Planning Statement

On behalf of: Mr W A Weston Site: Land at Hare Street, Wilcot, , , SN9 5NN Proposal: Outline application for residential development of 4no. detached custom/ self-build dwellings, with all matters reserved except access.

Fowler Architecture & Planning Limited

19 High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5AF [email protected] 01672 569444 Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd


1. Introduction 2. Site: Surroundings, Context and Constraints 3. Planning History 4. Development Proposals 5. Planning Policy Context 6. Planning Statement 7. Conclusions

Site: Land at Hare Street, Wilcot, Wiltshire Report For: Planning Submission Document No. Details Checked By Date Revisions: 140603 Submission AS 12/12/16

The contents of this document must not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Fowler Architecture and Planning Limited


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

1. Introduction

1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd (FAAP) on behalf of Mr W A Weston in support of a planning application for: ‘Outline application for residential development of 4no. detached custom/ self-build dwellings, with all matters reserved except access,’ at land at Hare Street, Wilcot, Pewsey, Wiltshire, SN9 5NN.

1.2 This Statement provides an assessment of the application against the relevant Development Plan and the presumption in favour of sustainable development within the NPPF. As the site is not within a designated area and the application proposal is not ‘major’ development, a Design and Access Statement is not formally required in support of this application. However, given the location of the site within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and the planning issues arising, this Planning Statement considers these issues accordingly.

1.3 This Statement should be read alongside the following submitted documents:  Ecological Appraisal – Lindsay Carrington Ecological Services Ltd.; and  Heritage Statement – Forum Heritage Services.

2. Site: Surroundings, Context and Constraints

Site Location

2.1 The application site (‘the site’) is located in the village of Wilcot which is situated some 2km to the north-west of Pewsey. The village of Wilcot is comprised of two distinct parcels of built form. The part within which this site is located is organised around the triangular shaped central village green (‘Wilcot Green’); the second is located to the south-west of this parcel and is loosely centred around Wilcot Manor and the Manor Farm.

2.2 The site itself is roughly triangular in shape and is bounded to the north by Wilcot Road and to the west by Hare Street; these roads converge to the immediate north of the site and run off towards Wilcot Green (as ‘Wilcot Green’ road) and on out of the village (as Alton Road). To the south and east the site is bound by grazing land (within the same ownership). Access to the site is currently taken from the junction formed by the meeting of Hare Street, Wilcot Green and Wilcot Road.

Historic Context

2.3 There are a number of listed buildings within close proximity of the site. The historic context is represented within the Conservation Area Appraisal document, the relevant map extract shown below shows the nearby listed buildings (as red), the extent of the Conservation Area boundary


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

(blue line), significant unlisted buildings or walls as orange, plus showing ‘significant trees and hedges.

Conservation Area Appraisal map extract

2.4 A full appraisal of the historic context is provided in the submitted Heritage Statement.

Landscape Context

2.5 The site lies within the ‘Vales’ area of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) where, “The concentration of settlements is a defining feature ... including compact nucleated villages and hamlets, with widespread scattered farmsteads.”1 The AONB Management Plan states that the key issue is: “... to maintain the pattern of discrete villages set within a quiet rural landscape and ensure that the views to the surrounding dramatic scarps are undamaged” (p.27).

2.6 The site is located on the southern edge of Wilcot – the northern and western boundaries of the site are thus bound by existing built form. The boundaries to the site along these borders are currently comprised of relatively low level hedgerow.

1 AONB Management Plan 2014-19~


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

2.7 The topographic survey confirms that the site slopes up away from the north-west corner of the site. At this corner, the level of the land is some 130.8m, and further to the south-east, where the land is more open, the land rises up to over 140m.

2.8 When approaching from the east along Wilcot Road, the site is very well screened by mature hedgerow planting and trees. Similarly, when approached from the south along Hare Road, the mature hedgerow screening along the eastern boundary of that road ensures that the site is well screened. When the site is approached from the north past Wilcot Green and the rural road to the west, the site is more open and visible.

Other Technical Issues

2.9 According to the Environment Agency flood maps, the site does not fall within flood zones 2 or 3. The site is not crossed by any Public Rights of Way and there are none adjacent to the site. The site is not subject to any Tree Preservation Orders.

Site Constraints

2.10 Based on the above analysis, the image shown below shows the relevant constraints affecting the site:

Image 1: Constraints Map of site


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

3. Planning History

3.1 A search of previous planning applications at the site on the on-line database shows that it has not been subject to any applications previously. There is therefore no adverse planning history associated with the site.

