

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,936,770 B2 Burba, III (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 20, 2015

(54) HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESS AND (58) Field of Classification Search METHOD FOR RECOVERING METALS None See application file for complete search history. (75) Inventor: John L. Burba, III, Parker, CO (US) (56) References Cited (73) Assignee: Molycorp Minerals, LLC, Greenwood Village, CO (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2.916.357 A 12/1959 Schaufelberger (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,309,140 A * 3/1967 Gardner et al...... 299/4 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,711,591 A 1/1973 Hurst et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 320 days. 3,808,305 A 4/1974 Gregor 3,937,783 A 2f1976 Wamser et al. 4,107,264 A 8/1978 Nagasubramanian et al. (21) Appl. No.: 13/010,609 4.278,640 A 7/1981 Allen et al. 4.326,935 A 4/1982 Moeglich (22) Filed: Jan. 20, 2011 4486,283 A 12/1984 Tejeda 4,676.957 A * 6/1987 Martin et al...... 423,215 (65) Prior Publication Data 4,740,281 A 4, 1988 Chlanda et al. US 2011 FO182786 A1 Jul. 28, 2011 (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Related U.S. Application Data CN 1888.099 1, 2007 (60) Provisional application No. 61/297.536, filed on Jan. CN 101008047 8, 2007 22, 2010, provisional application No. 61/427,745, filed on Dec. 28, 2010, provisional application No. (Continued) 61/432,075, filed on Jan. 12, 2011. OTHER PUBLICATIONS “8.11 Chlor-Alkali.” Chapter 8.11 of Compilation of Air Pollutant (51) Int. C. Emission Factors, vol. 5, 5th Edition, Jan. 1995, http://www.epa.gov/ COIF 17/00 (2006.01) tn/chief ap42/ch08/final/co8s 11.pdf, 6 pages. C22B3/02 (2006.01) C22B3/04 (2006.01) (Continued) C22B3/20 (2006.01) C22B 3/42 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Melissa Swain C22B 23/00 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sheridan Ross P.C. C22B34/34 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) U.S. C. CPC ...... C22B3/02 (2013.01); COIF 17/0062 A mineral processing facility is provided that includes a (2013.01); COIF 17/0012 (2013.01); COIF cogen plant to provide electrical energy and waste heat to the 17/00 (2013.01); C22B3/04 (2013.01); C22B facility and an electrochemical acid generation plant togen 3/20 (2013.01); C22B 3/42 (2013.01); C22B erate, from a salt, a mineral acid for use in recovering valuable 23/00 (2013.01); C22B34/34 (2013.01) metals. USPC ...... 423/21.1; 423/20 69 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets



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G‘90'9.Gºz0.7G|0||GO070 US 8,936,770 B2 1. 2 HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESS AND (c) converting, by one or more of a chloralkali and bipolar METHOD FOR RECOVERING METALS membrane electrodialysis cell, the byproduct salt solution into the acid and ; and CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED (d) recycling at least most of the acid and base to the APPLICATION contacting and/or recovering steps. Commonly, at least most of the byproduct salt solution is The present application claims the benefits of U.S. Provi converted into acid and base, and at least most of the acid and sional Application Ser. Nos. 61/297.536, filed Jan. 22, 2010; base are recycled. 61/427,745, filed Dec. 28, 2010, and 61/432,075, filed Jan. In one application, the acid is a component of the leaching 12, 2011, all having the same title, each of which is incorpo 10 Solution, the valuable metal is a rare earth, the acid compo rated herein by this reference in their entirety. nent is hydrochloric acid, the salt in the byproduct salt solu tion is one or more of and chlo FIELD ride, the base is one or more of and 15 , and the valuable metal product is a rare This disclosure relates generally to mineral processing earth oxide. plants and facilities and particularly to hydrometallurgical In another application, the acid is a component of the plants and facilities for recovering metals. leaching solution, the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell is employed, the valuable metal is one or more of copper, BACKGROUND beryllium, , iron, lead, molybdenum, and manganese, the acid component is nitric acid, the salt in the byproduct salt A common method of recovering valuable metals from Solution is one or more of sodium nitrate and potassium ores and concentrates is by leaching with a mineral acid. By nitrate, and the base is one or more of sodium and potassium way of example, rare earth metals are generally recovered hydroxide. from bastnaesite by leaching the host rock with hydrochloric 25 In another application, the acid is a component of the acid. Uranium can be recovered from uranium-containing leaching solution, the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell host rock by leaching with phosphoric acid. Copper, beryl is employed, the valuable metal is uranium, the acid compo lium, nickel, iron, lead, molybdenum, aluminum, and man nent is phosphoric acid, the salt in the byproduct salt Solution ganese can be recovered from host rock by leaching with is one or more of sodium phosphate and potassium phosphate, nitric acid. Copper, beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybde 30 and the base is one or more of sodium and potassium hydrox num, aluminum, germanium, uranium, gold, silver, cobalt, ide. and manganese can be recovered from host rock by leaching In yet another application, the acid is a component of the with sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid. leaching solution, the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell While leaching is effective in dissolving valuable metals, a is employed, the valuable metal is one or more of a number of obstacles are encountered. Hydrometallurgical 35 group metal, copper, beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybde processes require water. Water may be available only in lim num, aluminum, germanium, uranium, gold, silver, cobalt, ited quantities. The available water is often saline. Further , cobalt, tin, titanium, chromium, and manganese, the salt more, any process water generated must be suitable for dis in the byproduct salt solution is one or more of sodium sulfate posal. Typically, the process water is disposed of using and potassium sulfate, the acid component is (hydro)Sulfuric 40 acid, and the base is one or more of sodium and potassium evaporation ponds, which can be expensive to construct and hydroxide. deleterious to the environment. Evaporation ponds have par In yet another application, the acid is a component of the ticularly long term environmental footprints. Furthermore, leaching solution, the valuable metal is one or more of the leaching process requires electrical energy. Electrical yttrium, Scandium, a lanthanide, a platinum group metal, energy can be difficult or expensive to obtain, particularly 45 copper, chromium, beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybde when the deposit is in a remote location. This generally num, aluminum, germanium, uranium, gold, silver, cobalt, requires the mine operator to construct, at high capital and Zinc, cobalt, tin, titanium, and manganese, the salt in the operating costs, adequate power generation facilities. byproduct salt solution is one or more of sodium chloride and , the acid component is hydrochloric acid, SUMMARY 50 and the base is one or more of sodium and potassium hydrox ide. These and other needs can be addressed by the various The process configuration(s) can include purification of the aspects, embodiments, and configurations disclosed herein. byproduct salt solution upstream of the electrochemical acid In one embodiment, a process is disclosed for recovering a generation plant. In one example, at least most of a selected valuable metal from a valuable metal-containing material 55 polyvalent impurity is removed from the byproduct salt solu using a mineral acid produced by an electrochemical acid tion to form a purified salt solution. The selected polyvalent generation process, such as a chloralkali cell or bipolar mem impurity is commonly a cation that is removed from the brane electrodialysis system. byproduct salt solution by precipitation induced by a pH In one configuration, the process includes the steps: change from contact of the base with the byproduct salt solu (a) contacting a valuable metal-containing material with a 60 tion. In another example, the impurity to be removed is an leaching Solution to form a pregnant leach solution compris organic, which may originate in the feed material and/or ing a dissolved valuable metal; result from the use of organic reagents in the process. (b) recovering the dissolved valuable metal to form a valu The process configuration(s) can also include concentra able metal product and a byproduct salt Solution, wherein tion of the purified salt solution by a salt concentrator to form typically at least most of the byproduct salt solution is derived 65 a concentrated and purified salt solution followed by intro from a reaction of an acid with a base in one or both of the duction of the concentrated and purified solution and, option contacting and recovering steps: ally a mineral acid, into an anolyte recirculation tank. The salt US 8,936,770 B2 3 4 solution is withdrawn from the tank and provided to the exact nature of the bonding depends on the details of the electrochemical acid generation plant. species involved, but the adsorption process is generally clas To produce hydrochloric acid efficiently, an approximate sified as physisorption (characteristic of weak van der Waals Stoichiometric balance is typically maintained between chlo forces)) or chemisorption (characteristic of covalent bond rine and hydrogen gas produced in the converting step. ing). It may also occur due to electrostatic attraction. The process is particularly applicable to a metal recovery A“mill refers to any facility or set of facilities that process operation in which an acid and base are reacted to produce a a metal-containing material, typically by recovering, or Sub salt byproduct solution. The salt byproduct solution is regen stantially isolating, a metal or metal-containing mineral from erated electrochemically to the acid and base components, a feed material. Generally, the mill includes an open or closed which are then reused in the process. 10 In another embodiment, a cogen plant is used to provide comminution circuit, which includes crushers or autogenous, waste heat and electrical energy to the appropriate process semi-autogenous, or non-autogenous grinding mills. steps in a metal recovery process. A "mineral acid' is an inorganic acid. Such as Sulfuric acid, The embodiments, aspects, and configurations can provide nitric acid, or hydrochloric acid. a number of advantages depending on the particular configu 15 A “rare earth” refers to any of a large class of chemical ration. First, the process can be used to dispose economically elements, including Scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium of waste brine Solutions from terrestrial acquifers and/or gen (39), and the 15 elements from 57 (lanthanum) to 71 (lute erated by . The electrochemical acid gen tium) (known as the lanthanides). eration plant converts waste Salt (e.g., Sodium chloride) water, A “salt' is an ionic compound that results from the neu Such as from evaporation ponds and terrestrial acquifers, to a tralization reaction of an acid and a base. Salts are composed mineral acid (e.g., hydrochloric acid) and other valuable of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negative ions) products, such as Sodium hydroxide and Sodium hypochlo so that the product is electrically neutral (without a net rite. The mineral acid and other valuable products can be used charge). These component ions can be inorganic Such as in the industrial process (e.g., hydrometallurgical valuable chloride (Cl), as well as organic such as acetate (CHCOO) metal recovery process) and/or sold. The material recycle can 25 and monatomic ions such as fluoride (F), as well as poly reduce greatly acid and caustic reagent requirements. The atomic ions such as sulfate (SO). Salts that hydrolyze to cogen plant can provide power and heat to the acid generation produce hydroxide ions when dissolved in water are basic plant. This combination can create a positive environmental salts and salts that hydrolyze to produce hydronium ions in impact. In one example, 936,000 lb/year of water and 104, water are acid salts. Neutral salts are those that are neither 000,000 lb of salt are recycled back to a mineral processing 30 acid nor basic salts. plant. This methodology can avoid the need for waste water A “sorbent' is a material that sorbs another substance; that ponds that represent long term environmental footprints is, the material has the capacity or tendency to take it up by while reducing operating costs. For example, reagent costs Sorption. and haulage requirements can be reduced significantly. "Sorb’ means to take up a liquid or a gas either by sorption. Because the water is internally recycled, the need for fresh 35 “Sorption” refers to adsorption and absorption, while des water can be reduced dramatically. orption is the reverse of adsorption. These and other advantages will be apparent from this The preceding is a simplified Summary to provide an disclosure. understanding of Some aspects of the aspects, embodiments As used herein, “at least one”, “one or more', and “and/or and configurations disclosed herein. This Summary is neither are open-ended expressions that are both conjunctive and 40 an extensive nor exhaustive overview of the aspects, embodi disjunctive in operation. For example, each of the expressions ments, or configurations. It is intended neither to identify key “at least one of A, B and C', 'at least one of A, B, or C, “one or critical elements nor to delineate the scope of the aspects, or more of A, B, and C. “one or more of A, B, or C and “A, embodiments, or configurations but to present selected con B, and/or C' means A alone, B alone, C alone, A and B cepts in a simplified form as an introduction to the more together, A and C together, B and C together, or A, B and C 45 detailed description presented below. As will be appreciated, together. other aspects, embodiments, and configurations are possible The term “a” or “an entity refers to one or more of that utilizing, alone or in combination, one or more of the features entity. As such, the terms “a” (or “an”), “one or more' and “at set forth above or described in detail below. least one' can be used interchangeably herein. The terms “comprising”, “including, and “having can be used inter 50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS changeably. “Absorption' is the incorporation of a substance in one The accompanying drawings are incorporated into and state into another of a different state (e.g. liquids being form a part of the specification to illustrate examples of the absorbed by a solid or gases being absorbed by a liquid). aspects, embodiments, or configurations disclosed herein. Absorption is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a pro 55 These drawings together with the description, explain the cess in which atoms, molecules, or ions enter Some bulk principle of the aspects, embodiments, or configurations. The phase gas, liquid or Solid material. This is a different pro drawings simply illustrate preferred and alternative examples cess from adsorption, since molecules undergoing absorption of how the aspects, embodiments, or configurations can be are taken up by the Volume, not by the Surface (as in the case made and used and are not to be construed as limiting the for adsorption). 