Postal Planning, Hawaii Marine Devil Dog Dash A-4 Volume 27, Number 38 October 15, 1998 B-2

Am_ -Bay's CSSG-3 deploys to Korea Sgt Steven Williams Freedom Banner, an exercise to off- Some of the equipment and vehicles train in both areas according to Capt. "This is a fantastic training opportuni- Combat Correspondent load approximately five tons of gear and off-loaded during Freedom Banner will Elizabeth J. Donnell, the operations officer ty," said Donnell. The exercises require vehicles from the USS Button and USS be utilized by units in Foal Eagle. This for CSSG-3. CSSG-3 Marines to use all of their combat The final 120 of 250 Combat Service MV Williams, and Foal Eagle, a series will not only allow CSSG-3 personnel to "This is what we would do if we had to deployment trainig in a realistic environ- Support Group 3 personnel left for Pohang, of field exercises conducted by 3rd and enhance readiness and proficiency, it will go to war," said Capt. Elizabeth J. Donnell, ment, the captain explained. Korea, Sunday, as a part of Exercises 4th Marine Regiments, will span five give the Marines and. Sailors an opportuni- the operations officer for CSSG-3. "We're The CSSG-3 personnel will redeploy Freedom Banner and Foal Eagle. weeks. ty to transition from offload to support and practicing our wartime mission." from Korea in mid-November. SecDef deals with top issues

Linda D. Kozaryn American Forces Press Service

MANAMA, Bahrain -Pay and retire- ment. These are the top two issues service- members raise whenever Defense Secretary William S. Cohen asks, "What questions do you have for me?" Whether they're at a stateside base or Photo by Lance Cpl David Salazar aboard an aircraft carrier here in the Persian An Xtermco, Inc. worker installs the Gulf, servicemembers ask about the dispari- Sentricon Bait System at houses on ty between military and civilian pay and Cushman Avenue in 802 housing here about the military's reduced retirement plan. Oct 13. In reply, the defense secretary says, things will improve. The president, Congress and military Housing leaders are going to do whatever is necessary to keep America's military the most ready. capable force in the world, Cohen said Oct. attacks 9, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. "That means satisfying your needs as well," Cohen told about 300 sailors gathered termites in the aircraft carrier's hangar. The secretary visited the ship during a seven-day, six- nation trip Lance Cpl. David Salazar to the Persian Gulf region Oct. 7 to 14. Combat Correspondent Recent congressional hearings focused The "Hana Like" 802 Housing on personnel issues and their impact on Department began implementing a state- readiness, Cohen said. "When we start to of-the-art ground termite extermination lose good people, when we see that there are system in the 802 housing area here Oct. real stresses placed upon on your lives that 13. make it not tolerable and not gratifying to The Sentricon Termite Bait System is you, we make the changes necessary," he being installed by Xtermco, Incorporated, said. an independent contractor from Honolulu. Cohen attributed the military's reduced According to Akira Caboda, manager at benefits to the balanced budget agreement, Xtermco, Inc., the system has been proven which capped military spending. "I want to to eradicate subterranean termites. make clear to all [service] members, if they "We've installed countless systems all are upset or have questions or criticisms, around Hawaii and have had great success they should look at the political environment with them," Caboda said. in which we've had to operate." "The system consists of several hollow The balanced budget agreement resulted underground stations shaped like stakes," in hardship and downsizing for the military, Photo by Cpl. Barry Melton Caboda said. Pfc. Rojelio Fonseca, a percussionist with the MarForPac Band, sights in with his M-240G machine gun. Cohen noted, but for the nation, the end The stations are filled with wood, then result has been beneficial. "We now have a checked periodically for termite "hits" or situation where we don't have deficits of evidence of termite presence. MarForPac hits Pyramid Rock $350 billion every year. We now have a bal- "When we've determined that there are anced budget and we have surpluses. So termites in the area, we replace the wood Cpl. Barry Melton we've made the sacrifices; now we have to with a (poisonous) bait," Caboda said. Combat Correspondent "If any war were to start in any the- Band, on the other hand, enjoyed more go back and say let's get it back in balance." "Termites then take the bait to their ater, we should know how to fight than just 24 hours in the field last week, For the military, competing with the colony and expose the rest of the termites Camp H. M. Smith leathemecks and before the balloon goes up, not after," according to Cpl. Matthew Rogers, an strongest civilian economy in decades is a to it." Marine Forces Pacific Band Marines said Dennis. administration clerk and clarinet player real challenge, Cohen admitted. The military The stations can only be opened by left their offices and put down their The Camp Smith Marines' jobs with the band. Before Thursday's and private companies both seek the most monitors who use a special tool, but pets horns to join forces at Pyramid Rock range from administration to motor events, the band members stepped qualified people, he said. "I must be frank and children should not tamper with them. here Thursday for a simulated battle. transport and photographers to supply away from their normal duties of with you, it's always going to be difficult to Caboda said. The Marines spent the day digging clerks. But Thursday, they brushed-up rehearsing and performing Oct. 5, for match what's going on in the civilian sector." "This is a real breakthrough for us," fighting holes, patrolling, and waiting their skills in hand and arm signals, combat training at Schofield Barracks. When military colleagues bail out for said Man Lynn DiLullo, manager at 802 for a surprise attack from "enemy" offensive and defensive patrolling, and At Schofield, band members partici- higher pay and better opportunities in the housing. "This is going to be the first forces, said Gunnery Sgt. Terry Dennis, cover and concealment. pated in live firing exercises with M- private sector, it places enormous pressure installation of its type on Marine Corps the Headquarters and Service Company "It's definitely a learning experi- 16A2 service rifles, M-240G machine on service members, Cohen said. "We want Base Kaneohe Bay." gunnery sergeant, H&S Battalion, ence," said Lance Cpl. Dusty Safstrom, guns, M-249 squad automatic weapons to convey to you it's important to resist that "This is a system that has been proven Camp Smith. a unit diary clerk for H&S Co. "It and M-2 grenade launchers, said pressure because we're going to deal with on the outside market. Hickam (AFB) has According to Dennis, the enemy brings back boot camp memories and it Rogers. They lived in a tent city and the issues most important to you. We're had outstanding success with it," DiLullo forces were actually other H&S reminds us what our basic job really attended several classes covering sub- going to make life in the military as attrac- said. Marines and instructors from 3rd is." jects like how to silence gear and apply tive to you as ," he promised. The system installation is scheduled to Marine Regiment. The Marines of the MarForPac See BAND, A-4 During the past few months, Cohen end Oct. 27. See SECDEF, A-4 Adult publications removed from Marine Corps Exchange shelves Index 22, and by close of business Sept. 23 we because the magazines contradict the Cpl. Trent Lowry had all of the magazines on the list Marine Corps values of honor, courage, Combat Correspondent removed from our shelves," said Linda and commitment," said Master Sgt. A Section B Section A selection of adult publications were Gulosh, Director of Retail Operations Helen Josypenko, the base equal oppor- removed from magazine racks at MWR for MWR here. "We are simply comply- tunities advisor. Career Leadership Development A 2 Skate Park B 1 retail stores here in September, comply- ing with the laws." Josypenko also said her interpretation Every Clime and Place A 3 MCB Hawaii History B 1 ing with DoD and Marine Corps policy. The directive sent out by the com- of the message is that it should not affect Self Help A 4 Intramural Scores B 2 In response to the Military Honor and mandant included lists of "adult sophis- Marines possessing the publications in Holiday Mail Rush A 4 Dental Devil Dog Dash B Decency Act of 1996, the Office of the ticate" periodicals and video recordings the barracks. Breast Cancer Awareness A 5 Football Pool B 3 Assistant Secretary of Defense identified which were considered sexually explicit The adult magazines removed from Food for Families A 6 Religion B 3 154 periodicals of sexually explicit in nature. The message also left respon- the shelves represented about a third of MPs in Honolulu A 7 Ads B 4 nature. Those appearing on that list sibility with retail managers and pur- the periodical sales at MWR retail Word on the Street A 8 Movies B 4 were pulled from MWR stores by Sept. chasing agents to screen other items that stores, or about $60,000 per year locally, Navy Birthday Message A 9 Ticket To Fun B 4 23. may also be sexually explicit under the according to Gulosh. Blotter A 9 Word to Pass "The commandant of the Marine definition of the law. MWR may add other magazine titles Corps electronically mailed a message to "We're on a military base, and I to the assortment already on the shelves, all Marine Corps retail offices on Sept. believe the directive was ordered Gulosh said. A-2 October 15, 1998 Hawaii Marine Mammogram Screening Leadership development program October is Breast Health Awareness Month. Trip ler Army Medical Center's Mammography center will offer mammo- gram screening for women age 40 and over Oct. 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The appointments are for women who have not offered for civilian employees had a mammogram in the last year. Call 433-1774 for an appointment. Cpl. Barry Melton nesses," she said. From these weakness- Marine Corps Birthday Balls Combo? Correspondent es, a mentor can target areas for improve- "A future job isn't ment." For motivated self-starters who are The next step is choosing a mentor, The Headquarters Battalion, MCB Hawaii, 1998 Marine looking to broaden their career opportu- according to Boyd. A mentor is a person Corps Birthday Ball is Nov. 6 at the Prince Kuhio Hotel. guaranteed, but it nities, the Personnel Management usually senior in grade who helps guide Tickets are $25 - $35. Sergeants and below should contact Assistance Office here is offering the and manage a participant's development. Sgt. Catalan at 257-5714. Point of contact for staff NCOs and puts you in the Career Leadership Development pro- There is also a roster of volunteer mentors officers is 1st Sgt. Brown at 257-1252. gram. available. The 1998 Marine Corps Officers' Birthday Ball is Nov. 7 ballpark." The program, established in 1997, After the LEI is completed and a mentor at the Coral Ballroom of the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel. gives DoD civilian employees general is selected, the mentor creates an Tickets are $60 each. The deadline for ticket purchase is Oct. schedule-grades 7-15 and wage-grade CAROL BOYD Individual Leadership Development Plan, 21. Contact your unit representative to purchase your ticket. equivalents the chance to improve their COORDINATOR Boyd said. This will plot the path of the leadership skills through training, devel- CAREER LEADERSHIP PROGRAM student's training evolution. opmental assignments and educational After students are enrolled in the pro- pursuits, according to Carol Boyd, the gram, they learn at their own pace the The Hale Koa Beach is closed as of 6:30 a.m. today, until program coordinator here. skills essential for earning the leadership 1 p.m. Friday for a visit from the Defense Orientation "It's a completely voluntary mentorship Marine Corps Order 12410-01. The corner- positions of the future, Boyd said. Conference Association. People who already have camping program which develops skills to be an effec- stone for the program is mentoring, training "A future job isn't guaranteed, but it putS permits will be allowed access to the beach, others will not. tive leader," said Boyd. "The program is and developmental assignments. you in the ball park," Boyd added. important because it helps ensure, as leaders For those interested in the program, the "It's like getting a degree," said Jocelyn Help Lines come and go, things will continue as they first step in enrolling is submitting a Chang-Chuck, an education services special- Military Shelter 533-7125 should." Leadership Effectiveness Inventory, Boyd ist with the Joint Education Center here. "The MPD 257-7114 The program's goal is to enhance the lead- said. The inventory should be filled out by a program is something you can put on your Crisis Hotline 521-4555 ership skills and competencies of all civilian supervisor who is senior in grade. resume to qualify to apply for a leadership Child Protective Services 832-5282 supervisors and managers, according to "Most people are surprised by their weak- position."

The Hawaii Marine is an unofficial news- to be considered an official expression of the DoN or the U.S. Marine e-mail: valdespinolpqrnchkusmcmal Hawaii Thursday by RFD Corps. paper published every Fax: 257-2511 Publications, Inc., 45-525 Luluku Road, Items advertised in the Hawaii Marine must be made available for Kaneohe, HI 96744, by a private firm not purchase, use or patronage to everyone without regard to race, creed, Commanding connected with the Department of the color, national origin, religion, age or sex of purchasers, user or patron. General Brig. Gen. Arnold Fields Public Affairs Director Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. All The appearance of all advertisements in the Hawaii Marine to include Maj. Jeffrey Nyhart Press Officer.. Angela advertising is provided by RFD Publications, Inc., 235-5881. inserts and/or flyers does not constitute endorsement of the firms' prod- .2nd Lt. Judge Public Affairs Please call the MCB Hawaii Public Affairs Office at 257-5600 for ucts and services by the DoN or the U.S. Marine Corps. To contact the Chief.. Master Sgt. Ron Appling Press Chief Staff Sgt Luis Valdespino Windward and Leeward activities, FAX 257-2511. Opinions expressed MCB Hawaii Public Affairs Office electronically use the following Editor Donna Klapakis by the publisher and combat correspondents are their own and are not addresses:

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CMC: Increasing diversity 47-388 Hui Iwo Street 239-2903 Blonde's House of Costumes Hawaii's Most Unique Costume Store does not lower standards 10am - 8pm 7 Days A Week Editor's Note: The following letter I can also assure you that I would never The portion of the plan which was written by the Commandant of the do anything that would compromise the addresses accessions focuses on Marine Corps and sent to the chief editor life of a Marine by signing up to a policy aggressively promoting awareness, of the Washington Times in response to or practice that would result in a lower- throughout all ethnic and racial com- rBANKRUPTCY articles stating the Marine Corps has ing of standards. munities, about available career Foreclosure instituted recruiting quotas. When I became Commandant, I out- opportunities in the Marine Corps, not Garnishment lined the strategic direction for the on achieving numeric goals. These Harassment Dear Mr. Pruden, Marine Corps in my planning guidance. efforts are targeted at educating young Since becoming the Commandant In that document, I note that, "The needs men and women about career possibil- more than three years ago, I have drawn of our Corps will continue to drive our ities, not meeting quotas. Since the line when it comes to standards. I recruitment and selection process. Our adopting this plan, we have not low- Open 7 days. Sat. & Sun. appts. Former Military JAG Attorney I have pledged not only to hold our stan- objective will always be to provide ered our standards, but have found GREG DUNN, Bankruptcy Attorney dards, but I have actually raised the bar opportunities for all members of our highly qualified candidates for corn- 841 Bishop St. #2221 524-4529 when it comes to being a Marine - society who wish to join our ranks and missioning programs who might oth- enlisted or officer. I was, therefore, enable them to compete on an equal foot- erwise have not known about Marine .1* shocked to read your story indicating the ing." I also stated that, "Because Corps opportunities. .. Call 596-7788 a we FAX 596.7789 Marine Corps is adopting program Marines are our most precious asset, Today's Marines are being led by Cd HAWAII TRAVEL 401 Kamakee St. Ste. 302 which some fear will degenerate into will protect them through fair, scrupulous the finest young men and women this Your Full Service Agency Hon., HI 96814 lower standards, "Marines aim for and unbiased treatment as individuals..." nation has to offer and that will con- gm rig (:)_M Ra minority officer," (Washington Times, The Campaign Plan to Increase tinue-I will not compromise on qual- LAX/SFO 118 229 Indianapolis 266 410 Seattle 138 269 Kansas City 249 428 Sept. 23). Diversity Within the Officer Corps of the ity. In the aftermath of the Vietnam Portland OR 138 239 Dallas 249 459 I have been a Marine for over 34 years Marine Corps does just that. The stated War, the 26th Commandant of the Las Vegas 158 309 Omaha 249 426 and have been associated with this great purpose of the plan, "to enhance the way Marine Corps vowed to go down to, San Diego 185 279 New Orleans 249 459 Phoenix 185 319 Tampa 269 479 institution my entire life. On more than we access, train, educate, develop, "just two Marines if those two are the Reno 195 319 Norfolk 299 499 one occasion, I have cradled Marines in assign, augment and promote Marine kind that we want and the nation Salt Lake City 205 369 Anchorage 279 369 my arms as they died for their country, officers," was and is totally consistent needs." That is my pledge as well. Colorado Springs 249 469 Vancouver 259 289 Denver 269 469 Low-Cost Fares To All Cites Available their Corps and their fellow Marines. I with my guidance. It has been in effect Sincerely, Some restrictions apply. Price does not include lex and Is subject to change without notice. can assure you that those memories are since 1995, and it has not resulted in any Gen. C.C. Krulak Senior Travel Special Call For Our Disneyland, as vivid today as they were 30 years ago. lowering of standards. Commandant of the Marine Corps Maximum Stay Reno, Neighbor Island I yr. open return allowed Air Room & Car Pkgs.

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Self Help helps base help itself of Self Store, CpI. Barry Melton the supervisor Help, which is dealing with the Self Help "We went through Self Help for to Facilities. "We've there is plenty other work to be some office renovations we Combat Correspondent attached Base of wanted branched out from the normal duties done, according to Miller. Self Help to do down at my unit," said The MCB Hawaii Self Help of a self help store." workers have been responsible for Gunnery Sgt. Rick Musquez, admin- Section does much more than distrib- For the family housing "fraction" many renovation projects on base istration chief at Marine Heavy ute household and lawn items to help of their duties, Self Help workers including exterior improvements to Helicopter Squadron 363. "The sup- their customers improve the appear- lend out items like lawn mowers, Building 4009, installing air condi- plies were quite accessible and you and trimmers to base tioning units and rehabilitating office don't have to go through much red- ance of the interiors and exteriors of weed eaters ,1;'t .11A4 _71.4 toe-I N' base homes. housing residents on a first-come, space at the Substance Abuse tape." 7/7 ey --ulivivosztula Between the six Navy Seabees first-serve basis, said Petty Officer Counseling Center. Self Help is located on Cushman and five Marine combat engineers at 2nd Class Marvi Claud, the assistant Self Help also allows units to help Avenue across from the Kaneohe N their shop, the self help hard-charg- supervisor at Self Help. Other goods themselves by providing supplies for Klipper Golf Course and is open ers take on some minor construction such as air conditioning filters and renovation, Miller said. If units need Monday through Friday, from 7:30 and renovation projects on base. cleaning supplies are also available. items like paint, brushes and ladders, a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, 8 They also supply base units with "All we ask is our customers treat they can route their request through a.m. to noon. They can be reached at facilities and equipment for making our equipment as if it were their own their respective Supply sections. 257-1222. Photos by CpI. Barry Melton information and unit signs. and return it when it's due," said "This request will go through the So, the next time someone sees a Above, Pfc. Steve Wiggers, a materiels specialist with "One of our priorities is providing Miller. "If this happened from facilities department and come to newly renovated office or fresh paint Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting section here, makes a support for family housing here, but everyone it would make our job serv- us," Miller added. "We send an on a barracks, one thing will be true. sign for his unit. Top left, Self Help offers lawn mowers, it's just a fraction of our job," said ing the community much easier." inspector to their site and we try to The job might have been tougher weed eaters and other tools for improving and maintaining Petty Officer 1st Class Eric Miller, And when the self helpers aren't get them all the supplies they need " without some help from Self Help. a lawn and garden.

Photo by Cpl. M V Trindode BAND, From A-1 Letters may return to the camouflage paint. post office The highlight of the band's time in when Marines the field was coming back, according to transfer. Lawrence. They traveled from Marking a letter Schofield back to K-Bay in a CH-53D so it can reach helicopter, rushed out when it landed, the Marine's set up a hasty defense and secured the new address is known as area near Pyramid Rock. "reworking. "There was a lot of hurry-up and wait during the week, but actually doing everything was cool," said Lawrence. "It's a great experience," Rogers said. "And, it really makes you appre- ciate what they (infantrymen) do over at 3rd Marines."

COHEN, From A-1 said he has queried service members about their concerns. Senior comman- ders and service chiefs met with President Clinton and appeared before Congress to review issues impacting quality of life, and ultimately, readi- ness. As a result, Cohen said, the administration plans to take . "We're going to take into account the kind of pressures you're under, operational tempo, the pay differential, the retirement plan," the secretary said. Photo by Cpl.M.V. Trindode Photo by Cpl. M.V. Trindode "We will propose some changes to the Sorting letters after a weekend can be a daunting task. Postal Marines begin Front to back, Lance Cpl. David Biemer, Cpl. Peter Hamann and Lance Cpl. Philip pay and retirement and other quality of sorting at 5:20 a.m. Kellogg sort through heaps of mail while organizing it by unit. life issues that have had an impact in recent months." The goal is to present "a credible, Go to the post office early; responsible budget to the Congress and say this is what we need to keep us strong," Cohen said, "It's going to beat the holiday rush require some increases; how much we can't say at this point." The military needs to invest for the Cpl. M.V. Trindade ally November and extends until March, according to future, Cohen said, but not at the Combat Correspondent Sgt. Dante Lewis, assistant postal chief at the post expense of service members' quality of office. life. "We are inching our way back up For many, the end of the year brings with it many "You've got Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and getting the procurement accounts things, holiday cheer, family gatherings, New Year's and Valentines Day," Lewis said of the busy postal in place," Cohen said. "We also have festivities, and postal headaches the latter can be season. - to make sure that we don't have so avoided. The first week of December is the when people much focus on procurement that we begin sending Many of those should don't take care of you." headaches are caused their holiday mail in In order to have "the best equipment by friends order for it to arrive in and family `Vs never too early to mail the world can provide," Cohen said, members who wait time for Christmas, about $60 billion a year is needed for until the last minute to your Christmas cards. ..." according to Popaca. procurement. Presently, $42 billion is send each other gifts 'For international allocated for new equipment, but by and seasons greetings addresses, Popaca said SGT. DILLON MILLER fiscal year 2001, DoD will hit the $60 to commemorate the people should "add at POSTAL CLERK billion mark, he said. least one week" to the holidays. Although modern equipment is A good way of existing delivery times. important, it does not outweigh the avoiding the worries of whether packages or letters In addition to sending mail home early, reminding need to recruit and retain quality peo- will arrive on time for busy holidays is to begin get- friends and family that Marines can't always receive ple, Cohen said. ting organized early, according to Billy Popaca, Postal their postal goods on weekends is a good idea, accord- The United States "still has the most manager at Camp Smith. ing Cpl. Amanda Keller, a videographer at Camp Station ready, capable force in the world," he Kaneohe Bay postal workers echo the advise. Smith who said she appreciates having her mail han- said. "There is no one in the world who "It's never too early to mail your Christmas cards dled in a timely manner. can compete with us in terms of our mili- and packages to and from military addresses overseas "It doesn't seem to be tod hard to get stuff here tary might and power. We have to make and to international addresses," said Sgt. Dillon from hoAte," Keller -Said. "My family usually sends Photo by Cpl. M. V. Trindade sure that we keep it that way." Boxes and large items await pick up in neat organized Miller, a postal clerk here. things two weeks out so it gets here either really early stacks. The beginning of the mail rush. however, is actu- or the week after Christmas." Hawaii Marine October 15, 1998 A-5

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Military moms speak out; fv i2.(007:011

