Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching

Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia

Catherine McLoughlin Australian Catholic University, Australia

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Web 2.0-based E-learning : applying social informatics for tertiary teaching / Mark J.W. Lee and Catherine McLoughlin, editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "This book deals with Web 2.0 and how social informatics are impacting higher education practice, pedagogical theory and innovations"--Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-60566-294-7 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-60566-295-4 (ebook) 1. Education, Higher--Effect of technological innovations on. 2. Web-based instruction--Social aspects. 3. Web 2.0--Social aspects. 4. Learning-- Physiological aspects. I. Lee, Mark J. W., 1981- II. McLoughlin, Catherine. LB2395.7.W434 2010 378.1'7344678--dc22 2009054308

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Chapter 7 Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

Mark Frydenberg Bentley University, USA

ABSTRACT Recent advances in Internet technologies, combined with a society that relies upon them, have brought about a new toolset for working and sharing on the . The term “Web 2.0” suggests an updated version of the Web, but really names a new genre of web applications, along with the technologies they rely on and the social content contain. Web 2.0 marks the evolution from a “one-way” Web filled with static content to a dynamic “read/write” Web that has become a platform promoting collaboration and communication, linking people as well as the digital information they share. This chapter applies a connectivist learning approach to creating authentic learning spaces for teaching Web 2.0 concepts in a first-year college information technology course. It suggests best practices for fostering learning by using Web 2.0 tools to create connections with people, ideas, and technology.

INTRODUCTION Advances in technology have changed the way many students learn. Siemens (2005) claims that in Today’s “digital natives” grew up with the Internet; recent decades, “technology has reorganized how they embrace the social networking features that we live, how we communicate, and how we learn. , MySpace, text messaging, and instant Learning needs and theories that describe learning messaging provide (Prensky, 2001; Palfrey & principles and processes, should be reflective of Gasser, 2008; Tapscott, 1998; see also Chapter underlying social environments” (p. 3). 16 in this book). Students today are always on- Many of today’s students have the basic media line, confident with using computers, and able literacy skills required to participate in a Web to find what they need on the World Wide Web. 2.0 world. What some of them lack, however, is an understanding of the underlying foundations DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-294-7.ch007 that make their everyday web activities possible.

Copyright © 2011, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

The simple act of creating and sharing a video on connectivism, which views learning as occurring YouTube requires basic skills in editing audio and in the process of creating connections between new video, understanding the need for data compres- ideas and experiences, an idea that is consistent sion and appropriate file formats, file transfer with and appropriate in a Web 2.0 world. protocol (FTP), and the notion of a web server Siemens (2006b, p. 31) identifies nine prin- to store multimedia on the Internet. ciples for connectivist learning: Web 2.0 technologies have changed the way students and their teachers use the Web, and they 1. Learning and knowledge require diversity have also impacted how to teach about the Web. of opinions to present the whole … and to Drawing on experiences from an introductory permit selection of best approach. information technology (IT) course, IT 101, at 2. Learning is a network formation process of Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, connecting specialized nodes or information USA, where a connectivist approach was applied sources. to create a learning space for teaching Web 2.0 3. Knowledge rests in networks. concepts, this chapter describes several trends, 4. Knowledge may reside in non-human appli- technologies, and applications and how they may ances, and learning is enabled / facilitated be used to foster student learning both using and by technology. about Web 2.0. 5. Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. 6. Learning and knowing are constant, ongoing CONNECTIVIST LEARNING processes (not end states or products) AND WEB 2.0 7. Ability to see connections and recognize pat- terns and make sense between fields, ideas, Siemens (2005) defines connectivist learning as and concepts is the core skill for individuals learning “driven by the understanding that deci- today. sions are based on rapidly altering foundations. 8. Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) New information is continually being acquired” is the intent of all activities. (p. 7). It is important to be able to distinguish 9. Decision-making is learning. Choosing what between what is important and what is not, and to learn and the meaning of incoming infor- understand how changes in information and mation is seen through the lens of a shifting technology may impact earlier learning and deci- reality. While there is a right answer now, it sions. These are precisely the skills required of may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations tomorrow’s knowledge workers. The culture of in the information climate affecting the participation fostered in a rapidly changing Web decision. 2.0-oriented environment supports such a style of learning required in this digital age. O’Reilly (2005) coined the term “Web 2.0” in Siemens (2006b) states that a decentraliza- recognition of new patterns in the ways people tion of knowledge contributes to the enrichment use the World Wide Web. According to him, the of learning, giving more control to the end-user, Web has become a platform for supporting ap- so that learning becomes a process of gathering, plications that promote collaboration and shar- adapting, and creating knowledge. This results in ing, providing rich user experiences on multiple a challenge to authority, a need to be connected, devices. These have become possible because of and ultimately a desire to be able to make change. increased availability of bandwidth and Internet To fill this gap, Siemens proposes the theory of access, advances in networking technologies,

