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Columbus Courier, 1911-1920 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-2-1916 Columbus Courier, 06-02-1916 The itM chell Co.

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Shall We Celebrate the Fourth? AS EDUCATIONAL AIDS' USED 5 1 question being asked Moving Are Delna Put to Z X This lan Picture ,sj - w vramvrn WPbTTn I Tt A Ifcl Cry Fletcher's very often. What uro wo going Extremely Practical ana Alf ir Children for Valusista U:s. to do about it? Shall we keep the people at home on that date and The growing adaptation of mov- bring others in or shall we lot ing pictures to social nnd educational everybody who can get away go is ilhifitrnteil by tlio films which to sotiio other town? tho Brooklyn llnp'id Transit Last year we were not very is sending out ns part of its l)KU(5S, STATiONHIiV, NOTIONS, WINDOW Miccohslul in drawing crowds, safety campaign. of (IUAMS, f!Af?0TJNH, POQKKT QUTLKItY but we nt least kept Tho first Mm. "The Price Tlio Kliul You Have Always Uouglit, nnl which has been Thoughtlessness," 1ms bud so good nn lu (or over 00 years, lias homo tho signature of people at home, and if we''can do AMMUNIT1ON10to. uo cITcct that n second, "The Cost of nnu nns oocn niauo unucr ins per-- no more this year we should CSSyi ! sonal upcrlMon Blnco Its Infancy. Carelessness," has just been pre- make it a big succoss from the c&tcUtt Allow no ono to deceive you In this. pared, fchowing wifely patrol ni All ( miiilci-fclts- . Imitations mill " nrc of good time. " hut standpoint a work nnd following children from experiments that trifle, with nncl endanger tho health of New Mexico infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Now that the the school to tlx1 playground, with stale militia is here a little cele- incidental encounters with trollev bration will bring largo mi tubers airs uinl automobiles on the way. What is CASTORIA of people hero from praoticully There is a real thriller for the Cnstor Oil, Pare- Cuslorln Is a harmless substitute lor of and the n trolley cur rum into goric, Drop ami Southing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It all parts tho state when recklessly-drive- n au- vniiUlua nt i Ik r Opium, Morphlno nor other Mareotla ichaneos tiro good for us to have nnd smashes a substance. U ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms one of the biggest celebrations tomobile, n "sluiit" which cot the Tor more than thirty years It .uul ntluj.i I'eeilshness. price of n second-han- d limousine mid has been In constant uso lor the relief of Constipation, here of any place in the entire rinttilcncy, "Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles mid southwest. considerable risk on the pnrt of the Dlnrrluva'. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, Other towns are malting chauffeur nnd the trollev conductor. AUICNT 1)U MAIIHU A nitOSH CUTLERY, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Some of our rural exchanges note Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. for a Glorious (UTNTIIKRS CANDIES and PRE Tho of moving pictures for teaching if we intend to celebrate the and geography and in prohibition nnd PAKE!) PAINT '' day in a fitting manner it Is time GENUINE ALWAYS other social campaigns. he time is CASTORIA to bogiu making our arrange-- ' Bears the Signature of coming nenrcr for the fulfillment of inents. The early bird catches Kdisons prophecy, that films would tbe worm you know, nnd if we yet bo used in the schools ns short begin planning and advertising cuts in teaching geography nnd his- srrj vzzaswA Kszassu aaaacwa faeuzva vzatm rj&4 iany it be much easier than to tory. The l tllms wait until a short time before the taught history us it runs, week Worth-Gal- day arrives, and then be dis by week, and from that to the incor- I FoA b raith apointed in the whole affair. poration of the movies as a recog- In Use For Over 30 Years nised adjunct to education the step is Of course it will take a lot of Lompany not long. Brooklyn Kitgle. Lumber The Kind You Have Always Bought money to pull off anything like 'an elaborteatlair for the people LOOKS THAT WAY heie now, but it won't, be expect- - ud of us. Our opinion is that the main tiling we should look after Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in is the eats, and probably t rangements can be made with the commanding officer in the The Spot Cash Store X camp to prepare a program and Km X If necessary we people in town X can otter some small prizes. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK X It will not be a losing proposi X tinn for the business men in: Koro Syrup 10 lbs. Special this Week 50c town, fur it will bring lots of VMBER Karo Syrup 5 lbs. 25c people here and it will hold hundred if dollars here tlmti 5c Matches, 2 boxes foi " " 5c would probably be spent in jollier town- - The proper tiling "Do you think he's going to give ' THE SPOT CASH STOI to do is to meet eiiri.v next n.o1'' her anything fur her birthday?" Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors, and git the business tin n ail to "1 guess so. He's still calling on gclhcr and let them decide the her." Mouldings, Cement, Lime, , miitter and ah other.-- can begin WHERE HEARINO CEA8ES. Plaster, Composition Roof- to make their plans accordingly Experiments have been miido ing a Specialty. j Vote for Prof. Doderer, tlie s lowing, it is sniil, tliiit a vilmilion f efficient edu eutor. of bound having an amplitude of less than one of n eeuti- - ('olitilliuiil fl o III 1'IIKU ll The Palace Market meter could still nIToct the sense of ed officers of the army be willed hearing. Such n vihrntinn would be o short that it would have to lie en- Willingham & Middleton, Props. 1 at a very early ditto to hike up' larged one hundied'times before the Columbus, Netf Medico f the matter of ways mil means. most powerful microscope could ren- Mis. R. P Johnston writing der it visible, ?iiiMisiii' that it j Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage your correspondent on the iiseeptihle of seen at all. Ai;eil part- ihject says in 'In refer iicl'snus, it is mi ill. il'i not hear luuh . Ijie.ited just nniK-Mt- tin- Ding Sl.irc j je ice to the .subject of our talk us ll0tcs which ure uti.lililr u voting pen- We tfant you busines and Mill giOe you f to aking Columbia, New M pie, and there is to vr the right prices ieo of international importance that babies hear mnudilili' tc in building a memorial' to tho-e- j ihoir elders. Lemmoh & Payne who died during the raid- - not only to the citizen but to the, HISTRIONIC WISDOM. brave soldi I'm who died in our !)i:.w.Kits In defense - I am enthused with Omnr Is your friend I.ushiiigtou the idia and am .lire all will! dill on the stage? agree that it behoves us as true Ileiny Xo; he gnu it up Inst GENERAL Aiii'-- i do so Month. MERCHANDISE icans to ' Columbus and. Western New I beleive the plan will mct--l Omar Ilivause why? willi the approval of everyone) Ileiny lie was recently married here at least I think it should, 'o the dnjighter of n wealthy sugui I know yon Phone us your orders for Fresh believe with ine on iliiu'er down South. I Mexico Townsite Company tins mutter Please cull in-- Omar Ah! I gee. Anothor ease ! ladles together to start Fruit, and anything in the grocery 'In' bull, our women can do this. jf sugar-cure- d limit. Also I wish tlv Civic League, . RARE Fn.NKNE8S. line. We can deliver the goods, PROMOTERS OF COLUMBUS mentioned in the Curior could be started also we need it. pu nriiK)0il to I Thanking you for your interest ToinVliu her upjiose sho said, 'h'his is m sud- CALL PHONE No. 16 ,and promised 1(,p in thuse mat. den !" ,teis. I am Sincerely (Signed) Mrs. R P .Johnston, May flOth. Dick Xo; she wnn honest nml We have located and sold una mid: "This susHiiise hn been - over 100,000 acres Columbus, -- :. New Mexioc of Lower MSmbres Valley lands. Know evoiy LAW AND INSURANCE DOINQ WELL. foot ot the vullcy and can secure for you the