To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

FRITS ABOUT, 2018 – No.2 th (106 new report items in this edition – received since 13 June 2018)

Dear all,

Summer sizzles on and some Frit species seem to have benefitted more than others. Notable successes this year in the South are undoubtedly Marsh Fritillaries in where numbers on known sites have been mostly very good and 28 new fields have been graced by them. We hope that larval web searches will produce even more. In North , there has been a good count on one site and some evidence of a better year in Ceredigion. Small Pearl-bordered Frits on dry, dog violet grassland have hit record numbers in Alun valley, as have Silver-washed Frits in same locality. Dark Green Fritillary on the other hand seems to have done ok, although numbers maybe disappointing compared to previous years when you consider 2018 fine weather. Unfortunately, High Browns have dipped at their remaining Welsh stronghold in Alun valley, with numbers across all five transect count routes down by 32% to 38%. This seems to be mirrored elsewhere in the UK, except Dartmoor where numbers and site occupation have been very good.

There have also been some unusually early sightings (3rd & 5th July) of MF larval webs, albeit small and with tiny caterpillars. Probably lack of rain, has helped them develop more visibly. Silver-washed Frits have also been seen early this year and will hopefully continue for another couple of months.

Thanks to those who have contributed to this edition.

As always, contributions to Frits About are very welcome – but don’t forget to send in your records to County Butterfly Recorders as well. There is now also a Facebook discussion group set up by Mike Bright of BC’s South Wales branch, in addition to North Wales branch’s Facebook page and BC Wales Facebook page. Please keep Frits About contributions coming to me at my new e-mail address [email protected] Judy in the Wales office will be pleased to receive feedback on the E-news generally. Contributions to Frits About are the views of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily represent the views of Butterfly Conservation Wales.

1 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.

To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

1. Pearl-bordered Fritillary (PBF) – new reports for 8 sites

Powys (Montgomeryshire) “Data crashing complete! The table below summarises the results of the 2018 Mont PBF survey season. The weather was kind and numbers much improved on most of the sites; it is a new hope, but we’re still a long way to go before we can truly celebrate! Y Golfa is the only site to completely pass, although Fron Hydan was a gnat’s whisker away at its highest ever count of adult PBFs! No PBFs were seen at Llanymynech Rocks during all the surveys, although our very own Rob did see 3 and another visitor saw 1 (all confirmed from photos), the tricky blighters! Actual Peak count No. PBF Habitat Overall Site PBF/hr No. Minutes date visits P/F P/F Reason habitat failed if appropriate condition Y Golfa 38 32 51 14-May 5 PASS PASS PASS Y Figyn E 24 8 20 21-May 3 PASS FAIL insufficient violets FAIL insufficient violets & too much 1 Y Figyn W 2 28 21-May 5 FAIL FAIL bramble FAIL insufficient violets & too much 8 Y Frochas 16 30 21-May 4 PASS FAIL bramble FAIL Fron Hydan 14 7 30 14-May 4 FAIL PASS FAIL insufficient violets & too much Middletown Hill 17 13 47 17-May 5 PASS FAIL bramble FAIL Llanymynech Rocks 0 0 180 15-May 4 FAIL PASS FAIL insufficient violets & too much 0 3 Llanymynech Hill 0 24 21-May FAIL FAIL bramble FAIL

The next step is more habitat management work this winter. As I type, I am expecting to hear imminently about our latest funding bid, so fingers and toes crossed”.

Tammy Stretton, Conservation Officer, Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust.

2 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.

To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

2. Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (SPBF) – 27 new reports

Anglesey Alan Williams, 7th June (with photos): “I had seen numerous (15) SPBFs recently (4th June) at South Stack, I was really pleased to photograph this one by Pont Y Brenig today”, Steph Hoare reports: “26/06/18 - SH327753, Tywyn Trewan Common - 1 Small Pearl-bordered.

Brecknock & Brecon Beacons Andrew King: “Here are a few SPBF records from this area. 1st June - 1, fresh at Llednant, nr Beulah. SN8954. VAKing 10th June - 2, Crai Reservoir . SN8821. G Rees 10th June - 7, Penwyllt (). SN8515. G Rees 11th June - 2, Craig Cwmdu, Senni. SN9421. G Rees 22nd June - 2, Grwyne Fawr Reservoir SO2330. VAKing 22nd June - 4, Grwyne Fawr Farm and valley, in two locations within SO2429/2529. VAKing

Caerphilly/Gwent Frank Sengpiel posts on 17 June: “My first visit to the Aberbargoed Grasslands National Nature Reserve this afternoon, not the best weather, but at least one Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary obliged..”.