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and development of new tools and platforms for impact of new media on the world is profound. creating software applications. Just as the desktop publishing tools of the mid- Connectivism suggests that knowledge rests 1990s spawned the phenomenon of home-grown in networks and is facilitated by technology. The newsletters, the emergence and acceptance of web development and rise in popularity of Web 2.0 publishing tools in the mid-2000s has spawned a applications such as social networks and collab- “blogosphere” with global reach: orative tools that work by “harnessing collective intelligence” (O’Reilly, 2005, “Blogging and the Too many educators fail to understand how tech- wisdom of crowds,” para. 10) of users promote nology is changing society. While hype words of and facilitate learning, linking both people and web 2.0, , wikis, and podcasts are easy to the knowledge they share. ignore, the change agents driving these tools are Vossen and Hagemann (2007) attribute the not. We communicate differently than we did even emergence of Web 2.0 to the merging of three ten years ago. We use different tools for learning; independent streams of development: applications, we experience knowledge in different formats technology, and socialization. New web applica- and at a different pace. We are exposed to an tions and services have appeared that require overwhelming amount of information—requiring little technical background to use. Progress in continually greater levels of specialization in our hardware, networking capabilities, and software organizations. It is here—where knowledge growth tools form the foundation for those applications, exceeds our ability to cope—that new theories of and the increased ability for users to participate knowledge and learning are needed. (Siemens, and interact on the Web through social network- 2006a, p. 7) ing has changed the culture of how people use the Internet. The convergence of these “techniques, Given this evolution in how people have come technologies, and usage patterns … has received to use the Web, it becomes necessary to teach these the preliminary and … fancy term ‘Web 2.0’” tools and technologies in a way that is congruent (Vossen & Hagemann, p. 65). with current learning styles “influenced … by As Web 2.0 software applications are in socialization and technology” (Siemens, 2006a, “perpetual beta” (O’Reilly, 2005, “End of the p. 4). Two main questions emerge, which are ad- software release cycle,” para. 5), so are Web 2.0 dressed in the remainder of this chapter: learners—learning is constant, and ongoing. Web 2.0’s lightweight programming models allow for • What are core Web 2.0 topics for the IT information sharing, facilitating the use of tech- classroom? nology to enable new learning spaces, activities, • How might one use Web 2.0 tools to teach and approaches. Harnessing collective intelligence these topics in the IT classroom in such through online collaborative tools such as blogs a way that models connectivist learning and wikis encourages the gathering, organization, principles and supports collaborative, ex- and discovery of knowledge from many different periential learning? information sources. The synergy between both sets of principles is strong, suggesting that a connectivist approach INTEGRATING WEB 2.0 INTO to teaching Web 2.0 concepts using the tools THE TERTIARY CURRICULUM that embody its principles is also in order. The recent shift in how people use web technologies In recent years, an increasing number of students also inspires a shift in how to teach them. The has arrived on campuses of tertiary education

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institutions with previous computer experience platforms “appear to be logistically useful tools” (Palfrey & Gasser, 2008). This is most likely (p. 38) in higher education for a variety of purposes due to greater computer availability and usage at such as teaching composition, and suggests that home and in high schools. The popularity of social “The rich search possibilities opened up by … networking sites such as Facebook and video- tools [such as Google News and Digg] can fur- sharing sites such as YouTube among college ther enhance the pedagogy of current events” (p. students is perhaps at least partly responsible for 40). Students must see the value of the tools they their interest in the Web. The traditional computer are exposed to in order to continue using them. literacy course required of most first-year college The adoption of such tools in the classroom will students becomes an important place for teaching “help student employability by preparing them for not only about these applications and how to use teamwork, global audience and peer reviews and them responsibly, but also how to be literate in a in general for the new business model” in which Web 2.0 world. knowledge workers are expected to collaborate Integrating Web 2.0 into the tertiary curriculum (Cubric, 2007, p. 11). Many tertiary teachers have is becoming more common, as many colleges made use of blogs or wikis as a tool for promoting and universities are offering new courses focused active learning and knowledge creation, or for con- around specific aspects or technologies of Web tinuing discussions beyond scheduled class times 2.0. For example, Create engaging web applica- (Cubric, 2007; Davi, Frydenberg, & Gulati, 2007). tions using metrics and learning on Facebook was Kamel Boulos, Maramba, and Wheeler (2006) offered for the first time at Stanford University cite concerns about monitoring and moderation in Fall 2007, as an “experiment in how to teach of open wikis and content, especially in the the process of successful software development” fields of healthcare and medicine, where patient using Facebook’s open platform (Eldon, 2007, privacy is critical, and note the ease of use of such para. 10). In Spring 2008, Matthew J. Hall at applications for sharing information. Vanderbilt University offered Beyond the one- way Web: From publishing to participation as a course concerned with the social impact of new TEACHING IT THROUGH media and technology (see Hall’s class blog at THE LENS OF WEB 2.0 http://beyondtheonewayweb.wordpress.com/). Computer Science departments at institutions IT 101 is an introductory technology course at a such as the University of California, Berkeley Bentley University, a leader in business education have offered programming courses using new web in the New England region. Students are required technologies such as Ruby on Rails and AJAX. to take an introductory technology class in either Departments in other schools have introduced Web the first or second semester of the first year in their 2.0 courses that deal with new ways to use the undergraduate program. The course ensures that Web for business, marketing, and social media. all students gain competency in basic IT skills, Executive and business programs teach Web 2.0 including using and maintaining their computers, from a strategy perspective, discussing trends for while developing individual skills in creating web transitioning companies to using Web 2.0 tech- pages and spreadsheets, understanding basic In- niques and technologies, and the new business ternet protocols and applications, and navigating opportunities they present (Shuen, 2008). the Windows operating system. Another approach is to integrate specific Web While the specialized or advanced courses 2.0 tools and technologies into existing courses. alluded to earlier require specific domain knowl- Alexander (2006) suggests that social writing edge, this chapter argues that computer literacy

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and Web 2.0 literacy are both relevant, and surveys developing an online portfolio are among several common Web 2.0 tools that can be integrated into examples Herrington and Kervin (2007) cite as the curriculum to teach IT concepts. By trans- characteristic of authentic learning enhanced by forming a traditional, first-year computer literacy technology. They provide meaningful activities course into a relevant, Web 2.0 literacy course, and contexts for using Web 2.0 tools to create students become active contributors in Web 2.0’s knowledge, and promote reflection to enable “culture of participation,” as they use its applica- abstraction. They place the student at the center, tions for collaboration and communication, and and allow the teacher to play a supporting role as have an understanding of the technological and students take the lead role in the learning activities. social developments that made them possible. The One of the main challenges in teaching Web 2.0 goal of this approach is to teach students traditional concepts in the classroom is designing authentic IT concepts and current Web 2.0 applications, and activities that will engage students as they learn show their connections to O’Reilly’s (2005) Web about these technologies. “While blogs, wikis, 2.0 principles. podcasts, and social bookmarking are receiving Specifically, students in IT 101 interact with much attention, the real point of interest lies not Web 2.0 applications in ways that facilitate their in the tools themselves, but in what the growth development of IT skills and introduce them to of the tools represents and what the tools enable. the social and business perspectives of Web 2.0. Primary affordances include: (a) two-way flow, The course aims to achieve the following learn- and (b) activities reflective of networked activities ing outcomes: of individuals” (Siemens, 2006a, p. 33). Web 2.0 presents a landscape filled with a range of new • describe the historical and technological applications; IT provides a context for examin- milestones that led up to Web 2.0; ing them as tools for creating opportunities for • demonstrate proficiency in using RSS, learning. blogs, live and microblogs, wikis, pod- Like Siemens, Herrington and Kervin (2007) casts, mashups, and other collaborative conclude that teaching technology for its own sake tools; is not sufficient; there must be a clear purpose for • identify characteristics of Web 2.0 applica- including it as part of the learning experience. tions and apply them in a business context; This puts onus on the teacher to take steps to • create and participate in social networks ensure that students appreciate how introducing and online communities to experience the technology to solve a problem will improve the social impact of Web 2.0 tools. process of doing so:

