Think French Grammar Corner is brought to you by Laura K. Lawless. At Lawless French, Laura offers at least one new feature every day: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation lessons; quizzes; study tips; listening and reading comprehension exercises; and unique tools like The Subjunctivisor. Laura has also written several French books, including Intermediate French for Dummies. in France In France, Christmas is a special time for family to come together. Some French are much like American ones, but others are a bit different.

Christmas Eve The big family meal takes place on and is known as le Réveillon. Special foods include les marrons chauds - roasted chestnuts le foie gras - goose liver pâté les huîtres - oysters la dinde - turkey la bûche de Noël - Yule log

AfterRéveillon , some families go to la Messe de Minuit (Midnight Mass), and of course there are many cantiques et chansons de Noël (Christmas hymns and songs). As for presents, everyone leaves their souliers (shoes) by the fireplace or under the tree, and Papa Noël fills them with cadeaux (presents) during the night.

Christmas Decorations Un sapin de Noël () is a typical decoration, as is une crèche (), especially in the South of France, where it’s found in homes, churches, and even public squares. It’s peopled with little figures called santons (little saints), and the best place to buy these is in the town of Aubagne.

Other decorations include l’ange - angel le gui - la guirlande lumineuse - string of lights le papier cadeau - wrapping paper

Christmas Links and Related Listening Practice • French Christmas vocabulary • Reading: Crèche provençale • Repas de Noël en France • Traditions de Noël françaises

18 Think French - décembre 2015