Monday, April 1, 1985 Page 2 The Artists' Style CoversRock'N'Roll

By Rob Thomas

I see tlic man until :i minute before

i ■ sin i\v up until we were being intro never rehearsed with him. and we HIM the first rock sh< >w the\ hai at Bilh Hob's in front of "\000 people, ime up to us and said. 'Ill poini m\ guitar at i. if I raise my right arm-play softer and when I raise m\ toot .\nd then sti imp down. the song ends.' .somehow it worked, and the show went ivalK well," said Scott Douglas, one of the t\vi i guitarists for the Fort Worth-based band, The Artists, as he recalled the circumstances sur- rounding the time the members served as the band for Chuck Bern.

The Artists have been playing together for Id years and have opened for an estimated -rO acts, but they feel it's time other acts start opening for them. They have begun recording an album at Eagle Audio in Fort Worth that they plan to re- lease on their own label it they are not approached by another label. They are also pro- ducing the album themselves, but they have hopes of landing a big name producer who lias expressed interest In tlic Hand. In the meantime, The Artists is working local clubs such as Westwood and footloose and play- ing at local parties. Douglas and bassist Scott Moss started playing together while they were growing up in Bedford, a suburb of Fort Worth. Tlx' Artistslleft to right) Scott Moss, Uirry Hughes, Terry club circuit for ten years They are currently in the Bowers, and Scott Douglas, has played the Fort Worth studio producing their first album "We lived a few houses from each other, and we could hear each other playing in our garages. college towns-like Athens, Georgia. music they play is. Hughes resembles Tom Petty Finally we had to see who the other guy was before Petty cut his hair short, with the same sly making noise," Douglas said. The Artists doesn't cover many songs from the smile, long, straight blond hair and lanky build. 70s. "I think rock started out with a lot of feeling, Moss looks as if he might work as a mechanic "And our noises merged," added Moss. but in the 70s everyone became interested in the (.luring the day. do Levi's SOI commercials Those two met up with guitar player Larry technology, and it lost a lot of that feeling. Now in his spare time, and then put on his bandanna Hughes and drummer Tern' Bowers, who had it's starting to have that feeling again We'll play headband and be a musician at the night. Douglas been playing together for a number ol years in Riverside, . In 1975 they formed a band and named themselves "The Artists" because all the bands in the entertainment magazine that "All that stuff about Hughes was working for at the time were refer- red to as artists. 'Rock for a better world' in the '60s "It was like naming ourselves The Musicians," I swallowed hook line and sinker." said Hughes. The band plays a mixture of'60s and '80s music The Artists' guitarist Scott Douglas when they are playing cover versions of other band's songs. They admit to being Beatles freaks, anything that has a spark to it. All of that stuff looks the youngest, perhaps by being the only and they play quite a few Rolling Stones and about 'rock for a better world' in the '60s I swal- member who doesn't sport a 5 o'clock shadow. Kinks songs. The Artists also covers several new- lowed hook, line and sinker," Douglas said. With his mod haircut he looks at home playing er bands, including the English Beat, R.E.M., 112 either the old or new material the Artists cover. and the Clash. All four members of the band sing and write Bowers has the look of an introspective, intellec- During a recent show at Footloose, the band songs for the band. Their album will include tual John l.ennon with darker hair. played a Beatles set, a new wave set and finished three songs from each member. The band mem the night with a set of original material. "It was a bers feel that because of this diversity the band Mc iss left the band two years ago to try to make great show. It left the crowd on the dance floor," will avoid sounding like any other band stylisti- it by himself and with other groups, but he re- Bowers said. cally, In its original material The Artists has a dreamy, almost Floydian sound at times and at cently returned to the Artists. The covers we do are the songs we like. It's others the band has a powerful guitar-army also what they like to hear in the college scene," sound. said Bowers. "In the '60s and '70s all the music it was like returning to a perfect culture. was