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Clayton Enterprise and Clayton Citizen New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-16-1916 Clayton Citizen, 11-16-1916 R. Q. Palmer

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Recommended Citation Palmer, R. Q.. "Clayton Citizen, 11-16-1916." (1916).

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ADAMSON LAW TO BE RAILROAD STRIKE IS CLAYTON TO HAVE IDAHO MAY GIVE ONE ELEC' UNITED STATES TROOPS TESTED BY C B. & Q. RAILWAY AGAIN ENORMOUS RESERVOIR THREATENED TORAL VOTE TO REPUBLICANS SLAIN BY MEXICANS ..Lincoln Neb. The Chicago Burl-file- d Road Officials and Trainmen Fail to Pincock, one of the four demacratic CONTRACT PROVISION IN GIVES suit in the federal court presidential electors chosen in ATTACKS ON here Agree on Adamson Eight-Hou- r Act Idaho, GENERAL PERSH- CLAYTON CITIZENS PREFER- to test the Adamson Eight hour law. was also a candidate for leg- Old Walkout Order Still Effective. the state ING'S ADVANCE FORCE ARB ENCE IN REGARD TO LABOR islature from Custer County and was United States District Attorney Allen FREQUENT. INTERVENTION IS elected, Idaho's electoral vote, instead AND TEAMS and several railroad men are named aa EXPECTED BY DECEMBER Cleveland, 0., Nov. 13. A general of being four for President Wilson, 13. defendants. temporary injunction yThe C. S. Lambie Company of Den- ,.A strike is certain unless all the rail- is likely to stand three for Wilson and agreeto General ver, Colorado has commenced work on is asked to restrain Allen and the oth roads abide by the provisions one for Hughes it is reported here to- Persning's forces at the ad- a half million gallon wateivreservoir ers from enforcing the law. of the Adamson law, President Lee of day. vanced base of Colonia Eublan con- for the town of Clayton. This work the Order of Trainmen announced this stantly are being attacked by Mexi- morning before he left New can soldiers, many of whom Car- when completed will prove of inestim- for York, Besides William G. Lee, the broth- wear short of a majority, they are counting where a big conference ranza uniforms, according able vaue to the town. The water sup- of the railroad erhood chief, at the conference were: to letters on the progressive elected in Minne- managers received from ply has been necessarily limited in the and the heads of the four Warren S. Stone militiamen now at the sota, the progressive-republica- n in of the Brotherhood town Ion y ago outgrew brotherhoods will be held. border. The writers also declare that past as the Louisiana and the independent in Mas 'of Locomotive Engineers, W. S. Car This statement news of the deaths of many American-soldie- rs its water facilities. "'Work on new is taken as indicat ter, Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- sachusetts, to vote with them for Jas. ing that the brotherhoods are expect- in these skirmishes is being and deeper wells has been progress- R. Mann men, and Enginemen; E. L. Shephard, for speaker. ing them to evade he law. suppressed. One million be- ing for some timeand when these and acting president of the Order of Rail- dollars is Prospects of a republican gain were ing spent in establishing new reservoir which is now in way Conductors, in the absence Mr. winter quar- the apparent thirty-secon- d of in the Penn New York, Nov. 13. Danger ters at the border, the de- course of construction are complete of a Garretson, who is on an extended va- militiamen sylvania district, where the canvass nation-wid- e clare. They Clayton will have ample water supply railroad strike, which was cation. expect intervention to of all Pittsburgh precincts today believed to come in December and some to come, have been averted by the do not expect for time The reservoir showed Representative lead Law Attacked in Suits Barchfeld passage of the Adamson eight-hou- r to be sent home before late in the is being constructed of concrete and Louis, Mo., Nov. 13. The Mis- ing Guy Campbell, his democratic op- law, has not entirely disappeared. St spring. Members of the-- militia write will have eight feet of the base under- It souri Pacific and the Chicago, Bur- ponent, by twelve votes. On the un- developed here today, when represen that almost every truck train which ground and well provided with set- lington & Quincy railroads filed in- official returns Campbell led Barch- tatives of the railroads and the four arrives at the border from Colonia tling tanks and everything modern junction suits in the United States feld by nineteen votes. Country pre- brotherhoods, comprising 400,000 em- Dublin carries the bodies of Ameri that goes to make up a first class res- District court here today against Dis- cincts still are to be canvassed. ploys, failed to reach an agreement cans slain in engagements with Mex ervoir. The contract price of this trict Attorney Arthur L. Oliver and Chairman Fitzgerald, of the house as to the proper application of the icans. . reservoir is $10,500which, taking the Francis M. Wilson, district attorney appropriations committee, after dis new law. The stumbling block, both "The requirements of the contract that ev- for the western district of Missouri, last driver of an army truck cussing with administration leaders to sides admitted, was the existing mil- with whom erything is to be first class into con- and againB named employes of the two I talked," one militiaman day plans for the program of the win- age system of compensation. writes, "told me sideration, would seem to be little en- roads, o restrain the carrying out of that on his latest ter session, said efforts would be made sol- The announcement of the latest eight-hou- trip he brought the bodies of six ough for the work to be done An- do the Adamson r law. Dyer to away with the usual Christmas deadlock diers. He declared other significant feature of the con- between the railroads and ordered the defendants to show cause also that he has recess, so that more business could be not made a tract is the following provision which their employes came at the conclu- on Monday, Nov. 27, why a prelimin- single journey between the tranacted. sion all-da- y border head- our own laboring element will prob- t an conference between ary injunction should not be issued. and General Pershing's ably appreciate: "In employing men the national conference committee of quarters without being fired on." or teams, preference shall at all times Seven Taos Indians stopped over in the railways and the brotherhood Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 1 Action The militiamen write that skirmish - Clayton Wednesday be given to residents of the- town of and Thursday on chiefs, which had been arranged in against the operation of tne Adam- ing is constant all along the border as Clayton and no one shall be employed their way to Oklahoma. Manager September. son eight-hou- r law was filed in federal well as on the lines defended by the who is not a resident as long as local Rankin billed them Wednesday for a "We met," paid Elisha Lee, chair court here late today by the Chicago regulars. The Mexicans are poor shots labor is available which is suitable for regular old fashioned Indian "War man of the railroad managers and Great Western Railroad company. The they declare and therefore the Ameri- Dance." the work to be done." This is a time- - The attendance was large the conference, "to exchange ideas on United States district attorney, Fran- can casualties are few. The outlaws " ly provision in the contract protectng and many a little fellow who had seen the application and operation of the cis M. Wilson, and officers in Missouri frequently cross the Rio Grande in the labor of the town of Clayon many Indians only on the screen had the op- Adamson law. We failed to reach an of the railway brotherhoods were made their raids, usually on a moonlight of whose laborers are her best contrib- portunity of seeing and hearing some agreement, and we are not certain defendants. The complaint alleges night, on acount of the superstitious utors in all that goes to make a good, real Indiana and see them in the war that another meeting will take place " the law is in violation of contracts Mexican's dread oí a starless sky. substantial, pr"essive town.sThe new Ldance. This with William Famum in Strike is Hinted existing between the road and the men. The militiamen believe intervention reservoir is being constructed on the "The Bondman" was an unusual fea- William G. Lee, president of the Chicago, Nov. 13r-T- he seventh will come by December 15. By that town's property near the power and ture at the Mission which was enjoyed Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. railroad to attack the Adamson law time, according to their forecast, Villa all' when Buit ,or light plant and the comforts and ad- by spokesman for the employes in thel'PP81 an ia' will be in control of all northern Mex vantages ii will furnish the town absence of A. B. Garreston of the Or-- junction was filed in the United states ico and the .Carranza soldiers in that Chicago & - when complete cannot come too soon. NO IMMEDIATE PLANS der of Railway Conductors, declared District court by the East- section, already the. enemies of the ern Illinois. T ORECALL PERSHING in a statement that in the event of Americans, will have gone over to evasion by the railroads of the Adam- - United States District Attorney him. Then, according to their belief, OFFICIA-- RETURNS OF SO Clyne said this afternoon that rail San Antonio, TexaB, Nov. 14. Ma son law summary action would be ta- the American forces again will be or- CIALIST VOTE IN UNION CO. ways which have started suits against General Funston said tonight ken by the brotherhoods. dered across the line to "get Villa.". jor that the Adamson law in Chicago will no orders for a new disposition of He said that the strike order, which, "And we'll find him many times For President, Allan L. Benson ..251: abide by the result of a test case. This troops of the expeditionary force in was directly responsible for the law, more able to defend himself than For U. S. Senator, W. P. Metcalf .275 case will be heard by three federal Mexico have been issued. Nothing at still was in effect, and the brother when the first order to capture him For Rep. Cong.,. A. Eggum 275 judges, including Judges Landis and headquarters indicated that an early hoods would not hesitate to enforce went out," one soldier writes. "Scores For Governor, N. A. Wells 266 i Carpenter. withdrawal of Geniral Pershing's com it if the occasion warranted it. of Carranzistas are deserting to him For L. Governor, J. H. Bearrup 254 brotherhoods every day. mand is contemplated. "The asked for this For Sec. State, Vincent Thomas ..266 conference," said Mr. Lee. the BANDIT RIDES WITH THE strengthen out belief inter- Officers pointed out that presence "At "To that For State Auditor, Frank Frost 263 morning we the ap- vention soon will come, 220 of American troops in Mexico serves session discussed MEN HE HAD ROBBED rounds of For State Treas, Frank Pheeps ..261 law, and ninety of re- to minimize the danger of border plication of the and found that rifle ammunition For Supt. Pub. In., Mrs. L. Lane .243 there was no basis upon which we volver cartridges have been given out. raids. It is the opinion of military Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 14. As the For Jus. S. Court, A. J. McDonald 257 cound possibly agree. This war strength. Orders also have authorities that Villa can hardly risk (Missouri Pacific's Omaha-Lincol- n ex For State Sen., J. W. Thompson 229 Roads to Press Lawsuits been issued that none of the ammuni- a move against the Big Bend country press train No. 108 was leaving Leav- For State Legis'ture, D. Y. Sowers 243 "Another setback, besides the elim tion shall be allowed to remain in while Pershing's men are on duty, be- enworth tonight for Kansas City, Mo., For State Legis'ture, T. N.'Tillman 239 ination of the mileage system, was, boxes, but that all of it shall be ready cause of the ease with which his re- a masked robben entered the rear For Co. Com., No. 1., W. L. Tolley 230 the determination of the railroads toi for instant use." treat back into Chihuahua could be cut sleeping coach, levelled a pistoat the For Co. Com. No. 2, J. J. Merilatt 255 continue their suits to determine the off. four male passengers and the conduc Co. Com. No. 3, Wm. Delaney 258 consituionalty of the law." I For tor, C. E. Schmidt, and obtained $96. THE LURE OF THE WILDS For Probate Judge, Ray Bebb ...263 The mileage sysem of compensation, LOOK HERE Eighty dollars of this was, taken from For Co. Clerk, Rob't Stephenson .244 the basis of which is the number of V the conductor. The bandit then in Anticipation often brines more en- 1U miles traversed by a train crew, and .tor bheriff, Jacob bpidel You who have old tin cans and othl formed his victims that they might re- joyment than realization.' In proof of M. 243 not the actual hours of work, is the For Assessor, L. Sowers er disease producing rubbish about sume their seats. "I'll ride a way with this statement we will cite you to the crux of the new problem that, a rail- For Treasurer, A. J. Cox 242 your places of residence, gather it all you," he said. experiences of a couple of Clayton's B. road authority said, may result in the For Co. Supt, L. Masscy 195 togetner and put in barrels or sacks. At intervals, as one of the passen- prospective young trappers (?) It development of a situation similar to For Co. Surveyor, L. L. Daniels ...252 Do th now November 20th is gers would shift his position, the pistol has been but a few short weeks, since ualL53atorpl cmfwy vbgkq xzfiflffxzfi the one which brought into being . the j Ciean Tjp Day" in Clayton and pro-- in the robber's ha"d "onM sViift to "Bab" Boggs and "Orve" Weckel, in- Adamson law. visions have been made to haul all the cover him. When the trai pulled into vigorated by the crisp autumn air, at- "Frankly," said Chairman Lee of ; rubbish away if you prepare it for the Kasns City, Kan., station, the man tained a longinrr for wilds and tho ORGANIZATION OF LOWER the conference committee, in discuss hauling. Better do it before the health wished his victims a lauching "good-ight,- " sports attached thereto.' So great be- IN DOUBT ing this phase of the situation, "the HOUSE STILL officers and town marshall pays you a left the coach by the rear plat- came the lure thft bein? unable to trouble lies in the fact that neither he call. and disappeared through the stand it longer, they yielded up lucra- railroads nor the men know definitely form Washington, Nov. 15. Incomplto dark maze of tracks and ears. tive positions, provided themselves how the law should bo applied. canvasses of the vote in several close Guard Maneuvers Postponed, with traps and "chuck" and departed own as to how congressional districts today broutrht "We have our ideas into the "unknown" wilds of Union law shall be applied if at all as no changes in the uoflkial election re- Brownsvillp, Tex., Nov. 14. The the WHO KILLED HER HUSBAND county, in pursuit of "wild animals." to its validity are now pend- 1 in- - sults which would indicate that 217 proposed maneuvers of national suits test Here comes the sad part of the story. ing, while the brotherhoods have their a r. . 1 l. a : .. . . republicans, 212 democrats, and six guards of nine states, said to be the tend to be married if ve ever ret out lci auvvini wuciia ui yvi Diaieiib wir- own ideas." il f other parties have been elected to most extensive of its kind since the of this scrape."Mrs. R. M. Bushong ing to lure game their way, they ' Outcome is Uncertain said today. She is detained here on the sixty-fift- h congress. Representa - troops were called to the Mexican bor find themselves unsuccessful as far aa could be- tive Doremus, chairman of the demo- der several months ago, planned to Chairman Lee added that he the charcre of being an accessory profits go, and their supply of "chuck" cratic national committee, still claims, begin here tomorrow, has been post- not predict the probable outcome of fore and after the fact in the murder almost exhausted. An S. O. S. call however, that democrats will make poned until Thursday owing to the the difficulty. of her husband at Wi'soi t" 0 weeks was immediately sent to Clayton and plead- gains on the final returns in six or sev- cold weather, it was announced today. He said, however, that negotiations ago. Roy meaning Turner, has on Sunday last "Tim" Boggs motored degree en of the close districts, which appar- V might be resumed by calling another ed guilty to the charge of first to their rendezvous and brought the ently have elected republicans by small WICONSIN SOLDIER VOTE TO conference. This possibility was 'murder. Mrs. B"sV"nr his retained wayfarers home, poorer but wiser. Al Majorities. Speaker Clark and other WILSON BY LONE BALLOT strengthened by the announcement of her perfect equanimity ever since her though the boys venture was not a they, with and in this manner reaffirmed democratic leaders also confidently ex- the brotherhood chiefs that arrest success financially, they succeeded in Madison, Wis., Nov. 11. Unofficial the. exception of President Lee of the her love for the man who killed her pect to cut down the republican plur getting the "scents" as we are told ality. figures indicate that President Wilson trainmen's organization, proposed to husband. they came in contact with .several Representative Woods, chairman of ! has won the Wisconsin soldiers' vote remain here for several days. "My husband was a brute," she said, Hie republican committee, insisted to- by only one ballot The unofficial fig President Lee left for his home in "and I just can't feel sorry about his skunks and a coyote and even brought coming he night that the republicans udoubted-b- r urcs give Wilson 973; Hughes 973. Cleveland tonight. He said it was his death. He had int aa had their pelts back as trophies. Better me terrebly and Ro's the only would control the organization of Governor Philipp was given a two to intention to join his conferees in treated stay at home boys, and be sure of over Burt Williams, his Washington Monday, where they will man I ever met who seeemed to really the house. A speaker, to be elected ane majority something to eat, than to take any Mist receive a majority of the house Democratic opponent, the figures be- go to attend the opening session of love me. If we live to be free once more wild chases. Wild creatures are r 218 votes. Although the unofficial ing as follows: Philipp, 1,361 ; Wil- the Newlands' investigating commit more we will be married and be hap retaros show the republicans to be one liams, 667. tee, py." very evasive. 1 THE CLAYTOIl CITIZEN

