Workout of the week for May 13, 2020!

This week’s workout consists of 12 for as many repetitions as you can, in 45 seconds; 2 rounds. Go through each twice (complete both rounds) before continuing to the next exercise. Rest as needed and stay hydrated! As always, warm-up first and cool down at the end.

Equipment Needed:

Chair, set of weights and a mat/blanket (IF you’ll be doing abdominal exercises on the floor). **Bottle of water to stay hydrated.

Warm-up: Complete each exercise for about 30-45 seconds

March in place  Side Step (Step Touch)  Double Step or Grapevine  March 

Tap your toes  Tap your heels  Curls (Pull your heel to your bottom) 

Knee Lifts (Alternate opposite elbow to knee)  March  Side Step  Shoulder Rolls 

Neck Stretch (Alternate Chin to Chest & Looking Up)  Stretch anything else you need to

Workout: 2 Rounds, 45 seconds **Pictures of each exercise attached for reference if needed!

1. Overhead Shoulder Press 7. Bent Over 2. Bicep Curls 8. Lateral Arm Raises 3. Squats/Chair Stands 9. Lunges 4. Raises 10. Knee Lifts 5. Bird Dogs 11. Planks (Any Variation) 6. Flutterkicks 12. Hip Bridges (Raises)


Overhead Shoulder Press

*Begin with the weight resting over your shoulders *Elbows pointed down *Keeping the weight close to your head, press straight up. *Slowly lower the weight back down.

Bicep Curls

 Begin with feet shoulder-width apart  Hold weight in both hands  Stand tall & keep your core tight  Slowly curl your hands up towards your shoulder  Keep the elbow in, towards the body  Lower back down to the starting position

Chair Stands Note: You can use your hands to assist if needed BUT, try not to if possible.

*Sit out on edge of chair *Stand to a full standing position. *Sit back into chair in a slow, controlled manner.

*Do NOT let your knees push out over your toes.

Calf Raises  Stand behind chair with tall posture, looking forward.  With feet hip-width apart and toes pointed forward, raise up on to your toes.  Slowly return to starting position and repeat

Bird Dogs  Begin on all fours – hands directly under your shoulders & knees under your hips.  Extend out one arm AND the opposite leg – HOLD for desired time, while

keeping your back flight & core tight.  Slowly return to starting position and switch sides.  Left arm & right leg extended -OR- Right arm & left leg extended.


 Sit comfortably at the edge of the chair.  Keep the back straight and the core (abs and lumbar) tight.  Place both feet far out in front of the body and point the toes forward. Both feet should be diagonal to the hips.  Lift one leg up to the highest point possible (hopefully ending parallel to the hips) without moving the center of the body.  Slowly lower the leg back to starting position then switch with the other leg.

*A great way to think of this movement is to pretend that you’re swimming, kicking your legs in the water.

Bent-Over Row

 Bend over at hips, keeping back straight, sticking bottom out  Start with arms extended and palms facing inward  Slowly draw both arms up, elbows in at sides, and squeezing shoulder blades together  Slowly lower hands back to starting position

Lateral Arm Raises  Hold weights at your sides with palms pointing inward  Slowly raise arms up to shoulder height only  Slowly lower back to the starting position


 Standing tall, step your right foot forward in a split stance.  Lower your left knee until it is 2’’

above the floor. Press back up to standing and step back.  Repeat on the other side.

Knee Lifts (Standing on one leg) 1. Stand tall behind chair and hold on 2. Have a soft bend in the leg you will be standing on and slowly raise the other leg as shown 3. Maintain a straight torso and tighten the abdominal muscles. 4. Maintain position for 30 seconds 5. Repeat on other side

Planks – Any Variation  Begin on the floor, laying on your stomach.  Place your hands or forearms directly under your shoulders.  Push “up”, squeezing your core & balancing your body.  Hold this position  Body should be long & strong

Hip Bridges (Raises)  Begin on the floor, laying on your back.  Raise your hips up, squeezing your core & glutes.  Hold this position  Body should be long & strong