ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA et Author’s translation TRAUMATOLOGICA Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2006;40(5):411-416 TURCICA

Atraumatic bilateral patellar rupture in a patient receiving steroid therapy Steroid tedavisi görmekte olan bir olguda travmaya ba¤l› olmayan iki tarafl› patellar tendon kopmas› Mehmet ERDEM, Cengiz SEN, Taner GUNES Gaiosmanpafla University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology

Travmaya ba¤l› olmayan iki tarafl› patellar tendon kopma- Atraumatic bilateral is a rare enti- lar› nadir görülmektedir. Hastalarda tendon dejenerasyonu ty. It is usually due to systemic or local disorders causing ile sonuçlanan lokal veya sistemik bir neden bulunmakta- tendon degeneration. Early diagnosis and surgical treat- d › r. Diz eklemi ifllevlerinin yeniden kazan›labilmesi için er- ment are crucial for recovery of functions. ken tan› ve cerrahi tedavi gerekir. Sistemik lupus eritema- Atraumatic bilateral patellar tendon rupture was diag- tosus nedeniyle yedi y›ld›r steroid tedavisi gören 31 yafl›n- nosed in a 31-year-old female patient who had been da kad›n hastada, travmaya ba¤l› olmayan iki tarafl› patel- receiving steroid therapy for seven years due to systemic lar tendon kopmas› geliflti. Hastaya semitendinosus ve gra- lupus erythematosus. She underwent patellar tendon silis tendonlar› ile patellar tendon rekonstrüksiyonu uygu- reconstruction with the use of semitendinosus and gracilis land›. Ameliyattan alt› ay sonra tam eklem hareket aç›kl›¤›- . After a follow-up of six months, she could walk na ulafl›ld› ve koltuk de¤neksiz yürüme sa¤land›. without crutches and had a full range of motion. Anahtar sözcükler: Ligaman, artiküler; lupus eritematosus, siste- Key words: , articular; lupus erythematosus, systemic/ mik/komplikasyon; patella/yaralanma; y›rt›k, kendili¤inden/etyo- complications; patella/; rupture, spontaneous/etiology; ten- loji; tendon yaralanmas›/etyoloji. don injuries/etiology.

Bilateral concurrent patellar tendon rupture is a tendon using semitendinosus and gracilis tendons is rarely seen disorder with higher morbidity involving remarked with special emphasis on diagnostic chal- extensor mechanism of knee. Atraumatic usu- lenges inherent to bilateral atraumatic patellar ten- ally develops as a result of risk factors as rheumato- don rupture. logical diseases,[1,2] metabolic abnormalities,[3] hor- monal disorders,[4,5] and local steroid injection thera- Case presentation [6] py. However traumatic rupture of patellar tendon A 31 year-old woman who had been receiving develops in association with overloading imposed prednisone (20 mg/d) regularly for 7 years referred on extensor mechanism of the knee, and it is more to our clinics with complaints of in both frequently seen in young athletes. and inability to walk. The patient fell down on a In this paper a patient with systemic lupus ery- ground while with a sharp and sudden pain thematosus (SLE) whom we performed surgery for and couldn’t stand up anymore. In a healthcare cen- atraumatic bilateral concurrent patellar tendon rup- ter where he consulted two times, synovial effusion ture is presented. Reconstructive repair of patellar involving both knees was detected. The patient couldn’t extend his knees anymore. Though magnet-

Correspondence to: Dr. Mehmet Erdem. Gaiosmanpafla University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Phone: +90 356 - 213 32 94 Fax: +90 356 - 213 31 79 e-mail: [email protected] Received: 24.06.2005 Accepted: 05.12.2005 412 Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc ic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed obvious signs of patellar tendon rupture, she was given non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy with diag- nosis of knee sprain. On effusion in both knees, tenderness, hypermobile patellas and pain on palpation without any marked skin lesions were detected. The patient could not extend her knees actively, despite presence of active quadriceps mus- cle contractions. Passive knee movements were restricted because of pain. A defect was palpated on the inferior edge of the patella (Figure 1). While knee radiograms did not demonstrate any Figure 1. Palpable soft tissue defect on the inferior edge signs of malalignment, bilateral patella alta was of patella and proximally slided patella in the observed (Figure 2). Any sign of avulsion was patient with atraumatic bilateral patellar tendon not seen on the inferior edge of patella or tibial rupture. tubercle. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed Surgical technique patellar tendon ruptures, degenerative changes and A midline incision was made starting from the patella alta bilaterally (Figure 3). Eleven days after midpoint of patellar bone proximally up to 2 cm the injury patellar tendon reconstruction with semi- beneath tibial tubercle distally. During operation tendinous and gracilis tendon transfer was per- formed, and the repair was reinforced with eight wire tension bands.

