ISSUE 130 6th March 2020

This week in Science Club students were learning about infectious diseases. Very topical I think you’ll agree? Students modelled the spread of disease by transferring liquids from each others’ boiling tubes for 60 seconds. Only one student was ‘infected’ at the start of the simulation, but after just 60 seconds, all but one were infected.

In the current climate we felt that it was important to show scientific evidence for regularly washing hands and using alcohol hand gel. To do this, students took swabs from around school to grow samples of bacteria on agar jelly. On two separate quarters of these agar plates students also added alcohol hand gel to one and hand soap to another. Next week we will be back with the results that will show just how important washing your hands is in terms of preventing the spread of infection. Neve Brier We’re again at the the time of year when our students and colleagues start rehearsing for their next performances with local amateur dramatic groups, and we have a number of people taking part in shows in the coming months.

All Stars Theatre Group will be performing Oliver at Playhouse from 2-4 July, and we have lots of Team BBG involvement. Libby Doran of Year 10 will play the role of Mr Sourberry, Jemima Eklid (Year 8) is Bet, Ella Johnson (Year 7) is the Artful Dodger, while Estelle Evans and Lauren Pountney are members of the ensemble. The very challenging role of Nancy will be played by Jemima’s sister, and BBG Alumni, Isobel Eklid, who left us last year. We look forward to watching them perform.

Bradford Catholic Players astounded us with their performance of Hairspray at the end of last year, so we’re very excited to hear that they have auditioned and cast their two upcoming productions. Emma Hirst (Year 10) and Lucy Barker (Year 9) will both be taking part in the production of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at Bradford Playhouse. The performance will take place from 22-25 April, with Emma Playing the role of Mrs Potiphar, and Lucy performing in the ensemble (and also potentially playing the role of a camel!!). The group have also already cast their production of A Christmas Carol, which will be staged at Arts Centre from 15-19 December, with both Lucy and Emma appearing in the dance team.

Finally, we are, of course, very excited to see Mrs Clough perform in the role of Alice Tinker in The Vicar of Dibley with Cleckheaton and Spenborough Amateur Operatic Society in May. We last saw Mrs Clough perform in Brassed Off last year and she was brilliant, so we can’t wait to see her take on a comedy role. We can’t wait to book tickets for the performances- if past experiences of all three groups are anything to go by, the shows should not be missed! Well done to Bethany Edwards and Lydia Holdsworth who selflessly gave up some of their school holiday to help raise money for Bradford Street Kitchen. In total they raised £325. Well done girls, we are very proud of your efforts. Lydia Holdsworth, (Year 7) has been pretty busy all round. Competing on Saturday 29th February in the ICE Northern Frostbite Cheerleading Competition at Chester Arena for her White Rose Cheer Odyssey and Oasis Teams.

They achieved a phenomenal 1st place for both teams and Official 'War of the Roses' title for her Odyssey team!!!! And that wasn’t all…Lydia also competed for her club Netball team, Birkenshaw Bells, on Sunday with another win and a Player of the Match award! So not to be outdone, brother Oliver Holdsworth (Year 9) on Sunday 1st March, took part in his debut in his first MMA fight for his Club -Leeds Martial Art Academy - Over coming nervous and putting months of hard graft into practice, Oliver smashed it! Well done Family Holdsworth! Year 7 have produced some brilliant pieces of homework! After learning about the different zones of a they then had to go home and create their own model of the city. Some students went above and beyond, bringing in cardboard models and even a dream catcher! A very creative year group!

In Year 8 and 10 this week, students became the teachers. For Year 8, following their mini research projects, they then had to teach each other the problems for people living in Kibera and in Year 10 (see below) students were teaching each other the processes of weathering.

There were also examples of brilliant team work in Year 8 researching different strategies around the world that are used to help improve the lives of people in squatter settlements. Well done Year 8!


Rise and Read Book Reviews

Mrs Dyson’s, Miss Bulloch’s and Mrs Doherty’s Rise and Read group are challenging themselves with the books on the Carnegie Shadowing group list for 2019 and 2018. The group read one of the books and then look at reviews of others that have been posted online, before creating their own review of the book.

This week three students finished their first book.