60 aspects, embodiments, or configurations to only the illus Adsorption' is the adhesion of atoms, ions, biomolecules, trated and described examples. Further features and advan or molecules of gas, liquid, or dissolved solids to a surface. tages will become apparent from the following, more This process creates a film of the adsorbate (the molecules or detailed, description of the various aspects, embodiments, or atoms being accumulated) on the Surface of the adsorbent. It configurations, as illustrated by the drawings referenced differs from absorption, in which a fluid permeates or is 65 below. dissolved by a liquid or solid. Similar to surface tension, FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicting a plant according to an adsorption is generally a consequence of surface energy. The embodiment; US 8,936,770 B2 5 6 FIG. 2 is a block diagram depicting a plant according to an tite, britholite, brockite, cerite, fluorcerite, fluorite, gadolin embodiment; ite, parisite, stillwellite, synchisite, titanite, Xenotime, Zircon, FIG. 3 is a block diagram depicting a purification process and Zirconolite. Exemplary uranium minerals include ura according to an embodiment; ninite (UO), pitchblende (a mixed oxide, usually UOs), FIG. 4 shows the concentration of each of divalent magne brannerite (a complex oxide of uranium, rare-earths, iron and sium, , strontium and barium cations in the feed solu titanium), coffinite (uranium silicate), carnotite, autunite, tion and after each of the precipitation stages M1, M2, M3 and davidite, gummite, torbernite and uranophane. Exemplary ion exchange stages IX1 and IX2: copper minerals include cuprite, chalcolate, covelite, bornite, FIG. 5 shows the concentration of each of trivalent lantha malachite, aZurite, chryscolla, and chalcopyrite. Exemplary num, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, Samarium and 10 nickel minerals include millerite and smaltite. Exemplary iron cations in the feed solution and after each of the precipi tation stages M1, M2, M3 and ion exchange stages IX1 and cobalt minerals include arsenide Co(As), known as Smaltite IX2: or speiss cobalt; cobalt sulfarsenide (CoASS), known as FIG. 6 shows challenge curve for Amberlite 748i (about 4 cobaltite or cobalt glance; and hydrated arsenate grams) challenged with a solution containing about 83 mg of 15 (Co(ASO).8HO), known as erythrite or cobalt bloom. lanthanum/L (as lanthanum chloride) at a flow rate of about Exemplary molybdenum minerals include molybdenite 2.5 mL/minute at about 21 degrees Celsius, with the x-axis (MoS) and wulfenite (PbMoO). As will be appreciated and being the total volume of lanthanum solution challenging the noted above, valuable metals are included in a large variety of Amberlite 748i and the y-axis being the lanthanum concen other minerals known to those of skill in the art. As will be tration in mg/L of the effluent from the challenged column; further appreciated, the valuable metal-containing feed mate FIG. 7 shows concentration of lanthan contained within rial 104 may include a mixture of minerals of different metals each fraction collected from an Amberlite 748i resin loaded and/or a mixture of valuable metal-containing minerals, with lanthanum; invaluable metal-containing minerals, and/or nonmetal-con FIG. 8 shows concentration of lanthanum contained with taining minerals. each fraction collected from an Amberlite resin IPC 747 resin 25 The valuable metal-containing feed material 104 is intro loaded with lanthanum; duced into the mill 108 to produce a milled material 122 and FIG.9 shows the variation of current, voltage, temperature waste material 124. Depending on the valuable metal-con and Salinity during a salt splitting process for 12 L of a 75 g taining feed material 104, the mill 108 may have any of a NaCl/liter solution; and number of differing configurations. FIG. 10 shows, as a function of time, the current, voltage 30 In one configuration, the mill 108 includes a wet (using and temperature of a salt splitting process for a salt feed water 128) and/or dry comminution circuit to reduce an aver having 95 g NaCl/L and the resulting decrease in of NaCl age or median size of the incoming valuable metal-containing concentration for the salt feed and the respective increases in feed material 104, one or more conditioning vessels to con the acid and base concentrations in acid and base tanks of the dition the comminuted feed material for Subsequent process salt splitting cell. 35 ing, and a direct or reverse flotation circuit to isolate in a concentrate or tailings fraction, respectively, the metal-con DETAILED DESCRIPTION taining mineral(s). The flotation circuit may operate at an elevated temperature (relative to the ambient temperature A first embodiment is an industrial plant 100 for processing and/or temperature of the comminuted feed material). The a feed material 104. The industrial plant 100 first will be 40 mill 108 can have, or include, other concentration devices or discussed with reference to FIG. 1. The industrial plant 100 mechanisms, such as gravity or specific gravity separation includes a mill 108, a process plant 112, an electrochemical mechanisms (e.g., decantation circuits, cyclones, hydraulic acid generation plant 116, and a cogen plant 120. The indus classifiers, mechanical classifiers, settling tanks, and the trial plant 100 processes a valuable metal-containing feed like), size separation mechanisms (e.g., stationary and vibrat material 104. 45 ing screens, filters, grizzlies, trommels, and the like), mag The valuable metal-containing feed material 104 may netic separation mechanisms, and color separation mecha comprise a mined ore, concentrate, tailings, metallurgical nisms. The mill 108 can include other components, including residue or a mixture thereof. Commonly, the valuable metal dryers, slurry vessels, mixing or conditioning vessels, pumps, containing feed material 104 comprises an acid soluble metal. thickeners, conveyors, Screw feeders, agitators, and the like. Referring to the Periodic Table of the Elements, the valuable 50 Water 128 is used to slurry the feed material for subsequent metal is typically a transition metal, other metal, actinide processing. metal, or rare earth metal (e.g., lanthanide). The metal may The process plant 112 converts the milled material 122 into qualify as a light or heavy metal. Specific examples of valu a metal-containing product 136 and a byproduct or waste able metals include antimony, uranium, lanthanides, copper, product 132. Depending on the milled material 122, the pro beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybdenum, aluminum, ger 55 cess plant 112, like the mill 108, can have any of a number of manium, uranium, titanium, chromium, gold, silver, cobalt, differing configurations. tin, Zinc, cadmium, manganese, and the platinum group met In one configuration, the process plant 112 includes an als. The metal in the valuable metal-containing material 104 oxidative or non-Oxidative leaching circuit, which may be an is typically in the form of an igneous (whether abyssal, plu atmospheric or Super-atmospheric heap, Vat, and/or tank tonic, hypabyssal, or extrusive or effusive), metamorphic 60 leach, conducted at an ambient or elevated temperature, in (whether of ignous or sedimentary origin), or sedimentary which a lixiviant is applied to the milled material 122 to leach (whether clastic sediments or chemical precipitates) mineral, and/or dissolve, chemically and/or biologically, at least most Such as a sulfide, oxide, phosphate, carbonate, halide, Sulfate, of one or more of the valuable metals from the milled material silicate, telluride, oxysalt, Sulfosalt, and mixtures thereof. 122, leaving behind the byproduct and/or waste 132. The Exemplary rare earth-containing minerals includebastnaesite 65 byproduct material 132 may comprise a barren valuable (a carbonate-fluoride mineral) and monazite. Other rare metal-containing material. The lixiviant may, or alternatively, earth-containing minerals include aeschynite, allanite, apa also be used to overcome the inhibitory effect of sulfides, US 8,936,770 B2 7 8 carbonates, oxides, phosphates, halides, silicates, and the like The chloralkali process includes anion permeable membrane contained with some valuable metal-containing materials separating the anodic and cathodic compartments. To main 104. tain charge balance between the anodic and cathodic com The composition of the lixiviant depends on the composi partments, the cations (e.g., Na' or K) pass from anodic tion of the valuable metal-containing material 104. Typical compartment through the ion permeable membrane to the lixiviants are mineral acids, such as Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, cathodic compartment, where they react with hydroxide ions phosphoric acid, hydrobromic acid, hydrochloric acid, to produce, for example, caustic Soda (NaOH). At least most hydroiodic acid, hydrofluoric acid, and mixtures thereof. The of the halogen anions (such as chloride anions) and other lixiviant may include other inorganic and organic acids. Once anions (such as hydroxide ions) are not passed by the mem dissolved, the valuable metal is isolated from impurities, such 10 brane and maintained within the anodic compartment. iron, by a suitable recovery technique, such as precipitation, Assuming that the brine is NaCl, the overall reaction for the (cationic and/or anionic) ion exchange (e.g., by a resin or electrolysis of the brine is thus: Solvent), sorption (e.g., carbon-in-leach and resin-in-leach), Solvent extraction, (e.g., ), 15 In the case of potassium chloride as the salt 118, electroly calcination, roasting, Smelting, amalgamation, cementation, sis of the salt produces gas in the anodic compart gravimetry, other types of refining, and combinations thereof. ment and potassium hydroxide in the cathodic compartment. The process plant 112 may include other components, includ The membrane prevents reaction between the chlorine and ing dryers, slurry vessels, mixing vessels, conditioning ves hydroxide ions. If the reaction were to occur, the chlorine sels, pumps, thickeners, conveyors, filters, Screw feeders, agi would be disproportionated to form chloride and hypochlo tators, and the like. As will be appreciated, mineral acids and salts can also be used to as a stripping agent for removing a rite ions: valuable metal from an ion exchange media (e.g., resins or solvent) or a sorbent and/or as an electrolyte in electrowin ning. Above about 60° C., chlorate can be formed: In one configuration of the process plant 112, caustic soda 25 (NaOH) is used in solvent extraction to provide sodium ions If the chlorine gas produced at the anode and Sodium to the ion exchange resin. Rare earth metal ions replace the hydroxide produced at the were to be combined, Sodium ions on the ion exchange resin. The rare earth metal sodium (NaClO) (see equation 6 below) and/or ions are stripped from the resin by hydrochloric acid for 30 (NaClO) would be produced. Subsequent recovery by techniques known to those of skill in In the diaphragm cell, anodic and cathodic compartments the art of extractive metallurgy. are separated by an ion permeable diaphragm. Brine is intro The industrial plant 100 further includes the electrochemi duced into the anode compartment and flows into the cathode cal acid generation plant 116. Commonly, the electrochemi compartment. Like the membrane cell, halogen ions are oxi cal acid generation plant 116 produces from a salt 118 at least 35 dized at the anode to produce elemental halogens, and, at the most of one or more of the lixiviant, stripping agent and/or cathode, water is split, for example, into caustic soda and electrolyte used by the process plant 112. The electrochemi hydrogen. The diaphragm prevents the reaction of the caustic cal acid generation plant 116 electrolyzes a halogen-contain soda with the halogen. A diluted caustic brine leaves the cell. ing alkali metal salt to produce an elemental form of the The caustic soda typically is concentrated to about 50%, and halogen and an alkali metal hydroxide. The electrochemical 40 the salt is removed. This can be done using an evaporative acid generation plant 116 can have differing configurations process (discussed below). The halogen commonly contains and commonly includes one of a chloralkali electrolysis pro molecular oxygen that can be removed by liquefaction and cess, a salt splitting oran bipolar mem evaporation. brane electrodialysis process, or a combination thereof. The ion-exchange membrane can be any cation- or anion As will be appreciated, the chloralkali process can be con 45 ion permeable membrane or bipolar membrane, commonly figured as a membrane electrolysis cell, diaphragm electroly an ion membrane Substantially stable in the presence of sis cell, or (e.g., Castner-Kellner process) electroly hydroxide anions. More commonly, the ion membrane is sis cell. Because of environmental problems associated with permeable to alkali ions and Substantially impermeable to mercury, the preferred cell type is the membrane cell. hydroxide and/or halide anions. The ion permeable mem In the membrane cell, the chloralkali process electrolyzes, 50 brane can comprise a fluoropolymer having one or more in the anodic compartment, a saturated or Substantially Satu pendant Sulfonic acid groups, a composite of fluoropolymers rated halogen-containing (commonly alkali metal-contain having one or more Sulfonic acid groups, and a fluoropolymer ing) salt (e.g., a chlorine containing salt) to produce an having one or more carboxylic acid groups, phosphoric acid elemental form of the halogen (e.g., chlorine gas) and a salt groups, and/or a Sulfonamide groups and fluorinated mem cation (e.g., alkali-metal) hydroxide. Commonly, the hydrox 55 branes. An exemplary membrane is NafionTM produced by ide comprises caustic soda, (e.g., sodium hydroxide). An DuPont, which passes substantially cations but substantially anode and cathode are electrically interconnected and an repels neutrals and anions. electric potential is applied to the anode and cathode by the The diaphragm can be any suitable ion permeable material. cogen plant 120 and electric current flows between the anode Typically, the diaphragm is an ion permeable membrane and cathode. