We want a happy safe place to bring up our

children, where their lives are not blighted

by drugs and crime. To secure a better

quality of life and opportunities for people of New Wortley and raise peoples aspirations

Kimberly Frangos, Vice Chair Residents Association

Hear This…

New Wortley Our Place is not a single issue project; it is not a council led project. New Wortley Our Place is about the community being able to articulate the issues and problems that have blighted this part of for decades. Articulating and evidencing the issues in a way that services and agencies can understand. For too long the problems have persisted and for whatever reason the community has not been heard properly. The Our Place process has finally given the New Wortley community the space and help to articulate the issues and the vision it wants and the Our Place process has given the services and agencies the time and space to hear them and understand.

With this simple process we can now work together in a community led fashion to truly deliver a New Wortley everyone can be proud of.



“New Wortley is a place of hope and aspiration as a result of the community coming together to develop and now deliver the Our Place plan. The way this neighbourhood has come together is nothing short of inspirational”

Community led & Community driven

“Our Place, a great vehicle to drive4 improvements locally ensuring joined up services deliver what the community wants“ OUR VISION:

New Wortley is a confident, active, engaged and healthy community, with a safe and attractive environment where people have access to local opportunities and services to achieve their potential in education, employment and family life.

Our work under each theme is explained in greater detail in the following pages, however the headlines for each section can be summarised as:

A safe and responsible community (see page 13) Key priorities Crime will be reported and effectively tackled Anti-social behaviour and drug dealing is radically reduced or eliminated The environment feels safe for all, especially at night

A confident active and engaged community (see page 15) Key priorities Young people can grow up within a supportive culture of responsible citizenship, to achieve their potential in education, employment and family life. More people are active and engaged in volunteering, learning and employment There are a wide range of activities, opportunities & services for all

A healthy and happy community (see page 17) Key priorities Life expectancy is increased Better mental health Reduction in health inequalities

Our vision is underpinned by having the community at the heart of decision making


“It’s such a shame that people don’t respect anything”

“the problem is, this is a main area for people with Drugs”

“some people say this is a depressing area… it’s because there’s no work in the area for them to go to”

“If I got sent to prison for drug dealing I would say don't even wait for me to come out I’m not even worth waiting for”



New Wortley is a part of Leeds that on a wide range of indicators make it the most deprived part of the city of Leeds. Geographically it has been moved from City & Holbeck ward to ward in the last 20 years and even in the re drawing of constituency political boundaries it has moved from Leeds Central to Leeds West. Perhaps this geography has lent itself to the statistics for the area have been merged into better performing wards.

We have spent a great deal of time and effort uncovering the evidence and the statistics for the New Wortley area, detailing the poor health, life expectancy and legion of chronic diseases in the area, We have low educational attainment and very high rates of adult employment. We have highlighted the crime statistics and the surveys which show that residents feel unsafe and have a right to feel unsafe in their own part of Leeds. (See ‘A Profile of New Wortley- 2014’)

In addition spend mapping is uncovering that New Wortley residents have less spent on them per head (GP Practices) than other neighbouring wards. We await other spend mapping results for other areas.

This chart shows that on every measure New Wortley is well below the Leeds average, which is the median line at 0. Figure 1 Neighbourhood index for New Wortley


High Suicide rate

Low Life expectancy

Indifference, Cynicism & Apathy

Mistrust of Authorities

Lack of Employment Opportunities



Bringing Services together Our Place has been a mechanism to bring together local services, led by local residents supported by the New Wortley Community & Residents Associations and key workers in the area including the Primary School head teacher, a local GP, our MP, Police Inspector, Area Housing Manager and local councillors.

Community Voice Active community engagement is at the heart of New Wortley Our Place we have used participatory appraisal, in depth interviews, sought out the views whose views are not usually heard. We have spoken to residents and people who work in the area. The issues and priorities of local people are at the heart of this plan and the partnership.

Key Strategic Themes o Reduce crime and increase community safety o Raise community aspirations in education and employment o Improve health & wellbeing services. Detailed issues and actions are contained in the implementation plan.

Partnership and Plan The new Community led partnership is already making a huge difference in terms of communication, looking at integrated working and setting up specific New Wortley projects and initiatives to address some of the priorities. This is encouraging a new sense of community pride through activities and public promotion to change the reputation of the area.



