Diocese of Cape Town Prayers for Parishes in the During these stirring times, please pray daily for all who continue to be affected by Covid-19 and for the church, trying Archdeaconries of Athlone and the Waterfront to respond to the different needs of their communities during the pandemic. Please continue your prayers for all who are with the Chaplaincies within the Diocese speaking out against Gender-based Violence and the continuing racial tensions which exist in our land. Holy Week/Easter April, 2021 Next Month (May, 2021) our prayers for the Diocese of Cape Town will focus on the Archdeaconries of Rondebosch and Groote Schuur as well as the Diocesan Office. Please submit your prayer intentions to me at
[email protected] as early as possible, preferably well before 20 April. For each day there are up to three items for prayer: Wishing you all the Joy, the Promise and the ① For the Anglican Communion – the dioceses are listed alphabetically, as Glory of Easter given in the Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer. ② Alternately by months, for the dioceses in the Anglican Church of Bob Southern Africa (listed by the date they were established), and our link, the Diocese of York. This month we pray for the Diocese of York. ③ For the Diocese of Cape Town by Archdeaconry. Thursday 1 April 2021 MAUNDY THURSDAY ③ Anglican Women’s Fellowship – Revd Jenny Govender, Chaplain. Pray for the ① The Diocese of Bath & Wells – The Church of England (Canterbury Province), Chaplain, all members of AWF and their families. The Rt Revd Peter Hancock Monday 26 April 2021 ST MARK, THE EVANGELIST ② Bishopthorpe Palace.