The Finnimore Files

The 1861 census for and


Last updated Monday, August 08, 2011

Total number of people – 68 Most common spelling – Finamore

Bodmin -

JOHNSTONE, Gabriel, Head, Md, 50, Commander Royal Navy, Gillingham, Kent JOHNSTONE, Georgena A, Wife, Md, 33, Malta, British Subject JOHNSTONE, William Q, Son, 9, Malta, British Subject JOHNSTONE, Georgena A, Daughter, 8, Malta, British Subject JOHNSTONE, Charles E, Son, 999, Egloshayle, PRIOR, Mary A, Servant, Unm, 20, House Maid , Cornwall MAY, Lousia, Servant, Unm, 17, Nurse Maid, Hampshire PRIOR, Jane, Servant, W, Cook, , Cornwall FINIMORE, William H, Servant, Unm, 18, Groom, Forrabury, Cornwall

Address: Egloshayle


Bodmin -

PEARCE, Elizabeth, Head, Unm, 78, Landed Proprietor, Helland, Cornwall FINIMORE, Mary A, Niece, W, 43, House Servant, St Neot, Cornwall BUTTON, John Visitor, Md, 59, Landed Proprietor, Broadoak, Cornwall

Address: Private House, Hill, Helland


Bodmin -

FINEMORE, Jane, Head, W, 42, Semsstress, Stoke, Devonshire BENNETT, Elizabeth Niece, Unm, 18, Semsstress, Stoke, Devonshire Address: Bridge Street, Lostwithiel


Bodmin – St Kew

LEAN, John, Head, Md, 56, Farmer of 100 acres, St Kew, Cornwall LEAN, Elizabeth, Wife, Md, 57, Wife, Endellion, Cornwall LEAN, Robert, Son, Unm, 23, Farmers Son, St Kew, Cornwall FINAMORE, Burnard, Servant, Unm, 14, Farm Servant, St Kew, Cornwall HEWETT, Elizabeth, Servant, Unm, 21, House Servant, St Kew, Cornwall

Address: Tipton, St Kew


Bodmin – St Kew

HILL, Simon, Head, Md, 34, Farmer of 250 acres, Quithick, Cornwall HILL, Mary, Wife, Md, 28, Farmers Wife, St Kew, Cornwall HILL, Lois, Daughter, 6, Farmers Daughter, St Kew, Cornwall HILL, William, Son, 3, Farmers Son, St Kew, Cornwall FINAMORE, Susan, Servant, Unm, 15, General Servant, St Kew, Cornwall BASCOMBE, Thomas, Servant, Unm, 13, Carter, St Kew, Cornwall PINCH, William, Servant, 12, Carter, St Kew, Cornwall ANDREW, Henry, Servant, 9, Cow Boy, St Kew, Cornwall

Address: Oath Barton, Church Town, St Kew


Bodmin – St Kew

PHINEMORE, Henry, Head, Md, 50, Agricultural Labourer, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, Susanah, Wife, Md, 46, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, Luisa, Daughter, 10, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, Nichloss, Son, 8, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, William, Son, 6, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, Seelena, Daughter, 5, St Kew, Cornwall PHINEMORE, Fanny B, Daughter, 1, St Kew, Cornwall

Address: Chegilders, Perpont, St Kew


Camelford - Forrabury FINIMORE, Thomas, Head, Widr, 49, Carpenter, , Cornwall FINIMORE, Emily, Daughter, 13, Boscastle, Cornwall FINIMORE, Francis, Son, 9, Scholar, Boscastle, Cornwall FINIMORE, Augustus, Son, 7, Scholar, Boscastle, Cornwall FINIMORE, Elizabeth, Daughter, 5, Scholar, Boscastle, Cornwall

Address: Boscastle Town, Forrabury


Camelford - Lantegloss

RUNDLE, Ann, Head, W, 75, Landed Proprietor, Helland, Cornwall RUNDLE, Charles, Son, Unm, 47, Landed Proprietor, St Neot, Cornwall DYER, Mary J, Granddaughter, 16, Proprietor of Houses, Lanlivery, Cornwall FINEMORE, Elizabeth, Granddaughter, 9, Scholar, Lantegloss, Cornwall

Address: Tregoodwell Village, Lantegloss


Camelford - Lanteglos by Camelford

FINNIMORE, John, Head, Md, 46, Inn Keeper, , Cornwall FINNIMORE, Jane, Wife, Md, 47, Camelford, Cornwall FINNIMORE, Jane, Daughter, 9, Scholar, Camelford, Cornwall FINNIMORE, Helen, Daughter, 7, Scholar, Camelford, Cornwall FINNIMORE, William K, Son, 5, Scholar, Camelford, Cornwall FINNIMORE, Elizabeth, Daughter, 4, Scholar, Camelford, Cornwall (plus several boarders and servants)

