The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

1956) TYO TO GA (23)

A Revision of the Adoxophyes (Lep. Tort.> of Japan

' By TosltrKo YAsuDA


of the adults of four A great deal of confusion has arisen in the past over the identities con.aruana species of the genusAdoxophyes in Japan. It involvs CWLK.), A. CWLK.), A. fascicalana (WLK.)/ and A. fasciata (WLsM.). a variety of food But, the results of the examination of wing markings of adults reared from distinctforms, in whicb are plants during current investigations revealed not only the several sometime apparently almost obsolutc, but also the middle forms among these each sp2cies, On with those of A. the ene hand, male and female genitalia of the four species were same perfectly dfier, too. orana (F.R.), And the form, chaetotaxy, and colour of larvae are not which is ki'.own as A. Accordingly, the four species in Japan are probably the same species, orana (F. R.) in Europe. is infiucncedby avariety So, I consider that the superficial differences in the wlng rnarkings of food plants and season, by Dr, S. IssiKI The identifications of the Fpecies m]ntiolled are based on materials identified in the British Museum. Prof, Dr. SyfiTl IsslKI for sug・ Before geing furthcr, I wisb to express my cordial thanks to in the course of the work. And thanks gesting this investigation as well as fer constant guidance during tbe course are aiso to Dr. S. ITo, Mr, A, MuTuuRA and Mr, T. KoD・xMA for much help

of work.


or five each and in TOHOKU In KINKI (CentralJapan),the species has four generations year, (North-east Japan) the specie3 bas three or four generations per year. and A. con.o- A. Privatana is known to the important pest of tea in Sizuoka (Cental Japan), ' orchards of TOHOKU. ruana was particularly jnjurious in the apple

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(24) st 8 di CVol, VII

On tea, young larvae overwinter in the leave, which is combined two or three, The larvae feed on top-shoots and leave. On apple, young larvae everwinter in the hibernacula of silken webs in any convenient sheltered position on the tree, The larvae feed on flower-buds, flowers, top-shoots and fruit. The larva is yellowish when first hatched, and the larva when about pupate, was described 15--17mm long, pa]e green ; head shiny yellowish-brown or rarely blackish. Other host plants recorded in Japan are Hama-hisakaki (Euxya emai:ginata MAKiNo), box- tree (fiex crenata [[UuNB,), bead-tree (Mlalia Azederach L.), sey・bean (Glycine Mitx MERRiLL), Hagi (LesPedeza bicolor TuRcz.), raspberry (Rubus Paimatus 1[kuMB,), K6morikazura (MlanisPermum clanricuin DC,), Kunugi (Quercus acutissiina CARRuTll), Yarnamomo (M),rica rubra SIEB, et Zucc.), Maki (Podocat:pus tnacroPhyUa D, DoN), elm-tree (Ulmus Parrifblia JAcQ.), birch-tree etc. DISCUSSION

At present, the identjfication of the four species of the genus AdoxoPhyes in Japan is based chiefiy upon the wing marking of adult, (See Text-figure 1.) But, the wing marking has consi- derable variatien by food plant, namely Privatana form is reared from tea (Thea sinensis LJNN.), Nurude (Rhus 1'avanica L.), sweet orange (Citrus Unshiu MARcov.), poplar, cherry, etc, and foscicorlana form is reared from Kanko-no-ki (Clcchidion obevatum SiEB. et Zucc.), Hime-rnukashi- conadensis L,) etc, and form is reared yomogi'JaPonicxm(E7igeron fkesciata frorn pear, Azami (Cirsiecm DC,), etc, and congruana form is reared from apple, plum, rose, etc, Furthermore, Prtvatana has seasonal variation, and the spring generation is closely related to fascicuta"a than Privatana. Accordingly, it is certain that the identifications made from that method are very unccm)late.

As mentioned above, the four species can not distinguish by the wing markings and form or life-history of larvae.

So, I had examined in male and female genitalia ef the four species. Consequcntly, it is a little different in length, size of uncus and tbe number of thern-like precess on transtilla, But, I regard as appropriate to think rather individual variation than specific character, because the variety have a tendency to occur among tbe materials that it does not seen necessary to sepzrate it appare]tly. . Accordingly, the four speci'es does not seen neccessary to separate generically. And male and female genitalia of the species agree with reticorlana HUBNER that, but reticulana and ftisciata are to that preoccupied orana (E R.), appears to be the first valid narne (BR,NDLEy, 1952),' Because, I believe I can now correctly identify the four species as a synonym of AdoxoPhyes omna (FISCHER von RoESLERsTsMM). While, I accepted on [ffer of materials that they are collected by Dr, S, IssiKi at Taiwan and Saipan. The two species have peculiar marki:g, but they do not separate Japanese specimen. In 1941, 4doxoPhyes thoracica is rccerded by Dr. A. DmKc]NoFF i"rom N. New-guinea, but as far as I can judge frem the description and figures, it is probably the samo specim?n in Japan. So, the A. theracica refer also to A. orana (F. R.). Male and fernale genitalia are illustrated.


The object of this was paper to clarify the confusion that has Existed for many years in the nomenclature and taxonorny of of the Genus AdoxoPh),es in Japan. The genera involved Privatana, congrua7ra, fascic"lana and fosciata, and of these the first is known to the important ef and pest green-tea, the second is known to the important pest of apple. But, result of revisien, this'four species does net seen neeessary to separate generically. I believeI can now correctly identify this four species as a synonym of orana (F.R,),

REFERENCES MEyRIcK, E. Description (1881). of Australian Micro-Lepideptera, Prcc. Linn, Soc, N. S. Wales, Vol. VI, p. 429. WALslNGHAM, L. Asiatic , (1900). Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist. (7), Vol. V, p. 482,

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1956) TYO TO GA C25)



HK.x--.i.-- )

Fig. LFgi.Male "enitalia dFemale

2.Fig. genitalia 3, Male genitalia, Iateralaspect.

NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologioalLepidopterological SooietySociety of Japan

(26 ) 蝶 蛾 〔Vol .VII

Tortriciden .122. KENNEL ,J,〔1910). Die Palaearktischen , p MEYRICK E 1914 Gellera Insectorum Lep . Het . Tort.p .18。 , ,( ). , レ ・ FLETc ロ ER , B ,(1920 ). Life Histories of Tortricidae, Mem . Dep . Agr . India, p .35. . 283. IssIKエ S.(1922). Cata】ogue of Japanese Tor 七ricina , Zo 〔}1. Mag ., VoL 34, p

TAKAH 八 SHI S .(1930 ). 果 樟ま害虫各論, 上 巻.

KoNDo T MIYAHARA II 1934 : に る 験 並 究 1 報 ., .( ) 害虫 関 す 試 研 第 DL へ KoNoFF レA ,(1941). New Asiatic and Papuan Tortricidae with Records of o 七her species ,

Afl.1 ,33..37. TreubiaDee118, , p IsslKI S.(1950). Iconographia Insectorum Japollicorum, P・495 ・ and DIAKoNQFF , A、(1951 ). Entomological results frcm the swedish expedition 1934 to Bllrma

3 nr .6 .63. British India,(Lepi.)Arkiv Zool.〔), , p orana R .1834 Lep .: Tort. Entomologist Vol.85 BRADLEY ,J.A ,〔1952). Adoxophyes (F . ) ( ), , , P 、1−4. GRovEs , R ,(1952 ). A Preliminary Account of the Summer fruit Tortricidae, Adoxophyes (F . − R .) in Great Britain, Rep . E . Malling Res . Sta.1951, p .152 154. YuAsA K , KAwATA K .(1952). 農作害 虫 新 説 HARDMAN , A .1953 . The Summer Fruit Tortrix (F ,R ,), in Britain, , J ( ) − Entomologist, Vo1,86, p .264 272. SIRAKI T .〔1954). Classification of , p ,349。 OBRAzTsov , S ,(1954 ). Die gattungen der palaearktischen Tortricidae, Tijd. Ent., dL 97, af ! 3,p .189.

. へ ノ》 》丶 “A ヘ ヘ ー一・N 、 、へ 熟A へ … 〜… 岡へ rLNL .“へN 、入“一へ軸 へ へauvv − M ( 一

一 ウ ス イ ロ ヒ ヨ ウ モ ン tー ド キ の 卵 及 び 若 令 幼 虫 に 就 い て

冒 田 昭 人

On the Eggs a τ1d the Young Caterpillars of

Melitaea diamina Protomedia MENETRISs


の に る D が あ る の み で ウ ス イ ロ ヒ ヨ ウ モ ン モ ドキ の 幼 虫 に 閃 し て は ,従来徳 .rl銕 也 氏 終令幼 虫 関す 簡単 な記 載 , 一 貫 し た 生 活史 の 記録 が 見られ な い .筆者 は 1953年 本種 の 採 卵に 成 功 し た が 飼育 に 失敗 し た .然 し 食草 を 知 り 得

せ て し た が た の で ,1955年再 び 臼宅 及 び 野 外で 採 卵,飼育 し た .不幸 に し て 此 の 度 も越 冬中に 全幼 虫 を 死 な ま っ ,

2) べ . 本種 の 若令期 に 関 す る 知 見 を 得 た の で ,越冬前 の 生 育経 過 を 簡単 に 述 て ,今後 の 研 究 の 参考 に 資 し た い

食 莨 : オ ミ ナ エ シ Pahinia scabiosaefolia

Ill 1 に 18 の い が り 卵 : 直径 O.44mm ,高 さ 0 .51mm .著 し く小 型 .上 面 や x 】 陥 し ,側 而一i二 部 3 分 の 約 条 弱 縦 条 あ ,

そ の ド部 3 分 の 2 に は 極 め て 弱 い 粗網 目状 隆起 を 有 す る .槻 形 は 壷状 を な す .

産付直後 の 卵 は や 工 緑 色味 を 帯 び た 黄 白色 .孵化 が 近 ず く と 卵内幼虫頭部 の 単眼周 辺 が 黒化 し , 次 い で 大鄂が

一 る に る . , は オ ミ ナ エ y 花 梗 丿去部 に 叢 生 す る 若 い 葉 の 褐色 化す る の で , 見 し て 卵 は 淡褐色 を 呈 す よ う な な お 卵

裏面 に 数 十 乃 至 二 百 卵位 が か た め て 産 付 さ れ て お 馴 母 蝶 の 産卵 に は か な り長 時間 を 要 す る .産 卵期 は 兵庫県段 ・ 3 〜 〜 ) る , ケ 峯・ 草 原 で 7 月 上 中旬 ,卵期 は 室 内で 12 14 「1,91!外 で は 7 月下旬 に 孵化直後 の 幼 虫 群 を 発 見 し う

幼令幼虫 : 1 令幼 虫 は 体 艮約 1.5mm ,淡黄褐 色 で 頭部 淡褐 ,単限 部 黒 色 .各節 に 無 色 無 刺 の 長 毛 を 叢 生 す る. ・ . 気門 は 小 さ い ,前 胸背 板 は 大 き く横 長 で ,中央後縁 は や X 前 方 に 向 ) て 彎入 し て お り ,黄褐色 肛上 板 は は る

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