Cheshire. .Birkenhead
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DmECTORY.] CHESHIRE. .BIRKENHEAD. 61 Naylor Richard Christr. esq. Hooton hall, Chester Laird William, 63 Hamilton square Ow.en Peter esq. The Elms, ·Capenhurst, Chester Holden Cecil 5 Oharlesville, Claughton Pooley Frank esq. Holm croft, Liscard, B Smith Edwa~d Payson, 4 Holly Bank rd. ll'ranmere Pooley Henry esq. Fairholme, Penkett roa.d, Liscard, B Denman Edward, H~nderton road, Green lane, Tranmere Preston Charles James esq. 9 Southwick place, Hyde I Williams Edward, Mano:r house, Clatt~rbridge park, London W Hughes Robert Rowland, '5 Lowwood road, Tranmere Preston Robert 1Vheeler esq. Clare lodge, 'Walla.sey Grange ·ward Shaw Wm. Otho Nicholson esq. "\Vyaston Leys, Monmouth nr lk W ( .,d ) p k. d S th Cl ht 'th J D I t "'~ B · ht B n a er m. ..dJ. erman , 70 ar r . ou aug on S m1 ames esq. a mor on, .... ew ng on, · A h S t t Tr Squarey .A.ndrew Tucker esq. Gorsey Hey Hio-her Beb- Goodwm rt ur, I2 eymour s ree ' anm.ere · t s 0 ' "' Cook Thomas, Parkbury, Talbot road, Oxton St~r ;~~el esq. The Grange, Claughton Tomli_nson T~os. Edwards, 104 Prenton rd. ea. Tranmere Stitt Col. Samuel 7 St. .A.idans terrace Westminst-er rd Ga~lm ~a~e:s, 1 3° Claughton road ' '1:1'. th d G ' d ·n:r t Dob1e W1lham, 83 Park road east W a ll G eo.rge esq. .uJea er ene, range roa , n es Ell' tt D .d H h .A.d h' t L' 1 Kirby S.O 10 av1 ug , e1 p 1 110 e,1 1verpoo Williamson Stephen esq. M.P. Tihornton-Hough, Neston, Cleveland! ·ward. Chester Willmer Char1e.s (Alderman), 20 Lorne road, Oxton Clerk to the Magistrates, Godfrey A. Solly, 55 Hamil Evans Enoch, 14 Barnard road, Clau.ghton ton square Byrne Michael, 123 Grange road Assist. Clerk, Jonathan Joinson, Clarendon rd. Egremont Morris W. L. B.ranksholm, Egerton park, Rock Ferry The places in the 'petty ses·sional divrision :-Arrow, Snape George Powis, 39 Brae street Higher Bebington (part of), Lower Bebington, Bidston, Mason Edwd. Geo. Redcliffe, Green lawn, Rock Ferry Burton, Bromborou11;h, Brimstage, Barnston, Childer Kenny David J oseph, 17 Crown street Thornton, Caldy, Ciatterbridge, Claughton, Eastham, Eg-remont, Frankby, Grange, Gayton, Greasby, Hooton, Claughton Ward. Heswell-cum-Oldfield, Hoose, Roylake, Irby, Ledsham, Singleton Charles (Alderman), Hadleigh, .a Park road west, Liscard, Landiean, Moreton, Great & Little Moolse, Claughton Magazines, Netherpool. Ness, New Bciglhton, Newton Laird John, Oakhurst, Grosvenor road, Claughton cum-Larton, New Ferry, Noctor11m, Great Neston, Little Solly Godfrey Allan, 38 Alfred road Neston, Overpool, Parkgate, Poulton-cum-Seacombe, Fiddes William Taylor, 79 Park road east • Puddington, Pensbv, fu.enton, Raby, Saughall Ma·ssie, Oxton Ward. Seacoill!be, Spital, Storeton, Great Sutton, Little Sutton, Gostenhofer Charles Thomas (Alderman), 18 Beresford Thingwall, Thornton Hough, Thurstaston, Upton, Wal road, Oxton lasey, West Kirby, Willaston & Woodchurch Robinson Arthur Muschamp, r'.) Lorne road, Oxton Petty Sessions are held at the County Hall, Abbey st. B. Oates Edward William Crosbie, 34 Beresford ;road, Oxton daily, at Io a.m. but thursday only for returnable sum monses at 10.30 a.m.; at Wallasey daily, but wednesday Clifton Ward. only for retmnable summonses at 10 a.m. ; at the Court Bloor Henry (Alderman), 23 Chesnut grove, Tranmereo House, Neston, the last friday in eruch month at I I a.m. ; Price William, 25 .Allerton road, Tranmere occasional courts are also held at New Brighton, New Pearson Heslop Laird', Bay house, 45 Holt hill, Tranmere Ferry & Hoylake Pennock John, 42 Clifton road, Higher Tranmere BOROUGH 1\f.A!GISTRATF.S. Kclly .Tames Moses, 59 Old Ohester road, Rock Ferry Jones Benedict, Snaefell, Bebington road Mayor, G. S. Oldam, Florence·ville, Prenton road! west, l\icGaul James Hannay, 16 Thompson