Oliver Gall in 7.7 finished his book Rebound’ by Kwame Alexander Rebound is a book about a little boy who lost his Father in a terrible accident. Charlie Bell loved basketball, but when his Father died it all changed. The start of the boo did seem quite confusing. Because it doesn’t focus on one thing and it changes from one story to another. However once you get into the book it’s really interesting and a good quality book to read. In the book Charlie gets arrested, but he gets let out the same day. He makes mistakes, but the title REBOUND is about how he rebounds back from this as well as putting in his love of basketball. I learnt a lot from it.

Bronwen Gibson Fenton in 7.3 and Matilda Finn in 7.6 both finished their book ‘Bone Talk’ by Candy Gourlay Bronwen’s review I really liked this book. I loved the way it made an amazing story while also describing the Philippines 100 years ago. It was amazing how it really kept you on edge, waiting for something to happen.

I loved all the descriptions of their traditions and how the Mangili and the Samkad gel. I felt like I was really in Bontok 100 years ago. It was amazing how the author brought modern, everyday issues into her her book, such as Samkad’s relationship with Luki, and Luki’s urge to end the sexism in her village and be able to become a warrior.

Descriptive words were used so well that I could practically see the places the author was describing. I loved the author’s choice of words and the interesting storyline. I loved this book and would definitely read it again.

Matilda’s review Bone Talk is a book about a small village with strange beliefs and rituals. A young boy named Samkad us desperate to become a man and when his chance finally comes, his father ruins his chances by killing a living thing. Samkad is devastated and gets angered by his father’s actions and the story then tracks his journey to become a man.

I think this is a good book to read because it has challenging elements in it, but it is still readable and easy to understand. Despite the weird ways of the villager’s beliefs, it is a book with dramatic occurrences and parts that make the reader think.

Overall it is a great book for people aged 11-13 if they are looking for a book with drama, mystery and suspense. Staff at BBG have been sharing the books that they have been reading this academic year to support the theme ‘Let’s share a million stories’. Their recommendations have been turned into book shelves that are on display around the Academy.

Have you read any of these titles? Give them a try – they come highly recommended by our BBG teachers and support staff.

Don’t forget to spend your vouchers! Students can redeem their World Book Day vouchers against a book of their choice in book shops or supermarkets or claim a free book from the four titles shown below. Year 10 begin 19th Century GCSE Novel: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Students began studying the 19th Century Novel component of their GCSE English Literature course this week. A well-loved classic, this is a tale of redemption as the protagonist Ebenezer Scrooge, is taken on a journey of nostalgia, pity and finally fear before seeing the error of his ways and rejoicing on Christmas Day! 10SSH have shown great enthusiasm and are developing note taking and analysis skills as demonstrated in the classwork below (Aniyah Longstaff and Laila Jackson) Dickens at KS3 Year 8 Visit to Leeds Playhouse ‘Please, Sir, I want some more…’ Next week 52 Year 8 students are visiting the newly refurbished Leeds Playhouse to watch an innovative performance of Oliver Twist! Students will get the chance to experience an afternoon at the playhouse, whilst giving them an introduction to a GCSE 19th Century author’s work.

Students attending the trip will be leaving school at 12.30pm on Thursday 12th March 2020 and return to the academy at 5.30pm. Students will need to bring a packed lunch. Year 7 Quantum Theatre Company: A Christmas Carol Earlier this academic year, just before the Christmas break, all Year 7 students watched a performance of ‘A Christmas Carol’ at BBG. This was delivered by a London’s Quantum Theatre Company. The show itself was adapted directly from the original text and was delivered in a pacey, humorous and highly engaging manner. Year 7 – Out of this World After a cold and snowy start to the term, it is a warm and exciting time in English! Year 7 are getting all creative this half term with the ‘Out of this World’ theme, which focuses on creative writing. This will enable them to build on the skills they learnt at the very start of the year. Year 8 will be getting to grips with Macbeth, so we shall be enjoying lots of supernatural happenings, witches and ‘prophecies’, and murder. So ‘All hail Macbeth’.

Year 9 are starting the term off with a modern novel. Most groups have started to read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, a story that involves the main character trying to solve a mystery. What makes this story different is that the main character and narrator has Asperger’s Syndrome. Year 9 are learning about how the character sees the world differently and exploring how others may view him. Interesting times ahead!

This ties in well with Year 10’s current unit of work on jobs. So many of the jobs are cognates or near cognates.

Challenge yourself – which jobs are these? fermier, pharmacien, secrétaire, boucher Students from Miss Holmes’ Applied Resilience Performing Arts class produced some fantastic performances last week for their group pieces.

