Soviets Pull out Of
IVafer and sewer officials Mary Cadorette Legislators rash allowed few Improvernents new sit-com star to approve bllfs ... page 11 ... page 5 ' - P W 3 I X Manchester, Conn. Showers tonight; Tuesday, May 8, 1984 cloudy Wednesday Single copy: 25<r — See page 2 H rralb Deferral pact Soviets pull out clears way for Modes proJect of ’84 Olympics / General Manager ftobert/B. Weiss called it "an exciting day for Manchester ” this morning when he MOSCOW (UPI) - The Soviet ’I’he Soviet committee said the and Leonard Seader signed ax'ontract that will permit Reagan adminisi ration had set a Union said Tuesday, it would not conversion of the former Cheney Brothers ribbon mill course of using the games lor ils to apartments to begin. participate in the 1984 Olympic. political aims. ” The Games arc schc Seader, a vice president at First Hartford Realty Games in Los Angeles because dull'd to start July 28. ’ . 8 Tass made il clear lhat the decision Corp., said work may start as early as next week on the United States cannot guaran converting the Pine Street mill — which now houses not to participate was aimed solely at tee the safety of all the athletes. the Reagan administr;rtion ”VVc>ha\c the Manchester Modes garment factory — to 104 apartments that will rent for $500 to $600 a month. The olficial news agency said not the slightest w ish to cast aspersions Seader said construction will take about a year and the United States ’’does nof intend to on the .American public, to cloud the cost about $3.2 million.
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