International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362 ASHOKA ( LINN.): A PERSUASIVE HERB FOR MENORRHAGIA

1Prakash Sanjay 2 Dwivedi K.N 1Lecturer, Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Varanasi- 221002.U.P. (). 2Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 221005(India). ABSTRACT : Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern among premenopausal women, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia. Ashoka (Saraca indica Linn., : (Papilionaceae), subfamily Caesalpiniaceae. Ashoka is a of 6-9 meters height with glabrous branches. It is commonly known as Sorrow-less tree or Ashok tree. It is found in West Bengal, Southern India and Central and Eastern Himalaya, Western Peninsula, Burma, Ceylon and Malaya. It is well described in Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, Chikitsa granthas and Nighantus. Ashoka is having Laghu, Ruksha Guna, Kashaya, Tikta Rasa, Shita Virya and Katu Vipaka. By the virtue of above properties it is kaphapittashamaka, raktastambhana, krimighna, ashmarinashana and vedanasthapana. Due to the presence of bioactive compounds tannin and catechol. Active phenolic glycoside, helmatoxylin cures urinary discharges, dyspepsia, thirst, burning sensation, diseases of the blood and effect of fatigue, enlargement of abdomen, colic, piles, bloody discharges from the uterus, internally in cases of menorrhagia, allied menstrual troubles, leucorrhoea. This review focuses on the detail botanical description, phytochemical constituents, pharmacodynamics, medicinal uses and pharmacological studies. Keywords :Ayurveda, Ashoka, Saraca indica, Vedanasthapana, Menorrhagia, Hemapushpa. INTRODUCTION:Menorrhagia is the and vedanasthapana. The drug is used for medical term for menstrual periods with anthelmintic, antidysenteric, antidote to abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. poisons, litholytic, diuretic, anti- Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a inflammatory and uterine tonic. It cures common concern among premenopausal itching, sore throat, bronchitis, indigestion, women, most women don't experience blood heaviness, ulcers, boils, psoriasis, loss severe enough to be defined as inflammations, leprosy, anaemia, leucoderma, menorrhagia. With menorrhagia, every period elephantiasis-filariasis, urinary discharges, you have causes enough blood loss and dyspepsia, thirst, burning sensation, diseases cramping that you can't maintain your usual of the blood and effect of fatigue, activities. If you have menstrual bleeding so enlargement of abdomen, colic, piles, bloody heavy that you dread your period, talk with discharges from the uterus, internally in cases your doctor. There are many effective of menorrhagia, allied menstrual troubles, treatments for menorrhagia. Ashoka (Saraca leucorrhoea, tumours, fractures of the bones indica Linn.) is commonly known as Ashok strengthens the teeth and dentature, astringent tree. Properties and action of ashoka are to the bowels, alexiteric, demulcent, raktastambhana, krimighna, ashmarinashana emollient, it beautifies the complexion,decoction of the bark-preparation