DRY PESOT.UTION CONSIDER- rmnl noiRe blending with its melodies UNION COUNTY SOON TO Freight Steamer Sinks Found. Between Clayton and ED SI'!'!', TO HE SUBV.ITTEI" nd the melodies of the crackling tones IIAVE FARM BUREAU one Surveyor's tripod, in canvas owl-wis- e, frog-tone- Nov. 10. Santa Fe, Nov. 12. The resr.'rt"on 'f the d picture-ritic- s Buzzard's Bay,. Mass., 0wnpr can hnve same by call-- statewide together State College, N. M. Union County, The Clyde line freight steamer Chip to submit the question of with the smacks, ing at this office with evidence of rohibitlon to the voters next y n Y ; :arls and guffaws of Reuben in the the eighth county in New Mexico to pewa, bound from Jacksonville, Fla., ' ownership and paying for this ad. be the first to be i:;trodu-e- J r.t the rwc If an Indian pokes his employ an expert agriculturist, is soon for Boston, struck a rock and sank at legislative session, if present b-- s :ci.d from behind a tree, or the hero-'r- t to have a farm bureau, if thejlans of the western entrance of the Cape Cod paper to read. are successf '1. cuts out the heart of the villain County Agent Orren Beatty mature canal today. The Citizen is the Prohibitionists feel that the pledge ith a jnck-1-nif- e nnd throvs"it still' properly. Mr. Beatty has opened of both parties to submit the Question palpitating upon the ground, don't' with the farmer's Society of ill be kept, especially sinre E C. do fo-"- ot to scream, boys; for the sake Equity in his county, with a view to Baca, elected governor is a pronounc of others v. ho have paid their money obtaining the of the so- 1 TU TT" T ed prol Vt, rs r. n i"T a vipt oenin'r's enjoyment an 1 ciety toward the establishment of the The Eklund Hotel, Ranch & Irrigation sey, who as lieutenant governor v ill don't forget to scream proposed bureau. Considerable en- preside over the state senate and v ill and shout at the top of your voice couragement has been offered and it Company vhf-pve- r C. r!e every-tlvr- rr is new will act as fo'-rrno- E. shoot paper wads at likely that the organization Baca is o;:t of the state. Tn fact, pro- in sifht; because YOU didn't meet with success, provided it is estab- CLAYTON NEW MEXICu. hibitionists assert that thry thr- o- sev- ' ave to p'iy to "git in" and all the lished The county agent is outlining Rooms 75 to $1.50 E2 Meals 25 and 5Cc. eral thousand votes to both men big folk did be sure to howl boj's projects for 1917 and planning a series F1HHT H A NT OPKN ti.U AN'll NHiHT. elected th'.m because of the;r put the v olf into it, good nnd strong, of farmers meetings in order to learn CLASS KSTAt'H T'-e- y -l for proVh'ni Vif h" s'ire to howl it will make the needs in each community. The Steam Heat, Bath anI F.Iectric Lights. was "11 otVr, spectators think is projects to be pushed aggressively assert tbit it t's ficW it the Sample Room Free. . Call For All Trains which Chief .Tnstice Clarence "grand entre" of a lot more real In-- .' during the coming year will be defi- V sty A J. Eoherts. J. IT. Wn:ncr, fleet- i. us and raise the exponent of expec- nitely decided upon after the meetings AmIo Service at PfisM. superintendent of public instruc-- , tation to the highest power in fact, have been held. ed Co., tion, is ilso a prohibitionist. The f u t it will, nearly scare them to death In SanMiguel County, the better The Eklunc! Hotel. Ranch' an J Trngfltion Proprietors that Antonio Lucero ran so far ahead with suspense; besides all these things seed movement has received a decided of bis ticket is ascribed to the same are the very latest fads in the picture impetus as the result of a visit to San influence ns is the e'os? nee tvnt At- show world with its very hub in your Luis Valley of M. R. Gonzales, the torney Patton, practically unknown, own little town. In New York, Chi- county agent. Mr. Gonzales made the young and inexperienced .gave such a cago, San Francisco and Denver the trip in the interest of the Inter County Shop popular veteran as Frank W. Clancy people are' too modest to give such or- Seed and Live Stock Improvement As- Electric Boot & Shoe for the attorney generalship. namental expression to character in sociation nnd secured valuable options a pronounced prohibition- their movie theaters; but don't let on sweet clover seei, wheat oats and Wherever JUST INSTALLED A NEW AND SOLE ran against a such things as modesty and consider- peas. The prices of grains are now as ist STITCHER. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ANY same ticket, the former won. ation hold your Reuben down to such high as four cents per pound. on the KIND OF BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING, AND DO IT same time the prohibiten gentle manners, good morals and fin- Inspection of a cotton gin by a coun At the that IMMEDIATELY. ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED. question is submitted to the voters, ished human culture. It might not be ty agent in New Mexico may seem to "Western" enough. rather an odd thing especially to those the woman's suffrage amendment I am Located First Door South of the Clayton News Office the constitution pledged by both par- who cannot imagine cotton growing ties will a'so be submitted but because CHARACTER AND ACTION possible in this state. Last week J. of the difficulty of amending the fran-ch- i (By ITiillips Brooks) W. Knorr, agriculturist in Eddy, visit- Boot-Mak- section of the state constitution ed the Otis cotton gin and found the Ollie B. Cox, er will hardly succeed at the polls. Behind every foreground of action plant doing excellent work. Two hun- lies a background of character on dred seventy five bales of cotton have WHAT TO DO AT THE THEATER which the action rests and from which been turned out already this seasoi It all depends on what you go for. it gets its life and meaning. It mat- by the Otis gin. Cotton is proving a ters not whether it be a nation, an crop this year, accord- If you pro for the purpose of "show- valuable cash ing off" don't forget that you are the age, a church, a man, anything which ing to Mr. Knorr. only person present and that if it is capable of being and acting, must With turkeys selling in and around wasn't for that fact the show could make its action an expression of its Artesia at fourteen centts a pound, BIG NEW LINE not run; of course the show .is run- being, and must feel its being behind Jive weight, and alfalfa hay selling at existence is un- ning for your exclusive an.d special its acting, or its very seventeen dollars a ton, the farmers benefit and you should take special satisfactory and thin. What does it in Eddy are not worrying much about MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, RAIN COATS, upon all mean to me that the French Revolution the high cost of living: pains to impress that fact SUITS SHIRTS, PANTS AND OVERCOATS that is around and about you. If you broke out in fury a few years ago, un- Another issue of the farmers, Ex- Tues- are a woman, be sure- - to wear the less in that outburst I see the utter- change bulletin was sent out on highest, broadest, biggest headgear ance of the whole character of that day of last week, containing items of M ACKIN AWS you have and be very careful not to which had gathered into itself the considerable interest to the farmers of fury against county. take it off as long as the pictures run suppressed of centuries the because there is no excuse for you be- selfish despotism? What does it The county agent is receiving a SWEATERS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, ETC. PRICES THE LOWEST ing at all considerate for the comfort mean to me that a great reformer number of inquiries relative to the and pleasure of others. If the keep- rises and gets some great wrong right- kind of small grain to raise in the sur- ing on of your headgear is not suff- ed, unless I see that his coming and the rounding communities, the variety and icient expression of your character work he does are not mere happy ac- and how to treat it for smut. The in- CLAYTON CASH STORE cidents, but the express:on of the great then stand up so as to obstruct the dications are that there will be a sub- J. C. CALDWELL, Manager Tiew of others for they have no right necessities of human life, and of a con- stantial increase in the acreage in to expect any enjoyment from a show dition which mankind has reached by small grains this year compared with that is being run for your exclusive slow developmen t and education?. that of last winter. is act without a brave amusement and entertainment. An- What a brave A farmers, bulletin has proved so nature behind it? What is a smile other thing you should remember is successful in Eddy that a similar pub- unless know are to make remarks about the pictures, I you are kind? What lication will hereafter be issued in blows Unless your all kinds of remarks, because, you your indignant Chaves. The first issue ofthe Chaves "is The Bosses' Orders know, that is very edifying to all oth- heart is on fire? What all your County Exchange Bulletin is to go to activity without you.. How instantly er people, not persons, that may be pres3 December 1st. Considerable it- sitting near and watching the devel- the expression of character creates time has been spent by County Agent being! sure to include the inper-ativ- e opment of the story on the screen and self and springs into A man Divelbliss in getting material togeth- are injunction to use the might lose a point here and there if cannot sell you goods across the coun- er for the first issue. in Lumber on the job. We you do not so wisely and cutely keep ter, or take you for a drive his car, Chaves much interested best farmers are kind. All the en-Jo- y in public con- keep no other them posted. Of course they will or collect your fare a in farm loan association talk and it is veyance, or hold a door open for you, Lumber we handle for out- your very witty and cute remarks, believed that steps will be taken to or- if you sen- door or indoor work is war- Mr. Mrs. or Miss Bore, especially your without you getting, are ganize an association soon. impression of ranted by us to be froee from smacks, snarls and coarse guffaws at sitive, some what sort Woolly aphis is causing a number he is and seeing his ct warpings and imperfections the love scenes, remembering that here of a man of the orchards considerable worry. complexion his and to be thoroughly dried. is where your character expression colored with the 'of The county agent has recommended Our Trim and mouldings are gleams like mud upon alabaster; be- character. ' plowing, and mulching of the surface. the of y. also guaranteed. And though sides your demonstrations blend so Here is value reality, of Colfax County or- sincerely noth- I the qualities are the ebst our harmoniously with the peals of the Reality and are Provided the farmers in Colfax con- r . 7 ing between char- J chestra that its music would not be but the true relation tinue to manifest interest in the pro- complete without the frogginess of acter and lo tion. Expressed artistically posed organization of a farm loan in fore- your crackling tones. If you come .t is the harmony between the association, County Agent V. L. Mar-tine- late, be sure to stand in the aisles be- ground and the back ground of a life .will soon call a meeting for people be- Ve all seen pictures where the tween the Screen and nil the have the purpose of effecting preliminary Tom Gray Lumber Co, hind just as long as you possibly can fore ground and back ground were organization of an association. On a and when you finally pass toward a not in harmony with each other; each recent trip to Johnson Mesa, in the seat some one has kindly offered you might be good in itself, but the two interest of club work, and to visit take your time, yes take your time, .itver would have joined them to each farms, Mr. Martineau found the farm- getting through for some one behind other so they did not hold to one ers in that section especially desirious may not have to sit the second show another, but seemed to spring apart. of getting long time loans at low out to get the trena of he sory if you Ian is by nature quiet, earnest, sedate rates of interest do noi, do this. Whatever you do don't jj.'iow.s. If he simply expressed his Beet digging is in progress in the forget to yell at the top of your voice calm and faithful life in calm and Maxwell district and beets are yield- when he heroine kills the villain; she laitnful deeds, all would be well; but ing a little heavier this year than hears you of course and if you belong behold! He tries to be restless, impa-.ici.- c, last. In the opnion of the county agent THE PALACE BAR to the male genus, homo, she might radical, vehement, nnd how his earlier planting of beets will result in tcct you some day and smile grnci-ual- y meaningless commotion tries us. The sec- increased yields in the Maxwell JOHN CORICH 8c SON upon you for your loud applause .nan's emotions are prosaic and direct, tion. t f mere sbndow, originrtn in the but he makes his action complicated her Dona Ana County We have secured a special Whiskey Vhich touches the spot shadowy depths of a very thinly .iiid romantic. It is the man's nature Two carloads of beets are to be intelligence. to believe, and only listen to the skep- shipped to the Holly sugar factory at We invite the public to sample this fine old liquor. We guarantee If you are a iiille boy, be sure to ticism he chatters. It is the descord of Sjvink, Colo., to close up the beet ex- it. One drink will convince you. take your "nigger-shooter- " and paper the background and foreground of periment which has, been in progress wad slinger along for your then'.er jharacter and action. in the Mesilla valley for nearly a would not be complete without" the On the other hand, when the two year. A beet puller was sent to the activity of such educational are not in discord, but, rather, in har- valley gathering the beets. Beets are OLD LEVIS HUNTER forces. Moreover, the financial suc- mony, every one feels the beauty of turning out with every indication that edas of the management of your thea- the picture they make. The act a good tonnage will result. Beets r" 'ZlJJJZLLl SIX YEAR OLD BOURBON ter depends upon your slipping to the ,hich simply utters the thought, planted on the first day of July weigh exits and admitting your boy p:ls free which is the man, what satisfaction it from three to five pounds at the pres- machine-ma- n is at f charge while the gives you! ent time. If the crop can be made WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOTTLED GOODS. turning the pictures off and the box-- t What will be the rule of life which that time of planting, it will give the VAL BLATZ BEER ON DRAUGHT irl is engaged in selling tickets, and such a description of life as this must farmers who have old stands of alfal- the manager is looking after other im- necessarily involve? Will it not in- fa a chance to plow them up in the portant features of the show; and clude both the watchfulness over char- fall and then get the grain off in time afcove all things else, boys, be sure to acter and the watchfulness over ac- to put in beets. srenm because the orchestra cannot tion, cither of which alone is woefully A cow testing association is being in- - psibly get" nlong without your imperfect?" ' talked of by the valley fanners. V . THE CLAYTON CITIZEN


