The Diocese of and Cluster welcome you to our Day of Prayer.

The Callington Cluster has churches in five locations and each church is offering a different flavour of prayer inviting you to Taste and See ... that the Lord is good Psalm 34.8

Prayer is foundational in our Christian faith as we seek the presence of God and deepen our relationship through Jesus Christ. Prayer is powerful. It impacts our lives, those in our churches and communities, and through mission, to the wider world.

There are many ways to pray and we hope this day will enable you to experience something new, to gain fresh ideas to take back to your own churches and to meet with God and be blessed. There will be an opportunity to explore different workshops, prayer activities and worship. Prayer stations will be available in Callington, and and you are welcome to explore these at your leisure throughout the day.

Complimentary refreshments will be available in all of the churches. You are warmly invited to join us at lunchtime for fellowship and shared stories of prayer. Lunches will be served in the Churches at Callington, , and Upton Cross. If you would like lunch at South Hill, please collect a takeaway from Callington Church. Messy tea will be provided at Stoke Climsland following the Messy Church worship.

There are toilet facilities available at each of the churches.


10AM Opening service of worship

10.30AM - 11.30AM Prayer & Blessing the community

Every week we hold a prayer meeting to pray blessings over our community. We start with a short time of silence to bring our thanksgiving, praise and worship before God. After singing a hymn we discuss a Bible passage from the lectionary of the day before focusing our prayer on our community with the guidance of a map of the town. You are welcome to join us to explore this style of prayer meeting and to enjoy time in worship with others.

10.30AM - 1.30PM Prayer & Healing

Healing was a large part of Jesus’ ministry and we believe he can heal today. This training, led by Revd Tony Stephens, will teach how to have the confidence to pray for people in need of healing. The training will be biblically based then demonstrated. There will be an opportunity for those who wish to ‘have a go’ or you are welcome to simply watch.

If you would like to learn about prayers and healing, or you would like to receive prayers for healing, you are most welcome to join us.

10.30AM & 1.30PM Prayer walking

There will be two opportunities for prayer walking. The morning walk will be 4.5 miles around the outside perimeter of the town and will take around two hours. The afternoon walk will be a shorter, gentle walk around the main streets and housing estates. We meet at the main door to St Mary’s.

The walks will start at the designated times, so please arrive promptly to join the group.

2 3 ST MARY’S CHURCH, CALLINGTON CONT. 2PM - 4PM Creative Prayer & Art with Nicky Harris

Come and join in with a creative prayer workshop (materials provided) to explore a creative way to tap in and connect with our Father. It’s not about creating a masterpiece or having any flair at all for art, it is purely to facilitate some time out between you and God allowing Him to speak through creativity as we do serve a creative God! Come and be curious, come and reflect and just soak in his presence.

3PM Prayer Space – praying for children & grandchildren

This time is for parents and grandparents to gather and pray for the needs of children and grandchildren, especially for teenage and adult children to know Jesus. Please join us for a time of prayer and hear testimony of answered prayers. Resources for starting a similar group available.

ALL DAY Prayer Stations - The Fruit of the Spirit

Prayer stations will be available throughout the day. Enjoy time in prayer using these visual aids to help meet with God.


11AM - 1PM with Bridget Macauley 2PM - 4PM

Using Paul’s image of ‘earthen vessels’, these workshops will explore how art and poetry might be used as containers and ‘carriers’ of our prayers as we approach God, and as God meets and speaks with us. There will be some input and discussion and some practical ways to approach prayer with both image and word. No artistic ability or poetic prowess required and all materials will be provided. Tea and coffee will be served during the day and you are welcome to have lunch at St Mary’s. ST SAMPSON’S CHURCH, SOUTH HILL Come and enjoy time to rest, relax and pray, making space to Be Still.

Speak Lord your servant is listening 1 Samuel 3:10

An opportunity to rest with God, to be still and listen. To take time out from busy lives and pause for reflection. Bibles will be available and paper and pens to jot down any God inspired messages which come to you. There will be a board to pin prayers on if you would like to share them. Stay as long as you like, explore and experience prayer in this special church.

Tea/coffee will be provided but please bring a packed lunch. A ploughman’s lunch can be collected from St Mary’s.

10.30AM Coffee 11AM Reading & hymn followed by quiet time/ silence 12PM Reading & hymn followed by quiet time/ silence 1PM Lunch 2PM Reading & hymn followed by quiet time/ silence 3PM Reading & hymn followed by quiet time/ silence 4PM Closing prayer

4 5 ST MELOR’S CHURCH, LINKINHORNE CELTIC REFLECTIONS St Melor’s invites you to a peaceful and spiritual time in their historic and friendly church where they will be holding three short Celtic services (Northumbria Office) during the day.

10.30AM Celtic morning prayer 12.30PM Midday Celtic office 3.30PM Celtic Compline

One of the original starting points for Celtic Prayer was Holy Island, Lindisfarne, lying just off the Northumbrian Coast. Around the 7th Century people began to ask ‘How shall we live?’ That’s a big question. They settled for a life-style modelled on the Desert Fathers; sparse, economic, apostolic, God centred and somewhat monastic as regular offices were said throughout the day and they lived to support each other under God. Their focus was on God and the magnificence of His creation that is all around us and this shows up in many of their prayers. They understood that in the journey of life people were more important than ‘things’; relationships more important than reputation; prayer, action and contemplation were conjoined with involvement and belonging together, in peace, and for the Glory of God.

In our services we will try and capture some of this ‘Celtic’ feeling as we share a Holy space, each others company and in some of the wonderful God-centric, nature inspired Celtic prayers, music and readings that are available to us. Each service will be followed by refreshments and a quiet time for personal reflection and prayer. The services are short, meaningful and contemplative .... a pool of peace in today’s fast paced life style. Prayer can be private, or accompanied as you wish.

Peace, prayer and friendship is what we have to offer. Come and drink your fill.

Easy access and plenty of parking right outside the church.

6 ST PAUL’S CHURCH, UPTON CROSS Jesus commissioned us to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matt 28:19). Prayer is the springboard for mission both at home and abroad.

In the Crosslink Centre, adjacent to the church, there is a wonderful opportunity to hear mission stories from Annie, an American on mission in , and from Paul and Grace, past and present missionaries in Tanzania working for CMS.

There will also be a time to hear about mission in the local area and to join in with the prayer meeting of St Paul’s as they pray blessings over their community.

Prayer stations with ‘hands on’ activities will be available to explore in the church.

Tea/coffee will be available between sessions and soup and a roll provided for lunch.

11AM Mission in Tanzania 12PM Mission in the local community / Prayer meeting 1PM Lunch 2PM Mission in Tanzania 3PM Annie, American Missionary in Cornwall

6 7 STOKE CLIMSLAND PARISH CHURCH PRAYER WITH CHILDREN & FAMILIES This church will have a focus on children and families.

ALL DAY Family Friendly Prayer Stations 3PM - 4.30PM Messy Church

Come along and have some fun at Messy Church. You may like to bring children or come by yourself and either join in or observe to see how Messy Church runs. This session will be focussed around the theme of prayer.

4.30PM Messy Worship, followed by Tea After all the activities across the churches, you are warmly invited to gather at Stoke Climsland to end the day together. FIND US

Stoke Climsland Parish Church, PL17 8NY

St Melor’s Church, PL17 7LY

St Sampson’s Church, PL17 7LP St Paul’s Church, PL14 5AX

St Mary’s Church, PL17 7AQ Callington Methodist Church, PL17 7JJ

CONTACT US Church House, Woodlands Court, Truro Business Park, T 01872 274351 Threemilestone, E [email protected] Truro, TR4 9NH