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City Planning Committee Meeting Wellington Park Management Trust THE FERN TREE ENTRY AREA HISTORIC HERITAGE ASSESSMENT, WELLINGTON PARK, TASMANIA Prepared by McConnell, A. October 2014 Wellington Park Management Trust, GPO Box 503, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001. Cover – from bottom clockwise: • Fern Tree Park (2014, A. McConnell) • MWSS Pipeline Track (2014, A. McConnell) • Fern Tree Bower (historical image - 1916, source – J&M Grist (original source – Weekly Courier 5th Oct 1916)) • (to L) MWSS Pipeline Track and path up to and SW corner of Shelter Shed 2 west of the Bower (historical image - 1910 , source – Evans 2014 (original source – TAHO)) • Silver Falls (2014, A. McConnell) • Silver Falls – Pillinger Drive Track (2014, A. McConnell) • Fern Glade Track (2014, A. McConnell) • Huon Road with quarry, waterfall & sandstone trough (2014, A. McConnell) • St Raphaels Church (2014, A. McConnell). Report history - This report has been prepared by the Wellington Park Management Trust to provide background and a detailed historic heritage assessment to assist with managing the historic heritage values of the Fern Tree entry area of Wellington Park. The assessment has been undertaken as the area has increasing visitation, a concentration of historic heritage values, and to inform the proposed Master Plan. The main aim of this assessment is to provide historic heritage information for planning and management. The field research for the assessment was undertaken in June & July 2014. The historic information is taken largely from Evans (2014) history for the Fern Tree Entry Node. This in turn rests heavily on earlier research undertaken by McConnell (2013), Sheridan (1998, 2010), Andrusko 2010, McConnell & Scripps (2005), Scripps (1993) and Hartzell (1993). There has been only limited public consultation (and social values assessment) undertaken in preparing this historic heritage assessment. Public comment however will be invited in preparing the Fern Tree Entry Node Master Plan, and public comment can be made on the Heritage Assessment through this process. i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background to the Assessment This report has been prepared by the Wellington Park Management Trust to provide background and a detailed historic heritage assessment to assist with managing the historic heritage values of the Fern Tree Entry Area of Wellington Park. The assessment has been undertaken as the area has increasing visitation, a concentration of historic heritage values, and to inform the proposed Master Plan. The Fern Tree Entry Area lies essentially within Wellington Park. The historic information used in the assessment is taken largely from Evans’ (2014) history for the Fern Tree Entry Node, but also includes additional information from earlier research by McConnell (2013), Sheridan (1998, 2010), Andrusko 2010, McConnell & Scripps (2005), Scripps (1993) and Hartzell (1993). The assessment is also based on field investigation undertaken in June - August 2014. The History and Heritage, and its Significance History The Aboriginal history of this area is unknown, but the Fern Tree Entry Area has been a known focus of non-Aboriginal visitation since the 1850s-1860s when the first road to the Huon, and the Mountain Water Supply System pipeline, were constructed through this area. The area was also used as an entry point to access the upper slopes and summit of Mount Wellington at least from the 1830s. Historically the area has been used primarily for scenic tourism and, more recently, for scenic tourism and recreation. Water supply for Hobart is an ongoing function. Historic Heritage The historical uses of the area have generated a variety of infrastructure and modified features and these, together with the natural setting in montane forest with rain forest gullies and clear mountain creeks, result in the area having a range of cultural heritage values. The constructed elements and archaeological remains are primarily water supply or scenic tourism infrastructure, or the remains of these. Some 72 individual sites and features have been identified in the study area in four zones. These are – Fern Tree Bower Area (MWSS Pipeline Track to Silver Falls) • Natural features – 2 (Silver Falls, a large tree stump) • Scenic Tourism/recreation area – 1 (Bower Open Area) • Water supply features – 10 (pipelines, channels, receiving tanks, quarries, a monument) • Tracks – 1 (Bower Track) • Buildings – 2 (huts/sheds) • Other picnic facilities – 11 (seating, areas/niches for former picnic tables, seats, fireplaces) • Garden features – 2 (stone edging, stone walling (& terracing), pathways) • Archaeological sites – 3 (Bower aerating basin, Bower picnic pavilion, Bower toilets). Fern Tree Park • Park (picnic/recreation area) – 1 (Fern Tree Park) • Pathways – 5 (park paths; 2 with no probable heritage significance) • Buildings – 3 (huts/sheds with picnic facilities & wood BBQs; garden shed; no probable heritage significance) • Other picnic facilities – 1 (tables, seats & wood BBQ; no probable heritage significance) • Play equipment – 3 (no probable heritage significance) • Garden features – 9 (planted areas, groups of plantings, individual plantings; a number with no heritage significance) • Archaeological sites – 2 (hut foundations). ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Fern Tree Entry Area Historic Heritage Assessment (Final Report) McConnell, A. (Oct2014) A Wellington Park Management Trust Report ii Fern Tree Park to the Fern Glade Track • Natural features – 1 (cascade on Huon Rd) • Tracks – 5 (all these are link tracks and only 1 is of any length) • Buildings – 1 (St Raphael’s Church) • Quarries – 1 (for road building) • Other features – 1 (stone water trough). Fern Tree Entry Hinterland (the Fern Tree Entry Area not included in the other 3 areas) • Water supply features – 2 (reservoir & access road; no heritage significance) • Tracks – 5 (includes 3 major tracks and 2 lesser tracks). These sites and features are summarised in Table 1, and described in detail in the Inventory (Part 2 of the report (also with site location maps)). No formal precincts have been previously recognised in this area. The present assessment however recommends that the area along the MWSS Pipeline Track from Fern Tree Park to the Bower then up the valley to Silver Falls, which is a specific area of the Fern Tree Entry Area that has been a significant focus of scenic tourism from 1861-2 until present, be recognised as the ‘Fern Tree Bower Precinct’ as the area contains the bulk of the physical evidence of the historically significant scenic tourism and use in the Fern Tree area (the precinct and its values are defined in the Appendix of this report). There are also broader landscape values which are recognised through the inclusion of this area within Wellington Park, and some of the highly significant, specific landscape values of the area have been recognised through the identification of two ‘Significant Landscapes’ in Schedule O of the City of Hobart Planning Scheme which are partly within the Fern Tree Entry Area (see Significance, below). Significance The identified heritage has a range of values and cultural heritage significance depending largely on its age and nature. 1. Sites identified as being of high significance (state level significance and high local level significance) are – • the Mountain Water Supply System and associated elements, • Silver Falls • the Bower Open Area • Bower Picnic Pavilion • Shelter Shed 2 (West Bower area) • Bower Track • Middle Track • Fern Glade Track • St Raphael’s Church. 2. Heritage identified as being of lower significance (mainly medium to low local significance) tend to be later, early-mid 20th century features or sites, and/or minor sites, or not associated with the key themes of regional water supply and scenic tourism/recreation, but have social significance. 3. Fifteen sites/features are assessed as having no cultural heritage significance. These are mainly sites/features that were built/established after 1960 (& the majority of these are located in Fern Tree Park). Seven sites/features were not assessed due to insufficient information. This heritage is unlikely to be of high level significance. Fern Tree Park is assessed as having significance at the local level only, with the main values being medium social and aesthetic significance as a rustic park that reflects the character of Fern Tree and the earlier scenic tourism infrastructure and landscape character of the broader area; and which ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Fern Tree Entry Area Historic Heritage Assessment (Final Report) McConnell, A. (Oct2014) A Wellington Park Management Trust Report iii provides for a diversity of activities (child play, picnicking, BBQ’s, strolling, access/exit to and from longer walks in Wellington Park (including loop walks)). The proposed Fern Tree Bower Precinct is considered to have high local level and state level significance. In part this derives from the number of significant individual sites within it, but it is largely due to the Precinct’s history as one of the earliest important scenic tourism destinations in the Hobart region and in Tasmania. The historic heritage significance of a number of features has been recognised through listing on the Tasmanian Heritage Register (THR), in the City of Hobart Planning Scheme (CHPS), or has been recognised as a site under the Wellington Park Management Plan (WPMT) as indicated below: • St Raphael’s Church-
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