( a )

( b )

Figure 3. Sagittal T1 weighted magnetic resonance imag- ings of both knees preoperatively. Advanced degeneration, thinning and occasional disrup- Figure 2. Bilateral patella alta detected on (a) anteropos- tions in continuity (arrows) of both tendons terior and (b) lateral radiograms. ; R, right; L, left especially marked on left patellar tendon were detected; SA⁄, Right; SOL, Left Erdem et al. Atraumatic bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a patient receiving steroid therapy 413

( a ) ( b )

Figure 4. (a) Preoperative appearence of the right knee (b) Semitendinosus (black arrow) and gracilis (white arrow) tendons seen during reconstructive intervention PPPT, proximal portion of the patellar tendon; DPPT, distal portion of the patellar tendon. both patellar tendon were observedly thinned and months, range of motion (ROM) of the knee ruptured in the middle portion. reached 0o–100o. The patient could walk without the Any cartilageous, meniscal, cruciate aid of crutches. Bilateral patella alta were not detect- lesion on patella and other articular facets of the ed in radiograms (Insall-Salvati ratio 0.9) (Figure 5), knee were not observed. After scarce local debride- ment torn fragments were revitalized (Figure 4a). ( a ) As allografts, semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were used. Two parallel transverse holes from distal tip of the patella and also a hole on tibial tubercle were drilled. To maintain normal length of patella the knee was held at 60o flexion, and patella was anchored to the with a figure of “8” circular wire sutures. Then semitendinosus tendon was trans- ferred from lateral to medial through a hole drilled on tibial tubercle, and distal patellar hole. Gracilis ( b ) tendon was passed from medial to lateral through the proximal hole. Ends of semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were sutured to the other tendon, and recon- struction was achieved (Figure 4b). Ends of patellar tendon reinforced with reconstruction were sutured (modified Kessler technique). Finaly medial and lat- eral retinaculum were repaired with no. 2 monofila- ment sutures, and exposed layers were closed. The knee was immobilised for 6 weeks with cylindiric cast extending from groin to . During this period isometric quadriceps five times a day each lasting for 15 minutes were ( c ) applied, and the patient was allowed to walk with weight-bearing on crutches. Six weeks after the operation the cast was removed. Hinged braces whose knee flexion angles could be adjusted upward starting from 0o-45o were applied. At the end of three Figure 5. Postoperative (a) anteroposterior (b) lateral and (c) axial radiograms of right and left knees. 414 Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc

Figure 6. Both knees seen at flexion and extension at 6 months postoperatively. and three months later anchoring wires were Histological examinations performed on sponta- removed under local anesthesia, and intensive phys- neously ruptured tendons, have demonstrated struc- iotherapy was instituted. Six months later both knees tural deformities due to degenerative changes.[11,12] had achieved full active ROM, and the patient could Chronic degenerative changes in connective tis- walk without crutches, and braces (Figure 6). sue delay healing of the tendon and recurrent Extensor deficits were absent in both knees, and the microtears predispose to tendon rupture.[11,13] Middle patient could fulfill all activities she achieved before portion of the tendon frequently ruptures bilaterally. the traumatic event. Our patient had been using steroids for seven Discussion years for her SLE, and bilateral concurrent tendon Patellar tendon rupture is the least seen disruptive rupture developed spontaneously without any evi- cause of extensor mechanism of the knee. Zernicke dence of trauma.The presumed mechanism of patel- et al.[7] reported that forces 17.5 times the body lar tendon rupture involves forced quadriceps con- weight are required for the rupture of the patellar traction against the ground while the knee is par- tendon. Giblin et al [8] stated that bilateral patellar tially extended. This contraction might impose intol- tendon rupture develops secondary to two patho- erable impact on patellar tendon.[14,15] In our patient genetic mechanisms. Firstly, patellar injury is due to this pathogenetic mechanism might contribute to the overloading imposed on extensor mechanism during rupture formation. sportive activities of patients younger than 40 years Diagnosis of patellar tendon rupture might be of age. Recurrent microtraumas in young athletes sometimes delayed and challenging. Siwek and result in tendon degeneration and microtears. This Rao[9] examined 36 patellar tendon ruptures in 33 degeneration leads to patellar tendon rupture at its patients. They reported delay in making a definite last stage (jumper’s knee). These types of ruptures diagnosis for more than two weeks in seven (19 %), [ 9 ] usually occur at osteotendineous junction. and erroneous diagnosis on the first examination in Secondly, patellar tendon ruptures occur sponta- 10 (28 %) patients. A case with delayed diagnosis, neously without any evidence of trauma due to pre- where loss of muscular strength was attributed to disposing systemic conditions. The most frequently steroid usage was reported.[10] Our patient was diag- [10,11] [1] reported causes are SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, nosed on the 10th day of her referral. chronic renal failure,[3] diabetes mellitus,[5] hyper- p a r a t h y r o i d i s m , [ 2 , 4 ] systemic and/or local steroid The most striking feature of patellar tendon rup- a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , [ 2 , 6 , 1 0 ] and surgical intervention. ture is sharp and local pain. follows trauma. Erdem et al. Atraumatic bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a patient receiving steroid therapy 415

In bilateral ruptures comparative evaluations can not tory of chronic steroid usage, risk of spontaneous be done because of contralateral involvement. In dif- patellar tendon rupture should not be overlooked. ferential diagnosis meniscal tears, quadriceps tendon Early diagnosis and treatment play an important role rupture, patella fractures and anterior cruciate liga- in the success of the treatment. We think with recon- ment rupture must be considered. Magnetic reso- struction of patellar tendons with hamstring tendons, nance imaging demonstrates patellar tendon rupture, and fixation of patella to tibia with anchor wire while radiograms reveal only high insertion patella. sutures optimal results ensuring early functional Meticulous history taking and physical examination recovery of patellar functions can be obtained. are essential for correct diagnosis. Besides, in sus- References pected cases MRI can be helpful in avoiding erro- 1. Peiro A, Ferrandis R, Garcia L, Alcazar E. 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