Authentic Learning: Web Experiences that put technology into the hands 2.0 in the Classroom of the students challenge the traditional roles of teachers and students and their associated Integrating Web 2.0 tools and topics into the IT relationships. It is the teacher’s responsibility to classroom augments the traditional topics usually ensure that technology experiences are closely found in such a course. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, associated with the rationale and purpose of an mashups, tagging, and social networking must authentic learning experience. Each of these ex- all find their way into the syllabus through the amples highlights the importance of the teacher creation of real-world scenarios that characterize and students having a clear rationale for com- their use. Collaborating to plan trips, creating pleting the task, understanding of the real-life podcast videos, writing reflective journals, and application of the task and appropriate support

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to complete the task. Technology affords students Wikis and collaboration tools enable students the opportunity to engage with tasks that could become co-creators of both knowledge and not be completed using traditional paper-based classroom materials. “All of this blurring of the methods. (Herrington & Kervin, 2007, p. 233) IT lines portends a further rise in efficiency and productivity as smart managers allow these pro- sumer/producers to adapt their native tools to fit Student Motivation the demands of their jobs” (Tapscott & Williams, 2006, p. 124). In the classroom, students become Anderson (2007) suggests that the participatory teachers and teachers must become students once nature of the Web 2.0 culture motivates students again, as both engage in a learning partnership. to learn, and that “the process of learning [will be] more compelling when they are producers as Technology Advancements much as consumers” (p. 32) of knowledge. Others Change the Motivation for argue that Web 2.0 technologies in the classroom Teaching Core Concepts are nothing more than a fad that will lose their initial attraction after becoming fully integrated Current Web 2.0 and Internet developments have in the classroom. changed the motivation for teaching many core IT Pettenati and Cigognini (2007) support the concepts. For example, the main rationale behind design of effective learning experiences in a teaching the hypertext markup language (HTML) networked environment. They find that lifelong today is different than it was a decade ago, when learning requires continuously being creative and creating a personal web page by entering HTML creating personal learning environments (PLEs), tags manually in a plain text editor like Notepad representing the “temporal horizon through which was one of the few common ways to maintain a [to] look at the lifelong learning of a subject” (p. web presence. Now, one can use blogs, wikis, 49), which involves both the formal and informal, and web-based web page creation wizards, all of expected and unexpected learning activities. which hide the underlying HTML from the user, Teaching Web 2.0 in the IT classroom can con- to accomplish this task. Hence, the reasons for tribute to the attainment of such learning goals: teaching HTML have to change. While some students may create personal web In the emerging social software, “Web 2.0” envi- pages from scratch, more than half of online teens ronment, the production of ideas takes place in a have profiles on sites like Facebook or MySpace. collaborative, participatory mode which breaks Along with blogs and other social networks, down the boundaries between producers and Facebook has become a place where today’s consumers and instead enables all participants digital natives create true social connections. Text to be users and producers of information and messages and instant messaging are more popular knowledge, or what can be described as produsers. than email as a form of communication (Lenhart, These produsers engage not in a traditional form Madden, Rankin Macgill, & Smith, 2007). They of content production, but are instead involved need not use HTML to maintain a web presence. in produsage—the collaborative and continuous From a learning point of view, today’s students building and extending of existing content in learn HTML or XHTML (extensible hypertext pursuit of further improvement. (Bruns & Hum- markup language) to have the experience of phreys, 2007, p. 2) developing an application according to certain rules of syntax to understand the precision that

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any software or web development task requires. cannot change anything that they themselves did From a practical point of view, today’s students not post. Blogs are online journals organized also learn to develop web pages in order to gain chronologically with new posts at the top, while the basic skills to be able to customize their pres- wikis have a much more open structure, which ence in other places (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) allows participants to add new pages, or change on the Web. the content of existing pages. Anyone can post to Reasons for understanding the fundamental a blog, but cannot change what is already there. concepts of computer memory, file sizes, and With a wiki, it is possible to change (or delete) formats become evident when one looks at the existing content. Students also experience being process of downloading multimedia: the smaller “locked out” of a wiki page when someone else the file size, the faster the download. Users also is editing it, and can view the history of the page must understand different compressed data for- to see how the wiki tracks all edits and provides mats, recognize those that provide true compres- the ability to “roll back” to an earlier version. sions, those that may lose quality, and when such Having mastered the mechanics, students can a loss is permissible. All of these issues come to begin to envisage how they might use these tools light when examining the technology through the as part of their own learning, and in other aspects lens of Web 2.0. of their personal and professional lives. O’Reilly’s (2005) principle of “data as the next Class blogs have been used across the curricu- Intel inside,” that the power of one’s application lum in different contexts for students to post topics today is based on the data it contains, just as the of discussion for their classmates to answer prior to power of the microprocessor defines the power a class session; doing this lets the students identify one’s personal computer, may best be illustrated the class readings of interest to them (Davi et al., by teaching students to create mashups—Web 2007). Some blogging providers such as Blog- 2.0 constructs that combine and apply data from ger (http://www.blogger.com/) support the easy different sources on the Web. Doing so also rein- uploading of audio or video files, facilitating the forces the fundamental concepts of input, output, process of having the instructor or students in the and processing, the most basic functions of any class create podcasts or vodcasts based on course computing system. sessions. By limiting posting access to only cur- rent students, the instructor can easily determine which students participate in the blog. Unrestricted A SURVEY OF WEB 2.0 TOOLS access, on the other hand, allows students to see AND TECHNOLOGIES the benefits of inviting comments from a global audience on the Internet, leveraging the power of Blogs and Wikis the “wisdom of crowds” (Surowiecki, 2004) that epitomizes Web 2.0. Blogs (short for “web logs”) and wikis are two Brownstein and Klein (2006) present several specialized web applications for posting or applications for the use of blogging in education: publishing information on the Web, and have learning, constructing, argument, commentary, varied use in higher education (Davi et al., 2007). chronology, extension, resources, and composi- Introducing blogs and wikis to the classroom tion. Individual student blogs support student process and requiring students to contribute to writing, and give students another presence on them tangibly demonstrates their similarities and the Web without having to master HTML. From their differences: while a blog allows its users a social point of view, bloggers have influence to comment on one another’s posts, participants on current events, and have spawned an entire

