Minutes of 25Th GIAC Meeting A) NEW PROPOSALS 21 Proposals of the Little Magazine Were Placed Before the Committee

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Minutes of 25Th GIAC Meeting A) NEW PROPOSALS 21 Proposals of the Little Magazine Were Placed Before the Committee INDEX Sl. Particulars Page No. Number 1. About G rant In Aid Schemes 1 2. List of Language Experts 2-6 3. History of GIAC meetings 7 4. Brief Report of 25 th GIAC Meeting 8 5. Action Taken Rep ort (ATR) on the 23 rd GIAC meeting 9-10 6. Action Taken Report (ATR) on the 24 th GIAC meeting 11 -14 7. Tentative Expenditure of 25 th GIAC meeting 15 -16 8. Detail Statements of Scheme I: (a) Financial Assistance for Bulk Purchase of Books(other than NER) 17-38 (b) Financial Assistance for Bulk Purchase of Books (NER) 39-40 (c) Number of cases State wise/ Language wise for last 10 years 41-42 9. Detail Statements of Scheme II: (a) Financial Assistance for Publication of Manuscripts (other than NER) 43-47 (b) Financial Assistance for Publication of Manuscripts (NER) 48-51 (c) Number of cases Language wise for last 10 years 52 10. Detail Statements of Scheme III: (a) Financial Assistance to Scholarly Little Magazines (other than NER) 53-57 (b) Financial Assistance to Scholarly Little Magazines (NER) 58 (c) Number of cases Language wise for last 8 years 59 11. Detail Statements of Scheme IV: (a) Financial Assistance to Voluntary Organisations (other than NER) 60-69 (b) Financial Assistance to Voluntary Organisations (NER) 70-71 (c) Number of cases Language wise for last 13 years 72 0 ABOUT OURSELVES This publication fulfils the long felt need for providing information about various schemes/programmes of Grant-In-Aid being implemented by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. This provides brief information about the objective, purpose, eligibility and funding pattern of various Grant-In-Aid schemes of the Institute. Most of these schemes are being implemented through the individuals and NGOs. We are hopeful that this publication would be informative and useful to the individuals, NGOs, Societies and Charitable Trust who are interested in implementation of the programmes/schemes of this Institute. The Non-Governmental Organizations consistently have proved to be very effective in the propagation and development of Indian Languages. One of the benefits of implementing the schemes through NGOs is that they are able to reach the remotest areas of the Country. Moreover, the Individual Authors, Voluntary Organisations Societies and Charitable Trust have established a closer rapport with the masses thereby enjoying a great degree of credibility. INTRODUCTION The Central Institute of Indian Languages was established as a sub-ordinate office of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Govermment of India and started functioning w.e.f. 17 th July 1969. The Union of India, Department of Education entrust to CIIL the operation of the following schemes for providing financial assistance to the Individual Authors, Voluntary Organizations Societies and Charitable Trust during Eighth Five year plan (1992-93 to 1996-97) and since then the Institute has been operating the schemes. 1. Financial Assistance for Bulk Purchase of books in Indian Languages (other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, and Urdu ) 2. Financial Assistance for Publication of books in Indian Languages (other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, and Urdu ) 3. Financial Assistance for the Publication of scholarly Little Magazines at least bi-annual in Indian Languages (other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, and Urdu ). 4. Financial Assistance to Voluntary Organizations for selected promotional activities relating to the Indian Languages (other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi and Urdu ) (i) Assistance for Organizing Conferences/ Seminars/Workshop on Language Literature and Culture. (Subject to a maximum of Rs.30, 000/-per event). (ii) Assistance for undertaking Short term Studies. (iii) Assistance for Teaching of Indian Languages. For further details and application forms, either write to the Head GIA, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasagangotri, Mysore – 570 006 (Ph No.0821-2345106), or DOWNLOAD from: http://www.ciil.org/Main/GIA/BulkPForms.htm http://www.ciil.org/Main/GIA/PubofBooks.htm http://www.ciil.org/Main/GIA/LM.htm http://www.ciil.org/Main/GIA/VolOrg2.htm RAJESH SACHDEVA DIRECTOR I/C 1 2 3 4 5 6 History Sheet of GIAC Meetings held from 1995-96 after transfer the scheme to CIIL by the Ministry Sl.No. No. of GIA Committee Venue Dates Chairman/Chairperson 1. 1st Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 2nd June, 1995 Dr.E. Annamalai, Meeting Director, CIIL 2. 2nd Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 5th Dec, 1995 Dr.Francis Ekka, Meeting Director, CIIL 3. 3rd Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 4th Apr, 1996 Dr.Francis Ekka, Meeting Director, CIIL 4. 4th Grants-in-Aid Committee Ministry of HRD, New 10 th Sep, 1997 Shri Rudhra Gangadharan, Joint Secretary(L) Meeting Delhi 5. 