PARTY PLANNING & EVENT COORDINATOR We Make Your Event A Special Celebration! share breast cancer concerns .0" Weddings Luaus Company & Theme Parties Navy Lt. Rick Haupt everything this hospital (Naval California. "It targets populations was selected for promotion to Conventions Grand Openings Birthdays & More TRICARE Southern California Public Affairs Medical Center San Diego) has who either currently have a par- master sergeant in June and is Call Today For A Free Consultation 247-4828 done for me. sharing my story is ticular disease, or who are at high expecting to deliver their fifth Fax: 247-0118 E-mail: [email protected] SAN DIEGO - Publicity the least I could do." risk for developing it, by empha- child in January. was the last thing Air Force Tech. "If I can help one person by sizing strategies for disease pre- "I'm blessed with a good Sgt. Melynn Reid and Navy Petty telling my story, it will be well vention and maintaining wellness career and wonderful husband Officer First Class Marsha worth it." Reid said. "I'm proud in those already afflicted." and family," she said. "We Craten were thinking of when to be associated with the TRI- In 1997, Cohen's office estab- weren't expecting to have anoth- DIVORCE ."The quick & easy way" they were diagnosed with breast CARE breast cancer program." lished breast education centers at er child, but had I not overcome cancer. Disease management is an outlying military treatment facili- the disease, it would have never NO COURT APPEARANCE NEEDED AS LOW AS $195 (plus filing fees) Following their recovery, integral component of the man- ties in Southern California and a even been possible. I'm very IN AS LITTLE AS 4 WEEKS though, they've found them- aged care approach to medicine. breast health center at Naval thankful to be here today." selves in the limelight of DoD's TRICARE Southern California's Medical Center San Diego. Editor's Note: This article is FRANK T. LOCKWOOD breast cancer prevention, diagno- breast cancer program relies on These centers, each staffed courtesy of American Forces Attorney At Law 20 yrs'. Experience Guaranteed Lowest Prices sis and education program. clinical screening exams by pri- with a registered nurse, educate Press Service. Reid and Craten, who've been mary care managers, mammo- women on the latest facts on pre- 263-6900 featured on local television news grams, extensive patient educa- vention and early diagnosis of the programs and a nationwide tion and patient self-exams. disease. They refer patients as poster campaign, spoke Sept. 15 Similar breast care programs needed to the breast health center to attendees at the annual DoD exist throughout DoD and TRI- in San Diego. The breast health breast cancer conference here. CARE. center, staffed by a psychologist, SEA ADVENTURES "When I was first diagnosed, I "Disease management is a physical therapist, dietitian, HAWAII couldn't believe it was happening comprehensive approach to care social worker and various doctors to me," Reid said. "I had always that focuses on the natural course and nurses. is a comprehensive Every Night been active and healthy. I really of a particular disease process," clinic for all types of breast dis- Friday 80 Alum focused on getting well and not said Navy Dr. (Capt.) Barry ease. Lobster Tanks includes VIP & Fill letting the experience get me Cohen, head of clinical opera- Reid, whose husband is also Haunted Boat Dives down." tions for TRICARE Southern on active duty in the Air Force. Halloween Reid, 35, an aircraft technician only $1995 $11995 now assigned to Edwards Air Shipwreck Force Base, Calif., was diag- EMBLEMATICS Dive & Party nosed with breast cancer in June your club, organization, group specials. October Boat Dives Basic 1997 while serving at Kadena Air with purchase of Mask, Nitrox Class Base, Okinawa, Japan. Seven Embroidered Patches Mugs 5 Steins 30 & 31 Snorkel, Fins, Boots, & Crew Pack $9995 Call for Details days later, she was medically Custom Decals Jewelry l $45 Sale Ends evacuated to Naval Medical Imprinted T-Shirts Caps 10/15/98 Center San Diego for surgery. Your Custom Design on Almost Anything She began chemotherapy in July The Friendliest & Lowest Priced Dive Shop in Hawaii! miTsrl-liotzgn P.O. BOX 29338 1997 and radiation therapy in HONOLULU, HAWAII 96820 November. (808) 833-3326 PHONE 98-718 Moanalua Rd., Pearl City 487-7515 !Associates (808) 833-0554 FAX "The hardest day came fol- lowing my recovery, when I put my wig away," Reid said. "My hair had changed color when it came back in, and I felt as though my identity had changed. It was really hard, but getting rid of the wig allowed me to shed the last part of being sick." Craten, 37, a storekeeper at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center here, was diag- of our new location at 25 Kaneohe Bay Drive nosed with breast cancer in December 1996. In January 1997, she found out she was Aikahi Park Shopping Center 254-8818 pregnant. She underwent surgery Celebration in process at our Windward locations during the sixth week of her g pregnancy to remove the cancer- Kailua 263-3030 Kaneohe 235-7575 MCB-Kaneohe 254-6433 ous cells. Following the delivery 107 Hekili St. 45-1151 Kamehameha Hwy. Bldg. 1255 a and of healthy happy baby Sun.-Thursday 11 am-11pm, i-Sat. 11 am-12 Midnight daughter in September 1997, she underwent eight weeks of radia- ,Gourmet tion therapy. Gourmet "The cancer was a shock, but Chicken Vegi dealing with the pregnancy Pestozza estozza caused for some difficult deci- Pesto Sauce Marinated Tenyala Greed Mesquite Onions, Mushrooms, sions," Craten said. "I decided to Chicken, Spinach, Chicken, Mushrooms, Tanates, Spinach, xa Mushrooms, & have surgery during my pregnan- TrweStOes. & & Onions, alitteed Ger, cy, knowing that I would be at Chopped Gark higher risk for a miscarriage. It `17.99 M '17.99 M 17.49 was a tough decision, but every- L '21 L L /1.49 thing came out good and I don't regret it. My experience made me reach out to others. For

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Armed Services ignature Pearl Hi hla_nds[gi

srf State-of-the-Art Cinema, 1000 Kamehameha Hwy. (above Sam's Club) YMCA aids junior * PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND enlisted Marines with BELOVED* (R) PRACTKAL MAGK*(PG13) BRIDE OF CHUM* (12) RUSH HOUR* (PG13)

`Food HOLY A NIGHT AT for Families' MAN* (PG) THE ROXBURY* (PG13) year of eligibility (six-months for E-6 and Cpl. M.V. Trindade Awe (PG) Combat Correspondent above), the family's financial situation is re- RONIN* (R) evaluate-A to determine whether the family, WHAT DREAMS The Armed Services YMCA's Food for should still be considered for enrollment MAY COME* (PG13) URBAN LEGEND* (R) Families program aids financially-strug- But if a family finds that it has become gling families of junior enlisted service- financially self-reliant at anytime while Fri. 10 /16 - 10/22/98 - Call Theatre for Showtimes - 455-6999 members stationed here, by providing them receiving, assistance from the YMCA, they MILITARY DISCOUNT FOR ENTIRE FAMILY $5 EACH W/MIUTARY I.D. MATINEE SHOWS $4 household products and low-cost food. can choose to disenroll, Strowmatt The program provides families with 70- explained. Visit us at 100 pounds of products once a month, for There are various reasons families may For info on ON-SCREEN ADVERTISING call I -800-411-4234 up to a year, in an effort to aid the families be determined eligible for assistance. Bargain Shows $4 Mon.- Fri. before 6pm Sat, Sun, & Holidays before 3pm in becoming self-sufficient. "I had a patient come in one day and she The assistance is here to help families in said she had no food," said Navy Lt. Cdr. a high cost of living area, but it's not intend- Lori Hoffmann, YMCA's volunteer coordi- ed to become a permanent facet of any nator. "She and her husband were both E- household's life, according to Marilyn 3s with a lot of debt and they had a child, Joseph P.11, Ahuna Jr, Strowmatt, outreach director at YMCA but they made too much money to qualify here. for WIC (Women, Infant and Children, a "This program isn't never-ending," said program which provides vouchers for Attorney At Law Strowmatt "It's here to help the families nutritional supplements and food for Car Accidents Medical Malpractice get over that hump and to teach them how women with children under the age of Work Accidents Wrongful to be smarter consumers and make their five)." Death dollar stretch." There are also instances when the low Or Serious Injuries Due The program is specifically designed for rank to high debt ratio isn't the reason for To The Negligence Or Criminal servicemembers of the grades E-5 and needing assistance. according to Acts Of Others below, but exceptions can be made for fam- Strowmatt. Sometimes emergencies back "Personal Injury Attorney ilies of senior enlisted pay-grades, depend- home or unforeseen medical expenses of the Year" ing on the circumstances, according to force a family to look elsewhere for help. 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Strowmatt. Families of these pay grades The service, which began three years Consumer Business Review sit- ago, is dependant on the aid of volunteers. that find themselves in fiscally-difficult "High to Highest" uations can apply to be enrolled in Food for according to Strowrnatt. Photo by Lance Cal David Salazar Legal skills rating by Independent Lawyer Families at the ASYMCA here. Anyone interested in volunteering or Sparky the Fire Dog entertains children at Evaluation Service. If a family is accepted and decides to receiving assistance from the program can Mokapu Elementary School here during a presen- Call Today join the Food for Families program, they contact the YMCA at 254-4719 or Lt. Cdr. tation by Base Safely and the Federal Fire Free Consultation! pay a membership fee of $25 'on the first Lori Hoffmann at 257-5014/5041. Department Oct. 7. No Fee Unless I Win! 235-4000 entitles day of every month. The fee Castle Professional Center, Suite 101 Kaneohe the family to food and household goods, as well as various courses the YMCA offers, according to Strowmatt These courses include menu planning, nutrition, budgeting and household management. The food and household goods offered include a variety of products such as household cleaning gear and baby diapers that volunteers buy at the Hawaii Food Bank, according to Strowmatt. The families are allowed to pick up these products once a month at the ASYMCA. Families enrolled in the program are also expected to do eight hours of community service every three months. 'We look at it as giving back what the community is giving to them," Strowmatt said. Families are expected to be become independent the program within a year. If a family finds it nec- Saturday, October 17 essary to stay enrolled for the entire 9:00 am - 3:00 pm ********** Aikahi Park Shopping Center MILITARY LOANS * UP TO $2,500 25 Kaneohe Bay Dr., Kailua *NO ADVANCE FEE S PI, * I.REPAY MONTHLY W (Look for Sizzler & Burger King) * PROMPT FRIENDLY * * 24-HOUR HOTLINE * Featuring the island's finest from the following crafters & vendors: * 1-800-859.9185 * A Crafter's Dream Country Pick'ens Hawaiian Style T-Shirts Sassy Baby * * U.S.A. FINANCIAL Aikahi School Store Debbie's Gift Boxes Ho'ala Hawaii Susan's Silk Flowers * SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY * Annie's Ohana Treasures Debra's Crafts Jewelry by Ginette Thuy's Collection ********** Beanie Babies Discovery Toys Jim Tully's Ukuleles Toys n' Pets For People Books Are Fun Eddie's Koa Kollection Ka'ohinani Tree Shells of Hawaii WANT A #1 Carla's Photographs Gift Baskets by Kim Nici's of Hawaii Ululani's Creations COMPUTER? Christina's Crocheted Crafts Gregory's Sweet Potato Pies Peggy's Handbags Urban Design Task Force 4 ;nod ( Bad Credil. Ito nkrupir ? N11()IfIL1 Comfort Cushions by Regina Handmade by Ta'ani Prisms of Opportunity Watercolors by Troy Built for you to spec. uith most anything you want then Country Blessings Hawaiian Island Gifts Raffia Angels Waterless Carwash tested for 48 hours first .4 ton of premium software too!

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Alkahl Park Shopping Center 254.3727 Dillingham Plaza 832-4665 Waikiki Open 24 Hours 973-5685 Mllllanl Marke4 lace 623-3119 Pearlrldge Mall 483-3565 Walpahu Town Center 671.7433 Big Island Kona Coast Shopping 329-3374

GREAT FOOD SAYS SIZZLER Hawaii Marine October 15, 1998 A-7 HASP MPs provide liaison between police, Marines .74artina.7aacArtitur CpI. M.V. Trindade Most violations occur during the weekend, Combat Correspondent according to Garren, so reports to the offend- er's unit usually go to the staff duty NCO or Taking care of its own has always been a tried officer of the day. and true facet of the Marine Corps, even when it Besides acting as liaison between the mili- OA means helping Marines who find themselves on tary and HPD, HASP also assists servicemem- the wrong side of the law downtown. bers in the courtroom. FAREWELL GIFTS The_ Honolulu Armed Services Police pro- "Once they get out of jail, we offer them AND AWARDS vides a means for Marines to continue this tradi- court liaisons to help the Marines with things tion. Two Marines are among the nine military like directions and make sure they know their police assigned to the HASP. The HASP MPs court dates," Garren said. "Liaisons can also act as liaisons between the Honolulu Police Photo by CpI. M.V Trindode stand in for a Marine if they get in trouble Koa - handcrafted by Hawaii's Department and military authorities, providing Cpl. David Garren reviews military before a float or deployment and are unavail- most noted artisans with the 9uality servicemembers an easier transition from civil- offenders' files downtown at the HASP able for their court date." and care your recipients deserve. ian to military law, than they might otherwise offices. Marine MPs are usually assigned to HASP have. have helped in this endeavor for 46 years, but for six months, but the tour is enough for the Our precision laser engraving "HPD' s policy is that they will only deal with helping HPD is only one side of the mission. leathemecks to get something out of the experi- will make a lasting impression. us," said Cpl. David Garren, administrative non- "We also provide a means for commanders to ence. - commissioned officer at HASP. Working with enforce the UCMJ," said Garren. "For instance, "It's a good opportunity for the individual Canoe Paddles Calabashes Boxes HASP enables HPD to have one point of contact if someone gets a DUI out in town and has the MP because he gets to see how a civilian police Bowls Desk Sets Pens & Pencils for all military on Oahu, rather than dealing with bail, it's possible their commander would never department works," said 1st Lt. Joe Salvator, Photo Albums Picture Frames many different units, added Garren. Marines know." deputy provost marshal at Camp Smith.

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DIVORCE CHILD CUSTODY What do you think of the appearance of the base? ADOPTION PATERNITY GUARDIANSHIP RESTRAINING ORDERS "In general, MCB Hawaii "I think the base looks PRE AND POST-MARITAL AGREEMENTS is good to go. I think the fine. The military Flat Rate/tintoritested Special Military 15 Years Experience Rates base is pretty clean." spends too much Former Prosecutor Consultation money on facilities any- Hawaii/Texas Call 52374Tiroseo Ala Moans Ste. 7400 Cpl. Andrew Chumbler way." MP Company Headquarters Battalion Cpl. Zach Reeves PETER K. BUDNIKAS, D.M.D. Recon Pit., 1st Radio Bn. "Dr. Bud" Practicing Family Dentistry New Patients Always Welcome "100 percent better than "I think they work hard Military Families Local Residents to make the base look what it used to look like. Pali Palms Plaza 970 N. Kalaheo Ave., Ste. C-309, Kailua Once they get the front nice. It sets the tone for Office Hours the base." gate up, it'll look really By Appointment 254.5503 .ci< good." Jocelyn Chang-Chuck,

Audrey Measel Joint Education Center I CALL 9514448 1 t RANATA2302 Key and Engraving Or Call Toll Free 1.877.951.8448 1481 S. KING ST. #125 HONOLULU ONV R T 0 VV RI' CINCINNATI 299 459 LOS ANGELES 119 229 MEMPHIS 289 459 SAN FRANCISCO 119 229 MINNEAPOLIS 295 449 "i think it needs more "Overall, the base looks SEATTLE 139 269 CLEVELAND 299 459 grass. It could use good, but if it had green PORTLAND. OR NASHVILLE 299 459 some more upgrades." grass, it would look SAN DIEGO 193951 227399 NEW ORLEANS 279 449 ALBUOUEROUE 225 369 ATLANTA ' 279 459 even better." DENVER 269 459 SHREVEPORT 299 439 Lance Cpl. Christopher INDIANAPOLIS 299 419 NEW YORK 299 489 Strobe! Cpl. William Diaz KANSAS CITY 279 429 ORLANDO 299 479 449 PHILADELPHIA Headquarters Co., Headquarters Co., CHICAGO 279 299 489 449 BOSTON 299 489 Headquarters Battalion Headquarters Battalion DALLASIFT.VVORTH 279 HOUSTON 279 449 NORFOLK 299 489 SAN ANTONIO 279 429 CHARLOTTE 299 489 OMAHA 249 429 BIRMINGHAM 299 459 TAMPA 299 479 Some Restrictions May Apply, Prices Subject to Change 8, Availability Plus Tax. Bring family/friends for the holidays to and from the Midwest/East Coast from $ 519 Host a Party and Receive Neighbor Island Package from $ 1 1 9 pp/dbl FREE includes air, room & car. Country Craft Collectables! THANK YOU 914 TIMES!! ofir retailprices ofselect items ,Heart War - Youth are): accessories handbags shoes enielry: fine costume gold, silver - Education custom orders by Kim Nyez 0,'rt: hand-painted home furnishings - Values THREE GENERATIONS CFC #2111 767-B Kailua Rd., Kailua (Corner Hamakua Dr. Call Barbie 395-8647 Tues.-Fri. 10-5. Sat. 10-4 263-5800 Too Busy? Share Your Catalog with Friends for FREE Gifts! For 36 years the Marine Corps We are an "all volunteer" Scholarship Foundation has foundation that you can support helped the children of Marines with pride! Our focus is youth, and former Marines to achieve education, and the values that PALI PALMS DENTAL CENTER their dreams of higher education. make our Corps & country DENTAL SERVICES Steven, hungry and homeless, struggles We have authorized over $14 strong. This year, we awarded to survive on the streets. This is why million in scholarships to 914 scholarships worth almost we need your help this Thanksgiving. financially needy applicants, as well $O million; over 12,000 General Dentistry Preventative and Restorative Dentistry Please send a financial gift today, or as more than $3.5 million to a scholarships since 1962! We surviving children of US servicemen ask for your support; we promise Cosmetic and Esthetic Procedures designate River of Life Mission in the CFC (#3163). Will you help the killed in the 1991 Gulf War and the our continued commitment. It is Mission feed the hungry, homeless and Beirut Barracks attack. your generosity that makes it INSURANCE ACCEPTED: HDS, HMSA, Delta Dental Services ( Military), all possible. Thank you! hurting for only $1.57? * * * * * * Hawaii Dental Health Plan mol Marine Corps CI Yes, here's my best holiday gift to help hungry people like Steven! finfitrther information. please contact us at: Scholarship Foundation A MEMBER ORGANIZATION OF CJI $15.70 to help provide meals for 10 people. P.O. Box 3008, Princeton, NJ 08543 Dr. Alan M. Yugawa, DMD Dr. Derek Ichimura, DMD $41.70 to help provide meals for 30 people. &sepUTATRARY, VETstERARvNicS, or Gifts are tar-deductible. Thank you! IldV ORGANIZATIONS Office 254-6477 Office 254-6694 NAME [email protected] OF AMERICA 970 N. Kalaheo Ave., A-108 970 N. Kalaheo Ave., A-108 MAIL YOUR GIFT TO: #2111 Kailua, Hawaii ADDRESS RIVER OF LIFE MISSION 96734 Kailua, Hawaii 96734 P.O. BOX 37939 CITY/ST/ZIP HONOLULU, HI 96837 COMPUTER COURSES BEAT THE TIMING BELT n' EASY CONVENIENT HEAT! REPLACEMENT Flags Things 2- OR 3-DAY SESSIONS "Hawaii's Largest Flag Store!" & Sign Up Today! Flags Banners Windsocks Poles Accessories! 410 A/C SERVICE Lowest Prices (Ivey 100 I la lev, Si , October & November 1998 In Town! COURSE DATES DAY TIME FEE 1249 Over 1,000 Different Styles SPECIAL! WINDOWS Great For Holidays & y 1 SAVE $1,000s Special Occasions C98 419 Networking Your 10/16 F 6.9pm $275 IN REPAIRS Major League Sports Small Business 10/17 Sat 9.4pm $GQ95 9-12noon 10/19-20 MT with this Season Themes & More! C98 421 ntermediate Windows $90 Replacement Special! Harbor Center Aiea C98 422 ntro to Computers 10/19-20 MT 6-9pm $60 Behind Cutter Ford C98 424 ntro to Windows 95 10/21-22 WTh 6-9pm $90 Includes 8 oz. Freon, Inspect hoses, gauge, Most cars. Includes parts & labor. Make & model 98-028 Hekaha Street, #38 (Last Drive On ) C98 425 ntro to Windows 95 10/24 Sat 9 -4pm $90 pressure & leak tests. Offer ends 10/28/98. may vary in price. Please call for an appointment. Offer ends 10/28/98. MT 9-12noon $90 Kam Hwy C98 427 ntro to Word 97 10/26-27 Cutter C98 428 ntermediate Windows 10/26 & 28 MW 6-9pm $90 Ford Guard Shack C98 430 ntro WordPerfect 10/28 & 30 WF 9.12noon $90 C98 432 ntermediate Windows 10/31 Sat 9-4pm $90 247-5237 Open Ot C98 434 ntro to Computers 11/2 & 4 MW 6-9pm $60 M-F 10-6/ Sat 10-4 Call For An Appointment Open MonFri 8:30amS:30pm Guard C98 436 ntro to Computers 11/7 Sat 9.4pm $60 45-558 C-12 Kam Hwy., Kaneohe Behind Megumi's Shack Flags & Things 488-4949 C98 439 ntro to Computers 11/9-10 MT 9-12pm $60 C98 440 ntro to Windows 95 11/9-10 MT 6-9pm $90 C98 44 ntro to Windows 95 11/14 Sat 9-4pm $90 Featuring the Large6t Selection of MACINTOSH Department 56® C98 420 Intro to ClarisWorks 10/17 Sat 9-4pm $60 C98 423 Intro to ClarisWorks 10/20 & 22 TTh 6:30-9:30pm $60 Villages C98 426 Intro to Word 10/24 Sat 9-4pm $60 on the Windward Side! C98 429 Intro to Macintosh 10/27 Tues 6:30-9:30pm $30 C98 431 Intermed Macintosh 10/29 Th 6:30-9:30 $30 also... C98 433 Intro to Excel 10/31 Sat 9-4pm $60 Ornaments C98 435 Intro to FileMaker 11/2 & 4 MW 6-9pm $60 Nativities C98 437 Intro to Macintosh 11/7 Sat 9-12pm $30 Icicle Lights 438 Intermed. Macintosh 11/7 Sat 1-4pm $30 Tree Toppers C98 Intro ClarisWorks 11/10 & 12 TTh 6:30-9:30 $60 8antas C98 441 Call WCC Office of Continuing Education & Training Lots More! 235-7433 or 235-0077 Ottawa Street 46 Hoolat (Street, Kailua Brought to you by vvr Bb3-71-lew Burger Community College Tr- Mx tIng Windward MAZDA I 0- Strictly Christmas 263-3775 ' Fujio Matsuda Education Center 146 Hooki Street Next the "new" Agnes bake TRUE I door to Shop 45-270 Keaahala Rd Kaneohe VALUE On the old Patten Man location) if Refer to the Boston Na. End ram j Special arrangements for the disabled may be made requested in advance. New Location! Across from the True Value hardware Hawaii Catalog of Events for policies and procedures for non-credit courses. Contact the WCC Office of Continuing Education & Training at 235-7433 to make arrangements. In-person re istration at Office of Continuing Education & Training in Hale Kubina, Room 102. Hawaii Marine October 15, 1998 A-9 Navy celebrates 223rd birthday

