N ame Lod~re N o. //j~ Initiated Dimitted Officia l R ecord i- ,_ J'Y'f / Passed Suspended} /l-;d I Cf- I fr'J I N. P. D . Deprived } J N.P.D. A~:te~ J- ~ Cf/ Suspended} U .M. C. Reinst ated Expelled Restored Remarks Name Miner , William L Lodge No. I :ZO' Staod1::~b Initiated Dimitted Official Record 3-22 - 196 2 PaLtd Sustpendcd } _-26-1962 N.. D. Deprived } R~!10-1262 N. P. D. Affiliate<! Suu.. st{nded c. } Reimtated Expelled Restored Died L<6,. - ,&., 5"'- t. ~ ~ ~- G21L.~~u, DoB'-13-1905 Remarks SBBAOO LA,KE. ..oj L. Miner. eo .. Sebaio Lalr.t, , afternooQ 1D a:. kftil!iif. tal. .. ··' Be wai head of the m&lbte nance department of the South 1Portland Bnllneering Co. Mr. Kiner was bom JUDe 13, 1905, In Cheater, Maas., son of Irvtng and Emma Miner. He attended acboola there and was graduate!~ from West Spring field H1lh ·School and Colby Colle1e, Class of -lt32. He waa a meiQber of Zeta Pal Fraternity. He~ 1n Wa tervllle for a few · ·~ and came to Portland In '.1140. Dur Ing World War n~: yaa em ~loyed at the So, .··.·Po rtland Shipyard. He w • former realdem , ~th and :;s·:iW:. l~n!:~!! Sco . • ·f d 8 member · · • AP and AM and of tbe ~' Etna Grange. Name Minervino, Thomas Joseph Lodge No. 180 Hiram = ~ Initiated Dlmltted Officin I Record 2- 16- 1960 /-'f-19~1 Past~e<\ Suspended} 4-12 -1960 N. P . D. Ralaedr::'_ Deprived} / 3- 1960 N. P.D.
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