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movement of grassroots journalism. This example faculty members to deliver course materials to illustrates the socialization of the Web coupled their students with greater ease than was previ- with advances in technology to support the level ously possible” (Maloney, 2007, p. B26). A wiki of collaboration that many now take for granted. can enhance a traditional content management According to Halavais (quoted in “Blogs move system, as both students and the teacher may share student learning beyond the classroom: An inter- in the responsibility of creating and posting course view with Alex Halavais,” 2004), blogs support materials. A syllabus stored on a wiki page is easy self-regulated learning. Students are more self- to edit, maintain, and update as the course goes directed, as they hold themselves accountable for along. Wiki pages also can be used to facilitate their own progress and learning. students signing up for group projects, or to serve A wiki is a whose pages can be added as collaborative workspaces for students working or edited by anyone. Pages are hyperlinked to one on such projects (Frydenberg, 2008a). another, and little, if any, HTML knowledge is Mindel and Verma (2006) have articulated required to create or edit one. Ward Cunningham, additional classroom uses for wikis, including who is credited with inventing the wiki, named it collaborative business analysis projects, develop- after the “quick” shuttle he took between terminals ing a literature review for research, needs assess- at a Hawaiian airport, to denote the speed and ment, sharing notes and project summaries, and ease with which wiki pages can be created and making materials available for students. Others modified (Cunningham & Leuf, 2001). The term have adapted or developed specialized Web 2.0 now describes “a freely expandable collection of collaborative applications for use in educational interlinked webpages … where each page is eas- settings. Zhang and Su (2007) discuss the de- ily edited by any user with a forms-capable Web velopment of a new generation of collaborative browser client” (Cunningham & Leuf, 2001, p. 14). learning environments to encourage intercultural Wiki software tracks changes as users make communications and collaborations in educational them, making it possible to revert back to an earlier scenarios. Their collaborative learning and teach- version of a page. Because multiple users may ing system “bridges the increasing gap between modify the same page concurrently, most wikis traditional computing educational systems and will prevent (“lock out”) others from making the new demands of industrial computing com- changes until the current user has completed his munities” (p. 153). Their extensible system allows or her updates. While it is possible to host a wiki students to create additional modules, items, on a local server, it is more common to register and submit and syndicate content. with a free wiki provider. The website WikiMa- trix (http://www.wikimatrix.org/) compares the RSS features of several wikis and provides a wizard for determining the platform that best suits one’s RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is the underly- particular needs. ing technology that enables sharing of blog posts, Wikis have entered the tertiary classroom in podcasts, news headlines, and other content on many ways, perhaps most notably as a tool to the Web. The markup scheme was invented by enhance a traditional course management system Dave Winer in 1994 as a tool for scripting web (CMS). Traditional CMSs are generally used for content, which later became popular as feeds for accessing course materials and student grades. blogs and podcasts. Instructors need to be more creative in their uses Competing formats, such as Atom and GData, of wikis in the classroom, otherwise they are noth- emerged as alternative standards in later years. ing more than “an advanced photocopier, allowing All syndication mechanisms use a “publish–

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subscribe” model, in which the author publishes 2005, “DoubleClick vs. Overture and AdSense,” content, and subscribers use an aggregator pro- para. 1) and service-oriented architectures have gram to check the feed periodically and notify changed the way in which web-based software is them that new content has been posted. RSS developed and deployed. While some specialized syndication and aggregation is possible because software applications may be necessary, usually the data (originating from blog posts, podcasts, off-the-shelf components can be configured to stock tickers, and news headlines, for example) is solve common business problems. Web 2.0 shifts represented in a standard XML (extensible markup the focus from building application software to language) format. Such aggregator functionality integrating web applications and services. This is now standard in versions of web browsers such promotes the sharing of data between the applica- as Internet Explorer and Firefox through the use tions and services. The ability to reuse or remix of live bookmarks. A standard RSS feed includes information becomes significant when resources a standard set of XML tags for describing the are open and discoverable, licenses are open and title, author, publication date, description, and transparent, and formats are open and remixable hyperlink for each item in the feed. The RSS feed (Lamb, 2007). Creating mashups introduces stu- for a podcast or vodcast contains an additional dents to the API as a core strategy for Web 2.0 “enclosure tag” describing the uniform resource companies to share information between software locator (URL) for the multimedia, its length in applications, and the importance of XML as the bytes, and content type (audio or video file format). underlying language for representing that infor- mation in a manner that permits interoperability. Mashups When teaching about Web 2.0 tools, the task is to empower students to create their own mashups, Mashups, the combining of data from multiple as the very process of designing a mashup requires sources into a single display, are popular Web an ability to recognize connections between other- 2.0 constructs, often difficult to create without wise unrelated objects in the world. In the words previous programming skills. Mashups are at of Cronon (1998), “More than anything else, be- the heart of the Web 2.0 business revolution, ing an educated person means being able to see as companies such as Facebook, Google, and connections that allow one to make sense of the Yahoo! make their data available through open world and act within it in creative ways” (p. 78), APIs (application programming interfaces) for and this also resonates with the aforementioned other applications to consume. Web applications theory of connectivism. In addition, the process of that plot landmarks or housing data on maps (e.g., creating mashups has great educational potential Zillow at http://www.zillow.com/), combine RSS for teaching basic programming constructs and feeds (popurls at http://www.popurls.com/), and software development and architecture concepts. graphically display photos from photo-sharing Because these tools provide access to APIs for sites (Cooliris at http://www.cooliris.com/) are many Web 2.0 applications (Flickr, Facebook, examples of mashups. and RSS feeds), students learn to interact with Mashups also introduce the notion of interact- data in a new way, and create end products or ing with data, which is a fundamental business results that can be shared. Because and problem. Software development has evolved into applications will inevitably change over time, application development, as current approaches it is important to view each as a potential tool to building a complete system entail linking for teaching about mashups. By learning about together previously designed core components. applications of mashups and what components The notion of “software as a service” (O’Reilly, are needed to create one, as illustrated by using

