden-wheeled cart, the paper mill. After a few years there I floor of which was quite high, lifting chain harrows into the cart, taking them down onto moved to St Michaels, near the moss about two miles away, unloading them, walking behind them all day before back onto a farm living putting them back into the cart to go back to the farm to milk the cows. I enjoyed the in. While working there I got a job work, and although we didn’t rush about, the hours were long. A normal day was 12 as a mechanic, this was a job I had always wanted, after only 18 months I was left to hours, but on a Sunday we would have about three hours for dinner, so that’s over 80 control the garage when the boss bought another one. hours a week. In hay time and harvest we worked until dark - all that work for £17 a half year. We only got paid at Whitsuntide and Michaelmas (early November) when we In 1960 I married Grace, we had four children, Michael, Stewart. Adrian and Janet. I would have a week’s holiday. developed the car body repair side of the business, this went well so I decided to go on Aged 15, now working at Underhill Farm - John and Margery Park: my own. I bought a premises at Forton and converted it into a car body repair shop concentrating mainly on accident damage repairs, I had a new house built here in Lovely people but I was now doing the work of a man ... only getting £1-5s per week, I 1971. I lost my wife tragically in 1984, so I sold up and moved into a bungalow at wanted £3 ... he made me a final offer of £2-17s-6d, so I left. I went to the hiring’s in Garstang. In 1989 I married Barbara, she has two boys Ian and Glenn, I then moved Kendal and got hired for £3 a week to a farmer at Kirkby Lonsdale. back to Hollins Lane at Forton. This is where we still are in 2019. We do not have room for the full story with the following anecdotes, or the The following are extracts from Joe’s book. many other wonderful tales which demonstrate Joe’s incorrigible spirit. Low Mill was a unique place. It had been a corn mill, the water wheel and most of the Sometimes I would go fishing. We made some good money out of the salmon that I machinery had gone, with just a few gears and shafts remaining ... the mill race ran could sell to a man in Crosthwaite or to the Beck Watcher (Water Bailiff). He did not pay under the back rooms of the house and under the sitting room that was only used at the best price but he would warn me if he was going to be out with his superior. Christmas etc. This room had a flagged floor and one of these flags could be removed In November 1948 at the age of 15 I bought my to put in a trap to catch salmon and sea trout. The front, and only, door had a large gap first motorcycle - a 1932 200cc Frances Barnet, under it so it was quite common to have leaves blowing into the living room ... the reg. no. APF 132. Later I had a Tiger 100 C. I stairs and passageway leading out of this room had no doors on them, so with the always rode as if I was racing. One Sunday morning water running under the house and the leaky roof it was cold and damp and not a the police were waiting for me ... when I appeared pleasant place to be in winter. in court I lost my licence for a year ... the judge asked me if I had anything to say. “ Do I have the Outside the house everything was magic. There were six acres of land on three levels right to appeal?” The story made the national ranging from a disused mill dam with all the marsh flowers, the second level there was newspaper, headlined “I will appeal says Kendal a large orchard with every kind of fruit tree, then the top level was covered with broom motorcyclist doing 90mph in a 30mph limit”. bushes. In 1955 Granny picked, pressed and named 155 wildflowers all from this piece of land. I still have these. All this for a rent of 6s-8d a week (33p). It was My last bike when I was 78 a Kawasaki ER7F (Continued on page 15) 14 15 D.C. WILSON (Continued from page 13) In August 1989 I married Barbara. Life was good, we often went PENNINE GARAGE walking and enjoyed dancing. We Lancaster Road, Forton, Preston, PR3 0BP went to Australia and stayed with our friends near Brisbane, flying out 01524 793323 www.dcwilson.co.uk [email protected] and cruising back on the ‘Star Princess’, the largest ship to sail in New & used car sales Tyres • • the Southern Hemisphere. This was • Mots • Brakes not our first cruise: we had been on one to Alaska, one to the Caribbean • Servicing • Exhausts and a 17 day cruise to the • Air conditioning regas • Engine diagnostics Mediterranean. In St Mark’s Square & leak detection in Venice, two coffees and biscuits Courtesy cars available free of charge Adrian Glenn Mike Stewart cost me the same as my first six Janet Joe Barbara Ian Helen month’s pay, that was £17 in 1947. Open 6 days a week Monday - Friday 8.00am-5.30pm & Saturday 9.00am-12.00noon Sadness was to follow when Helen , Joe’s Brief summary of the life I’ve had daughter-in-law, passed away in 2007, I never ever knew my dad followed shortly afterwards by her I lost my mum when she was young I lost my son, I lost my wife husband Mike, Joe’s eldest son , leaving But I never lost my zest for life behind their three daughters, Rachel , So come on Lord, let’s have a break Becky and Emma. Joe’s thoughts at the How much more must one man take time are summed up in his poem. I visited the Post Office in Hollins Lane. Terry Mansfield, was doing family trees at the Chapel and asked me if I would like to do mine ...it got me a bit interested in trying to trace my father. I had heard that his name was Freddie McFarlane or similar, it was Mr Strickland (Tullythwaite House) who first told me the name of my father. Via an unrelated family Joe came across four McFarlanes, siblings, Sarah , Robert, Frederick and Rhona. He traced Rhona to Sedbergh but his contact there decided they were not connected. I said I was really looking for a Freddie McFarlane. “Freddie Mac” he replied, “I knew him well ... he often spoke about Crosthwaite” (where I was born). Since then we have seen Colin (cousin) and his wife Ruth, met a half-cousin and spoken to two other cousins. They have given me many photos and told me I look like my Dad. Pictured left to right at Becky & Adam’s wedding - July 2018 Barbara Joe Emma Adam Becky & Rachel with Nellie A very proud Joe at the age of 86. Becky asked me to walk her down the aisle and give her away, Adam asked for my blessing. With 12 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, not bad for an orphan who left home with now’t at 14 to work on a farm. As Rupert would say “Will shaw em”. 16 17 With live band and food (over 18's only) Saturday 6th April 6.30pm - midnight at Shireshead Cricket Club £10 per ticket - first drink free Tickets from: Phil Oliver (07860 276731), Joy Oliver (07702 009421), Mandy Wilkinson (07817 553137), Lindsey Hall (07896 351877) and Casanova’s Italian Restaurant on the A6 (limited numbers available)