John H. Dalton showcasing the best of our Secretory of the Navy nation, and acting against A4 A6 Sedans, Cabriolets, Wagons "Happy Birthday, U.S. those who would foolishly Navy. There are few institu- dare to challenge our ideals. From $23,900 or$295 a month prr, tut) tions in our society and in our "As the world's greatest world which have endured for fighting force, the U.S. Navy 223 years. There are even performs a dazzling array of fewer that have endured while missions with stunning technol- continuing to strengthen their ogy and unquestioned effec- core values and building upon tiveness. That we have evolved a reputation of excellence, for 223 years while maintaining each year. The U.S. Navy is our legacy and reputation of one of those rare organiza- core values and selfless devo- tions, and I join you in the tion to duty, is a testament to pride you feel. Each of you, ous ready group demonstrating those of you who serve in our the Sailors, officers and civil- the relevance of our Navy's Navy today. Join me in reflect- ians of the Navy, are vital con- hallmark tradition of forward ing on our history with pride, tributors to our nation's presence. In Latin America, I telling our story, and continuing defense, and vibrant ambas- found our surface vessels and to write our legacy. God bless sadors for freedom and liberty. amphibious ships fighting the you, and God bless the United "I have traveled extensively drug war and exercising with States Navy." during the past year to meet the allies of our own hemi- Editor's note: The Navy with many of you, and to spheres. In these regions, and celebrated its 223rd birthday (Jen thank you in person. In the throughout the globe, the U.S. Oct. 13. This article is 1069 Soutn Beretania 537-5365 Arabian Gulf, I found a carrier Navy is influencing world reprinted from ALNAV battle group and an amphibi- events, enforcing the peace, 077/98. *42 month lease, MSRP $28,225, $16,088.25 residual, DRIVE OFF $3,771.63 includes S0 security deposit New '99 Land Rover Discovery 4.0SE 4.6SE A complainant notified the Military contact with one person and observed others Police Department that someone had stolen leaving the area. The suspect was released on several articles of clothing from a laundry his own recognizance off base. From room. The victim provided one suspect. A complainant notified MPD that a wit- $32,425 MPs made contact with the suspect. The sus- ness had found a smoking device while con- pect allowed a search, which was met with ducting an inventory of his newly assigned or negative results. room. MPs confiscated the item and stored it MPs made contact with an individual rid- in the evidence locker. $395 ing in a taxi. Because of his intoxicated state, Lost and Found a month* the individual did not respond to commands. The lost and found custodian has bicycles, Base Medical Clinic made contact with the keys and other miscellaneous items in custody. individual. Upon completion of their evalua- If you are missing any of these items, call 257- tion, he was released to MPs. Further investi- 1306. All unclaimed property is disposed of gation revealed that he was under the legal age after 45 days. to consume alcohol. The individual was Neighborhood Watch apprehended and transported to the Provost The MPD's Crime Prevention Section is Marshall's Office where he was processed for seeking volunteers to assist with the MCB under age consumption of alcohol and released Hawaii Neighborhood Watch Program. to his unit representative. Volunteers are requested for varioius housing While on patrol, MPs observed several areas. For further information, contact people surfing in a restricted area. MPs made Sergeant Nicholson at 257-2103, ext. 310. 10-69 Sou n Beretania 537-5365

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FROM HONOLULU * CORPORATE 4 HOSPITAUTY AREA PEARL HARBOR NAVAL COMPLEX FORD ISLAND BRIDGE Honolulu HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE fi TEMPOR Ada HELP SERVICES Cellular DBEDTNE GI 11-IE COMPLETE EMPLOYMC-Nt SERVICES Mi* W TI Of ilWIt aduir AT&T Hawaii Marine B Section October 15, 1998 Keiki skate, rattle and roll CpI. Trent Lowry recreation opportunity for children and teenagers here," Yow-Fairchild said. Combat Correspondent The park was designed to offer some- he new Hawai'i Loa Skatepark thing of a challenge while at the same time on Mokapu Road here will have being safe for children to use. according to its grand opening Friday after Geronime. weeks of preparation, offering a "The Skatepark here was designed based place for wheeled-sport fun. on other skate parks, with different areas for The grand opening celebration will begin a variety of skill levels," Geronime said. at 3:30 p.m. and will offer light refresh- "I like all the ramps," said Jake Wilson, ments and valuable prize drawings. Most 11, a family member who lives near North importantly for skaters young and old on Beach here. base, though, the skatepark offers a safe "I like this Skatepark because it has a place to skate close to home. launch ramp and it's made of cement "It's a good privilege to have the instead of wood, like other skate parks," Skatepark now so we don't have to go so said Tony Lewis, an 11-year-old family far to Hickam (Air Force Base)," said member here. Daniel Thomas, 12, a family member who The park will be open sunrise to sunset was offered a sneak preview of the park daily for safety reasons, as it will not imme- Oct. 1. diately feature lighting at night. Patrons of "The Skatepark is opening up so kids Hawai'i Loa Skatepark will also be required can have a safe place to skate, and that's the to wear full protective gear, including a hel- main thing," said JoAnne Yow-Fairchild, met and elbow and knee pads. Children age the public affairs coordinator for MWR 10 and under are required to have parental here, who is helping organize the grand supervision. opening event. Located across from the new Hawai'i Loa housing community, the project took six weeks to complete, and is expected to see a lot of usage, according to Navy Lt. Mark Geronime, the assistant resident offi- cer in charge of construction here. "The Skatepark should be popular since there isn't anything like it nearby. I'd imagine 100 or more peo- ple per week will use it," said Geronime, a recreational roller hockey player. The demand for the construction of the Skatepark was apparent after more than 250 signatures were collected from Marines, Sailors and family members supporting the project. Also, a skate party sponsored by the Base Action Committee in March 1998 attracted more than 750 participants, according to Lt. Col. Glenn Bixler, a base resident and former commanding Photo by CpI. Trent Lowry officer of Headquarters Battalion here. Nicholas Fachko, 9, shows how high good skaters can jump. "The park presents another free

Photo by CpI. Trent Lowry Photo by Cpl. Trent Lowry Jake Wilson, I 1, completes his jump with a Photo by ColTrent Lowry Daniel Thomas, 12, gets ready to take off on one of solid landing at the new Skatepark. The park These in-line skates are just a few examples of the tools of the trade for Skatepark patrons. the ramps during his preview of the new Skatepark. will officially open for business Friday. Marines take over Mokapu 4th Marine Regiment joined in along with the base as the CH-46 Sea Knights on the Sgt. Steven Williams 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, and base moved to Marine Corps Air Station El Combat Correspondent Marine Aircraft Group 14. Tom. Editor's note: This is the last of a three- However, the Vietnam conflict tore the The base is also home to Navy C-20 gulf- part series on military activities on Mokapu base apart in 1965 as several units and stream jets, aircraft originally built in New Peninsula. squadrons were relocated to support the York as business jets. From the 18th Century when King of United States' interests. By Summer 1999, squadrons of P-3 Oahu Pele'O'lholani held court on the "By 1971, the composition of the base Orions, submarine warfare planes, will pack peninsula to today as more than 7,000 had dramatically changed," said Martin. up gear at Naval Air Station Barbers Point active-duty Marines and Sailors work "There was a lot of relocation of critical and move to MCB Hawaii. Several base aboard it, the peninsula has had a major mil- assets throughout the Marine Corps." realignment and closure projects are under- itary role. The air station was left with Marine way on MCB Hawaii to accommodate United States forces came aboard in Aircraft Group 24, 1st Battalion, 12th approximately 2,000 additional personnel 1918 with Kuwa'a'ohe Military Marines, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade. and their aircraft and equipment. Reservation, consisting mainly of an Army All was relatively quiet for a couple of Today, there are more than 7,000 active- coastal artillery command. The Navy estab- decades until 1990, when most of the duty personnel working in an overall base lished Naval Air Station Kaneohe in 1941 Marines here deployed in support of community of more than 12,000 people. shortly before a devastating attack by Japan Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. New barracks, housing units and several that destroyed almost all of the station's The air station was was renamed MCB other facilities are on their way up to sea planes. Hawaii and all Marine Corps installations enhance living environments, according to The base survived, but shut down later in across Oahu were consolidated under it, Brig. Gen. Arnold Fields, the commanding 1949 as the Naval squadrons moved to according to Martin. general of MCB Hawaii. Naval Air Station Barbers Point across the Besides the base thatused to be MCAS Operations are considerably different island. But Mokapu hadn't seen the last of Kaneohe, other installations including than they were in the 18th century when military. Camp H.M. Smith, Molokai Training King Pele'O'lholani, king of Oahu, held The Marine Corps set up shop aboard the Facility, Puuloa Range and Manana Housing court on Mokapu, but the peninsula contin- Photo by CpI. Barry Melton peninsula in 1952, establishing Marine in Pearl City became part of MCB Hawaii. ues to play a major military role. And with Corps Air Station Kaneohe, according to "This enabled the Marine Corps the more forces moving in from NAS Barbers Hispanic Heritage Month Aaron Martin, base historian. opportunity to operate more efficiently," Point and effort continuing year-round to Sgt. Janet Aviles, from Travel Management Office, Headquarters By 1956, F-3J Fury Jets were streaking said Martin. maintain and improve living. conditions Battalion, swirls around during a traditional Hispanic dance at through the Hawaiian skies and calling Later the majority of the Marine Corps' aboard the peninsula, it may maintain a mil- Dewey Square here Friday during the Hispanic Heritage MCAS Kaneohe home. And in 1964, the CH-53D Sea Stallions were consolidated on itary significance well into the future. Celebration hosted by Naval Medical Center Pearl Harbor. 8-2 October 15, 1998 Hawaii Marine Morken wins Dental Devil Dog Dash BANKRUPTCY If you are having financial difficulties, Lance Cpl. David Salazar call Karen Kightlinger, Attorney-at-Law. Cornbor Correspondent THE LURIA LAW FIRM The 6th Annual 10k Dental Devil Dog Dash 1188 Bishop Street, Suite 3311 sponsored by the Branch Dental Clinic and MWR here was held here Oct. 9. Free Attorney Consultation Thi year there were 91 individual entries and Pay Fee In Installments six formation entries, said Steve Kalnasy, MWR athletics coordinator here. 538-3800 The course started beside the Branch Medical Personal Service From Attorneys Who Care. Clinic, continued through the housing area to Fort Hase beach, and up the Kansas Tower - IM MN INN OM the steepest slope on MCBH Kaneohe Bay. r Trophies were awarded to the winners of each of the 12 categories. After the dust settled, David Morken walked away with top honors. winning the male open Photo by Lance Col David Salazar with a time of 39 minutes and seven seconds. Overall winner of the race, David "It was a hard, beautiful, well-designed FREE Morken fright), poses with Brig. Gen. course," said Morken. Although Morken had already'won the race Arnold Fields at the trophy presentation. twice in a row, he admitted he was unsure that 30 MINU TES he would win this year's race. "On any given day, you never know what will Internet or computer useage happen." he said. I Second place in the male open category was with purchase of one hour given to Jason Royer. Photo Lance through 10-31-9B this c Dupon "I was in front until we reached Fort Hase by Col David Salazar I Offer good beach, Royer said. "That's when Morken jetted Pervis Williams wipes his brow after finish- rigkit past me ... that guy is unstoppable." ing the the 6th Annual Dental Devil Dog Overall winner in the women's category, went Dash here Friday. to Christine Patrick of Schofield Barracks. "I thought the fifth mile was treacherous," Patrick said. "The fact that it's such a long Overall winners course kind of turns you off towards the end." Men's Division: The crowd cheered hardest when 77-year-old 1. David Morken 39:07 Naoto Inada crossed the finish line. 2. Jason Royer 40:06 "I didn't think it was that hard at first," said 3. Joseph Galvin 40:39 I COFFEE HOUSE Inada, who prefers to run in sandals. 'Once I got Women's Division: up the KT, I started slowing down, but I still beat 1. Christine Patrick 44:09 Photo by Lance Cal David Salazar a few people." 2. Linda McCarthy 45:13 I Christine Patrick, winner of the women's Supply company nabbed the trophy in the for- 3: Deborah Ridder 50:24 Open 7 Days division, races past the finish line. mations division with a time of 49:39. 45 Hoolai St., Kailua 261-8804 FAX 261-7191 On the corner across from True Value Hardware Hawaii PRESTIGE TRAVEL UNLIMITED, INC. NASHVILLE WAIKIKI NEEDS YOU 3. tiro g "BUNS OF STEEL" CONTEST 1513 Young Street, Suite #102 Open 7 Days A 1Veck $200 IN CASH & PRIZES, TA1 41 6 945-7400 Pick-Up Service Available in Kailua EVERY WED. 10-12 P.M. Ladies, Come Down And Judge Or Scream. Call Now For Other Specials! Each entry receives a 510.00 Gift Certificate Senior/Student Discounts Bring this ad for - Interisland Las Vegas DRINK OF YOUR CHOICE 52.00 Package One Day Interisio Package 4 55.00 OFF NASHVILLE'S COLLECTORS T-SHIRT ad Uttni SE() I nr.:1 419 Tetig $319 Chicken Fillet ib hisininte 454 Pew GREAT COUNTRY MUSIC & CLASSIC ROCK 599 Pa ittit 0/W PI7k011 HAPPY HOURS 4 TO 8 P.M. EVERY DAY R /T 5198 Oloice of Wand RT Av Fare 4/5 enghn not; Domestic Bottled Beer T" 'Standard Drinks ,T Air, Room & Car & Iteeing in Defeo Moor Coach 3 Meal> Daily, Package Free Dance Lessons Every Night 7-9 p.m. availabte on all island' Fe Narrated Admissions included LAX/SFO Add On Avail FREE PUPUS MONDAY Air & Cor Packages Available b & Much More Extra alwilts Available Learn Line Dancing, Two-Step, West Coast Swing swami c,w '295 500$9 cww '295 50.0* otws10 DARTS ** *POOL Pool Tournaments Tues. & Sun. Eves, 9e6 R /7 PIT ?0.- Rir OPEN 4 P.M. TO 4 A.M. 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Easter Seals Hawaii 1946-1998. Celebrating 53 Years Of Service In Hawaii; COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN #31.18 for Hawaii Marine October 15, 1998 B-3

Pampering Body rap, ete.°: NFL holds own Lose 4 to 14 Permanent Inches In 1 Hour! Beneficial Natural Body Contour Wrap and Inch-Loss Program will eliminate toxic waste that clogs your system. Relax & Indulge yourself in one of our 3 Private amateur weekend Rooms w/Aroma Therapy & Soft Music MCB Hawaii Kaneohe Bay Chapel Detoxing, Stimulating & Therapeutic pants faxes (at 257-2511) or e- Natural Herbs are Safe Staff Sgt. L. Valdespino Weekday Mass 11:45 a.m., Mon. -Fri. mails (at [email protected] or Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Eliminates stretch marks, toxic waste Press Chief (cellulite) & stress [email protected]) Sunday Mass 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Restores elasticity, (deep tissue) Last weekend was amateur pool picks by 2 p.m. today, the Protestant Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday circulation & energy time for the National game will count for the individ- Sunday School 9:30-10:30 a.m., Mokapu Elem. Not a water loss, PA hr. procedure Football League. ual. Otherwise, it will not be Adult Bible School 9:30 10:30 am. Sun., Mokapu Elem. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Teams were more concerned considered a win or a loss. Protestant Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Natural Herbal Body Wrap $55"* with punting the hall, turning it Val's picks (in caps): 1 Single Adults p.m. Sunday Deep & over and getting practice time for Green Bay at DETROIT Pore Facial sfacoo* Natural Herbal Body Wrap "1-- their punters than they were ARIZONA at N.Y. Giants- Gospel of Holiness Fellowship Expires October 31st, 1998 about scoring touchdowns and Baltimore at PITTSBURGH Sunday School 11 a.m. at bldg. 219 Serving you since 1989 =sx Checks Accepted gaining yards on rushes. Carolina at TAMPA BAY Sunday Worship 1 p.m. at Base Chapel 541-9688 Corner of Nuuanu & Vin ard Suite #205, Nuuanu Si uare Oakland Raider punter Leo CINCINNATI at Tennessee Bible Study 7 p.m. Tues. at Base Chapel Araguz set an NFL record by JACKSONVILLE at Buffalo Choir rehearsal 7 p.m. Fri. at Base Chapel punting 16 times in Oakland's 7- New Orleans at ATLANTA 6 victory over the San Diego Washington at MINNESOTA Camp H.M. Smith Chapel Chargers. The game saw a com- Indianapolis at SAN FRAN- Catholic Mass 11:30 a.m. daily and 8 a.m. Sun. LkitglwatiS Ecie: CISCO bined 27 punts between the two For more information on any of above services, call 257-3552. FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN American Football Conference PHILADELPHIA at San Diego Western Division teams, and it St. Louis at MIAMI Aloha Jewish Chapel at Naval Base "Hawaii's AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE ended Kevin Gilbride's stint as DALLAS at Chicago To Beauty & Barber Services" the Chargers head coach, as he N.Y. Jets at NEW ENGLAND Pearl Harbor IN= was fired afterwards. (62) total points Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Fri. ADULT HAIRCUT KID'S HAIRCUT Two 0-5 teams vied for sole For more information, call 471-3971. possession of last place in the Standings: I (Numbers in parentheses indicate O $9.95 0 $8.95 National Football Conference a. Eastern division. The weekly wins.) I D D Philadelphia "Iggles" merely 0 - HAIRCUTS ETC., KAILUA 0 - HAIRCUTS ETC., KAILUA - - NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER accepted the 17-12 win over the B. Melton (2) 61-20 .753 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER I - LONG HAIR EXTRA-EXPIRES 10-31-98 - LONG HAIR EXTRA-EXPIRES 10-31-98 hapless Washington "deadskins." L. Valdespino (2) 60 -21 .740 I I YEARS - YOUNGER Carolina Panthers' quarter- K. Rowe 58-23 .716 back Kerry Collins admitted he T. Lowry 57-24 .703 FULL SET ACRYLIC SENIOR CITIZEN DAY lacked heart, so the Panthers M. Wiener 28-12 .700 WINDWARD MUFFLER w/TIPS EVERY TUESDAY started a proficient Steve D. Twedt 54-27 .666 Z(IBIC) MEDffitir I Z 55 yrs - older but rushed for a C. Garcia 35-18 .660 2. HAIRCUT Beuerlein, I $19.95 $8.95 whopping 29 yards on 22 carries S. Williams 53-28 .654 MUFFLER: 1785 Plus Installation SHAMPOO/SET or 0 - HAIRCUTS ETC., KAILUA in their loss to the Dallas R. Flipczak (2) 43-23 .651 BLOWDRY 59.95 - NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER BASIC TUNE-UP: $38°° Plus Parts I COLOR RETOUCH $ 19.95 Cowboys. C. Silvia 35-19 .648 EXPIRES 10-31-98 The Ravens managed only M. Balmer 42-24 636 (4 cylinder) PERM $34.95 one third-down conversion B. Heatherly 30-23 .566 BRAKES. From $85°') W. Boggs 25-29 .463 $3500 HOURS: against the Tenessee Oilers, who ELECTRICAL D1AGNOSTIC:..From 261-8665 Man..Sal.9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 43 Chem SI., Kam went into Sunday's game only J. Segovia 21-33 .388 WALKS-INS WELCOME Sunday 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Across from Zippy's having won one other game this 629 Kailua Rd., Kailua season. Had it not been for Oiler 261-3710 quarterback Steve McNair's 40- yard rushing touchdown in the first quarter, the game would have only seen scoring from field goals and a safety. Between the Arizona Cardinals and the Chicago Bears, fans at Sun Devil stadium wit- nessed nine fumbles and six interceptions in the Card's 20-7 beating of the Bears. The San Francisco 49ers, coming off a losing effort in which they had 22 penalties, decided they had become fond of the yellow flag and were called for 14 more infractions against the New Orleans "Aints." The two teams combined for 27 total penalties in the niners' shut-out of the Aints. Coach Bill Parcell's New York Jets handed the St. Louis Rams their second victory of the season via two interceptions and three fumbles. And to top it off, Barry Melton beat out the rest of the competition in the Hawaii Marine Football Pool by picking 10 of the 13 games correctly. He also ousted me from first place in the standings. This week there is a twist to the pool. The Green Bay Packers will face the Detroit Lions in the Pontiac Silverdome. I am picking the Lions to upset the "Slackers" for their second consecutive loss. The Thursday game is an optional pick. If a pool partici-

IM Miiimithngs Women's Softball

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Every 2nd and 4th Friday Night Military Night 7:00 p.m. s a r e a c Outreach to the It wi thin your h. AT&T "And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye she search for me with all NINI111/ your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

1024 Mapunapuna St. 486-3037 Ladies' Ministries Only for calls billed to AT&T In-Room Phone Service account. AT&T In-Room Phone Service subject to service availability. AT&T In-Room Phone Service is offered in partnership with and in support of the Navy and Coast Guard Exchanges. and the Marine Corps MWR.C)1998 AT&T Lydia E Hall r_ Rev. Kevin Hall B-4 October 15, 1998 Hawaii Marine

they are the widow of dancer/.songwriter Show them you care... Frankie Lymon. Drama, rated I?, 126 min- utes. By Joanne Yow-Fairchild, MWR Marketing Hawaiian style. There's Something about Mary Send Fresh Tropical Flowers and Gifts Blade Friday 9:55 p.m. Calling all Crafters from Aina Hawaiian Tropical Products. The popular K-Bay Fall Craft Fair still has booths Friday and Saturday, 7:15 p.m. Staring Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon and Ben available to crafters all sorts. The fair held at Single Orchid Lei $24.00 Starring Wesley Snipes and Kris Stiller of Mokapu Kristofferson A private detective who has been hired to Mall Nov. 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. will Potted Dendrobium Orchid $24.75 include pony rides, games and prize drawings. Half human half vampire, Blade fights find a man's high school .seethecui falls in Rain Forest Bouquet $24.95 against the vampires who are seeking to love with her. Comedy; rated R, 119 minutes. Booths are $25 - $40 depending on location. For more information call 254-7610. 12 Stem Anthurium Bouquet $39.00 decimate the hunum race. Action, rated R, Mulan 10 Dendrobium Orchid Spray $34.00 130 minutes. p.m. Sunday, 3:30 Great Aloha Run Cartoon Aloha Tropical Surprise $51.95 Why Do Fools Fall in Love Runners will not want to miss the 1999 Great WW2, a Chinese girl, joins the army in the tm Capsules $12.95 Saturday, 9:55 p.m, Sunday 7:15p.m. Aloha Run, Feb. 15, President's Day. Because the StressRelax Kava place of her father. Action, rated G, 9i min- Staring Halle Berry and Vivica Fox Marine entry has become one of the largest groups utes. Prices include Federal Express Delivery Three women try to convince the courts that to run, the race committee has pledged to return $1 to MWR for every Marine participant. To qualify Place your order Toll Free -1- 877- 961 -4774 or curios, Kenwood stereo, A/Cs, black lacquer for this funding, Marines must fill out the "Military Entry" forms, available shop our online store at entertainment center, home sauna, aquarium. at the Semper Fit Center. Call now! 254-3256. Registration is $15, or $25 for entries received from Jan. 16 to Feb. 5. Register Air conditioner, 18,000 BTU, 6 months old, by Oct. 31 to receive a limited edition 1999 In-Training T-shirt free. Funds Room wanted perfect condition, $400. Call Gunnery Sgt. from this event will benefit more than 100 Kailua/Kaneohe area, N/S, mature female, Morris 254-8150. generated charitable organizationi in Hawaii. For more infor- Excellent references. Call 290-5582. Baby Stuff Sale, bassinet, battery-operated mation call 254-7597. Cars, Motorcycles swing, stroller, car seat, boys and girls clothes. Call Jean '88 Mazda B2200 truck, CD player, great 254-0703. ITT shape, Call Josh at IBM PC, 286/33, complete system, has SAVE MIT, red $2,000/0B0. Tickets Windows 3.1, WordPerfect and many games, for the Big Mele '98 at Kualoa Ranch are 263-6944. available at ITT for $27.50. Gates open at 10 am., `87 Nissan Sentra, A/C, AM/FM cassette, great for the kids, w/desk and chair, all for 254-6134. Nov. 15 for tailgating, and the show starts at 11 am. rebuilt motor, runs like a gem. $1,500. Call only $325/0B0. Call Money! 12x15 Blue Carpet, 9x12 beige berber, $70 Also on sale at ITT are Jeep Aloha Bowl tickets for 254-8058. Christmas Day. Sideline seats are $41 this rare each. Thick cream color futon mattress with a for '84 Honda Magna V45 700cc, new tires, new double-header football game. The Polynesian BANKRUPTCY battery, new seat, super clean, less than 9,000 natural wood frame: makes a great bed. Call 254-4875. Cultural Center is extending their military price of DAWN SMITH Free Consultation- Low Fixed Fees miles, $1,900 firm. Call Paul at 254-9295. Low Cost Do -It Yourself Bankruptcy Uniform blues, alphas, etc., Cheap! 254-8137. $35 to the end of the year. The admission fee Attorney at Law Miscellaneous includes entrance to the seven Polynesian villages, Over 15 Years Experience Friendly Staff Panasonic 19 in. color TV, makes a great sec- [MAX theater, dinner buffet and the Polynesia revue. More Info On Our Website 521_6600 ond set for the kids/ video games, $90/0B0. To submit an ad to the Hawaii Marine, fax Call 254-7563. Call 254-3891 257-2511, or come by our office on the ground Home gym, Nordicflex Gold, Isokenetic resis- floor of building 216. Submissions must arrive Water Aerobics Program Surveyed tance to provide strength training for the entire before noon Thursday the week before publica- The Semper Fit Center is conducting a survey to body, $500. Call 254-3891. tion and must contain the applicant's rank determine interest in adding Water Aerobics to their Lounge chair, rocking, recliner, slate blue unit, and home and unit phone numbers. Ads fitness programs. Feedback from potential partici- color, $100. Call 254-3891. will run for two weeks and must be 20 words pants is needed. Survey forms are available at the Moving sale, miscellaneous furniture, glass or less. Semper Fit Center and the base pool. Call 254-7597. Moving, Change of Assignment or Just Arrived? Natural Herbs Donate Your Car (other vehicles, excess household items, furniture) 0 f TM