The brief for the performances was “What We Owe To Ourselves”, and the students’ performances all showed a completely different interpretations of the brief. One group responded by creating a piece about milestones in life, whilst another devised a performance based on privilege and responsibility. Other topics included positive body image, treating others how you would wish to be treated, and learning lessons from the past. Miss Holmes was really impressed with the group’s mature attitude to the topic and said that their performances were mind- blowing. If this experience is anything to go by, these students will certainly be ones to watch in the future!

Year 10 Art students are gearing up for their GCSE examination on 18 and 19 March. Textiles, Graphics, 3D and Photography students have been looking at artists and designers in response to one of the seven starting points set by the examination board. Our workrooms are awash with imagery and models as diversely inspired by Subutteo and ballroom dancing! Unfortunately we are not permitted to publish students work until after completion of the course…but here is an indication of their inspiration. Good luck Year 10, you are already making us proud! Year 8 have been producing some amazing colourful 3D sculptures in art inspired by Kimmy Cantrell’s work.

Year 8 Design class have been designing and creating flat pack chairs in the style of lots of different iconic chair designers. I’m very proud of how resilience year 8 have been while working on this project. Well Done year 8! Fairtrade Fortnight was this week's focus for the Community Champions. The students were set a number of tasks based around Fairtrade. Firstly to create and organise a fund-raising idea, and also to raise money for the charity Fairtrade Foundation.

The students debated ideas and decided on a bake sale. Students would bake wonderful creations with as much Fairtrade produce in them and sell them to raise money. All 26 students in the group baked, along with some staff and they raised an amazing £112.75.

Some staff also donated some chocolate goodies which have been made into a hamper which is currently being silently auctioned off to raise more money !

Look out next week for our final total.

The second task was to promote awareness of Fairtrade and educate the community of BBG to make more sustainable choices in the supermarket. The champions wanted to show the working life of families in Africa farming Cocoa, showing how they are helping fight climate change by now sustainably farming in the rainforest, alongside the animals which live there, including endangered Orangutans. The Champions created a PowerPoint resource and sent it to all form tutors, so all students completed the activity one morning.

The third task the champions battled was trying to get the school the Fair Aware Award, meaning that, as a school, we understand and choose Fairtrade. They completed surveys and sent evidence off including the proposed bake sale and the PowerPoint resource created to promote awareness. Watch this space to see if all the hard work and resilience has paid off. This week in Science it has been getting colourful. Year 8 students have been learning about how white light is comprised of the colours in a rainbow. To demonstrate that these colours mix to make white light the students made a Newton wheel, also known as a disappearing colour disc. First the sections are coloured in in the individual colours, then once complete the disc is spun quickly and the colours disappear making the disc look white.

Year 9 students have been studying chemistry, limiting reagents and making salts in particular. Firstly, the students made bead bracelets with the different coloured beads representing different chemicals, when they ran out of a particular coloured bead they could see that this was the limiting ‘chemical’. We then related this to real life chemistry examples to explain how chemical manufacturers can maximise profit by only buying the minimum amount of the chemicals they need. The Year 9s are also making salts using different reactants to investigate which will give the greatest yield. The method is always the same but the reactants used makes different salts, again once they have made both salts they can make their recommendations to the salt producing factory as to which reactants to buy to produce the salt to give the best profit. M I L L I E R E I D





Year 9 Drama Applied Resilience

Mr Andre getting ready for a cold Rugby Academy! Bradley’s Bangers and Lucas’ Lyrics!

