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te te r vou a a vice teach teach endea learn innov surgery surgery collabora develop educ healthcare leadership alumni medicine build interna excellence ser share community standards knowledge research train discover promote welcome e os rp Annual Report 2009–2010 Annual future the for focus past, ofthe Celebration le Pu Noble RCSI Building on our heritage in surgery, we will enhance human health through endeavour, endeavour, through health human enhance will we surgery, in heritage our on Building service. and research education, in collaboration and innovation

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Annual Report 2009–2010 +3531 402 8610 402 +3531 [email protected] +353 1 402 2458 1 402 +353

EMAIL: TEL: FAX: www.rcsi.ie

Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Ríoga na Máinleá Coláiste Green Stephen’s St 123 2 Dublin Ireland Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Ireland in of Surgeons College Royal About RCSI

The principles firmly established by our founders during The year 2010 marks 200 years of the College on St Stephen’s Green. In 1810 the the earlier years of our College are just as relevant today College moved to its present location at the corner of York Street facing St Stephen’s as they were at that particular time. The early members of Green where ‘Number 123’ was built. Since its foundation over 200 years ago, Council bequeathed to us the noble tenets of institutional the College has trained doctors and surgeons who have given exemplary service independence, academic freedom, tolerance of difference throughout the world and the advances in surgical procedures that we use today, and a commitment to humanitarian concerns. These tenets represent the culmination of centuries of learning and enquiry. are continuously upheld by our College and its staff.

We are We are committed The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland responsible for setting the highest to enhancing human health through is a Registered Charity for the promotion of standards in surgical care and training endeavour, innovation and collaboration the practice of science of Surgery, Anaesthesia, in Ireland and are an internationally in education, research and service. Dentistry, Nursing and Radiology and the provision of education, training and research recognised medical school with in Medicine and Allied Health Sciences. a 226 year heritage. We strive always to improve human health, to improve Registered Charity number CHY 1277. We believe continuously our education and research that the patient is at the centre programmes and to form strong of everything we do. relationships with our partners and communities. We value innovation, excellence, independence, academic freedom, diversity, tolerance and community.

Key Statistics Contents

Key Statistics 1 Number of students 3,499 and trainees by Faculty Governance President 2 Number of students Surgical Trainees 506 Council Members 6 Senior Management Team 8 2,413 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences 822 Chief Executive’s Review 9 13 Faculty of Dentistry Highlights 12 Number of staff Surgical Affairs 96 Faculty of Radiologists Surgical Affairs 16 €13m 467 Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Research Research funding Research 20 4 Faculty of Sports and Exercise awarded to RCSI Medicine RCPI & RCSI Teaching and Learning Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences 25 School of Pharmacy 27 School of Physiotherapy 28 School of Postgraduate Studies 29 Institute of Leadership 30 Faculty of Dentistry 32 Faculty of Radiologists 33 Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 34 Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine 36 International RCSI International Projects 38 Development Office Development Office 42 Community RCSI in Ireland 44 Global Initiatives 46 Finance Finance 48

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 1 Governance


Professor Frank Keane

Executive and Registrar. After an exacting search process we were delighted to appoint one of RCSI’s own, a former student and Dean of the Medical School, as well as an accomplished and successful vascular surgeon. Professor Kelly brings to the post a unique range of skills; a mix of surgery, management, education and innovation. I have no doubt, that he will stand the College well in the coming years and we wish him the best of good fortune. As Professor Kelly demitted office as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences we were delighted in January 2010 to ratify his successor, Professor Hannah McGee. She joined RCSI in 1987 and has been Professor of Psychology since 2006. She has already served the College very well and has built When Shakespeare described “a tide in the affairs of man” a formidable reputation as a member of a number of national bodies that inform health he spoke, of course, figuratively, suggesting that if one and social policy. takes advantage of a high tide, one may be carried out Just as we were delighted to welcome other new staff, such as Professor Seamus to sea and travel great distances; if one misses the chance, Sreenan, Director of the Graduate Entry then the journey of a lifetime may instead be confined Programme, we have also been sad to say goodbye and thank you for the unique to the shallows forever. A high tide in my life has, without contributions of Professor Alan Johnston, question, been the privilege of becoming the 167th who gave such an impetus to the fledging Graduate Entry Programme, to Professor President of RCSI and leading it into its 200th year John Kelly, who, as Head of the School of Pharmacy, created such a range of national on St. Stephen’s Green. initiatives within his discipline, thus leaving a department on a solid foundation and to Professor Paddy Collins, who provided Continuing the nautical metaphor, I can CHANGES IN SENIOR MANAGEMENT leadership as Professor of Biochemistry report that my two years have not all been since 1988. unruffled calm. As was once famously Alterations in the executive of any institution remarked about what blows governments often marks a shift in focus, strategy and, DEGREE-AWARDING STATUS off course can, in equal measure, be applied to some extent, ethos. Whilst not reflecting to colleges, and these are simply events! adversely on what went before, our Both Professor Cathal Kelly and Professor There have been events aplenty facing institutional changes in senior management Hannah McGee have recently spearheaded the College, although none sufficient to have brought not only their own challenges, a very successful benchmarking exercise for set us significantly adrift but enough at least but also the potential for freshness and the Faculty against the standard of the World to signal a battening down of the hatches renewed vigour. And so it was that in July Federation of Medical Education. However, and the taking in of a few reefs of sail. 2009 the Council confirmed the appointment soon after their appointments, they were both of Professor Cathal Kelly as our new Chief thrown into the deep end when, in January

2 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “A high tide in my life has, without question, been the privilege of becoming the 167th President of RCSI and leading it into its 200th year on St. Stephen’s Green.”

