Going Places: Prospects for Transportation Alternatives

Moderator: Dr. Jonathan Burbaum, ARPA-E Dr. Ilan Gur, Program Director, ARPA-E Dr. Ping Liu, Program Director, ARPA-E Dr. Liz Santori, ARPA-E The Panel

Moderator/Panelist: Panelist: Jonathan Burbaum Ping Liu Program Director Program Director [PETRO, OPEN 2012] [RANGE, OPEN 2012]

PETRO vs. Petroleum: One Battery for Everything Opportunities for New

Panelist: Panelist: Ilan Gur Liz Santori Program Director ARPA-E Fellow [AMPED, OPEN 2012]

An Intelligent Electric Future Grounding the Flying

February 24, 2014 2 Rewiring the Sankey Diagram


21.1 25.7

3 PETRO vs. Petroleum: Opportunities for New Technologies

Jonathan J. Burbaum Program Director, ARPA-E

February 24, 2014 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit Washington, DC 5 vs. Petroleum

Biofuel Petroleum

CO2 CO2 CO2    Grown  Processed  Burned Extracted  Processed  Burned   $ coproducts? $$ coproducts!

Surface land use: ~100% Surface land use: <<50% Process up time: ~25% Process up time: ~100%

6 7 What really happens: Food AND Fuel!

Data from 2012 10-K (in thousands) Gross profit (loss): Ethanol production $ (4,895) Corn oil production $ 32,388 Agribusiness $ 35,973 Marketing and distribution $ 32,362 Intersegment eliminations $ 943 Total $ 96,771

8 What’s next after PETRO?

‣ PETRO – Improving Energy & Carbon Flow via engineering biology – Sole metrics: Cost /Energy in fuel product, coproducts ‣ Other Approaches: – IT-enabled “Precision” Agriculture – Component Improvements – Rethinking the System

10% improvement of land use based on geometry alone!

9 Can tobacco be an energy crop?

16% DW TAG × 9 tons per acre = 48 GJha-1y-1 …vs. soybean = 17 GJha-1y-1 …vs. corn = 80 GJha-1y-1

Plant Biotechnology Journal 24 OCT 2013 DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12131

10 One Battery For Everything

Dr. Ping Liu Program Director

February 24, 2014 Storage: Cornerstone of Grid and Vehicle

Grid Storage: GRIDS

Distributed Generation

Vehicle Storage: BEEST RANGE

12 ARPA-E’s Grid Storage Portfolio


Capacity & Duration Flywheel

Flow Cells

Power Density (Capacity) Density Power E-C Cells CAES


100 $/kWh

5000 cycles Energy Density (Duration)

13 ARPA-E’s Vehicle Storage Portfolio-BEEST

Highest theoretical energy density



BEEST pushed the boundaries of energy storage


ARPA-E’s Vehicle Storage Approach-RANGE

RANGE System/cell Approach constant = 1 System Goal Multi-functional design

Robust chemistry/ architecture innovation TARGETS: Current robust chemistry/ architecture 100-125 $/kWh

Energy Density of the Battery System Battery the of Density Energy 1000 cycles

Energy Density of Battery Chemistry/Cell

Focus on system optimization led to novel EV storage approaches

15 RANGE Program Portfolio

Aqueous Robust Non-aqueous

Solid State Multifunctional

cloteam, LLC

16 Requirements for “One Battery For Everything”

Cost ($/kWh) Life (cycles) Specific energy (Wh/kg)

Grid 100 5000 - Electric Vehicles (EVs) 100-150 1000 100+ Distributed Generation ? 5000? -

Low-E flow cells Pb acid batteries Grid ? Li-S batteries Vehicle DG

A > 100 Wh/kg, >> 10000 cycle solution is the key

17 Benefits of “One Battery For Everything”

Cost ($/kWh) Life (cycles) Specific energy (Wh/kg)

Grid 100 5000 - EVsFavorable 100-150 1000 100+ Distributedeconomics Generation ? 5000? - One Battery for < 200? >> 10000 100+ Everything Favorable economics