Year 8 skiers

Jane getting ready for break! Day Date Time Board Subject Paper Duration Mon 11/05/2020 Am OCR Computer Science Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins Mon 11/05/2020 Pm Eduqas Religious Studies Paper 1 2 hours AQA French Listening 45 mins Tues 12/05/2020 Am AQA French Reading 1 hour AQA Combined Science Biology P1 1 hr 15 mins Tues 12/05/2020 Pm AQA Biology Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Weds 13/05/2020 Am AQA English Literature Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Weds 13/05/2020 Pm OCR GCSE PE Paper 1 1 hour AQA Combined Science Chemistry P1 1 hr 15 mins Thurs 14/05/2020 Am AQA Chemistry Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Thurs 14/05/2020 Pm OCR Computer Science Paper 2 1 hr 30 mins Fri 15/05/2020 Am AQA French Writing 1 hr 15 mins Fri 15/05/2020 Pm OCR GCSE PE Paper 2 1 hour Mon 18/05/2020 Am AQA Geography Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins AQA German Listening 45 mins Mon 18/05/2020 Pm AQA German Reading 1 hour OCR Drama Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins Tues 19/05/2020 Am Edexcel Maths Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins Tues 19/05/2020 Pm Eduqas Religious Studies Paper 2 1 hour AQA Combined Science Physics P1 1 hr 15 mins Weds 20/05/2020 Pm AQA Physics Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Thurs 21/05/2020 Am AQA English Literature Paper 2 2 hrs 15 mins Edexcel Business Studies Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins Thurs 21/05/2020 Pm Edexcel Psychology Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Fri 22/05/2020 Am Eduqas Religious Studies Paper 3 1 hour Fri 22/05/2020 Pm AQA Design & Technology Paper 1 2 hours Mon 01/06/2020 Am AQA History Paper 1 2 hours AQA Combined Science Biology P2 1 hr 15 mins Mon 01/06/2020 Pm AQA Biology Paper 2 1 hr 45 mins Tues 02/06/2020 Am AQA English Language Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Tues 02/06/2020 Pm Edexcel Business Studies Paper 2 1 hr 30 mins Weds 03/06/2020 Am AQA Geography Paper 2 1 hr 30 mins Thurs 04/06/2020 Am Edexcel Maths Paper 2 1 hr 30 mins Thurs 04/06/2020 Pm AQA History Paper 2 2 hours Fri 05/06/2020 Am AQA English Language Paper 2 1 hr 45 mins AQA German Writing 1 hr 15 mins Fri 05/06/2020 Pm Edexcel Psychology Paper 2 1 hr 20 mins Mon 08/06/2020 Am Edexcel Maths Paper 3 1 hr 30 mins OCR Music Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins Tues 09/06/2020 Pm AQA Food Prep & Nutrition Paper 1 1 hr 30 mins AQA Combined Science Chemistry P2 1 hr 15 mins Weds 10/06/2020 Am AQA Chemistry Paper 2 1 hr 45 mins Thurs 11/06/2020 Am AQA Geography Paper 3 1 hr 15 mins AQA Combined Science Physics P2 1 hr 15 mins Fri 12/06/2020 Am AQA Physics Paper 2 1 hr 45 mins Mon 15/06/2020 Pm AQA Further Maths Paper 1 1 hr 45 mins Thurs 18/06/2020 Am AQA Further Maths Paper 2 1 hr 45 mins Weds 24/06/2020 All Day All Boards Exam Contingency Day* *The designation of a 'contingency day' within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or local disruption to examinations. It is part of the awarding bodies' standard contingency planning for examinations. Candidates must remain available until Wednesday 24 June 2020 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan. parent news

Ofsted Parent View questions My child is happy at this school My child feels safe at this school

The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved My has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively The school makes me aware of what my child will When I have raised concerns with the school they learn during the year have been dealt with properly Does your child have special educational needs The school has high expectations for my child and/or disabilities (SEND)? My child does well at this school The school lets me know how my child is doing

There is a good range of subjects available to my child My child can take part in clubs and activities at this at this school school The school supports my child’s wider personal I would recommend this school to another parent development (yes or no)

Erin Daly

Josh Gall For being resilient and trying a new sport. Erin had her first riding lesson which For being a polite young man she really enjoyed. in both form and around the Academy.

Bethany Edwards For an excellent Bronwen Gibson- performance in drama. Fenton

Fantastic performance in resilience. Evan McMillan

For coming 2nd in his martial arts competition.. Jake Judge

For taking part in the track and field events in the athletics competition. Harry Mollett

For constantly working hard in art and demonstrating both creativity and talent.

Form Group Attendance M TTERS 7.1 97.1.% 7.2 97.4% Year 7 attendance is currently the best in the 7.3 96.5% school at 96.9%. Well done to 7.7 (Mrs Skelton) 7.4 96.2% who continue to be the top attending form with 7.5 96.9% 97.3% 7.6 96.9% 7.7 97.3%

Articles produced by Miss Binns (HoY) If you have any Year 7 news you would like to share email [email protected] Robyn Joshua Wood-Brown Parker for great attendance over for a great attitude towards the last year and always school and not receiving having a smile on her face any comments. every morning and being ready for the day. Stars of the Week 8.6 Mrs Gill Alex Porter Harrison Bliss Alex is a delightful student, Harrison is a polite and hard who is a pleasure to have in working student. He works the academy. Alex always hard in lessons and is gives 100% in everything always pleasant in and she does – what an around the academy. achievement.

