Survival Guide

Once you log on to your Shaman or Tribe account, you have to use the UNIX to get anything done. UNIX is similar to MS-DOS, or the -line-interface (CLI) on a Mac or Amiga. Instead of selecting commands and icons with a mouse, commands must be typed to do things and run programs. These commands can be typed anytime you see a prompt the bottom of the screen. Prompts usually look something like this: shaman:~> or tribe% Commands are very picky, and they are case sensitive! If you use one of these commands, sure that you it exactly as it appears below, including the use of upper or lowercase letters, as shown. Some commands have a part that you must fill in yourself, and may be different each you use the command. These parts will be indicated by enclosing them in braces ({}'s). There is a huge number of these commands, but here is a few just to help you get started and survive in UNIX: Basic Stuff. -Fal Get a listing of all the files and directories stored in your account. {filename of original} {filename of copy} Make a copy of a under a different filename. -i {filename to delete} Delete a file stored under a given filename. Show the complete path of the current directory. {subdirectory} Make a new subdirectory of the current directory. {subdirectory} Change to a subdirectory of the current directory. {filename} Display a file on the screen, with pauses between each screenful. {command} | more Use this with any command that displays too much stuff to be seen on one screen. (Don't use it with any command that will be asking you questions.) {search-word} Display a list of commands which have to do with search-word, for when you can't quite remember that exact command word... man {command} Display help on how to use a particular command. The command must be spelled correctly -- use apropos to get the spelling if necessary. logout Log out of UNIX (get off of, stop, quit, finito, ...) Finger -- a handy command for getting information about people and services on Tribe, and across the Internet. finger Display a list of the other users currently using Tribe. finger @{fully qualified domain name} Display a list of the users currently using a remote system on the Internet. finger {user id} Display extra information about a particular user of Tribe. finger {user id}@{fully qualified domain name} Display extra information about a particular user of a remote system on the Internet. Can also be used for some information gathering. Pine -- a menu driven program to let you read electronic mail sent to you, and to send electronic mail to others. You can also use it to change your password! pine Starts the pine program. For help once you're in pine, press the ? key. The Compose command (C) sends mail to others, the Mail Index command (I) lets you read your mail, the Other command (O) lets you do other stuff like changing your password, and the Quit (Q) command gets you back to UNIX. -- for having a real-time conversation (typed) with another user is currently logged on. talk {user id} Tries to start a conversation with the indicated user. Alternately, if you get a message that some user is trying to talk to you, it will complete the hookup to that user, so that the conversation can take place. Once a conversation has begun, pressing CTRL-C (holding down the control button and pressing C) should terminate the conversation. Lynx - a text-only browser for the World Wide Web, and a great way to explore the Internet lynx Starts the lynx program, which displays pages of text with some words or phrases, called links, highlighted. The link in inverse video is the current choice. Basic instructions are printed at the bottom of the screen. · Pressing the down arrow moves the highlight to the next link on that page. · Pressing the up arrow moves to the previous link on that page. · Pressing the right arrow (or return) follows that link to a new page which explains that link in more detail -- and which may have new links of its own! · Pressing the left arrow takes you back to the page you were on before the current one. · Pressing the question mark ('?') at any time gives you a hypertext help system. · Pressing the letter 'Q' at any time lets you quit.