1A SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 2012 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Construction begins Concert series brings SUNDAY EDITION for two new affordable, lively restaurants 1C shows to area 1D Panhandle, ‘Bama brace for Isaac Storm’s eventual path INSIDE toward the Florida Keys. Florida SAT Gov. Rick Scott has declared a should become more ■ Sandbags available in Columbia state of emergency while officials clear later today. County, 3A have asked vacationers to leave the Keys. MONTGOMERY, Ala. — he was cancelling a trip to the “I will not be leaving the state Alabama residents should start Republican National Convention while there is a danger of a hur- monitoring the approach of in Tampa so he can monitor prepa- ricane approaching our coast,” Tropical Storm Isaac and begin rations as the storm draws close to Bentley said in a statement. “I am making plans for what they would the United States. going to stay in Alabama and will do if it strikes the state’s coastline, The storm pushed into Cuba on continue to make sure prepara- officials said Saturday. Saturday and was headed north- Gov. Robert Bentley announced west along the country’s coast ISAAC continued on 7A Days long ago Samuel Dover Cody Dover Father, son charged in Columbia theft ring Duo jailed for breaking into several businesses, selling the items. By HANNAH O. BROWN
[email protected] A father and son team is suspected to have burglarized several local busi- nesses during the past month. Cody Dover, 21, 367 NW Melon Glen was charged with dealing in sto- len property and his father, Samuel Dover Jr., 45, 641 NW Johnson St.