Carmarthenshire Maybe 20++ on the vc44/vc46 border, flying over wet fen/grassland with frequent Viola palustris, both sides of the Nant yr Adar near Nant-yr-Ast (just east of the source of the Cothi), SN704492, SN705493 & SN706493, Richard & Kath Pryce, 9/6/18.

3 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.

To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

2. Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (SPBF) – 27 new reports cont. Gwent 29th May - 4 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary flying at Blaenserchan (Martin Anthoney and Roger James) 3rd June 3 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary at Silent Valley Reserve (Chris Hatch). With another at the same site on 12th June (Tom Eyles) and six on 21st June (Jane Corey). 7th June: Two Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary at Blackrock Quarry, Clydach (Martin Anthoney) 21st June: 3 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary at the Aneurin Bevan Stones, Ebbw Vale. (Martin Anthoney and Roger James) 21st June: 2 Small Pearl-bordered flying at Blackrock Quarry, Clydach. (Martin Anthoney and Roger James)

N E Wales Somebody who was walking near the Woodland Walk in the Rhydymwyn, which is not part of the Transect Walk, photographed a SPBF, on 10 June. This seems to be a new species for the immediate area.

N W Wales Paul Board posts on 11th June (with photo): “Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary. Bryn Euryn today.” Shirley Roulston posts (with photos) on 22nd June: “Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (and Marsh Fritillary) flying around an overgrown ditch near Bryncir.

Pembs 12th June - Jane Hodges recorded 14 on the coast at Pen Brush, a known breeding area (SM8839) 21st June - David Redhead & John Steer saw 2 on the coast path by Pointz Castle (SM8123)

Powys Ben Mullen advises : “On 14 June at Vicarage Meadows we had good numbers of Small Pearl-bordered. At least 5 were seen across the reserve during our event”.

Vale of Glamorgan As reported previously, on 4th June. Paul Dunn reports 129 SPBFs on Old Castle Down transect route walked in 70 minutes. (The above two counts beat our previous best peak SPBF count of for Alun valley site as a whole by roughly 50% - Ed.). 25 additional SPBF sightings were made on HBF transect count routes in the Alun Valley between 21st & 30th June.

4 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.

To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

3. Marsh Fritillary (MF) – 25 new reports Anglesey Tony Pope posted on 26 May: “Cors Erddreiniog is one of the last sites for the Marsh Fritillary in North Wales (Clare Williams commented: “Cors Erddreiniog isn’t one of the last sites in North Wales - it’s one of 12 that we currently have listed as ‘Current Sites’ and I wouldn’t class the site as of great significance – very small MF population on one tiny part of the site and is very isolated – only pop on Anglesey” – Ed). ....other sites have declined and may have even gone forever. The Marsh Fritillary is suffering in the whole of Europe so this site is one of great significance.... I was pleased to attend a guided walk at this site earlier today....the weather was poor initially with temperature fluctuating between 15'and 18' but overcast and very windy ...we were not able to find a butterfly and then the rain came so we were on the point of giving up when a slight gap in the cloud led to the sun appearing briefly and we all looked again....Thanks must go to Dan Gorton who found a Marsh Fritillary sheltering in a spot some people had already checked. Those who had not seen one before had good views and some images so everyone was pleased.” Susan Saunders posts on 11th June (with photos): “Had a great visit to Cors Erddreiniog today and saw our first Marsh Fritillaries”.

Ceredigion Rhos Glyn-yr-helyg SSSI – 12 Marsh Fritillary recorded during site visit on 12.06.18. Also visited nearby Cae Ardwyn SSSI and Glwydwern SSSI neither of which have previous records of the butterfly - 3 Marsh Fritillary recorded within each SSSI plus an additional Marsh Frit recorded on land adjacent to, but outwith, Glwydwern SSSI. Cors y Sychnant SSSI – very pleased to report that a Marsh Fritillary colony is still present at the site – 5 individuals in total recorded on 14.06.18 from two different areas of the site. These are the first records of the butterfly since 2010. A search for webs was undertaken in 2015 but proved negative and in 2016 adults were looked for (but late in the season) but none seen.