356 Herbal formula to enhance your The Best INDEPENDENTLY Selling Dietary' DIET Industries of in LABORATORY Supplement and provide AFFORDABLE PRICES U.S.. TESTED FOR Hawaii the . **SAFETY** ENERGY Unfinished & Finished Wood Free home pick-up service Courtesy tax forms/information -Products ...You Can Really Feel... M.L. International Products, Inc. Do It Yourself Or Custom Finishes Metabolite Independent Distributors STOCK SHOWROOM & CATALOG ORDERS Call: 836-0313 Harbo'r Center Kamehamena Hwy. Larry Robles A non-profit agency providing education/job training for people with disability. Presider, CHILDREN'S BEDROOMS DINING HOME OFFICE 98-030 Helutha St., Suite 22 UNIQUE STORAGE ROCKERS FUN LAMPS & MORE For FREE Product information Call Today! 488-1337 All Major Hours: M-S 10-6 Fax: 488-0309 Credit Cards 487-7295 Sun 11-5 We accept Visa & Mastercard. Personal checks & mail orders welcome. 98-023 Hekaha St., Unit 6 Behind Cutter Ford Aiea MIL T EST 5 Sand Island Road Family Vision Care ORE! Bldg. 914 King's Travel4V* Turn left off Sand Island Access Road Neighbor Islands call Toll-Free 200 yds. before the bridge. 801.4481 Phone: 593-4481 I800) 843-0189 4046 &Contact Lenses Imperial Plaza Bldg. www.kingsfraveleont Comprehensive Eye Exams 725 Kapiolani Blvd., C-103 Mon-Fit Bifocal Contact Lenses Atlanta Baltimore Boston Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas Detroit Hartford Halloween's Coming! Arport Hwy. Special Fit Contact Lenses Houston Indianapolis Kansas City Little Rock Louisville Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville Dress the Kids in . tern New Orleans New York Orlando Philadelphia Pittsburgh Washington D.C.... AND MORE!! lionekanYaildlo-* Accelerated Orthokeratology BDU "Commies" A they can b56.8 costume ye I its K.M.R. 100s Of Fashion Frames 286 $10 wear anytime . . round-tri coach one-way coach i roundid first one-way first Watch Hawaii's TV Malt I" Wear comfortable, problem-free on K5, Oct. 26-Nov. I contact lenses home on your first visit. LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat @ 9am Wed @ 2 m & Sun @ 7:30am Sam 1u FREE Contact Lens Consultations $22 i 5I 6.9 $ 00 .469 Dr. Charles Dean, Optometrist round-tri coach one-way coach r round-tn. first one-way first 139 Hekili St. Kailua 261-9735 LAS VEGAS PACKAGE Includes: Round-trip air, 3 nights hotel accommodations at the imperial Palace, and 2 meals per day per person Explore your r rson AUCKLAND MANILA JAPAN Family Dentistry round-trip from only round -trip from only BUSINESS CLASS from only 0 educational $530 $525 $763 each way Quality aLl' Cenb9 Alt rage gasi opportunities MEXICO PANAMA CANAL 2 for 1 specials up to 50% off various Caring 3 days from 5519 10 dayf from $2304 destinations with Crystal. Holland America. 4 days from $539 Royal Caribbean. Princess and Windstar. *Millennium (Year 2000) Cruises available! at 7 days from $859 7 days from St 349 Hpu Gentle Bring friends and family to Hawaii for tow fares! CALL NOW!! Evening Appointments Available FARES DO NOT INCLUDE TAX and are based on low season, midweek travel. Other restrictions apply. Fares subject to change without notice. Human Services / Social Work Explore 11PU's bachelor of social work or flexible human MARK BEAVERS, DDS GOLF CLUBS services degrees. 12:1 5pm FRIDAY, October 16

261-8558 EXERCISE 30 Aulike St., Suite 306, Kailua EQUIPMENT Master of Science in Information Systems In the Kailua Professional Bldg. #1 WATER SKIS Analyze career opportunities dealing with the 0 management of information and technology. TAX FILES 12:15pNt MONDAY, October 19 SCUBA GEAR

TABLE SAW Financial Aid rIsland Paintball Sports and ROCK COLLECTION 03 Get the facts on financial aid. 12.15pm Tt ESDAY. October 20 Bellows Air Forte Station Present CAMPING GEAR FURNITURE Master of Science in Information Systems PA7'4\17:3XV.J PING POND TABLE iv* Analyze career opportunities dealing with the BARBECUE management of information and technology. 1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1510 BICYCLES 5:15pm WEDNESDAY, October 21 giTi7g WINDSURFING BEAR the Most Players in Ole 6aine. JOHNNY'S FIRST Computer Science Set the Retarget SURFBOARD Examine the possibilities of entering the computer field CRIB I STROLLER 1310 GAME SCENARIO! as a professional. SKI GEAR 12: 15Pm THURSDAY, October 22 Smoke Bombs Jungle Atmosphere WINTER CLOTHING Door Prizei: Paintball Guns, T-Shirts 6 More! BOOKS S TOYS Same Prices Apply 15 Playing Fee .15 For Rental Equipment Paintballt Additional a) New 911-Shirts Have Arrived! We Now Shirt November 8 and Well Waive Your Fleid Feel CHRISTMAS We Now Have RPScherer Premium Paint tikaNI tore your valualfres with a DECORATIONS wriverwity Sun. Oct 18 family name yo an trust so ANTIQUE CLOCK 1166 Fort Street Mall, Room 203 Registration 8 AM Scenario Starts 9 AM For more information, call 544-0238 Reservations Recommended on can spend your time WOrrYillg PHOTO ALBUMS Oir k\-- Call 525-1954 about mo IMOOP13111 things. OLD SEWING MACHINE LAWN FURNITURE

'71/. dyerg-sons,inc. CALL American Heart CPR Association. 41) STORAGE fr MOVING 456-4200 Fighting Heart Disease We're Right Here. Your Kamaaina Mown. can keep y our love alive (WI PUC 137CICCMC133909 Hawaii Marine October 15, 1998 B-5

3615 Harding Avenue (Between 12th & Koko Head) Word to Pass ACA NT 3229 Koapaka St. TRAVEL (Behind Airport Plaza Hotel) Employment Friends of the Marina needs volunteers for a working party Oct. 18 at INTERISLAND COUPONS DOMESTIC AIRFARES CALL 839-0039/732-2211 CALL 732-5533/839-0039 An FBI career seminar will be held Monday at the Pearl Harbor 1 p.m. A pot luck BBQ and fun water events will follow. Call Carol at HAWAIIAN ISLAND AIR ALOHA Family Services Center, building 193, Room 205, from 11 a.m. to 254-5989. Los Angeles MIDWEST EAST COAST noon. For reservations, please contact the Family Services Office at The Battleship Missouri Memorial needs volunteers for "Make a from 474-4222. Difference Day" Oct. 24. Call 487-7730, 453-6568, 488-3909, 486- Cash & Carry. No Checks or Charge Cards '518R/T JEMS and the Hawaii Department of Education will provide an 0200, or 486-0282. From Air/Car opportunity for all military ID card holders to speak with DOE staff Taekwondo classes are ongoing at the Youth Activities building. Call San Francisco pip Based on 2. and get first-hand hiring information at the Jobs and Information semi- 254-7610 for more information. 139 Atlanta Boston Chicago nar Nov. 4, 7 p.m. at the Banyans on Pearl Harbor. To register call Schofield Barracks OWC Fall Crafts Fair will be held Saturday at the Molokai Fling From New York 257-3135. ext. 353. Nehelani Club on Schofield from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more infor- Air, 1 Night: Kaluakoi, 114 Houston Washington D.C. Free Golf from: New Orleans Orlando mation, call Pauline Reynolds at 624-7552. Seattle 5265 Information, Tickets and Tours From (Call for other cili6) The recycling program needs a volunteer for a minimum of 10 hours a Air/Room/Car Raleigh ITT offers a variety of discounted tickets for activities island-wide, (Call for other cities) week to take over the education and awareness program. The job pro- pip Dbl. Oct. Based on 2. $116 including cruises, luaus, movies and more. From time to time, several taxes & restrictions. Su 'Kt to availabili . vides training and experience in public relations and advertising, com- Midweek Ms activities have special limited offers, so call or stop by the new Mokapu puter skills, recycling and environmental work. The volunteer must be Mall location to check prices. The 1T1' hours of operation are Mondays able to commit to a work schedule and assume responsibility for the through Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sundays and holidays from 9 MOTOROLA'S education program. Call Karen Gumtow at 257-6920, ext. 242 for a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 254-7562. more information. NEWEST Navy/Marine Corps K-Bay Rod and Gun Club is for EXPRESS those who are interested in hunting, "LUNA" XTRA Relief Society fishing, shooting and archery. Volunteer caseworkers and recep- Meetings are at 7 p.m. on the 1st and tionists are needed at NMCRS. 3rd Wednesdays of each month in the Volunteers can set their own hours. BOQ conference room. For more Luminescent Face No experience necessary. Volunteers Paging Service information, call Wally Heyer at 254- Glows in the Dark New Voice Mall are afforded free child care. NMCRS Voice Pagers 5739. wnh Memory Numeric Mail FREE Custom Answer is a non-profit organization assisting ALL PAGERS ON families. PAGER Caller Passcode Marines, Sailors and their Family Service Center With 1-yr. Prepaid Service SALE as low as $9.95 Free Pager Chain Budgeting for Baby class is held the New Parent Support Program assists S9.00 SERVICE DEPOSIT REQUIRED last 'Monday of every month. families in their own homes. Expectant mothers between their Everything is confidential. Call 257 - sixth and ninth months of pregnancy, 9965 ext. 333. and new mothers with babies under By the Clock: Rules and limits. Class 845-1111 238 Sand Island Access Road one month old are welcome. All for parents of teens and preteens. participants will receive a layette val- Learn what types of discipline work. ued at $100. Enhancing Your Marriage is a two- "HAWAII'S FAVORITE OIL CHANGE" Personal Budget Counseling is day educational session for individu- available to any ID card holder who fr LOCg KIDS; 5PCY, Its MY DAY, THE SitAtis als and couples who want to learn needs help with his or her budget. WERE. 8 makes 'TIOCK AND 114S Is A Ptc102 better communications skills. Reservations required. of ME kti,,tak MY ler% V.1140. ela;04 STice Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 254-1327. Parenting Teens: Improving Total Quality Leadership Relationships will help parents learn effective behaviors to keep com- ,4ir Conditioning munication open with their teens. TQL Seminar, Oct. 20-22, 8-11:30 a.m. For more information, call the 'we Recharge For more information on FSC programs, call 257-3655 ext. 342. TQL Office at 257-2130. Radiator Power Puree The Armed Services YMCA jiffy lube- Transmission Pury Fuel Service Events Hourly childcare for keiki ages 6 weeks to 5 years old runs weekdays Injection Crafters needed for All Enlisted Spouses' Club Craft Fair Nov. 14 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Call after 10 a.m. for reservations. aboard MCB Hawaii. Call Heather at 254-0841 or 254-8774 for appli- Low impact exercise classes are being held. Call for dates and times. cations or information. Childbirth education is a seven-Week series of classes. Wednesdays, INCLUDES: AS NEEDED: K-Bay Home Schoolers Association has weekly meetings from 1:30-3 6-8 p.m. Call for dates. Change oil with Pennzoil' Lubricate chassis 'up to 5 quarts Check & fill transmissio p.m. at the ASYMCA. Call Chris at 254-8704 for more information. Food for Families is designed to help families E-1 through E-5 stretch Install new oil filter transaxte fluid Check air filter Check & fill differential fluid NO APPOINTMENT JN Automotive Hydrofest will be open to the public from 12-6 p.m. food budgets. Check wiper blades Check & fill power Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 and Sunday. Admission to the Call 254-4719 for more information NECESSARY! Vacuum interior floors steering fluid p.m. Saturday on ASYMCA programs. Wash exterior windows Check & fill windshield preliminary qualifying runs Oct. 16 is free. Admission on Oct. 17-18 is Check brake fluid level washer fluid Lifestyles, Insights, Networking, Knowledge Check & fill battery water $1 for all military ID card holders, $2 for civilians. Ages 12 and under Inflate tires to proper pressure are admitted free. and Skills STATE SAFETY INSPECTION Na Leo Lani Chorus, Hawaii's chapter of Sweet Adelines Call L.I.N.K.S. to hear tips from other Marine Corps spouses on how to DOWNTOWN PEARL KAI SHOPPING CENTER UNIVERSITY International. is now inviting women 16 and older to try out. Call 944- succeed in the military enVironment in Hawaii. Free childcare is pro- 14449 Punchbowl St 9t3-199 Karnehameha iiwy. 2550 S. Beretania 3373. vided, but reservations are required. L.I.N.K.S. sessions are always the Phone 599-5433 Phone 488-5433 Phone 951-5433 The commissary will have a children's Halloween costume contest Oct. third week of the month. Leave a message at 257-2368 or call Marti at HOURS: !MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7 am to 6 pm SATURDAY 7 am to 5 pm SUNDAY 8 am to 4 pm 31 at II a.m. Children between 4 and 12 are welcome. 254-0373. WINDWARD MALL AT SEARS Phone 236-2255. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7:30 am to 6 pm SATURDAY 7:30 am to 5 pm SUNDAY 9 am to 4 pm Jiffy LukInkroational Inc Iv%

as Delicious Pizza * Exceptional Sen9ice aily r '/111111. "Magic of C) JIIJJIi r-))-..5 Halloween" J S1 Li r.)I if; JfiJ y it October 27 Life Schofield Barracks/Wheeler Children's AFBINAVCAMS 622-3030 Costume Contest! Lost Pearl City/Mananal Peninsula 456.4233 Great Prizes! Pearl Harbor/Hide/IV Free Children's Its Sub Base 839-3030 Goodie Bags! Fort Shafter 845-9991 Camp Smith/AMR/ ic? McGrew Point 486-7200 Marine Corps Base Hawaii-Kaneohe 254-6433 Has your daily life become a routine? Why not visit our magic show for a Barbers PointlIroquois/ West Lock Barracks689-8323 little added excitement. After enjoy- ing a bountiful buffet you'll witness r r an amazing display of illusions and 2 Pizza S ecial $5.00 OFF Get 2 medium, Get $5.00 Off any a whirlwind of juggling handiwork. Large 2 topping pizzas Combination Pizza This dazzling dinner show is held for only (or $3.00 off a medium combination pizza) +tax

every Tuesday from 6:00 PM; $19.95 Coupon regime& Valid or participating stores only. Not voted with ony Coupon required. Void of participating stores only. Not valid with other offer. Prices moy wry. Customer pays sobs wham tax °Oka- orry other offer Prices may vary. Cusimer pays soles km where Ne. Deliver limited areas to ensure safe driving. Our drivers carry opp/icoble. Delivery areas limited to ensure rote &Nina. Our drivers less than $2000. Cosh Value //20tlet. adults, children 12 ©1996 Hip indusnies Inc. cony lea than $zocco Cosh Value 1/201ht, 01996 Higa Industries under $10.50. But Expires October 31, 1998. Inc E .pines October 31, 1998 e if magician and jugglers aren't the L J difference you're looking for, we also Lan e for Medium Combo Meal Deal have a fabulous Polynesian Revue Any medium combination Buy any Large pizza at the pizza, an order of and Oahu's best luau on the beach. regular price of a Medium CheesyBread and 2 drinks ea today for reservations. pizza. for only +tax

Coupon required. Valid at participating gores only. Not valid with any Coupon required. yolid at participating gores only. Not valid with other offer. Prices may nary. Customer pays soles km where wake- eP any other offer. xztsec7.1,Custaner rya soles ese where ble. Delivery areas limited to ensure safe driving Our drivers sorry less than $20 00. Cash Value 1/20tht. ©1996 Hip Industries Inc. P;PirrYiegsletIltartit12g.0(02 Cosh ValValue 1720rt4'.010"kgo°'Irridtri4"es Expires October 31. 1998 q` hoc tepees October 31, 1998. HALE KOA HOTEL 4D J L 2055 Kalia Road 9 5 5-0 5 5 5 a Dayr I Classifieds October 15, 1998

Line Ads due by 12 Noon-Tuesday Class Display Ads due by 4:00 p.m. Friday CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS Your Military Want Ad is Now DUE BY 12 Noon-Monday Telephone Service the World Wide Web Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Visit Counter Service 45-525 Luluku Rd., Kaneohe Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Important Information: Please check your ad on the first day and bring any error to the attention of Classified immediately. RFD Publications assumes responsibility for errors in copy for the first insertion only, and any adjustment or credit will not exceed the value of the ad. The publisher assumes no further liability and the advertiser expressly waives any and all claims of consequential damages due to errors. RFD Publications cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of advertisers. 5881 0 Announcements 10 Free Bees 30 Personals

NOTICE OF MOVO MEDIA TELEPHONIC DATING SERVICE CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT HEARING DATE AND CLAIMS PROCEDURE FREE CAT, neutered, M. BACKYARD PARTY tent To: All heterosexual male customers who were charged by and paid Movo Media. Inc. for use of their letephone dating services in 1 yr. ('Novo") the ' Buy' Sell' Japanese Bobtail. 20x20 or 30x30, rental and category of "Men Seeking Women* between December 4, 1993 and May 31,1998, inclusive. Trade ' Loan ' old. Call 261-1417. sale. Call 737.9662. PLEASEREAD THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY AND IN ITS ENTIRETY. YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO SIX (61 MINUTES OF FREE AIR TIME WITH A VALUE to good home. Adult OF $12.00. YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IN THIS ACTION. YOU MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN THE CLAIM EASY MONEY FREE CIRCLE OF EVE FORM TO RECEIVE FREE AIR TIME neutered, indoor/outdoor, PAWN SHOP Readings, Dreams, In a class action lawsuit entitled Danford v. Move Media Inc. Superior Court of the State of California, San Diego County. Case No. friendly cat 395-4172 Spirits. 672-3996. 716260. the Plaintiff has alleged, among other thogs. that Movo unlawfully discriminated against its heterosexual male customers who used the 'Men 3180-A Koapaka Street Women' category of Movo's telephone voiemail dating that Move offered Seeking service by charging for services to woment for free. Behind Airport Plaza Hotel CONSIDER ADOPTION Plaintiff and Movo have entered into a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement the *Agreement"), which has been preliminanly approved by 30 Personals Happy but childless cou- the Court. Pursuant to the Agreement, Movo has agreed to compensate those heterosexual males who were charged and paid for use of the "Men Seeking 839-2005. ple w/love to spare wants Women' category between December4. 1993, and May 31. 1998. Under the terms of the Agreement, such customers are entitled to receive six minutes of "MEET Mr./Ms. RIGHT" to adopt newborn to 4 yrs. free time on Moves system with a value of $12. Moro has agreed to establish a Settlement Fund of $4.0 million to (1) pay for the free time of Authorized FANTASTIC GIFTS By phone. Try a FREE! All allowable expenses Claims, in an amount not to exceed $2.4 million, (2) establish a non-discriminatory "mirror' phone system. (3) pay for the cost of the notices of the Settlement When you shop with us 521-6696. code 7575 18+ paid. Please call attorney Class. (4) pay for the cost of administration of the settlement and (5) pay for the legal fees and costs of Settling Plaintiffs' counsel. along with an incentive toll-free 1-888-222-9123. the Plaintiff. award for 'YOUR PAST LIVES" As a result of the Judgment to he entered, all Settlement Class members. and anyone claiming through them, shall conclusively be deemed HAIRCUTS HAWAII offers Experience them yourself DESIRES! Meet others to have fully, finally and forever released. relinquished and discharged the Settling Defendants from all Released Claims, as defined by the Settlement 6 cuts. For $50 plans for Call Athena, 625 -5574. just like you!!! Record & Agreement. The Released Claims for Settlement Class Members means the claims that the Settlement Class Members who do not opt out ever had in the app't. call Gene, 540-1019 listen FREE! Call past, or not have, or may have m the future against Setting Defendants which were or could have been asserted.againsl Settling Defendants in the Action $20 PSYCHIC READINGS 596-7235. The Confiden- relating to the charges for Interactive telephonicdating services in the category of "Men Seekino Women By app't. in Kaneohe. tial C,onection, 18+. Use Any Settlement Class Member who wishes to receive free air time must complete, sign and return in a proper and timely fashion the Claim Call 235-6180 FREE Access Code: 8014. Font, to Movo at 6100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500. Los Angeles. CA 90048 via first class U.S. mail or equivalent, postage paid, postmarked on or before 10 Free Bees the tate r of February 19, 1999, or 90 days after the Final Notice is published. Any Clam Form not properly submitted will not constitute claim and a valid may MG BUYERS & sellers agree be denied payment unless otherwise ordered by the to Court FREE 2 tiger/tabby cats, 9 Find Fun, that the classifieds are a The Claims Administrator shall review all such Claim Forms received and shall verify the claim to reasonably ensure its validity and accuracy SINGLE?* With the United Armed Forces Association Group mos. spayed, need perm Friendship, Romance. real bargain. 235-5881. as may be reasonably necessary. The Claims Administrator may request proof that a Claimant was charged and paid for use of the 'Men Seeking Wom_en" Insurance Plan (Membership Required) inside home. 668-7222 FREE browsing, FREE category during the Class Period. Those Settlement Class Members who submit valid Claim Farms shall receive notice of issuance of the credit for free air Auto FAY PSYCHIC LOVE time. The free air time must be used within 90 days of receiptof the notice of issuance. The free air time shall be valid when issued. ads. NOT a 900#. use. SPECIALIST A Final hearing (the 'Hearing') will be held before the Honorable S. Charles Wickersham on February 19, 1999 at 3:00 p.m.. in the Superior Walmalu Unlimited confidentiaVtalk 1 on 1! Helps all problems. Court for the County of San Diego, State of California located at 330 West Broadway, Department 50. San Diego. California 92101 to determine whether the UAFA Salon Call your Reunites lovers. Stops proposed settlement of the Action is lair. reasonable and adequate and should be finally approved by the Court and whether a Judgment, as provided in the of Beauty 836-DATE (3283) Unwanted Divorce, Settlement, should be entered in the Action. The Court may adjourn or continue the Hearing without further notice to settlement Class Members To the Representative Honolulu's Local Dateline extent permitted by law, pending final determination as to whether the settlement should be approved, no Settlement Class Members shall separately Separation. Restores sex. institute re prosecute any Released Claims against the Settling Defendants. today at Passion, Romance. Any Setting Class Member may appear at the Hearing and show cause. if they have any. why the proposed settlement of the Action should fitic41.7 A PILL TO LOSE WT.? for Removes Bad Luck. or should riot be approved as lair reasonaNe and adequate. and why °Judgment should or should not be entered. No Settlement Class Member or any other free sample of Thermo-Lift Obstacles Guaranteed person shall be heard or entitled to contest the approval of the terms and conditions of the proposed settlement, or. if approved, the Judgment to be entered call 1. 888-282-4939 results. 1-619-222-6649. thereon unless on or before January 16,1999, that person has served by hand or by first class mail written objections and copies of any papers and briefs in October support of their position and verification of their membership in the Settlement Class upon Blumenthal Ostroff & Markham. Attn: Norman B. Blumenthal. 1420 622E2677 Relaxer Keener Boulevard. r Floor. San Diego. CA 92101 and Mena i Phelps & Phillips LLP. Attn: Brad W. Soiling, 11355West Olympic Boulevard. Los Angeles, CA Special,s40 90064. and filed said objections. papers and briefs with the Clerk of the Court Any Settlement Class Member who does not make their objection in the Kemoo Farm manner provided for in this Notice shall be deemed to have wanted such objection and shall forever be foreclosed for making any objection to or appeal of the Next to Boston Pizza 98-020 Kam. Hwy. settlement. Waimalu Shopping GRAND OPENING SPECIALA The amount of anomeys' fees and costs sought by Settling Plaintiffs Counsel is $450,00080 along with a 55,00000 incentive award for Alex, Raynette, Tanya, Terry Wahiawa Center in Aiea Plaintiff. These amounts will be paid horn the Settlement Fund. Class Counsel will argue that the amount of attomeys' fees to be sought will be based on a Upstairs, Rm. 205 consideration of factors including but not limited to the risks undertaken, the difficulty of the litigation, the uniqueness of the claim al the time brought and the 488-3988 254-UAFA results achieved including the amount of the common fund and the substantial benefits conferred on the public through the enforcement of important rights Call Danyiel at Times Square Mall-Pearl City Pali Palms, Ste. A-109 - Kailua F61cat $10 and other appropriate factors. Settling Defendants do not oppose the awards being sought by Plaintiff and Settling Plaintiffs' Counsel 488-4461 0 I Any Settlement Class Member may choose to opt out of the Settlement Class by requesting to be excluded in willing. My such person who ie Specialize in One Piece Rear Window Variety of Films to chooses to be from the Settlement Class will not be entitled to any from excluded recovery the settlement and will not be bound by the settlement or have any Choose From *Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship/Materials right to object. appeal or comment thereon. Any such pas(son who chooses to opt out may do so by submitting a written request with the Settlement Class Member's name and address to Blumenthal Ostroff & Markham, Attn Norman B. Blumenthal. 1420 Kenner Boulevard. r Floor. San Diego, CA 92101. Kaua'i postmarked no later than January 18.1999. Detailing Also Available If the proposed settlement is approved by the Court. the Judgment will be entered by the Court vituchvnIt dismiss With prejudice the Action as against all Setting Defendants. The Judgment will resolve the Released Clams to the extent provided in the Settlement Agreement and permanently bar at NEW Settlement Class Members from prosecuting any and all Released Claims against Move. The above description is a summary of the settlement For more ikotiALZ-9 WA, per night 454-2233 detailed information you may inspect the court files at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of San Diego, State of California, located at LOCATION 96-1185 Waihona St., C2 330 West Broadway. San Diego, California 92101 during the business hours of each business day. Inquiries regarding the Action shall be directed to Norman City Blumenthal at the address listed above. Please do not telephone the Resort plus tax Pearl Industrial Court or the Court Clerk regarding this action SunSpree $941 September 21. 1998 Kaua'i