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a particular tool, students will be better prepared state of each to the GeoNames block. The Geo- to adapt in an age of constantly changing software Names block uses a web service to determine the applications. corresponding latitude and longitude. The Virtual This approach integrates learning traditional Earth block receives that information, along with programming concepts using a non-traditional the friend’s first and last name, city and state, and environment that also promotes critical and photo, in order to plot each friend’s photo on the analytical thinking. These mashup tools reduce map in the location of his or her listed city or state. the barrier to entry to creating simple Web 2.0 By connecting blocks, students make connections applications, as little or no prior programming in an information flow that results in solving a experience is required to achieve impressive re- problem. They must learn to decompose a larger sults. At the same time, the very act of creating a problem into smaller components, identify the mashup requires students to interact with familiar input and output data from each task, and deter- data in new ways. mine how each task fits together to contribute to Figure 1 shows a mashup created using Popfly, the larger solution. The key to creating mashups a web-based mashup creation tool from Microsoft. using any application is the ability to access and Microsoft supported Popfly from 2007 to 2009. In process data from the Web. Other tools such as this example, the Facebook block obtains a list of Yahoo! Pipes (http://pipes.yahoo.com/) also pro- a user’s Facebook friends, and sends the city and vide this capability. Their familiar graphical or

Figure 1. Creating a Popfly mashup

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function-based interfaces hide the implementation JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight details that would be of interest to programmers data interchange format, for passing structured writing code, and enable beginning students to data across a network in a way that is transparent interact with real data to create simple yet useful to the user. As a result, the user’s experience is and interesting applications. perceived as more interactive. Some ASP.NET AJAX controls obtain input from calls to exter- AJAX nal web services. Only controls on the page that receive the updated data from a web service call O’Reilly (2005) describes a “rich user experience” are refreshed, enhancing the experience of using within the web browser as characteristic of Web 2.0 the web application (Frydenberg, 2008b). applications. As such, many Web 2.0 applications Google has introduced several tools for build- sport a rich user interface that has much more of ing rich web applications. Google App Engine a desktop application “look and feel” than a tra- (http://appengine.google.com/) allows for the ditional browser-based application. This is often production of web applications that run within because such applications are implemented using Google’s infrastructure, and Google Gears (http:// a combination of web technologies collectively gears.google.com/) provides open source exten- known as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and sions to add new features to web browsers. XML). AJAX has gained popularity as a tool for creating browser-independent, dynamic web Tagging pages in which only a portion of the page updates at a time. Tagging tools are another way to provide for learn- While it is outside the scope of an introductory ing by making connections between people and IT course—and beyond the ability level of stu- knowledge. Tagging is a fundamental concept in dents with no prior programming experience—to the Web 2.0 world. Students must understand the implement even the simplest web-based interfaces nature of both physical and digital information to in AJAX, it is entirely reasonable to explain the be adequately prepared to manage digital infor- concepts of client-side and server-side processing, mation. Tags are used in applications that extend and the role of JavaScript, so they might be able beyond social bookmarking sites (e.g., delicious to identify an AJAX-enabled page when they see at http://www.delicious.com/), Flickr (http://www. one. Students should recognize this behavior in flickr.com/-for photo sharing), and Technorati their web-based Microsoft Outlook client, Google (http://www.technorati.com/-for indexing blogs), Maps (http://maps.google.com/), and many online which that were the first to use them, and they are travel booking sites. In each case, only the relevant now found on websites of all types. According to portion of the page changes without reloading the Bumgardner (2006), “these amorphous clumps of entire page. Relating these concepts to students’ words now appear on a slew of web sites as visual own experiences of them while using familiar web evidence of their membership in the elite corps applications creates an opportunity for learning. of ‘Web 2.0’” (p. 1). Many sites such as delicious In AJAX applications, JavaScript function calls incorporate tag “clouds” in which larger fonts and run separately (asynchronously) from the loading darker colors indicate more popular topics among of a web page. The function calls may invoke web those that a user has tagged. Each tag links to a services or other JavaScript methods to acquire page at delicious containing hyperlinks to the new information with which to update the page, actual articles. and only a portion of the page may be updated Abbitt (2007) investigated the impact of social without refreshing the whole page. Pages rely on content sites such as Digg (http://www.digg.com/)

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and delicious in an educational setting. In a pilot with similar interests. There are also several tools study using social content in an undergraduate for integrating feeds into a standard RSS educational technology course, he examined usage format, thus promoting their availability in other patterns from students who used their custom- applications. ized social content software over the course of a semester. It was found that social content sites were new to most students and many felt that us- A CONNECTIVIST APPROACH ing them helped them to find resources that they TO TEACHING WEB 2.0 believed would be useful later in their careers WITH WEB 2.0 TOOLS (Abbitt, 2007). This section maps connectivist learning principles Microblogging / Social Networking to an approach for teaching Web 2.0 concepts in the classroom. Collectively, they all illustrate that Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/) is a microblog- gaining up-to-date knowledge of a current technol- ging application, where users perpetually respond ogy is the underlying intent of each activity, but to the simple question, “What are you doing?” more importantly, the process of completing these Twitter broadcasts and receives short messages activities gives students the skills to stay up-to- to the mobile phones (cellphones) or computers date by exploring and learning new technologies of all those who “subscribe” to another user’s on their own. broadcast, allowing users to build significant social networks. By signing up to “follow” one Learning Requires Diversity of another, friends can send and receive messages. Opinions to Present the Whole Because Twitter messages may be received on mobile phone, the application is highly mobile, An effective way to initiate a conversation with which leads to a number of interesting possibili- students on Web 2.0 topics and technologies is to ties for classroom use. show a now-well-known video clip entitled Web Lew (2007) and Parry (2008) summarize 2.0 … The machine is us/ing us (Wesch, 2007b). several educational applications of Twitter. With This short video, available on YouTube, presents a its 140-character message limit, Twitter requires panorama of Web 2.0 technologies, and decisions students to be concise in their writing. To carry that must be made about organizing all of the new on conversations beyond the classroom, students data brought about by such tools. A major turning could sign up to follow each other, posting when point in identifying Web 2.0 as a new phenomenon they see something that relates to a topic dis- is Wesch’s observation in his video that “The cussed in class. They might view Twitter’s Public Web is no longer linking information, it is link- Timeline (http://twitter.com/public_timeline/) to ing people.” Through collaborative tools, wikis, get a sense of what Twitter subscribers around blogs, and social networks, people are connected the world are doing. Twitter can be a research in ways that were not previously possible. The tool as users can track posts containing particular video concludes by raising the issues of ethics, words or phrases and receive updates when any identity, privacy, and copyright that are prevalent Twitter posts containing those terms are posted. as a result of using today’s Web 2.0 applications. Collaborators can leave short notes for one another The question of how today’s students learn and as they work on a joint project. the challenges of surviving in a digital world is Twitter searches on a current topic give stu- the subject of Wesch’s (2007a)A vision of students dents an instant connection to a network of people today video, also posted on YouTube. This video

