DIRECTIONS Complete the dynamic warm-up before doing the workout. The chart below breaks down the workout. Perform the circuit of for the designated number of reps unless otherwise noted for time. Complete the first circuit before moving on to the second. For the finisher, complete the exercises for the prescribed amount of reps as fast as possible. Complete at minimum 3 sets (three times through all the exercises) in each circuit, or up to 4 sets. There should be minimal rest between exercises. For all single-leg or single-sided exercises, perform repetitions on both sides.


DEADLIFT TO 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps ALTERNATING CHEST PRESS 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps (BENCH) ELEVATED SINGLE LEG 6 reps 6 reps 6 reps 6 reps RAISES

CIRCUIT 2 LBS. SET SET SET SET REVERSE SINGLE ARM 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps PRESS ELEVATED GLUTE TAPS 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

WOODCHOP 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps


SKATER JUMPS 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps

HIGH PLANK DUMBBELL PASS 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information WEEK 8 LEVEL 2

DEADLIFT TO ROW Stand with feet shoulder width apart and grounded down into the floor. With dumbbells in hand, pull your shoulders backs and slowly hinge your hips back, bending your knees slightly and keeping your back straight until dumbbells are about knee height. While in this position, rotate wrists so that palms face each other and bend elbows to row dumb- bells towards your sides, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Release dumbbells back down towards your knees and return to starting position, pulling your shoulders back upon standing.

ALTERNATING CHEST PRESS (BENCH) Lay on a bench flat on your back. While holding dumbbells, extend arms over your chest with palms facing away from you. Slowly bend your left elbow and lower dumbbells toward your chest. When elbow is at 90 degrees, press up to starting position and repeat with your right elbow. Repeat continuously.

ELEVATED SINGLE LEG CALF RAISES Stand on an elevated surface with the back half of your feet hanging off the edge. Grasp onto a nearby support, raise one leg up, bending it at the knee, and let the heel on your standing leg lower toward the floor. Once you feel stable, push your toes into the surface, and raise your heel up to a high, comfortable position. Slowly lower your heel back down, repeat for the prescribed amount of reps, then switch sides.

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information WEEK 8 LEVEL 2

REVERSE LUNGE SINGLE ARM PRESS Begin in a standing position holding a dumbbell on your right shoulder, with your palm facing your ear. Take a step backwards with your left leg. As the ball of your back foot makes contact with the ground, bend your knee to engage your leg muscles. As you bend your back knee, press the dumbbell directly overhead. After you reach a level that is comfortable for you, push off your back foot and return to your standing position with the dumbbell back at its starting position. Repeat repetitions with the dumbbell in your left hand, stepping back with your right leg. ELEVATED GLUTE BRIDGE TAPS Lay on your back on the floor or a mat with arms at your sides and your feet flat on top of an elevated surface, hip width apart. Slowly, lift your hips into the air by pressing your heels down on the elevated surface. Pause when your hips are in a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Hold position for 2-3 seconds and then lower your hips back down to the mat.

WOODCHOP SQUAT Begin standing with feet hip width apart. Hold a dumbbell with two hands and squat down to comfortable depth. Slightly twist your torso and place the dumbbell on the left side of your hip while keeping your hips and knees stable. Next, pull the dumbbell from your hip in towards your midline as you stand back up. Twist your torso and press dumbbell diagonally across your body towards your right shoulder, as you pivot on the left foot and keep your right foot forward. Slowly pivot and twist back to your starting position. Perform repetitions on one side then do the same amount of repetitions on the other side.

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information WEEK 8 LEVEL 2

SKATER JUMPS Begin by standing with feet together. Carefully hop your right leg to the right, bringing your left foot behind it on a diagonal. Then immediately hop to the left with your left leg, bringing your right foot behind on a diagonal. Try to balance on one leg with each hop. Repeat continuously.

HIGH PLANK DUMBBELL PASS Position your body weight evenly between your toes and hands with your hips flat and hands directly under your shoulders on the floor or a mat. Grip a dumbbell with your right hand. Keeping your body straight, reach across the body and roll dumbbell to your left side. Lower dumbbell to the ground and repeat with opposite side. Keep alternating for desired amount of time.

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