OFFICE Of ".Making progr tuwnrd getting j best burgnins. A few government claims yet to ie.iiaint(i with tluiw fasliionahl ii W. C. Hoover hiiji1 next door?" be had. ".lust u little. Their eat invited Columbus U. S. COMMISSIONER Hotel our oat over to a musical last night." I .. Buy your town lots from us and get them NOTAhf I'UHI.IC t I..... Under New Management first hand; best WELL NAMEO. j terms given purchasers. The drawing ol Dwl, Morl(us, CnntrucU ami all al l'ii'i' ft iflvrn imrllculur nttntim. Also "niwt'- - rather (iiarnlsiiie. nil in h I lers iii'Uilnlii U V. S. Mu'thoP C'omiiils'.loni'r iluthK. , j "QuttrnflBUtie? THE PLACE TO EAT ( tin wi'lu- your In the Why, ho' o mint Iwsl n ( miinnl. rolsnuie by nalua that oven his own 418 Roberti-Banne- r Bldg. Board by the Day HELLBERG & BLAIR, Utonieiih oontliet." Hoston Tran. or Month jj EL PASO, TEXAS , suript. Louii Hcllberg John R.Blair Vi. ii u ji l ii to prove up MORE INFORMATION WANTED. I Nice, Clean, Comfortable Rooms j ' fret uhtirgu, ... . J, W. Bu(K. Local Agent i'.ubtuit of also .., s . i. mi Hin wipirdiiig .same. Tmmp Kind sir. will vou nlwte II - i tie gin. to he rHVored with help mo in my extremity? Columbus, New 1 iexico s. i -- s iii uny laiiii (Jentleman-Wha- t's your iroui)iej,Tp , - wriur-ito- ion t UillUei Ii iiur, I' S a j D,fiK TruHMTIIlt. he Courier ror Job Printing l ',., imsslon, e i THE OOLUMBDS COURIER.

Y. M .C .A .Notei THE COLUMBUS COURIER, ANNOUNCEMENTS MISS BLAIR Tho Men's Christian Associa- Public I Villi .lied Ktfi- Kiidn Ir tion Hall was tilled tooverllowlnu iuu iku .lurtns tli cumin month, Stenographer primaries, will b rar- - Monday Inst to listen to WANT th YOU hrforr IF ' nrnwiatl nlht The Courier Publishing Company tM the announcement, of u who uh to .. OWciln Tofxtln BulUtnt Mrs. Mnry Harris Armor. Presi- mlt their Mum to th rottn l th prlmartea or at th general election h Noeember. ThU dent of Hid Gconrla W. C T. U. will of court iieeosaltal the us of Ihea ' ii. E. PARKS. Editor advertising columns for oi months, and on One Phase of Prcpardncss." Mats at th rnrular rati will b worth nil that la . This Hpoalcor is endowed with asked for th srl.-- which will be a follows l Dr. T. H. DABNEY .ntereil lit tln I'oitollloe ut I'nlumbu Far all district effieea. I1S.M. sparkling; 'xjrsonnllty, und sho 111.(1 I'ar all Cuntj Offleea. swept her audience nlonu on tho Shoes .Mill- - PHYSICIAN tin Mull as Siwml I'Iuhh Mull ,hl, Bdut. thcr than a brief nolle written ot her convincing nrfru- - I.v ihe r.lll..r. the candidate or a friend mar wIiiks writ more etteHavive notice, which will be ment against driulc charged for at th rat of ten cents a lln. Underwear Subscription Rates II political advertUInc, rain tmut ac St'L'imtl Door North Mrs. Armor is widely known company order. ( for .M jkt jettr lit tulvmu'tf. - 'i iihiintni t)rii(f I'n. through the Uulted States ,.ur ' ni- fili- successful vvorlc for temper I'li.l i. :in'. SHERIFF hur Dry Goods al iiitmtlia in luWumt'. anmiune myself aa a candidate for the ance. She is good and she is nomination for the otftc of Sheriff of Luna County. subject to the action of the Columbus, New Mexico interesting tt combi nation which AdOo-ti'in- g Rates Pemoeratte Primaries Tueaday. June . Il. never fulls to appeal to the W. C. SIMPSON. Gents Furnishings wi' klnifii' oiiinm Inoli, ftioli of men, itiul it is prob aa the , man. I.' liirlp column mraelf a candidate for iv. tKi nomination for the office of Sheriff of able that in her wltlo experience iwill-n"- ' !!' iVMlt Luna Count), subject to the action of the FOR of tiliitforiii appeal this culti- - 'I I UK- t'HCll ItVI .