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized to 60 made from . chlorine: It can be appreciated that, while the chloralkali process has been discussed in terms of alkalications, having a +1 charge, 2C->Cl+2e. (1) the process can include cations other than alkalications. The At the cathode, hydrogen in the water is reduced to hydrogen other cations can have a +2, +3 or +4 charge. The ionic gas, releasing hydroxide ions to the solution: 65 membrane can be configured to be permeable to the other cations and/or to pass cations having a selected ionic and/or hydrodynamic radius. US 8,936,770 B2 9 10 A number of products can be formed. Using sodium chlo with bipolar and cation-exchange membranes (only) or with ride as an exemplary brine solution: bipolar and anion-exchange membranes. As will be appreciated, the electrochemical acid generation Cl+2NaOH->2NaClOr (6) plant 116 can include an bipolar membrane electrodialysis process conducted prior to and/or after the chloralkali pro cess. The bipolar membrane electrodialysis process further purifies the aqueous streams produced by the respective anodic and cathodic compartments. HCl-HO->HCl, (8) Commonly at least most of the mineral acid 142 and Equation 7 is catalyzed by an alkaline earth metal, typically 10 hydroxide 190 used in the process plant, such as for a lixivi calcium. ant, stripping or regeneration agent, or electrolyte, is pro These equations apply to KCl as the salt, if K is substituted duced by the electrochemical acid generation plant 116 from for Na. a Suitable salt. By way of example, hydrochloric acid is pro These equations also apply to halogens other than chlorine duced from an alkali metal chloride by burning chlorine gas provided suitable changes are made for differences in oxida 15 from the anode compartment and hydrogen gas from the tion states. cathode compartment, typically in the presence of a Suitable In another embodiment, the ionic membrane can comprise catalyst (see equation 7 above). Hydrosulfuric or sulfuric acid an bipolar membrane electrodialysis membrane process. is produced, using salt splitting or bipolar membrane elec Commonly, the bipolar membrane electrodialysis process is trodialysis techniques, from an alkali metal Sulfate. In other conducted in an bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell having examples, nitric acid is produced from an alkali metal nitrate, a feed (diluate) compartment, Such as the cathodic compart phosphoric acid is produced from an akali metal phosphate, ment, and a concentrate (brine) compartment, such as the hydrobromic acid from alkali metal bromides, hydroiodic anodic compartment, separated by one or more anion acid from alkali metal iodides, and hydrofluoric acid from exchange membranes and one or more cation exchange mem alkali metal fluorides. branes placed between the anodic and a cathodic compart 25 The electrochemical acid generation plant 116 can also ments. In most bipolar membrane electrodialysis processes, produce products 140 for sale and water 198 for recycle. multiple bipolar membrane electrodialysis cells are arranged Examples of Such products include hydrogen gas, a halogen into a configuration called an bipolar membrane electrodialy gas (such as chlorine gas, bromine gas, iodine gas, and the sis stack, with alternating anion and cation exchange mem like), caustic soda, bleach (such as hypochlorite) and the like. branes forming the multiple bipolar membrane electrodialy 30 In one configuration, the salt-containing Solution 150 is sis stacks. Bipolar membrane electrodialysis processes are outputted by the process plant 112. The salt-containing solu unique compared to distillation techniques and other mem tion 150 can, for example, be produced by one or more of the brane-based processes (such as reverse osmosis) in that dis leaching, solvent extraction and electrowinning process(es). solved species are moved away from the feed stream rather In one process plant configuration 12, caustic Soda is used in than the reverse. 35 Solvent extraction to provide Sodium ions to the ion exchange A bipolar membrane electrodialysis, or “water splitting, resin. Valuable metal ions replace the Sodium ions on the ion process, converts aqueous salt solutions into acids and bases, exchange resin. The valuable metal ions are stripped from the typically without chemical addition, avoiding by-product or resin by hydrochloric acid for subsequent recovery by tech waste streams and costly downstream purification steps. niques known to those of skill in the art of extractive metal Under the force of an electrical field, a bipolar membrane can 40 lurgy. dissociate water into hydrogen (H+, in fact “hydronium’ In the electrochemical acid generation plant, the salt-con H3O+) and hydroxyl (OH- ) ions. The membrane is formed taining solution 150 is subjected to chemical treatment, in a of anion- and cation-exchange layers and a thin interface primary purification system, using caustic Soda (or cell liquor where the water diffuses from outside aqueous salt Solutions. from the cathode compartment of the plant 116), sodium The transport, out of the bipolar membrane, of the H+ and 45 carbonate, and/or other additives that eliminate at least most OH- ions obtained from the water splitting reaction is pos of any polyvalent metalion impurities. Such as calcium, mag sible if the bipolar membrane is electrically oriented cor nesium, and iron. Such polyvalent cations can detrimentally rectly. With the anion-exchange side facing the anode and the impact the performance and operational life of the ion cation-exchange side facing the cathode, the hydroxyl anions exchange membrane and/or bipolar membrane electrodialy are transported across the anion-exchange layer and the 50 sis stack. One or both of a thickener and filter commonly hydrogen cations across the cation-exchange layer. The gen remove the polyvalent impurities. erated hydroxyl and hydrogen ions are used in an electrodi The treated salt-containing solution is then passed through alysis stack to combine with the cations and anions of the salt a secondary purification system to remove most of any to produce acids and bases. remaining polyvalent cations. Caustic soda may be used to Bipolar membrane electrolydialysis can use many differ 55 adjust the pH to above about pH 7 prior to introduction into ent cell configurations. For example, a three-compartment the secondary purification system. Any conventional second cell is formed by locating the bipolar membrane in a conven ary brine purification treatment system associated with mem tional electrodialysis cell. The bipolar membrane is flanked brane operations may be used. Such as a chelating ion on either side by the anion- and cation-exchange membranes exchange resin. Phosphate treatment of the brine may also be to form three compartments, namely acid between the bipolar 60 used. Phosphates can form a gel coat in the membrane in a and the anion-exchange membranes, base between the bipo way that better maintains membrane efficiency. The purified lar and the cation-exchange membranes, and salt between the salt-containing solution is then processed by a salt concen cation- and anion-exchange membranes. As in electrodialysis trator, Such as an evaporator, energy efficient vapor recom stacks, many cells can be installed in one stack and a system pressor, or combination thereof. Proper design of these units of manifolds feeds all the corresponding compartments in 65 with proper use of heat recuperators and elutriation legs has parallel, creating three circuits across the stack: acid, base, been determined to be energy efficient and the required slurry and salt. Other configurations include two-compartment cells concentrations easy to control without the need to centrifuge US 8,936,770 B2 11 12 and separate the solid salt from the slurry. The slurry is then chloric acid solution, to dissolve the valuable metal and form introduced into an anolyte recirculation tank, to which a a pregnant leach solution comprising most of the valuable mineral acid, Such as hydrochloric acid (produced from chlo metal in the concentrate fraction. The pregnant leach Solution rine and hydrogen gases), can be introduced. From the is Subjected to solvent extraction or ion exchange to remove at anolyte recirculation tank, the slurry is introduced into the least most of the dissolved valuable metal from the solution anode compartment. This process is not required where the and form a loaded resin containing the removed valuable chloralkali cell uses a diaphragm rather than a membrane. metal and a barren leach Solution for recycle to the leaching Turning now to the cogen plant 120, the cogen plant 120 operation. The loaded resin is contacted with a stripping uses any suitable fuel source 160 to generate power 170 and solution to dissolve at least most of the removed valuable waste heat 180 (e.g., steam). The power 170 is used in unit 10 metal, forming a barren resin for recycle to the solvent extrac operations in one or more of the mill 108, process plant 112, tion step and a loaded stripping Solution containing at least and electrochemical acid generation plant 116. As will be most of the valuable metal. The dissolved valuable metals are appreciated, “cogen' or cogeneration uses a heat engine or a separated from the loaded stripping solution, Such as by pre power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and cipitation, further solvent extraction, or phase transfer extrac useful heat. Although any cogeneration plant may be used, 15 tion (Such as, with a nitrogen-containing phase transfer common cogen plants include gas turbine cogen plants using agent), to form a barren Stripping solution for recycle to the the waste heat in the flue gas of gas turbines, gas engine cogen Solvent extraction step and a separated valuable metal-con plants using a reciprocating gas engine, combined cycle taining material. power plants adapted for cogeneration, Steam turbine cogen The cogen plant 120 provides power 170 to the pumps and plants using the heating system as the steam condenser for the other process equipment in the process plant 112 and waste steam turbine, and molten-carbonate fuel cells having a hot heat 180, as needed, to the appropriate unit operations. In one exhaust that is suitable for heating. Smaller cogen plants configuration, the lixiviant and/or stripping solution include typically use a reciprocating or Stirling engine. The heat is hydrochloric acid, and the above unit operations in the pro removed from the exhaust and the radiator. cess plant 112 produce a byproduct salt solution, which, in The fuel source 160 can be any suitable combustion fuel 25 Some applications, is an acidic brine solution. As noted, this Source, including compressed or liquefied natural gas, coal, Solution can be recycled to the primary and secondary treat methane, petroleum, liquefied petroleum gas, diesel fuel, ment circuits for purification prior to introduction to the elec kerosene, coal, propane, other fossil fuels, radioactive mate trochemical acid generation unit to generate more acid 142 rials (e.g., uranium), and alternative fuel Sources, such as and other products 140. The primary and secondary treatment biodiesel, bioalcohol (methanol, ethanol, and butanol), 30 circuits treat the byproduct salt solution, as noted above, to hydrogen, HCNG, liquid nitrogen, compressed air, non-fossil remove at least most of the polyvalent cations before intro methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil, and biomass ducing the treated or purified byproduct salt solution to the SOUCS. electrochemical acid generation unit. The waste heat 180 can be directly provided to one or more In the electrochemical acid generation plant 116, the of the unit operations. Such as flotation, leaching, and the like, 35 byproduct salt Solution is converted, as noted above, into by means of a heat exchange loop, which circulates the waste caustic soda, , hydrogen gas, and chlo heat 180 from the cogen plant 120 through a heat exchange rine gas. The hydrogen gas and chlorine gas are thermally loop in thermal contact with the material in the unit operation reacted to produce hydrochloric acid 142 for recycle to the to be heated. Alternatively, an intermediate heat exchange process plant 112. Because a portion of the hydrogen gas is medium can collect the waste heat 180, by means of a first 40 lost and a Substantial stoichiometric imbalance (see equations heat exchange loop, from the waste heat 180 and provide the 1-6 above) exists between hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, a thermal energy to the material to be heated by means of a portion of the chlorine gas can be used to manufacture bleach second heat exchange loop. for sale. Alternatively, the chlorine gas can be sold for other The operation of the industrial plant 100 will now be dis applications, such as the manufacture of chlorinated solvents cussed with respect to several illustrative embodiments. 45 or chlorinated organics. In this manner, an approximate sto With reference to FIG. 1, the valuable metal-containing ichiometric balance between hydrogen and chlorine gas is feed material 104 is introduced into the mill 108 to yield a maintained in the process. The cogen plant 120 provides milled material 122. In one process configuration, the feed power 170 and waste heat 180 (typically in the form of steam) material 104 comprises one or more rare earth-containing to the appropriate unit operations in the electrochemical acid minerals, which are crushed and ground. The ground material 50 generation plant 116. Byproduct water 128 from the plant 116 is subjected to direct flotation, at elevated temperature (which is recycled to the cogen plant 120, mill 108, and process plant can be in the range of about 30 to about 70° C.) and using 112. Suitable frothers, collectors, activators, and/or depressants With reference to FIG.2, a second embodiment will now be known to those of ordinary skill in the art, to produce a discussed. concentrate (or milled material 120) comprising at least most 55 The valuable (acid soluble) metal-containing material 104 of the rare earth minerals and tailings. The tailings are com is milled in the mill 108. In the mill, the material 104 is monly suitable for disposal and substantially depleted of the comminuted, by wet and/or dry crushers and grinding mills in rare earths. an open or closed circuit, to produce a comminuted material The cogen plant 120 provides power to the comminution (not shown). The comminuted material is commonly concen and flotation cell agitators and waste heat 180, typically in the 60 trated. Such as by flotation or size or weight separation tech form of steam, to the slurried milled material prior to the niques, to produce a concentrate 200, which commonly is in flotation operation. the form of a slurry. The milled material 122, or concentrate fraction, is pro The concentrate (slurry) 200 is introduced into the process vided to the process plant 112 for further processing. plant 112. In the process plant 112, the concentrate 220 is Vat In a common process configuration for valuable metal 65 or heap leached (step 204), biologically and/or chemically, by recovery, milled material 122 is subjected to vat or heap a leach Solution (not shown) comprising a mineral acid to leaching by a mineral acid, commonly by an aqueous hydro dissolve at least most of the valuable metal in the leach US 8,936,770 B2 13 14 Solution to form a pregnant leach solution 208. The pregnant Another process configuration for recovering rare earths is leach solution 208 is optionally separated (step 212) to pro set forth in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,207,995 and 5,433,931, each of duce a valuable metal-barren material 132, a valuable metal which is incorporated herein by this reference. The process is barren salt solution 216, and a valuable metal-rich solution particularly useful in recovering rare earths from bastnaesite. 