Goodooga Central School Doyle Street Goodooga NSW 2838

Friday 23rd November 2018 Commencing at 10.00am

1 2 The Council of the SHIRE OF BREWARRINA

All communications to be addressed to the General Manager SHIRE OFFICE 57 Bathurst Street BREWARRINA NSW 2839 PO Box 125 BREWARRINA NSW 2839 Telephone: (02 6830 5100 Fax: (02) 6839 2100 Email: [email protected]


NOTICE OF ORDINARY MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that an ORDINARY MEETING of the Council of Brewarrina will be held on Friday 23rd November 2018 at the Goodooga Central School commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the following business.

1. Opening Prayer & Acknowledgement of Country

2. Present

3. Apologies / Leave of Absence

4. Declaration of Interest Page 5

5. Confirmation of Minutes Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 26th October 2018 Page 7

6. Business Arising

7. Status Report- Council Resolution and Actions Page 19

8. Councillor Request Status Report Page 37

9. Reports from Advisory Committees • Minutes of the HR Professional Group Page 39

10. Mayoral Minute Nil

11. Notice of Motion Nil

12. Request to Address Council in a Public Forum • Emma Bradbury - from the Murray Darling Association is presenting to Council to provide an update on the current operations within the Murray Darling Association. Emma will be presenting at 11am.

13. Petition if tabled


3 Page 45 1. Draft Annual Report 2018 2. Monthly Financial Reports Page 47 3. Acting General Manager Page 49 4. Lotto Franchise Page 51 5. Human Resources Harmonisation Policies Page 81 6. Staff Recognition Policy Page 123 7. Council Road Register Page 129 8. Weeds Policy Page 135 9. Human Resources – CIP Workbook benchmarking Page 147 10. Quarterly Budget Review Statement- 1st Quarter 2018/2019 Page 161

INFORMATION REPORTS – ITEM 1 a. General Manager / Mayor Page 165 b. Roads Page 171 c. Utilities Page 173 d. Plant Page 175 e. Childcare Page 179 f. Environment, Health & Building Page 181 g. Library Page 185 h. Human Services Page 187 i. Tourism Page 189 j. Human Resources Page 195 k. Youth Page 199 l. Property & WHS Page 203 m. Community Services Manager Page 207

15. Correspondence for Action Nil

16. Correspondence for Information • Tim Reardon – NSW Government Premier and Cabinet Page 213 • Tenterfield Council Waste to Energy (W2E) Feasibility Study Outline Page 215 • Kevin Humphries – Member for Barwon Page 233 • Annie Downes – Goodooga Principal Page 235 • Betty Anne Smith – Goodooga School Student Page 236 • Kallum Powell- Goodooga School Student Page 237 • Jazmine Skuthorpe- Goodooga School Student Page 238 • Kayne Goodooga School Student Page 239 • Kiyesha- Goodooga School Student Page 240 • Mooreearna – Goodooga School Student Page 241 • Ruby Hooper – Goodooga School Student Page 242 17. Late Reports • Presentation of Audited Financial Statements • CONFD 3 Loader 18. Closed Session - Items • October Plant Committee Minutes Page 243 • CONFD 1 Tractor Page 249 • CONFD 2 Local Heritage Grant Page 251 19. Questions with Notice (For next meeting or email response before next meeting) Delegations: Nil Jeff Sowiak General Manager That the disclosures of interest be presented.

4 The Council of the SHIRE OF BREWARRINA

All communications to be addressed to the General Manager SHIRE OFFICE 57 Bathurst Street BREWARRINA NSW 2839 PO Box 125 BREWARRINA NSW 2839 Telephone: (02 6830 5100 Fax: (02) 6839 2100 Email: [email protected]


Meeting Date: ......

Item Number: ......




I, ...... declare the following interest:

 Pecuniary: Must leave Chamber; take no part in the discussion and voting.

 Non-Pecuniary - Significant Conflict: Recommended that affected person leaves Chamber, takes no part in discussion and voting.

 Non-Pecuniary - Insignificant Conflict: Affected person may choose to remain in Chamber and participate in discussion and voting.