Address: Kings Arms, Fore Street, Lanteglos by Camelford, Camelford


Camelford –

BROWN, Thomas, Head, Md, 54, Farmer of 150 acres, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, Hannah, Wife, Md, 45, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, Mary H, Daughter, Unm, 24, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, John, Son, Unm, 22, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, Thomas, Son, Unm, 20, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, Richard, Son, Unm, 16, St Teath, Cornwall BROWN, Sarah S, Daughter, Unm, 13, St Teath, Cornwall GUY, Isaac, Servant, Unm, 19, Carter St Teath, Cornwall FENEMORE, Eliza, Servant, Unm, 13, Domestic Servant, St Teath, Cornwall

Address: Lower Hendra, St Teath


Launceston –

GEAKE, Walter R, Head, Md, 57, Farmer of 320 acres, Egloskerry, Cornwall GEAKE, Mary, Wife, Md, 47, Egloskerry, Cornwall GEAKE, Jane, Daughter, Unm, 23, Egloskerry, Cornwall GEAKE, Mary, Daughter, Unm, 21, Egloskerry, Cornwall GEAKE, Walter, Son, Unm, 18, Egloskerry, Cornwall FINAMORE, Henry, Servant, Unm, 26, General Servant, Egloskerry, Cornwall SMITH, Silas, Servant, Unm, 24, General Servant, , Cornwall FRAYN, William, Servant, Unm, 19, Carter Egloskerry, Cornwall DAW, John, Servant, Unm, 18, Carter Tremar, Cornwall WORTH, William, Servant, 7, General Servant, Egloskerry, Cornwall SLEEP, Elizabeth, Servant, Unm, 19, Domestic Servant, Tremar, Cornwall DAVY, Elizabeth, Servant, Unm, 15, Domestic Servant, Egloskerry, Cornwall

Address: Penheale Farm, Trebeath Village, Egloskerry, Cornwall


Launceston – Egloskerry

SIMCOE, Henry, Head, Md, 61, Incumbent of Egloskerry and Tremaine, Plymouth, Devon SIMCOE, Emily, Wife, Md, 62, Cornwall SIMCOE, Emily, Daughter, Unm, 15, Cornwall SIMCOE, Beatrice H L, Daughter, 10, Cornwall VOWLER, Harriott, Visitor, W, 72, Sussex VOWLER, Harriett, Visitor, Unm, 32, Devonshire WICKS, Ellen, Servant, Unm, 41, House Servant, Worthing, Sussex MESHELL, Emma, Servant, Unm, 35, Cook, Cornwall BADCOCK, Mary An, Servant, Unm, 29, House Maid, Devonshire PALMER, Mary, Servant, Unm, 44, Laundress, Cornwall HEMING, Mary, Servant, Unm, 20, House Maid, Cornwall JACKIN, Ann, Servant, Unm, 20, Kitchen Maid, Cornwall FINAMORE, John, Servant, Unm, 30, Foot Man, Cornwall

Address: Penheale House, Egloskerry, Cornwall

______Launceston -

FINNIMORE, John, Head, Md, 35, Agricultural Labourer, Lawhitton, Cornwall FINNIMORE, Mary, Wife, 33, Lawhitton, Cornwall FINNIMORE, Mary, Daughter, 6, Scholar, Lawhitton, Cornwall FINNIMORE, John, Son, 9, Lawhitton, Cornwall

Address: Withypool, Lawhitton, Launceston


Launceston -

FINAMORE, Edith, Head, W, 62, Farm Labourer Widow, North Petherwyn, Devon

Address: Petherwyn Gate, North Petherwin, Devon


Launceston - North Petherwin

FINAMORE, Henry, Head, Md, 35, Ag Lab, North Petherwyn, Devon FINAMORE, Grace, Wife, Md, 40, Broadwoodwidger, Devon FINAMORE, William, Son, 9, Scholar, North Petherwyn, Devon FINAMORE, John, Son, 6, Scholar, North Petherwin, Devon FINAMORE, Thomas, Son, 1, North Petherwin, Devon

Address: Bodgate, North Petherwin, Devon


Launceston - North Petherwin

FINAMORE, John, Head, Md, 30, Agricultural Labourer, North Petherwin, Devon FINAMORE, Mary Ann, Wife, Md, 24, North Petherwin, Devon FINAMORE, Mary Ann, Daughter, 5, Scholar, North Petherwin, Devon FINAMORE, John, Son, 3, Scholar, North Petherwin, Devon FINAMORE, Henry, Son, 11 mnths, North Petherwin, Devon

Address: Brazacott Common, North Petherwyn, Devon


Launceston - North Petherwin

BRAY, George, Head, Md, 54, Farmer of 250 acres, Werrington, Devon BRAY, Grace, Wife, Md, 43, North Petherwyn, Devon BRAY, Grace, Daughter, 18, Scholar, North Petherwyn, Devon BRAY, Lewis, Son, 13, Scholar, North Petherwyn, Devon BRAY, Mary, Daughter, 7, Scholar, North Petherwyn, Devon BRAY, John, Son, 5, Scholar, North Petherwyn, Devon BRAY, Betsey Jane, Daughter, 2 mnths, North Petherwyn, Devon FINNAMORE, Betsey Ann, Servant, Unm, 21, General Servant, North Petherwyn, Devon LANG, John, Servant, Unm, 12, Carter, Lifton, Devon