being made in the big cities, but now I think We've grown up together. We've got the maturity the trend is that the best music is being made in The band members look as diverse as the and drive to be able to make it." 3/Monday, April 1, 1985 /aggers 'Boss' Danceable Heritage is Murphey 's Pride Murphey wore a green Western Murphey also sang a patriotii By Diane Vallejo By Cheryl Gwynn l< ivingthe wi iman and leaving bet shin and bright green boots "true Irish song a cappella aboui an old Irish battle lie said lie be an\ w a\ Lucky in Love and Km from the Country Murphey opened with Tonighl lieves some ol his ancestors Running ()ui ol Luck tell ol the We Ride, another song thai will She's the Htxss is Mick .laser's same .11111 fi iniance i 'I ^ Those words personify Michael li night Martin Murphey and his wonder appear mi his new album, and a firsi solo album in hi*- 2.4 years in tered the mush business ful performance at Billy Boh s song he said was good enough Im- He followed with the release Ki M" Ins pic iductii HI crew.Jagger am Texas or lush rebel Six's tlx'lltjss docstii resemble Texas Saturday. March Id, where she Wants from his latest chose the best in the field Mill st 11.n rick s I >a\ festh ities Muqihey sang Inch versii m.sol album flwBest of.Miclxtel Martin au\ Rolling Stones album laggt i I aswell i prodm ei i il llerbie Han stravsaway In>m the usual Stum s abounded. Still biking Chances and U>ve Murpbvy cock) and Nile Ki igers i pr< iducer It is also the title ol asongahoul yffairs. which both appear on the st\ le and puts togcthci a very tor I )avid H< iw ie and Mad< mna i ■ I hear women prefer to run oil danceable album a ho\ who appreciates Ins batk album produced the album with Jagger ground and music from an album with fiddle players instead ol A storyline develops as the From the album the Heart \ei Kit Heck pert, irmed the guitar Murphy is currently working on guitar players, Murphey said be si ings progress Kadi song has its si ilc is. and I'ete ["ownshend ol The er Lies Murphey sang Will It Be lore smging 'Fiddlin' Man. .1 i iwn Mm.iii' in and plot, but no \\ ho plays in the songs Loneh .11 Boy from the Country." done Love bv Morning and Disetl song arx ait a boy whi 1 wants 10 conclusion the Tup ami Hard Woman with lighting set to appear as yel chanted. 1 beautiful song that re- play the fiddle because fiddle low sunlight rising from behind jects the usual lines ol a love gone The story begins with .i success llerbie Hancock also joins in on players attract women Ins sin lulders mi a darkened stage ml star who has passed his prime the 1 irgan and synthesizer dry. as he sang the final m >tes, was 1 >ne , a tribute to coun- and an ambitious young woman She's the Boss is on the St< me s Disenchanted' is a ballad thai ol mam songs thai kepi Mur try music anil artists such as Jerry trying to make her way up the lad new label. Columbia Julien Tern is taken from my childhood M^\ phe\ s audience' clapping anil Lee Lewis ended with a lively, up der of success The romance thai pie- has also directed a full-length the kind of music my parents used dancing lor over two hours beat version of Turn Your Radio develops between the two sours video featuring all of the songs to listen to," he said. "It's similar On," as Murphey danced his way as she becomes the boss The Black Raven Pipe Hand to ballads from the 1940s and What links the album together off the stage, only to return twice are' the music and the attitudes from Ireland opened Murphey's different from any song I've ever "They're gonna strip your soul an anil he imneil them during a at the demand of the crowd iw i\ jigger warns in Loneh at Jagger expresses in the songs. The done lew Irish songs, such as "The the Top." He expresses the tradi album, and its potential success, Murphey also sang songs, in- Murphey invited people to join Dawning of the Day." tional role of male superiority pose no threat to the image the cluding blue Sky Riding Song, him on stage for his final song. lust Another Night and "Vi a Rolling Stones have built over the I in proud to savl was raised in and "Wildfire," .^ audience favo- 's Cadillac," one of the Loaf' express the reverse ol the past J.