Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo foraging and nesting species

Genus Species Common Name part eaten Acacia saligna Orange Wattle Bark Agonis flexuosa Peppermint tree Bark, grubs ashbyi Ashby's banksia flowers, seeds Slender Banksia flower, seed Bull Banksia flower, seed Banksia ilicfolia Holly banksia fruit, cones Swamp Banksia flower, seed Firewood/Menzies Banksia flowers, seeds Acorn Banksia cones Showy Banksia flower, seed Banksia tricuspis Lesuesur Banksia flowers, seeds Granite Banksia flower, seed Callistemon spp Bottle Brush nectar, seed Corymbia calophylla Marri/Redgum flower, seed Dryandra aff incircioides seeds Dryandra fraseri flowers, seeds Dryandra mucronulata Dryandra nivea Couch Honeypot flowers, seeds Dryandra nobilis Golden Dryandra seeds Dryandra praemorsa Urchin dryandra flowers, seeds Dryandra sessilis Parrot Bush flower, seed Dryandra speciosa Shaggy Dryandra flower, seed Eremophila glabbera South Coast flower Eucalyptus gomphocephala Tuart flower, seed Eucalyptus longicornis Red Morrell nesting Eucalyptus loxophleba York Gum nesting Eucalyptus marginata Jarrah seeds Eucalyptus occidentalis Yate nesting Eucalyptus occidentalis Swamp Yate nesting Eucalyptus salmonophioia Salmon Gum nesting Eucalyptus tetragona Tallerack seeds Eucalyptus todtiana Coastal Blackbutt, Prickly Bark seeds Eucalyptus wandoo Wandoo nesting apiciloba Black Toothbrushes flower, seed Prickly toothbrush flowers, seeds Black Toothbrush seeds Kerosene Bush seeds Bottlebrush grevillea seeds Pink Poker seeds auriculata seeds seeds Shell-leaved hakea seeds Hakea crassifolia Thick Leaved Hakea seeds seeds Hakea falcata seeds seeds Species Common Name part eaten Golfball or marble Hakea seeds Pincushion seeds Honeybrush seeds Grass leaf Hakea seeds Needles & Corks seeds Harsh Hakea seeds Candle hakea seeds seeds Furrowed Hakea seeds Two leaved Hakea seeds Wavy leaved Hakea seeds Variable leaved Hakea seeds scabriusculus seeds Chittick nectar Many flowered honeysuckle flower, seed

For more information regarding Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo or to report sightings go to:

For more detailed planting information go to:

Contact: Raana Scott- Project Manager M: 0427707047 P: 08 9076 2203 E: [email protected]

Claire Bartron- Conservation Officer M: 0428 762 292 P: 08 9881 9223 E: [email protected]