Creating a sustainable economy Investing in the future Creating a sustainable economy Colophon © 2008, Flemish government, Brussels Creating a sustainable economy is a publication by the department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish government. Registration Number D/2008/3241/230 ISBN 978-90-403-0280-0 Nur 781, 765 Flemish government Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) Koning Albert II-laan 35, box 10 – 1030 Brussels T +32 (0)2 553 59 80
[email protected] – Publisher: Veerle Lories Composition and Editing: Frank Vereecken Final Editing: Filip Decruynaere, Commad Design: dotplus, graphics communication agency All rights reserved. The use of excerpts from the text is permitted in publications intended for educational or scientific purposes providing the source is stipulated. Deze publicatie is ook beschikbaar in het Nederlands. Creating a sustainable economy Investing in the future Combining Economy, Science and Innovation for a better society Table of contents Introductory note 7 Foreword 9 Patricia Ceysens Introduction 11 Frank Vereecken Innovation as a vital condition for a sustainable society 19 Karel Vinck Umicore on the way to sustainability 27 Thomas Leysen 0 Sustainability in the technology industry: 37 from cost efficiency to innovative partnerships Creating a Wilson De Pril & Freek Couttenier sustainable economy CO2 neutral production: the future started yesterday 49 Patrick Collignon Technological research for a sustainable economy 55 IMEC When science, governments and