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highlights “some of the most important charac- when logged in to the site; bookmarks can be teristics of students today—how they learn, what shared; and the same resource can be tagged with they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what multiple keywords. Along with each tag, delicious their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes displays the number of people who tagged the they will experience in their lifetime.” The stark same article along with links to other resources contrast between traditional, frontal teaching and with the same tags. As mentioned earlier, tag collaborative learning becomes obvious as today’s clouds visually display more popular tags using learners multi-task, have a constant need a desire variations in font size and color. to be connected, spend more time online than in Social bookmarking sites are a useful research class, and realize that the jobs they may obtain tool for teaching and learning purposes. Mejias after graduation may not yet exist today. (2006) cites the use of delicious in the classroom These two videos present the diversity of by student who contributed articles to pertinent opinions and issues related to Web 2.0 and how reading list for the class, thereby “creating an ef- today’s students learn. Asking students to share fective distributed research community” (p. 2). their opinions of them opens the door to a larger Students can draw upon the wisdom of crowds conversation relating to the impact of Web 2.0 to assume that several people tagging a particular tools on the lives of today’s students. They need to article on a topic is an indication that it is prob- learn general skills that they can apply in a variety ably worth reading for information on that topic. of contexts. “We need to be teaching kids these Because tags are assigned by humans rather than skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in programs, they are often a good measure of the the digital environment as well as in traditional quality or usefulness of a resource, and may be environments” (Palfrey & Gasser, 2008, p. 183). more a effective means of locating relevant content than a simple web query based on Learning Connects Specialized keywords. This approach blends a “folksonomy” Information Sources with a more traditional taxonomy for organizing resources on the Web. The application of “social Using social applications is an important step in software in this manner supports constructivist understanding the impact that one person can have pedagogy where students feel empowered to take on the web experience of others. Students vote on charge of their own learning” (Mejias, p. 5). For popular news articles by “digging” (voting for) students previously unfamiliar with tagging, the them at Digg.com, where the stories that receive teacher’s role is to involve students in a realistic the largest number of “diggs” (votes) appear on scenario that requires them to organize a large the site’s front page. They post to blogs and wikis, volume of information in a personally meaning- upload photos, or tag articles of interest. Perform- ful way, and then “evangelize” the use of a social ing this activity exposes students’ personal and bookmarking tool so students will see its value previously private interests and entries to a larger in making the task at hand manageable. Creating community—be it their classmates, or ultimately such an authentic learning environment provides the world—all of whom may benefit from their a context to reflect the way the knowledge (or participation. tool for classifying it) will be used in real life On a practical level, students experience (Herrington & Kervin, 2007). several advantages to using social bookmarking Tagging is one of several Web 2.0 tools giving sites such as delicious over storing bookmarks individuals the ability to express and discover privately in a browser on their local computer. A their own individuality. Siemens (2006b) notes the user’s bookmarks are stored “in the cloud” of the tension between privacy and individuality thus: Internet, so they are available from any browser

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we know and can be known. We scatter our lives as now students can connect with classmates, and thoughts across the web. Each question in a instructors, and others virtually to share ideas and forum, each thought in a blog, each podcast, each extend their views. comment to an article—these distributed pieces Requiring every student to contribute to the are splashed across the internet. They form who same wiki page quickly illustrates O’Reilly’s we are, how we think (at a certain time), and the (2005) aforementioned notion of harnessing col- things we believe. We are known by what we have lective intelligence, as students work together to done and said, and by what others have said about create study materials for themselves and their us. We are laid bare … Our identities are exposed, peers, and improve the quality of the application revealed for anyone to explore. (p. 72) for other users. Collaboration through Web 2.0 tools shows that students can network with and After tagging articles related to their interests learn from one another. In one classroom setting, and favorite activities regularly on delicious, for students may collaboratively create a “study even a short time, students may notice that their sheet” in preparation for an examination. Each tag clouds begin to form a profile that reveals student supplies one question and provides the information about themselves in ways that might corresponding answer on a wiki page. By doing otherwise not be so easy to discern. this, students see how each of their individual The strengths and shortcomings of such a questions contribute directly to the production of “folksonomy” quickly become apparent to stu- a joint artifact that is of mutual benefit and value dents. While users can define their own tags for to all students in the class. organizing , students quickly find that Apart from wikis, the use of Twitter and other the same tag may have different interpretations. social networking tools to support collaboration Students learn that the new “order of order” of Web gives students access to a network of individu- 2.0 is “changing how we think the world itself is als with whom they can share their knowledge. organized, and—perhaps more important—who Networked collaborative learning is a hallmark we think has the authority to tell us so” (Wein- of Web 2.0-based tertiary education, and such berger, 2007, p. 23). Students are empowered activities can give rise to increased student en- when they effectively organize information in gagement, improved student satisfaction, and ways that make sense to them, thereby creating the development of higher-order thinking skills their own PLEs (Wilson, Liber, Johnson, Beauvoir, (Resta & Laferriere, 2007). Sharples, & Milligan, 2007). Capacity to Know More is Knowledge Rests in More Critical Than What Networks; Learning is is Currently Known Facilitated by Technology The ability to model, interact with, and share data is Lippincott (2006) claims that “a social process a key idea in a business context but is also relevant involving interaction with, and observation of, in tertiary education. At an introductory level, others is an important component of learning” students interact with data by understanding RSS (p. 169). Fostering communities of learning and feeds and what they represent. Showing students practice has long been a model for student engage- the underlying XML data and how it is structured ment across academic disciplines and topic areas. underscores the main difference between XML Collaborative Web 2.0 tools extend this notion, and HTML: the former is primarily a tool for