2010, the former Minister of Education activities of RCSI. The Medicine and Health that will be administered by the HSE METR and Science, Batt O’Keeffe, announced Sciences Board will oversee the degree- (Medical Education Training and Research). the planned dissolution of the National awarding activities whilst the Surgery and This will almost certainly test RCSI’s ability University of Ireland, thereby threatening Postgraduate Facilities Board will oversee to raise appropriate and adequate national our degree-awarding facility with that body. postgraduate vocational training. Both these funding for training in surgery, especially Fortunately, when we last amended our boards are to be constituted so as to ensure within the current financial climate. Charter some years ago, we anticipated such that all stakeholders are represented. Beyond training, our involvement in the an eventuality by setting in train a process generality of Irish surgical practice and by which the College could achieve its own THE SURGICAL PILLAR its delivery is set to expand significantly degree-awarding status. The College was Professor Arthur Tanner boasted a successful as we undertake our role in providing quick to respond to the announcement by surgical career, which he left in 2002 to competence schemes for surgeons. The putting in motion the final steps to award become an equally successful Director of Medical Practitioners Act 2007 lays out that its own degrees, but this will ultimately Surgical Affairs. In so doing he has, very surgeons in practice have to register with require the Minister’s approval. The Minister, necessarily, strengthened the surgical pillar their training body, namely RCSI. We will be in turn, quickly established an assessment within the College. In recent years he has obliged to outline a Competence Programme mechanism to be undertaken by the Health established The Colles Institute to ensure for surgeons in which they will have to Education Authority and the National that, in future, the College will continue participate, starting in May 2011. With the Qualifications Authority. An institutional to lead surgical innovation, training and assistance of the College, through the Colles self-assessment report was undertaken practice, both in Ireland and internationally. Portal, surgeons will record their participation within a very tight time frame so that, at this Currently, the Colles Institute includes within their programme. They will use this point, a review has been completed by an three centres, the National Surgical Training evidence to inform the Medical Council so international panel and a decision by the Centre, the Centre for Research and as to maintain their registration status. The new Minister for Education and Skills, Mary Development, and the Centre for Innovation responsibility for competence assurance Coughlan, is expected in autumn 2010. While in Research Technology. However, Professor therefore rests with the practitioner and we are optimistic, we are also deeply aware Tanner’s anticipated departure has provoked the Medical Council and not the College. of the importance of a favourable outcome. a further, timely strategic review of this pillar Undoubtedly, this activity will place a new Great credit must go to all College staff because there are a host of issues to be and significant burden on the College and for the enormous work that was carried met that will require a new approach and its resources and will have to be funded, out as well as the selfless institutional organisational structure. most likely I’m afraid, from the surgical response to this important initiative. community at large. For example, RCSI is, first and foremost, GOVERNANCE the recognised national body for surgical Another new area of engagement for RCSI education and training in Ireland. In this within surgical practice will be to advise As a by-product of this institutional review, role there are both opportunities and the Health Service Executive on national we were prompted to reconsider once challenges, such as training within shorter initiatives related to the delivery of better again our governance structures. The Vice- hours, the need for new courses, the surgical care. We have, for example, been President, Ms. Eilis McGovern, led a working necessity of recruiting trainers and teachers pleased to participate with Dr. Barry White, group that concluded, as we expected, that within the new contractual arrangements National Director of Clinical and Quality Care the current governance model of RCSI could for consultants, expanding our role in at the HSE, in developing a much-needed be improved to reflect developments taking education and assessments overseas, programme for improving the patient journey place in corporate governance generally encouraging research, supporting innovation and care within elective surgical practice and, in particular, to broaden participation to and, ultimately, consolidating our financial by facilitating the implementation of better reflect public interest, the input of staff and resources to carry out all that we aspire to processes, greater efficiencies and ultimately appropriate expertise. In the light of these do. A fundamental challenge has, and will providing better value for money and care findings, amongst other things, the Council be, the removal of the trainee grant with the for patients. The Elective Surgery Programme decided to establish two boards to oversee centralisation of funding to training bodies has been divided into four parts: firstly, a the main educational, training and research

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 3 Governance

PRESIDENT “Each overseas student contributes €8,000 per year

(continued) to the local economy. This brings into sharp focus the significant and often unrecognised contribution that this College makes to the Irish economy.”