For the reason that:



Signed: ...... Date: ...... (Definitions are provided on the next page)

5 Meeting commenced at 10.00 am



General Manager Jeff SOWIAK Executive Assistant Belinda LOUGHNAN


194/18 RESOLVED on MOTION of Councillor Loughnan seconded by Councillor Stanton that Council grant a leave of absence for Councillor Chapman for the 26TH October 2018 Ordinary Business Meeting.

The MOTION upon being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

Request To Address Council In A Public Forum

Declaration Of Pecuniary Or Non-Pecuniary Conflict Of Interest NIL

6 Confirmation of Minutes

Confirmation of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Wednesday 26th September 2018

195/18 RESOLVED on MOTION of Councillor Pippos seconded by Councillor Jeffries that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 26th September 2018 covered by resolutions 169/18 to 193/18 action request be adopted.

Status Report

196/18 RESOLVED on MOTION of Councillor Jeffries seconded by Councillor Pippos that the Status Report be received as information.

The MOTION upon being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

Councillor Action Request • NIL

Reports from Advisory Committees • NIL

Mayoral Minute


Notice of Rescission Motion


Notice of Motion


7 Request to Address Council in a Public Forum NIL

Petition if tabled NIL

Reports of the General Manager


The purpose of this report is to meet Council’s statutory obligation to table the annual returns of pecuniary interest required to be disclosed by Councillors and designated officers.


That Council receive the Annual Returns of Interest as information.

197/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Slack-Smith seconded by Councillor Pippos that Council receive the Annual Returns of Interest as information.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is to present the reconciliation of Council’s cash book and bank statement as at 30 September 2018. The presentation of this information is not a requirement of any Act, however it has been provided historically for the information of Councillors.


That: 1. The bank reconciliation report be received as information. 2. The Certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer for compliance with the Investment Policy and the Ministerial Investment Order dated 28 April 2017 be received and noted.

198/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Jeffries seconded by Councillor Wheatley That Council receives:

1. The bank reconciliation report. 2. The Certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer for compliance with the Investment Policy and the Ministerial Investment Order dated 28 April 2017 be received and noted.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is for Council to determine its committee membership and elects its delegates.


That Council determines its committee membership and elects its delegates.

Committee Proposed Staff Proposed Councillor Delegate Councillor Delegate 18/19 Delegates Roads and Maritime Transport Two Councillors Cr O’Connor Services Regional Manager Cr Jeffries Consultative Cr Wheatley Committee (Alternate)

Traffic Committee Transport One Councillor Cr O’Connor Manager (Council has only Cr Loughnan one vote) Murray Darling General Mayor and one Cr O’Connor Association Manager Councillor Cr Loughnan

Big Sky Library General Councillor or Cr Pippos Manager or Alternate delegate Western Regional General One Councillor Cr Loughnan Weeds Committee Manager & Delegate GM or delegate Mayor and two Cr O’Connor Aged Care Councillors Cr Pippos Cr Brown (Alternate) Brewarrina General General Three Councillors Cr Wheatley Cemetery Committee Manager Cr Brown Cr Slack-Smith (Alternate)

Water Users General One Councillor Cr O’Connor Manager Cr Loughnan

9 Tourism & Cultural General Two Councillors Cr O’Connor Committee Manager/ Cr Jeffries Tourism Officer Cr Pippos Cr Slack-Smith

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Pippos seconded by Councillor Loughnan 199/18 That Council approve the elected delegates for the various council committees, as detailed in the table above.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is to present Council’s Annual Financial Reports, including the Audit report to the public.


That Council;

1. Receive the auditor’s presentation to Council from Gary Mottau of Hill Rogers.

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Stanton seconded by Councillor Wheatley 200/18 That Council; Receive the auditor’s presentation to Council from Gary Mottau of Hill Rogers.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

Note: This item was deferred until 11:00am when the auditors were available to speak to Council via teleconference, however due to technical issues Council did not address this issue until 11:30am.

Finance and Administration Manager Ang Rai joined the meeting at 11:00am to speak on this item.


The purpose of this report is for Council to endorse membership of the rebadged Lower Macquarie water Users Alliance.


That Council endorse the membership of the Orana Water Utilities Alliance.