Viable V2G

“One For All” Solution Rapid charging

18 Searching For The Ultimate Energy Storage

Most desirable Opportunity Li-S, Li-FeF3, LiSi

Li-Ion ΔG Ni-MH

Ni-Cd Low energy Li-ion Pb-acid



19 Batteries That Live “Forever”

Anode for Li replenishment

The ultra long life

LiFePO4-Li4Ti5O12 Battery

Zaghib, et al, J. Power Sources, 196, 3949 Wang, et al, J. Power Sources, 196, 5966

20 A Unified Generation/Storage Future

21 An Intelligent Electric Future

Dr. Ilan Gur Program Director

February 24, 2014

Electricity 350%  Energy Intensity 50% 

1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 intelligence Productivity 400% 

Information Optimization Flexibility

1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Grid Intelligence: GENI Synchrophasor Information Load disaggregation AMI Condition mon. Digital subs.

Topology control Optimization Demand opt. Reactive P cont. Stochastic opt.

HVDC FACTS Flexibility Breakers U.S. DOE, “National Transmission Grid Study” (2002) DSR Storage 27 Battery Intelligence: AMPED Information Internal Temp Strain Potential


Physics models Optimization Degradation models Dynamic controls Load prediction Order red.

Reconfigurable Flexibility Cell power mgmt Cell thermal mgmt

Wireless bms

28 One Battery for Everything

29 One Intelligent Battery for Everything

‣Integrated sensors ‣Power conversion ‣Computation, control, and diagnostics ‣Wireless readout

30 One Intelligent Battery for Everything

31 Grounding the Flying Car

Dr. Liz Santori ARPA-E Fellow

March 4, 2014 Air travel for short-duration trips

Shorten travel times • Average speed: >100 mph vs. average city speed ~30 mph

Reduce idling and braking

Direct routes

Potential for safer travel • In a collision of 1,500 lb car vs. 15,000 lb truck, who wins?

30 mi

>1,200 ft

33 Move toward automation


Collision avoidance Sensing Fly-by-Wire

Communication Vehicle-to-vehicle communication Semi-autonomous Intelligent Controls

Autonomous vehicles Fully autonomous

34 ‘Flying ’ are cool… Would they consume much more energy?

Moller M400 Transition

Terrafugia TF-X Joby Monarch

35 Breakdown of losses

Rolling Accessories Losses Resistance 4% 22%

Inertia to Net DC Powertrain Wheels 47% 100% 64%

Regenerative Braking -38% Aerodynamic EPA city mpg ~ 105 Drag

65 mpg in heavy summer traffic

Nissan Leaf. Argonne National Laboratory

36 Current light aircraft

Sikorsky S-333™ • MPG ~ 5 • 2,460 lbs • 4 person Sikorsky

Cirrus SR22 • MPG ~ 16 • 3,600 lbs • 4 person Cirrus Aircraft

Camcopter® S-100 (UAV) • MPG ~ 8 • 441 lbs


37 Estimation of MPG for VTOL

30 mi

3,000 ft 1.2 kWh

C2 C = C + L D d p × AR×e s Losses from drag in cruise 1 F = rSC v2 D 2 D

Key assumptions: E = mgh Potential energy of aircraft 1100 lb aircraft ηEM = 92% ηbattery = 97% ηprop = 80%

38 Estimation of MPG

Cruise Lift over Drag (L/D) 3 8 14 28

22 ft 33 ft 22 ft 36 ft

Cruise power 80 kW 45 kW 28 kW 16 kW % mgh 5% 13% 20% 35% % weight 94% 38% 24% 15% battery

MPG 30 80 120 200

39 Thank You

Moderator/Panelist: Panelist: Jonathan Burbaum Ping Liu Program Director Program Director [PETRO, OPEN 2012] [RANGE, OPEN 2012]

PETRO vs. Petroleum: One Battery for Everything Opportunities for New Technologies

Panelist: Panelist: Ilan Gur Liz Santori Program Director ARPA-E Fellow [AMPED, OPEN 2012]

An Intelligent Electric Future Grounding the Flying Car

40 www.arpa-e.energy.gov