CANDIDATES ....'..! 1 23456789 10 11 lí 1 13 14 15 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2í 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Total Majty 251119 Juan Ortiz 226 23, 41 36 18 29 28 33 65 44 311 80 49 611 881 551 311 301 461 421 221 35 41 281 12 50 21 31) 40) 2, 17 10 10 5 6 121 - ' 1493 C- L. -- 18 29 83 651 44 81 Hill J226 2511923:.41 36 28 80 49 61 38 55 32 30 46 44 22i 35 28i 121 501 241 211 311 39) 2: 171 101 101 61 71 111 14H6 H. J. Hammond 2261 251117 23, 40 36 18 29 28 33 44 31 79 65 49 61 38 65 33 30 46 44 22 36 Í 28 12 50 24 22 31 39 10 o, 7, HI UJo Felix Garcia ... 350 58 87 31 29.58 43 16 49 44 16 17 49 42 33 71 17 23 60 24 61 83 52 41 f 50, 70 581 53: 301 331 47 35 35, 29 1987 29 58 16 ! J. N. Upton 350 68 87 31, 43 49 44 15 17 49 42 33 71 17 23 60 24 61 86 531 41 56 75l 58 52 31 33 23 2 47 35 361 30 1903 Jose G. Chavez,. 351 68 89 31, 33 58 43 16 49 44 15 17 49 43 33 70 IV 23 60 21 61 83 52 40 j 56 35' 75 58 52 30 33 23, 25 47 35 35 30 1994 111 Frank Á. ITulbrir 211 21 120 21' 41 36 23 30 30 35 65 44 45 80'61 55 37 57 ?J 17 22i'37:r .1, IV, U 10, o6-- 1641 A. A. Jones 336 58 77 32 58 37 15 47 '41 15 15 84 43 31 67 18 2Z 60 85 53! 3C! OvJi ! S B 30( M 25 48 t.' .OI ivJ, '.o Voli 33 ,B. C. Hernandez 214 25127 241 41 37 22 32 31j 37 6644458Í 49 69 39 66 38 29 48 39 2343. 14 51 231 301 451 V. 16 12 8 6 11 15P5 W. B. Walton 335 55 70 30, 32 57 39 13 46 39 14 15 84 39 31 62 14 23 52 25 59 90 51 80, 20 71 49 31 28 221 26 46 25 33) 29 18S0 295 H. O.'Tm-nu- 34 . 248 27 98 24 34 18 26 23 33 67 44 82 80 48 53 38 48 46 31 48 46 32 Si' 14 58 281 231 35 3 2i 12 17 1553 E. C. do Baca 53 39 328 98 30, 60 43 19 64 43 13 15 47 39l 84 69 16 31 44 24 59 78 41 33 52 3:n' 59 20 61 43 31 35 22 21 27 24 18D8 343 " W. Lindsey 247 27 119 24 40 21 30 -- E. 36 31 36 65 44 44 82 49 69 87 55 43 32 48 48 31 38 14 57 80 381 3 17 12 61 71 1613 W. C. McDonald 331 53 76 33 68 30 40 16 46 40 15 lu 35 38 83 63 16 24 48 23 59 80 43 33' 53, 34 (j 20 65 301 33 '21 26 46 34) 32 246 L. í 188 235 26 116 231 Gilberto Mirabal 41 36 21 29 80 85 65 44 46 79 47 69 39 66 40 32 47 42 22. 38 14 52 27 30 37 3, 16 12 10 6 1558 Antonio Lucero 344 54 81 31 32 68 39 16 47 41 15 15 84 39 33 63 12 23 49 23 60 86 50 35 ! 20 70 31 3 22 23 46 23 34 32 1898 340 LL : W. G. Sargent 240 27 117 24! 41 36 25 44 81 391 32 ... 30 30 35 65 46 49 69 66 45 49 49 23 38; fi 311 14 5t5 30 26' 311 Sil1 201 12 1613 M: A. Otero 337 63 79 301 32 36 15 47 41 .15 16 161 23 461 68 35.' 58j 33 86 33 63 23 79 50 (4 ()' :,UI COI 6U 47 29) 31 22 23 46 1857 244

Gregory Page 236 26 119 24 41 36 22 30 30 35 37 55 40 32 43 39 231 i' 65 44 46 80 49 69 ?0 41 20, l 50 29 24 301 361 1566 H. L. Hall 54 77 30' j .313 32 68 39 15 47 41 15 16 33 39 33 62 17 24 52 23 69 90 52 34 Tí 52 49 301 351 22 1915 84 ! I. W. Clancy 41 85)19 'f F. 2381.26119 24 36 22 30 30 85 65) 44 47 60 S8 55 43 34 47 42 24 39 30 14 30 38! 3' 10 6 1588 II. L. Patton 344 55 78 31 32 58 39 15 41 15 39 541 591 . 47 16 32 33 62 17 24 23 87 53 31j 79 20 31 341 24 23 34 1928 340 J. H. 27 118 241 41 30 231 40i" Warmer ...... 238 36 22 30 37 65 44 46 83 49 59 37 65 41 31 47 44 25 5 301 30! 16 1583 L. G. Swinney 63 30) J. 343 79 32 58 38 15 47 89 15 16 83 85 33 .62 18 24 50 21 60 85 52 33 51 30 31 34 1898 315

" R. P. Ervien 297 74 133 27 37 3of29 39 481 35 22 63 44 46 81 62 39 55 45 30 5l 50 40 40 2C 1743 Geo. A. D;;visson 288 9 64 28 32 39 15 88 16 39 59 48 17 33 34 68 16 23 48 25 56 73 39 33 53 1752 9 C.J.Roberta 254 26119 25 41 36 22 30 30 35 44 48 "Si 30 47l 451 65 49 59 38 65 42 34 40, 25 51 30 14 61 29 23 30 28 3 17 12 10 6 7 1609 Neil B. Field 324 64 78 29 32 58 39 15 47 41 15 83 16 24 50 24 60 43 34 16 39 33 62 83 54 35 71 20) 61 53 50) 30 351 221 26 461 22 34 351 1867 258 4oI" Martinez 237 26119 25 41 36 22 33 30 36 65 44 B4 33 48 43 Malarias .. 46 82 47 60 37 38 22 3 30 221 291 39 3 16 7 14 1569 Bonifacio Montoya ..343 54 77 30 40 12 47 15 15 33 38 24 50 24 59 83 52 33 32.58 83 63 14 36 71 48 31 32 221 23 321 27 1888 319 J. F. Branson 229 25131 24 36 35 25 30 32 33 65 44 47 86 46 67 39 65 41 32 48 102 2l 46 6 17 8 71 1712 G. C. Smith 350 65 64 30 37 58 36 15 45 86 16 32 88 15 24 49 23 69 26 55 36 16f 36 61 22 26 31 34 1764 62 - Fred B. Moore 252 27116 24 40 35 SO 21 29 39"59Ü'6;ÍÍS253bÍ2ÍZ6 6 18 1664 Malaquias Baca 1229 25 119 23 40 31 21 30 36 88 69 44 46100 47 64 29 57 39 30 48 39 23 38 Bryan 338 56 75 31 29 1554 68 88 16 43 40 U 15 S3 21 83 64 14 24 40 24 66 84 63 30 21 25 1839 Patricio Romero 332 63 78 30 40) 83 64 16) 44 40) XI 15 33 27 84 66 26 22 29 24 67 80 60 38 22 25 1839

9LrieAL- - Philips 30 1251 241 38) 36fl91 80 "s5 "66145 "Ío ..,321 80 43 83 49 67 6443 34 48 33 16 37 3 17 10 1628 H. A. Kiker -2- 62 67 31) 85 67 421 15 47 14 66 17 24 69 60 36 67 44 15 36 42 83 25 66 97 25 26 49 1888 260 " I I -- I f I --I j "f h f i ' M. C. 288 22118 24 38 37 33 44 Johnson . 30 80) 85 64 65 85 68 64 37 65 37 32 46 35 18 47 1652 T.. J. Edmondson 290 601 75 30 34 67 29 15 45 41 15 63 18 15 24 85 26 22 64 23 61 94 58 37 1834 182 T. Martinez 222 22 32 86 29 17150 21 30 32 67 46 46 83 48 85 16 64 37 32 47 63 24 22 1604 Jacobo Pacheco 351 66 45 32 42 68 38 16 47 44 13 14 83 85 32 87 36 25 61 23 69 72 49 40 1926 422 244 49 124 23 43 87 34 86 45 M.Martinez 39 73 60 80 88 48 65 38 62 83 32 44 31 22 43 26 1688 H. G, Magruder 338 34 70 81 30 67 25 9 38 80 7 9 22 15 8 32 42 17 60 23 63 98 63 29 72 54! 1769 83 Francisco Vigil 230 19 118 24) 40 38 19 13 "36 28 10 69 40 Z519 47 67 65 38 31 46 40 23 36 10) 6 1480 Antonio, Chavex 348 61 76 30 33 56 41 17 68 64 11 1 88 46 33 6416 24 60 24 61 88 60 37 22 34 1977 497 234 61U.35Í 41 S3 47 "47) "(51 Isidro Montoya 2i 45 82 42 44 75 65 93 69 39 34 29 40 38 23 44 36 14 26 48 1692 J. J. Duran . 348 20 60 30 32 48) 27 13 35 34 6 12 18 24 5 57 13 18 56 25 66 90 61 29 f 67 19 54 35, 28 1781 ' 89 ' Ray Sutton - 257 71 160 29 3738 27 29 30 85 68 45 47 91 51 80 41 56 66 3144 75"28ü' 32 15 1832 "Hi J. E.Skelton .336 11 45 26 33 68 35 16 47 43 12 14 32 82 31 471 14 23 35 25 63 64 53 37 741 19 1714 "24 F. C. Field i'.; 254 83 110 35 31 80 80 80 85 6 44 44 87 43 44 40 63 62 Z24148 26 "i' 1633 C. M. Sanchez 326 47 84 30 38 63 SI 15 47 41 15) 15 3J5 S3 83 77 16 26 80 23 69 81 48 34 35 38 1841 208