M TTERS BBG Academy Year 10

Joe Sharp We have had a great parent’s For his resilience evening this week within school. image for Year 10. It Well done Joe! was great to see so many students getting good feedback. Well Evie Bancroft done Year 10.

For trying her best in every image Miss Turner lesson. Keep it up Evie!

James Ellis

For 100% effort at all times. Well image done James! Katie Levene Katie has worked really hard on her growth mindset and I know she is trying to look at ways to maximise her potential in order to get some good GCSEs . She has really grown in confidence and I am sure with continued effort and focus she will get some good results. Well done Katie

Lewis Thompson Lewis has really developed a more mature and positive attitude this year. He has worked hard on his growth mindset and I can see he has worked much harder with some of his revision . A talented trainee Barber, Lewis is also keeping busy by practising his hairdressing skills by cutting the hair of some of his peers! I am impressed with his creativity and commitment in looking at ways to prepare for his college course in Barbery. Well done Lewis - keep up the good work and effort .

Mrs Mary Sullivan Head of Year 11 Star Students Lewis Thompson & Katie Levene During form time, Key Stage 3 students in Years 7, 8 and 9 study and discuss ‘Thought for the Week’. This is a motivational idea which is used to reinforce the Academy’s Growth Mindset philosophy. Students are being encouraged to work as hard as they can, and are advised that with effort, huge progress can be made. Aside from the thought, students learn about key events that have happened during that week. In addition, students choose from three or four mottos that they are going to try and adhere to during that week. THIS WEEK’S EVENTS This week in history 2nd to 8th March

4th March 1936 First flight of the airship Hindenburg at Friedrichshafen, Germany 6th March 1869 Dimitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society DISCUSSION POINTS 6th March 1964 Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and changes his name •What does the quote mean? •Why do you think people think it is alright to belittle to Muhammad Ali th those who are of a higher intelligence than them? 8 March 1531 Henry VIII recognised Does a persons intelligence alter their personality? as the Head of the church of •This week we celebrate International Womens Day, there have been several inspirational women Events happening this week: throughout history. Who can you name? How have st others held them back? 1 Self harm awareness day 5th World Book Day focus/international-womens-day#video 8th International Womens day

MOVE GO THE EXTRA SUPPORT MOUNTAINS MILE IN YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOUR WORK WORDS Bacon bap 80p Sausage baguette 80p Sausage roll 80p Sausage baguette 80p Bacon baguette 80p

Available daily: Toast, toasted bagel, cheese toastie, bacon and cheese bagel, Belgian waffle, pain aux chocolat, hash brown, fruit pots, yoghurts, fruit

MONDAY – southern coated chicken wrap £1.60 TUESDAY – cheeseburger £1.60 WEDNESDAY – chicken goujons and curly fries £1.60 THURSDAY – southern coated chicken burger £1.60 FRIDAY – jumbo hotdog £1.25

Available daily: Pizza (£1), hot chicken wrap (£1.25/£1.60), paninis (80p/£1.60) BAGUETTES AND WRAPS Cheese, ham, tuna mayonnaise, egg mayonnaise £1

½ baguette – ham, cheese, tuna and cucumber 80p

½ wrap – ham, cheese, tuna and cucumber 80p

½ baguette – ham and cheese, cheese ploughman's, ham and egg, chicken Caesar salad £1

½ wrap – chicken and bacon, tuna salad, chicken Caesar salad £1 1. What is the name of the major vein of the body?

2. What is the role of the tricuspid valve?

3.Can you give a characteristic of

A) Veins B) Arteries C) Capillaries 5. Can you label the heart? A 4. Give the definition for F H A) Heart rate B) Stroke volume I C) Cardiac output G B J 6. Can you name the two circulatory systems? C K L E 7. Can you describe the passage way of D blood through the heart starting at the Vena Cava?

8. Can you name the three types of blood vessel?


Submit your answers using the link below. Submit one answer per answer box. 50 stamps for the student that gets the most correct answers. urLfhUN0lPNVk5NjlBR0tLTTRMMkRYV0MxWjJBRi4u Last weeks answers

1. Can you name the three types of muscle?

2. What 2 movement types occur at a hinge joint? Flexion and Extension 3. Give an example of an Antagonistic pair? Biceps and Triceps /Hamstring and 7. How many muscles can you name? Quadriceps

5.Muscles work as antagonistic pairs. Can you define the following terms?