220. The valuable metal-rich solution 220 includes at least In the process, a rare earth ore is ground to a Poo size of 100 most of the dissolved valuable metal in the pregnant leach mesh (Tyler) (or a common mean, median, or Poo size ranging Solution. from about 1 to about 100 microns and even more commonly In one configuration, the separation includes a thickener/ from about 5 to about 25 microns). The ground ore is floated wash circuit, such as a counter current decantation circuit, to to form a rare earth concentrate (comprising most of the remove the solid-phase valuable metal-barren material 132 10 bastnaesite in the rare earth ore with the quartz, barite, calcite, from the valuable metal-rich liquid phase (not shown). As will and strontianite being separated in tailings). The concentrate be appreciated, other liquid/solid separation techniques may is typically at least about 25 wt.% and even more typically be employed, such as filtration, screening, cyclones, and other ranges from about 35 to about 75 wt.% rare earths. The size or weight separation techniques. concentrate is subjected to a first acid leach with dilute hydro The valuable metal-rich liquid phase is then subjected to 15 chloric acid (pH about 1.0) to remove some of the alkaline Sorption (Such as using an ion exchange or chelating resin) or earth constituents of the concentrate and the leached ore membrane filtration to remove at least most of the valuable roasted. The roasting is typically at about 400° C. to about metal from the liquid phase and form a valuable metal-barren 800° C. in the presence of molecular oxygen to convert fluo leach solution for recycle to the valuable metal dissolution rocarbonate mineral to a mixture of fluorides and oxides and step 204. The Sorbent can be an ion exchange or chelating oxidize cerium to cerium(IV). The roasted ore is subjected to resin, a porous media (e.g., activated carbon, Zeolites, and a second acid leach with a more concentrated hydrochloric other porous media), and the like. While sorption and mem acid solution (which commonly comprises from about 0.1 to brane separation are discussed with reference to the removal about 0.5N to about 0.2N hydrochloric acid) to remove the of a selected or target valuable metal, it is to be understood remaining alkaline earth constituents and separate cerium that sorption and/or membrane separation may also be used, 25 from other rare earth oxides. The ore is then treated with a in addition to or in lieu of valuable target metal sorption, in third acid leach with a still more concentrated hydrochloric separation 212 to remove impurities, such as other valuable or acid solution (e.g., commonly at least about 25 wt.%, more invaluable metals, thereby purifying the target valuable commonly from about 35 to about 75 wt.%, and even more metal-containing pregnant leach solution. commonly from about 40 to about 50 wt.% hydrochloric The sorbed target valuable metal is stripped from the sor 30 acid) to solubilize the cerium values for further processing. bent (not shown) by a stripping solution (such as an eluant) by The pregnant leach Solution typically includes at least most of a change (relative to the pregnant leach solution) in tempera the rare earth content of the rare earth concentrate and even ture and/or pH (which changes the preference for the sorbent more typically includes from about 25 to about 95 wt.% rare of the target valuable metal) to form a target valuable metal earths. rich stripping solution (not shown) and stripped sorbent for 35 In another process configuration used for bastnaesite, the recontact with the pregnant leach solution 208. rare earth concentrate is leached with diluted or concentrated The target valuable metal-rich stripping Solution is formed hydrochloric acid to dissolve, at least partially, the rare earths, into a target valuable metal product (not shown) (operation which combine with the fluorine from the ore. The mixed rare 136) and a byproduct salt solution 224. Valuable metal prod earth-fluoride residue is decomposed using caustic Soda at a uct formation can be, for example, by electrolysis or elec 40 temperature commonly ranging from about 100 to about 300° trowinning, precipitation (which, for instance, forms a target C. The resulting rare earth are leached with metal Sulfide or oxide), sorption (such as using activated diluted or concentrated hydrochloric acid. In another version carbon), membrane filtration, cementation, and/or of the process, diluted or concentrated Sulfuric acid, instead ation. of hydrochloric acid, can be used to dissolve the residue at a In the mill 108 and process plant 112, there are a number of 45 temperature commonly ranging from about 200 to about 500 processes for recovering rare earth metals as valuable metals. C. The dissolved rare earths are then recovered as water One process configuration, that is particularly applicable to soluble sulfates. Polyvalent impurities, such as iron, are bastnaesite, selectively oxidizes rare earths. Cerium is sepa removed by pH neutralization. rated after oxidation of cerium (III) to cerium (IV), simplify In another process configuration, the rare earth is present in ing the Subsequent separation of the less abundant lan 50 monazite and recovered by industrial digestion using caustic thanides. Oxidation occurs when bastnaesite is heated in the Soda. The phosphate content of the ore is recovered as triso presence of molecular oxygen at a temperature typically of at dium phosphate and the rare earths as rare earth hydroxides. least about 500° C. and even more typically of at least about The lixiviant commonly contains from about 25 to about 75 600° C. or when rare earth hydroxides are dried in the pres wt.% sodium or potassium hydroxide Solution at a tempera ence of molecular oxygen at a temperature, commonly in the 55 ture ranging from about 125 to about 200°C. The resultant range of from about 120 to about 130° C. Cerium (IV) is mixed rare earth and thorium hydroxide precipitate is dis separated from the trivalent rare earths either by selective Solved in hydrochloric and/or nitric acid, processed to remove dissolution of trivalent rare earths with dilute acid or by at least most of the thorium and other non-rare earth elements, complete dissolution of trivalent species with concentrated and processed to recover the individual rare earths. acid followed by selective precipitation of ceric hydroxide or 60 In another process configuration, the rare earth is present in solvent extraction of cerium (IV) as noted below. In aqueous loparite and recovered by a chlorination technique. This tech solutions, cerium(III) is oxidized to cerium(IV) by electroly nique is conducted using gaseous chlorine at a temperature sis or treatment with or Sodium hypochlo commonly ranging from about 500 to about 1,000°C. in the rite. Precipitation of hydrated cerium oxide then occurs when presence of carbon. Volatile are separated from the the pH is adjusted commonly to a pH of at least about pH 3 65 calcium-sodium-rare earth fused chloride, and the resultant and even more commonly ranging from about pH 3 to about precipitate dissolved in water. The dissolved rare earths are pH 7. recovered by suitable techniques. US 8,936,770 B2 15 16 In another process configuration, the rare earth is present in cementation, and amalgamation). In one configuration, at loparite and recovered by a sulfation technique. This tech least most of the dissolved polyvalent inorganic impurities, nique is conducted using a Sulfuric acid solution (typically Such as calcium, , iron, and other impurities, are having from about 50 to about 95 wt.% sulfuric acid) at a removed by precipitation as oxides, carbonates, and/or temperature ranging from about 100 to about 250° C. in the hydroxides. This is typically effected using precipitants hav presence of ammonium sulfate. The product is leached with ing a monovalent cation, Such as and water, while the double sulfates of the rare earths remain in sodium hydroxide. The precipitated impurities are removed the residue. The titanium, tantalum, and niobium sulfates or separated from the liquid phase by a thickening circuit, transfer to the solution. The residue is converted to rare earth screening, filtration, cyclones, and the like. In one configura carbonates and then dissolved in, and isolated by suitable 10 techniques from, nitric acid. tion, at least most of the dissolved polyvalent inorganic impu In the above process configurations, the concentrated rare rities are removed by an ion exchange or chelating resin. earths can be recovered by any of a number of different When the valuable metal is a rare earth, the resin should be techniques. In one configuration, the concentrated rare earths Substantially free of phosphate groups to avoid rare earth are separated by ion exchange. For example, pH dependent 15 “poisoning of the resin by incomplete elution of the rare rare earth complexes form with citric acid or aminopolycar earth. In one configuration, Sulfate and other polyvalent boxylate eluants (e.g., ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid anions are removed by refrigeration and crystallization, (EDTA) and hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid evaporative crystallization, and/or salting out of the contami (HEEDTA). Phosphate-free resins are preferred to avoid rare nant. earth poisoning of the resin due to incomplete elution of the The first purified solution 236 is optionally subjected to rare earth from the resin. The rare earths are recovered by organic contaminant removal (step 240) to form a second elution using a concentrated Solution of a monovalent salt, purified solution 244. Although any contaminant removal Such as ammonium chloride or sodium chloride. If a com techniques may be employed to remove at least most of the plexing agent exhibiting significantly different affinities for organics from the first purified solution 236, organic contami the various lanthanides is added to the eluant, a separation 25 nant removal is commonly done by one or more of vacuum occurs. In another configuration, oil-soluble compounds distillation, perevaporation, Steam stripping, Sorption (Such separate rare earths by liquid-liquid extraction using acidic, as using an ion exchange or chelating resin), and membrane basic, and/or neutral extractants. Typical acidic, basic, and filtration. neutral extractants include carboxylic acids, organophospho The second purified solution 244 is optionally subjected to rus acids and esters thereof, tetraalkylammonium salts, alco 30 trace ion removal (step 248) to remove at least most of any hols, ethers, and ketones. In another configuration, rare earth remaining polyvalent ions and form a third purified Solution halides are reduced to metal by reaction of more electroposi 252. Step 248 is, in effect, a polishing operation. While any tive metals, such as calcium, , Sodium, potassium, and techniques (including those discussed above with reference aluminum. In another configuration, electrolytic reduction is to step 232) may be employed to remove remaining polyva used to produce light lanthanide metals, including didymium 35 lentions, a common polishing mechanism is sorption (such as (a Nd Pr mixture). In another configuration, fractional dis using an ion exchange or chelating resin) of the remaining tillation is used to recover and separate rare earths. In another polyvalent inorganic impurities. The third purified Solution configuration, Zone melting is used to recover and separate 252 should have a satisfactory level of impurities for the rare earths. Due to the highly electropositive nature of rare particular type of electrochemical acid generation employed. earths, rare earth metals can be formed from aqueous solu 40 In one configuration, the third purified solution 252 has a salt tions by fused salt electrolysis or metallothermic reduction. at its saturation (under process operating temperature and The byproduct salt solution 224 and salt solution 216 can pressure), which is usually between about 23 to about 28 wt. each include a variety of polyvalent impurities, including one % salt dissolved in water. or more of more than about 20 ppb divalent calcium, more FIG.3 shows one particular configuration for purifying the than about 20 ppb divalent magnesium, more than about 100 45 combined solution 228 that is particularly applicable to rare ppb divalent strontium, more than about 500 ppb divalent earth metal recovery processes. barium, more than about 100 ppb trivalent aluminum, more In a first stage precipitation of impurities 304, a base. Such than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, more than about 15 ppm as caustic soda, is added to the combined solution 228, which divalent mercury, more than about 10 g/L divalent sulfate typically has a typical pH of no more than about pH 8, to anion, more than about 10 ppm silica, more than about 400 50 increase the pH to a typical pH of at least about pH 9. Certain ppb monovalent fluorine, more than about 100 ppm radioac of the polyvalent cationic impurities, namely trivalent rare tive nuclides (e.g., radium, uranium, and thorium) and daugh earths, divalent alkaline earth metals, divalent strontium, ters thereof, and more than about 10 ppb divalent nickel. divalent barium, divalent nickel, and trivalent aluminum, Some of the impurities can be present at relatively high con form carbonate precipitates. Trivalent iron typically does not centrations up to their solubility limits. 