“Our Place has been a great process, it has really brought the right people together who can and want to make a difference in New Wortley” 10

The challenge ahead The extent of the problems and long standing issues in the area means the New Wortley Partnership faces a really challenging task. We have defined three strategic themes above as our primary focus, and identified 3 priorities in each theme. (see our vision on page 5, and the more detailed sections on following pages). We are critically aware that addressing these priorities will not be easy given the baseline data, the entrenched nature of the problems and the high level of our ambition.

12 month review Our plan is to get with delivery, collect constant feedback as we go along and take stock with a review after 12 months. At this stage we will identify what is working well, what can be adapted to work better, and what may need a different approach.

New community centre An exciting moment will be when our new community centre opens, planned for April 2016. At this stage we will be able to start a range of new activities and see more clearly how the building can make a step change towards improving the range of opportunities and activities for the community.



“There's a dealer on every street… I don't see the point in ringing the Police”

More visible Policing and a Safer New Wortley Campaign 12


Desired Impacts A radical reduction in crime and increase in community safety in New Wortley. A community that has confidence in itself and the police. (from Logic Model)

More Visible Policing Community policing using the new Police Specials (volunteers but with full police powers)

Funding For a ‘neighbourhood support worker with a Young Persons focus’

A ‘Safer New Wortley’ Campaign Supported by Our Place partners and residents. Running over a 3 - 4 year period. Publicity needs to be good quality. Posters/ Banners Stickers / Bin Stickers involve all Our Place Partners.

New Wortley Young Peoples Project Transformation of Youth work and provision in the local area is being led by a team including a local PCSO Leeds Housing, BARCA, Castleton Primary School and local community groups. A new and ambitious project for young people in the local area will be starting in September 2015.

Policing A more integrated Community Led approach



“It's not fair that somebody's life chances are affected by the fact that they were born in New Wortley”

Holistic supportive programme for Long term unemployed Adults Improve School attendance for local14 Children (year 7 and above)


Desired Impacts: An increase in economic activity in the local area Better outcomes for young people.

New Community Centre for the area confirmed by Big Lottery 17th February, Ready March 2016

Attendance Strategy for Secondary School Attendance ‘sweep’ specific to New Wortley Identify non attenders by NW postcodes Review systems for improving transition from primary to secondary schools Explore possibility of using ‘alternative provision’ for work with Young People

Employment and Training Project for Long Term Unemployment Adults we will build on recent work done to engage long term unemployed adults. We are awaiting a funding decision on a 1 year pilot to continue this project.

Youth Project inclusive Youth project that will aim to train young people as peer mentors and take an active part in running youth work in the area.



“People are damaged goods, they have been damaged they need be able to go in the right direction”

A focus on Mental Wellbeing

16 A New Wortley Health & Wellbeing Centre HEALTH AND WELLBEING

Desired impacts: Reduction in health inequalities, Increase in life expectancy a healthier more active local population

A focus on Mental Wellbeing To improve people’s confidence skills and aspirations in life

Develop a New Wortley neighbourhood approach To Social prescribing and look at other options such as Life Coaching.

A New Wellbeing Centre For the local area using existing community building or other

New Wortley Team Bringing all the services workers together under an umbrella of a New Wortley Team – This would include BARCA Harm Reduction work, Family Centre work at School, Alcohol Work, CHES workers from HLN/ BARCA, Police , Community development workers.


“S ometimes people have got so lost in where they have come from and what they have had go through they have lost any kind of identity…people need a worth of value…”



Spend Mapping – Mapping spend and resources in New Wortley has been started with a focus on three service areas: health, crime plus anti-social behavior and services for young people.

Health Apportioned figures have been obtained for the spend per head of population in New Wortley on primary care through GP practices and Acute (Hospital) services. Spending on mental health services, community health services, adult social care and public health have been requested but not yet received.

Crime and ASB An accurate figure for the Neighbourhood Policing Team spend in New Wortley (as a proportion of the Armley ward) has been provided. Further information on Leeds Council’s anti-social behavior team and Families First initiatives are more difficult to provide.

Services for young people An estimate of the New Wortley proportion of city wide provision within LCC Children’s Services has been obtained for some areas of work

Other information We have some information about grants provided to organisations in North West Leeds through Leeds Community Foundation in 21013/14 but further work is needed to break this down to New Wortley.