Events in Forton on Easter Monday - April 22nd 2019 Forton and Shireshead Tractor Run Raising money for the Churchyard Fund & Cricket Club

Entry Assemble for registration Bring your own tractor at 1pm for a 3pm start £10 driver - £5 passenger Starting and finishing in the Sorry, no children under 10 years field opposite the Cricket as passengers Pavilion, School Lane

If anybody is free volunteers are required for stewarding Enquiries and entry forms from: Paul Humphreys, Swallow Bank, Wallace Lane, Forton, Preston, PR3 0BA 01524 791328 or 07889 664503 Email: [email protected] also hireshead Mothers Union S St James’ Church Afternoon Tea In the Cricket Club 2pm - 4pm Proceeds in aid of St. Paul’s Churchyard drainage project

Cake Stall £5 £2 Hunt the Raffle Easter Tombola Adult Children Egg? 18 19 Cat Smith MP Shocking cost-cutting to social and welfare services is having dire consequences for those of us in Lancashire. The Conservative controlled County Council has already slashed services for children and young people and now they are turning their attention on the elderly and families who care for people with disabilities.

When our loved ones become severely disabled or too elderly and infirm to look after themselves, the Council has in the past stepped in by offering a place in a residential home with qualified staff to care for them. No more. In the 2019/20 budget the Conservatives will slash over £3 million for residential care. The Conservatives will cut a further £77 million from Lancashire’s budget due to a 60% reduction in central government funding. In addition, elderly people face an increase of 14% in home care support charges, 15% in day centre charges, home maintenance services will be stopped and there will be a reduction in care staff support.

These savage cuts will instead force families to provide care. Many will have to give up work, putting at risk their ability to pay bills, return to the workplace and lead to feelings of isolation, with the subsequent health consequences this brings. This is also no way to treat vulnerable people when they need us the most - making them the problem rather than providing them with the respect they deserve and the support they need. In addition, it will hit the women of Lancashire the hardest of all.

If you are affected by any of these cuts and would like my help then please email me on: [email protected] or call my office on 01524 566551

Forton School Spring Garden Tidy Thank you to everyone who came to school on Saturday March 2nd to help with the gardening. The weather held off and the turnout was fantastic. Parents, children, teachers, governors and volunteers from the wider community worked hard to clear the school garden of leaves, mud and weeds. Toys were cleaned, paths swept and beds readied for the children to plant up flowers and veggies in school time. There were bacon and sausage butties and an endless supply of brews provided by teachers and the sense of community spirit was wonderful. A special thanks needs to go to the Mammoth Onion and to Daisy Clough Nurseries who b o t h d o n a t e d h u g e numbers of plants and seeds for the school.

If anyone wants to get involved in maintaining the school gardens, please get in touch with the school or lookout for when we advertise the next gardening event. Madeleine Benson

Happy Volunteers Katie and Lottie get stuck in with the sweeping 20 21

Messy Church Wednesday, April 17th, 10-12noon ‘Messy Morning’ in St James’ Church