1) Agonist – Muscle that contracts to creat the movement. 2) Antagonist – Muscle that relaxes 3) Fixator – Muscle that supports the agonist and helps to stabalise the movement.

6. During Flexion at the knee, which muscle is the

1) Agonist - Hamstring 2) Antagonist - Quadriceps

8. Can you name the 6 movement types at a joint? D Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension C On Thursday two Year 7 netball teams travelled to Beckfoot School and on Monday Year 11 travelled to to play both their A and B teams in the league. The first game was against their A team, with the girls starting off slightly sluggish after the long drive to get there!! However, they soon found their flow and unforced errors reduced almost entirely by the end of the first quarter. For the rest of the game the girls continued to get stronger, with some fantastic play flowing down court, cutting the Ilkley defence open. By the end of the game the girls had pulled away to a 27-6 victory, a fantastic team performance! Special mention to Ella Hall for POM, a great performance in both shooting circles!!

The second game was against Ilkley B, and the girls had a quick break to get their breath back before being ready to go again! Again, a slightly shaky start to the game, giving the ball away on occasions and making some mistakes. Just like in the first game, the girls didn’t panic, and worked their way into the game brilliantly. Some great shooting from Chloe Campbell helped the girls pull away to a dominant lead at half time. A few positional changes gave the girls the opportunity to practice some different combinations, and strengthen different areas of their play. Another fantastic performance, resulting in a 25-3 victory. Congratulations to Charlotte Smith for POM, a fab all-round performance!

Well done Year 11!

On Wednesday both Year 7 and Year 11 travelled to Skipton for league fixtures. Year 11 played first, with illness and injuries affecting the squad. Skipton proved to be our strongest opponents yet, with very quick play and accurate shooters. After the first quarter BBG were 7-3 down, an unfamiliar situation for them this season! However, the girls’ attitude at quarter time was brilliant – talking as a team about what they were doing well and how they can all improve as a team – wonderful to see! This clearly worked wonders as the girls were then ahead at the end of the second and third quarters! The girls had worked tirelessly all game, playing some of their best netball of the season. Unfortunately, Skipton found a final bit of energy in the final quarter and pulled 2 goals ahead, with the final score 17-15 to Skipton. An unbelievable game to watch, which just didn’t quite go our way at the end. Year 11 have had a fantastic season, and we wait for other results to see where we finish in the league! Special mention to Harriet Mackrill for POM, a fantastic performance at centre! Next up were the Year 7s, who were spurred on by the fantastic match they had just watched. Year 7 have been working really hard in training at staying with their player and marking them closely. This was put to great use in the match as BBG made countless turnovers, with flying interceptions from all girls on court. These interceptions were then worked down court carefully, with super shooting by Olivia Wilkinson finishing off some great play. Unfortunately, the Year 7s also narrowly missed out on victory, with the final score 5-3 to Skipton. Year 7 are improving game on game, and working superbly as a team. Special mention to Lydia Holdsworth for POM with a great display at goal attack.

U12’s White Rose tournament at Old Brods RUFC

The Under 12’s ran out undefeated in a White Rose tournament on Thursday 5 March.

The team comfortably won all games against Lightcliffe Academy, Crossley Heath, Whitcliffe Mount and Trinity Academy with bags of tries being scored from every angle.

The entire team put some fantastic performances in with Will Wilkinson, Caleb Rhoades and Coby Doyle leading the charge, followed by the twinkling toes of Louie Firth, Arlo Coubrough and Harry Swain.

Debutant Jack Brown also put an impressive display with some powerful running in attack and constantly found himself doing the hard work in the technical areas of the game.

Alfie Davison also looked extremely established in the 10 shirt as he rallied the team in attack and created some fantastic opportunities with a variety of creative play. Isobel Watson Janice Ochola

For amazing effort and Great athleticism during performance levels in PE. Not giving up and a badminton this week. great attitude to learning.

Adam Cameron-Hackett Kenzi Fraser Adam has recently started playing at Birkenshaw Bluedogs and has shown a great level of drive and For having a great attitude commitment to improving his and putting in 100% effort skills and becoming a better in new sports in PE. rugby player.