Live: The Complete Cinecast Performance > PDF \\ FVS9IBIY0J

A Prairie Home Companion Live: Th e Complete Cinecast Performance

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Highbridge Company, United States, 2010. DVD video. Condition: New. Unabridged. Language: English . Brand New Book. On February 4, 2010, the audience at the in St. Paul enjoyed a special Thursday-evening edition of A Prairie Home Companion. So did countless more fans in movie theaters across the United States and Canada. They were watching the first-ever cinecast the show beamed live by satellite to movie screens.Guests included legendary English singer-songwriter Elvis Costello, vocal powerhouses Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele, songstress Heather Massey, and Robin and Linda Williams. Also on the program, the Royal Academy of Radio Actors: Sue Scott, Tim Russell, and Erica Rhodes. Both Tom Keith and Fred Newman were on hand to create sound-effects mayhem. All this, plus a punchedup Guy s All-Star Shoe Band (a special horn section was flown in from New York), episodes of Guy Noir and Lives of the Cowboys, a Powdermilk Biscuit Break, and, of course, the News from Lake Wobegon.As a bonus, the DVD features the short film that was shown before the cinecast: making his way through St. Paul to the Fitz, with stops at local landmarks like the F. Scott Fitzgerald statue in Rice Park, Mickey s...



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