the abdus salam united nations educational, scientific and cultural XAO103683 organization international centre

international atomic energy agency for theoretical physics


Myint Zaw Available at: http://www.ictp.trieste. it/~pub_ off IC/2001/104

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS


Myint Zaw1 Department of Mathematics, University of Yangon, 11041 Yangon, Burma2 and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.


We describe the moduli space %?t±(g, c) of non-classical directed Klein surfaces of g = h — c — 1 with c > 0 distinguished points as a configuration space %±{h,c) of classes of /z-slit pairs in C. Based on this model, we prove that Tt±(g,c) is non-orientable for any g and c and we compute the homology groups of the moduli spaces W±(g, c) for g < 2.


1 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Permanent address. 1. INTRODUCTION Denote 9R±(g, c) a moduli space of non-classical directed Klein surfaces of genus g with c > 0 distinguished points; in other words, the moduli space of non-orientable Riemann surfaces of genus g with one boundary curve and c > 0 permutable punctures. The purpose of this article is to compute homology groups of the moduli spaces %n±(g, c) with Z2-coefficients. The starting point is the work of [Bl] which gives a new description of the moduli spaces 97t( 0 distinguished points. By computing the homology groups of the model complex for h = 2,3, we obtain the homology groups of the moduli spaces %R:k(g,c) of genus g < 2. Due to the large number of cells, the computation for h = 3 is done by the computer. Our new results in computing homology groups of the moduli space dyl±(g,c) concern the following cases

• Tl±(0,1), the moduli space of projective planes with a puncture • ^^(0, 2), the moduli space of projective planes with two punctures • 931* (1,0), the moduli space of Klein bottles • VJ£±(1, 1), the moduli space of Klein bottles with a puncture • %H±(2,0), the moduli space of non-classical Klein surfaces of genus 2.

We recall a brief description of 9Jx±(g, c). Let Fd be a double covering of a Klein (non- orientable) F. Then Fd is a compact orientable surface without boundary. For each dianalytic structure X of F there exists a unique analytic structure Xd of Fd with the properties (i) it agrees with the orientation of Fd (ii) a : Xd —> Xd is an anti-holomorphic involution and (iii) n : Xd —> X is dianalytic cf.[AG]. The group Diff(F) of dirTeomorphisms of F acts on the set K(F) of dianalytic structures on F. Since the isotopy subgroup Diffo(.F) acts freely on K(F) (cf. [EE]); the quotient T{F) :— K (F) /D'ISQ(F) is a Teichmiiller space of non-classical Klein surfaces F. The quotient M{F) := K{F)/Di&(F) is the moduli space of non-classical Klein surfaces. By a non-classical directed Klein surface we mean a closed non-orientable Klein surface F of some genus g, with a tangent direction X at a given base point O. Here a tangential direction X = (x) is a non-zero tangent vector x, up to a positive multiple. The moduli space S0t±(5,c) consists of dianalytic equivalent classes [F,X, O, {Si,S2, • • •,Sc}] where Si,S2,-..,Sc are distinguished permutable points on F; here a dianalytic equivalence is a dianalytic homeomorphism / : F —> F' such that (i) /(C>) = 0' (ii) df{X) = X'

(m) f{SuS2,...,Sc} = {S[,S2,...,S'c}. SQt±(^, c) is a smooth, non-compact, non-orientable of (real) dimension 3g — 3c. For the description of moduli spaces of directed Riemann surfaces, we refer to [ADKP] and [Bl].


A parallel slit Lk is of the form {z = (x,y) G C\x < xk,y = yk) for any given point zk =

(xk,yk) in C Let h > 0 be an integer. An element A of a symmetric group T,2h is said to be a pairing if it is a fixed point free involution. A signature of the pairing A is denned by either +1 or —1 for each pair i and \{i). The index pair having the value +1 is called type I, otherwise type II. By a configuration of parallel slit pairs of type I and type II we mean a collection consisting of the followings:

1. An ordered sequence L\,L2, • • •, L2h of parallel slits in C such that yk < yk+i and Xk = Z\(k) for 1 < k < 2h, 2. a pairing A e £2/1,

3. the type sequence T — (ty, t2, • • •, t2h) with U = t\(i) and ti = I or II. The configuration of parallel slits is denoted by L = (L\,... ,i/2/i|A|T). The slits in L are not necessarily to be distinct; some of them can be equal Li = Lj+i, or contained in each other,

Li C Li+\. If all slits in L are disjoint, L is called generic. Identifying edges of slits associates to each L a closed surface F±(L) of some genus g. Set

Fk = {(x,y) e C\yk < y < yk+i} for k = 1,... ,2h - 1, Fo = {(x,y) G C\y < Vi} and

F2h — {{x,y) € C\y2h < y}- Then the Fk are closed strips between the slits. Apart from the point at infinity, Fk are disjoint. On the disjoint union of FQ, ..., F2h the points are identified by the following rules.

