February 2021 The Crossed Keys

1 S. Tschirgi St. Sheridan, WY 82801 Rev. Joel Dingman Rev. Mike Evers

In Matthew 3:3, John is quoting Isaiah when he One of the many things that makes me proud to be proclaims in Matthew, “the voice of one crying in an Episcopalian is when I see Presiding Bishop Curry the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make on television, telling the news or talk show host how his paths straight.” to walk in love as Christ loved us. This scripture from Ephesians 5:2 is also an offertory sentence from This text from Matthew has been on my mind for the Book of Common Prayer. Bishop Curry seems some time now, especially as we prepare for Lent. always to be available to provide comfort and to Ash Wednesday will be upon us February 17. In coach us on how to act like Jesus. He is a such a preparation for that day we are exploring ways for calming pastoral presence. During the difficult times following the death of George Floyd, Bishop Curry folks to safely make the sign of the cross on their appeared on the Today Show to talk about the Way of foreheads. This important tradition of the visible Love. Bishop Curry teaches that the opposite of love sign of the ashes is for the world to see that we is not hate, the opposite of love is selfishness. He are in the time of Lent. There are two services urges us to follow the example of the Good Samaritan scheduled for the day, noon and 6 pm. (Luke 10:25-27), and care for those who are different from us. He urges us to decide daily to live an The path we use today may not be the straightest, unselfish life that seeks the good of others. At the or even make the most sense, to prepare the way close of the interview Bishop Curry tells us that his of the Lord. It is the path we are given, and I symbol for love in these times is the mask, which suspect even without Covid-19 the path is different “when I wear it, it protects you, and when you wear than it was at the time of Isaiah. Or is it? Each path it protects me.” Taking Bishop Curry’s mask analogy we walk is different from the path our neighbor a step further, the next symbol of love in these times walks, unless we chose to walk with Jesus. Jesus' is getting vaccinated. When your time comes for vaccination, please step out in Love and get that shot. path is always straight and smooth; if there are If anyone needs assistance making an appointment or obstacles they diminish in the Light of the Lord. In getting to an appointment for a vaccination please the course of my faith I find the path I am on call us here at St. Peter’s. We are here to help. riddled with potholes and hairpin corners; when I walk alone. When I repent and walk with Jesus the Yours in Him, path smooths and straightens. I pray we can walk the path with Jesus and invite others to walk the Transitional Deacon Mike same path. Grace and peace to you all and those you Love.

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Thank you, St. Peter’s Church for your amazing support for our Christmas families pro- ject. Typically we provide for three families. This year, because of you, we were able to support five families!

For those of you who are not familiar with Christmas families. It was a project started about five years ago. Families are chosen by Junior High counselors along with the Parent Liaison for that school.

‘The Kindness Corner’

Each family must have a Jr. High student (that came about because this group is so often forgotten). Once families have been identified, volunteers from our congregation contact the moms and set a date to take them shopping. After shopping, our volunteers take the gifts home, wrap them and deliver them to our families homes on Christmas Eve Day. They are also given 10 pounds of Deer or Elk delivered in a very nice freezer bag, provided by Kurt Eisenach. Thanks so much, Kurt!

In addition, this year because of the wonderful donations, we were able to gift each family with a $100 Albertsons gift card.

Thanks to our fabulous shoppers, Rev. Juanita Smith, Roberta and Rick Thompson, and Sandy (Theil) Utter. I was told each shopper very much enjoyed shopping with the moms.

To those of you who donated, you are the best! Thank you! As one mom said this year, “If it hadn’t been for St. Peter’s, my kids would have had nothing for Christmas.!”

God Bless you St. Peter’s for your love, generosity, and prayers! Sandy Tharaldson

Income and Expenses for January Income $46,623.00 Operating Expenses - 33,408.18 includes Diocesan assessments Difference + $13,214.82 All outreach

Outreach-January 2021 requests are ok'd by either Life Link of Sheridan County Joel or Mike. Compassion International MDU-utility assistance Food Cards to Ridley's Car repair assistance Gas Cards to Holiday Station TOTAL FOR JANUARY $2,366.00

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Difficult to Achievable Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

How hard is it to slow down, find a quiet place to listen and pray during the difficult challenges of we face.

Romans 8: 26 “The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not even know what we should pray for, nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Sprit prays for us.”

Thanking Him seems easy. Praying for myself and others is often more challenging. What a relief to know the Holy Spirit will help with intercession, knowing exactly where prayer is needed when we stumble.

Luke 1:37 “Nothing is impossible with God.”