H. H. Errett ... 352 64140 81 42 37 38 30 31 43 65 46 50 84 48 681 30 66 40 32 64 ljZ30 37 41 1 16 1947 "Í47 J. W. Thompson . 241 18 54 24 81 67 22 15 46 37 15 14 29 87 36 67 25 22 52 23 43 68 48 37 33 241 27 53 32 1600 22' "39 A. C. Loveless 248 27 119 24 41 361 30 30 35 65) 44 46 85 38 68 41 63 42 31 49 4622 5 17 1605 T. A. Bushnell 329 53 75 30 32 58 38 16 47 41 15l 15 33 36 45 64 14 25 60 24 58 83 53 33 36 22 26 33 83 34 1877 272

J. E. Alexander 64 66 33 25 56 331 141 39 14 31' 32 32 201 16 171 53 23 61 103 62 "l9 36 38 1826 163 ...333 S1U 45) J. Andres Pacheco ...246 20 140 21 47 38 27) 8l 3B 45) 8fl 48 88 48107! 38 60 38' 32 46 27 23 54 1663 jolly time was had. The proceeds UNCLE SAM MAY ADVANCE agement of national forests, Mr. Ri- amounted to $16.23. PRICE OF GRAZING LANDS ley says, is that they are not The literary was organized Friday and are a burden upon the na- RURAL CORRESPONDENCE night at Lake View school house. Of Denver, Nov. 13, An increase in tional treasury. ficers elected were as follows: Pres., the rates charged by the United States Mrs. Fred Schiffner; V. Mr. John government by the livestock grazing - The proposed policy, he said, ia tal Ivie; Sec., Miss Maud Stone; Editor, upon national forests is under con extend the increases over a period of GRENVILLE PASAMONTE J. W. Forbes; Asst., Mrs. Vide Stokes; sideration, and has been taken up with three years, which will make the feet, Wm. Prater and Mr. Griffin were at- Sargent, Ed Morgan. officials of the American National atthe end of that time approximately Well, the election is over and we tending to business in Roy this week. ' Livestock association, and the Nation- twice what they are at present may have time to breath now. J. B. Alexander went to Roy Fri- UNION RIDGE al Wool' Growers' association, Smith Under congressional enactment, 25 Quite a snow storm struck here Sun- day to purchase coal. Riley district forester, announced to- per cent of all national forest receipts day afternoon. F. S. McDonald was at Roy this Mr. and Mrs. Turner were callers in day. These associations are to be con- are to be paid to the several states Messrs Wilburn Snelson and Mc-Car- ty week purchasing provisions. our community Sunday afternoon. sulted, according to the statement be- in which the forests are located. Col- made a business trip to Clay- Mr. Burleson moved his cattle over Cletis Kitts was quite seriously in- fore final action is taken "in order that orado, in 1916, received $40,921.44 as ton Saturday. near Roy to his ranch. They have been jured by an automobile accident Sat the views of these associations may its share of the grazing receipts. J. W. Snelson of Trinidad who has at the II. T. ranch. urday night She received several se- be obtained." been visiting friends here the past Frank Gilliam helped Mr. vere bruises about the head and face One of the criticisms of the man- - The Citizen is the paper to read. week, returned home Saturday. move his cattle Wednesday.' and willbe laid up for some time with Mrs. Barton of Clayton came up Ferris Alexander has put a nice cel a broken leg. Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and lar under his house. Mr. and Mrss. Bateman, Mrs. Hampf MAGAZINES Mrs. T. E. Stone. George Brostmeyer bought a 30 and Guy Bateman visited at John FOUR MONTHLY $fl barrel Mr. Burleson. 25 Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Tharp and child- tank of Teague's Sunday. All were from Frank Snell and family have moved Texline. f And Our Paper All One Year ren went to Tharp Springs Texas, to visit Mr. Tharp's mother. back on their place from the Antis The bean threshers were at John ranch. Mrs. E. T. Stone is on the sick list Teague's Monday. Quite a cold spell struck this Valley Mrs. Bassett and children and two A great many people went visiting Sunday continued Monday. and over Sunday spite of the . dust storm daughters-in-la- w came in from Tex- in It is pleasant today. as, Wednesday. They will make their which prevailed the greater part of future home here. Ute Valley is getting to 6e a picture the day. of houses. You can look in any direc Mrs. Nelson's house is almost com- The bean threshers were at Mr. Con- - tion and see new houses peeping up in pleted. Mr. Bassett's family will oc- nell's Monday and Tuesday. sight. Only three years ago you cupy it during the winter so the Mr. Hogan returned from Wisconsin could enumerate houses on your children will be near school. the last week bringing with him á fine fingers. Still there's more to follow. Mrs. and herd of Holsteins. Mr. and II. II. Stoddard 'Josge Bradshaw has bought a nice Elkhart, Kansas, came threshers were at Lorenzo children from bunch of three year old cows. We are The Get The Most For Your Money in Monday to visit with Mrs. Stod- Bateman's Friday. glad to see Jesse taking hold of these Send your subscription to ouv paper at once, and we will fcive you a yer dard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus-so- n. cows for I consider it a good deal. We are glad to note that Cletis Kitts subscription to these splendid mafcaiines for only 25 cents additional. The eitra We were very sorry to hear of Mrs. is improving; quarter brings you $1.35 worth of standard mufiazines. Mr. Henley and family of Oklaho- Robert Martin being in such poor Mrs. Horn visited with Mrs. Teague This offer is open to old and new subscribers. If you are already sub ma, arrived here Sunday. They wish to health, but glad to hear she is im- Friday. scriber to any of tnese magazines, your subscription will be extended one year from date of expiration. locate here. proving. Mrs. R. D. Seavey of Amistad, T. Bassett and daughter and Mr. Several of the Ute Valley young daughter of Mrs. Moore, and Mr. and This offer also includes a FREE dress pattern. When you receive your first ' copy of Today's, scloct any dress pattern you desire, send your order to Today's in Ok- Herring-to- n spent Delenger and wife came from people took in the dance at Mrs. Earl Ross of Centerville, Magazine, fcivinft them the size and number of the pattern and they will send it Sunday. Mr. Delenger re- lahoma, is a Friday night. All report a jolly Wednesday night with Mrs. Moore, to you free of chacee. . cousin of Mr. Bassett. time. turning to Amistad Thursday morning Never before has any newspaper been able to offer magazines of such hi&h Wilburn Snelson held the lucky Harry Arnetht went to the apple Miss Ruth Cox visited with Mrs. character at this price. We are proud of this offer and we ur&e you to take number that drew the dishes at Web- orchard Friday. Moore Thursday night. advantage of it at once. er & Sons, Monday. Newton Walker went to Clayton Half of our pupils were absent last sis- storm. Fmev3nn Smith was so unfortunate Wednesday after lumber for his Wednesday because of the $11 Send Your Order Before You Forptlt as to lose his pocket book some place ter's house. Up to Date. .25 $ $n in Grenville, Monday. The jrrse con- The pie supper held at Lake View The Magazines Will Stoo Promptly When Tima Is Up tained something over eleven doivirs. school house was well attended and a The Citizen is the paper to read. t