[Prakash Sanjay et al :Ashoka (Saraca Indica Linn.): A Persuasive Herb For Menorrhagia] in milk-is orally given as a specific for jvara, raktapittarsha. In Vrinda recommendation (asokatvak ksirapaka), Madhava it is mentioned that cold milk besides use of bark in other forms in this kind boiled with the decoction of ashoka bark of menstrual disorders in female patients. is used in pradara (meno- LITERATURE REVIEW:The literary metrorrhagia)(VM.63.5). review of the Ashoka was started right Scientific Classification10 from the Vedas up to recent research Kingdom : Plantae works to obtain thorough knowledge of (Unranked) : Angiosperms drug. On comprehensive review of (Unranked) : Ayurvedic classics it was found that (Unranked) : Ashoka is described in Vedas, Charaka Order : Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Family : Fabaceae Ashtanga Hridaya. (Papilionaceae) In Charaka Samhita, Ashoka is described : Saraca in kashayaskandha and vedanasthapana : indica mahakashaya1. In Sushruta Samhita, it is 2 Vernacular names described in rodhradi gana . Ashoka- Classical Name : Ashoka 3 ghrita prescribes in vatavyadhi . In Sanskrit name : Ashoka, Ashtanga Hridaya, Vagbhata mentioned Hemapushpa, Tamrapallava. 4,5 rodhradi gana . Hindi : Ashok Ashoka is mentioned in Nighantus also. English : Ashoka Tree In Kaideva Nighantu, described for Bengali : Ashok dosha, apachi, trisha, daha, krimi, shosha Gujarat : Ashok 6 and vishaghna , Bhavaprakash Marathi : Ashok Nighantu, described for dosha, apachi, Telugu : Ashokasu, trisha, daha, krimi, shosha and Ashokamu 7 vishaghna , Shodhala Nighantu, its Tamil : Ashogham properties and uses in raktapradara are Synonyms of Ashoka11 described, Dhanvantari Nighantu  Ashoka – Shoka means grief. Ashoka described for dosha, apachi, trisha, daha, means one that relieves pain and grief of krimi, shosha and vishaghna. In Raj women. Nighantu, it is described as hridya,  Hemapushpa - flowers of golden gulmashulodaradhmanahara and colour. 8 krimihara .  Tamrapallava – tender leaves have Ashoka is also mentioned in Chikitsa coppery red colour. Granthas like Chakradatta (CD,  Kankeli – bears pleasant. Asrigadara chikitsa, 58.5) and  Gandhapushpa – fragrant. Bhavamishra, in his section  Pindapushpa – in dense clusters. Bhavaprakash, madhyamakhanda  Madhupushpa – in spring. mentions Ashokakshiram in 9  Stripriya – liked by women. raktapradara . Shivadasa described the Botanical Description of Ashoka12 seeds of ashoka in mutraghata and Ashoka is a tree of 6-9 meters height with ashmari. In Bhashajya Ratnavali, glabrous branches. ashokarishta-ashokaghritam is described Distribution & Habitat


[Prakash Sanjay et al :Ashoka (Saraca Indica Linn.): A Persuasive Herb For Menorrhagia]

It is found in West Bengal, Southern the its outer surface, septate and non- India and Central and Eastern Himalaya, septate crystal fibres and prism of Western Peninsula, Burma, Ceylon and calcium oxalate. Malaya. Flowering and fruiting time:is from Habit: It is a tree. spring to autumn seasons. Leaves: are 15-25 cm. long; rhachis Phytochemical Constituents of Ashoka glabrous, corky at the base, petioles very Bark: contains tannin and catechol. short; stipules intrapetiolar, completely Active phenolic glycoside has been found united, 10-13 by 6 mm., scarious, ovate- to vary depending upon the place, time of oblong, obtuse, parallel nerved. Leaflets collection and storage condition. Bengal 4-6 pairs, 10-20 by 3-5.7 cm. oblong- variety is considered as best. It contains lanceolate, obtuse or acute, quite helmatoxylin and also iron and other glabrous, base rounded or cuneate, substances. slightly oblique; petiolules 4.5-6.5 mm. Pharmacodynamics13 long, stout, wrinkled; stipels deciduous. Rasa : Kashaya, Tikta Flowers: are with fragrant, numerous, in Guna : Laghu, Ruksha dense axillary corymbs 7.5-10 cm. across; Virya : Shita peduncles stout; pedicles 8-13 mm. long, Vipaka : Katu red, glabrous; bracts ovate subacute; Doshakarma : Kaphapittashamaka. bracteoles 2, appearing like a calyx, 4 Ashoka is having shitala, snigdha guna mm. long, spathulate-oblong subacute and kashaya rasa (K.N.), ashoka is ciliolate, amplexicaul, coloured. Calyx shitala guna, tikta, kashya rasa (B.N.) passing from yellow to orange and finally and ashoka is shitala guna, tikta, kashya red; tube 1.3-2 cm. long, cylindric, solid rasa (D.N.). at the base; segments 7 or 8, oblong or Medicinal Uses of Ashoka: obovate-oblong, 1 cm. long. Petals 0. The is useful as an astringent drug Stamens 7-03-8, much exerted; filaments which is generally recommended as a filiform, thrice as long as the calyx- uterine tonic and frequently used in segments; anthers purple. Ovary menorrhagia and uterine affections. pubescent, especially on the sutures; The bark is useful as bitter and acrid; it is anthers purple. Style curved into a ring. cooling to the bowels, anthelmintic, Pods: are black, 10-25 by 4.5-5 cm., antidysenteric, antidote to poisons14, Linear-oblong, tapering to both ends, litholytic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and compressing, glabrous, veined. uterine tonic. It cures itching, sore throat, Seeds-:are 4-8 ellipsoid-oblong, 3.8 cm., bronchitis, indigestion, heaviness, ulcers, slightly compressed. boils, psoriasis, inflammations, leprosy, Bark: The bark is externally grayish- anaemia, leucoderma, elephantiasis- brown and rough to touch; it is white filariasis, urinary discharges, dyspepsia, when freshly cut from the tree, but thirst, burning sensation, diseases of the turning red after exposure to the air. The blood and effect of fatigue, enlargement taste is mildly astringent and acidulous. of abdomen, colic, piles, bloody Wood: is soft, reddish brown. Bark is discharges from the uterus, internally in distinguishing by the presence of warty cases of menorrhagia15, allied menstrual protruberances and transverse lenticels on troubles, leucorrhoea, tumours, fractures