-i years Jagger has just put Texas with an Irish background. rite, that he had not been able to many songs that show his appre- old sexism In Maid Woman," together an album that will leave Murphey told a cheering crowd until recently because of the death ciation for the American Indian Jagger does a combination play- people dancing In the spnrit olSt I'atruk s Day. ol his pianist culture Patti Sings Christian Message THE COMIC STRIPS Keeping the Faith BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed By Karen Anderson playing the instrument when she TENSE... was young. In high school, she FFVSTRATEV. YEAH, rrs xouut po sowm/NO mtrnA THE fveuc HATH AT THE iw. BOSS U/HICH THOSE IN In a time when all the real became more interested in sing- MATTER, US..IK STAFF m neec>A BKHAK... YOUR POSITION money is in pop music, a person ing and went on to study music in CHIEF ' KttPS SPELUHO . PO SOMETHINO MY USUAUY ONLY college. She has been singing pn > MH/6FfT'AS Mfc- m FUN... mm OF.. would have to be cra/v to do any- ONEIMORP.. ■ thing but gel on the bandwagon. fessionally for five years. P Nol everyone is in the music I'atti is introducing her own business lor the money daughter to the world of music S55S-— A soft bubbly voice, almost tcky very early Ten-month old Anna sweet, belongs to one of the most Elizabeth travels with I'atti and her powerful Christian singers to ever husband-manager, John S set foot on a stage llelvering. k Life is not always bubblv for the "We become a servant when singer, but she said that on her the world says. hey. be a leader, down days a concert can help put The Campus Undergrounc byTodd Camp be strong ' VC'e give ourselves everything in perspec- yes. 1 THINK x T away." says the young singer. 9WAIT A /HINl/re ! tive. "Sometimes before concert, I WOULb Abb LIFE TO A Old. I'VE bOT THE These words are at the begin- would have gone through things WHAT 06VI0VSLV PEfi-Ecr per THAT ning of a song on Sandi Haiti's in the course of the day, and 1 APPlAKs To BE A VERY REAUI miRRces rue More '/'ban Wonderful album. would get to the concert and feel TACKY ATosf>HE/eE PERSONALITY of THIS Sandi I'atti could sing any kind like Lord I don't have anvthing to 71C- of music anil be a hit She received share."' she said. "And it is at those her fourth Grammy nomination times that the songs 1 sing light up this year. She was nominated for my day- best female gospel performance. There have been times when Last year she won in the "Duo or the Lord has just answered a Croup" category, with Larnelle prayer or met one of my needs, I larris and the feeling will be one of viN "I believe in what I am singing great joy,"' she said. about and what it has to say," Ratti T want to do my best and be UNIVERSITY said in an interview last Monday open to what the Lord wants me to by Frederick Allen "To me, there is no greater feel- Hots/ WAS YbuH TEST do," she said. "1 believe very ing than to see people being chal- much in the Christian way of life ToDAV, UGH lenged bv some of the lyrics in the HAS anil what it has done for me." VERY HARtl songs or maybe by a personal ex- HAM perience that 1 have shared with hem." I'atti said that Christian musii will never he as popular as pop Au Courant is a student pub- music because it makes people lication produced bv the Texas take a deeper look at their lives Christian University journalism anil evaluate their potential. It department every Monday of the demands more upon the listener semester year, except for review- than pop music doe's. I'atti said. anil finals weeks Views expressed She said she thinks Christian herein are solely those of the stall music is more universal by nature, and contributors Alt Courant is but that its lyrical content is what located in Room 291S of the makes people stop and think. Moudy Communication Building, LIVING WITH CANCER Many artists in the music busi- Texas Christian University, Fort ness aim for certain age groups, Worth, Texas 76129, but I'atti said she does nol follow Rob Thomas that pattern Editor "My audience really varies."' she Cara Parker If you have been recently diagnosed with cancer, living with the disease might seem said. "Usually it ranges from col Copy Editor impossible now. At the Cancer Hotline, our volunteers understand some of what you're legcage on up, although I do have Tim I low ling going through. They'd like to help. CALL THE CANCER HOTLINE AT a lot of variety. I have some grand Associate Editor parents and smaller children in Michael Martel mv audience Advertising Manager Rita Wolf I'atti 535-0756 • parents influenced her Faculty Adviser lllllsll I areer I ler mother was .1 Steve Brlte piano ilavcr. and I'atti started Production Supervisor Monday, April I, 1985/4 'Revenge7 Relies on Crude Humor By Tim Dowllng ma his n these miw can I wen high school athletes.