programme aimed at maximising day surgery Day for different specialties. Registration registered students and trainees at any activity and shortening average length of fees for trainees were omitted but this now one time. The Lord Mayor of Dublin recently stay (AvLOS); secondly, to implement audit, confers an obligation on them to attend. informed me that each overseas student including the monitoring of outcomes; Each College faculty and many specialty contributes €8,000 per year to the local thirdly, to propose clinical care pathways groups hosted their annual meetings in the economy. This brings into sharp focus and guidelines; and finally, to provide better College. Visitors came from many corners the significant and often unrecognised processes to improve efficiencies in the of the globe as part of the many and diverse contribution that this College makes to patient’s operating theatre journey. groups that assembled in the College, the Irish economy – not that financial gain such as the Wound Healing Master Class, is our sole prerogative. Hospitality, value Much will be heard about these the WHO Network on Household Water and a positive Irish and educational activities over the coming months. Their Treatment, the Symposium on Advances experience are all just as important. implementation, as with the unavoidable in Synthesis and Chemical Biology, the programmes of transformation and Bahrain has, for a number of years, consumed 4th Congress on Abdominal Compartment reconfiguration that are being proposed, a great deal of our overseas energies. The Syndrome and the 2nd International will demand both extremely hard work and Medical School is continuing to make strides, Conference on Surgical Education. much patience from the profession. I believe, culminating in our first graduation class however, most would agree that, in the areas We have been privileged to host invited this summer. This will mark a significant of process and efficiency, we in Ireland are lectures and talks by many distinguished milestone at many levels, consolidating the school itself as well as its regional credibility not coming from a good place and there speakers, including: President Mary and status. We have for a long time been is significant room for improvement.T he McAleese at our Charter Day Dinner; Minister on the cusp of closing the deal for the College is very happy to play its leadership for Finance Brian Lenihan; Cleveland Clinic development of the Health Oasis on the role in these changes and we will be asking Chief Executive Delos Cosgrove; Mayo Clinic land donated to us by the King. At the same for and trusting to the traditional support Staff Chairman Michael Brennan; Professor time, the management contract for the King of its Fellows. of Surgery at Imperial College and recent Hamad Teaching Hospital has proved equally UK Under-Secretary of State for Health elusive and frustrating to try and reach OUR ACADEMIC PROFILE Lord Darzi; and the Chancellor of Oxford closure. One of the goals has been to bring University, Lord Patten; amongst others. It is difficult to bottle our academic these matters to an early conclusion, which achievements over the past year into a Perhaps an even better yardstick of our must happen soon. few short sentences. Perhaps this is best academic profile is demonstrated by our Meanwhile, our partnership with UCD reflected in the very successful matching research output and grants won. In research, in Penang continues to thrive and, while programmes achieved, especially by our the 2009 Forfás report stated that, in the there may be a curtailment of their students overseas graduates, or by noting that two matter of scientific publications, “RCSI has travelling overseas in time, we would still of our surgical trainees achieved top marks had an exceptional profile”, having achieved wish to explore further opportunities and in their intercollegiate specialty Fellowship the highest citation impact of any Irish third- partnerships within Malaysia. examinations. We also look forward this level institution. Meanwhile, we await the During the past two years, RCSI and the year to the graduation of our first class outcome of the PRTLI Cycle 5 Awards, for Institute of Technology in Tralee have formed of Graduate Entry students. which we have reached the last stages. a partnership to provide education and Visitors to the College also reflect our OUR INTERNATIONAL PROFILE training solutions for Saudi Arabia. This academic profile. Meetings hosted by the partnership has resulted in the recruitment College included our annual Millin and Our students represent over 50 countries of government-sponsored medical Charter Day Meeting, which addressed worldwide. In Dublin, about 30% are Irish, students who have already completed their topics including Safety in Surgery, Service 20% from North America, 20% from the Medical Commencement Programme and Reconfiguration and Surgical Audit. Attendee Middle East and 20% from the Far East, have entered into the Foundation Year in numbers are increasing year on year and we mostly Malaysia, and 10% from other Dublin. The partnership plans to expand had four break-out sessions during Charter countries. Altogether RCSI has some 3,400 the programme to include Physiotherapy,

4 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “RCSI has had an exceptional profile, having achieved the highest citation impact of any Irish third-level institution.”

Pharmacy and Nursing, and has helped us is carried out in the College and its impact to falling property values, but we expect the develop a strong relationship with our own on health. It provides this information in a central location of our properties to recover Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs. way that is accessible and understandable in the medium term. to these audiences. In January 2010, the RCSI Institute of Being a private institution, we continue to Leadership signed a Memorandum of Our international outreach initiatives have to create our own future. This means Understanding with the Arab Administrative during the year include our work with the that it is a time to manage our costs tightly, Development Organisation, which is affiliated College of Surgeons of East, Central and look for economies of scale across the with the League of Arab States and has Southern Africa (COSECSA), the Solar Water organisation and innovate to generate new responsibility for promoting management, Disinfection Project (SODIS), the Paediatric sources of revenue. administrative and institutional development Exchange Programme in Vietnam, our work We greatly value our Faculties of Radiology, in various sectors. In April 2010, I signed with the Holy Rosary Hospital in Nigeria, Dentistry, Nursing, and Sports and Exercise a collaborative agreement with the Egyptian our Health Research Programmes in HIV Medicine and applaud their achievements Minister of Health undertaking that we and Hepatitis C in Africa, and, finally, our so clearly expressed at their annual work with the High Committee of Medical response to the earthquake in Haiti, which conferences. We are very conscious of their Specialties of the Egyptian Ministry of Health was supported largely by our Trauma/ aspiration to participate at the highest level to improve training and assessments of Orthopaedic colleagues. These are very of College governance and I feel sure that the Egyptian Boards of Surgery in order to diverse activities but, over the past year, we this will be met within our new governance match our RCSI, internationally recognised, have brought their oversight under the watch structures when they are implemented. standards across a range of activities. of a single committee. We are grateful for the helpful support from Irish Aid for a number My job as President has been made so REACH AND OUTREACH of projects. With COSECSA, I believe we are much easier by a myriad of colleagues, staff, continuing to have an impact both in the senior management and Council members, The College is very conscious of what education and assessment of surgeons and to whom I remain enormously grateful. it owes, both to our local community also in task shifting, which is so important I would like to convey a particular thanks and the world at large. At home, our in a region of the world where there are so to Louise Loughran and her team as well Recreation, Education and Community many populations suffering from a dire lack as my personal assistant, Kate Smith, who Health Programme (REACH), established in of access to surgical care and carers. have all chaperoned me with such facility. 2007, promotes recreation, education and community health, and works in partnership CONCLUSION Finally, I would like to thank my Vice- with primary schools, youth groups and President and successor, Eilis McGovern, the local community on educational It would be easy to run on interminably for her unstinting support and wish her initiatives. It is aimed at encouraging and about so many aspects of this burgeoning great enjoyment and success as this facilitating third-level participation and institution. However, as I said at the outset, College’s first Lady President. enhancing life chances for those traditionally it has not all been plain sailing. For example, underrepresented at third level, particularly although it would be correct to say that our those from the south inner city. fundamental financial position is sound, our financial model is finely balanced. As a On the lighter side, in March at the annual not-for-profit, private, academic institution, Sports Day, a number of Dublin GAA football we are required to generate sufficient funds players spent the day training local school to cover all our activities, including current children. Excusing the pun, they all had a ball! and capital requirements and infrastructural The Research Outreach Programme developments. So we have to work to a promotes public awareness of medical break-even position annually with a turnover research. The main aim of this is to educate in excess of €120 million matched by staff and inform the general public, teachers and and operating costs each of about €60 students about the biomedical research that million. Net assets fell last year, mainly due