[Prakash Sanjay et al :Ashoka (Saraca Indica Linn.): A Persuasive Herb For Menorrhagia] of the bones, preparations related to female strengthens the teeth and dentature, troubles18,19,20,21. astringent to the bowels, alexiteric,  Anticancer Activity demulcent, emollient, it beautifies the The anticancer principle from Saraca complexion, decoction of the bark- asoca flowers indicated 50 percent preparation in milk-is orally given as a cytotoxicity (in vitro) in Dalton's specific recommendation (asokatvak lymphoma ascites and Sarcoma-180 ksirapaka), besides use of bark in other tumour cells at a concentration of 38 mug forms in this kind of menstrual disorders and 54 mug respectively, with no activity in female patients16. against normal lymphocytes but The seeds are useful in urinary preferential activity for lymphocytes discharges, calculus and diuretic. derived from leukemia patients22. The flowers are pounded and mixed with  Antimicrobial Activity water are used for the treatment of Bark extracts of (Roxb.) de haemorrhagic dysentery. The powder of Willde were investigated for in vitro dried flowers given in diabetes. antibacterial activity against The bark, flowers and fruits are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, prescribed in combination with other Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus drugs for the treatment of snake-bite and vulgaris, Bacillus aureus and Klebsiella scorpion-sting. pneumoniae at 4 mg/ml using agar well pharmalogical activity of Saraca asoca diffusion method. The ethanol and  Antioxytocic Activity distilled water extracts showed significant Oxytocic activity of the plant was seen in broad spectrum antibacterial activity23. rat and human isolated uterine CONCLUSION:On comprehensive preparations. Estrogenprimed or gravid review of Ayurvedic classics it was found uterus was more sensitive to the action of that Ashoka is described in Vedas, the alcoholic extract. Pentolinium Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, bitartrate completely blocked the oxytocic Ashtangahridaya. Some synonyms of action. Seed extract is found effective ashoka like hemapushpa, tamrapallava against dermatophytic fungi. In vitro tests described in various Nighantu. Ashoka on rat uterus preparation, extracts of S. (Saraca indica Linn., Family: Fabaceae asoca did not show oxytocic activity. S. (Papilionaceae), subfamily asoca has been tested twice previously Caesalpiniaceae is commonly known as with negative results and once with Ashok tree, is a traditional Ayurvedic positive results17. medicine, has been used for centuries as a  Antimenorrhagic Activity urinary discharges, dyspepsia, thirst, Saraca asoca bark in India, used as a burning sensation, diseases of the blood uterine sedative and hot water extracts and effect of fatigue, enlargement of administered to human adult female abdomen, colic, piles, bloody discharges stimulates the uterus similar to ergot, but from the uterus, internally in cases of without producing tonic contraction. Also menorrhagia, allied menstrual troubles, employed in menorrhagia, as an leucorrhoea.. Ashoka is having Laghu, emmenagogue,uterine sedative, uterine Ruksha Guna, Kashaya, Tikta Rasa, Shita affections as well as used in several Virya and Katu Vipaka. By the virtue of