(1) Fk 3 (x,yk) ~ {x,yk) € i^+ifor x > xk [2){typel] Fk 3 (x,yk) ~ [x,yx{k)) G Fx{kyi Fk-.j 3 {x,yk) ~ {x,yX(k)) € FX(k) for x < xk {3)[typeII] Fk 3 (x,yk) ~ {x,ym) G Fx{k) ) {x,yX(k)) G FX(k-\) for x < xk 3 The identification rule(3) of a slit pair of type II reverses the orientation of an adjacent angle. Hence a surface F±(L) obtained by the configuration L consisting of slit pairs of type II is always non-orientable. We now assume that any configuration L contains at least one slit pair

of type II. The quotient space FQ{L) := LJ^=0 F^j ~ obtains the quotient topology. Later this space will be compactified. The resulting compact space will also be denoted by F±(L). By abuse of notation F^iL) will be used for both spaces.


Lemma 3.1. Let L = (L\,... ,L2h\X\T) be given. Then the pairing X 6 £2/1 induces a unique permutation a in E^ defined by (A(' + ^^ 'f ^+ V ^ Of tyPC 7 (A(i + I))" if {i + 1) is of type II ,—>._ J (M* - 1))~ */ I*-1) is of type I ' "~ I (A(« - 1))+ if {% - 1) is of type II

PROOF: For each index i 6 A, we have two copies of indices, say i+,i~. The a is well-defined by the following direct verification: Take any two indices i ^ j from A. Consider the cases: [Case 1:] If a(i+)+ = a(j~)+ , then by the formula of a (i + 1) must be of the type I and (j — 1) must be of type II; and X(i + 1) = A(j — 1). Thus i + 1 = j — 1 having different types. Contradiction. [Case 2:] If a(i+)+ = a(j+)+, then again by the formula of a, both (i + 1) and (j + 1) are of the same type I and A(i + 1) = X(j + 1). Hence i = j. • Such a a is called X-extended permutation. It is straightforward to check that the permutation a has an even number of disjoint cycles. The disjoint cycles of a can be equally seperated into two different parts; we call these the forward permutation (resp. backward permutation) and denote them by 5X (resp. 8\). Signatures of 5X and 6\ are defined by setting +1 for i+ and —1 for (i + 1)~. Hence we have two associated vectors rj = (771,..., 772/J and C = (Cii • • • > C2ft) with coordinates 77; = ±1 and (? = ±1.

Remark 3.2. If L is a configuration of slit pairs of type I only, then the associated surface F±(L) is orientable, and the 8^ is the same as the permutation defined by the formula AT in [Bl], where r is the transposition i <—> i + 1 on 2h indices.

The connectivity, denoted by c, of L — (Li,..., L2h\X\T) is defined by the formula

c — l/2(number of disjoint cycles of a) — 1.

If L contains only a slit pair of type II, then the connectivity c = 0. (If L contained only a slit pair of type I, then the connectivity c would be 1, which would not happen since any L we consider contains at least a slit pair of type II). Hence the connectivity c is strictly less than the number h of slit pairs, at most c = h — 1. The connectivity c tells exactly distinguished points S\,...,SC different from the base point O on the associated closed surface F±(L). Let 5cCbe the smallest rectangle containing all endpoints z\,..., Z2h of the slits in L. The smallest means that the left lower corner of 5 has the coordinate {min(a;^), min(y^)} and the right upper coordinate of S is {max(^), max(y^)} for 1 < k < 2h. Such a rectangle S is called the support of the configuration L. For XQ > min(xfc), the line / = {(x,y) € C\x = XQ} is drawn parallel to the vertical boundary of 5. It yields the closed intervals YQ, Y\,..., Y^h where YQ is below the cut of L\ and Yj( is between the cuts of L/c,Lf:+i and Yih is above the cut of L^h- Some intervals may be points. These intervals Yi are needed to re-glue in a certain permuted order since on meeting an edge of a slit, a path goes on at the corresponding edge in the same or the opposite direction until the path is closed. Sx prescribes the gluing way, n gives the unique orientation for the Yi. Therefore Y* is followed by Ysx^y, and the orientation of Yi is preserved if i)i = 1, unless Yi is re-glued in the reverse orientation; see the following figure. (In the figure a slit is depicted as a horizontal half-line unbounded to the left, a pair is depicted by an arc from an endpoint of a slit to the corresponding endpoint of another slit, and symbols I, II denote the type of slit pairs. )


