House of Representatives



FIFTIETH DAY Hall of the House of Representatives, Columbus, Ohio Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 9:00 o'clock a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Pursuant to House Rule No. 23, the Clerk called the House to order. Representative Abrams was selected to preside under the Rule. The journal of the previous legislative day was read and approved.

INTRODUCTION OF BILLS The following bills were introduced: H. B. No. 321 - Representatives Kick, Young, B. Cosponsors: Representatives Ginter, Stephens, Riedel, Lanese, Seitz, Jordan, Stoltzfus, Jones, Cross, Fowler Arthur, Hall, Miller, J. To amend sections 4707.01, 4707.02, 4707.021, 4707.04, 4707.05, 4707.06, 4707.07, 4707.073, 4707.08, 4707.091, 4707.10, 4707.11, 4707.12, 4707.14, 4707.15, 4707.151, 4707.16, 4707.171, 4707.18, 4707.19, 4707.20, 4707.21, 4707.22, and 4707.25; to enact sections 4707.101 and 4707.153; and to repeal sections 4707.071 and 4707.09 of the Revised Code to eliminate the apprentice auctioneer and special auctioneer's license and to make other revisions to the law governing auctions. H. B. No. 322 - Representative Jones. Cosponsors: Representatives Schmidt, John, McClain, Holmes, Plummer, Zeltwanger, Riedel, Cutrona, Hall, Merrin, Gross, Edwards, Stoltzfus, Stewart, Carruthers, Stein, Dean, Jordan, Hoops, Cross, Baldridge, Ferguson, Kick, Wiggam, Abrams, Richardson, Fowler Arthur. To amend sections 3301.079, 3314.03, and 3326.11 and to enact sections 3313.6027, 3313.6028, and 3313.6029 of the Revised Code regarding the teaching of certain current events and certain concepts regarding race and sex in public schools. H. B. No. 323 - Representative Fowler Arthur. Cosponsors: Representatives Ferguson, Gross, Seitz, McClain, Callender, Powell, Zeltwanger, Riedel, Young, T., Brinkman. To amend sections 5747.08 and 5747.98 and to enact section 5747.38 of the Revised Code to authorize a personal income tax credit for certain primary and secondary education expenses. H. B. No. 324 - Representatives Click, Lipps. Cosponsors: Representatives Fowler Arthur, Johnson, McClain, Stoltzfus, Merrin, Ghanbari, John, Gross, Riedel, Young, T., Creech, White, Hall, HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 777

Ginter, Ferguson, Richardson, Fraizer. To enact section 3727.30 of the Revised Code to permit hospital visitation during a public health emergency or outbreak of a contagious disease, to establish criteria for those visits, and to name this act Shirley and Wilma's Law. H. B. No. 325 - Representative Wiggam. Cosponsors: Representatives Gross, Hall, Riedel, Jordan, Stewart, Seitz, Stoltzfus, Zeltwanger, Abrams, Grendell, Cross, Merrin, Koehler, Edwards, Loychik, Kick, Click, Cutrona, Hoops, Swearingen, LaRe, Powell, Creech, Dean, Holmes, Stephens, Bird, Ginter, Brinkman, McClain, Manchester, Jones, Carruthers, Schmidt, Vitale, Pavliga, Johnson, Lampton, Ferguson, Householder, Carfagna, Richardson, Wilkin, Baldridge, John, Plummer, White. To amend section 3761.16 and to enact section 5502.411 of the Revised Code regarding a political subdivision's emergency powers when suppressing a riot, mob, or potential riot or mob and the preservation of rights regarding firearms during an emergency. H. B. No. 326 - Representative Fowler Arthur. Cosponsors: Representatives Riedel, Seitz, Lipps, Ferguson, Plummer, Young, T., John, Stephens. To amend sections 321.01 and 321.46 of the Revised Code to change the first day of office of a county treasurer from the first Monday of September next after the election to the second Monday of March next after the election. H. B. No. 327 - Representatives Grendell, Fowler Arthur. Cosponsors: Representatives Abrams, Ginter, Click, Holmes, Stoltzfus, Gross, Vitale, Riedel, Jordan, Zeltwanger, Cross, Johnson, McClain, Edwards, Merrin, Schmidt, Dean, Wiggam, Brinkman, Callender, Creech, Loychik, Stein, Powell, Young, T., Stephens, Plummer, Ferguson, Kick, Young, B., Richardson, Cutrona, Carruthers, John. To amend sections 3314.03 and 3326.11 and to enact sections 3313.6027 and 4113.35 of the Revised Code to prohibit school districts, community schools, STEM schools, and state agencies from teaching, advocating, or promoting divisive concepts. H. B. No. 328 - Representative Brown. Cosponsors: Representatives Brent, Lepore-Hagan, Smith, K., Crossman, Galonski, West, Weinstein, Troy, Lightbody, Smith, M., Kelly, Miller, A., LaRe, Seitz, Ingram, O'Brien, Boggs, Sweeney, Sobecki, Hoops, Sheehy. To enact section 107.64 of the Revised Code to establish the Governor's Office of Drug Policy. 778 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021