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 5 governance

Council Members

Pictured left to right

Professor Frank Keane Professor Ronan O’Connell Professor Thomas F. Gorey President and Consultant Surgeon Professor Surgery and Consultant Surgeon Consultant Surgeon (General) (General / Colorectal) (Colorectal) Mater Misericordiae Hospital The Adelaide & Meath Hospital incorporating UCD and St. Vincent’s Hospital the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght Mr. Michael J. Earley Ms. Eilis McGovern Consultant Surgeon (Plastic) Mr. Patrick J. Broe Vice-President and Consultant Surgeon Mater Misericordiae Hospital and the Consultant Surgeon (General) (Cardiothoracic) Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street Beaumont Hospital St. James’s Hospital

Mr. Kevin O’Malley Professor John Hyland Consultant Surgeon (Vascular) Consultant Surgeon (General / Colorectal) Mater Misericordiae Hospital St. Vincent’s University Hospital

Professor W. Arthur Tanner Mr. Declan J. Magee Former Director of Surgical Affairs, RCSI Consultant Surgeon (General) St Columcille’s Hospital

6 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Professor Michael J. Kerin Professor A.E. (Freddie) Wood Mr. Joseph P. Duignan Professor and Head of Department of Surgery Consultant Surgeon (Cardiothoracic) Consultant Surgeon (General) and Consultant Surgeon Mater Misericordiae Hospital and Our Lady’s St. Michael’s Hospital, Dun Laoghaire (Breast /Endocrine /General) Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin NUI Galway and University Hospital, Galway Professor H. Paul Redmond Mr. Joe O’Beirne Professor and Chair of Surgery, UCC Mr. Kenneth Mealy Consultant Surgeon (Orthopaedic) and Consultant Surgeon (Oncology) Consultant Surgeon (General) Waterford Regional Hospital Cork University Hospital Wexford General Hospital St. Michael’s Hospital, Dún Laoghaire Professor David J. Bouchier-Hayes Mr. Parnell Keeling Retired Professor of Surgery and Consultant Mr. Gordon Watson Consultant Surgeon (General) Surgeon (Vascular) Retired Consultant Surgeon (General) Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown RCSI and Beaumont Hospital Waterford Regional Hospital

Ms. Laura Viani Mr. Frank McManus Consultant Surgeon (Otolaryngology) Retired Consultant Surgeon (Orthopaedic) Beaumont Hospital Mater Misericordiae Hospital

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 7 Governance

Senior Management Team

1 2

1. Dr. Terry McWade Deputy CEO

2. Professor W. Arthur Tanner Director of Surgical Affairs

3. Professor Hannah McGee Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

4. Professor Brian Harvey Director of Research 3 4

5. Ms. Jennifer Cullinane Director of Finance

6. Mr. Bernard Cahill Director of Human Resources

5 6

On facing page: Professor Cathal Kelly Chief Executive/Registrar

8 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Governance

Chief Executive’s Review

It is my privilege to address you as the new Chief Executive It is appropriate that I record the debt and gratitude we owe to Michael Horgan, who of RCSI and to update you on the activities of the College was Chief Executive and Registrar from over the past year. As a Graduate and Fellow of the College 2004. Michael joined the College in 1976 and was centrally involved in all the major and former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health strategic initiatives in this institution over the past 25 years. Under his stewardship, Sciences, I feel deeply privileged and honoured to assume the College went from strength to strength this position. in all areas of activity. The groundwork that he has laid has strengthened this institution and will shape its future. I would also like to congratulate Professor Hannah McGee, who has succeeded me as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. I wish Hannah every success in her new role. There is no doubt that we are living in unprecedented times. As an international institution, the College is not immune from the events in the global economy and it is prudent that we plan and act accordingly. Indeed the past year was not without its challenges. However, RCSI has made many developments and advances, and has achieved many successes over the past 12 months.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 9 governance

Chief Executive’s Review


“Our Graduate-Entry Programme is consistently ranked number one with the CAO in terms of popularity and it was the first graduate programme to be assessed and accredited by the Irish Medical Council.”