141 Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

describing information, while the latter is a tool sources in a single application, as well as the for displaying (formatting/rendering) information ability to use the same application on different within a web browser. platforms, contributes to the openness of this To reinforce the concept that content is sepa- landscape. By relating each of these back to core rated from how it is displayed, students interact IT concepts, students are prompted to make con- with RSS feeds in different ways. They subscribe nections between Web 2.0 technologies they learn to their feeds within a browser, or use a web-based in the classroom and real-world situations they aggregator such as Google Reader (http://reader. may encounter later in employment or life at large. google.com/). In addition, there are several desk- For example, in one group assignment on top gadgets for displaying information from RSS wireless networking, students collaborate by feeds within a Windows Vista or Google sidebar. using Google Docs (http://docs.google.com/), a Similarly, a web gadget enables the display of web-based word processing tool with multi-user the same information on one’s blog or website capabilities, to write their laboratory (lab) reports. by embedding some HTML code provided to the This assignment creates an authentic problem sce- user when configuring the gadget. Demonstrat- nario for which synchronous collaborative writing ing these features and/or encouraging students to is a perfect solution (Herrington & Kervin, 2007). experiment with them also introduces students to Each student contributes his or her “part” of the the Web 2.0 concept of a mashup. assignment to the group’s document, editing from a different computer, either at the same or differ- Learning and Knowing are Constant, ent times as their fellow group members. They Ongoing Processes; Currency must make sense of their own ideas within the is the Intent of All Activities context of the same document that their partners are editing at the same time, to determine where Web 2.0 software is in perpetual beta (O’Reilly, in its flow their ideas best belong. 2005), just as its users are in a constant, ongoing This exercise also introduces students to the process of learning using its tools. Students see benefits and drawbacks of a collaborative desktop new ways to use the Web all semester long and application that lives “in the cloud.” By requiring blog several times during the semester about their their use, students evaluate and master these Web experiences. Adding content regularly shows that 2.0 tools as part of their regular assignments. their blogs or websites—like their learning—must remain fresh and current on a continual basis, Decision-Making is Learning and chronicle progress throughout the semester. Engaging in such an active approach to learning Connectivism suggests that an important way in based on cooperative questioning, conceptual un- which students learn is by making decisions about derstanding, iterative assessment, and refinement their own learning, and choosing what they will promotes retention and lifelong learning (Wirth, learn (Siemens, 2005). One way to learn about 2007; Nicol, 2007). Web 2.0 is to select and investigate a collaborative or social media application, and apply O’Reilly’s Learning Requires an Ability (2005) characteristics to it to determine what to See Connections and Make “makes” it Web 2.0. Students learn by synthesizing Sense of Ideas and Concepts and applying these concepts to a tangible software application, then deciding the best way to present Interoperability is a major tenet of the Web 2.0 their findings to their classmates through a short landscape. The ability to use data from different video. Students evaluate the application, com-

142 Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

menting on its ease of use and how it compares about which clips to share and which to discard, with other similar programs they know about, in and post the finished products online as podcasts addition to suggesting at least one possible en- to which others may listen. hancement to the functionality of the application. Both of these examples show how “the Internet Students are allowed to present their ideas in not only makes readily available a vast amount groups, where each group’s presentation takes 10 of information and resources but brings people to 15 minutes, and includes both a live demonstra- together in a shared environment to exchange tion and a PowerPoint slide show. Presentations ideas, learn and engage in collaborative decision are video recorded so students can later edit the making” (Hamburg, Engert, & Anke, 2008, p. 153). videos and post them to the class pod/vodcast Through collaborative decision making, students channel for peer critique and comments. not only influence their own learning trajectories, This assignment has several pedagogical but also those of others who are the audience of benefits. It is one of the first collaborative assign- their completed presentations. ments students complete; they must evaluate an application well enough to demonstrate, comment on, and recommend improvements for it; and they CHALLENGES OF have to apply their understanding of an accepted TEACHING WEB 2.0 general model—O’Reilly’s (2005) Web 2.0 char- acteristics—to a specific case, determining which Teaching Concepts or Tools? elements of the model are applicable. Finally, they create a collaborative work product to share Teaching IT concepts “through the lens of Web with their classmates. Students demonstrate their 2.0” requires more than simply integrating blogs, mastery of several technical skills in order to post wikis, podcasts, mashups, and social networking their videos to the class channel. applications into the university or college class- Another project introduces the use of the free room. These tools have found their way in to the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service Skype digital fabric of students’ online experiences. (http://www.skype.com/) as a new communication However, the specific tools will change over time; tool for collaborative learning and knowledge for an IT student the educational value of learning exchange. Students in IT 101 use Skype to con- about any Web 2.0 tool is in understanding what verse with students studying a similar course at a it does and why it does it. Developing relevant university in another country (Chan, Frydenberg, problem-solving and decision-making skills & Lee, 2007) to produce a collaborative work enables students to make connections between product in the form of an audio recording. In order identifying problems and specifying possible to complete the exercise, participants in each team solutions, in a way that process of doing so will (consisting of members from both countries) use make an impact on their lifelong learning. a wiki page as a collaborative workspace to share A downside to this approach is that students resources and communicate in between scheduled may become so caught up in the tools or websites synchronous conversations. They must decide they use that they lose sight of the key academic what the content and format of their recording learning objectives—the course could easily fall will be, who will participate, how to delegate back into a survey of Web 2.0 sites without looking responsibilities, and how to generate productive deeper at their structure, or the impact that they dialogue with peers about a topic with which they have in on business and/or society. It is particularly are just beginning to gain familiarity. They record important to “keep a balance between literacies and and edit their audio conversations, making choices technologies” (Hicks, 2006, p. 51) to develop skills