Carmarthenshire More reports have now surfaced of MFs in Carmarthenshire, bringing total of apparently newly occupied fields in 2018 flight season to 28 such fields and over 1,100 MF sightings. For ease of reference, the additional reports are shown un-shaded in the table below, which otherwise replicates that in last Frits About.

We are grateful to volunteers for majority of the site visits in Carmarthenshire this year, including Alan Reynolds, Alan Clarke, Dai Hayes, Gareth Tonks, Francis Lawson, Paul Gadsby, Richard & Kath Pryce, Rob Parry and RGS - mileage was provided by BC South Wales branch funds.

5th July: Rob Parry e-mailed about a site in Cwmgors with a similarly unusually early larval web – see Lucie Bromfield’s report below from Tonyrefail. “I found a web. If it was a month or two further on I would have definitely said it was marsh fritillary it was a web wrapped around scabious with tiny caterpillars in it. I can’t think what else it could be but was shocked to see it so early. “ (Ed - MF webs are probably always present in late June & early July, once eggs hatched, but most years rain showers would probably wash webbing into substrate and caterpillars are tiny anyway, but much less obvious.)

5 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.

Carmarthenshire Marsh Fritillary sightings during 2018 flight period

Date 1km square Locality Metapopulation No of sightings New field/site? Notes 23 May SN5712 Caeau Ffos Fach Mynydd Mawr 1 N 23 May SN4330 Alltwallis Alltwallis ? 3 N 23 May SN6629 Taliaris Taliaris ? 100? N 29 May SN6813 Garnant Amman 1 Y Rob Parry’s garden 2 June SN4612 Crwbin Crwbin/Bancffosfelen? 1 Y Calcareous dry meadow. 4 June SN5411 Upper Tumble Mynydd Mawr 4 N In SPG area 4 June SN5714 Gorslas Mynydd Mawr 8 N In SPG area 5 June SN7011 Cwmgors Amman 70 N Best total in 5 years monitoring 5 June SN7011 Cwmgors * Amman 3 Y First appearance in 5 years 5 June SN7013 Ynys Dawela Amman 1 N Cloudy – 1 sat in grass. 5 June SN7013 Field N of Ynys Dawela Amman 1 N Cloudy – 1 sat in grass. 5 June SN7013 Field NW of Ynys Dawela Amman 3 N Cloudy – 3 sat in grass. 6 June SN6714 Glanamman Amman 3 Y First appearance in 5 years 6 June SN6714 Glanamman Amman 1 Y First appearance in 5 years 6 June SN6714 Glanamman Amman 2 Y First appearance in 5 years 6 June SN6714 Glanamman Amman 2 Y First appearance in 5 years 6 June SN5712 Median Farm Mynydd Mawr 17 Y,Y First appearance in 2 non SSSI fields 6 June SN5712 Caeau Ffos Fach Mynydd Mawr 50 N 6 June SN5109 South of Pontyberem Mynydd Mawr 46 Y,Y First record since 1990s. Edge of SPG. 6 June SN5311 South of Tumble Mynydd Mawr 10 Y First ever record? In SPG area? 6 June SN5507 Rhos Cefn Bryn Mynydd Mawr 10 N WTSWW reserve 6 June SN5911 Capel Hendre Mynydd Mawr 1 N Near a 2004 record. In SPG area. 6 June SN6113 Blaenau/Llandybie Mynydd Mawr/Amman? 17 Y,Y Habitat found 2017 – first record 7 June SN7014 Brynamman Amman 1 Y First appearance in 5 years 7 June SN7014 Brynamman Amman 5 Y First appearance in 5 years 7 June SN6712 Ffairfach Amman? 21 Y,Y 7 June SN5817 Temple Bar Mynydd Mawr/Amman? 24 N Similar numbers to last 5 years 7 June SN6442 Harford Harford 1 Y Different owner – habitat thin 7 June SN6442/3 Harford Harford 554 Y,Y 8 fields managed as one! 7 June SN6342 Harford Harford 23 N MFs found in 2017. 7 June SN6342 Harford Harford 1 Y Colonised BC restored field, winter 2017 7 June SN6343 Harford Harford 40 N Site found in 2016. 7 June SN5711 Cwmgwili Mynydd Mawr 11 Y In SPG area. New site. 7 June Harford Harford 8 N BC restored field, winter 2016 10 June SN4612 Crwbin Crwbin/Bancffosfelen? 1 N 1 in the Molinia field, 10 June SN4612 Crwbin Crwbin/Bancffosfelen? 3 Y 3 in adjacent flushed rush-Mc field 11 June SN4638 Waun Fach Llanfihangel ar Arth 1 N Marginal long term. 11 June SN6446 Ffarmers Harford? 10 Y,Y,Y Found in 4 different fields, w of road 12 June SN5543 Llanybydder Llanybydder? 16 N Regular site ? SN4912 Tir Eithin Crwbin/Bancffosfelen? “quite a few” N Tony Matthews reported on his land Totals 34 reports 1,106 28 * New site just in Neath Port Talbot & VC41