The reorganisation of health services in As the governing body for surgery in Ireland, Another first for RCSI took place in June of Ireland and the challenging financial times the introduction of part 11 of the Medical this year when RCSI Bahrain conferred its for our health system continue to present Practitioners Act, 2007 (which will make first class of healthcare professionals. Under major challenges to the delivery of medical participation in professional competency the patronage of His Royal Highness, Prime education. As the leading provider of medical schemes mandatory by May 2011) means Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, education in Ireland, we were delighted in that plans for the future are being laid 72 postgraduates and undergraduates were June this year to confer the first 50 graduate- to support the surgical community as it conferred in Medicine, Nursing, Healthcare entry programme students in Ireland. The prepares for these changes. An outline Ethics and Law. As the first cohort of Graduate-Entry Programme, which began of the College’s proposed scheme has students in Bahrain, it was a particularly in 2006, aims to increase the access been provided to the Medical Council and proud moment for all involved. routes to study medicine and to diversify the feedback was very positive. However, Also in Bahrain, the King Hamad General the academic and social backgrounds of the finalisation of exact requirements for Hospital project is progressing well. the student population. A measure of the professional competence is still in progress. The hospital, which is currently under success of our Graduate-Entry Programme is Despite the volcanic ash disruptions in May, construction, is one of the biggest public that it is consistently ranked number one with the College hosted the 2nd International sector health projects in Bahrain in recent the CAO in terms of popularity and it was the Conference on Surgical Education and times. It will provide world-class healthcare first graduate programme to be assessed and Training (ICOSET). More than 30 prestigious services to the people of the Kingdom of accredited by the Irish Medical Council. global thought leaders from North America, Bahrain upon its completion. It is a 312-bed The continuing difficult economic climate led Australia, New Zealand and across Europe public hospital and will be the main teaching to significant cuts in the Irish Government’s gave their global perspectives on surgical hospital for RCSI Bahrain. research funding. However, despite this, training and the impact of reduced work the College maintained its competiveness hours. The conference attracted a large in research funding, continuing to win cohort of national and international significant levels of funding, particularly delegates. “The level of postgraduate at European level. In clinical sciences, Also within surgery, the Centre for Innovation research training within RCSI has an exceptional profile, holding and Surgical Technology (CIST) continues the lead position on citation impact, ahead the College continues to grow. In February this year, the College of all other universities in Ireland. This embarked on a unique collaboration with has been documented in a recent Higher to go from strength to Tyndall National Institute in Cork to boost Education publication entitled ‘Research Ireland’s competitiveness in the medical strength, with registration Strengths in Ireland’. Additionally, the level device market and to propel Ireland to the of postgraduate research training within significantly above the 21% forefront of innovation in the biomedical the College continues to go from strength device sector. national average.” to strength, with registration significantly above the 21% national average.

10 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “The College maintained its competiveness in research funding, continuing to win significant levels of funding, particularly at European level.”

Philanthropy plays a key role in leveraging world. Its presence has been central to This review, led by Professor Hannah funding from both private sources and public the advancement of surgery and medical McGee and her team in the faculty centre, bodies and it enables the College to enhance education in Ireland and worldwide. culminated in a three-day intensive site visit the quality of our resources on offer. RCSI by an international panel of experts. They met RCSI has been a recognised College of the is extremely grateful to the International with over 150 staff and students as well as National University of Ireland (NUI) since Development Board, under the chairmanship external stakeholders. The panel was uniform 1974, with graduates of RCSI receiving NUI of Mr. Dermot Desmond, for its continued in their praise of the staff and students, the degrees in addition to the awards of the strategic advice and ongoing support. The morale and the sense of community within College. This relationship has served the board is comprised of leaders of business RCSI. Despite their extensive experience, College well for more than 30 years and and industry, from Ireland and overseas, they had never witnessed such a sense of the College has always valued its position including Mrs. Loretta Brennan Glucksman collegiality in any other institution worldwide, within the NUI. However, earlier this year, and Mr. Gilbert Little. Our ongoing priorities which is testament to the sense of endeavour we were formally informed of the intention include the redevelopment of York Street, and collaboration that is evident across the of the Minister of Education and Science which will encompass our new Colles entire RCSI community. It would be remiss to introduce legislation to abolish the NUI. Institute, and the refurbishment of the of me not to acknowledge the efforts and At our request, the Minister instructed College library. commitment of the staff of RCSI throughout the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the process. I have always been proud and During the year, more than €1.6 million was the National Qualifications Authority of passionate about the College but never more raised for breast cancer research and I would Ireland (NQAI) to engage with us, in an so than during this period. We must now wait like to thank everybody who contributed for institutional review, with a view to granting to receive formal feedback from the panel their generosity. us independent degree-awarding status. and it is hoped to receive a decision from I am extremely proud of our students the Minister in October. and their willingness to participate in The past year has been a successful humanitarian and charitable initiatives, and “In February this year, and exciting year, though not without its this year was no exception. The Caribbean- the College embarked challenges. The achievements and success African Society (CAS) hosted the popular of RCSI are due to the dedication, energy Chocolate Ball as part of World Aids Day on a unique collaboration and loyalty of the individuals who comprise in December 2009. Funds raised through the staff of RCSI and I would like to thank charity balls and events were donated to with Tyndall National them for their contribution. I would also like benefactors including Aid Africa, SUAS, Institute in Cork to boost to acknowledge the senior management the Irish Cancer Society, Islamic Relief and team for their outstanding performance Fighting Blindness. Ireland’s competitiveness during my first year in office. I would have RCSI students also gave generously of in the medical device been in an invidious position without their their time to assist with many outreach unstinting support and I am deeply indebted. programmes, notably the REACH Sports Day market and to propel Finally, I look forward to working with our and the REACH Homework Club for local Ireland to the forefront new President, Ms. Eilis McGovern, and her school children as well as the Mini Med council as we work toward the successes School for Transition Year students. of innovation in the of our future. This year the College marks its 200th biomedical device sector.” anniversary on St. Stephen’s Green. The 200th anniversary of our building is a landmark, not just in St. Stephen’s Green, but also in Dublin and Ireland, and for many people in different parts of the