10 201/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Loughnan seconded by Councillor Jeffries That Council endorse the membership of the Orana Water Utilities Alliance.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is to consider an offer to purchase 26 Bathurst Street Brewarrina for future community use.


That Council advise Property NSW that they would not be interested in purchasing 26 Bathurst Street Brewarrina at valuation, for community purposes.

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Pippos seconded by Councillor Brown, That 202/18 Council advise Property NSW that they would not be interested in purchasing 26 Bathurst Street Brewarrina at valuation, for community purposes.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is for Council to determine the closing date of Brewarrina Shire Council over the Christmas / New Year holiday period.


That Council:

1. Council endorse the granting to Indoor staff Concessional Leave Days for the Christmas and New Year 2018/2019 closure period; and 2. The closure of Council Offices to the public from 1:00 pm Monday 24th December 2018 to 8.30 am Wednesday 2 January 2019.

203/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by Councillor Loughnan that Council:

1. Endorse the Concessional Leave Days for indoor staff over the Christmas and New Year 2018/2019 closure period; and 2. Close the Council Offices to the public from 1:00 pm Monday 24th of December 2018 to 8.30 am Wednesday 2nd January 2019.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is for Council to resolve to apply for funding under the Federal Governments Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Projects Stream Round Three.


That Council resolve:

• To apply for funding under the Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Project Stream Round 3 for Main Street Beautification works. • That Council allocate $250,000 from Infrastructure Reserves as a cash contribution for the Main Street Beautification project.

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Slack-Smith seconded by Councillor Jeffries 204/18 That Council resolve: • To apply for the funding under the Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Project Stream Round 3 for Main Street Beautification works. • To allocate $250,000 from Infrastructure Reserves as a cash contribution for the Main Street Beautification project. • Consider the options for the beautification of Goodooga as well other Villages with in the Brewarrina Shire.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.




1. The Rate pegging report is received as information. 2. That Council apply the maximum allowable percentage increase of 2.7% to its General Rate Income for the 2019/20 rating year.

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by Councillor Loughnan 205/18 That:

1. The Rate pegging report is received as information. 2. That Council apply the maximum allowable percentage increase of 2.7% to its General Rate Income for the 2019/20 rating year.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with a list of potential projects and determine priorities for eligible works to be completed under the drought communities program based on best estimates of cost and concepts.


That Council receive the report and endorse the priorities for funding as recommended under the Drought Communities Program $1m grant.

206/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Wheatley seconded by Councillor Loughnan That Council receive the report and endorse the following projects for the Drought Communities Program $1m grant.

1. Goodooga Sporting Amenities 2. Brewarrina LGA Grid Replacement 3. Culgoa Sports Club Amenities Upgrade 4. Brewarrina Community Hall 5. Walgett Rest Stops 6. Brewarrina Youth Centre

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

13 Information Reports a) General Manager b) Roads c) Utilities d) Plant e) Childcare f) Environment, Health & Building g) Human Services h) Tourism i) Human Resources j) Youth k) Property & WHS 207/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Wheatley seconded by Councillor Loughnan that the information reports be received and noted.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

Correspondence for Action


Correspondence for Information

208/18 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Jeffries and seconded by Councillor Wheatley that the following correspondence be received and noted. • Parliament of , • The Hon Michael McCormack, • The Hon Niall Blair MLC, • The Hon. Jon Barilaro • Mayor of Bourke Barry Hollman.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

Late Reports


14 Closed Session

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Wheatly and seconded by Councillor Slack- 209/18 Smith that Council move to close the meeting to the public as per section of the Local Government Act 1993: 1. 10A(2)(a) Personal Matters concerning particular individuals( other than Councillors) 2. 10A(2)(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer 3. Section 10A(2)(d) of the Local Government Act 1993, commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed: (i) May prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; (ii) Confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council, or; (iii) Reveal a trade secret

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

The meeting moved into closed session at 11:04am

RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Pippos seconded by Councillor Wheatley that Council move into open session.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

The Meeting moved into open session at 11:14am

Opened Session

The Mayor reported back to the open session of the Council meeting that the following resolutions were moved in closed session.