Miracles happen everyday, only we often miss them because we’re not looking for them. The sweet and peaceful birth of Jesus, of all places, in a barn. The wonder of Mary and Joseph as they realized the baby, THIS baby from God, would change the world. Miracle beyond all miracles.

God is listening, and in the stillness, helping in our weakness and aiding us to know nothing is impossible, are all miracles. The celebration of His birth this past Christmas - and today will continue to lift our spirits and sustain us as we enter this new year. This is the most wonderful miracle of ALL.

May we, through the challenges of 2020, see the possibility of 2021. May we as a church family and a nation come home to God by obeying, loving, trusting and growing in faith every single day.

I put my life in God’s hand I will trust God’s guidance I leave the outcome to God Norman Vincent Peale

Happy New Year! DuAnne Diers

Peters Educational Fund February 1, 2021

Dear Church Family, Happy New Year! I hope this letter finds each of you well and marveling at God’s grace and mercy in 2021. Though the world seems to be in turmoil, we know His provisions are constant and true and blessings abound even in our suffering. No matter the outside circumstances, St. Peter’s is a congregation of strength who lifts each other up in spite of hardship.

The new year marks the start of the second school semester. For our seniors, the second semester carries much more weight; they are on the precipice of the rest of their lives! Unfortunately, financial difficulty can steal the joy from this exciting time. Given our church’s generous history, it is no surprise that there are resources within, like the Peters Educational Loan, that can provide hope. I would like to take this opportunity to refresh your memory of (or introduce you to) this resource as we think about our graduating youth.

As written in the church bylaws (9.01-9.04) and The Original Bequeath Letter of Walter F. and Mary E. Peters,

“The Walter F. and Mary E. Peters Foundation of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of Sheridan, Wyoming,” more familiarly referred to as the ‘Peters Educational Loan’ fund, was originated by a bequest from Walter F. and Mary E. Peters, reported to St. Peter’s Vestry at their meeting in April of 1974 ...

(Continued Page 7)

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Feb 1 Monday Handbells 6 pm Community Rm

Feb 2 Tuesday Healing Service 12:10 pm Chapel

Feb 3 Wednesday Women’s Council 9 am Parish Hall

Feb 4 Thursday Red Door 10 am - 2 pm

Feb 7 5th Sunday Rite I 7:30 am Sanctuary Sunday After Epiphany Rite II 10 am Sanctuary

Feb 8 Monday Handbells 6 pm Community Rm

Feb 9 Tuesday Healing Service 12:10 pm Chapel

Feb 10 Wednesday Women’s Crafters 9 am Crafter’s Rm

Feb 11 Thursday Red Door 10 am - 2 pm Consecration of Feb 13 Saturday 11 am Vimeo

Rev. Paul Gordon Feb 14 Last Sunday Rite I 7:30 am Sanctuary Sunday After Epiphany Rite II 10 am Sanctuary

Feb 15 Monday Handbells 6 pm Community Rm

Feb 1 6 Tuesday Healing Service 12:10 pm Chapel

Wednesday Ash Wednesday Noon Sanctuary Crafter’s Rm Feb 17 Women’s Crafters 9 am Vestry 5 pm Parish Hall

Ash Wednesday 6 pm Sanctuary

Feb 18 Thursday Red Door 10 am - 2:00 pm

Feb 21 1st Sunday Rite I 7:30 am Sanctuary Sunday Lent Rite II 10 am Sanctuary

Feb 22 Monday Handbells 6 pm Community Rm

Feb 23 Tuesday Healing Service 12:10 pm Chapel

Wednesday Women’s Crafters 9 am Crafter’s Room Feb 24 Lent Bible Study 7 pm Zoom

Feb 25 Thursday Red Door 10 am - 2 pm

Feb 27 Saturday Mug ’N Muffin 10 am Zoom

Feb 28 2nd Sunday Rite I 7:30 am Sanctuary Sunday Lent Rite II 10 am Sanctuary

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St. Peter’s Answers in Abundance!

Nothing can affect the generous hearts of our St. Peter’s family-not even Covid-19! An idea that started with the news that there is a growing number of young adults here in Sheridan facing housing insecurity has grown into a reality of providing food to this population. In September a request was made by the Children’s Church kids to donate food and personal hygiene items. Every Sunday since we have baskets brimming with the fruits of your generous spirits. It’s the loaves and fishes in action!

Where do these items go? To Food Group’s Little Free Pantry behind the High School that St. Peter’s has adopted and is often visited by Housing Insecure & hungry young adults and to the Transitional Living classroom which offers weekly classes to young adults who are on their own without the support of family. THANK YOU for living out John 13:34!