u Y2 \



Y A = (15)(26)(34) 6 Sx = (51432) T = 77 = (1,-1,1,-1,-1) FIGURE 1

Remark 3.3. From the dynamical point of view the whole effect of re-gluing the intervals Yj is a discontinuous, orientation preserving and reversing, piecewise isometric self-map of the real line. It is a non-orientable, non-ergodic (if c 7^ 0) interval exchange transformation.

Let Y° be the complex obtained by regluing Yi. Then Y° is a subset FQ(L) and has (c + 1) path-connected components. For each L, there exists a distinguished component, namely the component containing Y2h- Such a distinguished component of Y° is called the principal component. The existence of remaining components in Y° depends on L. Let R° be a set in F°(L) which is induced by the support 5 in the construction for F°(L). The complement of R° in F°(L) has the same (c + 1) components as that of Y°. It also has a principal component and another c components. The principal component and the other components associated to points at infinity correspond to a base point O and to the distinguished points S\,.. •, Sc of the surface FQ{L). respectively. We define The Euler-characteristic of F±(L) is c - h + 2 and hence the genus g of F±{L) is h - c - 1. Since slits in L are not necessarily to be disjoint, they may touch. If so, then they jump. We now define jumps of slits as follows 1. p := {\{k + 1)... (k + l)k) ifLjfcCijfc+i, A(/c + 1) > A; + 1, (k + 1) = I 2. p:=(X(k + l) + l...k) HLkcLk+u X(k + 1) < k, (k + 1) = / 3. p:=(X(k + l)-l...k) i£LkcLk+i, X(k + 1) > k + 1, (fc + l)=/J 4. p := (A(fc + 1)... A:) ififcCijfc+i, X(k + l)

Lp{j) = Lj for j ^ A:, j = 1,..., 2h. For (1) and (2), set the endpoint of Lv{k) as (xk,yX(k+i)) r l and as [xk,y\(h-i)) f° the other cases. Define A = pXp~ . For (3) and (4) the type of index k in A is changed in A. The jumps (1) and (2) are called Jump I, known as Rauzy jumps and the others are called Jump II. The relation generated by Jump I and Jump II is an equivalence relation on the set of configurations. The equivalence class of the configuration L is denoted by L = [L\,... ,L2h\X\T}. The following figure illustrates how a slit jumps and takes a new position.

1/11 p{k)=X(k+l)-l FIGURE 2 For the proof of the following Proposition, see [Z].

Proposition 3.4. If L and L are equivalent, then F^{L) and F±(L) are dianalytically equiva- lent.

One of the crucial points is to exclude configurations which will lead to singular surfaces. By a non-degenerate configuration L we mean a configuration L which induces an associated surface F±{L) that is non-singular (smooth) at all points z except at O. The criterion to determine the degeneracy is as follows: If L contains a slit LK such that Lk+i Q Lk = -^A(fc) f°r anv (^ exists) index i between A; and A(A;) (assume k < X(k)), then such a configuration L is called degenerate. It is possible that in two equivalent configurations, one satisfies the above condition and another does not. Hence an equivalent class C is called degenerate if it contains a representative configuration L G C that is degenerate. Since F±(L) depends only on the class of L, write the surface F±(£) instead F±(L). Hence F±(C) is a smooth surface away from 00 if and only if C is non-degenerate. Let L = {L\,... ,Lk,... ,L2ft|A|T) be in a class £ and let Lk C Lk±\- Then k < pn{k) = p... p{k) for finite n € N. If all such k 6 N, then k < pn{k) for all n. Such a configuration L is n called the normal form in £. Here p are the transpositions in T*2h-

Theorem 3.5. Let £ be a non-degenerate class of configurations. Then F±(C) is a non-classical directed punctured Klein surface of genus g — h — c — 1.

PROOF-. See [Z].


