CROWD HEARS CHOIR Ill, Benny Misses Broadcast. NATIONAL THEATRE Tor” HOLLYWOOD, May 24 W.—Jack NAtlonal 0541 “High May Bring “HORA NOVISSIMA” 2:30—Twice THree Stars in the Next IN Benny, 111 with Influenza, was unable Daily—8:30 Capitol’s to appear on his regular broadcast last All Saati Rtitrutd Hamline Methodist Church Scene to Associates said he had Meredith Washington night. been Mats. 50c & 75c of Artistic Presentation overworked. and' some $1.00 of Oratorio. at^ Anderson’s' on in View Faking Play Road, TTAMLINE METHODIST CHURCH Eves. 50c, 75c, SI A A and some at $1.50 of Cleveland’s Is was crowded yesterday afternoon Reaction, when the choir of 50 voices, under di- (Pins Tax) Unsolved Problem. rection of John H. Marvihe, gave an artistic presentation of Horatio W. IN PERSON Novissima.” The ora- PAUL BY JAY CARMODY. Parker’s "Hora _ a one of the YORK, May 24—Washington may see play torio Is majestic work, finest achievements In this form of "High Tor." the critics’ prize piece, some time In WHITEMAN the Fall. Again it may not. The matter remains to be settled. The the present day. «nd hit ORCHESTRAi In the many difficult chorus num- NEWAnderson-Outhrie McClintic-Meredith general stall is not quite sure 30 «f Ht* aorVTi ort«tta that "High Tor.” a thing full of sardonic is the bers the choir did full credit to the «tfdt«iMnlO i comedy, kind of drama for r Which "the road” is clamoring. efforts of their director. Their shad- INOW^ 25c«»/ was executed ,l< So when one drops backstage to chat with Meredith after the performance ing with artistry and KV” ■****»>"■" •t, the Martin Beck Theater, the their attacks were sharp and uniform. suit-.; RtCooMMSoihi I GEORGE , ANITA 1 ability of the play for the road is One of the most effective sections * They seem fearful that one of the first questions Meredith Cleveland was the quartet and chorus, "Thou IkWolfocViBEIRY j BRENT LOUISE 1 might be Cincin- * In Witiut Bt#»—CmwH>(4« CWy asks. (One goes backstage, Gardner spelled Pittsburgh, Ocean Without Shore.” The chorus, HVnMIUII nati or T|