Good Friday, 11.30am-1pm ‘Messy Congregation’ in St John’s School, St James’ Shireshead Passion Sunday, April 7th, 10am Family Eucharist. Palm Sunday, April 14th, 10am, Procession of palms and Family Eucharist. 6pm, A Springtime concert and reflection for Passiontide. Holy Week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 15th, 16th & 17th, 7.30pm, a simple Eucharist and reflection. Maundy Thursday, April 18th, 6.30pm, Agape Meal in the Upper Room followed by 7.30pm, Eucharist of the Last Supper and stripping of altars. Good Friday, April 19th, 10am, An Hour at the Cross. Easter Day, April 21st, 6.00am, Dawn Service at St.Paul’s (Old Church) followed by breakfast. 9.45am, Champagne Reception and Festival Eucharist of Easter followed by an Easter egg hunt. Easter Monday, April 22nd, Tractor Rally and afternoon teas at Shireshead Cricket Club. Men’s Breakfast Saturdays April 6th and May 4th, 8.30-9.30am in Room behind Church. Hollins Lane Methodist Church Wednesdays, April 10th and May 8th, 2-3.30pm, Forton Friends, a time for tea and chat - and dominoes. Do drop by. Wednesday Fellowship: April 17th, 2pm, with Rev Andrew Champley and May 15th, 2pm with Rev Gillian Watson. All are welcome to these friendly gatherings. Coffee and tea are served on Friday mornings, 10-11.30ish in the Chapel Hall and there is the opportunity to buy Fairtrade goods during this period. Maundy Thursday, 6.30pm, a simple meal followed by a service at approx. 7.30pm. Good Friday, 11am, we join our friends at Scorton Church. Easter Sunday, 10.30am, the service, which includes Holy Communion, will be shared between Rev Steve Chairman and our Minister, Deacon Jane. Sunday, May 12th, 10.30am, we celebrate our Church’s 197th Birthday with the visit of one of our past ministers, Rev Geoffrey Farthing. United Reformed Church Wednesday, April 3rd, 2pm-3.30pm, Open Church with Garstang Ukelele Band April 19th, 3pm, 1707-2019, 312 years of tradition our Annual Good Friday Service, led by Revd Dr Irene John. Followed by refreshments. Easter Sunday, April 21st, Forton URC joins Trinity, Bowerham URC at 10.30am or Garstang URC at 10.45am. Wednesday May 1st, 2pm - 3.30pm, Open Church.

Roman Catholic Church There is no Roman Catholic Church in the village so the nearest services are: Sunday Masses, 8.30am, St Mary and St James, Scorton Sundays, 9am, St Thomas and St Elizabeth, Thurnham Vigil masses: Saturdays, 6pm, St Mary and St Michael, Garstang Saturdays, 6.30pm, St Bernadette, Bowerham The Community Prayer Group meets in the United Reformed Church Hall from 9.15- 10am on Fridays, next meetings are April 5th & May 3rd. 22 23 This is my last contribution to Village Voice as your Wyre by Borough Councillor, so I will begin by informing you of recent Wyre Council matters. The Wyre Borough Council meeting held on 7th March approved the Budget for 2019/20 which sets the Council Tax for the financial year to come. Wyre have maintained a tight ship over the last few years by reducing costs and gaining additional income, despite serious reductions in government funding.

This year, following the government’s lead, Council Tax will rise by £5.80 on a Band D property which means that the overall cost for all Wyre services is 55p per day. In broader terms, Wyre is the billing authority and therefore has to determine a Council Tax for services provided by LCC, The Police and Crime Commissioner, The Combined Fire Authority, WBC and, where appropriate, Parish Councils. The Wyre element is just 11% of your bill. Following a survey with residents regarding charges in Council run car parks, several changes have been introduced: *A new one hour rate of £1 *A reduced all day rate of £3.50 transferable between all long stay car parks in the Borough *Prices of season ticket parking passes have been reduced and are also transferable *There will be a charge of £2 for overnight parking on all Council car parks.

Finally regarding Council issues, the Wyre Local Plan was passed at a Special Meeting on the 28th February. I think that Forton has fared better than was thought when the consultations began nearly two years ago.

I started by saying that this is my last contribution, as I mentioned in the last edition that I have taken the decision not to stand again in May. I would like to think that I have represented the residents of and especially Forton, in a fair and friendly manner during my 18 years in Local Government (12 at County and 8 at Wyre). There was an overlap of two years. Along the way I have made many friends and I hope not too many enemies! I will always remember my time here and if I can still be of help over any issues, please get in touch. I wish my successor all the best. Regards, Councillor Val Wilson THE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Lindsey Hall Home Farm, Clifton Hill, Stony Lane, Chairman Mrs Janet Huddart Forton, PR3 0AR Tel 791571 Tel. 01524 791313 Dr Peter Young, OBE email: [email protected] Tel 792678 Mr Neil Adams Tel 791004 County Councillor Mrs Lesley Dodgson Mr Matthew Salter (07803 723958) District Councillor Tel 792978 Mrs Valerie Wilson (01995 604035) Mr Don McLoughlin Tel 792805 Forton Parish Council operate a publication Mr Gary Mollart scheme. For more information, please contact Email only the Parish Clerk. Mr Tim Povall Tel 07745 022033 Parish Council meetings are usually held on Mr Robbie Stewart Tel 07791 669140 the 1st Monday of each month in the Playing Field Pavilion Some Councillors may be contacted by email: Mrs Huddart: [email protected] Mr Adams: [email protected] Mr Don McLoughlin: [email protected] Mr Gary Mollart: [email protected] Mr Robbie Stewart: [email protected] Dr Young: [email protected]