210/18 RESOLVED on the MOTION by Councillor Pippos and seconded by Councillor Loughnan that Council does not accept any tenders for solar generation. Instead calls for tenders for the construction of the carport at the rear of Council Chambers.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

15 Questions With Notice


Question: Can the Council tidy up the levy banks coming into town?

Answer: GM advised ongoing project.


Question: Absent



Question: NIL Answer:


Question: • The Solar on the pathway from Brewarrina to West Brewarrina two are not broken when will they be fixed. • Can we tidy up the entrance to the town? • Can there be an update where we are up to with the Goodooga Bore Baths and the Pontoon at the boat ramp. • When will there be bitumen on Bridge Road, behind the levy banks.

Answer: Gm Advised ; In progress, plan being reviewed, quotations tenders for bore baths November/December, Pontoon Development application approved and pontoon will be installed November, Under consideration with budget.


Question: NIL



Question: Cycle and Walk way grant Funding that is coming out, will we apply? Answer: GM advised application submitted.


Question: Have Council received letters from the Children of the Goodooga Public School about upgrading their park in the town ship of Goodooga.

16 Answer: Letters had not arrived in time for this Council meeting discussed at November in Goodooga.





Question: What is happening with the water system and resurfacing of Geoff New Oval. Is it possible when the pontoon goes in at the boat ramp, can we make a walk way from the weir to the pontoon?

Answer: GM Noted.

The next Ordinary Meeting of the Council will be held on 23rd November 2018 at Goodooga.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45am

………………………………… MAYOR

17 Status Report: Council Resolutions and tasks to be finalised.

Res. Officer Info Action Taken No: Action

28 July Ordinary Council Meeting 2017 150/17 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Wheatley seconded by 2/11/2018 Completed. Councillor Chapman That Council encourage the 16/10/2018 Report to October Council Meeting development of solar power generation initiatives within the 17/9/2018 Tenders for installation for solar installations Shire. water and office received see report. 18/7/2018 – Contacted Kenjarhy Solar (Brad Draper) who advised he was unable to obtain information from The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared essential energy on location and size of transformers CARRIED. and higher voltage lines. Said he will follow up again. In meantime Company will be invited with others to tender for solar installations. Tender specification in progress. 12/06/2018 – Energy Management Solutions identified three sites for solar generation and funds allocated in budget 2018/2019. 17/04/2018 – awaiting a response from Brad Draper to when the presentation will take place. 12/03/2018 – awaiting a response from Brad Draper to when the presentation will take place. 13/02/2018 – Presentation to Council from Brad Draper on Friday 23 February 2018. 14/11/2017 – In progress- town meeting on the 25 November 2017 at the Community Centre at 12pm 16/10/2017 – Ongoing 12/09/2017 in progress 27 October Ordinary Council Meeting 2017 193/17 GM/TM RESOLVED on MOTION of Councillor Loughnan seconded by 2/11/2018 Program Completed new program funding Councillor Pippos that Council sought. Endorse the revised methodology for implementation of the 16/10/2018 Still in negotiation drought Communities Road Safety Grid Program and authorise 12/09/2018- GM in negotiation with Commonwealth Government to reallocate the unspent grant funding from the following payments: the airport project ($130,000.00) to do additional grid

18 a. For Replacement Grids : work, subject to the review from the approval from State Government. This may extend completion date till late The grids that have been purchased by Council will be offered October. to landowners free of charge. The landowner is required to meet 13/8/2018 Ongoing, the project is expected to finish the end of September 2018. the cost of installing the grid, in accordance with Council 22/6/2018 Ongoing see Info report to Council on specifications, with the Council reimbursing the reasonable progress. Issue with Grids on Old Mission Road yet to be cost estimated to be in the order of $3,000 from the grant, resolved. following installation. 12/03/2018 – Transport Manager to provide update on numbers of grids - 5 Narran Lake Road. b. Where the Grid are to be removed and roads fenced; 13/02/2018 – Revised letter sent to land owners offering The landowner is responsible for the removal of the grid and “no out of pocket costs” for the installation of grids. restoration of the road surface. The landowner is also 14/11/2017 – In Progress responsible for any fencing required to be undertaken. All work must be undertaken in accordance with Council requirements including width of fencing, road materials and compaction etc. The salvaged grid, if reusable, is to be delivered to the Council depot for reuse as applicable. Council will reimburse the reasonable cost of this work from the grant, estimated to be in the order of $8,000 per grid. c. Where repairs are required :