(!.. Democratic I'rlmaric Tueadar. June . Ladies Furnishings W. HYATT.ll. woman JOHN Custom Broker vatetl und enthusiastic orator hits never eome before u Carranza again ordered! COUNTY TltKABUKKK . Real Estate I announr myaelf a a candidal for the higher grade audience than that -- GO TO Uncle t withdraw the nomination for the office of Treasurer of Commission Deal Y. M. V. A. Sni Luna County, (abject lo the action of th consisting, in the tiiun Mexico, and from Democratic Primaries Tuesday, June , Notary Public Hall, uhnoht entirely of Multlier. trains CIIAS. U IIU1IIIAHD.ll. .ill rcputt he is making no cf-l- For the soldiers now gathered I announce myself aa a candidate for th SEE at this Army Base are repre- - t whatever to capture the nomination for the office of Treasurer of M of oore Oaunly. subject to th action the oore Luna seiituilveh of the cities as well bandit who have invaded Democratic Prlmarlc TueiHlar, June . 101. B. M. REED C.Ktmr.K P. WATKINS. as the open spaces of the coun- United and murder liic States try, and alley are itiielt and up ed American citizens. The announce nuself aa a candidate for the nomination for th office of Treasurer of preciative of things that J. A. tibjcct to of the MOORE first chiefs main idea in our t.una Count), the action high ntitl tine. Their whole lives IMncrallr Piimarie. Tuesday. June , 1I6. R.W.ELLIOTT opinion is to save himself for W. J. 11KIIRY. are enlisted for duty, anil it was WELL DRILLER Power of Att'y if he was to sanction the pres- aniUHinre mraelf aa a candidate for lh particularly lilting that the nominal kn for the office of Treasurer of l Y. M. C. A. should erect a build- ence of the American troops i.uu l .nil, I). .object In me action ot tn Heirs Di llletl Ant Democratic Prlniarlr-- . Tuesday, June 6. 1916. Ant Depth ing for their coin fort, where in Mexico it would mean EDGAR IlEl'I'. wilting materialr.. buol ana political suicide. He is sim- STANDARD RiG COUNTY :LunK in u hie cun be found all hours. I announce myaelf aa a candidate for the at ply playing his hand as the nomination for the office of County Clerk of Kitiniaif t 'IiimtIiiII Kuniiiln'il Mr. Nye Secretary in charge Luna County, subject to the action of the Mexican public demand and Democratic I'rlmarlea Tuesday. June 6, 1916. of the Y. M. ('. A. Hall hits re- when he refuses to play bis CIIAS. It. IIUG1IB8. Columbus, New Mexico ceived new magazines for the Confidence position is lost. Another man AHSKSSOIt use of the soldiers' reading mraelf aa a candidate for the room, and remembering the will become the dictator nomination for the office of Assessor of Inn. rVuinte uhleet to the action of tha Dep of Health comfort of reading mutter for mavbc Obretfnil. tinssilllv Vlllil. itm.Hiailr Primaries Tueeday. June , artment JOS. A. STUMP.ll. tuesifu, the books whit-l- i have Give Villa the means to equip served to amuse Columbus COUNTY COMMISSIONER and Sanitation the is a most iinMrtunt factor in tie-- ' securing and feed an army and he will myaelf aa a candidate for the past few weelcs were bundled up muy need nomination for th nffir ot County r of credit. Your business not have the largest in Mexico in- from the second district, Luna County, and sent by Mr N.eon the last aecomiidation today. Tomorrow a little subject of pri- - Conducted By N. F. .Chapman.of to the action the IVmncralic outgoing truck train for Niuni-quip- side of thirty days. He is the marie. Tuda, June 6. 1916. alii may ho a great advantage Oimmi an Mjndut, N. M., In- man who appeals to the musses HtA.TK I.. NOltDIIAUS. ami other x,ints were tint account today. spector oi btate nf Arkanut sick soldiers will enjoy them. and in our opinion is the I announce myself a a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Commia- - KANSAS MOTHER'S LETTERS will be an acceptable service on strongest man in Mexico to 'hmer from the second tliatrict, I.una County. ubject to the action of the Democratic pri- Good times are coming for the the rt of resident lo save all day. The army base of the U. maries Tuemlay, June 6. t9!6. will their magazines tor the reading JOHN 1IUND. Kansas baby. No longer it S. troops has been drawn hack come into the world ill nourished soldiers. hereby announce my candidacy for and weary, unnblc to catch up with Columbus Batik and also the grad tyf county State troops are for the office commi. the best of