To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

3. Marsh Fritillary (MF) – 25 new reports –cont.

Heads of Valleys Martin Bevan posts: “3 Marsh Fritillary still on the wing at Cwm Cadlan reserve today (24 June) and one down by the wood bridge”.

Merionethshire Dolgellau Area: Llwyn-iarth SSSI – 169 Marsh Fritillary recorded throughout site during site visit on 05.06.18 to check on habitat condition. Harlech Area: Harlech NNR – no Marsh Fritillary recorded during annual adult timed count monitoring on 07.06.18. Couple of Marsh Fritillary reported from nearby golf course but habitat here minimal.

N W Wales Shirley Roulston posts (with photos) on 22nd June: “Marsh Fritillary (and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary) flying around an overgrown ditch near Bryncir”. Marsh Fritillary, Bryncir (S. Roulston)

Tonyrefail and South RCT Lucie Bromfield reports: “Just to say I called to the Waun (site 29 of Rhos Tonyrefail SSSI) this morning (3rd July) and the eggs that I marked with a stick now have a web with larvae! It was 5 weeks ago today that we saw the female lay the eggs” (photos on next page).

7 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

3. Marsh Fritillary (MF) – 25 new reports –cont.

Marsh Fritillary - early larvae and field at Tonyrefail (L Bromham)

Ystradgynlais metapopulation (including Ystradgynlais, Crynant & Seven Sisters) Ben Mullen advises on 20th June: “I was down there with (Chris Jones) last week (15 June) to survey 2 Ystrad Fawr fields (Weavers Road & Pit Tip) and Cae Lynden. Count was: Weavers Road – 2 males; Pit Tip – 3 males; Cae Lynden – 5 males, 1 female, 1 egg patch. (These are from memory! but good end of season numbers)

8 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

4. Dark Green Fritillary (DGF) – 23 reports so far

Anglesey Steph Hoare reports some fritillaries from Anglesey: “26/06/18 SH327753 Tywyn Trewan Common - 1 small pearl-bordered + 1 dark green; 29/06/18 SH212800 The Ranges - 1 dark green; 30/06/18 SH365685 Tywyn Aberffraw - 100+ dark green. My brother Jerry and I were on Tywyn Aberffraw this afternoon (30th June) and almost as soon as we were out of the car we saw one and then several Dark Greens. We could see at least a couple and usually more almost all the 2-3 hours that we were there. And then on one flat, grassy expanse we stopped and scanned 360 degrees: from this spot we estimated that there were at least 100 within sight. Lost for words!” Tony Pope posts (2nd July): “Dark Green Fritillary at Newborough”.

Bridgend Plenty of Dark Green Frits about at Kenfig NNR – 28th June – RGS. Phil Blanning posts on 26 June: “Dark Green Fritillary at Kenfig yesterday”.

Brecknock & Brecon Beacons Andrew King: “Here are a few DGF records from this area. BRECS - 7/7/18 = 15+ Penwyllt SN8515 VAKing BRECS - 10/7/18 = 7 Darren Lwyd, above Capel-y-ffin,Black Mtns SO2433. Boulder field under crags. VAKIng

Carmarthenshire Liam Olds posts: “Seen my first Dark Green Fritillary of the year at Pembrey Country Park last weekend (16th June) during the BioBlitz there”. Adam Dare posts (23rd June): “A sunny day on Pembrey Burrows is a good opportunity for insect watching. There were good numbers of DG on the wing”. Ian Morgan posts on 30th June: “....and, another butterfly....Mike Harper sent me this photo of a dark green fritillary from his garden at Hendy in extreme SE”.

