YNA Newsletter Parshat Shemot 1 of 8

In This Issue Parshat Shemot January, 1 2016 Life Events

HaRav Nebenzahl on Parshat Shemot Please continue to daven for Aryeh ben Staff Dvar Torah by Rav Rina, Ido ben Tali and Harav Chaim Natan Schwartz Avishalom ben Blanka (the Chalban). The Story Of The Jewish People by Rav Shai Gerson Dedications: - Sefer Shoftim

Tehillim List Parnas Hashavua for this past week of (15-21 Tevet) were Jeremy (5763-64) and Dahlia Simons in honor of Rav Bina and Links all the Rebbaim that provided spiritual guidance and growth to the talmidim of 2002-2004 yna.edu

YNA .com

Ask Rav Nebenzahl Celebrating Rosh Chodesh Shvat with Rav Bina at Yagdil Torah in Woodmere Suggestion Box What: "Netiv-Style" Rosh Chodesh Davening followed by breakfast Alumni Update Form When: 6:55 AM (Vatikin, Netz at 7:18) Where: 980 Railroad Avenue, Woodmere, NY Contact Us

RavBeinishGinsburg.com ~~~

SephardiParty.com Flying Rabbis ShabbosYeshiva .com Rav Natan Schwartz wll be in the US his week and can be reached at 347-461-5665 or [email protected] . Join Our List ~~~ Reb Zev's Parsha Riddle Winter Break Who am I? My name is not in the Alumni coming to learn in the during College break and have Parsha, I'm just from my not yet told us should contact [email protected] ASAP. The alumni Zeidy's house; Shabbat is Parshat Bo, January 15-16. My children are my cousins, and I remarried my spouse. ~~ Last week's answer So to not curse his sons Yakov cursed me instead; What you do when you have me, you will always regret. Anger YNA Newsletter Parshat Shemot 2 of 8

Emunah Seminar Contact Reb Zev

Shabbat Davening Times at the Yeshiva In-Shabbat-Shana Bet with Rav Eisenstein, Rav Ginsburg and Families

4:10 Candle-lighting PM 4:25 Mincha PM Kabbalat Shabbat on Porch Ma'ariv Oneg SHABBAT DAY 6:04 Vatikin in Rav Bina's Rabbanit Frankel speaking at last year's seminar AM home Please join us for the annual Emunah Seminar this Wednesday, 8:30 Shacharit January 6th . 3:00 Shiur by Rav Ginzburg The Emunah Seminar is again sponsored by Yehoshua and Gitty Goldschmidt 3:45 Mincha l'ilyui Aharon Dovid ben Menachem. PM Schedule:

At the Yeshiva:

10:30 AM Rav Aharon Bina 11:00 AM Rav Amos Luban/Rav Zvi Ron

At Matan: (The Sadie Rennert Institute for Women's Studies, 30 Rashbag Street in Jerusalem)

2:00 PM Rabbanit Sprecher Frankel , mother of Naftali Fraenkel HY"D and lecturer at Matan 3:15 PM Rav Zev Leff , Rav Of Moshav Mattisyahu and well-known speaker and author - "Torah M'Sinai" 5:00 PM Dr Gerald Schroeder , MIT Physicist and New York Times best-selling author - "Age of the Universe" 6:00 PM Rav 'Gav' Freidman, well-known Aish HaTorah lecturer - "The Seven Wonders of Jewish History" 8:00 PM Rav David Orlofsky , noted lecturer - "Why do Mitzvot?" 9:00 PM Kumzitz with Shlomo Katz followed by Maariv

Shana Bet and alumni Advanced Seminar at Matan Running parallel to the regular seminar. YNA Newsletter Parshat Shemot 3 of 8

Pic of the Week

Our Director Uri Kari and Dani Mor making a BBQ for our Hesder students and their Unit.

Quote of the Week

The Torah teaches us in this week's parsha "a new king arose over Egypt who did not know of Yosef". If you look into Rav Nebenzahl's sefer as well as in the commentaries you will see an elaboration on the idea of hakarat hatov, the king of Egypt had no gratitude for all that Yosef had done to save the land and the people of Egypt.

One of the lessons we try to teach and cannot overemphasize in Netiv Aryeh is this notion of hakarat hatov, recognizing and being thankful for the good another has done for us. We just had a melave malke hosted by Miki and Sholom Katz, and I must say the way in which they opened their house for us was beyond comprehension. We truly felt their love for us and how much they appreciated all that Netiv Aryeh meant to them. I