55 precipitate in the first precipitation stage. The byproduct salt solution 224 is combined with the salt In a second stage precipitation of impurities 308, a stronger solution 216, and the combined solution 228 optionally sub base. Such as Sodium hydroxide, is contacted with the com jected to inorganic contaminant purification (step 232) to bined solution 228 to further increase the pH to a typical pH form a first purified solution 236. Although any contaminant of at least about pH 10 and even more typically at least about removal techniques may be employed, inorganic contaminant 60 pH 11. More of the polyvalent cationic impurities, namely removal can be by Saturation, precipitation (such as with trivalent rare earths, divalent alkaline earth metals, divalent Sodium or potassium hydroxide, oxide, or carbonate), clari strontium, divalent barium, trivalent iron, divalent nickel, and fication, filtration (Such as membrane filtration), Sorption trivalent aluminum, precipitate as hydroxides. After the first (Such as using an ion exchange or chelating resin (e.g., resins and second stages, typically at least most, even more typically having aminomethylphosphonic-, iminodiacetic-type, or 65 at least about 75%, and even more typically at least about 90% thiol functional groups), activated carbon, Zeolites, alumina, of the polyvalent cations and anions are in the form of pre silica alumina, and the like), electrolysis, dechlorination, cipitates. US 8,936,770 B2 17 18 After the second precipitation stage 308, the combined salt The Solution 228 is finally passed through a polishing Solution 228 is contacted with a coagulant and flocculent and column to remove at least most of any remaining cations and subjected to liquid/solid separation in step 312 by a suitable form the third purified solution 252. A common polishing technique. Suitable techniques include size and/or weight column comprises Zeolites. separation techniques, such as filtration, cycloning, gravity In another configuration, the various separations are settling, decantation, thickening, and combinations thereof, effected using membrane filters applied to the solution 228 to remove commonly most, even more commonly at least before or after first and second stage precipitation 304 and about 75%, and even more commonly at least about 95% of 308. For example, following removal of precipitated impuri the precipitates from the solution 228. ties 312, the solution 228 is first passed through a microfil Following liquid/solid separation, the combined solution 10 tration and/or ultrafiltration membrane to remove in a first retentate at least most Suspended and colloidal solids and 228 may be pH-adjusted followed by contact, in step 316, of organic contaminants and form a first permeate comprising at the pH-adjusted solution with a sorbent to remove at least least most of the inorganic ions, and the first permeate is most of the organic matter. The Sorbent commonly used is passed through an ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and/or leaky activated carbon. The organic matter commonly includes dis 15 reverse osmosis membrane to remove in a second retentate at Solved solvent extraction or ion exchange resins, Surfactants, least most of the polyvalentions in the solution 228 and pass flotation reagents (e.g., collectors and frothers), coagulants, in a second permeate at least most of the monovalent ions in and flocculants. In one application, the pH of the combined the solution 228. The second permeate is then optionally solution 228 is decreased by mineral acid addition to a pH Subjected to polishing to remove at least most of any remain commonly of no more than about pH 8. ing polyvalentions and/or undesirable monovalentions, par The solution 228 is then subjected in step 324 to ion ticularly fluorine. exchange removal of at least most of any remaining trivalent Regardless of the particular purification techniques and higher Valency cations. The resin commonly used has an employed, the third purified solution 252 typically has no iminodiacetic-type functional group. more than about 20 ppb divalent calcium and magnesium, no The solution 228 is then passed through a mixed bed of 25 more than about 100 ppb divalent strontium, no more than anion and cation exchange resins to remove at least most of about 500 ppb divalent barium, no more than about 100 ppb any remaining divalent cations and polyvalent anions, such as trivalent aluminum, no more than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, sulfates (SO) and nitrates (NO). The cation-exchange no more than about 15 ppm divalent mercury, no more than resin commonly used has an aminomethylphosphonic func about 10 g/L divalent sulfate anion, no more than about 10 tional group. Sulfate and nitrate ions are strongly attracted to 30 ppm silica (in the presence of divalent calcium and trivalent most strong-base anion-exchange resins. Exemplary anion aluminum), no more than about 400 ppb monovalent iodine exchange resins include polystyrene resins (e.g., Amberlite (in the presence of divalent barium), and no more than about IRA-400, 402, 404, 900, and 996TM by Aldrich, Duolite 10 ppb divalent nickel. In some applications, each impurity in A-101DTM, Ionac ASB-1 or 2TM and Ionac SR-7TM, and the third purified solution 252 is present at a concentration of Lewatit OC-1950TM), polyacrylic resins (e.g., Amberlite 35 no more than about 1 ppm. IRA-458 and 958TM), pyridine resins (e.g., Reillex HPQTM, The above purification steps are typically performed to B-1TM, and DP-1TM), and styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers maintain at least most, even more typically at least about which have either been sulphonated to form strongly acidic 75%, and even more typically at least about 95% of the salt cation-exchangers or aminated to form strongly basic or cation and anion (e.g., sodium ion and chlorine ion) in solu weakly basic anion-exchangers. 40 tion. The various steps are therefore selectively performed to The ordering of the iminodiacetic-type or aminometh remove polyvalent and organic contaminants while avoiding ylphosphonic-functional group resins in the treatment train removal of the salt components. Stated another way, the cat enables removal of at least most of any remaining trivalent or ion and anion exchange resins and sorbents referenced above, higher Valency cations by the iminodiacetic-type functional under the conditions of the solution 228, generally have lim group before removal of the divalent cations by the aminom 45 ited or no affinity for either sodium or chlorine ions (when the ethylphosphonic-functional group. As noted, trivalent and salt is sodium chloride). higher Valency cations, particularly trivalent rare earths, can If necessary, the third purified solution 252 may be sub poison the aminomethylphosphonic-functional group by jected to salt concentration (step 256) to adjust the salinity of incomplete elution of Such cations. the solution 252 to a level suitable for electrochemical acid Because a Substantial portion, and in Some cases at least 50 generation. The salt concentrator may include multiple effect most, of the fluorine in the combined solution 228 has not evaporators, energy efficient vapor recompressors, recom been removed by the prior purification steps and because pressors, and combinations thereof. If necessary, pH of the fluorine can damage platinum electrodes in the electrochemi third purified solution 252 is performed using an acid or base cal acid generation system, typically at least most and even produced by electrochemical acid generation operation 280. more typically at least about 85% of the fluorine is removed in 55 The third purified solution 252 is introduced into the elec step 322 by a suitable technique. One technique is to remove trochemical acid generation operation 280 to convert the salt fluorine by passing the solution 228 through an aluminum into a desired mix of the end products referenced above. In the oxide polishing column. Another technique is to remove fluo configuration of FIG. 2, the end products are an aqueous rine by passing the solution 228 through a rare earth-contain mineral acid solution 260 and an aqueous sodium hydroxide ing column. The column contains rare earth-containing par 60 solution 264. The aqueous mineral acid solution 260 is ticulates that can be supported or unsupported. The directed to the valuable metal dissolution operation 204. The particulates contain primarily, on weight and molar bases, aqueous base solution 264 is directed to the separation and rare earth compounds. A preferred rare earth particulate is product formation operations 212 and 136, as needed. Addi composed, on weight and molar bases, primarily of com tional (fresh) salt solution 268, such as surface water, munici pounds of cerium (III), (IV), or a mixture thereof. Stated 65 pal water, industrial water, condensed steam, Sea water, brine, another way, the rare earth component of the rare earth or synthetically produced saline water, is added, as needed, to containing particulates is primarily cerium. replace respective losses in the various unit operations. US 8,936,770 B2 19 20 The acid and base solutions can be concentrated, by Coagulation and flocculation in a high salt concentration optional concentrators 278 and 272, respectively, to produce solution is difficult. However, it is preferred to substantially the desired acid or base concentrations. Typically, the acid remove divalent and trivalentions and/or Solids prior to con and base solutions will have acid and base concentrations, ducting a chloroalkali process. Hydrochloric acid (about 18 respectively, of no more than about 90, even more typically no wt % HCl) was added to the aqueous stream to adjust the pH more than about 75, and even more typically no more than to about pH7. about 50 wt.%. Exemplary concentrators are evaporators and The pH adjusted aqueous stream was filtered and ran distillation columns. In some applications, the acid or base throughan activated carbon filterprior to contacting the aque Solutions may require dilution to yield appropriate concen ous stream with a first IX1 ion exchange resin IX1 (FIG. 3). tration levels. 10 The first ion exchange resin was an iminodiacetic function The base solution can be pH adjusted in operation 282 resin sold under the trade name of Amberlite IRC-748i from using a suitable pH adjuster, Such as an acidic pH or basic pH Rohm & Haas to form a first ion-exchanged solution having a adjustor, as needed. Typically, the basic pH adjustoris Sodium decreased content of divalent and trivalent cations compared or potassium hydroxide produced during electrochemical to the pH adjusted aqueous stream (FIGS. 4 and 5). acid generation 116. 15 The first ion-exchanged solution was contacted with a sec Although not shown, additional hydrogen gas may need to ond ion-exchange resin IX2 (FIG. 3) to form a second ion be supplied to offset hydrogen losses during the process. exchanged solution having a reduced divalent and trivalent Water balance in the process can be maintained by a mul ion content compared to the first ion-exchanged solution tiple-effect evaporation step. This occurs at the point in the (FIGS. 4 and 5). The second ion-exchange resin is an ami process circuit where the salt is likely to precipitate due to nomethylphosphonic function resin sold under the trade Super-saturation. The precipitated salt may be recycled back name of Amberlite IRC-747 by Rohm & Haas. to the electrochemical acid generation operation 280. Example B EXAMPLES 25 Example B was a determination of the loading capacity of Example A trivalent cation on a chelating ion exchange resin (IX1 in FIG. 3). The chelating ion exchange resin evaluated was an imino Example A was a determination of a multi-stage precipi diacetic resin sold under the trade name of Amberlite IRC tation and ion exchange process for removing divalen and 748i from Rohm & Haas. The trivalent cation was lanthanum. trivalent cations prior to a salt splitting process. FIGS. 4 and 30 A lanthanum feed solution having a pH of about pH 4, about 5, respectively, show decreases in the divalent alkaline earth 50 g/L NaCl and 83 mg/L of lanthanum (as LaCl) was (specifically, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium) prepared by dissolving about 400 mg of Lanthanum oxide and trivalent (lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neody (La O.) in hydrochloric acid (about 3.7 ml of 2NHCI)). After mium, Samarium and iron) cations after each of the precipi dissolving the lanthanum oxide, about 200 grams of NaCl tation and ion exchange stages. 35 was added, the pH was adjusted with 1 N NaOH to a pH of M1 is the first precipitation stage (FIG. 3) where a salt about pH 4 and de-ionized water was added to form a final Solution (such as, the byproduct salt Solution 224, the valu volume of about 4 liters. A column was packed with the able metal-barren salt solution 216 or the combination of Amberlite IRC-748i resin. The lanthanum feed solution as thereof (combined solution 228) as described above) having a passed through the packed column at a rate of about 2.05 pH of about pH 7 was contacted with a sodium carbonate 40 mL/min at about 21 degrees Celsius (see FIG. 6). The maxi solution having a pH of about pH 9.5 to form a metal carbon mum trivalent cation capacity of the iminodiacetic resin was ate slurry. Dissolving Sodium carbonate in water with agita determined to be about 117 mg of lanthanum or about 29 mg tion formed the sodium carbonate solution. The metal car of lanthanum per gram of resin. The resin was loaded with bonate slurry had metal carbonate precipitates dispersed in about 108 mg of lanthanum. The total loading was calculated salt water. The metal carbonates typically precipitated are 45 by determining the area under the breakthrough curve (FIG. lanthanum carbonate, cerium carbonate, praseodymium car 6). bonate, neodymium carbonate, Samarium carbonate, magne sium carbonate, strontium carbonate, barium carbonate, cal Example C cium carbonate, lead carbonate, uranium carbonate and aluminum carbonate. 