Let Conf(h,c) denote the space of all configurations L with connectivity c ^ 0. Then 2h Conf(h,c) C C x S2/j, where S2/1 is regarded as a discrete space. Let RegConf(h,c) C Conf(h, c) be the subset of all non-degenerate configurations. The quotient space PS^ih, c) := RegConf(h.c)/ ~jumps is the space of all classes £ of non-degenerate configurations. The elements C are called parallel slit domains. Let Sim(C) be a group of similarities of C. It is generated by translations and (positive) dilations, it is a subgroup of GL(2,C) consisting of matrices of the forms:

beC ( 0 1 )' GGE' - The matrix M is identified with the associated Mobius transformation M(z) = (az + b). These transformations are automorphisms of the Klein surface, which fix 00 and map horizontal lines to horizontal lines. The action is defined by

M-C:=[M(L1),...,M(L2h)\X\T]. The M • L is non-degenerate when L is non-degenerate. Moreover, if L ~ V, then M • L ~ M -V and the group Sim(C) acts freely on PSC±(h,c). For each M € Sim(C), it is obvious that the associated surfaces i?±(£) and F±(M • C) are conformally equivalent. Hence we have

Theorem 4.1. Let M e Sim(C),C G PS^ih.c) and C = M • C, let F±{C) and F±{C) be associated non-classical directed Klein surfaces. Then M induces a conformal map

such thatM{O) = O',1$$M{X) = X' and $M{Si, • • •, Sc} = {S[,... ,S'C}.

We now define a normalization on L as follows:

(i) V\ = 0, (ii) y2h = 1, {in) min(a;fc) = 0. Since these conditions are invariant under the jumps, and thus conditions on a class. Let K±{h, c) be the space of all classes £ of normalized non-degenerate configurations L. We impose one more condition on K^{h, c): < 1. This additional condition restricts the conformal type, and obviously selects a proper subspace denoted by ©±(/i, c) which is homeomorphic to K±(h, c); a homeomorphism is given by applying to the ^-coordinates of the slit end points that reparametrizes [0, oo[ as [0,1[ fixing 0. By Theorem 3.5 and Theorem 4.1, we have a continuous map a-.^ih-.c) —•Sifcfoc) defined by £ ^ [F, X, O, {Si, S2,..., Sc}}. The inverse of a is obtained as follows. On a directed closed orientable surface F, there is a function u :—> K = KUoo such that (1) u is harmonic away from O (2) u(z) — Re(l/z) is smooth and vanishes at O for any local parameter z around O such that z\O) = 0 and z({S\,..., Sc}) = {1,2,..., c} for z around distinguished points and dz(X) = —dx. This characterizes u uniquely up to an additive and a positive multiplicative constant. The gradient flow of u determines the critical graph K C F consisting of the dipole O, all zeros of the flow and critical points as vertices and unstable submanifolds of the flow as edges. Since F° = F — K is connected and simply-connected, there is a holomorphic map w = u + iv : F° —> C which is unique up to another additive constant for harmonic conjugate v of u.The complement of w(F°) C C is described as the configuration L of slit pairs in C. Here u transforms into the function x, and the gradient flow into the horizontal flow —d/dx. As 3-dimensional contractible group Sim(C) acts freely on PSC^^^c), two normalization constants (the translations in x- resp. y-direction) correspond to the real additive integral constants of harmonic functions u and v, and the dilations correspond to the undetermined length of the tangent vector representing the direction X. For the construction of the dipole function for non-classical Klein surface F, we consider the double covering Fd of F and transform results to F. The potential w depends on the position O of F only and not on the orientation of F in the neighbourhood of O. It follows that the complement of w(F°) C C will comprise all moduli of the class [F, X, O, {S\, S2, • • • > Sc}). Hence we have

Theorem 4.2. The moduli space TX±(g,c) of non-classical directed Klein surfaces F±(L) is homeomorphic with the space K±(h,c) of all classes of normalized non-degenerate configurations L and hence %t± (g, c) = 95± (h, c).