THE HONORABLE S CHARLES WICKERSHAM FORD 350ci, 233 hp gas engine with Mercruiser leg. Type extra Room, Car & Breakfast for 2 great. $7 rg, 4 CLAIM FORM p s YOU MUST COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS CLAIM FORM BY FIRST CLASS U.S. MAIL OR EQUIVALENT, POSTAGE PAID. Great beach location POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 19.1999 ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS: Ted COMPLETE 614Q AI 10 Children's playground Closs Movo Media. Inc., 6100 Wilshire Boulevard,Suite1500. Los Angeles, CA 90048 viorUt INSTRUCTIONS 2 pools, Jacuzzi "I placed an ad in your classified sec- 1. Please complete and sign the Claim Form (Print or type). Fitness room, tennis tion to sell a boat engine. I received on 2. The Claims Admthrstralor has the right to test the validity of your claim by requiring proof to be submitted sold the unit on 3. If found eligible, you should not expect to receive notice until after 1999 Free local phone calls immediate response and the I am Name (First, Middle. Last) very first call. definitely Free HBO movie channel impressed with the results and would Street Address City State Zipcode recommend anyone who has something Area Code Telephone Number (Hamel Area Code Telephone Number (Work) to sell to place an ad in the Sun Press." Call your favorite travel agent, or I certify that f was charged by and paid Mono Media. Inc for their interactive telephonic dating services in the category of 'Men Seeking Women" Alan Y. Kim between December 4, 1993 and May 31, 1998. 1-888-823-5111/1-808-823-6000 Place Your Ad Now. (Sign your name here) Proof of Hawaii residency required. Subject to availability. Offer valid until 12/20/98 Call 235-5881 Business Guide

65 Help Wanted 35 Business/income 35 Business/Income 35 Business/Income 35 Business/Income 35 Business/Income 55 Employment 60 Employment 35 Business/Income 45 Domestic Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Information Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Help Wanted 9800 WEEKLY Potential GEN. OFFICE WORK PIT, $2000+/WEEK Home ATT: WORK FROM HOME FANTASTIC OPPORTUNI- LEADERS WANTED My NO JOKE! NEEDED comp. exp., Kailua area, based, not MLM, travel My come to the team is looking for 5 self- BABYSITTER Processing Government $4000 " A GRAND OPENING " children TY For Home Business! avail immed 262-7667. industry (24-hr. recording) office every day! EARN Call 543-1029, Iv. msg starting, highly motivated Reliable/caring, mostly Refunds At Home. No Exp. Positive, fun-loving, outgo- 624-2627 Ext. 841. 1-800-345-9688 ext. 2900. AN $500- $4000! people who have a strong The bottled water eves Schofield 1-800-945-6890 comm. ing team players needed EXTRA GENERAL OFFICE HELP P/T, FIT. 1. 800-693-7128 FREE 3-minute message desire for an income of IMMEDIATELY 484.5106. industry is boom- BRING YOUR CHILD TO COMPUTER USERS Prr, reliable, detailed, com- A 20-MACHINE VENDING reveals how you can earn $300,000 or more in the BTL H2O ing! Last month, I WORK Clean. errands, Needed. Typing & Word puter wiJI train Call ROUTE Must sell by 550-$100K/year. 24-hr next 6-8 mos. Our product "A MOM'S DREAM" Work some cooking & child processing from home. Will train. gam-12pm Jerri 394-2323 10/23. Invest 56K to earn AVON. Receive a Free gift msg., 1-888-574-0368 teaches how to accumu- made $4000. @ home. Make SW Free care, P/T Need reliable $45.000/yr. income poten- $4K+ /moo. NO GIMMICKS! + Earn up to 50% as an late & protect wealth using booklet. Call 688-1020. Need help transp. & 3 refs., Mainland tial 1-800-513-4343 Ext. HI. UNITED CHARITIES 1.800-925-7379, 24 hrs. Ind. Sales Rep. 623-9027. DON'T FORGET to check out the strategies of the very refs. OK Call 487-4013. B-19985 988-9885 seeks motivated those closets. Never know what wealthy. Not MLM or a immediately! NOWT A PLAN FOR FINANCIAL telemarketers, Work at "AVON" EARNS CALL THIS TOLL-FREE you may find which could put franchise. If you're serious- AIRLINE JOBS Will Train Buy/Sell. Ind. Rep. Ass'! INDEPENDENCE! 677-6850. HOME-HEALTH AIDE to COMPUTER USERS home, high comm., will NUMBER TODAY for free $$$ in your pocket Sell it in ly seeking an opportunity. -Customer Service. Bag- 676-1588. 221-7568 needed. Work own hrs train. 261.1034 Manager. Char, Call information on America's the Classifieds. Call 235-5881 at assist w/ a partially disa- gage, Flight Attendants, call me toll-free S20K- $75Ki'yr. #1 Network Marketing bled spouse during 3-wk. Clerical & many more! Call 1-800-322-6169 ext. 0777 1-800-348-7186 ext 3136. CLERK P/T, "DONT WAIT!" NEED A SERVICE? Call Company. Ground-floor HOW TO SCARF UP your stay in Naval quarters at INSURANCE for your personal interview 1-510-247-9398, ext. 602. 15-20 hrs./wk. Medical/ Help needed for the Classifieds 235-5881 opportunity in Hawaii. share of a $1.3 trillion OWN A BENZ! Pearl Harbor Patient in EARN MONEY Reading insurance billing & filing Will Success Magazine & industry. . using someone wheelchair, but can stand expansion. Train. MAKE $$$ Celebrating!!! books! $30,000/year ASSEMBLE ARTS, Crafts 625-3792. Send SASE I started working with a for transfer, with help. She exp preferred. Call 348-6412. AAA GREETING CARDS Investors Business Daily else's money. Be a party consultant! For income potential. Details. in your spare time. Distributors needed to wrote articles spotlighting Class Ads HI, P.O Box into call. 288-8569 pgr great company, P/T. is alert. intelligent & Eam extra $5 typing, an 1-800-513-4343 LOCAL TALENT $2K/mo. "OPPORTUNITY Knocks" service stores provided. the company in the past 2 1175, Pearl City. HI 96782 Now I drive a Mercedes! cheerful. We also need electronics, & more ext. Y-4031 2 immed. openings for $50K+ potential Low inv. months. 1-888-573-9562. MICROINVEST LIL WORK Will train you, too. aide( for the 3 weekends Flexible hrs. Intl Co. Call 1-800-786-0409 cust serv. 290-8578. 722.7042. 1-800-570-7480/24 hrs. IF I COULD SHOW YOU a S Pays wkly. Save min while aboard. Hours Interested? Need good work ethic & FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT way to earn an add'! S500/yr. w/our secs. or U desired: 8-00 to 5:00pm. PART-TIME SELL IT fast! Call 235-5881 commitment. 351-6970. $19K- $74K /Yr. + Benefits, PERFECT MILITARY 2nd INCOME $300 -$500 a month, would R refunded. U advertise Nov. 23 thru Dec. 11. Paid Training. For Info. On Home business 2 hrs per New Militant ofc. customer EARN A COMPUTER! you watch a short video? 800 #. 1-800-226-0633 Please state qualifica- Call day eams you $2K-$20K THE MORALE. WELFARE & RECREATION PAY PHONES $15014.1Yr. Avail Positions, svc. reps. Flex. schedule, Intel Pent. II 233, 333 Call 591-3535 code 60091. tions, exp. & expected per mo. Hands-on DEPARTMENT Lowest prices. Local sites 1-800-585-9024 ext. 4901. days/eves. avail 51-$3K/ MMX. laptop complete. salary. Fax reply to: Wm. training. 24-hr. msg. Kaneohe Bay KNOWLEDGE IS KEY! MILLIONAIRE wants to avail. 1-800-800-3470. H. Runge, D.D.S., CAPT. mo. + comm. 671-0632. Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Earn 51500/wk. 841-7290. HOME TYPISTS, PC users 1-888-617-9748. has an immediate opening for: To personal and financial share his secret. Call toll- USN(ret.), 2105 Park needed $45,000 income EST. VENDING RTE. Must independence. Not MLM. tree 1-888-573-5620 any- GET RESULTS! Ave., Sanford, FL 32771, P/T MKTG. $7/hr., moms., When your products and potential. 1-800-513-4343 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTIONIST sell by 10/23. 10-20 loca- X 7083 time listing Fax 1-407-322-0685. good speaking/computer 1-800-320-9895 Ext. B-4031. $9.96 PER HOUR tions. $4K-$8K. $4000+/ services in the Classifieds. 65 Help Wanted skills req. 955-8887. mo. income. 100% fin. w/ LARGE telecom needs MOTHER'S DREAM Reach more people now than Serves as relief projectionist operating 35mm motion ever before on our website MOTHERS & OTHERS good credit Toll-free, reps in your area. P/T-F/T Perfect home-based busi- "AVON" SALES REPS , PROBLEM: Got an over- picture equipment at Base Theater. Opens/closes 50 Domestic Work @ home 1-888-538-9508 ext, 80. Call today. 543-0901. ness,' 1-888-571-8818 WWW MIDWEEK.COM Call crowded closet? Try this theater, accounts for cash, set up and operates Classifieds.235-5881. Jobs Wanted 5500-52500/mo possible BE YOUR OWN BOSS quick and easysolution! equipment. performing operational adjustments for Call 591-7647 50%+ earnings possible. Advertise those unwanted WANTED 49 people to Jo 395-6970, Tracy film viewing, and provides leadership to assigned 24-HR. VIOLET'S Child unused items "For Sale" lose 20-200 lbs & earn 254-1093 Ind. Sales Reps. support staff Works approximately 15 hours weekly; ALOHA extra income 591-3810. Care. Lic. PT/FT. Drop- in the Sun Press. Classifieds tiViawth,8 R geAa6- emote 60 Employment and then pocket the cash 6 evening hours Mondays through Thursdays, and illoha ins. Kailua, 261-7657 $3000 Cust.-Service you make! Don't delay.Call varied showing evening hours Fridays through Sun- WILLING TO EDUCATE Opportunities Reps. Intl growth. 2 new "The light that cares for our extended family" highly motivated individu- BABYSITTING my home today,235-5881! days. Applicants must be experienced in operating otos. Will train 671-8855. al for rewarding career in M-F, 2 children, infant /up. 35mm motion picture equipment with ability to set up P/T REAL ESTATE PU.SENG ILIUS financial svcs. 231-0068. Ewa Beach. 689-6518 "START TODAY" and adjust sound, size, illumination and focus, is TO BUY AND SELL FAST! SECRETARY w/computer currently seeking List your products and ser- transferring operation from one machine to another CARE New offices opening. skills. Call '254-3320 QUALITY CHILD vices in the Classifieds.They without interrupting action on screen, handling cash. LICENSED Mom w/ Elem. Ed degree. Help needed for really get results. Call 235- SECRETARY 2 days per 1-2 children 262-5228. and leading others. Also, requires demonstrated Volunteer Coordinator CONTRACTOR expansion. 5881. week, no exp nec. preventative maintenance experience such as replac- comm. with the following qualifications WANTED $3,000-$5,000 Downtown law ofc. Lv. ing worn carbons, realigning reflectors, cutting and ADS really sell! Call 235-5881 10 PEOPLE to process msg., 591-2273. Training Provided. mail from home: Unlimited splicing film to correct breakage. to plan, income potential, 543-0944. P/T position organize & direct our volunteer Hands on Builder Call 488-1905. TELEMARKETING Kailua Apply in person at MCBH. Bldg. 219, or submit 55 Employment various for Joint Venture COMPUTER USERS P/T office. No sales, resume with COMPLETE WORK HISTORY OF PAST program. Must have computer skills. Good Need Opportunity. Information BAG A BARGAIN in the or F/T. Non-commuting. shifts. energetic, FIVE YEARS (including periods of non employment) enthusiastic attitude. Will communication skills. Experience working with the Classifieds... Your super and SPECIFICALLY ADDRESS HOW THE ABOVE 8 to 16 Single train. 254-0114. S WORK FROM HOME marketplace of items for SKILL, KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRE- elderly a must. Family Houses. Own a computer? Put it to sale, services to offer,. DYNAMIC Int'l. Co. needs MENTS ARE MET to: MWR, Attn, Personnel, Box other things! P/T, F/T help. S25- $75 /hr. WE ARE SEEKING an Windward Area. work. $1K-56K. Log online and 1001 63073. MCBH, Kaneohe Bay, HI 96863-3073. Failure Please in Fax Resume: w/access code FL 1118 235-5881 Paid vacations. No exp. aggressive, self-motivated apply person or to & to include complete information will result in loss of Owner Can www.ihbn com necessary. Call 526-2243. person demonstrate sell Hitachi products at the consideration. APPLICATIONS/RESUME MUST BE ALOHA NURSING & REHAB CENTRE Finance. S MAKE SERIOUS http-// $28001140. Assemble MONEYS Your own busi- Schofield Barracks RECEIVED NO LATER THAN CLOSE OF BUSINESS 45-545 Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe Inquire at: products al home Send ness w/unlimited income FITNESS INSTRUCTORS exchange Sales back- 21 OCTOBER 1998. SASE: 758 Kapahulu Ave. Free 24-hr. msg. Cert. w/exp. Yoga, kick box- ground helpful. Call Telephone 247-2220 Fax 235-3676 An Equal Opportunity Employer AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 988-1417 #A-233, Honolulu 96816. 1-888. 573.6478. ing, low, step. 263-0101. 1-800-241-6558 ext. 5744. ( October 15, 1998 Classifieds II

