UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1983 WKU Athletic Media Relations

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UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1983 WKU Athletic Media Relations Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1983 UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1983 WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1983" (1983). WKU Archives Records. Paper 268. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hilitopper Football 1983 • We8tem Kentucky University 1983 Hilltopper Schedule Index Western. - - Time Series Academically Speaking ., .. , .. , ... 19 Date Opponent Sire (Central) RflCord AI Almond Award ... .98 Kentucky Sept. 10 al Louisville .. .. Loulsville, Ky . 6:00 p.m . WK 12-1().(1 AII·Americans .. ... 96 17 al Akron ...... ...•. Akron. Ohio 6 :30 p.m. UA 4- ><> AII·Conference Picks .96-97 24 at Austin Peay . ... ...Clarksville, Tenn. 7:30 p.m. WK 24· 3-1 Alma Mater .. , .. 37 Hilltoppers Oct. 1 South •••tem la. Bowllng GrHn. Ky. 1 :00 p.m . 1>-0-<1 Athletic Administration .. ... .. 1().ll loCIUon: College Heights 8 at Youngstown Slate ..Youngstown . Ohio 12:30 p.m. WK 5- 2-0 Athletic Stall ............... .. .. 8 Big Red .. ....... ... .. ... .. .21 Bowling Green, Ky. 42101 15 Tenne.... Tech ...80 .. lIng Gr_n, Ky. 1:00 p.m. WK 2 .... 21-' Birthdays in Season .. , ..... , ...... .35 Founded: 1906 .. at Eas tern Kentucky .. Rlchmond, Ky. 12 :30 p.m . WK34-20-2 22 Captains, '83 Team . ... ,." ....... , ,29 Enrollment: 12.800 ...Bowllng Gr ••n , Ky. 1:00 p.m. 2. Moreh.ed Stete WK 32· 7·2 Coaches' Records . ". " .. , .. , , ..88-89 Prelldent: Or. Donald W~Zacharias , (Homecoming) Coaching Stall , . .......... 12·19 -' Nov. S al Middle Tennessee .Murfreesboro. Tenn. 1:30 p.m. WK 25-23· ' Division t-M .. .. ..... .... , . .54 Head Coach: Jlmm~ Fell 12 E • • lern illinois ....Bowllng Gr_n, Ky. 1 :00 p.m. 1>-0-<1 t Depth Chart ................ .. .49 Alma Miter: WKU '54 19 Murrey Slete . _.... Bowllng Green, Ky. 1:00 p.m. WK24-1H Feast & Famine Collegiate Record: 104-48·5 (.678) , (Best and Worst Seasons) ...... 47 Record at WKU : 104-48-5 (.678) Hilltopper Nickname . ......8 Office Phone: (502) 745-2984 Hilltopper Radio Network .,., .. , .... 21 Bnt nme to tall: Mornings Homecoming Record . ........ '.. 94 Honor Roll . .... , , .. , . , . , , .96-98 Aulslanl Coaches: 1982 WKU Results Hundred·Yard Performances ....... .83 Butch Gilbert (WKU '52) Keen Hall .",. .. .. .. .... ... ... .53 LarrY Walker (Bishop '71) Record: 5·5-0 (home 3-2-0; away 2-3-0) l ettermen (1914-81 ) ...... .... .. 98-102 Mike Cassity (Kentucky '76) Managers, Student , .. ,' " ..... 16 Sam Clark (WKU '65) Date Opponent (Crowd) Results Media Information . , .. " .. , .. , ...... .2 Clarence Baker (WKU 'SO) Sept. 4 at Louisville (24,475) ..... ...... L 1().20 1982 Attendance: Media Outlets . , .. , . , , .. , , .........3 Mark Clarlt: (Cornell. la. 79) 11 at Delaware (16.682) ........ .. L 0-31 Home: Milestones, WKU Grid .............. 15 Alhletlc: Director: John Oldham Coord inator 01 Men's Athl etics: 18 Akron (8,500) . .............. W 11>- 3 58.500 (II ,300/game) NCAA t-AA leaders , . , , , .. , ........ .95 Jim Richards 2S Austin Peay (9,000) .......... W 33·15 One-Sided Games . ....93 Away: Opening Game Record .. "., ...87 Coordinator or Women 's Athlefl": Oct. open date 2 67.516 (13,503/game) Opponenls ('83) . ....... .. .......56·67 Pam Hetrilord Youngltown State (12,500) ... W 28·14 Tra iner: Bill Edwards Total: Outlook '83 ......... , , . , . , . .48-49 • (Homecoming) Assistant: Terrie Castle 124.016 (12,402fgame) ove, WKU and the ... , ... , , , .. , ... 103 16 at Tennessee Tech (13.859) ..... W 28-14 Player Sketches ...... , ..........22-47 Team Physicians: Dr. Bob Goodwin 23 Eastern Kentucky (18,000) ... L 21-35 Polls, WKU in the . ....75 Or. Jerry Martin 30 at Morehead State (8.000) ...... L 13-17 Post·Season Appearances ,., .. , ... .82 Nov. 6 Middle Tenne.. ee (8,500) .... L 16-31 President Zacharias ... .... .5 SID: Paul Just 13 open date Pronunciation Guide .. .41 Office: (502) 745·4295 Home: (502) 781 -4852 20 at Murray State (4,500) W 27-20 ReCOrdS - Team . ... 73-75 Individual . ". ". ,., .76-83 Stadium . .. 7, 84·86 Stadium: Smilh Siadium (19,250) Red Towel ... .91 Press BOI Phone: (502) 745·4298 Results (Ali-Time) ,." .. , .. ,., ... 90-95 Surface: Natural About the Cover: Results ('82) .. .Inside Front Cover Colon: Red and 'White Rosters ........ .. ...... , .... ,50-52 Conference: Independent . The cover artwor1l for the " 1983 Hilltopper schedutes - '82 Record: 5-5-0 Football" press guide was done by Nashville '83 WKU .,., .. , .Inside Front Cover AII ·TIme R..n: 353- 1~28 (.633) artist Steve Ford. the brother of former Western '83 Composite . .. .. Back Cover Bille Offense: "'" grid All-American Tim Forel. Veteran Head Coach Future ,. ..... ... 86 BlSle Defense: 3-4-4 Jimmy Feix Is the center of attention on the cover Series Re cords - All-Time , . , . ... 68 lettermen losVReluming: 15/32 and is flanked by the members 01 his coaching '83 Opponents .. ..67 onenll: 9112 staff (teft·right): linebacker Coach Mark Clark, Signoos .... " .. ,., .. , .43-47 Defense: 4119 Defensive Coordinator Mike Cassity, Defen sive Smith Stadium ..... .6 Kickers: 2/1 line Coach Clarence " Stumpy" Baker, Assistant Statistics ('82 Final) .. " .. , ..... .7().72 SlIrt.rI LostlRetuml"l: 10/14 Head Coach Butch Gilbert, Offensive Coordi­ The last Time ....... " .. , .. ,., ....82 Offenle: 4n nator larry Walker and Receivers Coach Sam Training Staff ... ......... .....20,17 Delenle: 4n Clark, Travel Plans . .. ...... .53 KICllers : 2JO Western Kentucky University . , .... ...4 Memo To The Media Area Press, Radio, tv Outlets L T. Smith Stadium. the home of the R. dlo Coverage: Radio broadcast Hilltoppers, is lopped bya press box de­ permission should be obtained in ad­ signed to meet the needs of nearly 100 vance, along with press box reserva­ Sports Desk' Gene Mclean' SPOrt s Dir&Ctor ASsoc,aled Pr""" Le~;ng.on Herlld WKYU Radio members of the media. Our press bole tions from SID Paul Just. Arrangements Main and Mid land A,cademic Complu staff will supply you with programs, flip tor installation of broadcast loops "'Nas.hv,., ille . TN 37202 le. 