Til kuls in mi Angel Beach flu- main attraction of Pork) s lli.uh .1! bat k. and gi ish. it's Revenge is adolescent, libidinous almost .1 I they were never gone humor, and in golly, it works Thi acting still looks like .i had Occasional!) Every standard gag high school play, and the ph it i it i il base humor is employed, in im you dare call it that i is still si i im leasing cheerleaders to the gin probable and yel predictable thai who can't bear the sight ol a dead anyone with an IQ greater than frog in biology class. A confused their age can tell what is yc ling ti i orgy interruptus is good fi ir a few happen before the previews start laughs, as is the "love scene be But hey, that s not what Pi irk) s tween Balbricker and Tommy Revenge is all about Turner (Vi'yatt Knight) Ifyouhave any feelings at all. the latter will also bring groans ot revulsion. /'«' Wee (Dan Monabcm) meets the girl of his dreams iV'mberiey Evenson) in "Parity's Revenge." Latest in the epic series of Por- Then again, so would the movie. ky s follow ups. Kevenge goes for Most of the chuckles are the result the belly laugh and gels a few, but of embarassments that everyone more often has to sneak its shots fears most in high school but nev- in below the belt. Let's talk crude, er really happen. The Numbers Came let s talk innuendo, let's talk sex They might as well haw called this Actually, the mam attraction By Anita Anderson varies from audition to audition her them w hen we call them back one We're gonna get laid! be seems to he Playboy Playmate The worst that Cooper could re for a second audition This is so cause that's what this whole pic- They are frequent theater call in terms of intimidation was we can divide them into smaller Hire is about Kimherley Evenson, who is sup goers, hut only when the slums .m audition for the Ballei groups, and they have a better posedly a transfer student from Sweden. She looks about as much are t losed The) onh go after At ibis audition every one was chance of being seen Ihe mentality ol this picture is like a high sch< ml student as Joan rears ot training and hard work to given a number and put together After we call them, by name, to somewhere between that ol the Collins does, and wen though her slum someone they are qualified in a class situation The guy giving come up and audition for us, their average high schl freshman and only speaking line in the Rim is performers But instead of a warm the audition proceeded to walk name and number are written on that of the average gorilla in heal Ja, ja. I love America, she Hubs and receptive atmosphere, the) around the room tapping people a pad where we lake notes on Revenge could he a semi theacient But that's not the point, are given .i number and are sud on the shoulder as an induat their performance ability When it thoughtful discussion ol cen What counts is that she seems to ili'nh just one in a large crowd that they could go home, he said comes time for us to make a selei sorship and hypocris; in \mer have forgotten to pack any under- That was terrifying So I posi The most terrifying thing for .i tion.we refer to our notes and this nan society, but for God's sake wear for her stay in the States, and tinned mysell in the middle of the beginning performer to K<> is when the numbers come into people, if they did that, the movie after a quick Hash at the begin through is the audition They en group so it would be harder to get effect. This process is much faster wouldn't make an) money, what ning, we're left to wait breathless- to me [ felt if I had more time to terwith a sense of confidence and in a conference situation when we the public wants is cheap, raurt ly (I admit It.) until she faithfully strong ambition, but many be- stay 1 would relax and they would must locate >ur win ten chy, non thinking entertainment bares H all again ai the end. come devastated when the} real Bet to set- me at my hesi " < '.o< iper ize their name -\r\<.