street, Tranmere Thanmere Recorder, Clement Higgins Q.C. 5 1Paper bldgs. Temple, Egerton Ward. London E C 1Voodcock James (Alderman), Woodcroft, Little :Meols Atkin G-eorge, Egerton house, Egerton 'P'<trk, Rock Ferry road, iffoylake Bingham Wm. Lingdale house, Tollemach rd. Claughton Oldam George ·Samuel (Mayor), Florence ville, Prenton Clover George Robert, Ramle, Manor hill, Claughton road west, Tranmere Cochran James Taylor, Sandyholm, Hoylake, B Illingworth Alfred, 9 West Bank road, Tranmere Cook Thomas, Parkbury, Talbot road', Oxton Lilwall Alfred, 4 Graham road, '\Vest Kirby. Cooke Bancroft, Shortwood, Hoylake Rigmaiden .A.. H. 1186 P.renton ro'llQ• west, Tranmere Oraven Joseph, I'3 ReedviU.e, Claughton Thompson James Thomas, 40 1Vhetstone lane, Tranmere Crow Geo. Busk, Stoneleigh, Highfield south, Rock Ferry Mersey Ward. Dodds Thomas Liddell, Sunnymead, Charlesville, Claughtn Frost Meadows, Hill house, Heswall Lees Luke (Alderman), 67 St. Paul's road, Tranmere Gostenhofer Charles Thomas, 18 Beresford road, Oxton Edwards John, 463 Nerw Ohester road, Rock Ferry Grayson Henry H. High Meadow, Egerton lf()ad, Claughton Hazlehurst Geo. S. The Grange, St. Peter's rd. Rock Ferry Harris A. C. E., M.D. 2 Devonshire road, .Claughton Street James, 409 Kew Chester road, Tranmere Hinson '\Villiam, 6o Beresford road, Olaughton Bebington Ward. Jackson Thomas .Hughes, The Manor ·house, Claughton Rawcliffe Henry (Alderman), Pool bank, New Ferry .Tackson William, I2 Forest road, Clauglhton Pitt-Taylor Arthur William, 62 Rock la. west, Rock Ferry J ones B. Snaefell, Rock Fer-ry P·e<arson William, 4 Rock park, Rock Ferry Laird John, Oakhurst, Grosvenor road, Claug"hton Massey Charles Wm. 27 Old Chester road, Rock Ferry Laird lVilliam, 63 Hamilton sq,uare .Alderman (not assigned to Wards). Mac~Iahon P·eter, 15 Hollybank road, Tranmere Mott Charles Grey, Ha:rrow Woold lodge, Stanmore,Mdlsx Perrin Joseph, 7 Park road !SOUth Getlev 1Yill~am, W oodhank, 30 ·Clifton road, Tranmere Newhouse Christopher, 63 BI"l1JSsey street • Preston Charles James, 9 Southwick place, London W Stott William Henry, The Gables, Egerton park,Rock Ferry Ra.wcliffe Henry, Poolbank, New Ferry Shaw Thomas, Fir Tree house, Higher Bebington Shaw Thomas, Fir Tree house, Higher Bebington Clarke rrhomas Charles, 6 Rock park, Rock Ferry Singleton Charles, Hadlei•gh, 8 Park lfoad west, Claughton Auditors elected & appointed in accordance with the pro- Taylor Edmund, Wirral lodge, Oxton visions of "The Municipal Corporations .Act, I882" Walker William, 70 Park road south, Claughton Elective Auditor, John Rees, 98 1Vestbourne road Williamson J olhn, Devonshire road, Claughton Mayor's Auditor, .A.ldernian W. Getley, 1Voodb-ank, Clifton Willmer Charles, 20 Lorne lfOad, Oxton road, Tranmere· Worthington Joseph H . .Alton villa, Village road, Oxton OO~fMITTEES. Clerk, Gerrard Copela.nd, Hilary Breck, Wallasey Road & Improvement Day of :Meeting, every alternate :Borough Petty Sessi'Ons are held at the Court house, thursda.y, at 9.30 a.m. ; Algernon Singleton, chairman; Brandon street, B. daily at II a.m Alderman Willmer, deputy chairman OOU:XCIL OF THE OOU~TY BOROUGH. Finance Day of Meeting, thursday, at 4.30 p.m. ; Alder men Deaking, chairman ~ Gostenhofer, dep. chairman I89S·6. Gas & Watel'--Day of Meetmg, saturd'ay, at 9.30 a.m.; Mayor. Alderman Bloor, chairman; .Alderman Lees,dep.chairmn Ccmncillor George Samuel Old-am ·watch-Day of meeting, every alternate monday, at 9.30 Recoro>er. a.m.; Councillor Oldam, cihairman; Councillor T. Cook, Clement Higgin.s Q. C. 5 Paper bldgs, Temple, London E C deputy chairman Counmllors. Market & Baths Day of meeting, every fortnight, on Argyle Ward. monday, at 4 p.m.; Alderman Woodcock, chairman; Deakin Thos. Samuel (Alderman), Hollywood, Egerton pk, Councillor Denman, deputy chairman .