160 30 Personals 100 Cemetery Plots 105 Computers 115 Garage/Lanai 115 Garage/Lanai 120 Health & Fitness 130 Home 160 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 160 Miscellaneous Sales Sales Furnishings COMMERCIAL ICE BOX 3 HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL 2 PENTIUM Computer $999 GIFTED PSYCHIC Prob- BEANIE BABIES for sale. dr, S1000, 2 display plots in Calvary. $3500 4' $55.14 per month. MOVING SALE, 126 Ley GET READY HAWAII! OAK DINING ROOM "FREE GROCERIES" lems in life? Expecting HUGE Multifamily. Fury., Ally to Zip 10 new cases, $300 & $400; stain- or $6800/both 262-5418 Lose Weight, Feel Great! TABLE + 6 padded chairs boy or girl; lucky numbers NO money down! Ct , Sat. 10/17, 7:30 -? Ph 1200+ name brands. Free misc.. good quality clothes CALL NOW!! 584-5740 Call 685-1688 releases. 499-0110 less steel table, $400. 1- & 844-0519, leave message. All ranks! Limited time! cards, & lots of kids' stuff 5400/060. info 1-800-353-6842 ext 2 HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL 2 & Avon collectables 2 man kayaks 262-2789. 30-day hassle-free return 10/17. 8am-1pm. No early BOTTLELESS WATER plots, $3800 incl. vault. policy. 1. 800 -683 -2165. MULTIFAMILY 10/17-18. JOINT PAIN? Call DON'T NEED IT? Sell f in birds. 215 N. Kalaheo Ave 20-GALLON aquarium WI COOLERS 2 left, sell ISABELLA PSYCHIC vase. marker. 261-8057. 8-2 pm. Great stuff! 948 toll-free 1-888-827-8957 the Classifieds. 235-5881 CLASSIFIEDS sell. 235-5881 stand/fish/supplies, $50. below cost, $650 ea. Hot Like any fine instrument, Lunaawa Pl., Maunawili. for guaranteed relief. THE BEST BARGAINS HUGE RUMMAGE SALE SUPERB QUALITY '72 & cold spigots. Save $ in PORTABLE Afc. ant. ctr., the body & mind have to HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL 2 Harley Sportster XLCH are found in the Classifieds 10/17, 8-2. 405 Olomana KOA/MANGO (basket case), paint incl., office or home. Call microwave. girls7womens' be in tune to perform at its prime plots, worth $5600, MULTIFAMILY 10/17, 8-2. NOM for lupus, eczema, ROCKERS/ Call 235-5881. St.. Kailua MN of Oneawa 282.1313. clothes/shoes. 292-3434. best. Your aura is your sell $3200. 262-2398 eves 46-065 Allipapa PI #1522. MS, migraine, HIV/AIDS, Misc. 50% OFF. 293.8234. $3000/0B0. 423-6534. Street) Lots of good stuff! body, your psychic is your Clothes, hshld. & more! chronic fatigue ..239-6736 mind. Pyschic aura, tarot HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL 1 115 Garage/Lanai HUGE 10/17, 8- & past life readings. Get in Reveries, plot, $2000/ SALE MULTIFAMILY SALE Sal., WE'LL PAY YOU CASH( 2pm. 402 Kawainui St. tune with your body & your 080 Call 247-0365 Sales 10/17, 8-2pm Sec sofa, to lose up to 30 lbs in 30 *kir DAVIOSON mind. 1-310-858-0502. Baby items /clothes /more! swivel. rocker, dresser, days. URGENT! 941-1002. 4f64 The Legend Rolls on. t15 VALLEY of the TEMPLES lamps, tables., old 10 SOCCER-FAMILY Sale HUGE SALE Sal. 10/17. ISLAND ROMANCE Meet Cathedral View, 2 plots, records, clothes & misc. WESLO shape trainer. 45-1138 Makaloha St., 1957 Lepelepe. Schofield Local Singles! Record & $5000 for both 599.2718. 519-A Keolu Dr.. Kailua. Fold-away design. Cost Kaneohe. Sat., 10/17, Furs., TV, many items! Listen to ads FREE. $150, will sell for $50 or VALLEY of the TEMPLES 8am-3pm. 235-2257. Confidential Connection. ONE-DAY SALE best offer. 625-7833. 3 plots, Eternal Love, near M &J CREATIONS 596-7222. 18+. COMMUNITY SALE New houseware roadside, $4000 for all 3. Holiday Craft Fair Access code: 8082. Hawaii KaVKalama Valley great Christmas gifts. YOGA Silent Dance Ctr. 235-4152, 251-8417 pgr. Fri 10/16, 4 to 9pm Queen's Gate Sat., 10/17, 8-2pm. Ongoing classes daily, LOCAL LOVE Meet by 530 Kaha St., Kailua 519-A Keolu Dr., Kailua. MoiliililKailua. 526-9642. VALLEY of the TEMPLES Sat. Oct 17th, 8 am-4 pm phone. Use code 4000. Aupuni. 3 plots. $3000 10/17, 7-3 536-6625 ACME! 18+ EXERCISE 'equipment; MOVING SALE SAT. 10/17, 9-12 Nordic- ADS really sell! Call 235-5881 each or best offer. Furs.. dishes. books. 333 cribs-like new, high chair; Track, Universal, Bowflex. LOVE AWAITS YOU 531 -7437. Dune Circle, Kailua. $150 ea. Also bicycles. toys; stroller; portable FXST SOFTTAIL STANDARD Post/Listen to ads FREE playpen; leather Eames kayak. love seat. Good 130 Home MOVING SALE 8am-2pm, N. 521-6696, ad #3325. 18+ chairs; many treasures! stuff! 178 Kalaheo, Furnishings a should be, 105 Computers Sat. Oct. 17. Furs., incl. Wide raked fork. Drag bars. Loads of Everything Harley custom 10/17. 8-2 425 Dune Cir. Kailua. 261-6733. with the styling kept simple. MARY VINE psychic, helps recliner, suite, queen Black. Eclipses anything parked nearby. solve problems, love, mar- ACER 300- FINAL MOVING SALE sofabed. rattan & bamboo. SUN, 10118, 8.12 Sunfish LIKE NEW PASTEL SOFA riage, Computers business, returns lov- 400mhz Easy payment. Tools, hshld., etc. 46-170 Also plants, toys & more! boat, rattan turn., shelves, 2 yrs. old. Paid $900, ask- ers. Reveals future. 2 tree 1445 Auwaiku St., Helm. misc. 1163 Akipola, Kailua ing $300. Call 261-7717 1-808-329-9322 Nahiku St. Sal . 8-1. questions. 1-800.299-1352 SERIOUS About Losing NEED CREDIT?? Weight? But tired of failed For the First Time Ever! NEED A CAR, TRUCK, VAN OR SUV? attempts? Call me I can Weight-Loss Patch help! Try 4 free, 591-7676 A Revolutionary, ADS really sell! Call 235-5881 New Breakthrough Product! NO PROBLEM!! 'All Natural 80 Antiques/ *No Side Effects CALL xi 983C SPORTSTER 893 CUSTOM Art/Collectibles Tour Years in Development -800- 294 -CARS 1200 Evolution engine. Sportster, Forward foot controls. The look is Medical Doctors & Pharmacists on -HOUR LOAN APPROVAL_ 'Sixty a whole new reason to ride is born. clean, mean and all Sportster. SAMURAI SWORDS Advisory Board GOOD CREDIT BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSIONS Call 455-7529 Your Appetite Naturally from noon-9pm 'Suppresses COLLECTIONS LIENS SLOW PAY No Pills. No Shakes, No Special Menus, No BAD CREDIT CHARGE OFFS JUDGEMENTS Meetings To Go To! 100 Cemetery Plots Take delivery today on new or late model vehicles Sales & Service Ports JUST PEEL & STICK & GO! 94-896 Moloalo St. Call 262-9576 SPECIAL MILITARY FINANCING 671-6711 In Waipahu 671-6781 DIAMOND HEAD 1 plot. value $5000, sell $4000. 100% Money-Back Guaranteed LITTLE OR NO DOWN PAYMENT Call 696-2933 for info. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS HUGE SELECTION OF QUALITY CARS, .e.,, e. . v.. TRUCKS, VANS AND SUVs tt THIS WEEK See The New 1999 SCHUMAN CARRIAGE USED CARS 88 Twin Cam Engine! MIDDLE STREET AT DILLINGHAM PHONE 832.7545, FAX 832-7540 Roadking Classic '91 11883 '4,995 Dyna SuperGlide '96 ZX600R P6453 '4,195 XL1 200 Custom AMY CALLEAL '96 tIdroGfide5 °M Phil 'I3,1Y5 XL883 Sportster CREDIT? i lis '99 Rif '98 NO PROBLEM! '98 Ninja 250 ims '2,999 '99 M2 Cyclone 891931 '8,599 "CHECK MY 10 DAY Vulcan 819124 LOANS UP TO $25,000 o A.C.* '98 500 19045 '4,999 '98 Si Lightning '9,995 EXCHANGE" S3 Thunderbolt..619324 DOLLARS" '98 2X6R MCA $7,999 '98 '12,995 24 HOURS A DAY TOLL FREE IF YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY TEN Prices +375 dot, bundling., ix_ lie. SATISFIED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF CASH DOWN PURCHASE, BRING IT BACK* We're the only Dealer Open Sundays! 0 , C A Trades Welcome. Cars too! 3KT.QFLALITO / PRICES ARE GOOD THRU MONDAY, OCT. 19TH. 2965 N. Nimitz Highway Repossessions, Bankruptcs, Tax Liens, VEHICLE SALE PRICE MONTHLY VEHICLE SALE PRICE MONTHLY (Near JN Chevrolet and 11,0 Airport) Judgments, Charge-Offs & Foreclosures IP- Ltd. '95 N/SSAN SENTRA XE $6 499,151 S93A711511113N SC1 $9 Call Now! CDP:lyn) tKPV433/D3298 831 -2600 AUTO, AIR A MO. AIR, P'S, ALLOYS 1 999 WE CAN HELP, LOADED '92 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL HIGHLUNE 1734837/03380 $6 999 SAW 1,7 AUTO AIR, LEATHER, 10)6,?A gl.37,isNEON 10,499 s4)5. mastercard ,L903ADpotorinAc 999 'Z7N6Sfor52CAVALLER LS $10 ,,Fti OGWA003OM2266 s6 PM. AUTO, AIR, ABS ndWeek COMBO CASS., CD sun Press '96 DODGE INTREPID WAIPAHU PEARLRIDGE CAX613/D3296 4ETC579/D3362 AUTO, AIR, P/S 999 V.6, AUTO. AIR, '10,999 ',F2 line I vA. 13 per 1 44 peddle .. ALLOYS 77 $6.55 $8.02 Per lin 1 wk ...... , 671-2611 487-1133 Per "nt 2-4wk.s 16.11 per line 24 wks '95 FORD TAURUS GL $3. a 1.55 lin 94-119 FARRINGTON HWY. 425 KAMEHAMEHA HWY. 2-444 .... 0,1:4 (per wail 481.1072/M2M V-6, AUTO, AIR, '6,9998,12 'f;IT'IrA6U1170,11:)DIJALHDOVOORYSAGER '11,999 pf09. per hne 5-8wks $5.8 1 per line 5'8 wk3 *Take immediate delivery from 7 PASS., LOADED . 13 47 17.49 LOADED $.13 w1k s. ... ;r rte O.* over lPrr .itell 300 new Nissan and late model vehicles. '96 PLYMOUTH NEON HIGHUNE '97 HONDA CIVIC LX 10013641153365 CRTS02.1042238 $?E. AUTO, AIR, '7,999'16 AIR, P(S. PON PI. 112,999 LOADED CRUISE ASK ABOUT OUR 3-WEEKS-FOR2 COMBO SPECIAL '94 DODGE CARAVAN $a° '96 DODGE CARAVAN $t2. SAAB HAWAII 706MCM/D3349 INGY231/M2227 V-6, AUTO, AIR, AUTO, 7 PASS., AIR, '12999 LOADED '7,999 P/S Name: SE '96 CHEW CORSICA '97 JEEP WRANGLER $ #20327610412284 e0148104153387 $310 Address: V-6, AUTO, AIR, 4 WI-IL. DRIVE. AM/FM, AM°, '8,999 72.8 1 LOADED CASS. Home Ph: Bus. Ph: '95 FORD TAURUS GL '93 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE WED° 006TNC/M2137 $13 999 SE iram21o.12244 '95 SAAB V-6. AUTO, AIR. V-6, AUTO, 4 WHL. DRIVE, SAVE J VISA :.i MasterCard No. '8,999 ?V TUC. EP. V6, Auto. Warranty I0G0639) '155009 31SAAB"°°"E"1113.33, . 169009 LOADED AIR, ALLOYS MACE YOUR AD HERE 95 SATURN SW2 WGN. '97 HONDA DEL SOL VTEC A $325 Allow ler eoch letter, punctuation or space. Please do not abh.reviate. Please run this ad in your 110/F05611:13333 OGJT564/PA2275 $i AUTO, AIR, ALLOYS. '9,499?108 AIR, PIS, ALLOYS 1 11U A KO. next issue of Sun Press Newspapers and/or MidWeek Magazine and/or LOADED '95 FORD TAURUS GL '99 DODGE DAKOTA SHORT BED NEP 114999 MINIMUM 3 LINES PER AD eGBV200/D3376 eGSS723/03402 SAVE AUTO, AIR, '9,499 AIR, P/S, CASS. FIRST UNE WELL EQUIPPED '89 SAAB 9001 Cony. slogan VS BUICK CENTURY CREDIT PROBLEMS? 550,GrAy aged (EXN090) vas(' ItMCH0391M2270 $9999 $229 V-6, AUTO, AIR, A MO. LOADED CALL 233-AUTO 3 '15 '96 Saab 9015 S5 OLDSMOBIL E CUTUSS &TREK S 1 29 Alo Great god2nd 0ar RY 439) 1,950 5 Spa kC CleanLRL 15,950 MR69103404 4 v 6, AUTO, AIR $9,999 '90 Toyota Corolla 90ISE AUTO.CREDIT

. Auto Lthr Alloys (GFP9261 S 5 Spd., Cull A/C (DFE670) s3 400 6Saab 511,599 PROTEGE LX HI Gan $229 WE'RE THE ONLY ONE'S THAT HAVE IT. 11L0zAcctzDEDNI)t ALSO ON THE NET AT '92 lineal Cookartal 15 SAM NISEI AIR, CRUISE, URUU MO. 6 55,290 LOADED V6, Loaded Good 2nil Carl 5 Spd Full Powr, Must See! (FXR945) .17,900 96 SAAB Coot Classification 9 '90 Saab 900 Turbo NIS .vslcillm);', 5 Sod.AC, Clean (59P839) 79900 ,GFP927) '22 9 500 WINDWARD WINDWARD TOTAL COST FEES OF No. of Lines JiCtoperline x Nu. of weeks -_ 96 Sao SI/ S 900S Coot $23,900 DODGE CHRYSLER angs'-''2.7 5 SO, Loaded Sharp! (GR8237) 510,505 IlLack, Auto, Ilk, Loaded, Sharp (619881) MidWeek 45-525 Luluku Rd. ALL DODGE VEHICLES PLYMOUTHJEEPEAGLE fetstS $1495' 195 equal or greater value. Sun Press Kaneohe, 96744 2 35 5881 3030 WAIALAE AVE. 735-2488 46-177 KAHUHIPA ST. 233-6000 46-004 KAWA ST., KANEOHE 233-6064

CLASSIFIED INDEX iR CUSS Home a Guide Announcements...... 0 Jewelry & Clothg..,..145 Housesitting 1565

Cards of Thnx 5 Livestock & Horses.150 Income Property 157Q 1500 Apts. Furnished 1505 Apts. Partly 1540 Condos/Townhouses 1574 Out of State 1625 Rooms For Rent Where on Oahu can you live like Furnished Unfurnished Real EVate Free Bees 10 Medical Suppl 155 Moving/Storage...,15 this for only $137,000 -$196,500 KANEOHE Studio, ocean EWA 2/11/2, from $795, 1 'TAKE OVER PYMTS.!" KAILUA Living Room Funeral Notice 15 Miscellaneous 160 Property Mgt 15 Fee Simple? AIEA above Pearlridge view, quiet, cool. $600 mo free rent w/ 1 -yr. 20 acres in West Texas Bdrm. Separate entrance S/C. studio, wlkitchenette, incl. utils 239-8702. lea,, CM! 685 -0094. Assume $150 monthly bath, MID, Ideal for Legal Notices 20 Misc. Wanted 165 Real Est 4 Sale 1 pet. bath, cv'd balcony w/ pymts. on $8990 bal. Best mature single $500 incl. plants, parkg.. $600, incl. LILIHA nr. Kuakini, 1/1, cable/oils 262-9789. 1555 Houses deal in Texas! Call toll- Lost & Found 25 Musical Instr ...... -.175 Real Est Anno 1 utils. & cable. 486.0924. $600: 2/1, $750, prkg. free, 1.800-875-6568. avail., incl. water. Partly Furnished KAILUA Ige rm w/pvt DOWNTOWN Kukui "Rlaza, Personals 30 Office & Eqpt 180 Real Est Loan 15 538-1513. M-F, 10.4 pm. ant. & own ba , Incl. 1/1, A/C, prkg., pool, avail KAHALUU 4,3. w, 1580 Real Estate $550. Call 261-6386.

Nov. 7, $825. 546-2054 PUNALUU, 1/1/1, secure, fenced prkg . Business Opport 35 Pets-Everything 185 Real Est Trad 1 yard, Wry., For Sale on beach, mo -to -mo. L. lush, quiet setting. Tenant KANEOHE Pvt. Ent.. bath, Photo Supplies 190 PAT'S at PUNALUU Ige $600 incl. Oils. 239.8542 shares utils sv/ adjoining BARGAIN HOMES 1000s pool, W(D, no smk.ipets, Invest Opport 40 Real Est Want 1:1: 1/1. upgraded, ground unit. 1 -yr (L), $1400/mo + of government-foreclosed $495 incl. utils 235.5411. floor, on beach, $850. WAHIAWA, 2/1, nr. bus, 205 dep , 239-7865 evenings. & repossessed properties Domest Hip Wa 45 Sporting Good Rental Serv. 1 591-2302 (R) or 944.9529 $600/mo. incl water. Call being liquidated this MANOA spacious bdrm w/ Stereo 843-0278, 361.0278, pgr. KAILUA Lge. 1/1, new month! Government sitting rm., pvt. ent./ba., Domes Job Wa 50 Video 210 Rentals to Share 1610 financ- crpt., yd., utif. incl., nr. ing. Low or no down. For beautiful park-like estate, 1505 Apts. Partly WAIPAHU clean 2 bdrm., Swap 215 shop/bus. $750. 263.5883 local listings call now! to share w/non-smkr, avail In 55 Rentals Wanted 1615 8 OK, pets nego- Employment Furnished Section 1-800-501-1777 ext. 3401. now $795. Gary, 988.8014 tiable, $600. 671-1961 KANEOHE 31/2 bdrm., new Travel 220 1620 Employment Opport,60 Restaurant/Bar AIEA 1;1, lge Ivrm , nr crpt./tile, nr. bus /shops. DONT FORGET to check out WAIPAHU 2 Ige. rms., bus, no no smoke/pets, $750 incl. Watr Sprt Equ 230 smoking/no pets 1525 CoDdosfrovnhouses those closets Never know what own bath /entry, $380 ea./ Help Want M/F 65 Rooms Rent 1625 $800 incl. utils. 484-2543 water. 247-6081 after 6pm 677.5946 Furnished you may.find which could put or SF'', Loth $$$ in your pocket. Sell it in ../11111111110.11,, asformoul. Jobs Wanted 70 Short Trm Rent 1630 AIEA Hts.. ocean view, KANEOHE BAY upstairs the Classifieds Cal( 235-589, Home/Apt Guide ..ancl walk to work. prkg. 2/1, $830; studio, ALA MoanalKapiolani 111, 3/1, sec gate, waterfront. 1635 Store & Office Stores/Offic Rent 1635 There's one a lace. $530 utils. incl. 486.0407 utils. view, sec , prkg., quiet, $1000. 247. 7454 Sales Help Wa 75 onl like Rentals new 3810 946-6102. 1610 Rentals to Share Vac Rent 1640 KAAAWA Makaua Village KANEOHE upstairs 2/1, KAILUA Hex L terms, Antiques/Art 80 bdrms. cony location, Apts Furnishcl ..... _1500 2/2/2, loft. $950 + dep 1530 Condos/Townhouses lge incl. alarm/water/tax, incl water 293.8345 $950 incl. util. 247-5486. Aviation 85 Partly Furnished HAWAII KM single mom $285/mo. 1-800-919-0267 Apts Part Furn 1505 looking for same to share Automobiles KAHALUU 2/1, encl. LAIE PT., 3/2/2, clean. Bicycle AIKAHI 3/2/2. WID, ocean townhse. 2 bdrms. KAILUA Ofc. avail. Sale 90 Apts Unfurn 1510 prkg., no pets, water incl., cool, open beam, $1350.; immed., 2nd view. garden (anai/BBQ, pet. ba WM pool, $800 528 sq. ft. $750. Call 261-2973 1/1, $750. 293.5066. fl., good loc. Barbara, Boat Sale/Ser 95 Auto Announce 2000 nr. bus/MCBH, $1400, 1- incl. utils 837-1288 Business & Indus 1515 254-6368 or 848-8779. KAHALUU GDNS. 2/1, yr. lease, 254-4589. PALAMA remodeled 3/1 SALT LAKE 2 rms., semi. Cemetery Plot 100 Auto Leasing 2005 prkg., W/D, near bus & downstairs, quiet, $950 + Comm! Prop 1520 Turn., share ba $400 ea shops. avail 12/1. $800. KANEOHE 3/11/2, Nap ati Whs. 845.7047, 668-4780 YOU'LL BE AMAZED at 1 4. utils 839-6488 eves. the amount of money you Computers 105 Auto Serv/Par 2010 544-9770, 247.3022 eves. Grdns., 3rd fl., prkg., no Cond/Twn Fur 1525 Award Winning pets, beautiful mtn. view, GET YOUR CLASSIFIED can make on things you no RING UP THE PROFITS KAILUA 2/1 w/den, prkg. $925. Call 235-4446 AD ON THE WORLD longer need. They're Fillers 110 Cond/Twn Nur 1530 Autos 4 Sale 2100 when you sell those odds teeert g7/22/nag2t2releeld & water incl., $960 + dep. WIDE WEB! CALL someone else's treasure, and ends in the No pets. Call 262-8231. DON'T NEED IT? Sell A in 235-5881. and the Classifieds bring Garage/Lanai S 115 Autos Wanted 2015 1519 Nuuanu Avenue Cond/Twn Sal 1535 the Classifieds. 235-5881 Classifieds. 235-5881. you together. KAILUA 2/1, Phone 235-5881 today! Hvy Mch & Eq 2020 Open House Daily cable/utils. 1572 Health/Fitness 120 Cond/Twn Unfur ,1540 incl, PALM VILLA 1.2 bdrms. Moving/Storage 10-5pm ocean view. nr. shops 1615 Rentals $950 941 -1520, 254-1390 M5-5845. f mo. FREE w/ Wanted Home Appliance .....125 Houses Furn 1550 MtrCyls/Scoot 2025 yr. Ise. CMI. 683-5699. 1640 Vacation 545-4078 KANEOHE Hale Anaole, COLEMAN AMERICAN Rentals Home Furnish 130 Houses Pfum 1555 Pickup Trucks , 2030 2/1, prkg., W/D, D/W. PUNCHBOWL cool 2/1/1, MOVING SERVICES, INC. RET. SENIOR sin. pets QAVTOlbileakr- great view, avail. immed.. sea view, pool, upgrades, Packing & Moving modest rent, WW area by "LANIKAI NR. BEACH" bv- Imports 135 Houses Unfurn 1560 Van Camp 4-wd 2035 $900 util. incl. Call Don, $800. Century 21 Home- Mainland & Intl. Jan. Light handiwork, no ely 1 -bdrm. cottage, 2.3/2 261-9917, or 262-4359. tinders, 677-0721 ext. 2q. Free Est. 882-1576 smk/drink, 247-4998. hm , now /x -mas. 282-5445 III Classifieds October 15, 1998

2025 Motorcycles 160 Miscellaneous 175 Musical 175 Musical 185 Pets & Everything 185 Pets & Everything 2015 Auto Wanted 2025 Motorcycles 2025 Motorcycles 2035 Vans/Campers Instruments Instruments & Scooters & Scooters & Scooters 4-Wheel Drive WINDSURFER $400 never BLKJWHT. PAPILLON MINI SCHNAUZER PUPS DONATE ANY '96 ElectraGllde Sport '96 ZX600R used. 2 metal bunk beds/ PIANOS-PIANOS-SALE 1 yr., male, trained, $5001 Chihuahua/terrier pups. ABLE PIANO WHSE. has '91 XL883 SPORTSTER $13,195 + handling 54.195 + handling, '813 CARAVAN 8 pass. V-6 mattresses. $2000. Tread- We buy, we sell. 080 839-3573 lv msg Terrier pups 668-4567. VEHICLE Ige selection. good used 54,995+ handling, 575 doe., tax & lic. 575 doe., tax & lie. auto. P/W, P/13. all legal, mill, $200 Call 254-8747 We repair 531 -3848. CAR, VAN, TRUCK, pianos. $300 & up. $75 doc., tax & tic. needs new windshield & P/ FREE Lge. mixed/terrier, UKC AMERICAN Pitbull MOPED, MOTORCYCLE 382-7789 or 847-6588 la..- S, 61400/080. 261-7639. RENT YOUR APARTMENT blond, M, neutered. Good puppies. Chocolate/red BOAT OR CLASSIC. 7M424Mpp. watch dog. 254-2129 nose. Call 293-8171. Call the Classifieds. 235-5881 PIANO, Yamaha, oak, 185 Pets/Everything Running, broken, '86 FORD BRONCO II damaged or high mileage. 71110041111 upright. Like new, $2000/ V-6, auto. 4 wd. all HORSE BOARDING New MAX TAX DEDUCTION. 831-2600 0130 Call 262-9297 "6 LOVING PUPPIES Blk "Centaur" fenced stalls. options. needs motor. 165 Miscellaneous 205 Sporting Goods FREE FAST PICKUP 831.2600 $2,000/M30 261-7639 Lab./Dal , 1st shots, to Four riding arenas & The CLASSIFIEDS 235.5881 98 S1 LIGHTNING Wanted GOOD homes. 234-6151 CHRISTIAN SELL IT fast' Call 235-5881 botanical trails. 395-2628. FAMILY CHARMES ADS really sell' Call 235-5881 $9.995+ handling. LONG BOARD like new, '96 HONDA CBR F3 4K '91 MAZDA MPV fully 521-GIFT (4438) $75 doe., tax & iic. 91/2 ft. custom Barnfield w/ loaded, new trans.. excl., CASH? I PIANO, good "GABRIELE'S Complete KITTY BED & Breakfast '94 KAWASAKI ZX7, mi., purple/yellow, runs NEED QUICK upright, $6200/080 569-6118 pgr BUY THE SMALL STUFF! cond. w/stool/scores Dog Grooming' on wheels' Boarding cats only. Lots of sock & tie down straps, green/white/purple, clean, great, MUST SEE!! 262-4291 $500. Call 253-0126. FIND IT fast, Call 235-5881 $5000/0130. 261-8075. 836-5040 $500/0130. 456-2882. 678-8638, 680-4737 pgr 'TLC' $4,300/080. 254-3349 '94 PATHFINDER stnd., all pwr.. sunroof, cruise, BOK mi., heavy-duty tires, $18K/obo. 263-9380 eves. '99 M2 CYCLONE 58.599 + handling, $75 doe., tax 8 lie. BMW