\ talent are .is got to stav long enough to consid lure In ■ma stack ol two hundred, i ales one hint: head for the conces- meaningless to directors as a body er the audition a successful one in said Ballinger sion stand when Balhricker's real terms of doing his best, but he did love scene come on. with a number Ballinger doesn'i believe thai The plot'forget it. the directors not become a member of the Dal- warps "Love Me Tender while This peculiar ritual isn't a total the numbering system is all that las Ballet obviously knew thai this one Balbricker and a former lover re- surprise to most Part of educating degrading Krom the stand point couldn't stand on the strength of Cooper said he couldn't think sembling Shamu clash on the the performer is developing the of the auditioner, there is usually its plot alone and threw in four or of a better wax to handle the beach in slow-motion action that ability to perform under pressure no problem because they know fjve ,,, j,ivc. ,t a chance But if you dance auditions. Although it may would elo big time wrestling The numbers are thought to cre- why it is done When there is an care jt „ me kicjs v porky (Chuck proud. Please don't eat before ate anxiety that is the equivalantol be bothersome, there really isn't a extremely large audition, it helps Wallace) yet again, anel tins time either of her "love scenes." performing in front of an audi- better way to do them. TCI' uses the performer know how close he' graduation is at stake- ence. numbers at the Nordan Scho- is to the time he has to audition, larship auditions," he said. "Ev- Edmond Cooper is a senior bal- Ballinger said Of course, everyone comes out erybody is moving around at the Coach Coodenough ( Bill let major at TO'. He is a N'ordan happy in the end save Pork), title- same time, it's easier to keep track Eventually the numbering sys- llindenian) is deeply in debt to Scholar, which labels him as a top not withstanding, but not all the of a number in your head and on tern becomes just one of those Porkv, who's relocated to a float- performer in the ballet depart- plots and sub-plots are resolved. paper than trying to associate things.' However, it can affect the ing pleasure palace after the last ment. He has been to auditions in Which leaves us with the possibil- performer by becoming more catastrophe, and of course the and outside of school productions names with faces, and you can't ity of yet another chapter In this use their clothing as a distinction, than a mere identification num gang must save the coach. But first and finds that the use of numbers classic saga Look for the kids to be because at ballet auditions every- ber. Cooper agrees, "You can't they have to win the state basket is definitely disturbing in college next year, and the men body usually wears black." pretend that It's not going to ball championship, save "Meat" tality to be In third grade again I don't particularly like the use Charles Ballinger. the program bother you just because you know (Tonv (ianios) from a shotgun of numbers at an audition because it's going to happen, because it wedding, find their way OUI of director at Casa Manana Theatre, As for Revenge, ten breasts, half you don'i feel you have a fair does (bother you)," he said You another fix with the infamous finds it hard not to use numbers an orgy, anel one pretty nifty boat chance," he said "R becomes so have to keep going to auditions Beulah Balbricker (Nancy Par during then dance auditions We wreck. Ait Cottrcint says wait until impersonal that it makes you ner until you get used to it. When you sons), and have lots of embarras don t actually place the numbers it comes to the drive in. then vous But if it's (a dance career) learn to feel good about yourself single funny anel titillating esca- on the applicants, hut we do use check it out with a six-pack, a dis what you want. 1 guess you just get In that kind of situation anel show paeles along the way. Like I said, them," he said "There is a num count ticket anel other appropri- used to it her at the top of every application you have something to offer, it forget it The action scenes are won't bother vou-as much" posslbl) among the worst in cine ate trappings. The degree of impersonality and we ask the dancers to reniem