50 Example C was a determination of the removal capacity of M2 is the second precipitation stage (FIG. 3) where the the trivalent cation loaded on the resin in IX1 in Example B. metal carbonate slurry was contacted with a sodium hydrox The resin tested was an iminodiacetic function resin sold ide solution having about 8 wt % NaOH to further raise the pH under the tradename of Amberlite IRC-748i by Rohm & to a pH of from about pH 11 to about pH2 and to further Haas. The trivalent cation was lanthanum. About 108 milli precipitate as hydroxides any of the metals identified above 55 grams of lanthanum was loaded on a resin column containing (such as lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, about 4 grams of Amberlite 748i. The lanthanum loaded Samarium, magnesium, strontium, barium, calcium, lead, column was regenerated with a hydrochloric acid solution uranium and aluminum) remaining in Solution. having a normality of about 2.6N, the flow rate of the hydro M3 is third precipitation stage (FIG. 3) where a coagulant, chloric acid solution was about 2.7 mL/min. Fractions were Such as alum (Al2(SO4)), was contacted with the metal car 60 collected about every 5 minutes. The first 5 fractions con bonates and hydroxides (hereafter referred to as metal solids). tained detectable amounts of lanthanum (see FIG.7). The first The contacting of the coagulant with the metal Solids floccu 5 fractions contained a total of 104 mg of lanthanum, which lated and/or increased the particle size of the metal solids, was within experimental error of the 108 mg of lanthanum thereby increasing the efficiency of separating the metal Sol loaded on the column. The second fraction had the highest ids from the Solution liquid phase. The liquid phase contained 65 lanthanum concentration of about 7.5 g/L. The fractions NaCl, organics, and decreased amounts of the divalent and beyond the fifth fraction did not contain any detectable trivalent cations compared to the salt solution (FIGS. 4 and 5). amounts of lanthanum. It was assumed from this example that US 8,936,770 B2 21 22 an iminodiacetic function resin loaded with a trivalent cation, Example F Such as lanthanum, can be regenerated with hydrochloric acid. Example F was a determination of the conversion rate for a salt feed containing about 95 grams NaCl per liter. The brine Example D 5 feed was verified for purity using ICP-AES. The brine feed had no more than about 0.5 ppm of divalents and iron, Salinity Example D was a determination of the removal capacity of of the feed tank was measured with a conductivity probe and a trivalent cation loaded on a resin in IX2 of the brine finishing found to be about 7.8 mmhos. The conductivity probe was process (FIG. 3). The resin tested was an aminomethylphos calibrated against 3 calibration standards at 5, 50 and 100 g/L phonic function resin sold under the trade name of Amberlite 10 salt, which had conductivities of 0.82, 6.84 and 13.21 mmhos, IRC-747 by Rohm & Haas. The trivalent cation was lantha respectively. Current and voltage levels were read from the num. About 88 mg of lanthanum was loaded on a resin col salt splitter DC-power supply. The brine feed solution was umn containing about 4 grams of Amberlite IRC-747. The circulated through a bipolar membrane electrodialysis stack loaded column was regenerated with a hydrochloric acid 1 5 at about 0.8 gallons per minute. This circulation rate turned solution having a normality of about 2.6 N. The flow rate of each of the salt water feed, acid, base and electrode rinse the 2.6 NHCl solution was about 1.9 mL/min. 20 volume tanks, respectively, having about 12 liters of Solution over fractions were collected from the column. Fractions were about every 4 minutes. The acid and base salt splitter tanks, collected about every 5 minutes. Lanthanum was detected in respectively, contained about 0.5 NHCl and about 0.5 N each of the twenty volume fractions. While about 88 mg of NaOH. The electrode rinse tank contained a 2N NaOH solu lanthanum appeared to have been loaded on the column, tion and the brine feed tank contained about 95 g NaCl/liter about 117 mg of lanthanum appeared to have been unloaded and had a pH of about pH2. The DC power supply was from the column (FIG. 8). This discrepancy was believed to activated after a consistent flow rate was established through be due to an analytical error. More specifically, it is believed the membrane stack and the solution was substantially free of bubbles. The DC power supply was adjusted to pass about 16 that the column was loaded with a feed solution containing 60 25 amps of current through the brine Solution and the Voltage mg lanthanum/L and not about 42 mg lanthanum/L. About was allowed to vary. After about 30 minutes of operation, the 125 mg of lanthanum would have been loaded on the column applied voltage and current stabilized to about 19 volts and 16 from the 60 mg lanthanum/L solution, which would have amps, respectively (FIG. 10). The conductivity, current, volt better coincided with the 117 mg of lanthanum unloaded from age, feed solution temperature and acid and base normalities the column. 30 were measured as a function of time (FIG. 10). The NaCl Example E content of the brine feed decreased during electrolysis, from about 95 g/L to about 17 g/L over about a 5 hour electrolysis Example E was a determination of optimal operating con period. Further, over the 5 hour electrolysis period, about 934 ditions for salt splitting prior to operating the salt splitter in a 35 grams of NaCl was converted into hydrochloric acid and steady state, continuous mode. Inductively coupled plasma Sodium hydroxide. The average conversion rate was about 22 atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) was used to verify grams per square meter (of electrode surface area) perminute. the purity of the brine feed. The brine feed had no more than The acid and base compartments, respectively, had ending about 0.5 ppm of divalents and iron. Salinity of the feed tank normalities of about 2 NHCl and about 2NNaOH. About 800 was measured with a conductivity probe and found to be 40 grams of water was electrolyzed in the process. A quantitative about 7.8 mmhos. The conductivity probe was calibrated analysis of the amount of NaCl in the feed solution consumed against3 calibration standards at 5,50 and 100 g/L salt, which per hour by electrolysis yielded the following quadratic equa had conductivities of 0.82, 6.84 and 13.21 mmhos, respec tion: tively. Current and voltage levels were read from salt splitter C.g/L-2.34t’-1.76t+95.81, where t is hours DC-power supply. The brine feed solution was circulated 45 through a bipolar membrane electrodialysis stack, that is an The DC power Supply, on average, applied about 16 amps anion exchange membrane, cation exchange membrane and at about a 19 volt potential. The theoretical equivalents of bipolar membrane, gaskets, flow distribution, electrodes, etc NaOH and HCl produced were determined to be about 4.2 at about 0.8 gallons per minute. This circulation rate turned equivalents per hour, with a current efficiency of about 76%. each of the salt water feed, acid, base and electrode rinse 50 The power utilized to convert NaCl to hydrochloric and tanks, respectively, having about 12 liters of Solution, over sodium hydroxide was about 1.6 kW hours per kg of NaCl about every 4 minutes. The acid and base salt splitter tanks produced. contained de-ionized water. The electrode rinse tank con A number of variations and modifications can be used. It tained 2N NaOH solution and the brine feed solution con would be possible to provide for some features without pro tained about 75 g NaCl/liter and had a pH of about pH 2. After 55 viding others. a consistent flow rate was established through the membrane The various aspects, embodiments, and configurations, stack and a solution substantially free of bubbles was include components, methods, processes, systems and/or obtained, the DC power supply was activated. The DC power apparatus Substantially as depicted and described herein, Supply was adjusted to pass about 16 amps of current through including various embodiments, configurations, aspects, Sub the brine solution, while the voltage was allowed to vary. The 60 combinations, and subsets thereof. Those of skill in the art conductivity, current, Voltage, feed solution temperature and will understand how to make and use the aspects, embodi acid and base normalities were determined as a function of ments, or configurations disclosed herein after understanding time until the brine feed NaCl content was substantially the present disclosure. The various aspects, embodiments, depleted to about zero (FIG.9). The NaCl content of the brine and configurations, include providing devices and processes feed was depleted in about 3.5 hours. The acid and base 65 in the absence of items not depicted and/or described herein compartments, respectively, had ending normalities of about or in various embodiments, configurations, or aspects hereof, 0.8 NHC1 and about 0.8 N NaOH. including in the absence of such items as may have been used US 8,936,770 B2 23 24 in previous devices or processes, e.g., for improving perfor 2. The process of claim 1, wherein the electrochemically mance, achieving ease and\or reducing cost of implementa converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali tion. and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein greater The foregoing discussion has been presented for purposes than about 50% of the byproduct salt solution is converted of illustration and description. The foregoing is not intended into the acid component and base and wherein greater than to limit the aspects, embodiments, or configurations to the about 50% of the acid component and base are recycled. form or forms disclosed herein. In the foregoing Detailed 3. The process of claim 1, wherein the electrochemically Description for example, various features of the aspects, converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali embodiments, or configurations are grouped together in one and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell. or more embodiments, configurations, or aspects for the pur 10 pose of streamlining the disclosure. The features of the 4. The process of claim 1, wherein the converting step aspects, embodiments, or configurations, may be combined produces hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and wherein the in alternate aspects, embodiments, or configurations other electrochemically converting step further comprises: than those discussed above. This method of disclosure is not reacting chlorine gas with hydrogen gas to produce hydro chloric acid. to be interpreted as reflecting an intention that the aspects, 15 embodiments, or configurations require more features than 5. The process of claim 1, wherein the converting step are expressly recited in each claim. Rather, as the following comprises: claims reflect, inventive aspects lie in less than all features of introducing the second purified salt solution into the at a single foregoing disclosed embodiment, configuration, or least one of a chloralkali and bipolar membrane elec aspect. Thus, the following claims are hereby incorporated trodialysis cell to form the acid component and base. into this Detailed Description, with each claim standing on its 6. The process of claim 1, wherein the electrochemically own as a separate aspect, embodiment, or configuration. converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali Moreover, though the description has included description and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the of one or more aspects, embodiments, or configurations and selected polyvalent impurity is a cation, wherein the selected certain variations and modifications, other variations, combi 25 polyvalent cation is removed by precipitation induced by a nations, and modifications are within the scope of the aspects, pH change resulting from contact of the base with the byprod embodiments, or configurations, e.g., as may be within the uct salt solution, and wherein the introducing step comprises: skill and knowledge of those in the art, after understanding the contacting the first purified salt solution with an ion present disclosure. It is intended to obtain rights which exchange resin to remove additional polyvalent cationic include alternative embodiments, configurations, or aspects 30 impurities; to the extent permitted, including alternate, interchangeable thereafter processing the second purified salt solution by a and/or equivalent structures, functions, ranges or steps to salt concentrator to form a concentrated and purified salt those claimed, whether or not such alternate, interchangeable Solution; and and/or equivalent structures, functions, ranges or steps are introducing the concentrated and purified solution and a disclosed herein, and without intending to publicly dedicate 35 mineral acid into an anolyte recirculation tank, wherein any patentable subject matter. the concentrated and purified solution is introduced into What is claimed is: the at least one of a chloralkali and bipolar membrane 1. A process, comprising: electrodialysis cell. contacting a valuable metal-containing material with an 7. The process of claim 1, wherein the acid component is acidic leaching solution having an acid component to 40 hydrochloric acid, wherein the converting step produces form a pregnant leach solution comprising a dissolved hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and one or both of Sodium valuable metal; hydroxide and potassium hydroxide; and further wherein recovering the dissolved valuable metal to form a valuable chlorine and one or both of sodium hydroxide and potassium metal product and a byproduct salt Solution, the byprod hydroxide are used to produce one or both of sodium uct salt solution is derived from reacting a base with the 45 hypochlorite and potassium hypochlorite and further com acid component, wherein the valuable metal is a rare prising: earth, wherein the acid component is hydrochloric acid, receiving electrical energy from a cogen plant, the electri wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solution is one or cal energy being used in two or more of the contacting, more of sodium chloride and potassium chloride, recovering, converting and recycling steps: wherein the base is one or more of sodium hydroxide and 50 receiving waste heat from the cogen plant, the waste heat potassium hydroxide, and wherein the valuable metal being used in two or more of the contacting, recovering, product is a rare earth oxide; converting and recycling steps. removing greater than about 50% of a selected polyvalent 8. The process of claim 1, wherein the electrochemically impurity from the byproduct salt solution to form a first converting step is performed by a chloralkali cell, further purified salt solution; 55 comprising: removing greater than about 50% of a selected organic maintaining an approximate Stoichiometric balance contaminant from the first purified salt solution to form between chlorine and hydrogen gas produced in the a second purified salt solution, the selected organic con converting step. taminant comprises one or more of a dissolved solvent 9. The process of claim 1, wherein the electrochemically extraction resin, a dissolved ion exchange resin, a Sur 60 converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali factant, a flotation reagent, a coagulant, and a flocculant; cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the electrochemically converting the second purified salt Solu organic contaminant is removed by one or more of vacuum tion into the acid component and the base; distillation, pervaporation, Steam stripping, Sorption, and recycling the acid component of the electrochemically membrane filtration. converting step to the contacting step; and 65 10. The process of claim 1, wherein, in each of the recycle recycling the base of the electrochemically converting step steps, the acid component and base are concentrated and/or to at least one of the contacting and recovering steps. pH adjusted. US 8,936,770 B2 25 26 11. The process of claim 5, wherein the selected polyvalent taminant, wherein the valuable metal is a rare earth, impurity is calcium. wherein the acid component is hydrochloric acid, 12. The process of claim 6, wherein the selected polyvalent wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solution is one or impurity is calcium. both of sodium chloride and potassium chloride, 13. The process of claim 1, wherein the selected polyvalent wherein the base is one or both of sodium hydroxide and impurity is one or more of more than about 20 ppb divalent potassium hydroxide, and wherein the valuable metal calcium, more than about 20 ppb divalent magnesium, more product is a rare earth oxide; than about 100 ppb divalent strontium, more than about 500 removing, by an inorganic contaminant purification cir ppb divalent barium, more than about 100 ppb trivalent alu cuit, at least about 85% of fluorine from the byproduct minum, more than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, more than about 10 15 ppm divalent mercury, more than about 10 g/L divalent salt solution; sulfate anion, more than about 100 ppm radioactive nuclides removing, by an organic contaminant purification circuit, and daughters thereof, more than about 10 ppm silica, and an organic contaminant from the byproduct salt solu more than about 10 ppb divalent nickel, wherein the second tion; and purified solution comprises no more than about 20 ppb diva 15 generating, by an electrochemical acid generation plant, lent calcium and magnesium, no more than about 100 ppb the mineral acid and base from the byproduct salt solu divalent strontium, no more than about 500 ppb divalent tion to provide the mineral acid and base to at least one barium, no more than about 100 ppb trivalent aluminum, no of the mill and process plant. more than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, no more than about 15 17. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical ppm divalent mercury, no more than about 10 g/L divalent acid generation plant comprises at least one of a chloralkali Sulfate anion, no more than about 10 ppm silica (in the pres cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell. ence of divalent calcium and trivalent aluminum), no more 18. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical than about 400 ppb monovalent iodine (in the presence of acid generation plant comprises at least one of a chloralkali divalent barium), and no more than about 10 ppb divalent cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the at nickel, and wherein polyvalent impurity removing step com 25 least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodi prises the Substeps: alysis cell is the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell. contacting the base with the byproduct salt Solution to 19. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical increase a pH of the byproduct salt solution to a pH of at acid generation plant comprises at least one of a chloralkali least about pH 9 to precipitate a first part of the selected cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the at polyvalent impurity; 30 least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodi removing the precipitated selected polyvalent impurity alysis cell is the chloralkali cell. from the byproduct salt solution to form a treated 20. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical byproduct salt solution, the treated byproduct salt solu acid generation plant comprises a chloralkali cell, wherein the tion comprising unprecipitated selected polyvalent valuable metal is one or more of yttrium, Scandium, and a impurity; 35 lanthanide. contacting the treated byproduct salt Solution with an ion 21. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical exchange resin to remove a part of the unprecipitated acid generation plant produces hydrogen gas and chlorine selected polyvalent impurity and form a further treated gas, and wherein the electrochemical acid generation plant byproduct salt solution, the further treated byproduct reacts chlorine gas with hydrogen gas to produce hydrochlo salt solution comprising unremoved selected polyvalent 40 ric acid. impurity; and 22. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical contacting the further treated byproduct salt solution with acid generation plant comprises at least one of a chloralkali a mixed bed of anion and cation exchange resins to cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the remove the unremoved selected polyvalent impurity and electrochemical acid generation plant: form the first purified salt solution, wherein the contami 45 removes greater than about 50% of a selected polyvalent nant removal steps are conducted to maintain greater impurity from the byproduct salt solution to form a than about 50% of the salt cation and anion in solution. purified salt Solution; and 14. The process of claim 13, wherein the ion exchange introduces the purified salt solution into the at least one of resin is substantially free of phosphate groups. a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis 15. The process of claim 1, wherein the byproduct salt 50 cell to form the acid component and base. solution comprises more than about 400 ppb monovalent 23. The method of claim 22, wherein the selected polyva fluorine and further comprising: lent impurity is a cation, wherein the selected polyvalent removing the monovalent fluorine by at least one of pass cation is removed by precipitation induced by a pH change ing the byproduct salt solution through an aluminum resulting from contact of the base with the byproduct salt oxide polishing column and passing the byproduct salt 55 Solution, and wherein the electrochemical acid generation Solution through a rare earth-containing column. plant: 16. A method, comprising: contacts the purified salt Solution with an ion exchange comminuting, by a mill, a feed material comprising a valu resin to remove additional polyvalent cationic impuri able metal-containing mineral; ties; forming, by the mill and from the valuable metal-contain 60 thereafter processes the purified salt solution by a salt ing mineral, a concentrate containing the valuable concentrator to form a concentrated and purified salt metal-containing mineral; Solution; and recovering, by a process plant, the valuable metal from the introduces a concentrated and purified solution and a min valuable metal-containing mineral, wherein at least one eral acid into an anolyte recirculation tank, wherein the of the mill and process plant generate a byproduct salt 65 concentrated and purified solution is introduced into the Solution from a mineral acid and a base, the byproduct at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane salt solution comprising fluorine and an organic con electrodialysis cell. US 8,936,770 B2 27 28 24. The method of claim 16, further comprising: able metal-containing mineral further comprises one or more providing, by a cogen plant, electrical and waste thermal of a platinum group metal, copper, beryllium, nickel, iron, energy to one or more of the mill and process plant. lead, molybdenum, aluminum, germanium, uranium, gold, 25. The method of claim 16, wherein the electrochemical silver, cobalt, Zinc, cobalt, tin, titanium, chromium, and man acid generation plant comprises at least one of a chloralkali ganese, wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solution is one cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the or more of sodium Sulfate and potassium sulfate, wherein the byproduct salt solution comprises an organic contaminant acid component is Sulfuric acid, and wherein the base is one and wherein the electrochemical acid generation plant or both of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. removes greater than about 50% of the organic contaminant 33. The method of claim 28, wherein the valuable metal to form a purified salt solution, wherein the purified salt 10 containing mineral further comprises one or more of yttrium, solution is introduced into the at least one of a chloralkali cell Scandium, a lanthanide, a platinum group metal, copper, chro and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell to form the acid mium, beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybdenum, aluminum, component and base. germanium, uranium, gold, silver, cobalt, Zinc, cobalt, tin, 26. The method of claim 22, wherein the selected polyva titanium, and manganese, wherein the salt in the byproduct lent impurity is calcium. 15 salt Solution is one or more of sodium chloride and potassium 27. The method of claim 23, wherein the selected polyva chloride, wherein the acid component is hydrochloric acid, lent impurity is calcium. and wherein the base is one or both of sodium hydroxide and 28. A method, comprising: potassium hydroxide. communuting, by a mill, a feed material comprising a 34. The method of claim 28, wherein the acid component is valuable metal-containing mineral, wherein the valuable hydrochloric acid, wherein the electrochemical acid genera metal is a rare earth; tion plant produces hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and reacts forming, by the mill and from the valuable metal-contain chlorine gas with hydrogen gas to produce hydrochloric acid. ing mineral, a concentrate containing the rare earth 35. The method of claim 28, wherein the electrochemical containing mineral; acid generation plant: recovering, by a process plant, a valuable metal product 25 removes greater than about 50% of a selected polyvalent from the valuable metal-containing mineral, wherein the impurity from the byproduct salt solution to form a valuable metal product is a rare earth oxide: purified salt Solution; and generating, by an electrochemical acid generation plant introduces the purified salt solution into the at least one of comprising at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis membrane electrodialysis cell, the mineral acid and base 30 cell to form the acid component and base. from the byproduct salt solution and provide the mineral 36. The method of claim 35, wherein the selected polyva acid to at least one of the mill and process plant, wherein lent impurity is a cation, wherein the selected polyvalent the byproduct salt solution comprises an organic con cation is removed by precipitation induced by a pH change taminant, wherein the electrochemical acid generation resulting from contact of the base with the byproduct salt plant removes greater than about 50% of the organic 35 Solution, and wherein the electrochemical acid generation contaminant to form a purified salt solution, and wherein plant: the purified salt solution is introduced into the at least contacts the purified salt Solution with an ion exchange one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodi resin to remove additional polyvalent cationic impuri alysis cell to form the acid component and base; and ties; providing, by a cogen plant, electrical energy and waste 40 thereafter processes the purified salt solution by a salt heat to at least one of the mill and process plant. concentrator to form a concentrated and purified salt 29. The method of claim 28, wherein the acid component is Solution; and hydrochloric acid, wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solu introduces a concentrated and purified solution and a min tion is one or both of sodium chloride and potassium chloride, eral acid into an anolyte recirculation tank, wherein the wherein the base is one or more of sodium hydroxide and 45 concentrated and purified solution is introduced into the potassium hydroxide, and wherein the valuable metal product at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane is a rare earth oxide. electrodialysis cell. 30. The method of claim 28, wherein the at least one of a 37. The method of claim 28, wherein the mineral acid is chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell is hydrochloric acid, wherein the electrochemical acid genera the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the valu 50 tion plant produces hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and one or able metal-containing mineral further comprises one or more both of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide; and of copper, beryllium, nickel, iron, lead, molybdenum, and wherein chlorine and one or both of sodium hydroxide and manganese, wherein the acid component is nitric acid, potassium hydroxide are used to produce one or both of wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solution is one or both of Sodium hypochlorite and potassium hypochlorite. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate, and wherein the base is 55 38. The method of claim 35, wherein the selected polyva one or both of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. lent impurity is calcium. 31. The method of claim 28, wherein the at least one of a 39. The method of claim 36, wherein the selected polyva chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell is lent impurity is calcium. the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the valu 40. A process, comprising: able metal-containing mineral further comprises uranium, 60 contacting a valuable metal-containing material with a wherein the acid component is phosphoric acid, wherein the leaching Solution to form a pregnant leach solution com salt in the byproduct salt solution is one or more of sodium prising a dissolved valuable metal; phosphate and potassium phosphate, and wherein the base is recovering the dissolved valuable metal to form a valuable one or more of Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. metal product, whereina byproduct salt solution derived 32. The method of claim 28, wherein the at least one of a 65 from reaction of an acid and a base is produced by at chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell is least one of the contacting and recovering steps, the the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the valu byproduct salt solution comprising fluorine, wherein the US 8,936,770 B2 29 30 valuable metal is a rare earth, wherein the acid compo 47. The process of claim 40, further comprising: nent is hydrochloric acid, wherein the salt in the byprod maintaining an approximate Stoichiometric balance uct salt Solution is one or more of sodium chloride and between chlorine and hydrogen gas produced in the potassium chloride, wherein the base is one or more of converting step. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, and 5 48. The process of claim 40, wherein the byproduct salt wherein the valuable metal product is a rare earth oxide: Solution comprises an organic contaminant and wherein the removing greater than about 50% of the fluorine from the converting step comprises: byproduct salt solution to form a purified byproduct salt removing greater than about 50% of the organic contami Solution; nant to form a purified salt solution, wherein the purified 10 salt solution is introduced into the at least one of a converting, by at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar chloralkali and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell to membrane electrodialysis cell, the byproduct salt solu form the acid and base. tion into the acid and the base; and 49. The process of claim 44, wherein the selected polyva recycling the acid and/or base to at least one of the con tacting and recovering steps. lent impurity is calcium. 15 50. The process of claim 45, wherein the selected polyva 41. The process of claim 40, wherein at least about 85% of lent impurity is calcium. the fluorine is removed from the byproduct salt solution, 51. The process of claim 40, wherein the byproduct salt wherein greater than about 50% of the byproduct salt solution solution comprises more than about 400 ppb monovalent is converted into the acid and base and wherein greater than fluorine and wherein the fluorine is removed by at least one of about 50% of the acid and base are recycled. passing the byproduct salt Solution through an aluminum 42. The process of claim 40, wherein the at least one of a oxide polishing column and passing the byproduct salt solu chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell is tion through a rare earth-containing column. the bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell. 52. The process of claim 44, wherein the selected polyva 43. The process of claim 40, wherein the acid is hydrochlo lent impurity is one or more of more than about 20 ppb ric acid, wherein the converting step produces hydrogen gas 25 divalent calcium, more than about 20 ppb divalent magne and chlorine gas and wherein the converting step further sium, more than about 100 ppb divalent strontium, more than comprises: about 500 ppb divalent barium, more than about 100 ppb reacting chlorine gas with hydrogen gas to produce hydro trivalent aluminum, more than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, chloric acid. more than about 15 ppm divalent mercury, more than about 10 44. The process of claim 40, wherein the converting step 30 g/L divalent sulfate anion, more than about 100 ppm radio comprises: active nuclides and daughters thereof, more than about 10 removing greater than about 50% of a selected polyvalent ppm silica, and more than about 10 ppb divalent nickel, impurity from the byproduct salt solution to form a first wherein the second purified solution comprises no more than purified salt solution; about 20 ppb divalent calcium and magnesium, no more than removing greater than about 50% of a selected organic 35 about 100 ppb divalent strontium, no more than about 500 ppb contaminant from the first purified salt solution to form divalent barium, no more than about 100 ppb trivalent alumi a second purified salt solution, the selected organic con num, no more than about 1 ppm trivalent iron, no more than taminant comprises one or more of a dissolved solvent about 15 ppm divalent mercury, no more than about 10 g/L extraction resin, a dissolved ion exchange resin, a Sur divalent Sulfate anion, no more than about 10 ppm silica (in factant, a flotation reagent, a coagulant, and a flocculant; 40 the presence of divalent calcium and trivalent aluminum), no and more than about 400 ppb monovalent iodine (in the presence introducing the second purified salt solution into the at of divalent barium), and no more than about 10 ppb divalent least one of a chloralkali and bipolar membrane elec nickel, and wherein polyvalent impurity removing step com trodialysis cell to form the acid component and base. prises the Substeps: 45. The process of claim 44, wherein the selected polyva 45 contacting the base with the byproduct salt Solution to lent impurity is a cation, wherein the selected polyvalent increase a pH of the byproduct salt solution to a pH of at cation is removed by precipitation induced by a pH change least about pH 9 to precipitate a first part of the selected resulting from contact of the base with the byproduct salt polyvalent impurity; Solution, and wherein the introducing step comprises: removing the precipitated selected polyvalent impurity contacting the purified salt solution with an ion exchange 50 from the byproduct salt solution to form a treated resin to remove additional polyvalent cationic impuri byproduct salt solution, the treated byproduct salt solu ties; tion comprising unprecipitated selected polyvalent thereafter processing the purified salt Solution by a salt impurity; concentrator to form a concentrated and purified salt contacting the treated byproduct salt Solution with an ion Solution; and 55 exchange resin to remove a part of the unprecipitated introducing a concentrated and purified solution and a min selected polyvalent impurity and form a further treated eral acid into an anolyte recirculation tank, wherein the byproduct salt solution, the further treated byproduct concentrated and purified solution is introduced into the salt solution comprising unremoved selected polyvalent at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane impurity; and electrodialysis cell. 60 contacting the further treated byproduct salt solution with 46. The process of claim 40, further comprising: a mixed bed of anion and cation exchange resins to receiving electrical energy from a cogen plant, the electri remove the unremoved selected polyvalent impurity and cal energy being used in one or more of the contacting, form the first purified salt solution, wherein the contami recovering, converting and recycling steps; nant removal steps are conducted to maintain greater receiving waste heat from the cogen plant, the waste heat 65 than about 50% of the salt cation and anion in solution. being used in one or more of the contacting, recovering, 53. The process of claim 52, wherein the ion exchange converting and recycling steps. resin is substantially free of phosphate groups. US 8,936,770 B2 31 32 54. A method, comprising: more of sodium chloride and potassium chloride, (a) receiving an aqueous salt solution; wherein the base is one or more of sodium hydroxide and (b) electrochemically generating an acid and a base from potassium hydroxide, and wherein the valuable metal the aqueous salt solution; product is a rare earth oxide; (c) dissolving a plurality of rare earths from a valuable removing greater than about 50% of a selected contami metal-containing feed material to form a rare earth-con nant from a byproduct salt solution, wherein the selected taining solution, the acid and/or base being used in the contaminant is one or both of dissolving step (c) and the rare earth-containing Solution (i) an organic contaminant, wherein the organic con comprising dissolved cerium (III) and multiple other taminant is removed from the byproduct salt Solution dissolved rare earths; 10 (d) selectively oxidizing cerium in the presence of the to form a purified salt solution, the selected organic multiple other dissolved rare earths to form cerium (IV) contaminant comprises one or more of a dissolved while maintaining the multiple other dissolved rare Solvent extraction resin, a dissolved ion exchange earths in a non-oxidized State and thereby precipitate the resin, a Surfactant, a flotation reagent, a coagulant, oxidized rare earth while leaving the at least one other 15 and a flocculant, and non-oxidized rare earth in Solution; (ii) an inorganic contaminant, wherein the inorganic (e) separating the oxidized rare earth precipitate from the contaminant is removed from the byproduct salt solu non-oxidized rare earth; and tion to form a purified salt Solution, the inorganic (f) thereafter separating the multiple other dissolved rare contaminant comprises fluorine; earths in the non-oxidized State from one another by one electrochemically converting the purified Salt solution into or more of ion exchange, liquid-liquid extraction, reduc the acid component and the base; tion to metal by reaction with a more electropositive recycling the acid component of the electrochemically metal, electrolytic reduction, fractional distillation, and converting step to the contacting step; and Zone melting. recycling the base of the electrochemically converting step 55. The method of claim 54, wherein the multiple other rare 25 to at least one of the contacting and recovering steps. dissolved rare earths are separated from one another by ion 61. The process of claim 60, wherein the electrochemically exchange, wherein the ion exchange separation of the mul converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali tiple other dissolved rare earths is a phosphate-free resin, and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein greater wherein the multiple other rare earths are removed from the than about 50% of the byproduct salt solution is converted resin by an eluant comprising citric acid, an aminopolycar 30 into the acid component and base and wherein greater than boxylate, or a monovalent salt, wherein the eluant comprises about 50% of the acid component and base are recycled. a complexing agent exhibiting different affinities for the mul 62. The process of claim 60, wherein the electrochemically tiple other dissolved rare earths, and wherein the multiple rare converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali earths are in the trivalent oxidation state. and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell. 56. The method of claim 54, wherein the cerium (IV) is 35 63. The process of claim 60, wherein the converting step ceric hydroxide, wherein cerium (III) is selectively oxidized produces hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and wherein the by hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite, and wherein electrochemically converting step further comprises: hydrated cerium oxide is Subsequently precipitated by adjust reacting chlorine gas with hydrogen gas to produce hydro ing the pH of the rare earth-containing Solution to a pH of at chloric acid. least about pH 3. 40 64. The process of claim 60, wherein the converting step 57. The method of claim 56, wherein the adjusted pH comprises: ranges from about pH 3 to about pH 7. introducing the purified salt Solution into the at least one of 58. The process of claim 54, wherein the multiple other rare a chloralkali and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell dissolved rare earths are separated from one another by liq to form the acid component and base. uid-liquid extraction, wherein the liquid-liquid extraction 45 65. The process of claim 60, wherein the electrochemically uses an acidic, basic, and/or neutral extractant, wherein the converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali extractant is one or more of a carboxylic acid, organophos and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the phorus acid and ester thereof, tetraalkylammonium salt, alco selected contaminant is a cation, wherein the cation is hol, ether and ketone, and wherein the multiple rare earths are removed by precipitation induced by a pH change resulting in the trivalent oxidation state. 50 from contact of the base with the byproduct salt solution, and 59. The process of claim 54, wherein the multiple other rare wherein the introducing step comprises: dissolved rare earths are separated from one another by one or contacting the first purified salt solution with an ion more of reduction to metal by reaction with a more electrop exchange resin to remove additional polyvalent cationic ositive metal, electrolytic reduction, fractional distillation, impurities; and Zone melting and wherein the multiple rare earths are in 55 thereafter processing the purified salt Solution by a salt the trivalent oxidation state. concentrator to form a concentrated and purified salt 60. A process, comprising: Solution; and contacting a valuable metal-containing material with an introducing the concentrated and purified solution and a acidic leaching solution having an acid component to mineral acid into an anolyte recirculation tank, wherein form a pregnant leach solution comprising a dissolved 60 the concentrated and purified solution is introduced into valuable metal; the at least one of a chloralkali and bipolar membrane recovering the dissolved valuable metal to form a valuable electrodialysis cell. metal product and a byproduct salt Solution, the byprod 66. The process of claim 60, wherein the acid component is uct salt solution is derived from reacting a base with the hydrochloric acid, wherein the converting step produces acid component, wherein the valuable metal is a rare 65 hydrogen gas and chlorine gas, and one or both of Sodium earth, wherein the acid component is hydrochloric acid, hydroxide and potassium hydroxide; and further wherein wherein the salt in the byproduct salt solution is one or chlorine and one or both of sodium hydroxide and potassium US 8,936,770 B2 33 34 hydroxide are used to produce one or both of sodium hypochlorite and potassium hypochlorite and further com prising: receiving electrical energy from a cogen plant, the electri cal energy being used in two or more of the contacting, recovering, converting and recycling steps; receiving waste heat from the cogen plant, the waste heat being used in two or more of the contacting, recovering, converting and recycling steps. 67. The process of claim 60, wherein the electrochemically 10 converting step is performed by a chloralkali cell, further comprising: maintaining an approximate Stoichiometric balance between chlorine and hydrogen gas produced in the converting step. 15 68. The process of claim 60, wherein the electrochemically converting step is performed by at least one of a chloralkali cell and bipolar membrane electrodialysis cell, wherein the organic contaminant is removed by one or more of vacuum distillation, pervaporation, Steam stripping, Sorption, and membrane filtration. 69. The process of claim 60, wherein, in each of the recycle steps, the acid component and base are concentrated and/or pH adjusted. 25 UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 8,936,770 B2 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATIONNO. : 13/010609 DATED : January 20, 2015 INVENTOR(S) : John L. Burba, III It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

In the Claims

At column 33, line 20, claim 68, please delete the word “pervaporation and replace it with --perevaporation-- therein.

Signed and Sealed this Fifth Day of May, 2015 74-4-04- 2% 4 Michelle K. Lee Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office