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 11 Governance

Milestones and 2009 August July Achievements Health checks for the local community Postgraduate Conferring Ceremony – were carried out in RCSI Mercer’s Medical in 2009/2010 Approximately 150 people were conferred Centre as part of the REACH RCSI with postgraduate awards including Programme. Intercollegiate Board Speciality Diplomas in Cardiothoracic Surgery; General Surgery; September Neurosurgery; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; The RCSI Alumni Gala Reunion was Otolaryngology; Paediatric Surgery; Plastic attended by more than 250 medical Surgery; Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery; graduates and their guests, who travelled and Urology. Intercollegiate membership of from all parts of Ireland and across the RCSI and new Members and Fellows of the globe. Professor Lord Ara Darzi, former Faculties of Radiology, Dentistry, and Sports Parliamentary Under-Secretary in the and Exercise Medicine were also conferred. UK Department of Health, received the Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove, President and Chief Distinguished Graduates Award. Executive of the Cleveland Clinic, and leading Orthopaedic Traumologist, Professor Eric At its Orientation Day, RCSI welcomed Egan Johnson from UCLA were awarded over 400 new students into its undergraduate Honorary Fellowships. Medicine, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy programmes. The 21st RCSI Annual Golf Classic at Luttrellstown Castle Golf Club raised over €35,000 in aid of surgical research.

The RCSI ‘Come to Your Senses’ summer course was attended by 25 primary school teachers from schools throughout Ireland. The course provides teachers of the primary science curriculum with practical experiments and novel ideas to use in the classroom.

The Summer Meeting of the Forum of Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland took place over two days at RCSI in Dublin.

Pictured (l-r) are Dr Marc Devocelle, Pictured (l-r) at the RCSI Alumni Gala Reunion Pharmaceutical Chemistry, RCSI with Primary are Mr. Hy Browne, Professor The Lord Ari Darzi, School teachers Sinead Coakley from Gael Scoil who received the Distinguished Graduates Naomh Padraig, Lucan; Linda Wheatley, RPNS Award, and Professor Sarah Rogers, President, Rathfarnham and Elaine Lyons, Salesian Primary Association of Graduates. School Limerick at the RCSI ‘Come to Your Senses’ summer course.

12 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 October November December

The RCSI North American Chapter of The RCSI/AIB Race Against Breast The 2009 Father Michael Kelly Lecture Fellows meeting took place in Chicago. Cancer Day at Leopardstown attracted for World AIDS Day at RCSI was given It provided an opportunity to foster over 730 people and raised in excess of by Dr. Seth Berkley, President of the relationships between the College and its €294,000. This will go towards funding vital International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)). Fellows and Members in North America. breast cancer research aimed at speeding up A 10-week REACH RCSI Health discovery time and, ultimately, offering more This year’s Millin Meeting was devoted Programme came to a close, improving effective and more personalised treatments to “Assuring Patient Safety”, bringing the health and fitness of 15 members from for those diagnosed. to the fore all issues concerning safety, Aungier Celtic Football Club in the south particularly those which are pertinent to The inaugural Órán Ó Muiré Bursary inner city. surgical disciplines. The day-long event for Nurse-Led Asthma Research was culminated in the Honorary Fellowship awarded to RCSI Postgraduate Nursing of Dr. Victor Fazio from the Cleveland student Deirdre Long. Clinic and Mr. Chris Russell, Honorary The official opening of the RCSI Bahrain Consultant Surgeon, University College sports centre in Manama, Kingdom of London and former Vice-President of the Bahrain, took place under the patronage of Royal College of Surgeons in England. His Excellency Dr. Faisal Bin Yacub Al Hamer, Mr. Ronan Cahill, FRCSI, delivered the Minister of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain. 32nd Millin Lecture, entitled “Tailoring Innovation for Surgical Care”. At the RCSI November Conferring, approximately 550 students were conferred with undergraduate and postgraduate awards at three conferring ceremonies throughout the day. This was the largest number of students to be conferred in a single day at the College.

The Breast Cancer Ireland Autumn Raffle raised in excess of €450,000 towards breast cancer research at RCSI with over 10,000 people participating nationwide.

Pictured from (l-r) are Leopardstown Racecourse Pictured (l-r) at the RCSI Pictured (third from left) is Minister Mr Christopher Russell, designated a feature race November Conferring Ceremony for Overseas Development, Mr. Peter Professor Frank Keane, President, on the last day of the flat are Ms. Elisabeth Griffin, Power, TD, with Dr. Seth Berkley, RCSI and Dr Victor Fazio at the 2009 season in support of RCSI Ms. Catherine Holland and President of the International AIDS Millin Meeting. AIB Race Against Breast Ms. Anne Landers who received Vaccine Initiative and RCSI Medical Cancer. Pictured are Ms. their Degrees of Master of Science Students at the opening of the Aisling Hurley, RCSI Director (MSc) Healthcare, Ethics and Law. Fr. Michael Kelly Lecture for World of Development and winning Aids Day. jockey Mr.Seamie Heffernan.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 13 governance

