of the


June 2017

Evaluation Team Members

Ronaldo R. Gutierrez Policy and Institutional Evaluation Expert/Report Author

Elpidio V. Peria Biodiversity Mainstreaming Expert/Contributing Author

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Title Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation: Mainstreaming In Local Agricultural Landscapes (Biodiversity Partnerships Project) UNDP-GEF Project ID No. 00074945 Evaluation Time Frame October - November 2016 Date of Report 10 February 2017 Region and Countries Asia/ Included in the Project GEF Operational Program/ Capacity-Building Strategic Program Implementing Partner Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Protected Areas & Wildlife Bureau (DENR-PAWB)1 Other Project Partners Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Conservation International – Philippines, Haribon Foundation, Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc. (PBCFI), Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA), Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF), and Fauna and Flora International (FFI) Evaluation Team Members Ronaldo R. Gutierrez Elpidio V. Peria

Disclaimer The analysis and recommendations contained in this document represent the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Biodiversity Partnerships Project, the Philippine Government, the United Nations Development Programme, Global Environmental Facility or any other person or entity.

1 Now referred to as the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB). 2 | P a g e

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 5 Project Summary Table ...... 5 Table 1. Project Summary ...... 5 Brief Project Description ...... 5 Evaluation Rating Table ...... 8 Table 2. Evaluation Rating ...... 8 Summary of Conclusions, Recommendations and Lessons ...... 8 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...... 12 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 15 Purpose of the Evaluation ...... 15 Scope and Methodology ...... 15 Structure of the Evaluation Report ...... 16 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT...... 17 Project Start and Duration ...... 17 Problems that the Project Sought to Address ...... 17 Immediate and Development Objectives of the Project ...... 18 Baseline Indicators Established ...... 18 Table 3. Baseline Indicators...... 19 Main Stakeholders ...... 21 Expected Results ...... 22 Unexpected Results ...... 23 3. FINDINGS ...... 24 3.1 Project Design/Formulation ...... 24 Analysis of LFA/Results Framework (Project logic/strategy; Indicators) ...... 24 Assumptions and Risks ...... 25 Table 4. Risks and Mitigation Strategies ...... 25 Lessons from other relevant projects (e.g., same focal area) incorporated into project design ...... 27 Planned Stakeholder participation ...... 28 Replication approach ...... 28 3 | P a g e

UNDP comparative advantage ...... 29 Linkages between project and other interventions within the sector ...... 29 Management arrangements ...... 30 3.2 Project Implementation ...... 30 Adaptive management (changes to the project design and project outputs during implementation) ...... 30 Partnership arrangements (with relevant stakeholders involved in the country/region) ...... 31 Feedback from M&E activities used in adaptive management ...... 32 Project Finance...... 33 Table 5. BPP Financing ...... 33 Monitoring and evaluation...... 34 Implementing Agency (UNDP) Execution ...... 36 Executing Agency Execution ...... 36 Overall Project Implementation/Execution, Coordination and Operational Issues ...... 36 3.3 Project Results...... 37 Overall results (attainment of objectives) ...... 37 Relevance ...... 56 Effectiveness ...... 57 Efficiency ...... 58 Country ownership ...... 58 Mainstreaming ...... 59 Sustainability ...... 68 Impact ...... 69 4. Conclusions, Recommendations & Lessons ...... 70 Co