Council will identify work required and either engage a contractor or reimburse the reasonable cost to the landowner estimated to be in the order of $2,000. d. Double Grids;

Where the grid to be replaced is a double grid then the contributions are also doubled. e. Other incidental works:

The General Manager be granted authority to negotiate arrangements or variations for other work that may be incidental to the grid replacement program on a case by case

19 basis.

f. Consequential Changes to Policy:

Priority for grid replacement, removal or repair will be based on road safety considerations and the methodology as adopted will be incorporated in the grid policy in so far as it applies for the duration of the Drought Communities Program funding. Thereafter the grid policy and contributions as applicable will apply.

The MOTION upon being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED. 197/17 UM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Stanton seconded by 12/11/2018- Awaiting to hear back from Crown Lands. Councillor Wheatley that Council resolve to: Seek consent 16/10/2018- Land council undertaking survey from the Brewarrina Aboriginal Land Council, the Common 13/08/2018 Land Council has sent letter of support to Trustees and the Minister for Industry, lands and Forestry for Council. 18/7/2018 Approval from BALC received. Need to survey the compulsory acquisition of land on the Brewarrina to define area and initiate process for compulsory Common, as indicated on the attached “Plan A”, subject to acquisition. any minor amendments as required, for the purposes of 22/6/218 Council has received positive support from establishing clear title to such land, for current and future BALC awaiting letter. No response from Common Council purposes and authorise the execution of any Committee. necessary documents, the publication of notices, completion 17/04/2018 – No further progress of land survey and obtaining legal advice in relation thereto. 12/03/2018 – No further progress 13/02/2017 – Follow up letters have been sent and follow The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared up enquires made. CARRIED. 14/11/2017 – In progress. Letters have been sent to the listed parties. 204/17 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by 12/11/2018- Not required at this stage Councillor Loughnan that Council resolve: 16/10/2018 - Not required at this stage To receive the Barwon Darling Advisory Group Representation 22/6/2018 – Not required at this stage. report as information and allocate the amount of $5000 and 17/04/2018 – In progress 12/03/2018 – In progress invite Mr Fessey to attend the November Council meeting in 13/02/2018 – Negotiations for new groups still are Goodooga to discuss how the issues of the Barwon Darling continuing. Advisory Group can be handled more appropriately. 14/11/2017 - In Progress.

20 Mr Fessey to address the November Council meeting in The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared Goodooga. CARRIED.

209/17 TM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Loughnan seconded 12/11/2018-Still awaiting the funds. by Councillor Pippos that Council accepts the offer of 16/10/2018- Local member advised that additional funds funding from the Federal Government – Bridge Renewal will be released to match Federal funding. Program Round Three – for the: 17/9/2018 Commonwealth announced additional $5m in • matching grant funds. Birrie Bridge Replacement for funding up to 12/09/2018 - Awaiting Confirmation from the State $2,109,175; Government. Results are expected November 2018. • Muckerawa and Dumble Bridges replacement on the 13/08/2018 – Ongoing Goodooga Rd for funding up to $1,701,792 22/6/2018 – Awaiting matching funding from State • That Council authorise the General Manager to send Government, discussed with Minister Pavey Meeting in a funding confirmation letter to the Department of May 2018. Infrastructure and Regional Development stating 17/04/2018 – In progress. that: 12/03/2018 – No further progress, awaiting confirmation • from the state government, letter for deputy premier “Brewarrina Shire Council advises that the State seeking meeting to discuss Goodooga road funding. Government funding that forms part of the project is 13/02/2018 – Nothing further to report. currently not confirmed” 14/11/2017 – Council was required to accept the grant on the basis of matching the contribution dollar for dollar. The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared However if no State funding is received Council can CARRIED. withdraw from the programme without any penalty. 24 November Ordinary Council Meeting 2017 224/17 TM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by 16/10/2018- Still Ongoing. 12/09/2018 –Federal MP Mark Coulton announced on Councillor Loughnan that Council resolve to: Subject to rd receiving the funding from the NSW State Government for the 3 of September 2018 the Brewarrina Shire Council the Goodooga Rd upgrade project, that Council authorise the has been successful in securing $ 5 million dollars of funding from round 6 (Heavy Vehicle Safety and General Manager to make the following allocations in the Productivity Improvements). 2018-19 Budget: 13/08/2018 – Design has been completed, the business - To hire 8.5 staff for the Goodooga project; case is now in its final stages. - To hire 1 additional full time mechanic 18/7/2018 Survey of road completed now finalising - To allocate $1,850,000 for the purchase of the following design for review of business case. plants required for the project: 22/6/2018 – Meeting with Minister Pavey 16th May. Funds are committed issue is with ISNSW waiting on 1 x Road Grader revised costing, survey and business case to be