'97 5281 23K mi., silver/ gray, premium pkg., under wrnly.. $39.5K, 676-7474. 831-2600 SELL IT fast! Call 235-5881 YOU'LL BE AMAZED at the money you can make on Chevrolet things you no longer need. They're someone else's trea- sure, and the Classifieds bring '85 CAMARO V8 350. you together. Kenwood CD runs good, Phone 235-5881 today! $2800 nag 261-8075 '86 CAMARO Black, V-6. 2030 Pickup Trucks auto. PNV, P/B, P/S. $700/ - OBO. Call Scott. 581-0067 or 554-4054. '91 TOYOTA P/U. 5 spd gray, A/C, CD player, '96 CAVALIER 2 dr.. V-4. dura-liner, new tires, auto., A/C, AM/FM cass., $4,200/0130. 261-0757. 14K, $7000 /obo. 576-3136 /44' 1,.,%:. al a, r" 430 '9 -°1 aa90 lat EP" .C.39=-..1 a ,. "1 .A$ .k CHARGE INCLUDES FREE PICK-UP OF OLD BED immito v "ma AL. -""r"."1 W"4/11F.A. YES! 410 1. go. . O -09 - 490 4:..,11111111_,...... ,/ Alk, wt. McCallister's CARS O Beds & Furniture 4,1 0 * WILL BE SOLD FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY USED DOUBLE HOTEL BEDr- 10. OCT. 16th OCT. 17th OCT. 18th 9. 2-PC. SET $9995 Ci FOR 10am ALL $7995- 3 DAY to 4pm 3 DAYS -I USED BED SETS 1-iNew! Quitted Bed Sebt z Call for availability THIS INVENTORY INCLUDES AUCTION CARS, FACTORY PROGRAM CARS, OFF C TWIN SE 1 ALcipoar TWIN $3995 89" 0 LEASE VEHICLES, CONVENTIONAL TRADE-INS, ONE OWNER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, $ DOUBLE 5993 DOUBLE sE1 4229" CARS, RENTAL 1279" rn VANS, CONSOLIDATION CAR RETURNS AND REPOSSESSIONS. WHAT YOU GET. QUEEN $69" QUEEN sr rn 49993 rn KING KING Sr $39995 0 UNFINISHED CHESTS New Twin THIS EVENT IS EVEN BETTER THAN A "SLASHER" SALE Drawer Reg 't.S. C 20" Wide Rollaway Bed .5 Drawer Reg 75 0 BECAUSE reg. 20" wide $320 $245 O ALL THESE VEHICLES ARE PRE-SLASHED 2333 Alaimo Place 0 111136 1111171.1ne ONE THOUSAND TO 841-4251 0 CHARGE INCLUDES FREE PICK-UP OF OW BED BELOW MARKET VALUE I ALL VEHICLES $5 000 30 DAY SATISFACTION ROOF TOP LOT MI DON'T SPEND HOURS ON FORMALITIES AND THEATRICS 0 GUARANTEE PRICE IS IF YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED BRING IT BACK!* 539-9338 THE ON THE VEHICLE ..._ -4, THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE OF THE TOTAL INVENTORY PG:578-7070 ALL VEHICLES CASH FOR CARS, TRUCKS & VANS, (All US TODAY! '97 MAZDA MIATA '95 CHEVY CAVALIER '98 NISSAN FRONTIER '97 FORD TAURUS WE BUY CARS, WE SELL CARS! #VW7424/GPA740 #VW7902/GBJ492 #WF13807/317132 #WF13B43/176821 MONTH 6 '86 Chrysler Le Baron (FNB436) '90 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE '98 TOYOTA 4RUNNER '95 FORD EXPLORER '98 CHEVY ASTRO p 6,000 MILE 4 Dr., Auto, A/C, Loaded-Low Cost Transportation $889 #WF 13441/038809 #WF13758/024070 #WF13814/673034 #WF13848/135540 '86 Nissan Sentra (FYF272) '98 FORD ESCORT Z '97 MAZDA MIATA '98 BUICK LESABRE '92 FORD E-150 WARRANTY 2 Dr., Auto -Good Reliable Transportation $1489 #WF13531/158550 #VW7842/GRD700 #WF 13818/440880 #WF13851/A20248 '83 BMW 533i (KRD067) '97 MAZDA MIATA '96 OLDS 88 '95 NISSAN MAXIMA '97 FORD F-150 Special Of The Week $2489 #WF 13654/720909 #WF13764/815433 #WF13821/644501 #WF 13852/1314202 WE CAN FINANCE '86 Ford Bronco II (liVP389) 4x4, Great Condition. '95 GEO TRACKER '98 CHEVY CAVALIER '95 FORD ESCORT '94 FORD AEROSTAR EVEN IF YOU VE HAD SERIOUS CREDIT PROBLEMS $2489 #WF13765/112591 #WF13666/909172 #WF 13823/121492 #WF 13863/A61864 LIKE BANKRUPTCY '89 Chevy Celebrity (GBh1365) '95 FORD F-350 '88 BMW 750IL '95 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE '96 CHEVY PICK-UP 63K Miles. AT, AC,-Terms Available $2789 #WF13668/A14265 #WF13774/765202 #WF 13824/039194 #WF13867/162432 1-888-211-FORD '87 Dodge Caravan (ENE299) '92 TOYOTA PASEO '95 MAZDA PROTEGE '97 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA TDI '96 FORD RANGER I 3 6 7 3 I 7 Pass, Auto, A/C-Great Farr)/ 6, Van $2989 #VW7B57/GCB949 #WF13780/166187 #VW7908/GSC607 #WF13876/A38148 FOR PRE-APPROVAL '90 Hyundai Sonata (EJW604) '97 NISSAN SENTRA '96 FORD MUSTANG '95 MAZDA PROTEGE '95 FORD F-150 33K Miles, All White & All Right $3289 #vw7869/mcL123 #wF13782/230084 #VW7910/GJW700 #WF 13879/837801 '65 VW Bug (EBN962) '97 DODGE NEON '94 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA II '97 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GL '97 JEEP CHEROKEE Just Like The One You Always Wanted $3989 #VVF13677/253575 #WF13787/006011 #VVV7913/FXR433 #WF13885/528870 WE CAN FINANCE 10 Chevy Lumina APV (85A2794) $5489 '95 CHEVY CAMARO '94 CHEVY CAVALIER '97 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF GTI '89 NISSAN MAXIMA 7 Pass., Auto, A/C #WF13708/196131 #WF13788/112093 #VW7914/GNT853 #WF 138871203983 MILITARY '89 Acura Legend (UN1885) '91 FORD TAURUS '89 MAZDA B2200 '97 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GL '94 BUICK PARK AVENUE 2 Co. Auto, A/C, Loaded-This Is Class 1989 #WF13711/118356 #VVV7903/FZE 553 #VW7915/GVE461 #WF13888/613365 ON THE SPOT '89 Toyota PM Ex Cab (DLX430) :5989 '98 FORD EXPLORER '90 VOLKSWAGEN VANAGON '96 MAZDA MILLENIA S '95 FORD RANGER 5 Spd, Low Mi, & Camper Shell #WF13716/A32529 #VW7904/BNALO #VW7917/GFP957 #WF13892/1393028 '88 BMW 535i (GTZ999) '98 FORD TAURUS '90 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS '97 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA '96 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LOTS OF CARS BELOW Drive This BMW-You'll Take it Home' $6289 #WF13721/106036 #VW7905/GTZ354 #WF13825/100424 #WF 13893/287349 '98 FORD WINDSTAR '95 TOYOTA 4RUNNER '91 BMW 318IS '97 FORD F-250 WE PAY CASH FOR CARS #WF13722/A04827 #VW7906/GVC244 #WF 138341E67971 #WF13894/1372019 (5/ 55.995 2nd Floor Iwilei Business Center '96 SATURN SC2 '92 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT '98 PONTIAC GRAND AM '96 BMW 328i 501 Sumner Street, Honolulu #WF13729/260320 #VVV7907/GSY356 4WF13835f769640 #WF 13985/v39627 0 a4 $85 DOWN "Up On The Roof"

'94 MITSUBISHI GALANT '94 MAZDA 929 '98 FORD WINDSTAR '98 FORD EXPEDITION ifianolitte4$31 avaixtz9 most cars. an :e $. Iv ztt $49 be dx /NI FROM A MONTH 0 #wF13748004689 PWF13791/303668 #WF 13836/C91399 #WF13896300293 $1 45 and itigipition ,19N3e$43ect;Door sa9 .44393vaigtutl1024$8, '97 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO '97 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME '96 CHEVY CAVALIER '93 HONDA ACCORD #VW7893/GTY261 #WF13795/312441 #WF13837/203114 #WF 13897/106618 LOTS OF CARS BELOW '93 HONDA CIVIC '97 FORD ESCORT '93 VOLKSWAGEN EUROVAN '95 GMC SUBURBAN ADVERTISING STANDARDS #VVV7897/FCY412 #WF 13804/281081 #WF 13841/003680 #WF13901/741836 Advertising published in the Sun Press and 57.995 MidWeek papers is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and/or services offered are 0 on $85 DOWN accurately described and willingly sold to YES! WE HAVE CARS FOR $100.°S FRAM 11 89A MONTH customers at the advertised price. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not Credit on conform to these standards or that is deceptive or approval. misleading is never knowingly accepted. If any USED CAR OPEN MARKET Vehicles subject reader encounters non-compliance HERE'S to prior sale. with these stan- IN KAILUA AT THE OLD ORSON'S SITE Terms written at dards. we ask that you inform... 60 mos., 10.25% CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THE HOOLAI STREET, JUST OFF KAILUA ROAD APR. Prices plus tax, tic., and doe. 235-5881 fees of $185. 30 Or FRC" KAILUA ROAD for LOCATION PAU HWY. day exchange BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU PH: 266-7000 or 266.8000 vehicle of equal Professional or lesser value. 941-5222 Air Carpentry Cleaning Contracting & Financial Services Handyman Masonry Painting/Wallcovering Resumes Tree Trimming Conditioning Construction DEBT CONSOLIDATION CUSTOM HOME REPAIR ROCK & TILE wall. retain- POWERWASH Res GENERAL TREE SVC. A/C not cooling as good QUALITY home repair, all HOUSE ANGEL I Clean Cut payments to 65% RESUMES $80. Prof., by Carpentry, masonry, dry ing or fence wall, drive- painting, repairs. trim, landscape, pruning, as it used to? Might just types. Free Est To $1000. homes, reas. rates, spec. 24-hr approval comml.: award-winning writer. wall. No job too small! ways. slabs. sidewalks. wall paper removal, shaping, stump removal. need maintenance. Rea- 678-0895 583-9592 pgr. condo rates. Excl. ref., Hawaii law, Chapter 444, 1-800-873-8207 842-4042 9 am - 9 pm To 51000. Call 696-9684 Call Hamilton. 293-2648. island-wide, free est hauling & gen masonry sonable Rates. Weekends East Oahu only. 395.2563 HRS, prohibits any person, 423-1141. 231-2210. pgr work. Lic. # C16343. OK 282.8341 or 231-0117 corporation or entity from MONEY PROBLEMS? Lic C-21473 SHIMA'S HANDYMAN Tropic Air Conditioning LADY K'S Res., comml., offering or performing con- Past-due bills? Creditors 696-2203, 523.2032, Carpets SVC. All home repairs. Roofing Service. move in/out, windows. struction work without a con- calling? Consolidate 395-1852. 262.8473 To $1000. 737-7969 ofc., 722.5675, 621.7049 tractor's license issued by without a loan or Massage Therapist Plumbing the Contractor's License 576-9409 pgr. BAG A BARGAIN in the AUTO FROST! Retrofit HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1st bankruptcy. One low ' UNLIMITED ROOFING ' Additional Board. Appearance in this 395.9081 after hrs Classifieds..Your super your car now to the best room, $19.99. MOVE IN-OUT: OFFICES monthly paymt 235-9600 & Waterproofing. Commi./ rooms. $12.99. 623-3784. classification does not mean A PERFECT MASSAGE A1 QUALITY PLUMBING marketplace of items for alternative to Freon. Hawaiian Knights Clean- Res. All Types. Free Est. Cheap. tool 236-4870. the license issued to the Ms. Kris Chun, MAT-2430 Free Est. Same-Day Svc. sale, services to offer .. ing Svcs 285-0780 Call -5158. Insured/Bonded. C-20915. TRAVIS' CARPET CLEAN- listed contractor may still be Waimanalo/out. 539-2949. #C-17031 247 2an5d1 0101 other things! Hauling or 299-4375 pgr. ING Good prices. quality current and valid. If you 373-5158 or 677-5158 239-5971 Automotive service Call 371-7897 have any questions concern- CHOICE THERAPUTIC Computer Services ing a (=tractor's license, com- "A+" DELIVERY & MOVING SURPRISEISURPRISEI Services CARPET QUALITY Massage. Lic therapists. Schools plaint history or to file a cur- appls , car 737 -9662. dig 951-9553. MAT-704. When was the last time you Quality work, affordable, & Instruction Yard Service rent compliant. Please con- 288-9227. 7 days. 24 hrs checked out your closets? 'AUTO CEILING REPAIR' COMPUTER House 342-9216 lv msg. Cleaning HELP tact the Department of Com- free est. MASSAGE BY MASSEUR Chuck's Mobile Calls. Repairsilnternet/ Never know what you may find merce and Consumer Affairs WE HAUL-SUPERMOVE Stress Reducing. Military in YD. SVC." Upholstery Service. Call Tutor, Rees. PERGO INSTALLATION Sell those unwanted items CERAMIC CLASSES. "ISLANDWIDE 949-6537. Licensing Board at 587-3222 Moving, storage, emer- rate. 949-8178. MAT 2105 Free 263-4205, 641-8402 pgr "Al BEST FILIPINA Honest, Reliable, Afforda- the Classifieds Call 235-5881. Also can do center pieces All kinds of work. est press 1 gency. 7 days George Cleaners" Regular & move ble rates. Free est To for parties. Call 262-8862. 678-8638, 680.4737 pgr FREE INITIAL Computer 735-4697. 227-9340 MASSAGE IN WAIKIKI CAR CEILING SAGGING? outs. Free Est. 239-5316. consulting & diagnostics. 51000 Call 676 -4052. Professional at Headliners MAT-3416. ALL styles/ PLAY GUITAR NOW! A & F DISCOUNT Honest. Call Tom System sales 834-3525 flexible. Services Mobile Service. 225-4631 "ANA'S CLEANING SVC. Drafting & Design Military discount Learn chords, theory. Low Mow, trim hedges. weed, Expert move outs. Home/ Income Tax By Kimo. call 286-6081 rates. Mitch. 988-2239. Free estimate, 454-0320. HARDWARE, software & Handyman ADOPTION -Personal POLAR MOBILE A/C comm. Do it all! 254-0910. DESIGNS' internet setups, upgrades 'TRS QUALITY exp adoption HAW'N Landscape Co. Repair Free est . lowest WANT TO SELL 4 fast? Call attention, & tutoring. Computer Designing, plan drafting. "LATE TAXES" past yrs TRAVEL TRAINING !price ASE cart 754-0855 "NOOK & CRANNY" 'HANDYMAN BOB' Car- the Classifieds! 235 -5881 ally., lair fees, free con- Quality yard service. aided drafting & consult- permit routing. 235-1714. in your home svc. Steve Personalized, reliable pentry/Painting/Drywall. sultation 599-5552 Airlines, Cruises 348-0538 or 396-0457. ing. On-site 247-6443. White. MBA 395-7141. Kailua. 262-8767 To $1000. 247-9498. 'TravelAgency PaintingtWallcovenng ' Tours, Hotels HOW TO SAVE Just call Blinds/Drapes NEED A COMPUTER & Affordable Lawn Service! EDWINA'S Cleaning Svc. Fencing "J L HANDYMAN" Hm RENT YOUR APARTMENT 'Computers extra cash? Complete pkg. Free Est 247-3904. Move outs, commercial, Rpr., Carpentry, Water Call the Classifieds. 235.5881 Repair KOTTNER No down 'PAINTING UP TO 60% OFF Vertical Res 220. 1871/834-2922 Lease /purchase. INC. Rot/Termite, Drywall & TRAVEL INSTITUTE ALL FENCE, ESTIMATE MIKE'S YD. SERVICE. All & blinds. D. & payment Call 455-5589 FREE Mini Tony Free Estimate - Ceramic, Painting. To Internet Service repair 30 yrs'. quality exp. BEN'S VCR CLINIC 262-7749 kinds of work. Low rates. Co. Call 524-3616 AFFORDABLE House- Specials. #C-21521 $1000 Call 236-0052. Providers & service on TVsNCRsi cleaning. Exp. Refs. Faith- YOU'LL BE AMAZED at Ask about our liquid vinyl Licensed by DOE 625 -6885. 583-0609 pgr. Call 220-9327 w/25-yr. COMPUTER MONITORS. ful Cleaning Co 839-5191 the amount of money you "SERVICES UNLIMITED" coating guar. FREE INTERNET Free est Open 7 days. MOW, CUT, clear lots can make on things you no Home Repairs, Carpentry, Hawaiian Coatings, Inc. Termite & Carpentry Was 9 to 9. Call 422-0160. Low rates for windward, BEST QUALITY, BEST longer need. They're Free ACCESS Call for Call 396-3098. C-20398 Financial Services Painting, Etc. Refs. details 941-1002 Pest Control Moana's. call 235-6319. PRICE Res /Cornml FREE someone else's treasure. Estimates "To 51000". Call ELIMINATE water trouble ELECTRICAL REPAIRS A CARREIRA Home EST 688-0829 624 -4848. and the Classifieds bring 235-6199, 287-8727 pgr Decks/lanais/etc. "No job is too small!" Up to TERMITES? Rats,' ORIENTAL GARDENING Repairs & Painting. One you together. AVOID BANKRUPTCY! areas 20 $1,000 351.1671, John. roaches? Islandwide ser- & gen. yd maint. Dwayne. call, we do it all. Free est GLORIA'S Constr./Clean- Phone 235-5881 todayl A+ HANDYMAN All repair Masonry Int /ext. painting. yrs' Free Consolidation Appl pgr. Call 262-9208. To $1000. up? Moving? Res./Comml. Plumber, car- exp. To $1000. 293-2374 vice 676-1041, 577-4791 235.0650, 251-0811 w/svc. 1-800.517-3406 & yd. maint. NEED A/C REPAIR? We Free Est. Call 227.6560. penter, paint. etc. Trim, Contracting & GENERAL MASONRY provide prof svc. on all PUKIKI LANDSCAPE & ALL AROUND Carpenter BAD CREDIT? FIX IT Plus weed, plant lawns, etc. HIRE A LICENSED Construction rock/tile/retaining/ contractor. Lic. #C-21 471. brands of split systems & Tree Service Free est Svc. To Si 000 25 yrs'. ADS really sell! Call 235-5881 get a major credit card & Realtors welcome. Travel Agents revetment walls, paving, Call Jack. 679-0072 window air conditioners. 259. 9699/251-6754 pgr exp. 234-7333. 549-1559 make extra $$! 254-5185 946-9070. HANNAH'S HOUSEHOLD "IRS QUALITY" Build, slabs, sidewalk. Reas. Rees. rates. Wknd. avail. MODERN CARPENTRY all HELPER Cleaning by the renovate, kitch. /bath, addi- DEBT PROBLEMS? GMA, HAMADA MAINTENANCE price. Lic. # C16343. PAINTING Int./Ext. 282-8341 or 231-0117. "FLYING CARPET" Last- RER YARD SVC. all kinds, minute Call for monthly. Free types: reasonable rates up hour. Honest, reliable. tions, Houses. Low prices. 3388 Salt Lake Blvd., Ste Minor Home Repairs. 696-2203, 523-2032, Islandwide. To $1000. Tropic Air Conditioning discounts weekly, Est. 737-4732. pgr. to $1K: ref. avail. 263-8377 672-4438, 691.4033 pgr. Refs. 235.1714, BC-17112 102. Honolulu, HI 96818. To $1000 CO 222-7614. 395. 1852,262.8473. Reasonable. 261-6971. Service. Xmas specials! 842-9120, 549-5600 October 15, 1998 Classifieds IV GOOD CREDIT BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT REPOSSESSION BANKRUPTCY Chrysler Mercury ZERO PAYMENTS, '86 LeBARON 2 dr. 4 cyl., '89 SABLE LS 72K mi., auto, A/C, P/W. P /B. P/S, pwr. pkg.. good body/ $700/080 Call Scott, tires, A/C needs work, ZERO INTEREST AND Et CREDIT 581-0067 or 554-4054 $2700/0B0. 988-9626. '91 SABLE 4-dr. sdn, ABSOLUTELY ZERO Classic Cars auto, A/C, all pwr.. 52K R mi. EVEIWONE! $4500/0B0. 676-9480 Disc IFY 24 HOURS OVER THE PHONE OR ONLINE '66 GRAND PRIX all orig., NEED MORE SPACE? CHANCE OF SEEING fresh paint. wht ext./grn. Clean out your closets and int., $8700/0130. In mili- advertise those items you tary, must sell 263-5929. no longer need in the ANOTHER DEAL Classifieds. It really gets results. Call 235-5881. For The Ford LIKE THIS AGAIN. '86 MUSTANG conv't., V6. Mitsubishi runs great, body OK, 91 K 51500/0130 922-3445 '96 3K GTVR4 white/tan leather, 2 turbo, fully Savings BAG A BARGAIN in the loaded, $30K. 239-6620. Classifieds...Your super marketplace of items for sale, services to offer.. and 1001 other things! Nissan Call 235-5881 for immediate TAX LIEN DIVORCE 1ST TIME BUYER NO CREDIT BAD CREDIT results. '97 PATHFINDER XE In Our 2W0, auto, cash/refinance below $19.000 341-0243. Honda IDRAG IT1 TOW IT! PULL 1111 Saturn '87 ACCORD 4 dr., orig paint, runs excl., $1295 YOU GET IT TO US RUNNING OR NOT Dlr. Call 235-9999 '96 SL2 5 spd., all pwr., 14SSified A/C, 27K mi., grnitan int., '89 ACCORD LX 2 dr., $10.995/0130. 682-9030. AND WELL GUARANTEE UP TO excl. stereo system $2500. Call 261-7717 $$$$$$$$$$$ Section FOR Jeep CASH YOUR Now on the '93 WRANGLER 6 cyl., 5 for TRADE! spd.. soft lop, 28K, good world wide web at cond., $10,750 944 -6783. Cars, Vans 0 0 Towir's Mercedes & Trucks TONY'S PACIFIC OLDSMOBILE-GMC-VW in OFFER GOOD ON ALL YAMAHA WAVERUNNERS Help Wanted OFFERS THE HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES '52 220 4-dr sedan, auto, 30 POSSIBLE FOR YOUR USED VEHICLE. suicide drs . runs fine, minutes Notices $4000/0130. 261-8057. ROOF TOP LOT LAST CHANCE SALE YAMAHA'S USE YOUR TRADE ALLOWANCE CHOOSE FROM TOP '76 450SL great cond. in/ 539 -9333 AND A/T, A/C, cony's., Professional QUAUTY, INSPECTED VEHICLES WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS! out, $$$$$$$$$$$ maint. records, $7500/ Services 080. 285-8420, 261-9426 South Seas '96 GEO METRO 130. '94 MERCURY COUGAR 187.0 #Hvvy-178.56.295 *GJB-889,58.995 Autos 4 CLONE Sale '93 MAZDA PROTEGE *140. V6 CHEVY CAVALIER 8189.. WOR8, D R IEF$ EA 1. EVC-443, $6,995 #GDZ-315, $9,695 FALL SAVINGS! N ICE uff Y INDA NC No Reasonable Offer Refused YAMAHA Real Estate '94 MAZDA 323 *150. '95 TOYOTA TERCEL DX 189. '65 THUNDERBIRD FWA-855, $4,995 #GBU-037, $9.999 UK, LIKE NBC fLISO, OFFER 'eTirnr",_R___..._$1,495 WATERCRAFT INTREPID '96 OLDS CIERA BMW _oFFER721,3LEYILIE Si 4,05 SOLID THINKING FOR AiUGUID WORLD '93 DODGE 150. *194. 55.5 #FVT-540, $7 .495 #GDR-536. $9.995 ss WRANGLER 4E4 SE SOP MP WARP OFFER,11...m."1"r $1,695 '95 HONDA CIVIC *150.. '97 PONTIAC GRAND AM 199. 5 3149 N. Nimitz Hwy. 836-1144 #019826,$7.995 *G..N-378. $10.995 it RANGER ELT 84 gag 16 HONDA ACCORD s4 005 CASS.. BEDLINEP W0831- %P., PP' OW. RCR1001- I 'SOU 1998 Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA. Follow all Instructional materials and local and tederal '89 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS *157. '95 SATURN SL-2 *199.0 15 BMW 325 ES so man '15 mAZDA 521 14 laws. Always wear recommended protective apparel. Ride within your capabilities, allowing extra #Fsx- 133. #GFJ-944. $8,995 CLEAR SIMKO RP Dan 92.995 RPM- 7APP/ 111114 OR WPM- 'vv./ time and distance for maneuvering. Always ride in a responsible manner. respecting the environment 9 and others around you Don't drink and ride. Get zero down. no interest and no payments through '93 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 *157. '96 FORD RANGER XLT P/U 199. O'8R MTARULLOADED. PSII Xi_ 49514.13...Uss,s2 195 January 1. 1999, or gel 9.9% APR financing until January 2000. on all Yamaha Waverunners. Offer #FBW -548, S6.895 #GVY-467, $8,995 DOZENS OF REPOS 8 CHARITY DONATED VEHICLE good to qualified Yamaha credit card users. Offer good on purchases made from Sept. 1 through '97 FORD ESCORT LX *179.. '97 PONTIAC SUNFIRE SE $199.0 Oct 31. 1998 Some restrictions apply. See your dealer for details. After the promotion period. any #GJG 92 MOSTAR sn nee IS MERCEDES WAGON 14 4 az remaining account balance will be subject to an APR of 16.8%. $50 minimum finance charge. #GSA-504. 57.995 -052, $8,995 A/C:IRIS& PRA_ Ly Vinf SNO.,101.061).M151.... r., I .W.0 74 PORSCHE 911S QM 15 El CAMINO a 03 dog I M. CREDIT CREDIT DIVORCT REPOSSESSION CHARGE -OFFS TA LIFNh TAMA. LOW III. (F114$11_11 .W i AUTO, AK ETASS)--- diegewid WI No \ 14 TRACKER 4X4 SA AncioDODGE DYNASTY SO Acis sr 9sir ORM mg Qr./ GOLD. PYCZPO- X. 9-..i.e qmommi TOYOTA VEN BANKRUPTCY AND BAD CREDIT!! 19 SUPRA sA oill490 DOOGE mar( COMM mai -.9.wwt.,. GOLD. P-PC2901-- 1,895 ...p.,__'8,99511,1Ta.,..,_I411 PATIEFTNDER 495 Sun Press Classifieds 45.525 LUIVIal Rd. 11-800-566-CARS, 91 MA DAMN S4 a 11.95.96 KAWASAKI DEA Malt Nu MC Parle. g m'an5 Mon. Fri. 8:30arn 4:30pm .9- NV X0 Mt Noostet_ -r, 235.5881 Kaneohe, 141 96744 OFFER ORSINI' WHEN AfILITARY FINANCING 834-0808 622-5687 Moos Service Counter Senn* Deadline: Tuesday at Noon OTHERS CANT! OUR SPECIALTY! 530 PAIFA ST. 535 AVOCADO ST. WAHIAWA - 111.111111MOMPOPM17:.1,W.onnrEtn,_;,:!Oro MiNir.litaleflaraNaltilliMAXIMMWOMT BY THE AIRPORT OPEN P/I-F 10.6 SAT 1n -4 'Framing OAC and subject tender g plus tax, kc. VTR and doe fees. Advertised prices eel available to customers requiring special finance PPDATLUA ROAD arrangements. Montt payment terms with 15-20% 7 PACIFIC HAWAII down, 9-245; APR tor 36-60 months. Trade allowances H KANEOHE SUN PRESS up to 51,000 not applicable to advertised safe vehicles. Oldsmobile SEVEN ARMY WEEKLY require marmot purchase of $6.003 and have no cash AUTO SALES g+101111..7; value. Any taxing tees wig be the responsible), of vehicle veer. million select to pia sale. Oterenis1011896 621-6280 efut Stater PAPERS 98-053 Kamehameha Highway, Aiea Call Special Finance Managers Jason Hattori 8 Derrick Murakomi: 487-5526 I 52 Wilikina Dr, HAWAII MARINE Wahiawa 1noi8Armymedical Cele .Ma nt Cops Base hem! PLUS THE 'Natal, SCSI,/ ftaviton '71 V1,11 MICRO BUS 190 GEO STORM