4. Development Proposal

4.1 The proposal the basis of this application is for the erection of four detached, custom/ self-build dwellings. The proposed plots are organised as two pairs around a small area of land which is proposed to become publicly accessible green space, two fronting Hare Street and two fronting Wilcot Road.

4.2 This application is submitted in outline form with some matters reserved for further approval. Detailed approval is sought for External Access only at this stage – with the proposed access arrangements shown on Site Plan Drawing No. 140603-14B. For the avoidance of doubt, the reserved matters comprise:

Reserved Matters Layout Notwithstanding that formal approval is sought for access, the submitted Site Plan drawing (Drawing No. 140603-14B) shows an illustrative site layout, identifying the residential layout and location of useable public open space. Detailed layout is a reserved matter at this stage. Scale This Planning Statement sets out the rationale for a residential development of 4no. dwellings, and sets the relevant parameters for the scale of development. Detailed scale is a reserved matter at this stage but it is envisaged that the scale of development can controlled by way of a suitable supporting Design Code for the site. Appearance This Planning Statement outlines the illustrative design for the dwellings. The detailed design for each of the dwellings is a reserved matter at this stage, but as above, it is envisaged that the design and appearance of each of the dwellings can controlled by way of a suitable supporting Design Code for the site. Access Access is applied for under this Outline Planning Application. The vehicular access route into the site is proposed via a new access onto Hare Street, as shown on the submitted Site Plan (Drawing No. 140603-14B). At this stage, an indicative internal access arrangement is shown, with a pedestrian route running along the boundary of the site with Hare Street; however these matters are reserved at this stage.


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

Landscaping An indicative landscaping strategy is outlined on the Site Plan drawing; detailed landscaping is a reserved matters at this stage. The area of public open space will be managed by way of a contributory fund from the proposed new dwellings.

4.3 Approval for external access is sought at this stage. Vehicular access is proposed to be taken from a new access created directly off Hare Street. A new pedestrian access is shown to run around the boundary of the site with Hare Street, to provide pedestrian access to the front of each of those dwellings. Pedestrian access is not provided to the front of the dwellings fronting Wilcot Road given concerns arising that this may lead to potential short-term parking of vehicles along that stretch of road.

5. Planning Policy Context

5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states, “If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.” This plan-led approach to decision taking is reinforced by paragraphs 2, 11, 12 and 196 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), unless material considerations, including the ‘Golden Thread’ of the achievement of sustainable development, indicate otherwise – as confirmed in the judgement in Wychavon District Council vs SSCLG [2016] EWHC 592 (Admin).

Development Plan

5.2 The adopted Development Plan for the Local Planning Authority is the Wiltshire Core Strategy (adopted January 2015), along with any relevant Saved Policies of the Kennet District Local Plan (adopted April 2004).

5.3 The Local Plan Proposals Map identifies the site as:  within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB);  outside, but immediately adjacent to, the Wilcot Conservation Area; and  within the 40% affordable housing zone.

5.4 The following policies are considered to be relevant to this application proposal: 5.5 Core Policy 1: Settlement Strategy - being defined as a Small Village, this Policy states that development in such locations, “...will be limited to that needed to help meet the housing needs of settlements and to improve employment opportunities, services and facilities.”


Land at Hare Street, Wilcot Fowler Architecture and Planning Ltd

5.6 In respect of Small Villages, Core Policy 2: Delivery Strategy states that, “...development will be limited to infill within the existing built area. Proposals for development at the Small Villages will be supported where they seek to meet the housing needs of settlements or provide employment, services and facilities provided that the development: i. respects the existing character and form of settlement; ii. does not elongate the village or impose development in sensitive landscape areas; and iii. does not consolidate an existing sporadic loose knit area[s] of development related to the settlement.” 5.7 Core Policy 18: Spatial Strategy: Pewsey Community Area is applicable, given the location of Wilcot within this area (although outside of the Pewsey Neighbourhood Development Plan area). 5.8 Core Policy 41: Sustainable Construction and Low Carbon Energy aims to ensure that new development proposals incorporate design measures to reduce energy demand and consumption. 5.9 Core Policy 45: Meeting Wiltshire’s Housing Needs refers to the importance of incorporating a range of different types, tenures and sizes of homes with the aim of creating mixed an