Baca yes; Mr. Eklund love, justice, Roll call: Mr. net evolve ia one's make-u- p 'before that one "assume" it. Life, THE CLAYTON CITUEN in- yes; Mr. Rixey yes. Carried. virtue, righteousness, truth, wisdom and the like are postive forces which nega 8. Ordinance Wo. 84, establishing & Co. here in man may be "lost" in consciousness by the triumph of the Edited and Published by The Clayton Citizen Printing Publishing but street grades was read a second and tive ideas of hate, injustice, vice, unrighteousness, falsity, ignorance and tne activity of the third times. Moved by Mr. Eklund N. M., entered Post-fflc- e like, all of which tend to produce death, or cessation of the Published every Thursday at Clayton, Union Co., and at seconded by Mr. Baca that this ordin- positive life forces. The life forces are positive, affrmative, and create; hence, at Clayton, N. M., as second class matter under the Act of Marc,h 3, 1897 ance do now pass and upon roll call to "assume," that is, affirm, that any of the virtues, life forces, is an element the trustees voted as follows: of your being and existence is to call into activity by your affirmative, pos- OFFICIAL PAPER OF TOWN OF CLAYTON, NEW MEXICO it Trustee Eklund, yes; Trustee Baca word up your consciousness to the truth of the affirmaton itive and wake Rixey, yes; Motion car- ' man- yes; Mayor ' $1-0- begins the work of outward Subscription per year . 0 which sinks into the subconscious mind and .. likewise ried and it was so ordered. in real character action. The opposite mult will manifest ifestation 0. Adjourned. ptrntiv irlpBR conveved to subconscious .mind by words of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 1916 if oil tho are the Approved: hate, opposition, worry, fear and the like. Job exclaimed, "I feared a fear mmd, or soul, T. H. Rixey, Mayor. The false slogan "Wilson kept us out of war" von him many a vote! and it c me upon me;" that is, he sunk into his eubsconscioi s something he Attest: M. R. Jones, Clerk. by the ffirmation, or positive declaration of the existence of and lo, the thing evolved, But see! He got the votes and now "intervention," which means war, feared, or was negative to his being and existence, crown of his head to the soles PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD in Mexico is confidently predicted by December 15, 1916, and the trouble with manifested in his existence as "boils from the and the thing feared evolved in Germany is multiplying. Wily Wilson kept us out of war until after the of his feet;" that is, he "assumed" a fear A special meeting of the official manifestation. election. . . board of the Village of Clayton, New Mexico, Saturday November 4th, 1916.. SECOND YEAR OF THE TRI- - read and approved. Five O'clock P. M. Present Mayor, Just like he fcot the railroad train operators' vote and now they are at ANGLE FILM CORPORATION: 2. October bills audited, and a mo Trustees, threatening to go on with the strike because the law Is inoperative and a T. H. Rixey; Christian Otto, Mr. Eklund and seconded by "fake" and the strike order has never been called off. tion ty C. E. Eklund, H. J. Hammond. The second Triangle year opens Mr. Baca, that bills be allowed as aud- Order of Business brightly with reports of good business ited and that instead of overtime al- 1. The object of the meeting was And just like he got the farmer vote because of the fake "Rural Credit" from every state and increasing rath- lowed that W. H. Hollingsworth's sal a conference with Mr. Howell Earnest, which now proceed to get land he monkeys its bill will the farmr's if with er than a diminshing interest in the ary be $100.00, effective November 1, Secretary of the State Tax Commiss- fake farm journals approved and they have never ap- provisions. All the it photoplay. The croakers who have per month. Roll call, Mr. Eklund yes; ion, with regard to the budget for 1917 politically "bawbee" to the or- proved anything that was worth a frmer. Mr. Rixey yes. So esti-ma- been predicting the big reaction had Mr. Baca yes; for the Village of Clayton, an te toretire cmfwyp vbgkq xzfiflffffi vbg dered. was submitted which required! The women were all for Wilson because they think he "kept us out of war" to retire to their little houses and rat- Salaries (see itemized sheet) $587.18 the segregation of the town expendi with Mexico. They cannot see that our actual war with Mexico is coBting tle their chains for comfort. For the H. Armentrout 33.42 tures and receipts from that of the us fifteen to twenty million dollars every week and that Villa is rendezvousing reaction has not come, and shows no Earl Wells 21.00 light and Water Plant and the follow- on the Hearst and Otis domains in Mexico abetted in his depredations in that signs of coming. P. A. Howerton 22.75 ing was determined upon: Unfortunate country by the American interests that this enormous expense to On he contrary, the hold of the mo C. A. Nutter 20.75 2. A motion was made by Mr. this nation is protecting. tion nicture upon the public seems T. F. Wooten 27.00 Hammond seconded by Mr. Eklund, steadily growing, and the evident rea City Drug Store (Ratcliffe) 1.00 that the general levy for 1917 be 3 Drug ' 3.15 levy After the farmer has been stripped of all his products at low prices, son is that the mation picture is de City 8tore mills; That the for interest on public taste and Froth's Pharmacy .50 bonds for 1917 be 3 with the possible exception of broom-cor- n, they have suddenly ballooned to veloping as rapidly as mills;. is Department 32.00 levy the sky in the hands of capitalist speculators who shout "prosperity" for the keeping just a little ahead of it. It Clayton Fire That the for sinking jfund foi G. 10.80 2 Wilson administration. But the farmer has one consolation and it is only a taking a precisely parallel course to G. Granville 1917 be mills. consolation in the form of an irridescent dream and that is, he can apply for the other arts growing from the Mission Theartre 2.00 The roll was called and the result bond) 6.12 a farm loan from some federal land bank as soon soon as they "git organized." childish and unthinking appeal of its American Surety Co. (Hill was as follows: beeinnines to something strong and Clayton Garage and Auto Co. 3.75 Mr. Hammond, Yes; clear and fine a thing-th- at . stimu W. P. Parsons, (Meter Deposit Mr. Eklund, Yes And he will have to mortgage his land, his children for several genera lates earnest thought and stirs the reclaimed - 2.50 Mr. Rixey, Yes. tions, the patches on his pants, the soul in his body and on the bottoms of strings of the soul, a thing essentially A. P. Gaines, (Meter Deposit Mr. Otto, Not Present. own future and the of his wife and children, his progeny is feet, his future and truthfully human, hut touched Reclaimed) '12.00 Adjourned. . forever and amen to get the benefit, if such it may be called, of the one and with the divine fire. D. W. Haydon. (Meter Deposit) 5.00 Approved T. Mayor only consolation left him for voting for Wilson. The election is over now and H. Rixey, That this is not a impossible goal B. F. Staggs 8.75 Attest: M. R. Jones, Clerk. the exploitation of those, who were marked for a double portion of exploitation for the photoplay has been glimpsed in Susie S. Pace, P. M., 5.60 by these fake, vote-getti- measures, will begin shortly in earnest and then-s- uch least a dozen of this year's produc Conley Lumber Co. 1.60 ORDINANCE NO. 84 a howl! But it will be too late to howl. Just grin and bear It with the at here and there that have Clayton Citizen Pub. Co. 71.24 justification that you sold yourself and future generations into serfdom and tions. Bits held the true note of artisic inspiraion Otto Johnson Merc. Co. 17.64 An ordinance adopting the profiles got the price of ydur folly. You ought to be satisfied. of streets have stirred the imagination of en R. W. Isaacs - 36.15 the and avenues in the Vil lightened producers and brought vis Mountain States Rubber Co. 5.26 lage of Clayton Union County, New manager gives you go and Mexico, and fixing If you don't like the pictures your theater tell ions of a fresher and more vital art. Western Union Tel. Co. .64 and stabllahlng grade him so. Tell him what you do not like about them. It is his business to give It is evident, however, this new art Big Jo Lumber Co., . 37.55 the lines and grade elevations his spectators such entertainment as they want if he can get such entertain- will be an art of the people, very W. L Kuhns' 6.15 as shown on the official drawings oA ment. It is true that at least seventy per cent of the pictures shown on the simple and direct, like a folk song. For Colorado & Southern Ry., . 191.67 file at the Village office. screen today are a disgrace to he companies producing them and the spec- It is those in small communities, out Hendrie Bolthoff Mfg. Co. 442.91 WHEREAS, the board of trustees of tators viewing them as well as an offense to decency, culture and refinement. the reach of the regular theater or of The Albert Sechrist Co. 327 the Village of Clayton did by resolu- story is seldom what purports to be and usually pur- The L. S. Starrett Co. 2.85 tion, adopt on the 14th day of Novem- The title of a screen it any variety , of recreative amusement, ports to be what it is not so that your manager is "up against it" when he to whom them otion picture has meant Pittsburg Metre Co. 9.81 ber, 1916, approve and adopt the pro tries to get what the people want, but there is but one way to bring the pro- the most. It is the neighborhood Gould Mfg. Co. 63.44 files of the streets and avenues, in ducers across from the production of cheap trash and that is for the patrons heater that has revolutionized the Ufe Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 25.00 the Village of Clayton, together with of the movie to "roar" at the exhibitor and the exhibitor pass the "roar" of thousands of American communi De La Vergn Mch. Co. 1423.30 the grade lines and grade elevations, on to the producers. If an improvement cannot be obtained, then cut off your ties and proved the screen as the Westinghouse E.& M. Co. 65.12 shown there on as the official gradi--s Oil of said streets and avenues, and patronage. That is being done in many places. greatest socializing force the world Contentinental Co. (Hill) . 12.30 has ever known. Continental Oil Co. 27.75 WHEREAS.the board of trustees in and by said resolutions requests The vote in Union county on November 7, is in many respects similar This quiet, but immeasurably im that effect should be given to said the vote in 1911. At that election the republicans elected the county super- portant, will go steadily on during the Total to General Fund 8232.42 resolution by the enactment of a suit- intendent, sheriff and surveyor. At the last election they elected the county coming year, and for many years to Improvement Fund able ordinance, superintendent and sheriff by handsome majorities but lost the surveyor's of- come, but it will be made possible only T, F. Wooten 13.25 NOW, THEREFORE, in consider- fice which has been filled almost since the memory of man runneth not to the by the highest standard of production J. H. Armentrout, 40.90 ation of the premises, contrary by one A. C. Loveless who succeeded one A. C. Thompson many of which enlightened and gifted spec- P. A. Howerton, 28.00 " BE IT ENACTED BY THE TRUS- years ago. Wonder if the initials "A. C." have any political significance? ialists .are capable. The place of the C. A. Nutter 31.50 TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CLAY- scratching was something enormous, especially in precinct 1, where it cheap, and tainted play H. O. Duerr, 200.00 The TON has been, heretofore, a very small factor. Folsom had most excellent reasons is rapidly being unsurped by the pro Clayton Citizen 8.80 Sec. 1 That the profiles of the for giving an overwhelming republican majority and the people there did not duetion b of higher standard, thanks to R. W. Isaacs, 8.97 Otto-Johns- streets and avenues now plotted and hesitate to let reason guide them at the polls. The people in precinct No. 1, the inherent wholesomeness and sani Merc. Co. .48 laid out within the boundries of the vil- Clayton, had most excellent reasons for scratching jlmmyocracy and they did ty of the American people. Clayton Texline Exchange 2.25 lage of Clayton, as recommended and not hesitate to do it; but "Reuben" who votes "yaller-dog- " jimmyocracy for Western Union eTl. Co. 1.18 The coming year will probably see adopted by the board of trustees, are no reason at all simply held to the even tenor of his strictly original, primi this process continued and accelerated W. L. Kuhns 4.35 Hendrie-Boltho- hereby approved and adopted as offi- tive way and voted " 'er" straight. with a ruthlessness may disturb The ff Mfg. Co. 89.81 that cial, and the grade lines and grade ele- pessimists not Westinghouse E. & M. Co. 52.37 the a little. But he vations shown thereon in detail, are bes is never too; good, Colorado & Southern & Ry. 16.39 It now remains to be seen whether the monies that have been paid out of and when, as hereby adopted and established as the peculiarly in case motion the treasury of Union county illegally will be returned and whether the in true the of official grades of said streets and pictures, the beBt is Total 428.25 structions of the district attorney as to the payment out of the people's funds as available and avenues. That profiles showing the almost as cheap as the 3. Motion by Mr. Eklund seconded for a publication of a delinquent tax list is going to be heeded by the present worst, there grade lines and grade elevations are can be no question of the outcome. by Mr. Baca that Thos. P. Crawford administration. It has been admitted that payment on one of these illegal so herein adopted and established. The coming year will therefore see be given the privilege of numbering publications has already been made. It can hardly be assumed that the re- Sec. 2 That the engineer for thr steadily improving standards and com the streets and seidences and naming sult of the last election is an endorsement of these illegal proceedings; if so, board of trustees of the village ; mensúrate rewards to those able to streets, together with the assistance the people of this county are to be pitied and need a guardian in the persons Clayton, is hereby required, and it reach these standards, for the contact of J. C. Slack. Roll call: Mr. Eklund of a righteous court with all its dependents, helpers and subordinates. No hereby made hia duty to file said pro- of the public with the screen is so yes; Mr. Baca yes; Mr. Rixey yes. Car- sane suffragist would nDiirove these thintrs nor would he allow his vote to be in files in the office of the Village Cl"k and constant an almost daily ried. counted in such approval were he aware of their existence. Many voters jtimate as soon as tho same is certified to by .association that even the simplest 4. Motion by Mr. Ekfund seconded in this county either do not know of the existence of these conditions or will the proper officials, and thereafter it learn Quickly to distinguish the by Mr. Baca that the mayor and clerk not believe the evidence until the matters, themselves, are repudiated by thefolk shall become the duty of the village true from the false, the inspired from sign the report to the State Tax Com- authorities who have been misled in them or are investigated by hghor author- clerk to preserve the same ts a part of and righted in the courts. is too soon to predict will be done in the dull and machine-mad- e product. mission and forward same at once. Mr. ity It what the records of his office-Se- c. You cannot use so potent an education-forc- e Eklund yes; Mr. Baca yes; Mr. Rixey, these mnttcrs by the incoming administration of the couny's affars. 3. This ordinance shall take as pictures without promoting yes. Carried. effect and be inn force and effect, education in critical apppreciation of 5. It was moved and seconded that upon its final passage, approval and When two persons meet and engage in conversation, we have the the art itself. the Board extend the Tax Commission publication as required by law. of Oliver Wendell Holmes, in his "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" that The newycar comes, therefore, with a vote of thanks for the assistance of Passed and approved this 14th day there are at least six persons engaged iu the conversation. Suppose the two encouragement and hope from every Mr. Howell Earnest, Secretary, in of November, 1916. persons re John and Thomas. . Holmes makes six personalities out of the two angle. The infant industry will still making up the estimate for the special T. II. Rixey, Mayor. as follows. "1. The real John; known only to his Maker. 2. John's ideal kcep its most observant students levies to provide for the interest pay. Attest M. R. Jones, Clerk. jonn; never ine rcai one, ana onen very uniiKe mm. a. inomas s donn; never in ments on bonds and ' guessing many particulars, but it other needs for the real John, nor John's John, but very unlike either. 1. The real Thomas; g quite certain that its marvelous vi-- 1917. Roll call: Mr. Eklund yes; Mr. 2. Thomas's Thomas; 3. John's Thomas." A littlo consideration will prove tality and astonishingly rapid pro- - Baca yes; Mr. Rixey yes. Carried. that Holmes is right. John does not understand himself because he does gress is not in vain, but has a pro- 6. Motion by Mr. Eklund seconded not understand his Maker; hence, his unlikcness to his Maker and his false found and worthy significance. by Mr. Baca that a warrant be drawn ' conceptions which build up his ideal, or John's John, and also John's Thomas. The Triangle. on the treasurer for $380.00 and for- The same is true of Thomas. Neither understands the other because neither warded to the Colorado & Southern is like his Maker in understanding, and each has a false conception of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Railway payment on spur to be built character and action of the other because neither approaches in his own make- to the power house. Roll call: Mr, up and understandig the universal standard of realism found only in the Regular meeting of the official board Baca yes; Mr. Eklund yes; Mr. Rixey Maker. Were this truth actually realized by all the voyage of life would be of the village of Clayton, New Mexico yes. Carried. much more pleasant, much longer, much saner, and fraught with much more on .íovember 14th, 1916. Present: 7. Upon action of the Board dulv I progressive results.. Mayor: T. II. Rixey; Trustees: C. Ek-- taken, the clerk 1b ordered to request I . lund and Fulgencio C. de Baca. Hendrie-Boltho- ff Company to ' credit Shakespeare said: "Assume a virtue if you have it not." And a little Order of Business - $96 on note account when the account consideration will convince one that he was right. Consciously, virtue can-- ; 1. Minutes of previous meeting will be paid as soon as this is done The Citizen Is the paper to read. TII2 CLAYTCII dllZETI