VESTRY CONTACTS: 2021 For questions or inquiries our Vestry members are available for you.

1. Clark, Peter - Sr. Warden [email protected]

2. Badgett, Rick - Jr. Warden [email protected] 2021 3. Baker, Bridgette [email protected] Convention Delegates

4. Bishop, Lacasa [email protected] Peter Clark 5. Galloway, Laura [email protected] Tracy Swanson 6. Hills, Suzie [email protected] DuAnne Diers 7. Nicolarsen, Karen [email protected]

8. Schnatterbeck, Thomas [email protected] Alternates

9. St. Clair, Roger [email protected] Carol Clark 10. Swanson, Tracy [email protected] Laura Galloway 11. Thoney, Mark [email protected] Sarah Mentock 12. Wells, Lisa [email protected]

New Position (Secretary) Dates:

Dingman, Rev. Joel [email protected] September 24, 25, 26 (Priest In Charge) Jackson Hole, WY Smith, Rev. Juanita (Deacon) [email protected]

Evers, Rev. Michael (Deacon) [email protected]



"People naturally look for relief in chaotic times. Many approached the recent presidential election as an opportunity to find that relief. Now, some blissfully celebrate the outcome while others find themselves fearfully mourning.

In her recent article, Christian political Exile persists No Matter the President, Bonnie Kristian offers an alternate way of thinking. Kristian encourages us to remember that the United States is not our true home because, our true home is with Jesus. This worldview is not one of avoidance. As Kristian points out, God called the Israelites to "seek the prosperity of the city to which [He had] carried [them] into exile" (Jer. 29:5-7).

Why? Because God's people would prosper by cultivating the prosperity of those around them. The same is true for us, even -- especially -- in a time of illness and upheaval. As we look forward to a new year with joy, dread, or something in between, may we take a moment to examine ourselves, asking where we place our hope. And may we remember that, on the other side of exile, our ultimate home awaits us." (From Christianity Today, Women)

Submitted by Rev. Juanita Smith

Ten Key Teachings of Jesus Rev. Juanita Smith

Radical Love… Vibrant Faith… Lavish Generosity… Extravagant Forgiveness… Inclusive Hospitality... Compassionate Action… Selfless Service… A passion for Justice… Creative Nonviolence... Simple Living

Peters Educational Fund (Continued from page 3)

...the purpose of this loan is to “Aid by way of grants without interest, in higher education of worthy high school graduates who, without such aid, would not be able to pursue their education...to be given impartially to boys and girls who, for a period of at least one year prior to the filing of applications for aid, have been members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church...also...for loans for vocational training to the needy and worthy young men and women of the Church.

The Loan committee was first established in 1976 and consists of five members with a Vestry liaison. Each committee member serves a term of five years. The current members of this committee are Carol Bickel, Elizabeth Craft, Laura Galloway, Dorothy Goodwin and Andy Lowe. Our Parish Administrator, Gail Boyer, also works with the committee to keep records of loans and repayments. Many of our parishioners have benefited from the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Peters and we wish to perpetuate this program.

Galatians 6:2 calls us to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Please keep the Peters Educational Loan in mind when making plans for your loved ones’ higher education.

May God be glorified in all we do, Elizabeth Craft

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St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

1 South Tschirgi Street, Sheridan WY 82801 Phone: 307-674-7655 Email: [email protected]

Contact Information

Music Ministry - Suzie Hills February [email protected] 307. 763.0525

Priest in Charge Jeannene McKnight - Pianist Rev. Joel Dingman [email protected] [email protected] 307.674.4186 307.670.0072 Kathy McNickle - Pianist Deacon [email protected] Rev. Juanita Smith-Eisenach 307.752.5745 [email protected] Loretta Tonak - Organist/Pianist 307.673.4928 [email protected]

Deacon 307.751.4977

Rev. Michael Evers Cathy Storm - Organist/Pianist [email protected] [email protected] 307.763.0746 307. 674.4565

Senior Warden Gail Boyer - Parish Administrator Peter Clark [email protected] [email protected] 307.674.7655

307. 751.3173 Karon Keahey - Parish Secretary Junior Warden [email protected] Rick Badgett 307.674.7655 [email protected] 307.752.7776

Church Office Hours: EASTER LILY 8:00 am – 3:00 pm (Mon-Thurs) ORDERS! Church Phone #: 307.674.7655 We are receiving Email: [email protected] Easter Lily orders.

They are $25.00 each. Join Us on Facebook! Contact the Website: https://www.facebook.com/stpeterssheridan Church office.

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