For the compactification of Tl±(g,c), we first take i?±(/i, c), a closure of the space of all normalized non-degenerate configurations with the condition max (xk) < 1. Its topology is induced by the space C2h x £2/1 which is homeomorphic with 2/i-disjoint copies of C2h. The condition max(a;fc) < 1 is clearly invariant under the jumps. The compactification of this moduli :t ± space is defined by il (h,c)/ ~jUmpsi denoted by P (/J, c). We define subspaces of P±(h,c). Let N±(h,c) be the set of all C such that maxfsj.) = 1. Classes in N±(h,c) may be degenerate or not. The non-degenerate ones form a partial boundary to the manifold S±(/i, c). Let D±(h, c) be the set of all degenerate classes. The union W±{h,c) := iV^^c) U D±{h,c) is a periphery of B±{h.,c) = P±(h,c) - W±{h,c). P±{h,c) is a 3/i — 3 dimensional pseudo-manifold and (P±(h,c),W±(h,c)) is a 3/i — 3 dimensional real relative manifold. For more detail, we refer to [Z].


Let L £ #*(/&, c) be such that the slits of L lie on (n + 2)-distinct y-levels 0 = VQ < v\ <

• • < vn+\ = 1 and let a\ be the number of slits lying at the level y = V{. Then 0 < a,i < 2h, Y%=o ai = ^h, where 0 < n < 2h - 2. The set of indices whose slits are lying at the level y = Vi is denoted by A{ C {1,..., 2h}. Assume that the endpoints of the slits of L lie at (m + l)

distinct x-levels 0 = UQ < u\ < • • • < um < 1. (If max(:Ej) = 1, assume the endpoints lie at

(m + 2)-distinct levels 0 = UQ < • • • < um < um+\ •= 1). The set of indices of the slits ending over

x = uj is denoted by Bj C {l,...,2h}. Then B0UBiU- • -UBm+i = {l,...,2/i}, 0 < m < h-1.

All these data are collected in a symbol E = (oo, • • •, an+i|A|So,..., Bm+i). We will also write

E = (ao, • • • ,an+i|A|i?0) • • • ,Bm+i;T) with the type sequence T. Set ri = Vi+i — Vi,i = 0,...,n and Sj = Uj+i — Uj,j — 0, ...,m. We have Y^=ori = S = 1,Y1T=O J •'•• Hence (ro,rj.,... ,rn) and (so,S\,... ,sm) are barycentric coordinates in open simplices A" and Am respectively. By varying the coordinates r^ and Sj, we get the configuration to which the same symbol E is associated. To each symbol E we define a map

m ± /£:A"xA 4 i? (ft, c) ; (j-o,..., rn, s0,..., sm) •—> {Lu ..., L2h\X\T) , where An, Am are closed simplices of dimensions n and m, respectively. The map /g is a characteristic map for each (n + m)-cell E. The highest dimension of a cell in R^fo. c) is 3/i — 3. Hence

Theorem 5.1. The (n + m) cell E = (ao,..., an+i(A|5o, •.. ,Bm+i) in ^(h, c) together with n+l m+l

5^ = 2/1, BO)...,STO^0, LJ Bj = {l,...,2h} where 0 < n < 2h — 2, 0 < m < h — 1 defines a finite cellular structure for i?±(/i, c). Hence i?±(/i, c) is a compact regular (3h — 3)-dimensional cell complex.

The boundary operator d has two kinds of face operators d , d for a (n + m)-cell E.

dtE : = (ao,-• • ,ai + ai+i,... ,an+i\X\Bo,-• • ,Bm+i)

djE: = (ao,... ,an+i\\\Bo,... ,Bj\J Bj+i,... ,Bm+i) for i = 0,..., n; j = 0,..., m. The boundary d is defined by

a := & + (-l)na", where d' := 2=0 j=0 The face operators satisfy the following relations. (1) ffi&j = a^!^ for 0 < i < j < n (2) &$ = 5^+1 forO

(4) &!&! = d^+1 forO< j

Assume that E = (ao, • • •, an+i|A|5o,... ,Bm+\) is a (n + m)-cell of ^{h^c) with indices

(k - l,k) G Ah for k € {!,...,2h} and ii € {0, ...,n + 1}, A(Ar) ^ fc - 1. Assume that

A(fc) G J4J2, A; — 1 G J5jj and k,\(k) G -Bj2 with ji < j2- (Such indices always exist whenever slits Lk-i C L/t in the configuration associated to the cell E.) To each cell E, the jumps can be applied. The new cell pE is of the form:

1 pE := (ao,...,ai! - 1, • • • ,ai2 + 1,... ,an+i\p\p~ \pB0,..., pBm+i)

where p = (A(fc)... k — 1) if A(A;) > k and A; G Bj2 is of type I p=(\(k) + l...k-l) if \{k) = (A(fc) - 1... fc - 1) if A(fc) > k and fe G %, is of type II p = (X(k) ...k-1) if X(k) is of type II . The map / : E •->• p.& defines an identification on i?±(h,c). The space P±(h,c) is a finite, connected cell complex of dimension (3/i — 3). A cell of P±(h,c) is written by a symbol i? :=