5th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 23 rd Jan, 1998 Shri. Rudra Gangadharan, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 6. 6th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 10 th Sep, 1998 Shri. Sunit Bose, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 7. 7th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 30 th Jul, 1999 Dr. P.H. Sethumadhava Rao, Meeting Joint Secretary(L)/Joint Educational Advisor(L) 8. 8th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 20 th Jan, 2000 Dr. P.H. Sethumadhava Rao, Meeting Joint Secretary(L)/Joint Educational Advisor(L) 9. 9th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 16 th Jun, 2000 Dr. P.H. Sethumadhava Rao, Meeting Joint Secretary(L)/Joint Educational Advisor(L) 10 10 th Grants-in-Aid Committee M.H.R.D, 20 th Nov, 2000 Shri. K.S. Sarma, Meeting New Delhi Director(L) 11. 11 th Grants-in-Aid Committee M.H.R.D, New Delhi 15 th Oct, 2001 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 12 12 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 5th Jul, 2002 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 13. 13 th Grants-in-Aid Committee S.A.C.C, Bangalore 2nd Aug, 2003 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 14. 14 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 6th Feb, 2004 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 15. 15 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 16-17 th July,2004 Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh, Meeting Director, CIIL Mrs. Padmaja Vashistha, (Ministry’s representive) 16. 16 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 12 th Jan, 2005 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 17. 17 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 25 th Aug, 2005 Ms. Bela Banerjee, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 18. 18 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 7-8th Sep,2006 Sri. Keshav Desiraju, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 19. 19 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 9-10 th Feb,2007 Sri. Keshav Desiraju, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 20. 20 th Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 27 th Sep, 2007 Sri. Keshav Desiraju, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 21. 21 st Grants-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 26-27 th Feb,2008 Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh, Meeting Director, CIIL 22. 22 nd Grant-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 17-18 th Sep,2008 Dr.Anita Bhatnagar Jain, Meeting Joint Secretary(L) 23. 23 rd Grant-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 12-13 th Feb,2009 Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh Meeting in absence of Chairman, JS(L) 24. 24 th Grant-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 19-20 th Aug 2009 Mr. R.P. Sisodia, Meeting Director (L) 25. 25 th Grant-in-Aid Committee CIIL, Mysore 20-21 st Jan 2010 Dr. Anita Bhatnagar Jain, Meeting Joint Secretary (L) 7 Brief Report of 25 th GIAC Meeting The 25 th GIAC Meeting, which was held on 20 th – 21 st January, 2010 at CIIL Mysore chaired by Dr. (Mrs.) Anita Bhatnagar – Jain, Joint Secretary (L & Admn.). The Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) Anita Bhatnagar – Jain welcomed the house. In her welcome speech, the Chairperson expressed her views on the cases for which the responses of the applicants have not been received in spite of the fact that their books have been recommended in the GIAC Meeting. She opined that the one month time extension can be given to such applicants and if they do not respond, it may be informed to them that consideration for their future request for assistance will be cancelled for 2+2=4 years in case of bulk purchase of books and manuscript in order to save time and energy. Talking about the various developments and activities of GIAC, the Chairperson stated that presently, books are being sent twice to NBT for cost estimation and price fixation and this should be amended so as to sent once at a time. This may be verified from the Sanskrit Sansthan. 1. It has been observed during the Meeting that for past 10 years some languages/States are given more grants and some languages / states are given less grant or dismal. To keep the limit of such grant, it has been decided to restrict the grant to the extent of 10 % in a language/state during a financial year. 2. When the Language Expert is unable to attend GIAC Meeting due to unavoidable circumstance, Director may request some faculty with the same background for taking quick decision or the cases of all schemes be sent to the language Expert for review. 3. Other points were also taken for discussion including Agenda and Action Taken Report of 23 rd and 24 th GIAC Meetings. The Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) Anita Bhatnagar Jain thanked all the Committee Members profusely for laboring so much and accomplishing a lot within a very short span of time to take very efficient, correct and ethical decisions. She also requested the Members to give a feedback about Non-scheduled languages whether primary teaching is being given in their respective States.
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