Milestones and February March Achievements in At the Charter Day Meetings, Honorary The REACH RCSI Sports Day was Fellowships were granted to four leading supported by Dublin GAA football players. 2009/2010 international medical professionals: They volunteered their time to spend the day Dr. Michael Brennan, President of the Mayo training 100 local school children as part of Clinic, USA; Professor John Collins, Dean of the REACH RCSI recreational, education and Education at the Royal Australasian College community health outreach programme. of Surgeons; Professor Anthony Costello, The Irish Institute of Training and 2010 Professor of Urology at the Royal Melbourne Development (IITD) National Awards January Hospital and University of Melbourne, ceremony recognised Dr. Orna Tighe, Australia; and Professor Peter Lee, Professor RCSI’s Annual Open Day gave more than Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics, RCSI’s and Head of the Department of Surgery 500 students from second-level schools Research Institute, who won the Learner of in Penang Medical College in Malaysia. a taste of life as a medical, pharmacy and the Year award; and Dr. Brian Kirby, Senior physiotherapy student. The annual RCSI Charter Day Dinner Lecturer in Pharmacology at the School A Memorandum of Understanding with was attended by the President of Ireland, of Pharmacy, who was highly commended. the Arab Administrative Development Mary McAleese, who unveiled a plaque to April Organisation (ARADO) was signed by commemorate the 200th anniversary of RCSI on St. Stephen’s Green. RCSI’s Institute of Leadership. ARADO is The Annual RCSI Research Day provided responsible for promoting management, A joint collaboration between RCSI’s RCSI scientists with the opportunity to administrative and institutional development Colles Institute and Tyndall National showcase their most recent research in various sectors in the Arab region. Institute, UCC, was announced by Mr. findings. Micheál Martin, Minister for Foreign The RCSI Mini Med Transition Year A team of RCSI students competed in the Affairs. RCSI and Tyndall will combine their programme welcomed 150 Transition Year 114th Boston Marathon, with nine RCSI respective strengths and synergies to propel students from 75 schools for a week-long runners participating in what is one of the Ireland to the forefront of innovation in the training programme. The programme, which world’s most prestigious road races and biomedical device sector. is the only one of its kind in Ireland, gives which attracts an average of 26,000 runners Transition Year students the opportunity annually. to experience what it is like to train and work as a doctor. A national clinical research programme on the treatment of breast cancer, RCSI’s Celebration of 200 Years on St. in association with Aviva and RCSI, was Stephen’s Green got under way with a visit launched by the Minister for Health and from the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Councillor Children, Mary Harney. Emer Costello, and a reception for RCSI staff, student representatives and businesses based on St. Stephen’s Green.

Ms. Deirdre Moran, (18) a 6th year student Pictured are Professor Frank Keane, President Pictured (l-r) are Professor Cathal Kelly, Chief from Our Lady’s College, Terenure, Dublin of RCSI with his wife Dr. Noreen Keane and the Executive / Registrar, RCSI, Dr. Michael 6, examines one of the exhibits at RCSI’s President of Ireland, Ms. Mary McAleese, who Murphy, President of UCC, Mr. Micheál Martin Annual Open Day. unveiled a plaque to commemorate 200 years T.D., Minister for Foreign Affairs and Professor of RCSI on St. Stephen’s Green. Roger Whatmore, Chief Executive, Tyndall National Institute at the announcement of the joint collaboration between RCSI and Tyndall National Institute, UCC.

14 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 May June

The 8th Annual Leadership Lecture, RCSI’s Annual Public Outreach Lecture, entitled “G1, G2… G20 – Who Leads the which explored the link between biological World?”, was delivered by Lord Patten of diversity and human health, was delivered Barnes, The Right Honourable Chris Patten. by Dr. Aaron Bernstein, MD, Centre for Lord Patten was also awarded an Honorary Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Fellowship of RCSI. Medical School.

The 2nd International Conference on At the RCSI Summer Conferring, Surgical Education and Training was graduates from Ireland’s first Graduate- hosted by RCSI. 30 prestigious global Entry Programme in Medicine (GEP/GEM) thought leaders from North America, were among 259 students conferred at the Australia, New Zealand and across Europe ceremony in the National Concert Hall, gave global perspectives on surgical training. Dublin. This year’s graduating class is the largest ever to be conferred by RCSI.

The firstRCSI Research Summer School was launched, with 52 undergraduate health sciences students from the junior and intermediate cycles of the Medical School, School of Pharmacy and School of Physiotherapy, taking part in a structured programme throughout the summer.

The inaugural RCSI Bahrain graduation ceremony took place in Muharraq, Bahrain. Some 72 students from postgraduate and undergraduate courses were conferred under the patronage of His Royal Highness, Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

Pamela Moran RCSI Boston Marathon team. Lord Patten Receiving his Honourary Pictured (l-r) at the RCSI Annual Graduation (8) and Serena Fellowship from Professor Frank Ceremony at the National Concert Hall, Dublin Reilly (9) from St. Keane, President of RCSI. are Ms. Katryna Zabidi and Ms. Wafaa Ahmed. Enda’s Primary School, Whitefriar Street, Dublin at the REACH RCSI Sports Day.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 15 Surgical Affairs

We believe our principal role as a College of Surgeons is to act as patient advocates for high quality safe surgical care and practice.

16 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Surgical Affairs

The 2nd International Conference on Surgical Education and Training took place in RCSI from 12th -14th May 2010. Pictured (l-r) are Professor Austin Leahy, Associate Professor of Health Sciences and Management, RCSI, Professor Cathal Kelly, Chief Executive/ Registrar, RCSI, Professor The Lord Ara Darzi, Head of Surgery at Imperial College London and the Institute of Cancer Research, Professor Frank Keane, President, RCSI, Professor Arnie Hill, Professor of Surgery, Professor Arthur Tanner, RCSI, Professor Tom Walsh, Associate Professor of Surgery, RCSI, and Consultant Director of Surgical Affairs Surgeon Connolly Hospital, Dublin.

