Faculty Position in Sociology at ENSAE-CREST

ENSAE ParisTech and CREST are currently inviting applications for an open-rank, tenure-track or tenured faculty position in sociology.

ENSAE ParisTech and CREST As a member of the ``Group of the National Schools of Economics and Statistics’’ (GENES), ENSAE ParisTech offers students proficient training in in quantitative analysis of information, statistical modeling and social sciences. Currently located in Malakoff (92), l’ENSAE ParisTech and its research center, CREST, are moving to the campus of Ecole Polytechnique in to form with their partners (Ecole Polytechnique, HEC, Telecom ParisTech, ENS Cachan, etc.) a leading educational and research center in applied mathematics, statistics, economics, sociology, finance and management.

Description of the position

Date of appointment: fall of 2016.

Candidate profile:  Expected  Doctorate in sociology (or in social sciences) at the starting date of the contract  Solid general knowledge in sociology  Knowledge and practice of quantitative methods  International-level publication record or potential  Ability to communicate regularly in French  Appreciated  Experience in research and teaching  Participation in international academic networks  Familiarity with international surveys and comparisons  Ability to teach on themes related to network analysis or Big Data  Ability to supervise doctoral students (HDR or equivalent for candidates in academic position abroad)  Ability to communicate in English

The successful candidate will be member of the Laboratory of Quantitative Sociology (LSQ) of CREST (CNRS UMR 9194, sections 36, 37 and 40) and will be expected to contribute to the research activities of the laboratory and to teach courses at ENSAE as well as in the Quantitative Sociology and Demography track of the Sociology Master Program of University of -Saclay.

Timbre J101 3, avenue Pierre Larousse 92245 Malakoff Cedex - Tél. : +33 (0)1 41 17 65 25 Fax : +33 (0)1 41 17 38 52 Courriel : [email protected] 1


Conditions The position has no citizenship requirement. Contract type (tenure or tenure-track) and salary depend on the diplomas, experience and research potential of the successful candidate.

Application Applicants should submit (in French or in English) a motivation letter detailing their research interests and objectives (2-4 pages) and their teaching experience (1-2 pages), accompanied by a CV, three representative publications, and the names and email addresses of two individuals willing to provide letters of reference. Applications should be sent at the following email address: [email protected].

Review of applications begins on May 16 2016.

Selected candidates will be invited to present their work and project at ENSAE-CREST.

Additional information For further information, please contact:  Ivaylo D. Petev, Head of the LSQ: [email protected];  Lionel Wilner, Dean of Studies at ENSAE: [email protected].

General information: ENSAE ParisTech, CREST and LSQ.