Per head spend GP surgeries in New Wortley is Less than North Leeds (Otley) Work is continuing past this date to establish resources and spend allocated to New Wortley


Community Task Force


Activities & Events

Working Together


Further work In addition to obtaining further information about services spend, we plan to provide an analysis on how New Wortley compares to Ward, City and National averages in a number of key areas Whilst not completing a detailed Cost Benefit Analysis, we have some national standard figures in key areas that we plan to use in conjunction with the Operational Plan to identify potential savings from new ways of working.

Suicide : £1,450,000 per case in 2009 Neil Johnson North east mental health development unit

Long Term Adult Unemployment £10,025 per year per claimant ( JSA) £8831.00 per year per claimant (ESA & IB) New Economy 2014

Intervening Upstream The concept of intervening 'Upstream' to avoid larger costs downstream lies behind a number of proposals and ambitions in the Plan and the new designs of working practice. Examples are:

The focus on mental wellbeing including children’s mental wellbeing Health marketing campaigns in New Wortley to encourage early presentation of illness. Neighbourhood focused support for young people not attending school and involved in anti-social behaviour to improve their life chances and prevent them becoming involved in more challenging behaviour. Getting more local families into the Families First project which is being expanded.


“You worry about the young people growing up around here, there's not enough for the kids to do there's not enough facilities” 22


New Wortley Partnership

Core Group

Crime and Safety Education, Training, Employment Health

Sub-group Sub-group Sub-group

The New Wortley Partnership created by Our Place has overall responsibility for the Operational Strategy & Plan. It is chaired by MP, with local GP Andrew Sixsmith as Vice Chair.

Three sub-groups are responsible for implementing actions under each theme, and are accountable to the Partnership.

Please refer to the headline implementation plan for budget & key actions under each theme

Sub Group Chairs Crime and Safety: Kim Frangos (local resident) Heath & Wellbeing: Andrew Sixsmith GP Education, Training & employment: Andrea Riley, Headteacher

The Core Group comprises the Chair of each sub-group, plus invites to key partners as appropriate, with support from the New Wortley staff team. It co-ordinates actions across the sub-groups, accountability and reporting to the Partnership

We believe this is a strong partnership, with clear support from the

Council, Local MP, police, local GP and the community.

The Community is involved directly and through residents and community associations.




We have established regular patterns of Partnership and Core group meetings with the Partnership meeting 3 times a year and the Core Group meeting a minimum of 3 times a year in between Partnership meetings

We have clarify link between Our Place and Police tasking meetings so issues are fed in and actions reported back

We have clarified the link to the Council’s Neighbourhood Improvement Board with the Partnership taking responsibility for implementing the NI Plan that dovetails with our plan.

The core group will take responsibility for monitoring and implementation of the New Wortley Our Place plan. Progress will be monitored and reported on at regular meetings of the partnership and core group. the plan will continue to be developed and built on as a ‘living breathing’ document as circumstances dictate.



New Wortley Community Association New Wortley Residents Association Castleton Primary School Castleton Family Centre Thornton Medical Centre Priory View Medical centre Rachel Reeves MP (local Councillor) Maureen Ingham Local resident and Councillor Kimberly Frangos Local resident Leeds West CCG Directorate of Public Health Leeds City Council Police Neighbourhood Police Team Housing Leeds Area Management Leeds City Council New Wortley Community Centre BARCA Healthy living Network Workers Education Association Families First Armley Cluster (education) DWP Leeds Connexions Service IGEN Youth Offending Service John Battle (ex MP Leeds West, Ex Gvt Foreign Office Minister) COGS Jenny Pupuis




Detailed Action Plan Timeline Partners and Quotes Consultation Document Spend Mapping Logic Models Risk Register A Profile of New Wortley Economic Costs of Suicide Worklessness Co Design research

This Plan has been produced by the New Wortley Community Association

40 Tong Road, Leeds, LS12 1LZ

On behalf of the New Wortley Our Place Partnership


Thanks to all the local community and all the partners who have helped put this plan for New Wortley together.

We hope our vision and ambition will become a reality.

Special Thanks to Tony Herrmann (COGS), Gary Murphy, Roger Newton, Kimberly Frangos, Maureen Ingham, Dr Andrew Sixsmith, Andrea Riley, Jenny Pupuis, Richard Norton, Tim Taylor, Sarah Tunnicliffe , Simon Jessup, Gerard Tinsdale, Alison Lowe, Rachel Reeves, who have all contributed hugely to the Our Place Project.

Production and design of Document – Bill Graham, Tony Herrmann, Gary Murphy.


“A Sunshine Place”