ArcelorMittal Dofasco Flat Carbon Americas

March 26, 2020

Coronavirus Update Communication

As Mittal Dofasco and our Third-Party partners continue to work in the era of COVID-19 we must remain vigilant in our efforts to keep everyone safe while maintaining social distancing of 2 metres while on site. AMD appreciates your hard work and commitment that everyone is putting forward during this time.

Recently the Government of Ontario has reiterated that the safety of Ontario workers is a priority and we can’t agree more. AMD is asking every Supplier to challenge how you conduct work on our site to ensure that everyone is maintaining social distancing. Some examples include  Staggered start times  Conducting meetings with smaller groups  Adjusting lunches and breaks to eliminate groups  Travelling in vehicles while maintaining social distances  Ensuring employees have access to sanitization supplies to clean surfaces touched by others

Other illnesses and self-isolation It is essential that we continue to respect each other. We are counting on our Third Parties to ensure all employees on site are Fit for Work. Public Health has now added more criteria for when employees need to self-isolate.

Self-Isolation is required if  You have a probable or confirmed case of Coronavirus COVID-19;  You have had contact with someone with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19;  You have someone living in your home with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19  You have traveled outside of (exemption to travel guideline is for Carriers and Shipping Industry only as per the Canadian Government guidelines)  Display any of the following symptoms o Cough o Sneezing o Sore throat o Difficulty breathing o Fever

• If you require any further information on the requirements to self-isolating please reference the Government of Canada COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool

ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P. T (905) 548-4395 Box 2460 F (905) 548-4267 1330 Burlington Street East Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3J5 Canada

ArcelorMittal Dofasco Flat Carbon Americas

Anyone who meets the criteria to self-isolate or to be tested for COVID-19 shall inform Sandra Toner (AMD Third Party Health and Safety Coordinator) of the requirement. If you have any questions as to whether a person should be sent to site Sandra can provide further clarification and assistance ([email protected]).

We are continuing to align our approach to operating during the pandemic with Public Health guidelines. We have increased our cleaning services and how we are interacting with others. Please pass along these recommendations to your employees. Public Health and AMD is encouraging these key messages to everyone:

 Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer if soap isn’t available  Cough/sneeze into a tissue or sleeve of flexed elbow, and cover your nose and mouth;  Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;  Keep your distance from others, at least 2 metres; and  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects/surfaces in your workspace

When you take care of yourself you are also taking care of others.

Thank you again for your support during this difficult period.

Best regards,

Tony Robinson | Director of Procurement Services ArcelorMittal Dofasco

ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P. T (905) 548-4395 Box 2460 F (905) 548-4267 1330 Burlington Street East [email protected] Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3J5 Canada