the race in physical per- aloner. from Ihe first district, Luna County. was Prof Ui tlerer will maiiiigi1 the Columbus, New Mexico ualiv being pulled towaid tin. uu,eil lo toe oi tliv DilnticiallL fection. The announcement cele- Tuesday. June 6, 1916. made in connection with the school business satisfactorily. OHKHM-- Horns: 11:00 to '2, a. in. I .th) to l.tXi p. m border. This movement start- Very rcspectfullr. bration of "Baby Week." Vole for linn. ed immediately after the inci II. II. DISIICP. Not that the Kansas baby hasn't I myself good a as Missouri dent Major Tomp- announit as a candidate for the as chance the at Parral. nomination for th offlc of County Commis- New York baby, or California or Books For kins withdrew his commund sioner from Ihe third district, Luna County, perhaps better. But Kansas is to Diitribution to subjsct to the action ot th Democratic a confidential mother's re- avoid, if possible, a clash with Tuesday. June 6. 1916. have , I JAMBS W.'S. gistry a secret list of all the I aiii sending you a copy of the the Carranzistas. This the mothers and prospective mothers the of Kansas. To each one of these "Kinitl Ueport of the Coniinls re-- nomination for th office of county commu. large majority or Mexicans mail- on , , sloner from the first district. Luna Counly, names and addresses will be sinn Industrial Keliitions," garaea as defeat fo the f the Democratic prt- - ed week by week letters of instruc- which trust comes to your C. 1916. tion. Americans. They HYATT. hands 1 arc now JOHN J. This idea is original with Dr. sale believe you will slowly following up our COUNTY OF Lydia Allen Devilblss, special com- tinditu interesting ilne.u O troops. 8UPEHINTEMIKNT SCHOOIJt R D I myself F According to icfugecs from niinounrr as a candidate for the missioner of child hygiene in Kan- ineiil unci mi doubt theie ure THE nomination for Ih otfic of sas, in whose office in Topeka a UNIVERSAL CAR of of Luna County, subject the ac- MMxinis in ., tv Mfx,,.,, Mexico the people believe tin to good many plans have been hatch- tion of the Democratic primaries, Tuesday. Who Wtilllil lilii- ti copy, June 6. 1916. ed for the betterment of Kansas ba- jjei Ford sevicc for is troops arc being driven out and I Ford owners JOHN 8. WltlGHT bies and Kansas mothers. Her suggest i hut you gi v. it smile they beliiue that when they get Jatest plan is a kind correspond- worthwhile. Fifty-on- e I announce myself as a randidale for lh of mention in vmir iMper culling Ford nomination for the office of Suerlntemlent ence school for prospective moth- brandies; 8,500 to the border they will occupy attention to the tlmt I will over agents all of .Schools of Luna Count), subject to the ac- ers. She contends that every pros- lad El Paso, the largest city in the tion of the Democratic primaries, Tuesday, pective mother is already a mother, be glntl in tiriii-.l- i cn;iics through the country, each with a June 6. 1916. be United States, in their estima- J. 1. DODF.UKU. and must cared for accordingly. the supply is exhausted. complete stock of Ford parts and Mental and physical hygiene, re- I Of wish yon would give further supplies on hand. No delays, tion. course their leaders I announce myself as a candidal for th lating especially to this aspect of no Superintendent mention to the Agricultural Year know better but they have lit- nomination for th office of motherhood will be treated in the holding up for days to get parts, of sMkniIs of Luna County, subject to the tc Hook llil.Y This publication ion of primaries, Tuesday, first letters. Subsequent instruc- is tle coiitrol over their men, in ihe tcmocratic to but prompt, reliable service at a !un 6. Ii.. tion will pertain preparation replete with intoriuiition lor the fact there is hardly such a HtANK F. N1CKKLU for the baby's reception and the fai ami low fixed cost. Runabout $390; supplies necessary for mother and uier stockman und should Hung in their urrny as discipi I announce my candidacy for th offlc nf child. be in the Mssession of every Touring Car $440; Coupclet County Superintendent of Schools, Luna Coun- line. They have no icspect ty, subject to the action of th Democratic prl The care of the new born will be one engaged n these occupu $590; Town Car $640, Sedan marles. to be held June (th. taken, up in detail, with due atten lions. 