21 2 x Padfoot Roller completed. 1 x Smooth Drum Roller 17/04/2018 – Meeting with Alistair Lunn - GM to report 1 x Multi Wheel Roller 12/03/2018 - Ongoing 2 x Utility Ute 13/02/2018 – Follow up emails, phone calls and correspondence to the minister’s office 2 x Road Train – Water Cart 7/12/2017 - Councillors and GM met with Local Member 4 x 150,000 Litre Water Tanks and Ministerial Advisers and progressed this issue and the funding for the design. The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED. 225/17 UM Resolved on MOTION by Councillor Pippos seconded by 16/10/2018- In Progress. Councillor Loughnan That Council resolve to apply for grant 13/08/2018- In Progress 18/7/2018 Risk assessments being undertaken and must funding for the following projects under the NSW Safe and th Secure grant funding program in order of priority; be lodged by 7 August. 22/6/2018 – Applications in progress. 1. Replacement of Brewarrina raw water reticulation. 17/04/2018 - In progress. 2. Change Goodooga Water Supply over to a single 12/03/2018 - In progress. supply 13/02/2018 - In progress. 3. Upgrade of Brewarrina River Pumping Station. 7/12/2017 - In progress. 4. Relining of Brewarrina Sewer Reticulation

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

23 February Ordinary Council Meeting 2018 23/18 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by 2/11/2018 Completed no further action. Councillor Pippos That Council receive the report from EMS 16/10/2018- Report to council and include in the 2018 budget the cost to install solar 17/09/2018 Report to Council. generation for water pumping and office facilities as detailed 18/7/2018 Tender specifications in preparation, Closing date 30th August 2018. in the report from Energy and Management Services. 22/6/2018 Completed funding in budget. 17/04/2018 – In Progress The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared 12/03/2018 – In progress for budget CARRIED.

22 27 April Ordinary Council Meeting 2018 66/18 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Jeffries seconded by 2/11/2018 Letter to CWP seeking response. Councillor Chapman 16/10/18- The Tourism and Cultural Committee wrote to That Council, in conjunction with Local Aboriginal Cultural the Ngemba Working Party, the letter is to be signed by groups seek Commonwealth Government endorsement for the Brewarrina Local Land Council and the Brewarrina Museum Committee. the listing of the Brewarrina Aboriginal Fish traps / Baiame’s 17/9/2018 approached Dept Premier and Cabinet for Ngunnhu on the World Heritage List. assistance in identifying the correct persons in State Government who are responsible for preparation of case The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED. to Commonwealth. Letter from Ngemba Working party not supportive of Council’s position. 22/6/2018 – Received positive email support from BALC, BAC, Melissa Kirby and had meetings with Doreen Mc Hugh and Natalie Eastwood expecting support from Ngemba Working Party. 73/18 TM Resolved on MOTION by Councillor Loughnan seconded by 12/11/2018- Completed. Councillor Brown that Council approve 16/10/2018- Bukulla pit crushing has been completed, 1 - Crushing of 30,000 m3 (48,000 tonne) at the Widgee Downs is to be completed by the end of October Airport Pit, with a total costs of $385,500 + GST. 2018. 12/09/2018- Widgee Downs crushing is underway and 2- Crushing of approximately $200,000 worth of expected to be completed by the end of September 2018. gravel at the Bukulla Pit 13/08/2018-Currently crushing at the Bukulla pit. Widgee 3- Crushing of approximately $50,000 of gravel at the Downs pit crushing is to start August/ September 2018. Kahmoo/ Widgey Downs Pit and that the 18/7/2018 Crushing completed at Airport Pit plant to move Transport Manager be authorised to negotiate with the to Bukulla & Kahmoo. contractor for a lower relocation cost for movement between 22/6/2018 Work underway material being used on SH29 the three pits. widening project.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