LOCAL AKD PERSONAL SOCIETY The Mr. and Mrs. Earl Messenger were FARMERS SOCIETY of EQUITY Perfect in all the appointments was hosts to the Auction Club Thursday the dinner given Mr. Mrs. evening. by and Carl OF UNION COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AND THE Eklund, last Saturday evening, in hon- H. J. Hammond, Sr., president of or of their 25th wedding anniversary. the First National Bank of Clayton, The guests were ushered in by the is attending the Bankers' meeting at two small daughters Gerda and Hll-m-a Equity Albuquerque this week. Store Lee, who wore dainty little pink D. W .Snyder, wife and little Mabel and blue taffeta dresses, and little Miss left Sunday for a three week's stay at Adelaide Fox, dainty in white taffeta. Are for the farmer Mineral Wells, Texas. organizations and since the business has started in this Mrs. T. Walton Snyder, eldest County ers Miss Sadie Herzstein and mother, farmers, both members and non-memb- have daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eklund, and been saved many together with Harry C. Thompson and a recent bride, gowned in a becoming thousands of dollars. wife left Clayton last Friday noon for pale blue georgette crepe dress, her Des Moines, Raton, Trinidad and Den husband, and Miss Vendía Eklund, ver in a fast limited 4rd car. They Broom Corn Oregon charming in pink taffeta also assisted Red Cedar Fence had a blowout a mile this side of Des in receiving the guests. Cera Is worth over $200.00 per Post Moines, but rimmed on into that city The bride of twenty-fiv- e years ago for repairs, where Harry quit the ton. Before yon sell your brush see If you want to build was lovely in her gray gown of geor a fence to be bunch and came home. The others gette and satin with a corsage boquet the manager of the Equity c're. proud of get these post They are went on and broke down at Morley of pink bride roses and valley lilies, Broom Corn ent from great large trees from the and had to be "muled" into Trinidad, is very scarce and c'u . She with her groom greeted every Oregon where they found some more repairs will slay Ugh. Red Cedar forest The U. 3. gueet and after all had drunk the and plenty of snow. Wednesday was Government indorses these post We health of the hosts they were seated the UBt we heard from them at Colo have quite a supply en hands. about tables beautiful with large rado Springs honking on three legs shaggy white and purple chrysanthe- Mexican Pinto iueans for Denver. Wonder when they will mums and spargling silver, with de Apples get back? The husbands and father Do not your beans below S cento lightful music from the Bristol sU ar sresting as well as could be be ex orches We will have a car of apples In soon; tra. per penad. See us about beans, we pected. also a car of spuds. .Come .In .and A bountiful dinner was served, af-- Ó. sold , have seme Information will . Toiaba Crich a fine bus A 1 ! v j . that be give us your f wnicn ine guests made merry orders and you will find iness lot this week.. with games and laughter. There were worth yonr while to get the prices right in all cases. Ray Sutton newly elected Sheriff, sterling souvenir spoons, as favors for has been in Clayton all week on of- the ladies and "sterling" cigars for f.!2o llaixe ficial business. He is just a natural-bor- n A RED CEDAR SHINGLES. the gentlemen and for all a big chry Sheriff. santhemums. We hare orders for threshed Maize. R. Q. Palmer is complaining of a We aav quite a supply from a ear of Many exquisite gifts were given this If yon have any for sale call at the severe case of "Grip" brought on by esteemed couple as tokens of love and New Stock. If yon want the beat roof store for information. We also want exposure and loss of sleep during the friendship, as they have long been a shingles. campaign. We notice he has made use these Prices right Sudan Grass in the bundle. If yen that favorite couple in social circles. plenty of company from the other side have a good Jersey Milk Cow for sale Covers were laid for 60 guests. Mr. It Is hard to tell which is worse be- and Mrs. Robert P. Ervien and Mr, tell us about it. We have the barer. ing hit or being scared nearly to Coal and Mrs. Howell Earnest of Santa Fe death. We recommend a fall off the N. M., old friends and former residents water wagon. We kave a car of coal on track. This Bean Sacks of Clayton were out-of-to- guests. Bill Dawson, the genial salesman of is Colorado's hardest, cleanest and If you want sacks, we have them, both the Mason Cady Co., was in town the COLORADO POTATO CROP first of the week. beat heat making coaL new and second-han- d. IS REPORTED SHORT The Baptist ladies aid will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Tom Gray. Official figures on the potato crop All ladies are requested to bring their in Colorado, just issued by the bureau donations for the Bazaar on day, that of crop estimates at Washington, show Dont forget "Clean Up Day," No-- STORE r an estimate of the potato crop for THE;EQU " vember ought to come 20th. It often Colorado year Y this of 6,900,000 bush IT er than does. Dont let the health it els. This compares with 7466.000 officer and town marsh all have to pay bushels reported by the burean as the J. A. McCnne, Manager you a charge call. 1915 crop. The quality is rated at 97, The Socialists polled about 260 votes or 3 per cent better than last season. in the election. This is gain last a of The yield per acre was 138 bushels, about 100 per cent over the vote of against 116 last year. 1914 representatives the legis- for to The price Nov. 1 wag just three lature congress. and times what it was a year ago. The Plays with tragedy for dramatic potato yield in the entire nation this situations are not only not popular any year at Nov. 1 shows a shortage of more but are becoming actually of- over 70,000,000 bushelB, in comparison fensive to the public mind. The five-ye- writ with the ar yield. er and producer who cannot interest Prices on all crops were reported picture spectators without killing some as 41.7 per cent higher than a year one or destroying virtue will soon be aco and 40 per cent higher than the things of the past a past not. even five-ye- ar average. Colorado's yield r, "" to be recalled much leBs put on the for all crops this year was 91.9 per J in c screen. cent compared with yields of recent inn Mrs. J. B. Proctor, of Trinidad, years. 0 Colo., came down Sunday to visit with her husband, who is now on the Citi- OFFICIAL COUNT OF zen force. She returned home Mon- FORNIA COMMENCES TODAY day night. Nov. 12. offi ü San Francisco, The Edgar Sherman who has been em- Z1Q 0 cial count of California's vote in the uulj ployed as a writer of democratic 'dope' presidential election will begin to for the past two weeks, for the News, and steps have been taken not returned to Trinidad Monday. Guess morrow u Opportunity is knocking at your door; the more that you de- only to expedite the enumeration, Ed. feels highly elated over what(í) but to insure its accuracy. he accomplished. velop soils, the more you increase it's value and help your Both the democratic and republican your McKenzle spent several days Alex state central committees have en- in Clayton this week. gaged checkers and attorneys to scrut bank account. Willis Means, ranchman of near inize the count of each tally shee. Un Cla-'to- Kenton was a business visitor in der the direction of the state commit LET THE 8--1 6 MOGUL TRACTOR INCREASE YOUR TILLAGE the first of the week. tees county committees will have James Ryan of Folsom Bpent charge of the scrutiny and tonight for the one acre you could do by teams, you can do from 5 to 50 looking after important business all preparations were reported com matters in Clayton. plete. with a. TRACTOR. Tom Downs of Sedan was in Clay Except in San Francisco and Los ton Thursday on business. Tommie is Angeles the count of the tally sheets a prosperous merchant of that city, sent in by the precinct election offi He Bays it is the farming center of; cers will be before the board of super- Go After the Money Union county and no one has the nerve visors in each county. In San Fran- to dispute what Tommie says. cisco city and county electiens will be Wheeler Hill, manager of the Mt. handled by the election commission, Dora Mercantile Compnny, was in and in Los Angeles county by the reg- Clayton Thursday and ordered a big istrar of voters. Crop: r lot of job work from the Citizen. The republican state central com- W. N. Parham has bought out the mittee was busy today getting in fig- You know now that we cant get them, just as well as roughage Country Home and is now running a ures on the individual votes of all first class restaurant at the old startd. elections in the belief, it was announc- 8-1- will burn Kerosene Gasolene and the Mrs. Price Dean spent a few days ed, that at least some of the repub- The 6 Mogul or Clayton this lican electors might be found to have visiting and shopping in will be satisfactory to Mr. Mogul, who is built week. enough votes to qualify for the elec- cheapest you can get' Alderson from northeast of town toral college. Ed LET US DEMONSTRATE IT TO YOU. was in Clayton this week seeing af- With seventeen isolated precincts! to use it. ter business matters. still unreported the vote tonight Reyes, N. M., stood: Hughes 4G2.828, Wilson 466,-10- 6. Reyes Martinez from T7 A . A spent Thursday seeing after business The missing votes, it was gener matters in Clayton. ally believed, will not materially1 Frank Gillworth who is employed on change President Wilson's majority ranch on the river, of 3,278. P the big Harris W. motored over Thursday and spent a bftJ big share of the day seing after bus- Lost, A mile west and a half mile iness before returning that evening. north of New Home school, one auto The house with the best service to the FARMER. Artie Dean was in the city today. He hood Studebaker. The finder will left for points north of Kenton, where please leave same at Union Garage in he will attend to business matters. Clayton. John P. Smith. 2t. THE CLAYTGU CITIZLl