[Prakash Sanjay et al :Ashoka (Saraca Indica Linn.): A Persuasive Herb For Menorrhagia] above properties it is kaphapittashamaka, Edition, Chaukhambha Orientalia, raktastambhana, krimighna, Varanasi, 2011. ashmarinashana and vedanasthapana. 4. Ashtanga Hridaya Composed by Mode of action is due to kashaya rasa,it Vagbhata, Chikitsasthana, Chapter- checked the excess bleeding, due to shita 21/34, Collated by Late Dr.Anna virya pacifies the pitta dosha and due to Moreshwara Kunte and Krishna katu vipaka, laghu, ruksha guna pacifies Ramchandra Shastri Navare, Edited by kapha dosha. Doses of bark powder is 1-3 Bhishagacharya Harishastri Paradakara gms., Seeds powder is 1-3gms., flowers Vaidya, Tenth Edition, Chaukhambha powder is 103 gms., bark is 12-24 gms., Orientalia, Varanasi, 2011. for decoction. Part used is bark, flowers 5. Kaiyadeva Nighantu, Oshadhi and seeds. Different specific formulations varga-Verse, 1503-1504, used in menorrhagia are Ashokarishta, Pathyapathyavibodhaka, Edited and Ashokaghrita, Ashokaksiram (Ashokatvak Translated by Prof. P.V.Sharma and Dr. Kshirapaka), Chandanadi taila, Guru Prasad Sharma, Second Edition, Nyagrodhadi kashaya. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2009. REFERENCES: 6. Bhavaprakash Nighantu(Indian 1. Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha Materia Medica) of Shri Bhavamishra, PartI,Sutrasthana,Shadavirechanashatasha Commentary by Dr.K.C.Chunekar and tiyadhyaya, Chapter-4/47, with Vidyotini Edited by Dr.G.S.Pandey,Tenth Edition, Hindi Commentary by Pandit Kashinatha Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Shastri Edited by Dr.Gangasahaya Varanasi, 1995. Pushpa varga-Verse, 48. Pandey, Fifth Edition, Chaukhambha 7. Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1997. Edited with Dravyagunaprakashika, Hindi 2.Sushruta Samhita of Maharshi Commentary by Indradev Tripathi, 2nd Sushruta, Part-I, Sutrasthana, Chapter- Edition,Second Edition, Chaukhambha 38/13, Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Krishnadas Academy,Varanasi,1998, Ambikadutta Shastri, Eleventh Edition, Karaviradi varga,Verse, 56. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 8. Bhavaprakash of Bhavamishra, Varanasi, 1997. Madhyam and Uttarakhanda, 2. Sushruta Samhita of Maharshi Strirogadhikara, Chikitsasthana, Chapter- Sushruta, Part-I, Chikitsasthana, Chapter- 68/14, Vol.II, Commentary by Dr.Bulusu 4/27, Hindi Commentary by Kaviraja Sitaram, Fifth Edition, Chaukhambha Ambikadutta Shastri, Eleventh Edition, Orientalia, Varanasi, 2010. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 9. Wealth of India (Raw Materials), Varanasi, 1997. C.S.I.R., Vol. IX, New Delhi, (1948-76). 3. Ashtanga Hridaya Composed by Page. 232-234. Vagbhata, Chikitsasthana, Chapter- 3/10, Collated by Late Dr.Anna Moreshwara 10. Namarupajnanam, by Kunte and Krishna Ramchandra Shastri Prof.P.V.Sharma, First Edition, Navare, Edited by Bhishagacharya Satyapriya Prakashana Varanasi, page, Harishastri Paradakara Vaidya, Tenth 17-18. 11. Dravyaguna Vigyanam(Materia medica-vegetable drugs) (English-


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