1 have t neurly u thousand $740. f. b'. t. ir Americans and should the MItS. ALICE SMITH. tion to those precautions that will All prices o. copic lelt and will be t.oopsb: .vithdrawn conditions prevent danger of blindness, or of ulad to till On sale at COUNTY SURVEYOR other misfortunes. every call until they uie gone tllC O.jrder Will be Worse I hereby announce myself as a .i.onj candidate The fifth letter will take up the Senator Fall unci Hon. U. (J. ..ill 'or th offid of County Surveyor. Luna . habits of the baby, how to start iall 'VCr before. It Will be subject U, th action of Ihe Demo. Hernuiidez likewise will he ghid 'lc Primaries, to be held June 6th. Illl, him out with good ones, like sleep ?".iici(.c then toi Americans to very reapectfuiir. and quiet, growth and natural de to furnish copies, us also copies U M. CAUL. Evans L.iter Mexico. We arc not in velopment. of the report of the (.'oniinission Garage of Doctor Devilblss reeards 'the on lml list rial Relations. l.ivor war. But thcic is a DISTItlCT ATTORNEY feeding letter as among the most I hereby announc that I am a candidate Yours very truly, limit to irdtiiiHic. Revolu- 'or the nomination by the Democratic party Important. She gives a diet for the after or th Math Judical District, for the office nursing mother, sound tips on T H C'ATKON tion uvoltt ion has been f District or I'nswrutinK Attorney. This weaning and a great deal of sound nomination oas made heretofore by deleyatea Lmnchrd. Whrn is ended advice on that bugbear of mod- one 'row eswh of the nouMles assembled In con. the In th. Probsts Court of th f rmlion, ern infant bottle feeding. I'XMJ -- l iistj C.u'r If t and orosumt that th fame method The SAI.K on school ""i oi new mxt i!av anoiiici appears, lll off nuru.l aialn. faeh precinct In modification of milk for the babv In mi whole ADMINISTRATRIX'm? taOTICK acii ssHinly beimr st'Oliim, the best T luv-- be- entitled to repreaenUlion who is weak and the baby who is In tha matur of tha EaUU of William itioiis aJuallv in iiroswrtHHi tu the of number Democratic strong and the baby who is cattle iroMiMtioi! in the whole iilictile. ilrrtasad. "IT "nr"1 i variable Nutloa la Iwnby unoersla-aa- worse and wmse, with nolt,r i! '"'on. be, is lower Miuibres Valley ulr.n that tha and shouldn't a subject re Plent, Iur O. Illtchla. u, on the llh oar of MM PTOSneCtS : friends, aho. the suHort of new quiring A I). dulr appoints.! i " tor linurovriminl. careful explanation. ol shallow water uti In lll, admlnl.tralrli , . . are inrited lo In- - th ratato of William A rMtMr But the Kansas baby is not go- ( T. Kluhi. drreasl. Mtairs in Mexico will never r w.i a. a lawyer in nw m.ico '"re it the 'uui-ie- nthce It paratMia ha v Ins; sjainu acalnsl said ratata . . ''or""'Ihe liksl fly ing tl escape from Doctor Devil- .. tntr years, and cap. rrqulrrd to prraent th duly rrUI' i m toy smr lie battel until c intervene, '" iuaiiricationa this office. blss' arms when he is merely within un jrrar fmm tha of said JAMHB 8. datr ... FIHI.DHK. healthy and well fed. She sees Notice to all Concerned th, gm, lowtsl by law for t War is inevitable. We may . - - him through his teething- advises of raid laUna, ed if not o l" antnl and filrd tho claim will Im UrrrJ al stay it off be his mother as to kind On d aftiM- E. J. FULTON six If ,hc editor of a the of clothe) ai J nut' 1st. on ac virtu, of th atatut In maJ aa certtrn he should wear, kind aurh com months, possibly longer, but the of air M.nut of hiiling health I have Well Driller promard. All prrtona Indebted lo said rsU it daily newspaper, which is pi ho should breathe, when r to settl with th and and t,,e Any Size Any Depth undril just