[a0,... ,an+i\X\B0,...,Bm+i]. Define the numbers [E : d^E] •= (-1)* and [S : d'-E] := (-1)"+^ where i = 0,... , n, j = 0,... ,m. Set [E : F] := 0 for any other (n + m — l)-cells F which are not faces of E. If En+m-2 = &'jd\E = d'id'-E, then [E : a-E][a|S : En+m~2} + [E : d'-E][d'-E : En+m~2]

= 0. A similar result is obtained for other possible {n + m — 2)-cells

2 = ff._ld'.E = d'id'.E. En+m-2 = Q" .^E = ^d". E , for X + 1 < j.

It is obvious that the incidence system is invariant under the identification induced by the jumps. Thus the incidence system determines a unique way an orientation for the cell E = ± [ao, • • •, an+i|A|I?o, - • • , 5m+ij of P (/i, c). We take this orientation as the standard orientation. 10 Each cell E can now be associated with a sign, e{E) = ±1 with respect to the chosen orientation. We write an oriented cell E by e(E)E. By a chamber we mean a cell E of dimension 3h — 3 in P^{h,c). Two chambers E and E' are called adjacent if they have a common face F of co-dimension 1 in P±(h, c). By a gallery Q joining EQ and Eq we mean a finite sequence of adjacent chambers Ei together with boundary operators di :

Q '•= {Eo,do,Ei,di,... ,dg-i,Eq,dq) where d{Ei = di+iEi+i and di e {d'o, •••, d'2h_2,d'o',..., )E> :F] = 0.

This condition is independent on the choice of the orientation for F. Hence we can choose a definite orientation on each chamber. (P±{h,c),W±(h,c)) is said to be orientable if all chambers of (P±(h,c),W±(h,c)) can be simultaneously oriented so that any pair having a common face of co-dimension 1 are coherently oriented; i.e. all triple (E,E ,F) of chambers E,E with a common face F of co-dimension 1 satisfy 5.1. Otherwise it is non-orientable.

Let Q = (Eo,do,... ,dq-.i,Eq,dq). If we choose the sign e(jSo) of EQ, we can then deter- mine signs e(Ei) of the other chambers Ei in the gallery Q. Hence we get a gallery Q :=

(e(Eo)Eo,do, • • •, dq-i,e(Eq)Eg, dq) of coherently oriented chambers. If EQ = Eq in the gallery G, then Q is called closed gallery of the chamber EQ. The closed gallery G is said to be orientation preserving if e(Eo) = e(Eg); otherwise orientation reversing. Hence chambers of (P±(h,c),W±(h,c)) are all simultaneously oriented coherently with respect to their common faces when all possible closed galleries of chambers of (P±(ft, c), W^(h,c)) are orientation pre- serving. If some closed galleries of (P±(h, c), W±(h,c)) are orientation reversing, then coherent orientation for all chambers of (P±(h,c),W±(h,c)) is impossible.

Lemma 5.2. The cell complex (P±(h,c), W±{h, c)) is orientable if all closed galleries of (P±(h,c), W±(h, c)) are orientation preserving. If there exist some closed galleries which are orientation reversing, then (P±{h,c), W±(/i,c)) is non-orientable.

Theorem 5.3. The cell complex {P±{h,c),W±(h,c)) is always non-orientable independently on the parameters h and c.

PROOF: There are only two complexes (P±(2,0), W±(2,0)) and (P±(2,1), W±(2,1)) for h = 2. ± ± From (P (2,0), W {2,0)), pick up the following chambers Eu E2,#3,EA,E-0 and E6 ;

11 E,




Take the face d'2E\ of E\. Then d'2E\ — d'0E^, i.e. E\ and E5 are adjacent. Since 8QE5 = 8QEQ, then EQ is adjacent to -E5. We take E\,E^,E% into our constructing gallery. We now choose another one which is adjacent to EQ and take it into our constructing gallery. We repeat this procedure until all the six chambers were taken up into our gallery. Finally we have a closed gallery ^2,0 ~ (E\, d2, E§, 9Q , E$, d2, E2, E2 E4


We now show that ^2,0 is orientation-reserving. Choose e{E\) = +1. Then the signs of other chambers in (?2,o have to be set as follows:

e(E5) = -1, e(E6) = +1, e(E2) = +1, e(E4) = -1, e(E3) = +1, e{Ex) = -1.