AMERICANS WORK IS . MUCH. THE A DVANCE IN PAI'EP. MAYOR OF BOSTON ' ry as special guard.' Clayton Lodge Directory APPRECIATED ABOARD WANTS FOOD EMBARGO The young man was arrested at M. V A. No. 14,227. Meet? every The publisher is the hardest hit i ' Beaumont, Tex., some time after the Monday night Gone Hardin, Council, Am- Walter Johnson, Clerk. Paris, Nov. 9. Drivers of the of anybody when it comes to high Boston, Nov. 11. Mayor James M. finding of the dead bodies of Hamil- erican field ambulances continue to re- 0".icr.i of matcrir.b. Every Monday sent a letter to President Wil- - ton and Madame Swazee. Ho admits CurW R. N. A. meets 2nd and 4th Tues- ceive citations and letters of appre- morning he a new pric list with ' con- killing Hamilton, said Deputy Sheriff $ctt ícñ to.tay asking Jiim. to cimvene -' days. Mrs. Tom Gray, Oracle, Mrs. ciation for their work. Chief Surgeon the hiior.ralk'.i t'u.t those prices v.vo. gross and submit a recommendation Barry, saying that he shot him as he Walter Johnson, Sec. Guibal of a division operating at Ver- not fciiáia.vUeJ. And afler this price- - thai a law be enacted putting an em- slept lie said he did not know any- s dun writes: Uat has coiuo off the pi-ja- the obliging bargo on food products as 'a step to--' thing about the death of the woman, W. O. W. Clayton Camp No. 1L "At the moment when an unexpected clerk has gone through it -- and has reducing the high cost living. it was said. According to Barry, nt Pobt. Mansker, Council, John Spring, ward of Clerk. order of departure deprives the one marked a ten por cent raise in' red ink The mayor included in his letter a $5,000 and $(",000. which Ham- iil tvo'lf','-''it- rlivísíon of believed iundr'' on about hr.lf the items. Paper has , table giving the increase in food prices ilton was to have, was No. 3, the Knights of Pythias, James Deam, American sanitary section gone up with about the" same regular- ! within the last year which,' he said, C. F. O. Blue, K. R. S. Meets ev- divisional surgeon desires to express ity that rent comes due and there showed wages would have bad to c; that ery Wednesday evening' at Palmer to all its members his deepest thanks.' seems to be no end to it. A few years advance 100 per cent m order to keep HIGHTOWER PAYS DEATH Hall. Visiting members coiuiauy in- "Since April 25, 1916, the section ago publishers would have scoffed at peace with the rise in cost of necessar MURDERED PENALTY; WIFE vited. " lias followed the division to the va- the idea of prices like they are paying ies of life. on the where it has rious points front today. And not only are they paying Mayor Curley asserted that aa em- Christophe, i Silver City, N. M., Nov. 11. Lucius O. E. Si meets been in action: at Ly St. high prices but tseeir.s even worse com- temple bargo would destroy "speculative C. Hightower, convicted the mur dangerous sector of Thraumont They glad got of 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. E. ,L. Eastor-woo- d, in the than. are to tho ma binations" and "contractural obliga- Bois-le-Petr- his wife, Mrs. Hallie Hightower and at e. teirial price. We no longer ask der ef W. M.; G. R. Brown, W. P. at Verdun, at any tions with warring powers." "The Amercian volunteers have ev- the price, but ask if we can get the pa at the Tyronne mining camp in No- today paid penalty erywhere shown an unforgettable ex- per. Our customers therefore, should vember, 1915, the Socialist Party of America, MUR- - meets YOUTH CHARGED WITH , his crime on the gallows. The Me-D- ample of devotion. not be slow to appreciate the situation, for 1st and Srri slcidays, 'n A. .Taires oi. TWO TO BE TRIED "They carry away with them the Clebourne Review. DER OF execution took place in the court yard aid's office. Mrs. J. M. Davis, Cee. gratitude of our wounded, the admira- at 7:15 this morning, the drop of six be- A. & A. M. Blue Lodge seen DUTCH INDUSTRY UPSET J. A. Houchin, 20 years old, charg- feet decapitating Hightower, death F. No. 23. tion of all those who have them Meets and 3rd Saturdays. Ham- ing instantaneous because of his 1st F. P. at work and the regrets caused by ed with murdering a man named Kilburn, W. M., Morgan Harvey, Sec. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov. 9. pounds. The their departure. ilton and Madame Swazee, fortune- weight, being over 200 Washington Chapter No. 10, 4th Sat- shipbuilders and the entire body. "They leave behind them an ex- Dutch teller, near Palomas, Sierra county, a noose severed the head from the urdays. G. R. Brown, H. P., John industry have been much dis .' with- Spring, Sec. ample which it will be sufficient to re- metal year ago, will go to trial tomorrow at Hightower went to the gallows quieted by the recent restriction of here out a tremor. Standing on the trap call when in another Verdun their Ilillsboro. It was not known Clayton CommandéVy, No. 8. exports of iron and steel to which Meets successors will be called upon to show German whether he would be tried first on the he made a brief statemen in he 2nd Saturdays. Jos. Gill E. C., G. R. country. Shipbuilders are already Í avoid the' courage and so this charge of murdering the man or the advised all to turn from evil to Brown, Recorder. shortage in profile steel in the accomDlishment of experiencing a charge of murdering the woman, or getting into trouble and meeting a fate Clayton Chapter, O. S. and other essential raw materials, and j like he faced. He forgave all who had E. No. 8, their mission." both at the same time. meets 2nd 4th Tuesdays. Mrs, unless an improvement soon comes conviction and and O. General Blonden, commanding an Houchin has been held in the. state anything to do with his P. Easterwcod, W. M., Mrs.- Jos. Gill may, despito overloaded .ntVipr riviaion at Verdun, wrote on they their penitentiary at Santa Fe for safe- hanging and asked the fórgivenness Sec, G. R. Brown, W. P. books, have to discharge a part September 25 to order keeping. Deputy Sheriff H. A. Barry, of everybody for what he had done. I. O. O. F. Clayton Lo.Igs No. 45. sanitary sec- of their workmen. Apart from the Al- He said he felt that he was going of American of Sierra county, passed through Meets every Thursday. L. E. Byrne, big demands made on German industry his maker and had made his peace tion No. 2. buquerque last night, taking the to N. G. by manufacture of munitions of gal- John Winchester, Sec. "I wish to express to you my con- the young man to Hillsboro. Thomas N. with God. On his march to the war, the latest measure is ascribed in stopped the cells gratulations for the unwearied activ- Hogan left with Deputy 8heriff Bar lows Hightower at Cluvton Rebekahs, No. 10. quarters here to a de- Sicra ity, the devotion and the fearless con- well informed of other prisoners in the county jail Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays. Mrs. hamper shipbuilding in Holland tempt of danger shown by the drivers sire to and bade each one goodbye and ad Frank Ham, N. G., Mrs. A. E. Snyder, now a part of the Dutch cargo under your command, since .their ar- that monished them to be good. He slept Sec . space has been acquired by the allies. I; 6 rival at the division and particularly aovadly last night, awakened about nighta In view of the difficulties described, ... o'clock this' morning, partook- - of a WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT in the course of the days and i the anticipated scarcity of iron - from September 18 to 20. and hearty breakfast and calmly- smoked WILL BE EXTENDED steel materials, the industrial "The American drivers have 'shown and FOR THE BEST á cigar, remarking how much he en- great commission has approached the min- joyed it. He left notes to each of his themselves worthy sons of the FARMING LAND Denver, Nov. 10. Branch offices of ister of industry and commerce with a children, now living with his and generous nation for the emancipa- three the fed- view to the erection of a state distri- women's department of the tion of which our ancestors shed their ON EARTH dead wife's parents, in this county. bution bureau. eral employment bureau are to be ex- blood. , A witness of the execution was the Ge To : tended to larger cities of Colorado, it to the order of the division ..' father of the murdered woman. High- "I cite FINANCIERS ARE WATCHING - t was announced at the Denver office Riggs and Owen Kcn- -, tower was first sentenced to hang May Drivers Carroll THE EUROPEAN WAR of the department of immigration to- B was given stay of execution an,and would ask you to kindly trans but 'a day. The extension, which seeks to to all your drivers my congratu- en an appeal to the supreme court mit New York, Nov. 11. The trend of aid in the employment of women and lations thanks. S. E. LAN! which affirmed the death sentence in and events in this week's active market amelioration of theinr working condi- Clayton, New October and reset the date for his ex- (Signed) BLONDIN." suggested with increased force that Mex, tions has been extended to most of i ecution November 10. No further at- General Blondín also mentions point of view of the financial the eighteen cities where commission- from the tempts were made to save the con- Riggs and Kenan in general orders community, the continuance of pros ers of immigration are located in the demned man. The body was unclaim- for theinr courage and devotion. Car- this country hinges to a United States, t was said. perity in ed and was buried this afternoon in roll Riggs is from Washington D. C, great extent upon conditions across the potters' field. And a graduate of Yale University. the water. The Citizen is the psper to read. Owen Kenan is from Kenansville, N. C. The uncertainty which for a time Mid wi graduated from the univer- surrounded the contest for the presi- sity of North Carolina. dency had no material effect upon Stanley Dell of Princeton, New Jer- quoted values, but rumors of early sey and o fPrinceton University has peace among the warring nations of has been cited in orders for his Europe were in themselves the cause The Season for gifts is near at hand and the trend is towards ness energy and disregard of danger of considerable depression. ambulance driver in state of steel industry was as an automobile The the those gifts of a substantial nature. To us, living in the West, some- section No. 4 attached to division No. disclosed in the October report of the 64, and especially for having brought United States Steel corporaion, which thing that can be utilized in our ever-da- y life is of far more benefit " at a gTeat personal risk, a for the first time in its history at- . ' officer to a surgical dress-- tained a volume of unfilled orders in than something that would have to be kept wrapped and ing station whose injuries were so bad excess of 10,000,000 tons, up not had immediate atten- railway division to that, had he Failure of the pampered. , tion he would have died. participate in the advancing move ment was attributed in part to the OLD PAPER MONEY decision of the leading systems to con test the legality of the eight-ho- ur Washington, Nov. 9. Specimens of law. There was also a marked cessa For Him low-pric- For Her paper money of every available issue tion of demand for rails, Govern- such as characterized the operations .made by the United States Brother, Father, Sweetheart Mother, Sister, ment since its foundation are being of the pending fortnight. Sweetheart assembled by experts o the treasury There was no material alteration in department and will be mounted in discounts on and Paris, but Pocket Knife Razor Strop Granite Ware Aluminum Ware five great volumes. The collection rates on Vienna, Rome and Pertograd promises to be a complete record moved more unfavorably to those cen- Hammer Revolver Percolator Knives and Forks bf paper money issues. The face val- ters. ue will reach approximately $100,000 Saw Rifle Chafing Dish BANDIT LEADER EXECUTED Washing Machine but its value from a numismatic stand- FOR OUTRAGES IN MEXICO point will be practically inestimable. Razor Hunting Coat Scissors Bath Room No private collector could tie up so Brownsville, Texas., Nov. 13. Luis a collec- much actual money in such De La Rosa, alleged leader of bandit Plane Level Range Fixtures tion even though one had the means raids in this section of Texas a year collection any- and the inclination, a ago, has been executed in the prison Square Search Light . Lamp- - al- where near as complete as that at Monterey, Méx., according to un- government ready gathered by the official reports last night De La Rosa would be almost impossible. last June operated near the Texas bor- der with about 400 followers. . As to Quality, is The Citizen is the paper to read. there none better ZAPATISTAS BUTCHER EVERYBODY ON TRAIN , than we furnish

Laredo, Tex., Nov. 12. An indis- Most all of these articles are in stock but there máy be some- criminate massacre of nearly 100 worn We kindly solicit your en, children and Carranza soldiers thing special you would like. Come in a'nd talk to us about it and who were traveling on a train near patronage and in re- Contreras, state of Morelos, which was we will soon have it, in time for your needs. turn will give you hos- attacked by Zapata followers, is re pitality and a square ported in newspapers re ceived here today. After the attack deal. on the train, the dead lay in piles be

Mumimhw WMi n't" MtiumtHi tuu huiiii nitu iuwmi m itau side the cars, the papers state. FRUTH'S The Baptist ladies aid will hold their P PHARMACY ouqL(L V Big Turkey Dinner and Bazar on Sat, IForaufhr Rcm'i Phanucy w K. P. 12 Phone - - SS 25, at the Hall. Dinner at o'clock sharp. The Hause with the Service

Good Male Oxik wants position or ninth. Cun furnish best reference. Steve Smith, Clayton, N. M. r

i s )