MONDAY Caravan of Dreams Billy Bobs Lloyd David foster Ronald Shannon Jackson Caravan of Dreams Bob Stewart and the Decoding Society ami Company FRIDAY The Hup Brave Combo TUESDAY Billy Bobs Doug Kcrshaw Bilk Bob's I.lovel David poster Caravan of Dreams The Hop Rakish Paddy jam Caravan of Dreams Bob Stewart Ronald Shannon Jackson anel Company and the Decoding Society

WEDNESDAY SATURDAY The Hop Rollo Smith The Hop Brave Combo Billy Bob's Lloyd David foster Billy Bobs Jerry Reed Caravan of Dreams Bob Stewart Programming Council ami Company American Werewolf m London THURSDAY SUNDAY The Hop Rolli Small Bilk bob Rob Dison Bilk hobs ivd I >avid lern Heed will be filming at Hilly Hoh's April <> HOW TO GET BETTER MILEAGE FROM YOUR CAR... ^ A Spicy Bit of Old New Orleans Obey the 35 mph speed limit. FREE ADMISSION FRIDAY & SATURDAY «i COLLEGE I.D. By Norman Freiberger menu and n ussanl Fri. Apr 5 s , s.iiulw n lies and ids to tin Picture this, seven barbecued shrimp. ,i menu DOUG KERSHAW JERRY REED proportional serving of dirt\ rice, sliced Rankn red potatoes sauteed in butter, and ,t large help of l glass of ice tea to wash it down KelK 1 ill ' If you think you can't get New ' (rleans the hi- - with '"> -. Creole food in Fort Worth think again, the meals V] be gels because the New Orleans Cafe brings the comes In im ,i I ': Mies ii highly-specialized to. ul here in daily Rhonda Rankin started with an < >kl > me I In cafi irnph 1 he stun house and one goal in mind—il was \vi II iden llo going to be the only Creole restaurant in ■ 1 tl : JANIE FRICKE Fort Worth With the help ol her friend masks lot Dave Hordecky. she renovated the house in the' 1 la [ue that MERLE HAGGARD and began the New Orleans i ale Once a New Orli «UAP \k,i|[ WEDNESDAYS things got going Fiordecky leti Rankin to Harbei ui is the tin isi re right Finin.lean- Contest wui, Hal and link tend the business on her own quested dish ai d gumbo red beans MK\ Otis and GALS Regwc ,, „■ , „lt., „ , Trjps,, „., R, An]h a (;|v ,, ^ Formerly a home economics teacher in rice are also! ['he secret to c< H ik- f i Miam,, „ Eastern Airlines o mnecting Flight, ,n AIM Antiltan Airlines Fort Worth. Rankin didn't start cix iking her ing Cajun Ii tt.Aruha Hotel* Meals at Divi-Divi Hixel included V. purcaW neces New Orleans-style food until she decided ii uis of celei BILLY BOB S TEXAS to open the restaurant Once the decision had been made, she began collecting re If yi iu - sew i (rleans (aeole cipes cuisine, love spiev hot iood oi simply en- i Rankin has collected recipes from va jo\ deli< ions I bei k i ml the New rious cookbooks and travel magazines i »: KMMS t ate ai S tus Hruhma from New Orleans She likes to van the ( imp bow II HI-.,.1

Don't let the engine'idle , more than 30 seconds. CANCER left TCI student Kane smith looks over the New Or/earn Cafe menu as owner A FRIGHTENING WORD Rhonda Rankin tries to explain what dir- ty rice' is Above Rankin prepares all the Volunteers at the food at the (xife daily she has collected Cancer Hotline know recipes from cookbooks and Xew And when buying, don't How frightening a Orleans trend magazines forget the fuel economy Diagnosis is. label is part of the price They've been there too. "4t) Now they're trying to help m Others deal with the disease. r ] For a free booklet with mure easy