Hence £2,o := (+Ei,d'2,-E5,dQ,+EG,d'2,E2,dQ,-Ei,d'2,+E3,dQ,-Ei,dQ) is orientation re- versing. Thus (P±(2,0), W±(2,0)) is a non-orientable cell complex. Similarly, we can show that (P±{2,1), W±(2,1)) is also non-orientable. We now give the proof for any h. We take a hook (i.e. a slit pair (Li, Lj±i) with X(i ± 1) = i)

(L5. LQ) of type II such that endpoints of slits have the form x-0 < Xi, i = 1,2,3,4 and y& > Do > • • • > y\. We add this hook to each configuration associated to the chambers E\,...,E& off the closed gallery (?2,o- It is obvious that adding a hook of type II leaves the connectivity invariant. 12 Since face operators d\, i = 0,1,2 and 8Q make no effect on the added hooks, we have an orientation reversing gallery in (-P±(3,0), W±(3, 0)), i.e. we have a stabilization

Stab: (P±(2,0),W±(2,0)) -)• (P±(3,0),^(3,0)) which commutes with the boundary operator 5. By induction on the number of slits this settles for any number h. We now prove for any c > 0. We take a hook (L5, L§) of type I. We add this hook to each configuration associated to chambers E\,..., E& of the closed gallery £2,0• Since adding a hook of type I increases one connectivity of the configurations, then we get a closed gallery in (P±(3,1), W±(3,1)). By the same argument, it is orientation reversing. By induction on h, the proof of the Theorem is completed. D Hence we conclude our result concerning the of ®t±(^, c)

Theorem 5.4. The moduli space ^L±(^, c) of non-classical directed Klein surfaces is non- orientable for any g and c.

Remark 5.5. It is well known that moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces with c distinguished points are orientable for c = 0,1 and are non-orientable for c > 2; see for instance [Mu].


We now compute homology groups of the moduli spaces SJc^g, c) of non-classical Klein sur- faces for genus g < 2. Due to the non-orientability, we restrict to Z2-coefficients to apply the following Poincare-Duality,

where g = h — (c + 1). Since {P±(h, c), W±(h, c)) is finite, its chain groups have finite ranks and its homology groups are finitely generated. By computing the incidence matrices of the cells E, we obtain the Betti numbers and torsion coefficients. ± ± In (P (2,0),W (2,0)), there are eight 3-cells: EUE2, • • • ,E&, thirteen 2-cells: Eg,...,E2i, five 1-cells: #23, • • •, E26 and one 0-cell. The complete list of these cells is given below.

13 Ei = [1, 1,1, 11 (13) (24)1 {2, 1,3}; T = [11,1,11,1)] E2 = [1, 1,1, 11 (13)(24)| {1, 2,4}; T = [1,11,1,11)] E3 = [1, 1,1, 11 (13)(24)| {1, -*/: 1 2,4}; T = [11,1,11,1)] E-\ 1,1, 11 (13)(24)| {2, 1,3}; T = [1,11,1,11)] E-o = [1, 1,1, 11 (14)(23)j {2, 3},-I 1,4}; T = [II, II, II, II)] E6 = [1, 1,1, 11 (14)(23)| {1, 2,3}; T= [II, II, II, II)] E7 = [1, 1,1, 11 (12) (34)| {1, 2},< 3,4}; T= [II, II, II, II)] Es = [1, 1,1, 11 (12)(34)| {3, 1.2}; T = [II, II, II, II)] E9 = [2,1,1 ,0| (14)(23) {2 3}, {1,4}; T = [II, II, II, 11)] Ew ,1,1,0| (14)(23) {1 4}, {2,3}; T = [II,II, II, II) En = [2, 1,1,0| (14)(23) {1 4}, {2,3}; T = [II, II, II, II) E\2 = [1,2,1, oj (12)(34) {1 2}, {3,4}; T= [II, II, II, II)) E13 = [1,2,1,0| (13)(24) {1 3}, {2,4}; T= [I,II,I,II)] Eu = [2,1,1 ,0| (13)(24) {1, 3}, {2,4}; T= [1,11,1,11)] Ei$ = [1,2,1 ,oj (13)(24) {1, 3}, {2,4}; T= [11,1,11,1)] Ei& = [2,1,1 ,0| (13) (24) {1 3}, T = [11,1,11,1)] En = [2,1,1 , 0|- (13)(24) {2 4}, {1.3}; T= [1,11,1,11)] Eis = [1,1,1,11 (13)(24) {1, 2,3,4}; T = [11,1,11,1)] El9 = [1,1,1 ,11 (13)(24) {1, 2,3 ,4}; T = [1,11,1,11)] E20 = [1,1,1,11 (14)(23) {1, 2,3 ,4}; T= [II, II, II, II)] -£•21 = [1,1,1 ,11 (12)(34) {1, 2,3,4}; T= [II,II,II,II)] E22 = [3,1,0 ,0| (13)(24) {1, 3}, {2,4}; T= [1,11,1,11)] E23 = [3,1,0 ,0| (13)(24) {1, 3}, {2,4}; T= [11,1,11,1)] E24 ,1,1 (14)(23) {1, 2,3,4}; T = [II, II, II, II)] #25 = [2,1,1 ,0| (13)(24) {1, 2,3 ,4}; T = [II,I,IIJ)] E26 = [2,1,1,0| (13)(24) {1, 2,3,4}; T = [1,11,1,11)] By computing the incident matrices of these cells, we obtain the homology groups of the cell complex [P±[2,0),W±[2,0)) with Z-coefficients: 0 , * > 3

