Development of Technology And Norwegian Parcipaon

Yngvar Lundh Rered from Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Computers

• Began to be a fact of life towards end 1950s • Became indispensable tools early sixes in industry and science • Computer networks became useful 1960s • IBM and other leading computer makers offered company specific networking None of those companies parcipated in Internet development Success has many fathers

Numerous people parcipated in Internet development ”Everyone” tells his story

Many aspects of this important development are relevant Creavity

• Douglas Engelbart Demonstraon 1968 at Stanford Research Instute

Workstaons in nets CRT screen Mouse Hypertext Etc etc

Summarized aspects of much creave thinking in the 1960s Beginning

1958 ARPA founded by president Eisenhower, reacng to Sputnik 1962 Larry Roberts proposed a 1962 Leonard Kleinrock proposed in PhD thesis 1969 First four sites of ARPANET installed by BBN engineered by Bob Kahn 1972 Demonstraon 40 resource sharing computers 1973 Internaonal connecons – to Norway and England Pioners Celebrang 30 years 1999

IMP Cerf Kahn Kleinrock Roberts ARPANET grew fast 1969 Efficient laboratory Network Control Center at BBN, Massachuses Network Informaon Center, SRI, California Universies and research centers joined Natural and programmable traffic 1974 Host computers and simple terminals

Every node could be reprogrammed and controlled and observed remotely

Measurements sent back to researchers Internaonal

The rapid growth of interest inspired Kahn and Roberts to address possibilies for internaonal networking

Visited Norway 1972

We had collaborated with ARPA since early sixes A leased line existed

October 1972: Resource sharing demo i Washington Resource sharing

Demo in Washington, promising projects 1972 Many academic goups collaborated

•Weather forecast •Speech recognion •Mathemacal analysis •Etc, etc...

I decided to collaborate Started project Paradis at Kjeller PAcket switched RAdio and Distributed Informaon Systems Line to America

Collaborang seismic observatories had a line between them US observatory Kjeller observatory Seismic Seismic data data Modem 2,4kb/s 2,4kb/s Transatlanc line MUX MUX 2,4kb/s 9.6kb/s

7.2kb/s 7.2kb/s

MUX University College London No interest I tried many ways to create interest Especially: University of Oslo: We installed special Arpanet Terminal at their computer center NO! Norwegian Telecom Administraon: I had many meengs with their leading engineers NO! The ARPA‐collaboraon project was civilian NDRE’s usual partners not interested

For the first two years we were only two persons graduate student Asle Hesla and I tried to understand the concepts of communicaon protocols Working groups on computer networking

PSPWG ‐ Packet Switching Project Working Group (ARPA) INWG ‐ Internaonal Network Working Group (IFIP)

These groups had a two day meeng on board the Stockholm – Åbo ferry 10.11. August 1974 Between an IFIP‐exhibion and a CCConference

General possibilies and goals for networking discussed during those two days • Arpa Washington,DC • BBN Cambridge, Massachuses PSPWG Packet Switching Project Working Group • SRI Menlo Park, California • UCLA, Los Angeles, California 20 to 40 persons • ISI Marina del Rey, California from 10 groups • Linkabit San Diego, California

• Comsat Gaithersburg, Maryland met quarterly • MIT Cambridge, Massachuses for about 8 years

• UCL London, England In 1981 results were stable • NDRE Kjeller, Norway (FFI) and well documented

Dates and venues for presentaons proposions and discussions Development Goals: All transmission channels opmized All traffic types accomodated No central control

Methods: Ideas analysed, dicussed, simulated Experiments Arpanet was ”Natural” and arficially generated traffic The laboratory

Members of the ten groups collaborated closely Most implementaons and experimentaons were handled by BBN Bolt Beranek and Newman

Extremely careful analysis and verificaon established Internet’s success No interest

To try and create interest I invited Douglas Engelbart to hold a three day seminar at Kjeller for about 15 Norwegian engineers and sciensts May 1976 on his project Computer Augmentaon of the Human Intellect

He brought his workstaon. Result: No further interest Demonstrated hypertext Their comment: ”Baroque!” and other new features, then never seen (now commonplace) Norwegian parcipaon Experiments. Speech, packet satellite and others First three years we were two persons Most acve period 1976‐79 we were five: Pål Spilling (from 1975. Fellowship at SRI 1979‐80 ) Øyvind Hvinden (Fellowship at MIT 1979‐80) Finn Arve Aagesen Aage Stensby (from 1975)

Spilling, Hvinden and Aagesen have later made disnguished carreers in computers and communicaons

From 1975 Norwegian Telecom agreed to let us use their satellite facilies for experiments Ole Peer Håkonsen was instrumental Packet satellite experiments in ”Satnet” USA– England ‐ Norway 1980s and 90s

1980 the next node outside America was connected to Arpanet Later academia all over the world slowly got connected 1983 Internet protocols replaced the old network 1986 Arpanet disconnued as such 1991 Commercial acvity permied 1993 World Wide Web by the ”Mosaic” program by Tim Berners Lee of CERN An enormeous growth began 1994 Internet menoned in media 1995 Some telecom administraons began to accept Internet as a fact

Pål Spilling joined Norwegian Telecom in 1982. He helped Norwegian establishments connect and began teaching and informing about the network Basic Technical Research leading to the Internet

1940‐50s Visions 1960s Ideas 1970s Development 1980s Applicaons 1990s Commercializaon