'nglon. KY 40507 We-stern Kenlucky Un i ve~iw cards and complete statistical informa­ should be made well in advance with Bowling Grean. KY (2101 John PillS· Phil Ca.. - tion. Hoi dogs, doughnuts, soft drinks South Central Bell Telephone Company. Sports Coordlnrolor Fred Ganter" and coffee and other refreshments are Sports Department Picking Up Credentials: No press Nashville TM""sse'" S.,,. Journ.' Sport, Editor . also available in the press box for your box or sideline passes for WKU football 1100 Broadway P.O. Bo~ 3611 GIUgo ... D,ily Timls convenience. games wilt be mailed. Credentials may Nu h.ille. TN 37202 F.. nklort . KY 40602 301 Soulh Green SI .... t Glugow. KY d l( 1 Box Coverage: Admittance to , Pr ••• be picked up at Ihe Press Will-Calt (Re­ sports Desk' Clark lianes" the press box will be granted only to servations) window (Gale 1) al Smith Uni t"" Press ,ntern.,ion. ' Sports Edil0r Rick Benll.~' authorized persons with press box Stadium. The window will open on game 1100 Broadway Th.D. ily 101. ...' Sports Eduor Kenrucky New Era tickets. Tickets must be reserved in days at 11 :30 a.m. Nash.,lIe. TN 37202 B13 College S,,"'" Bowling Grean. KY (2101 t23 West Sevenlh Street advance with Sports Information Parking: Media parking is avail­ Joe Caldwell" Hopkins. ille. KY 42240 Director Paul Just. Newspaper press able on a limited basis. Reservations Sports Departme"t SPOrts Director passes and sideline passes will not be must be made in advance with SID Paul Nas/wille B. nner WlBJ Radio Jim Turner" 1100 BrOadway Cemelery Road The logan lee<1e' honored. Each licket will entitle the Just. Enter the Media parking area from Nash.ille. TN 37202 Bowli ng Gr""n. KY (2tOI t20 Public Squa", authorized staff member 10 the full cour­ Russellville Road near Gate 1. Russellville. KY (2276 tesies and complete services of the press Post-Game Interviews: The Wes­ Charhe McA.I ..ander · Sports Direclor box. Press box tickets are non-trans­ tern lockerroom (located under the SportS Director Wl(CT Radio Dann~ McKenzie" WS M.... TV B04 College Streel Sports Ed ilor ferable. Spouses. dates and non­ soulheasl end of the stadium near the 5700 Knob Road Bowling Green. KY 42tOI Owensbo'o MQS&nger , Inquire, workers are not permitted in the press coaches· offices) w ill be opened ap­ Nashville . TN 37209 1401 Frederica working areas. proximately 10-15 minules after Ihe Bud T~ler OwenSboro. KY 4230t SportS DirectO'" SPOrt.Oirector Photo Coverage: Photographers re­ game. Coach Feix will be available in his WNGE TV WBGN Radio Tom Wallace' quiring press box space will need a press office al Ihal lime. (Nole: The visitors· 44 t Mur!ree-sDorO Road 837 Fai rview A,ven .... Sports Ed ilor box ticket. Sideline passes will be issued dressing room is located under the Nash. ,lIe. TN 37210 Bowl ing Gr""n. KY (2101 H'Mer&on Glune' , Journ.1 P.O. Box 4 to authorized personnel and must be northwest end of the stadium.) B,II Swan beck WesStrade, Henderson. KY 424 20 displayed at a/l times. No free-lance pho­ Tetecopier-Telephones: Western Sports D"eClor Hilltopper N el w or ~ tographers will be admitted to the side­ wilt have one Telecopier and several WM ~ 1183 Kentucky SI. Jim P,ekens' lines. telephones in the press box foryourcon­ 474 James Robertson Parkway Bowl ing Grean. KY (ZtOI Sports Ed i'or Nashv,II • . TN 37219 rhe Me d '~on.iII. Messenge, venience. 221 South Main S!(ee1 Sports Desk· SpOrrs DI"':lor' Madison.llte . KY 42431 Please Display Your Press Tickets Umted Press International WBKOTV At All Times, PO.
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