Z , * = 1 z , * = 0. ± ± By the Universal Coefficient Theorem, the homology groups of (P (2,0), W [2,0)) with Z2- coefficients are

Z2 * = 2 Z2 * = 1 Z2 By Poincare-Duality, the homology groups of moduli space , 0) of Klein bottles are I2 , * = 1 , * = 2 z2 0 , * > 3 . Note. The homology classes {-E15 + En + -&20} and {£9 — £10} represent basis elements for ± ± ± H2[P (2,0), W [2,0)) and the homology class {£22} represents a basis element for H\ [P [2,0), 14^(2,0)). 14 The complex (P±{2,1), W±(2,1)) consists of ten 3-cells, fourteen 2-cells, four 1-cells and one 0-cell. By computing the rank and the elementary divisors from their incidence matrices, we obtain * > 3 o , * = 2 z2 , o , * = 1 z , * = 0 . The homology groups with Z2 of the moduli space OT±(0,1) of projective planes with a puncture are r z2 , * = o 0 , * > 2 From the computation of the complex (P±(3,0),H^±(3,0)), we obtain the following: ± ± ± ± Dim. No. of Cells H,((P (3,0),W (3,0));Z) H,((P (3,0),W (3,0));Z2) 6 246 0 z 5 786 2 z Z2©Z2 4 907 2 z2 Z2©Z2©Z2 3 440 Z20Z2 Z2©Z2 2 73 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 z z2 We have the homology groups of the moduli space M±(2,0) of non-classical Klein surfaces of genus g = 2: 2^2 * :z= 0 Z20Z2 , * = l Z20Z20Z2 , * = 2 Z20Z2 , * = 3 0 , * >4. From the computation for h — 3,c = 1, we obtain the following ± ± ± ± Dim. No. of Cells H,((P (3,1),W (3,1));Z) H,((P (3,1),W (3,1);Z2) 6 252 0 z2 5 747 Z0Z2 Z2©Z2 4 786 z z ©z 3 339 2 2 z2 z2 2 48 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 z z2 Hence the homology groups of the moduli space ^(1,1) of Klein bottles with a puncture are

Z2 , * = 0 Z20Z2 , * = 1 ± (1,1);Z2) = < Z20Z2 , * = 2 Z2 0 * > 4 . 15 The computation for h = 3, c = 2 gives the following ± ± ± ± Dim. No. of Cells H,((P (3,2),W (3,2));Z) H,((P (3,2),W (3,2));Z2) 6 132 0 z2 5 357 Z ©Z z2 2 2 4 330 z4 z2 3 117 0 0 2 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 z z2 The homology groups of the moduli space 2) of projective planes with two punctures are

Z2 , * = 0 _ , * = 1 0 ] * > 3 .

Acknowledgements. The author expresses his deepest appreciation for the encouragement, advice and inspiration given him by C.-F. Bodigheimer. It is pleasure to acknowledge K.H. Dovermann, F.R. Cohen, T. Kohno and I.J. Leary for their interest and comments. The author is grateful to Ralf Ehrenfried for his programming in the computation for h — 3.

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