9 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

Dark Green Fritillary from garden in Hendy (Mike Harper) Dark Green Fritillary from Pembrey Burrows. (Liam Olds) Gwent Andrew King: “29/6/18 = 3+ Cwm Buchel, Llanthony SO2727 . VAKing”. 21st June: A Dark Green Fritillary at the Aneurin Bevan Stones, Ebbw Vale. (Martin Anthoney and Roger James) 25th June: Parc Cwm Darren this morning, Dark-green Fritillaries”. Alan Cripps. 27th June: Dark Green Fritillary at Pwll Du near the Blorenge. (Martin Anthoney and Roger James)

Merthyr Tydfil/BBNP 21st June: Graham Watkeys posts: “Argynnis aglaja: first Fritillary of the year today at Taf Fechan (VC42). This one was continually patrolling along the same stretch of path until it came into contact with another butterfly which it immediately chased off”.

10 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

4. Dark Green Fritillary (DGF) – cont. North West Wales Alan Paterson posts on 22nd June: “Dark green fritillary at Rhyd y foel yesterday”. Paul Board posts on 22nd June: “My first Dark Green Fritillary this year, on my Bryn Euryn transect this lunchtime, and my first photos of this little beauty “ Jonathan Brown posts on 24th June: “My first Dark Green Fritillary of the year at Nant y Gamr, near Llandudno, my local patch”.

Pembs 28th June - David Redhead saw his first of the year at Freshwater West 4th July - David & Wendy recorded 32 on Trevallen Down near St Govan's Head (SM9693/SM9793) - some were already showing signs of fading 9th July - Julie Garlick sent in the following report - "Saw about 30 DGFs within about 100 yards … they seemed to be fluttering about everywhere. I’ve never seen so many in one place before! It was just as you leave Strumble Head and go onto Tresinwen land (SM8941). Some looked a bit old, but plenty of fresh ones as well."

Tonyrefail and South RCT Richard Wistow: “Only site visit was to Mynydd Ystradffernol, Rhondda with Scott Hand on June 27th. Way up on the tops off the Rhigos Mountain road we saw a dozen or more Dark Green Fritillary (mainly females) prospecting (and presumably egg laying) along the sunny forest rides at SN924018 which have violets and as we drove down the forestry track to the Maerdy windfarm we saw odd dark greens in two or three places along that long forestry road. This and all previous experience of site visits to these RCT/NPT Glamorgan Forestry uplands in June indicates that Dark Green Fritillary are widely distributed across this whole upland landscape and are to be expected anywhere (I have seen them right across the areas covered by the three upland windfarms) - with high concentrations in particularly favoured (sunny, sheltered and violet rich - rides and cuttings). It is probably already a recognised feature of these Uplands, but I think it is worth re- iterating that despite their altitude (and often wet summers) this is a stronghold for Dark Green Fritillary.”

Vale of Glamorgan. Since 13th June, during counting on the five Alun valley transect routes, 19 DGF sightings were positively identified with another estimated 92 DGFs out of the 238 unidentified medium/large fritillary sightings during the period 21st June to 3rd July. Last week (9, 12, 13th July), this had fallen to 1 definite DGF, plus another estimated 2 DGFs out of 37 unidentified medium/large fritillary sightings.

11 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

5. High Brown Fritillary (HBF) - 1 new summary of 4 weekly reports The provisional results to date from the five routes making up the Alun valley HBF transect are shown by week below. These are subject to verification which is usually undertaken in closed season. However, undoubtedly overall sightings numbers and rates per hour are well down on 2017, which in turn was on a par with 2016.

