University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2018 Facilities Master Plan
THIS PAGE HAS BEEN ADDED BEFORE THE COVER TO ALLOW FOR VIEWING OF THE DOCUMENT AS A BOOKLET. In VIEW tab set PAGE DISPLAY to TWO PAGE VIEW University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2018 Facilities Master Plan University System of Maryland Board of Regents University System of Maryland Office James T. Brady, Chair Robert L. Caret, Chancellor Barry P. Gossett, Vice-Chair Ellen Herbst, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Gary L. Attman, Treasurer Joann Boughman, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Linda R. Gooden, Assistant Treasurer Student Affairs Michelle A. Gourdine, M.D., Secretary Patrick N. Hogan, Vice Chancellor for Government Relations Robert D. Rauch, Assistant Secretary David Mosca, Director of Auditing Norman R. Augustine Jeff Neal, Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing Joseph Bartenfelder, ex officio Leonard Raley, Vice Chancellor for Advancement Katrina J. Dennis, Esq. J. Thomas Sadowski, Vice Chancellor for Economic Development Ellen Fish Vacant, Vice Chancellor for Environmental Sustainability James Holzapfel D’Ana Johnson Robert R. Neall Robert L. Pevenstein Louis M.Pope Frank M. Reid, III William A. Shorter, Jr., Student Regent UMBC's 2018 Facilities Master Plan Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Development Process and Community Involvement .........................................................................................................................................
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