23 14 May Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting 2018

3/18 GM RESOLVED on MOTION of Councillor Loughnan seconded by 12/11/2018- Ongoing. Councillor Chapman that Council award the contract for the 16/10/2018- Temporary change facilities have been Refurbishment of the Brewarrina pool Amenities (Tender leased and works are progressing. 19/7/2018 Building Plans received anticipated completion 1/2018A) to Origin Construction Group Ltd for the lump sum date end November. Currently seeking quotations for hire tender of $1,057,821.60 including GST and that in the event that of facilities to open pool. Origin Construction is unable or unwilling to enter into a 18/7/2018 Demolition completed awaiting plans for work contract with the Council, the Council, in such circumstances, for Development Approval. agree to accept the Tender of YOFF trading ad Dubbo Terrazzo. 22/6/2018 – Contractor on site, permit issued and minor demolition works underway. The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED

23 May Ordinary Council Meeting 2018 92/18 UM Resolved on MOTION by Councillor Wheatley seconded by 12/11/2018- Waiting on the contractor to finish the Councillor Slack-Smith stairway at the pontoon site. That Council resolve to: 16/10/2018- Awaiting a response from NSW fisheries. • Receive this report as information and endorse the 12/09/2018- Jetty has arrived. 13/08/2018- Jetty will arrive late August. future direction in terms of usage and options 18/7/2018 Bollards in place, Jetty ordered, Toilet planning relating to the existing Brewarrina Boat Ramp and approval required. • That Council seek further funding in the future to 22/6/2018 In progress. construct a new boat ramp in this area, so it can still be utilised as a working boat ramp.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

98/18 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by 2/11/2018 Negotiations Completed. Councillor 13/08/2018 – With Solicitors Chapman that Council receives the offers to purchase Lot 1 18/7/2018 awaiting details for sale contracts. DP 189615 corner of Adams and Brenda Streets, Goodooga 22/6/2018 GM & Clr Stanton met and discussed proposals. See report to Council. and 59 Adams street Goodooga and authorise the General Manager to negotiate a sale in consultation with Councillor Stanton.

24 The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

22 June Council Meeting 2018 110/18 GM/CSM Resolved on MOTION by Councillor Loughnan seconded by 12/11/2018-Nothing Further Councillor Pippos 18/7/2018 Noted awaiting further involvement. That Council endorse the formation and continued involvement with a Cross Border Tourism initiative involving the Councils of Bourke Brewarrina, Cobar, Walgett, Balonne, Paroo and Bulloo Shires.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED. 119/18 GM/RC RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Pippos seconded by 2/11/2018 Sale Adam street Completed. Councillor Slack-Smith that Council endorse the decision of 13/08/2018- Contract is with Solicitors the General Manager in relation to the sale of Lot 1 DP 18/7/2018 Awaiting details for sale contracts. 189615 Brenda Street Goodooga and 59 Adam Street Goodooga and authorise the execution of contracts for sale.

27 July Council Meeting 2018 130/18 GM RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Wheatley seconded 12/11/2018- In progress by Councillor Pippos 16/10/2018- In progress That Council receive the report and note the deferment of 13/08/2018- Waiting on confirmation from Grahame training until later in the year. Fleming in regards to a date for training.

The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED.

133/18 MEHB/ RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Chapman seconded 12/11/2018- There have been projects that have come GM by Councillor Wheatley. forward. 16/10/2018- awaiting applications That Council continue the Local Heritage Places grants 07/09/2018- Sti