I Shared production responsibilities create a hodge-podg- e final product.

honed, yet unoriginal funk-p- c ip sporting an unintelligible falsetto 1 VICTORY; The Jacksons; Ep ic And. as if that weren't enough, tlle haven't released a stud io tunes, you'll probably keep Vicory lyrir. is unbearable. 1 Records; $5.99. brothers And when the Jackson's took V ic-- album since Triumph in 1980. on your turntable for days, The Jacksons' sixth album. loved th e their turn at production, individual a n-- Now band has finally And if you especially tory, may be the most widely that the II for i heavy-meta- l riff of "." you' members took responsibility i and tlie I ticipated release of 1984. That's 10 played a few concert dates song. result is a hodge-- caved in. maybe we cain drool when you hear that sam e each The 9 surprise, considering song aiid sky hasn't t from o- - beefed-u- p guitar sound on the fin podge final product, ranging a dance sensation Michael Jacksi an achieve a sense of perspective t "We listening for single. "State of Shock." The Tito's stiff and pretentious 8L composes one-sixt- h of the barid. ward Victory. If you're en-- k nt song's main attraction is a duet b Can " to the WB ion another magical musical momei and the album's release arrives and Mic joyable paranoic funk of Jackie 13-c- Thriller, you're listening to tlie tween i ity like i- aT the heels of the Jacksons' Jagger. a potentially great comb - Jackson's "Torture." There's no By stand, convei ni- - wrong album. But if you're lookirig the American concert ?11 volatility. Unfortunate! r. sense of consistency between r." for an album that features w nation of 11 ently entitled, "The Victory Toui Jagger sounds unusually borec I. songs. Why band members didn't the melody sounds embarrass s- - share production responsibilities. i- beyond ingly familiar. Michaels higl - except on "The Hurt." is iand of M- pitched wail, however appealing $, me. Perhaps the success save the song. ichael's solo career spawned an can't urge among his brothers to match . of Shock" underscon s "State I were Michael, I the major problem on Victory. Th e his endeavors. If well-playe- lose any sleep. :; music, however d. laclcs wouldn't spontaneity and energy 0f Disregarding the disappointing the of Shock." Michael's offer-- '. earli ;r "State Thriller or the Jacksons' im- - of M . ings on Victory are limited but work. With the exception trade- - band's-memb- He adds one of his '. the ei rs pressive. chael. none of to team up are gifted songwriters, and Vtctoi u mark sensual vocals mediocire with Jackie to propel "Torture" blatantly exposes their high- - ' past its natural limit. But the effort. Not AI-- "Body." writte :n light of the album is "Be For instance. from the sung by Marlon Jacksoi n ways." a welcome respite and of rest of the al- - promises so much more than it power funk the infe bum. eventually offers. Behind an c. - great rhythm gv j. Accompanied by a single acous- tious beat and sparse string sec- - i and a - tar. Marlon sings a celebration Df tic guitar bodlv tion. Michael's voice becomes an hedonism: "Girl. I want your sensuali-- I love your body Gil 1 instrument of quivering - You know .1 lyrics are as equally power- - 2 ' body Won't you coir ty. The I need your this tale of global pain: home with me now?" The melod ly ful in I f. cry. babies die. helplessly v is initially catchy; but the repet "Mothers fly and re-- . tion of the chorus becomes dowi in arms Where rockets f" search lies in progress to become. right irritating. flesh and $ The second song on the albun n, But what are men of i'. the lac:k blood We turn our backs on life." "Wait." further illustrates - U of extraordinary songwriting on Every other song on Victory pa- s- 5- - Not Always." but Randy - Victory. Produced by Jackie Jacl es to "Be h David Paich anid Jackson's "One More Chance" son. and Toto's Be-- ,:: the song lacks fo-- provides a pleasant surprise. . rich - emphasis on up-te- n n-- hind a drum machine and cus. With it's a 1 po keyboards, the song sounds litce synthesizer texture, he sings moment (hov v- - tale of a man yearning for "one 'i Toto at its brightest loyalty i: ever dim that may be). But with a more chance" to prove his ;, acconn-- to his lover. The synthesizer is blast of manic synthesizer Na- - to re-- faintly reminiscent of "Human f paniment, the tune begins " semble the work of Prince. Add a ture: its effect is mesmerizing. i suddei n- - Who knows, maybe the next bright horn section and it al- - Sj of am time the Jacksons' release an ly sounds like a remake and I Earth. Wind and Fire tune. As tlie bum, they'll share production song ended. I felt as if I'd heard it songwriting duties on all of the i songs. Better yet. maybe they'll I all before. talents of Michael S? Instead of producing all tlie showcase the c,n and Randy instead of barraging us I songs themselves, as they did ' 1 Destiny and Triumph, the brot n. with songs that have all the punch I ers called on outside help from tlie of musical junk food they're H of great for quick energy, but don't previously mentioned members - 1 Toto. "Wait" and "The. Hurt" are rely on them to give any suste- 1 their contributions. The latfc :r, nance. HI I Review by Keith Campbell