H. B. No. 329 - Representative Powell. Cosponsors: Representatives Wiggam, Manchester, Edwards, Holmes, Hall, Merrin, Young, B., Click, Creech, Zeltwanger, Fowler Arthur, Riedel, Schmidt, Gross, Kick, Brinkman, Stoltzfus, LaRe, Carruthers, Cutrona, Grendell, Dean, Plummer, Ferguson, Loychik, Young, T., Baldridge, Pavliga, Jordan. To enact section 3770.23 of the Revised Code to prohibit the state from conducting a lottery dependent on an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status, to name the act the "Taxpayer Protection Against the Frivolous Vaccine Lottery Act," to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency. Said bills were considered the first time.

REPORTS OF STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEES AND BILLS FOR SECOND CONSIDERATION Representative Sheehy submitted the following report: The standing committee on Armed Services and Veterans Affairs to which was referred S. C. R. No. 1-Senator Schaffer, et al., having had the same under consideration, reports it back and recommends its adoption. RE: URGE CONGRESS ENACT MARK TAKAI ATOMIC VETERANS HEALTHCARE ACT HARAZ N. GHANBARI MIKE LOYCHIK RICHARD D. BROWN ERICA C. CRAWLEY SARAH FOWLER ARTHUR JENNIFER GROSS BRIAN E. LAMPTON TRACY M. RICHARDSON The report was agreed to. The concurrent resolution was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. Representative Liston submitted the following report: The standing committee on Families, Aging, and Human Services to which was referred H. B. No. 4-Representatives Plummer, Manchester, et al., having had the same under consideration, reports it back as a substitute bill and recommends its passage. RE: REGARDS CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT REPORTING HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 779

Representative Cutrona moved to amend the title as follows: Add the names: "Cutrona, Liston, Abrams, Carruthers, Click, Ginter, John, Russo, Schmidt, West" AL CUTRONA SARA P. CARRUTHERS TIMOTHY E. GINTER DIANE V. GRENDELL STEPHANIE D. HOWSE MARILYN S. JOHN C. DANIEL P. TROY THOMAS WEST The report was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. Representative Boggs reported for the Rules and Reference committee recommending that the following House Bills be considered for the second time and referred to the following committees for consideration: H. B. No. 318 - Representatives Swearingen and Plummer TO REVISE THE LAW GOVERNING THE PRACTICE OF ANESTHESIOLOGIST ASSISTANTS. To the committee on Health H. B. No. 319 - Representatives Galonski and Richardson TO ALLOW A VICTIM OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING TO EXPUNGE CERTAIN CRIMINAL RECORDS AND TO NAME THIS ACT THE EXPANDING HUMAN TRAFFICKING JUSTICE ACT. To the committee on Criminal Justice H. B. No. 320 - Representatives Weinstein and West TO PERMIT THE SUBJECT OF A FALSE 9-1-1 REPORT MADE BY A PERSON FOR A DISCRIMINATORY REASON AGAINST THE SUBJECT OF THE REPORT TO BRING A CIVIL ACTION FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE PERSON, AND TO NAME THE ACT DARREN'S LAW. To the committee on Civil Justice ROBERT R. CUPP TIMOTHY E. GINTER CINDY ABRAMS RICHARD D. BROWN PAULA HICKS-HUDSON DON JONES 780 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021

Representative Jones moved that the House and Constitutional Rules requiring bills to be considered by each house on three different days be suspended as to the second consideration of all House Bills contained in the report of the committee on Rules and Reference. The motion was agreed to without objection. The report was agreed to. Said House Bills were considered the second time and referred as recommended.

MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS Representative Boggs reported for the Rules and Reference committee recommending that the following House Resolution be introduced and referred to the following committee for consideration: H. R. No. 65 - Representatives Skindell and Smith, K. TO CALL ON LEGISLATORS AT THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL AND OTHER COMMUNITIES AND JURISDICTIONS TO SUPPORT AN AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION THAT WOULD ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD AND THE DOCTRINE OF MONEY AS SPEECH. To the committee on Government Oversight

/s/ ROBERT R. CUPP Robert R. Cupp, Chair

Representative Jones moved that the Rules and Reference committee report on resolutions be agreed to and that the House Resolution contained therein be introduced and referred as recommended. The motion was agreed to. Said House Resolution was introduced and referred as recommended. Representative Boggs reported for the Rules and Reference committee recommending that the following resolutions be read by title only and approved: H. R. No. 66 - Representative Russo Honoring the Upper Arlington High School boys 200-yard freestyle relay team on winning the 2021 Division I State Championship. H. R. No. 67 - Representative Russo Honoring Avery Voss as the 2021 Ohio Division I 100-yard freestyle champion. HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 781

H. R. No. 68 - Representatives Russo, Edwards, Johnson, Lanese, LaRe, Miller, A., Stewart, Wilkin Honoring Congressman Steve Stivers for his service to the State of Ohio.

/s/ROBERT R. CUPP Robert R. Cupp, Chair

Representative Jones moved that the Rules and Reference committee report on resolutions be agreed to and that the resolutions contained therein be approved. The motion was agreed to.

Message from the Senate Mr. Speaker: I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the following bill: Am. H. B. No. 76 - Representative Oelslager Cosponsors: Representatives Johnson, Boyd, Brown, Callender, Carruthers, Click, Crawley, Crossman, Fraizer, Galonski, Hoops, Householder, Jarrells, John, Leland, Lepore-Hagan, Lightbody, Miller, J., Riedel, Russo, Sobecki Senators Hackett, Antonio, Blessing, Craig, Fedor, Huffman, S., Johnson, Kunze, Manning, Peterson, Roegner, Rulli, Schaffer, Sykes, Thomas, Williams, Yuko To make appropriations for the Industrial Commission for the biennium beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2023, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of Commission programs.

Attest: Vincent L. Keeran, Clerk.

Message from the Senate Mr. Speaker: I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate has passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the House is requested: S. B. No. 56 - Senator Blessing Cosponsors: Senators Manning, Antonio, Cirino, Craig, Fedor, Hackett, Rulli, Sykes, Thomas, Williams, Yuko To enact section 153.81 of the Revised Code to regulate the use of 782 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 indemnity provisions in professional design contracts related to public improvements.

Sub. S. B. No. 58 - Senators Antonio, Brenner Cosponsors: Senators Craig, Fedor, Maharath, Schaffer, Sykes, Thomas, Williams, Yuko, Huffman, S., Blessing, Cirino, Dolan, Hottinger, Johnson, Manning, Roegner, Rulli To amend section 3721.99 and to enact sections 3721.60, 3721.61, 3721.62, 3721.63, 3721.64, 3721.65, 3721.66, and 3721.67 of the Revised Code to permit a resident of a long-term care facility to conduct electronic monitoring of the resident's room and to designate this act as Esther's Law.

S. B. No. 83 - Senators Williams, Rulli Cosponsors: Senators Yuko, Antonio, Maharath, Thomas, Brenner, Hackett, Huffman, S., Fedor, Schaffer, Blessing, Cirino, Craig, Dolan, Gavarone, Hoagland, Hottinger, Johnson, Lang, Manning, O'Brien, Reineke, Romanchuk, Sykes, Wilson To require the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a study to determine where brownfield sites are located in this state and to make an appropriation.

Attest: Vincent L. Keeran, Clerk.

Said bills were considered the first time.

MESSAGE FROM THE SPEAKER The Speaker of the House of Representatives, on May 20, 2021, signed the following: Am. H. B. No. 76 – Representative Oelslager – et al. Sub. H. B. No. 133 - Representative Hillyer – et al. On motion of Representative Jones, the House adjourned until Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 9:00 o'clock a.m.

Attest: BRADLEY J. YOUNG, Clerk.