The Mews, Wath Court Hovingham York North Yorkshire, YO62 4NN Tel: 0845 034 9495 Email:
[email protected] HOWARDIAN HILLS AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Venue: Hovingham Village Hall th Date: 14 November 2014 at 10.00am Business 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of the Joint Advisory Committee meeting held on 3rd April 2014 (Pages 1 to 6) 3. AONB Unit Activity (Pages 7 to 35) 4. JAC Planning Consultations (Pages 36 to 78) 5. Presentation on the LEADER Local Development Strategy: Amy Thomas - Programme Manager 6. AONB Indicators (Pages 79 to 83) 7. Business Planning For The Future (Pages 84 to 86) 8. AONB Budget (Pages 87 to 99) 9. National Association for AONBs (NAAONB) - Activity Update (Pages 100 to 102) 10. Reports from Partner Organisations (Oral reports) 11. Date of next JAC meeting 12. Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency Hovingham Village Hall, YO62 4LF - Road Map Map scale: Scale 1/24525 Date: Date 28/1/2009 Created by: JD (c) Crown Copyright. North Yorkshire County Council 100017946 2009 Grid Ref: Centre = 467577 E 476337 N Hovingham Village Hall, YO62 4LF - Street Map Map scale: Scale 1/6130 Date: Date 28/1/2009 Created by: JD (c) Crown Copyright. North Yorkshire County Council 100017946 2009 Grid Ref: Centre = 466937 E 475624 N ITEM 2 Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Advisory Committee The Minutes of the meeting held at Gilling Village Hall on 3 April 2014, commencing at 10.00 am.