LATEST against whom v e may enter- RETURNS ON TOPULAR have In the District Court cf the Eighth Ju- tained a dislike with VOTE or whom we may THE dicial District of the State of New have MARKtlS G. entertained a dislike or with Mexico, Within and for the County L COOK New York, Nov. 10. The pop- total whom we may have differed on some of Union. Real Estate ular vote received in each ' of the states matter before we knew them well, Kansas City Stock Yards, Nov. 13, and Stock Exchange by ' President Wilson and Charles E. whose faults did not assume an en- 1916. Beef sold Farm Loans. Hail Insurance cattle 25 to 50 higher The M. B. Hughes, but based on incomplete re-- Goldonberg Co., ! tirely different aspect upon . better laBt week, stockers and feeders barely Bldg. ports and estimated, A Corporation. indicated that the acquaintance. steady. Today the run of thirty thou- ' Up Stairs ' president vs. N. 1859 received 403,312 more votes Every man has his own problems sand cattle would have sold steady Alton C. Smith. than Mr. Hughes. The table follows: and difficulties to meet and when we to strong, except that Chicago had To the above State Wilson. Huchea come to appreciate this the jagged 37,000 cattle, ten named, Alton C. Smith thousand above the Defendant: Alabama 89,000 '50,000 j corners are softened and lost to vuw estimate, and 10 to 25 cents lower You Arizona 29,611 19,363 and the resultant, sympathetic under- prices. are hereby notified that nn ac ' Prices here were mostly Arkansas tion has been commenced against you JOSEPH GILL 81,000 37,000 standing brings us to the realization steady, worst sales 10 lower, stockers California by the above named plaintiff, The M. 466,209' 462.833 that he is a pretty good fellow after and feeders same. Hogs sold steady Colorado B. Goldenberrr Comnnnv. in the afore ATTORNEY-AT-LA- 158,257 95,716 all. to 10 higher, sheep steady. said Court, in attachment, to recover Connecticut 99,637 106,378 Soit is with business concerns. No Kansas fed branded yearlings sold Ftir'.y-uii- Delaware the stun of e and 0 do- 26,111 27,f09 business ever existed which did not at $10.75, the best cattle here, but Clayton New Mex. llars ($41.67) together with interest Florida 60,000 12.000 follow out to a very large degree tha strictly prime heavy steers would go thereon, costs of Georgia 109,200 28,000 same path of life which confronts the to $11.50. Short sait and attorney's fed steers sell at fees. Idaho 68,000 54.500 individual. And when one comes to $8.50 ' to $9.75, Oklahoma grass beef You are further notified that all the HtiniimiiiiiniiiDiiiiitiMi Illinois 869,152 1,0 '4,689 know more about them, one ceases to steers, 1150 lbs., at $8.10, same cattle right, title and interest which you have Indiana 333,466 839,437 look upon them with quite the feeling $7.80 a week ago, light weight Colo- in and to the Southwest Quarter I WOODWARD & BLUE Iowa 215,918 279,085 of antagonism. rado beef steers, 900 to 1000 lbs., at L (SW1-4- ) of Section Twenty Í201 Kansas 315,000 277,000 Education is proving to be the sav- $7.50 to $7.75. some caked Panhandle Township Eighteen (18) North ATTORNF.YS-AT-LA- Kentucky 219,000 193,000 ing grace of our modern civilization. sieers $8.25. Local packers are shiy of Range Thirty (30) East, N. M. P. M. Louisiana 68,000 9,000 Then men who can sec a few feet pii.g cows and canners to their pLrtj ' has been attached unless you enter or Maine 61,148 69,491 ahead .f them are coming to know here bought at St. Louis and St. Paul, Clayton, N. M. cause to be entered, your apeparance Maryland 133,211 113,773 that by the same process many politi- because of scarcity here. She stufi in the said cause on or before Massachusetts 247,327 268,361 cal and economic problems may be set- is Vi. steaiv iirtay, canners $l.'0 the First day of November 1916 in the office of Michigan .. 237,114 308,122 tled thiough the medium of Uie adver- to S5, 1'anhan.Jle grass cows to the Cleik of the Court above named, Minnesota T 176,577 177,285 tising column. $f!.50, Colorado cows $6.00 to ?7, fed judgment will be Mississippi' 91,000 5,000 The newspaper of the country is cows up to $7.50. rendered against you and the property above described will SEE Missouri 376,000 345,000 growing mere and more to be a great- Packers bought fleshy fesders at a be sold to satisfy the same. Montana 80,927 54,709 er factor in the forward march of of ;iromium last week. They divided a G. C. SMITH R. A. Prentice, Tucumcari, New Nebraska 98,323 75,081 mankind than any ether one influence live i ar shipment of good Kansas For Real Estate and Insurance. 12,448 9,842 Mexico, is attorney for plaintiff. Nevada not excepting the schools. y And the short fed steers with an Illinois feeder Contest Cases Handled 'Seal). Juan J. Duran, vNew Hampshire .. 42,905 42,723 ad man Í3 doing it. Evening Picket- - buyer, each lot selling at $8.85. Thin Efficiently Clerk of the District Court New Jersey 209,352 264,320 feeders and stock cattle sold 15 to 25 Office in First Nat'l Bank Bldg. New Mexico 34,645 33,251 lower for the week. Ten cars of Pan- IN New York 756,010 863,987 41 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS handle yearlings sold today at $7.30, THE PROBATE COURT OF UN- North Carolina ... 158,000 110,000 FACE MURDER CHAGE same cattle $7.40 last Monday. Other ION COUNTY, NEW MEXICO North Dakota 54,448 52,831 Panhandles sold at $7 to $7.25, and In the matter of the estate of Ohio 578,000 496,720 Everett, Wash., Nov. 10. Forty-on- e choice bred Colorado two year olds FRANK FOREST, DECEASED. Oklahoma 140,000 110,000 Industral Workers of the World, charg $7.75. Medium stockers and feeders Notice of Final Stllement E D. STROHM Oregon 116,550 123,570 ed with murder in the connection with bring $6.25 to $7, common PUBLIC NOTICE, Is hcreb ygiven stock FARM LOANS. INSURANCE Pennsylvania 510,747 695,714 a riot here last Sunday, in which two steers $5 to $6. by the undersigned in pursuance of Rhode Island 39,353, 44,159 of a posse of Everett citizens and five Hogs advanced 40 to 50 an order of the above Court duly made cent3 first Real Estate. Money Loaned on South Carolina 68,000 1,500 of the I. W. W. members were killed, of last week, but lost a small and signed, that he has filed his final .. part of Five, Seven and Ten Year South Dakota 45,449 50,892 were brought' here tonight and placed it at the finish. The opened report in the above estate; and market that Terms. Office over Lord's Studio Tennessee .... 138,647 97,553 in the Snohomish county jail. steady today, with 11,000 head here, the hearing thereof will be had be- Texas 228,000 58,000 The special interurban car which but good demand from order buyers fore said Court on the 3rd day of Jan- Phone 178. Clayton, N. M. Utah 77,381 48,948 brought the prisoners from Seattle, soon advanced prices 10 cents, top uary, 1917. Any and all persons hav- Vermont '. 21,832 38,254 where they had been' held in jail since $10.00, medium weights up to $9.95, ing objections to such final report are Virginia .' 60,107 21,132 the steamer on which they attempted lights $9.90. The market has a strong hereby notified to appear before the Washington 197,000 183,000 to invade Everett, returned there, foundation, and there is not much ex- Court on said hearing day and present West Virginia 139,013 141,432 made the thirty-fiv- e mile run with cuse for lower prices at this time. Av- their objections. COL. E. U. JACOBS drawn blinds and armed guards sta- erage weights Wisconsin 154,000 220,000 are light, indicating Dated November 10, 1916.' PUBLIC AUCTIONEER Wyoming 25,617 19,998 tioned on the platform. When the car that good prices and feed scarcity are A. Mackenzie, Administrator. entered Everett, but a handful of dep- influencing too many shippers to 45 I cry sales anywhere. Farm Tntjila .563.713 8.160.401 uty sheriffs knew of its coming and the market prematurely. Most of the " sales a specialty. Satisfaction men were transferred to without hogs coming could Wilson over Hughes, 403,312. jail be fed 30 days guaranteed. Rates reasonable. troublefl longer profitably. For Sale. Four work mules, two mares, one horse, one wagon; farm Call, write or wire me for dates. ADVOCATES IN WALES Receipts of 6500 contained onlv a PEACE implements; 26 young cows; 17 calves; - WOMAN ELECTED TO CON- few good to choice lambs or sheeD. GET ROUGH TREATMENT all kinds of Feed stuff. 9 miles south AIM. ora, m. flD. GRESS BY MONTANA VOTERS Light receipts here enable sellers to of Clayton. Mrs. 9. D. Cole, Clayton, London, Nov. 11. Á conference at secure strong prices regardless of low- Missoula, Mont, Nov. 10, Messages N. M. Cardiff, Wales, in favor of opening er reports elsewhere. Market here was of congratulations from suffrage lead- negotiations which had been ar- steady to higher today, while Chica- eace ers of the country poured into Misso- The Citizen is the paper to read. ranged bv the national council of civ go reported a decline of 10'to 15 cents. ula today for Miss Jcanette Rankin, Fidelity Abstract Co. liberties was broken up today, the Best lambs here sold at $11.60 to $11.-7- 5, il republican, the first woman to be el- Incorporated correspondent of the Exchange top for the week. Feeding lambs Cardiff ected to congress. Miss Rankin's Telegraph company wires. A crowd are .scarce, at $9.50 to $10.25. campaign managers contend that she Abstracts, Plats, Conveyancing, ' patriotic demonstrators broke into of 'iad been successful by at 'cast 2,000 Notary severe fighting resulted, the hall and majority. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION although there1 were no casualties. State of New Mexico, County of Union "I felt that the women would stand . D. A. Paddock The president of the South Wales Min- In the District Court of Union ly me," Miss Rankin said today. "It Secretary Federation was in the chair. County Judicial District of New Mex. ers' s wonderful to me to think of having CLAYTON, NEW MEXICO Speeches were made by James H. GEORGE CONLEY Jie opportunity of being the first Thomas and Ramsy MacDonald, mem- vs. No. 1919 IKUMII'llllllllHHMl ' 'ornan to sit in congress with 434 house of commons. M. bers of the men." ANNIE CONLEY Annie M. Con-le- y The delegates to the conference ap- Miss Rankin is small and slight. The said defendant is hereby notified in peared to be mostly young men of mil- She is a gradúale of 'he University of that a suit Divorce been commenced itary age. A number of women also Montana and the School of Philan has against HILL BROTHERS you Coun- were present. The crowd which Lhropy of New York City. in the District Court for the ty of Union, Eighth District broke up the meeting first paraded Judicial HERE through the town, its ranks growing SOCORRO COUNTY GOES of the State of New Mexico, by said GOOD PEOPLE DRAY, TRANSFER constantly until several thousand per- SOLIDLY REPUBLICAN Plaintiff George Conley, for an abso- Is GENERAL HAULING sons were in line. lute Divorce from the defendant, on A Lumber Yard For the first time in many years the grounds of desertion and abandon- Filled When the demonstrators reached the From Stem to Sterm Socorro county is once more solidly ment; as more fully set forth in the hall in which be- With the conference was 5S-- epublican. Every candidate on the bill of complaint filed in said action C. ing held they met with stout resistance The Best Lumber Ph?ne republican county ticket comes out of and unless you enter or cause to from within, but eventually the doors that And the fray with a majority of four nun be entered your appearance in said Building Material rvere broken down. Fighting follow- Ired for Socorro county republicans suit on or before the 5th day of Jan- While Nothing Keeps Better ed in which it is reported that women Than 'n their disappointment over the ap uary A. D. 1917, decree PRO-CO- delegates fought fiercely. Some stones Well Seasi nid lumber parent loss in the national election, FESSO and Judgment by Default We Boucrht thrown from without out broke win- It exact results in the county are be against you dows. The therein will rendered TO SELL TO YOU not yet available, but the Chieftain In Witness Whereof, I have hereun To Keep Mr. Thomas attempted to rally his will try to give them next week. to set my hand and the seal of said Prove , supporters but was dragged from the Court at Clayton, New Mexico this It's Lasting Qualitites platform and narrowly escaped seri- I. O. BULGER, INSANE, IS 13th day of November A. D. 1916. O. F. ous injury. When the demonstrators Big Jo Lumber Co. Clayton Lodge No. 45 GIVEN LIFE-LON- TERM (Seal). Juan J. Duran, Clerk. were in full possession of the hall CLAYTON. NEW MEXICO Woodward & Blue, Attorneys for waved flags Meetings every Thursday at they and sang "God Save James C. Bulger, whose sentence of Plaintiff, Clayton, N. M. 7:30, in I. O. O. F. nail in Pal- the King." leath for the slaying of Lloyd F. mer Building. Visiting mem- was commuted to life impris- IN THE PROBATE COURT OF UN- bers always welcome. THE WORK OF THE AD MAN onment by Governor Carlson yester- - ION COUNTY, NEW MEXICO L. E. BYRNE, N. G. will spend the rest of his days in lay In the matter of the estate of JOHN WINCHESTER, Sec. One of the interesting things to be the insane ward at Canon City. Thos. ISAACS A. CROW, DECEASED. IF YOU noted in the advertising world of to- Tynan, warden of the state peniten- J. Notice of Final Settlement day is the statement that n large per- tiary said yesterday that Bulger vas centage dur- Public Notice, is hereby given by of the advertising done so violently unbalanced that it would Buy for Cash ing the past year came from large the undersigned, in pursuance of an not bewise to assign him to any tasks. YOU view rrder of the above Court, duly made , SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA corporations, wjth the to educat- The soldier of fortune, whose life ing and signed, that he has filed his final Clayton Local the people to the work they were of adventure had been spent largely doing. report in the above estate; and that Pay Less Meets Every First and Third Monduy Large utilities which have felt in Mexico and South America, took the antagonism which the hearing thereof will be had before ,YOU in Office of A. J. McDonald, Sect. that the inborn most news of his reprieve from death sul- WHEN TRADE said Court on the 3rd day of January Visiting Comrades Welcome people entertain towarcj the word cor- lenly according to word from Cunon 1917. Any and all persons havint? WITH WORKING MEN JOIN YOUR. poration and all its related ideas and City. terms, be erased by the simple objections to such final report are GEO. H. WADE & CO. PARTY hereby notified to appear before the of letting the people become Wanted Housekeeper. No washing "Clayton's Beter Store" nun HimtHMtmHi mi HmwMm hearing day, and pres- acquainted with their problems and Mrs. R. E. Wherritt. 45 Court on said ent objections. aims and plans, are responsible. their LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK. And able to get The Ifome Economics Club will Dated November 10th, 1916. that they have been WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. without saying.' It is human nuture. meet with Mrs. M. R. Jones on Friday, John .T. Grass, Administrator. ALWAYS SUBMITTED, There are' few people in this world November 17th. rROOFS í irz ojctch ano


Pure Linen Crash m an Library ' KM SHOES Scarf Outfit Special For Value Oc Z871 ' - Onixn No. 1- 4 Every Woman B Outfit contains: For 1 Library Table Scarf, ltf yds. long, tinted on Every Occasion PURE LINEN CRASH. 1 Diagram Lesson Sheet. In the Queen Quality line of 6 Skeins of RICHARDSON'S Grand shoes you will find "Every-Da-y Prize Grecian &hk Shoes" that are hand- Floss ALL TT" 50c some, stylish and priced at The Scarf is worth as van '; usk for the entire outfit. reasonable figures. Choice of Designs, fillow Outfits to match. These "Every-Da- y Shoes" may be worn every day and Sunday, too. Wear them about the house, to town, to church, anywhere, and you will have the knowledge that your feet are well dressed. You can get a splendid Queen Quality shoe for $3.50 Or you can pay $4.00 and get a still better pair. Ko matter what you pay anywhere from $3.50 to 96.00 you get We have just received an express shipment of "Nifty" your money's worth every time. young men's Kirschbaum Suits. They come in the pinch back style, new materials and new colorings. Come in and See Them

Children's feet should be carefully guarded against imperfections. After foot blemishes ap- I " I Bhdxr, pear, it is mighty hard to remove them. No other part of a child's body is deprived of freedom except the foot, and the shapeliness of a matured foot depends almost entirely upon the judgment used in seluAing shoes that properly shape the foot as it grows. Quality0 Price The sound reasoning of this statement is apparent to every mother the answer is:

OTT0-J0HNS0- CO. STORES Buster Brown MERCANTILE . Gils' Footshaping Last Shoes Print Botha, Let an Otto-Johnso- n Mercantile Co. Store, with its quality foods, its . modern service and its well selected stock assist you in reducing the They are the result of scientific study of children's shoe requirements and its mechanical fulfillment in the most modern children's shoe factory in the world. The best leathers and trimmings the Mb good style with perfect comfort and H blending of sturdy service. High Costs


1ST 1 Just received a ear load of fine large Sweet Potatoes. We are going to sell them cheap. Buy a sack and store them away, they will keep. ta 1 100 pounds for $2.50 . JJ

We wish to call the attention of the trade to our Studebaker line cf Wagons and Carriages. FIGARO LIQUID SMOKE The Studebaker Carriage Co., after build- 40 oz. Bottle for .$1.00 ing millions of vehicles over a period of 60 Will smoke 400 pounds of meat and is guaranteed to keep it Don't years. 1 nowing what is required of them and knowing the cost of honest construction. fail to see it before you buy. Submit I heir h'ne as the best value on the market today. Our prices are as low as can be made by any one who retains a fair profit We have a few more baskets of nice ripe Pears for canning and gives you your moneys worth. We have Per Basket ...... $1.50 of a large stock Buggies and Hacks that we TUNA FISH are going to sell at a bargain. Give us a chance 1 lb. can .'. We are in position to make you a good price ...... 121.2c 1- ' on Star Windmills and piping. When in the -2 lb. cans 10c market for Hardware of kind, would any we ,." C "' , J . be glad to have you give us a chance.