143 Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

that are transferable. This is crucial in both the and that they will hopefully continue to expand K-12 (schools) sector as well as tertiary education. and refine well after the conclusion of the course. Creating a learning space that enables students to make the connection between the conceptual and the concrete is vital. Siemens (2005) says that CONCLUSION AND participatory tools increase access to a network of FUTURE TRENDS people, ideas, and content. In connectivist learn- ing, participatory tools also offer opportunities for Web 2.0 is the result of the impact of advances conceptual learning through experiential activity in technology on a changing society constantly that involves a global community. connected via the Internet. Portable computers While the collaborative nature of Web 2.0 and mobile telephones require software to be encourages assignments that allow students to developed beyond a single device, necessitating work together, a network of one does not sup- a separation between data access and data pre- port connectivist learning. With such a focus sentation. The popularity of software as a service on group process, the simple act of assessing an facilitates the move between different devices individual’s own acquired knowledge as the result and platforms. of an exercise, rather than his or her contribution When considering Web 2.0 tools for classroom to the whole, becomes difficult and problematic. administration, tools for content creation must Students no longer live in a “fill-in-the-blank” improve to the extent that the process of using world. Assessment tasks and evaluation methods them becomes transparent. Much in the same need to evolve to ensure that networked, authentic way that student expectations for instructors to learning is supported and that Web 2.0 tools and post course handouts online prompted the devel- strategies are integrated. opment of automated LMSs such as Blackboard and WebCT in the late 1990s, today’s demands for Extending the Model podcasting and participation will see traditional CMS applications integrate additional Web 2.0 This chapter has discussed techniques for introduc- functionality for classroom management. ing Web 2.0 concepts in an IT classroom through To promote the teaching of Web 2.0 concepts the use of Web 2.0 tools. Certainly, several of the in the classroom, tertiary teachers need to promote social and collaborative tools mentioned here can the active use of Web 2.0 tools by students. By be—and have been—applied across the curricu- integrating collaborative and social media appli- lum with success. The trend has been for tools to cations in authentic learning environments, and become so sophisticated that they hide underly- creating opportunities for students to become both ing technologies and complexities, to the degree consumers and producers of classroom materials, that anyone can create a mashup, web page, or students can experience the culture of participation video despite having little technical knowledge that is central to Web 2.0. In the Web 2.0 classroom, or experience. For the non-technical user, such the process is equally as important as the result: applications open new possibilities in terms of by encouraging students to explore, tinker, and creativity and communication. experiment with tools they can build competence What distinguishes the IT classroom from other as well as confidence that will be crucial for con- areas is its focus in cultivating an understanding tinued lifelong and life-wide learning. of the technology and experience in using it; in Some claim that “Web 3.0,” the next stage in this vein the approach taken in IT 101 results in a the evolution of the Web following Web 2.0, will diverse Web 2.0 repertoire or “toolbox” that stu- be the “Semantic Web,” where adding meaning to dents can readily apply to all areas of their lives, web content will enable machines and humans to

144 Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0

both read and understand it. (Berners-Lee, Hen- Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., & Lassila, O. (2001). dler, & Lassila, 2001; see also Chapter 20 in this The Semantic Web. Scientific American, 284(5), book). This is definitely an area open to research, 29–37. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0501-34 first in development, and second in determining Blogs move student learning beyond the class- how to make these concepts accessible to students room: An interview with Alex Halavais. (2004, whose major is not in IT. December). Online Classroom, 4, 8. Tomorrow’s university students will continue to embrace Web 2.0 applications, with little knowl- Brownstein, E., & Klein, R. (2006). Blogs: Ap- edge of the developments that led up to them. plication in science education. Journal of College Incorporating Web 2.0 concepts in the classroom Science Teaching, 35(6), 18–22. has many possibilities, and empowering students Bruns, A., & Humphreys, S. (2007). Building to use Web 2.0 tools to create learning artifacts— collaborative capacities in learners: The M/cyclo- podcasts, blog posts, mashups, multimedia objects, pedia project revisited. In A. Désilets & R. Biddle tagged resource collections, and so on—and share (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 International them is a worthwhile endeavor with many potential Symposium on Wikis (pp. 1–10). New York: As- educational benefits. A fundamental understand- sociation for Computing Machinery. Retrieved ing of the origins and architecture of the Internet, November 4, 2008, from http://www.wikisym.org/ coupled with an awareness of the social and ethical ws2007/_publish/Bruns_WikiSym2007_MCy- issues related to using the World Wide Web, will clopedia.pdf be even more crucial for tomorrow’s students as they become informed participants and future Bumgardner, J. (2006). Building tag clouds in Perl leaders in a networked, Web 2.0-based society and PHP. Cambridge, MA: O’Reilly. and knowledge economy. Chan, A., Frydenberg, M., & Lee, M. J. W. (2007). Facilitating cross-cultural learning through col- laborative skypecasting. In J. J. Ekstrom (Ed.), REFERENCES Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Information Tech- Abbitt, J. T. (2007). Exploring the educational nology Education Conference (pp. 59–66). New possibilites for a user-driven social content system York: Association for Computing Machinery. in an undergraduate course. [from http://jolt.mer- Cronon, W. (1998). “Only Connect … ” The goals lot.org/documents/abbitt.pdf]. Journal of Online of a liberal education. The American Scholar, Learning and Teaching, 3(4), 437–447. Retrieved 67(4), 73–80. November 4, 2008. Cubric, J. (2007). Wiki-based process framework Alexander, B. (2006). Web 2.0: A new wave of for blended learning. In A. Désilets & R. Biddle innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 International Review, 41(2), 32–44. Retrieved November 4, Symposium on Wikis (pp. 11–24). New York: 2008, from http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/ Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved pdf/erm0621.pdf November 4, 2008, from http://www.wikisym.org/ Anderson, P. (2007). What is Web 2.0? Ideas, tech- ws2007/_publish/Cubric_WikiSym2007_Blend- nologies and implications for education. Bristol, edLearningFramework.pdf UK: Joint Information Systems Committee. Re- trieved November 4, 2008, from http://www.jisc. ac.uk/media/documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf

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