Address: Helscott, North Petherwyn, Devon


Launceston - North Petherwin

COLWILL, George, Head, Md, 52, Farmer of 270 acres, North Petherwyn, Devon COLWILL, Mary, Wife, Md, 60, Jacobstowe, Cornwall COLWILL, William Andrew, Son, Unm, 19, North Petherwyn, Devon COLWILL, Grace, Daughter, Unm, 16, North Petherwyn, Devon HENLOCK, Richard, Servant, Unm, 17, Carter, North Petherwyn, Devon FINNAMORE, Jane, Servant, Unm, 11, House Servant, North Petherwyn, Devon HILL, William, Servant, Unm, 13, Farm Servant, Week St Mary, Cornwall

Address: South Whiteley, North Petherwyn, Devon


Launceston - St Giles in the Heath

FINEMORE, William, Head, Md, 49, Agricultural Labourer, Northcott Hamlet, Devon FINEMORE, Ann, Wife, Md, 40, Werrington, Devon FINEMORE, Jane, Daughter, 7, St Giles in the Heath, Devon

Address: St Giles in the Heath


Launceston - St Mary Magdalen

DYMMEL, William, Head, Md, 71, Bookseller, Launceston, Cornwall DYMMEL, Mary, Wife, Md, 67, Maker, Devon MARTIN, Elizabeth, Niece, Unm, 34, Visitor, Sidmouth, Devon FINNAMORE, Amelia, Servant, Unm, 40, Servant, Launceston, Cornwall

Address: South Gate Street, St Mary Magdalen, Launceston ______

Launceston - St Mary Magdalen

HOOPER, Charles, Head, Md, 42, Sadler Employing 3 Boys, Launceston, Cornwall HOOPER, Ann S, Wife, Md, 39, St Stephens, Cornwall HOOPER, William, Nephew, Unm, 18, Sadlers Apprentice, Glasgow Scotland FINNAMORE, Mary, Servant, Unm, 22, House Servant, Launceston, Cornwall

Address: High Street, St Mary Magdalen, Launceston


Launceston - St Mary Magdalen

FINNEMORE, John, Head, Md, 47, Agricultural Labourer, Launceston, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Elizabeth, Wife, Md, 50, Lifton, Devon FINNEMORE, George W, Son, 10, Scholar, Launceston, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Amelia, Daughter, 7, Scholar, Launceston, Cornwall EDWARD, Christiana, Mother law, W, 77, Labourers Wife, Lew Trenchard, Devon EDWARD, Charles, Brother law, Unm, 30, Gentlemans Servant, Lifton, Devon

Address: Windmill Lane, St Mary Magdalen, Launceston


Launceston - St Mary Magdalen

FINNEMORE, John, Head, Md, 80, Agricultural Labourer, Tetcott, Devon FINNEMORE, Jane, Wife, Md, 84, Launceston, Cornwall PALMER, John, Son, Unm, 58, Groom, St Stephens, Cornwall

Address: West Gate Street, St Mary Magdalen, Launceston


Launceston – Tremayne

FINNAMORE, Richard, Head, Widr, 78, Agricultural Labourer, North Petherwin, Devon FINNAMORE, Ann, Daughter, Unm, 51, Tremayne, Cornwall

Address: Finnamaores, Tremayne, Cornwall

______Launceston - Virginstow

FINNAMORE, John, Head, Widr, 44, Hind & Farm Labourer, St Giles, Devon FINNAMORE, Jane, Daughter, Unm, 9, Scholar, St Giles, Devon FINNAMORE, Harriet, Daughter, Unm, 2, Scholar, Broadwood, Devon METHERALL, Mary, Servant, W, 58, House Keeper, Holsworthy, Devon

Address: Middecott Cottage, Virginstow


Penzance – St Erth

STEWART, Ann, Head, W, 70, House Keeper, St Michaels Mount, Cornwall SIMONS, Annie, Boarder, Unm, 33, Drapers Assistant, Probus, Cornwall WILLIAMS, Helen, Boarder, Unm, 27, Grocer Assistant, Unknown FINNEMORE, Albert, Boarder, Unm, 17, Grocer Apprentice, Forrabury, Cornwall HARRIES, Nicholas, Boarder, Unm, 14, Drapers Apprentice, , Cornwall HOLMAN, Elizabeth, Servant, Unm, 27, House Servant, Gwinear, Cornwall MITCHEL, Elizabeth Ann, Servant, Unm, 25, House Servant, Gwinear, Cornwall

Address: Foundry, St Erth


St Austell - Tywardreath

FINNEMORE, Fred, Head, Md, 44, Tin Burner, StoneHouse, Devon FINNEMORE, Sally, Wife, Md, 49, Calstock, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Thos F, Son, Unm, 18, Copper Miner, Tywardreath, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Mary A, Daughter, Unm, 16, Copper Labourer, Tywardreath, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Martha, Daughter, 12, Copper Labourer, Tywardreath, Cornwall FINNEMORE, William J, Son, 11, Copper Labourer, Tywardreath, Cornwall FINNEMORE, Elizth J, Daughter, 9, Scholar, Tywardreath, Cornwall

Address: Village, Tywardreath