Week Date Hours SPBF SWF Definite Definite Unid. % ID’d Est. total Est. HBFs no spent HBF DGF HBF/DGF HBF per hour 1 11 June 1 - - - - 2 0 0 0 2 21, 22 June 6.45 17 - 3 8 48 19% 17 2.64 3 24, 30 June 7.97 8 1 5 4 118 7% 74 9.28 4 1, 2, 3 July 7.03 - - 6 7 72 15% 41 5.83 5 9, 12, 13 July 7.10 - 20 22 1 37 38% 58 8.17 6 7 8 Totals to date 28.55 25 21 36 20 277 17% 190 6.65

Also, the percentage reduction in overall sightings seems to be fairly consistent across all five transect routes and also applies to the DGFs, although SPBFs and SWFs are having a record year in Alun valley. We’ve the same experienced transect walkers as last year, and although percentages identified o species might appear low, this is consistent with other years and peak of flight period when the butterflies are highly active disappearing quickly from close view. We’re also unable to explain why first emergences and flight periods within the site seem very different to previous years, so let’s hope that the current BC Appeal to Save the High Brown Fritillary will help us to find out what is behind these changes. On a positive note, we have identified female HBFs prospecting/egg-laying in 5 separate locations, two of which are locations not previously noted for such activity, although habitat is managed and appears suitable.

6. Silver-washed Fritillary (SWF) – 19 new reports

Carmarthenshire Dave Bannister reports: “First SWF on Brechfa Forest transect today – 29th June”. Belinda Jackson reports: “Finally got one to settle. A beautiful Silver washed fritillary this morning on the woodland walk at the barn” (near Abernant) – 30th June. Colin Jones posts: “Plenty of Silver-washed fritillary along the Cothi valley. Seemed to be there when the sun was shining and disappear into the tree-tops when a cloud came over. At least 9 in various places between Ynys-wen bridge and Nant-y ffin. 12th July” 12 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way. To retain and respect confidentiality of precise sites and often extremely sensitive goodwill towards conservation efforts, some site descriptions are such as only to be recognisable to those already aware of each site’s location. Sites only have public access to extent shown on OS maps.

6. Silver-washed Fritillary (SWF) – cont. Ceredigion Ivy Denham & RGS watched 2 female SWFs flying in shade along a hedge in a lane in Trebedw, near Henllan on 10th July.

Gwent 23rd June: “Silver-washed Fritillary at Penallt, one week later than June 2017. (Ian Rabjohns)” 27th June: Two Silver-washed Fritillary at Whitelye Woods (Richard Clayton) and a third at Tintern (Hazel Mitchell). 29th June: No less than 16 SWFs sightings between 10 and 11 o’clock on 25th June at Slade Wood, out & back walk along main ride - RGS. 30th June: Two Silver-washed Fritillary at Conegar Wood, Llandogo. (Gail Reynolds)

North-east Wales John Smith advises that at least 4 SWFs seen on a brief visit to Marford Quarry in last ten days. 24th June: David Moore posts: “I can recommend a visit to St Govan's Head in Pembrokeshire ……with Dark Green Fritillaries and the usual midsummer cast”. 29th June - David & Wendy Redhead saw their first of the year at Sychpant in the Gwaun Valley (SN0435) 6th July - David Redhead saw 2 in Cresselly Big Wood (SN0605) 10th July - David Redhead & John Steer recorded 7 in the woodland to the west of Hook (SM9611/SM9710/SM9711) 13th July - David Redhead recorded 4 at the bottom of Hill Lane, Jeffreyston. 14th July - Liza Dennis & David Redhead recorded 7 at Sunnyhill Farm near Jeffreyston (SN0706). Mark Hipkin reports: “1 SWF was on the wing at Bishopston Valley today (25th June). Seen at midday along the path between Widegate and Pwll Du beach”.

Vale of Glamorgan. Since 13th June, during counting on the five Alun valley transect routes, 21 SWF sightings were made, of which 20 were in the period 9th to 13th July. Most were in the lower meadows but SWF has been recorded on every one of the 5 routes. 2018 is almost certainly our best SWF year since systematic fritillary recording in Alun valley started in 1995. 8th July: Alan Cripps “2 probably 3 Silver-washed Fritillaries at Cogan Woods, Cosmeston, this morning”.

This newsletter was compiled from reports received up to midnight on 17th July, but do keep reports coming in and I’ll compile and pass on to BC Wales office as soon as enough received or to suit their dates. Many thanks to all contributors and apologies, if I’ve missed any out! Richard Smith, 18th July 2018.

13 Reminder: reports to Frits About are no substitute for actual records. However, county recorders are included in Frits About circulation list and will thus be alerted to look out for actual records in due course. Please therefore follow up in usual way.