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Remember, to succeed, all we must do is hold on to the thirty-two votes of the Senators who opposed the first treaty, and pick, up two more.

A total of thirty-four Senators voting "HO" to the Treaty in April is enough to stop the surrender and reverse the initial defeat.

Here are the names of the thirty-two Senators who voted with us against the Carter-Torrijos giveaway and payoff in Round One:

James Allen (D-Alabama) Pete Domenici (R-) (R-Alaska) (R-New Mexico) Barry Goldwater (E-Arizona) Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina) William Roth (R-Delaware) Quentin Burdick (D-North Dakota) James McClure (R-Idaho) Milton young (R-North Dakota) Richard Lugar (R-Indiana) Dewey Bartlett (R—Oklahoma) Robert Dole (R-Kansas) Richard Schweiker (R-Pennsylvania) Wendell Ford (D-Kentucky) Strom Thurmond (R-South Carolina) Bennett Johnston (D-Louisiana) John G. Tower (R-Texas) Robert Griffin (R-Michigan) Jake Garn (R—Utah) James 0. Eastland (D—Mississippi) Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) John C. Stennis (D-Mississippi) Harry F. Byrd (I-Virginia) John Melcher (D-Montana) William Scott (R—Virginia) Carl Curtis (R-Nebraska) Jennings Randolph (D—West Virginia) Edward Zorinsky (D-Hebraska) Clifford P. Hansen (R-Wyoming) (R-Nevada) Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyoming) If your Senator»s name appears on the list above, I urge you to write and thank him for his vote against the first Canal treaty. Tell him you will remember it when you go to the polls, and urge him to stand firm on the important second vote. Remember, we must hold all of our 32 votes and pick up 2 new votes to stop the Canal giveaway.

Along with my letter, I have enclosed a "Roll of Dishonor" listing every united States Senator who, on March 16, voted for the surrender of American interests in Panama.

I hope you will keep this "Dishonor Roll" for future reference, so that you will never forget which Senators let you and me, and more important, our country, down.

The "Dishonor Roll" is bordered in black because March 16, the day on which the first treaty was approved, was a day of victory for America*s enemies, and a day of mourning for America. It is important that the Senators whose votes have placed them on the Roll of Dishonor understand two things:

First, you and I will never forget those politicians who have betrayed us on the Panama Canal issue. Second, if they change their vote on Round Two, and by their vote America is permitted to retain its sovereign jurisdiction and control over the Canal