'89 CHEVY CORSICA '93 DODGE DAYTONA Auto, Arc 0":r ETE412 $2895 '4795 HAWAII 41 SUN PRESS

'89 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 4,91,V9,11p-eral"9, HICKAMKUKINI 0011 )harp, Too 31 $11 Air Force Base TAMNAZ '2995 FNTS52 $4995 Shederkmyashe3d JEEP WACONEER It '86 FORD AEROSTAR '89 ritilons At Astai Call Today 7 Passenger oni tow 0 VI VETI671 $ 29 '4995 KT ONO 99 WE BUY CARS FOR $$$$! 87,290 Households! 23515881 OffERS. Military our specialty and we finance everyone. Nwwww Visit us on All prices + tar. lie. Offer ends 70/31/98. t '99 ACCORD LX 4-DR A/C, Power Steering, F rst Month Payment...21910 Security Deposit .. dipmonth, 48-month/12.090 P/W, P/L, Cruise, License Fes . 116900 per year lease NURSE YOUR CREDIT BACK HEALTH Docurnentarnin Fee ..113530 Tilt, AM/FM Stereo! TO GOOD Down paynent 9,092.36 Total Brive-o8,.._..2,92536 diesidual $10.530801 MSRP $10,80500

Mils Get A: Player, Aluminum CAN 6 Rear Alloy; For Wing Only $25 Spoiler Per Month! WE WILLNiINANC '98 CIVIC COUPE '98 CIVIC SEDAN '9K ACCORD 4-DOOR 70n Sale 70e Sale ANY OF THESE VEHICLES TODA #23932 847 23869 DAY WHETHER YOU ARE Buy One For Buy One Fo Buy One or SPECIAL Or 91,477 973,. 41,898 Dr $179m0 94,598 Dr x218Me. PRICES IN THE MILITARY ON ALL '98 cut -V I.\ '98 ACCORD EX 4-DOOR '98 PASSPORT LX 33n Sale THESE BEEN BANKRUPT, REPOSSESSED, NAutomatist On Sale 3 12°'' "le 13 CARS HAD TAX LIENS, BAD LUCK '3390 SIMPLY CALL Buy One For Buy One Buy One For OR AD C NEp . LEE 98,398 Or $27340. 11,898 Or $3230 1-800-521-0067 FOR CONVENIENT PRE-APPROVAL

'85 Toyota Celica '1,999 '93 Buick Century $6,777 '96 Nissan Sentra GXE $9,999 '97 TOYOTA COROLLA '96 MAZDA 82300 P/UP '96 FORD CONTOUR FVA-613 EXD -442 GGW-1 21, Loaded! #4550/ GNT388 #4524/GFD497 #4535/GGV603 '88 Acura Integra '3,689 '93 Ford Taurus $6,993 '97 Geo Tracker '10,777 FPU-296, 5-speed, 2-door! FET-154 HXN-463, 4x4, Auto, Air! '94 BUICK SKYLARK '92 MERCURY COUGAR '97 MERCURY TRACER '89 Toyota Camry $4,999 '96 Chevy Cavalier 56,999 '96 Ford Ranger KK P/U 510,777 #4292/GN1609 #4367/EFP442 #45371GGV894 EBC-897, Auto, 4-door! G DV-2 38, Auto, A/C! MCD-927, Low Miles, Clean! '90 Honda Civic H/B $5,797 '91 GMC Jimmy 4x4 $7,811 '97 Chevy Monte Carlo $12,999 '93 MERCURY SABLE '95 SATURN SLI FVP-990 '96 MAZDA PROTEGE LX FVE-07 1 GEW-617 #4424/F.XA253 #44451GIS883 #4523/GTG188 '90 Ford Bronco $5,868 '97 Dodge Neon $8,999 '96 Honda Civic LX 613,777 ETG -11 7 G RC-3 74, Auto, NC! GFP-612, Clean, Loaded! '94 MSSAN SENTRA '97 PLYMOUTH NEON '98 CHEVY METRO '93 Nissan Sentra 55,999 '96 Honda Odyssey LX $15,986 #4508/GFY163 #4533/GNC367 #4498/GTW933 '93 Dodge Caravan 59,999 EZC-764 EZU-921 G N.1-82 7, Loaded! Low miles! '95 SATURN SLI '96 PONTIAC GRAND AM '98 FORD ESCORT ZX2 #4386/GLT390 #45221KRA331 #4475/GR2199 CALL: 487-5595 Doc ibilitreup) 195 Fee '92 FORD AEROSTAR VAN '96 MERCURY MYSTIQUE '98 GEO PRIZM 'financing BAC. Priors plus Ms, k i doe. beedue on draw,. #4427/GED548 #4536/MBZ388 #4459/GWC458 Payment terms 25% down. 72 months I 10%APH. Won breed on MSRP plus tax and license. Lena &Hoof charges Include: (w) first month's payment!, security deposit license Ise and davnpayment whkli includes isx on far pelmet =affix on 98-051 Kamehameha Hwy. CO Oyer, alloys & spoiler valid with 4$ month Accord teems anyMetes not necemedy es shorn axIsubisctIo prior els Pearlridge Advertised often in Emu al sawed finance 'Hangmen!". No 5 DAY CITY NISSAN dealers, employee purchases. Sale cede 10/18/98. SPECIAL PRICES 900 ALA IVIOANA BLVD_ (RIGHT IN TOWN) 1 ON ALL THESE CARS. PH: 524 -91 1 'Credit on approval. Vetecles seined to poor sale. Tell them you saw it in the Sun Press V Classifieds October 15, 1998 JEEP 4111 Ala Moana dP Mazda CUTTERFOODGE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Badge Cutter 1111s11 Plymouth Honolulu 84Pearl_City Only Jeep 800 Ala Moana Blvd. 537-3386

9-7 111_1 1E '99 BIER EVIDORDE '99 DODGE DIkOTI ( 11B 1111 L.LiEi 19F swa

114 Toyota Cam LE Ado Cass. AC. PS Low My s r3fErkv186i 5.92V-8 Ergne, Loaded 10062 , B speakers, ABS, 24V V-6 Engine fr4Sci1 Financing as Low as Imo '94 Ford Escort LX 4404 "hr"n MO 4 Wed 36 mos. nurr11 If99717/1.2) 36 mos, 01 '93 Plymouth Laser

P/15, Cass, low Miles, CO.i Hurry! $4985 1E1 111 DODGE D RT APR (0980593IGE.J4471 OAC '95 Dodge Neon Cass. ?VC, 'En 1$1804NDSG505) $6988 `96 Plymouth Breeze \ Auto. At P/S (19805711GGC643, $7988 \ I r ' I L7--; `o,i L77- LJ Your shone 4012040 sal bench seat or doth bucket sead RE mats, magnur \ 4-1, alto, ak,pls,pro, cass., tdt, dul an hags, &much rrm rime. MAO '93 Mazda 626 eng, ac, Scat appearanos pkg, 235/7005 Wes %nth custom wheels, pis, p/b, duel aibags, much, much Auto, Cass, A/C, PI, PIS, NW, Biifi, Sunroof, 7988 me! 0813587 STARTING Cruise, Leather. ABS. (0360566/GB/O58) STARTING 1'98 mozpo szsoo AT THIS AT THIS os. PRICE! SSaturn SC 2 PRICE! 10 788 PICKUP Ado, Cass, A/C, PIS, Pit, lid, Cruise $9988 9 PROTEGE 1980630/GFX876) 'E DODGE 11%011 SPORE 1511'98 Pil 401TH 101.1G ER '95 Jeep Cherokee ARE HERE! AUTO 4 Door, 6 Cyl, Auto, Cass, AJC, CD, Low $11 V6 Miles. PAN, P/S. (#980447/GFT164) 988 Come in NOW '96 Chevy Camaro Conv't for best V-6, Auto. AIC, AWFM. Cass, P/L. PAN, PIS Tilt (0980459/GEP522) $12, 988 selections! Magnum engine, at 23517515 ties with custom wheels. Ws, pli, p/b. dual airbags & much, much 4810612 '95 Dodge Ram 1500 7 passenger, ac, mai shags pis. prb, high-back bucket seats ado 482429, 820433 829436 I Auto, Cass, V-8. WC, WS. PIW, PIL, lit Cruise, Black Beauty (09805513/GGT637413,988 STARTING AT THIS PRICE! 41 118 MR7L17(1 MPV '87 Porsche Carrera Automatic Air Conditioner LX Preferred 20 IN If3805591 $21,988 Equip. group. Fog Lamps 1111 '98 GR 11D (DERIVE I, REPO ISTOCA? WE DO CREDIT MAGIC! FREE INSTANT APPROVAL BY PHONE!

riame 1 Auto, air cond. p/s, pt, Wit pi, Mt bucket seats, dual airbags, trac4oc, rear difterential 4835391, Addles., SPECIAL Cite Zip 2 AT THESE PURCHASE TERMS Home Phone 988 191 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE $4988 '94 VW JETTA GIS AUTO, LOW MILES CORD (18514) A/C. LOW MILES, DODD COND., AUTO. P/W, SUNROOF. )464261 588 1E11'98 GRIM) HEROkEE Work Phone IEA '99 DODGE DER I1GO SET EXCEL. Social Security I '90 MAZDA MPV '93 VW EUROVAN AUTO. A/C. STEREO. CASS. (405121 '5588 EXCEL. COND. LOW MILES. (08556). 988 type Of Car Interested In '91 MAZDA MIATA 195 MAZDA MILLENIA Presently Employed Yes r.J No J EXCEL. COND., FULLY LOADED. (085811 588 EXCEL. COND., LOW MILES. 1085581 $5988 Where? '95 MAZDA MILLENIA V-B, 5.9L alone, amilm cass., co will Infiniti gold speakers, ado, a/c, Ws, 096 CHEVY CAVALIER AUTO, LEATHER, PEARL WHITE 085081 mew Signature KC, PG, STEREO. CASS 988 pin, cloth bucket seats, dual airbags, sec-Ick Mamba &rruch 08490 '6988 8101 830161 5.2L V-8 eng, Wit dual airbags, pfs, plb, much more. Nicely rich more. 630158, I understano thal my swage authorizes Culler Dodge anti the boas to pi, rich, check my eat with credit reporting agencies and lo verily my mapped i910053 '97 MAZDA MIATA I Wilda this infarmalion is correct '96 MAZDA B2300 employment. LOW MI FULLY LOADED. (08305) 32" ONLY 5 AT THESE LOW MI., AUTO. HARD TO FIND GOOD WORK TRUCK (984513) '8988 Fax this to 841-7830 or 3 LEFT 3,9 Mail to. 735 Dillingham Blvd Hon.. HI 96819 TERMS 9 '95 HONDA CIVIC LX '93 MERCEDES 190E All nlct. an fIRIC(13. On PUB d $195 Doc AUTO, LOW MILES, FULLY LOADED. (08505) '16,98s cncepproments $000 Recent College Grad, a applicable. a other applicably approved credit. All pyrntsronces tax L.. GOOD COND., A/C, Pf&Y, STEREO, CASS (18040) $8988 Fee. '99 Concorde 42000 down payment .1. an applicalaks refaces 0$299,mo. 0 36m. GR, 5,4,061.90.'99 Dakota AT Sport 92000 down p yment + all erookcable 'oat. o 8399/mo. CZ 36 mos. GFV. 013 113.30. In Jeep 'sling by Chrysler Corp. M pymnis gored al A Credit wnn CFS. Dodges only in Pout Cty. Ven.clos not oniony as shown. all subject to Amor sae. Retail buyers only. Commercial rostnotions may apply. Sale ends 10/21/99 CABRIOLET $195 'IVE '95 SATURN SC 1 COUPE '97 VW tie A/C, ALL AYR. .... F 151 AUTO, '17,988 CUTTER DODGE CUTTER DODGE PalfAl STEREO, SA SUNROOF. (FS4NO '8988 In Honolulu In Pearl City Bank -4- Ewa KAHEILASAENA HWY a Hanoiolo up to 36 mos. on select models. Rebate & APR not combinable on select models. 735 Dillingham Blvd 921 Kamehomella Hwy & rebates incl. College Grad $ CUTTER DODGE COTTER VW leases, 10k mi /yr. Pymts/prices incl. all factory incentives CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE Rebate. Pyrnts /prices plus tax, lic. S195 doc fee. Vehicles not exactly as shown. subject to DOC JEEP EAGLE PEARL CITY 8424300 455.1071 prior sale. On approved credit. Sale ends October 22.1998. FEE

Cutter Ford WAIPAHU 0 0 1P4 Dodge Cutter Dodge of Waipahu Cutter Chrysler Plymouth Jeep of Waipahu 94-149 Farrington Highway 671-2626 94-245 Farrington Highway 671-4991

IP el ALL NEW CARS & TRUCKS, USED CARS Will BE MARKED DOWN AT A PRICE YOU CAN'T REF Sr NEW 9 _FORD ESCORT NEW '98 FORD NGER THIS OUT '98 GRAND '98 GRAND '98 GRAND CHEROKEE CHEROKEE CHEROKEE MILITARY LAREDO LAREDO 4X4 LIMITED FINANCING Automatic Power Windows Automatic Power Windows V-a Power Brakes OUR Air Condition Power Steering Air Condition Power Steering Air Condition Power Locks SPECIALTY Cassette Power Locks Cassette Power Locks Automatic Power Windows Power Brakes #J0257 Power Brakes #J0404 Leather #J0376

month '36 mos.

'93 DODGE CARAVAN '95 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS '93 NISSAN XTRA CAB Auto AMIFM, Aiv-sd,pAutsto. AMIFM Cass.. 5 spd., PIS. AlC, AMIFM NC. PIS $5898 CD, chrome Wheels 6798 EVN3311111.1C24 i GPF569/0.10186 all0422 itelEllinteltiCAILINAWARICK FORD EXPLORER CIERA SL #81999 - '93 SUZUKI SIDEKICK '91 '96 OLDSMOBILE Low 1 - 5 0 In AMIFM Cass., A/C, Auto, AMIFM Cass., A/C, P/L, PIL, P/S. P/W. V-6 P/S, INW, Tilt. V-6 FaFJ EPC077/ItUC401 8 998 '95 FORD F150 '96 GEO TRACKER '97 CHEVY CAVALIER Blue, Low Miles, PIS, A/C. Auto, AM/FM Cass.. Aiv:22,:te5:7FMG C2ass.. A/C. AM/FM CD, Clean $8998 NC, P/S, Alloys $9598 5P/SSPd.&re Owner $9598 CUTTER FORD WAIPAHU CUTTER FORD AIEA GDB32411tUD40,5 KRFR74IaUD368 GWB902litUD572 '95 TOYOTA COROLLA '96 DODGE STRATUS '96 DODGE '93 Acura '91 Ford Aerostar '93 Ford '96 Ford Explorer '90 Mitsubishi '94 Ford 4 Or., Low Miles, Auto, AM/FM, Auto, AMIFMCass, A/C. Legend Cruise i r Eddie Bauer Eclipse Eddie Bauer Aspire Escort GT Cass., A/C. RI, PIW, PIS, TM PIS, Pk $9898 Luxurious! KVP655/1010413 GF03241IUD491 Need to see! IGDF5161 What a Deallf6XF399) 4 Dr. (057181ECT982) 05549/Rum (85717/G012461

AWD5,1$AVE Yid -7; 3995 $4988 '96 FORD TAURUS GL '95 DODGE INTREPID '96 DODGE NEON Auto, AMIFM cass., A/C, Pit, Red, Auto, AM/FM Cass., Ilt p,w/FpMs, 7-iitl,qtNioyCs, $ A/C. .PIL. PIS, Tilt, '94 Dodge '91 Dodge Ram '97 Ford '94 Ford '95 Dodge Neon '92 Ford PIS, P/W, lilt Cruise $9998 lo 598 Alloys.' Escort MBH75310.1C316 GDV129/01.10392 Cruise. GUD94141104,55 Shadow Custom Van Escort GT Highluse Call for details! Aerostar Wgn P $ (GPP432) Auto, Cold A /C. IFZZ7001 Low Wes AAse Goodies In5491/GDIN245) Call for detailsi/15546/ESX195 '96 CHEVY LUMINA '94 CHEVY ASTRO '96 FORD AEROSTAR 18595 J $ 3 8 $8 88 v6, Auto, AANFM, Cass., $ Auto, AMIFM. Cass., A/C, P/L, $ Auto. AMIFM Cass., $ NC, PIL, PIS,7711 PIW, P/S, Titt A/C, PIS GSA73111IUD417 O' GCD152.1110539 MBZ653/#110457 '93 Ford '97 Honda '95 Isuzu '97 Ford Aspire '94 Mercury Sable '94 Ford 9 ; P.---- Explorer 4x4 Civic Rodeo Call for details! 4 Dr. Call for details! Probe '94 HONDA PASSPORT LX '98 CHEVROLET CAVALIER '98 DODGE DAKOTA AGTP361) I#5548/M124) (#5517/MZZ296) Auto, Like Ned 1350460I V-6, NC.11110581)_ (#57011FTY7991 opr., 4X4, V6, Auto, P/S, $ Red, Ai most New 5K MileS$ Spd.. AM/FM Cass., n ono Auto, AMIFM Cass., AIC A/C, P/S $9995 $7399 J f ' AlC, P/W, PIL, Mt, j $12 585 j J-.4 LI 2J FJE442AUC472 . UD364 570507/CID281 AI 907 -,07, ' 9 I '95 Chrysler '97 Mazda '98 Oldsmobile '95 Olds Clara '96 Dodge Neon '87 Jeep '96 MAZDA 84000 '96 TOYOTA CAMRY '97 FORD MUSTANG Pd Auto, LHS Miata Bravado 4 Dr. Call for details! 2 Dr. Call for Details! Wagoneer 4Pbs.LEFIU.5Spa. IMFM. co.Nc.nt. t 4 12 7 Cr.. Auto. NWFM, Cass.. NC. AMIIM Cass., AlC, P/L, g lorrec. PIW,PIS,Elt Cruze,1 Denier P/W, PIS, Pt Alloys, Cruise, V 21(MilesiGS6179 Fully. Fully Loaded:10015281 (#5407/GJA812) (#5560/GGR1614) TANI*, Water/at '. . .. Leather, Fully Loaded! (W0637 (#5723/FS8815) GRN468/PUD346 1 Mr Immo TTN3349111.1021/ $15, Must See, GTG258laUD401 11, :V}.1 . W I la 1"9vrir S/3,995 17988 *7988 jj5 '96 FORD MUSTANG '95 NISSAN PATHFINDER '98 GMC Safari SI-X. Auto, AMIFM, Cass., A/C. Auto, AM/FM Cass.. A/C. P/L, It 40004 AUtO. AMIFM Cass, AJC. $ '0.9% APR Lplo 48 mos., APR & rebels on select models, net cornboable. Frkoce rale wades depencic on awl wodhhess of customer co delemshed by Ford CreLit. Sorne carlomea # /95 PrW, PiS, Ti t, Alloys, Cruise pa, pis, PIK TIN, Cruise, mays lilt wi NOT quaRry. Residency reitelions apply. See dealer lot dekib. Prices/pymb. are caw al Wary Incenlyes A lobules Oates ka Sim Recent College Grod & Crynrnercia 7 50220/40355 16 GEW53211.0188 003514/U0502 Reticle) Reticles net exactly as shown, utilecl So prior sale pun tee, $169 YID & dlr. Pealed occeu 159¢98 cm& Ohl' in AGO. Sete an 10/22/98. OAC, Prices/Mb. kni.k., 095 doc DOC FEE 9 1

SOXIIELL * * wHEELEF '97 ACURA 2.2CL '97 NISSAN QUEST GXE- 195 JEEP GRAND ProrS AFP oast kr, Crs.,ACCa Pl. Pit $9 1.1 Acop c..,,)..;,,,,4,ta,,4,,,st,,,,, .4. $91) 81,,lac,c. km, 4xXn4.,0FaufliyaLcoDadecl $915 ..: Hwy. PS 18.Socoi. Row ASP HONOLIA11-*U Waipahu 94-081 Farrington LarWEVSO CiP3.1410;C: :71 Flau2S1KOAMIAti Max Vehicles subject lo prior sate & not exactly as shown. All prices are plus tax. Ire.. & 5195 Doc Fee 'Available factory * Ffalk Incentives have been applied to all prices A payments. Financing on approval of credit '98 Laredo requires $2000 cash down 51 95 1PABCP POW 678-9870 aplicable rebates. GFV: 515.609. Sale ends 10/21/98. DOC FEE