Laying down the foundations for the This year we undertook an exercise to lay future is how one could describe the out a strategic plan for the department of Key Facts main focus of the past year. The medical Surgical Affairs over the next five years. profession in Ireland is in the midst The key drivers for this are to best prepare for the external environmental changes, of high-paced changes in both service to ensure our relevance to supporting the delivery and the regulatory environment. 179 development of all surgical sub-specialties, The Health Service Executive continues Higher Surgical Trainees to keep our training schemes recognised as to push the change and transformation being of the highest international standards agenda. The introduction of part 11 and to ensure the future financial stability of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 needed to meet our strategic objectives. In 232 means that participation in structured carrying out our planning project, we actively Basic Surgical Trainees and monitored professional competence sought the views of our key external and schemes will be mandatory from 1 May internal stakeholders. We are very grateful 2011. We have dedicated significant effort for the time and input all provided in helping into how we support our trainees, fellows us shape our strategy. As a result of this 95 exercise and the feedback we received, and the broader community of surgery Irish Surgical Residency we will be setting up a specific function to prepare for these changes and, at in our department to develop and manage Programme the same time, ensuring that the quality professional development for surgeons and of surgical care for patients is of the surgical care. In addition, we will build upon highest order. our engagement with the HSE in taking a proactive and leadership role in areas of policy, change and transformation. We shall continue to build upon our success in research, education development, surgical training and innovation. We shall also focus on our international developments and supporting RCSI as an internationally recognised brand of excellence in medical, surgical and healthcare education and training.


These are challenging times financially for our health system. There have been a number of changes in the funding of surgical training that affected trainees and RCSI alike. However, I am pleased to confirm that the HSE’s commitment to funding medical training remains and we appreciate our Ms. Marie O’Boyle, Ms. Leila Wilson, and Ms. Fiona Walsh ongoing productive collaboration with the from the Surgical Affairs Team demonstrate the Colles HSE in the provision of our surgical training Portal at the 2009 Millin Meeting.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 17 surgical affairs

“In 2011 we will commence a Basic Specialty Training programme in Emergency Medicine and we will be engaging with all the surgical disciplines in preparing a comprehensive programme of Basic Specialty Training as our trainees enter year three of their BST programme.”

Pictured (l- r) with Professor Frank Keane, President of RCSI Professor Eric Egan Johnson and Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove who were awarded Honorary Fellowships in July 2009.

programmes. We, along with the Forum of We very much appreciate the co-operation, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE SCHEME Postgraduate Training Bodies, approved a patience and feedback all have given us as detailed agreement with the HSE that will we continually optimise this system to be In May 2010 the Minster for Health and strengthen the governance and structures more streamlined. Children, Ms. Mary Harney, signed into law of training in Ireland. We had more than 160 Part 11 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007, The highlight of the year must be the hosting trainees in our Basic Surgical Training (BST) which deals with the legal requirements for of the 2nd International Conference on programmes and over 200 trainees in our medical practitioners in Ireland to participate Surgical Education and Training (ICOSET) Higher Specialty Training (HST) programmes, in professional competence schemes (PCSs). in May. This event was spearheaded by including 30 in Emergency Medicine. In Through our Surgical Service and Practice Professor Oscar Traynor and the team here 2011 we will commence a Basic Specialty Committee, we prepared an outline of our at RCSI. The event attracted one of the Training programme in Emergency Medicine proposed professional competence scheme largest gatherings of international surgeons and we will be engaging with all the surgical and feedback from the Medical Council this country has ever seen, and the insight disciplines in preparing a comprehensive was very positive. However, the finalisation and information on the future of surgical programme of Basic Specialty Training as of the exact requirements for professional training was truly fantastic. We at RCSI our trainees enter year three of their BST competence is in process through the were very honoured to host this event and programme. Forum of Postgraduate Training Bodies our colleagues from far and wide. The event in conjunction with the Medical Council. We continue to adopt modern information outlined a common position statement We anticipate being ready to begin the technology to support the organisation of on the future of surgical training on which process of enrolling practitioners in our our training and communications. The Colles all involved in this endeavour can focus. PCS from late 2010. Portal has gone ‘live’ and is being used by Our congratulations to Professor Traynor, trainees, trainers, committee members and all at RCSI and the organising committee Given the importance of this to the future our administration to organise our activities. of ICOSET on this historical event. of the surgical profession, RCSI will be establishing a dedicated unit for professional development and we intend to make a senior appointment to this role in 2010. We shall utilise our Colles Portal to facilitate the scheme and allow enrolled practitioners to manage their professional competence requirements. This is, of course, only the start of a long journey. The initial phases of the PCSs will be to facilitate practitioners to engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Clinical Audit. Practitioners will have to accumulate 250 CPD credits in any five-year cycle and engage in about 12 hours of clinical audit activity per annum. The schemes are relatively non-prescriptive at this point but we envisage a process whereby each specialty and sub-specialty will begin looking at particular activities that contribute more succinctly to the assurance of competence.

Pictured (l-r) are Mr. John Orr, President, RCSEd, Mr. James Steers, FSSA, Professor Frank Keane, President, RCSI and Professor Brian Williams, President, RCPSG at the Summer Meeting of the Forum of Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland.

18 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “Two multidisciplinary, multisite and interinstitutional projects have received funding in excess of €500,000 from the Health Research Board. These projects are looking at the effectiveness of a novel technique to manage diverticulitis and to explore and design the necessary requirements for the advancement of day surgery in Ireland.”

RESEARCH AND EDUCATION surgeons firmly in the driving seat.T his AWARDS 2010 important work centres around four areas: We continue to develop our research (1) the optimisation of inpatient elective RCSI Surgical Travelling Fellowship programme, both internally into surgical average length of stay and increase of day for 2010 training and education and in support of the surgery; (2) the optimisation of theatre Ms. Emer Lang community of surgery through our ISURN utilisation and workflow; (3) ensuring quality RCSI Surgical Travelling Grants (Irish Surgical Research Network) initiative. of care and service effectiveness through Mr. Rowan Casey We learned in June that two multidisciplinary, national surgical audit; and (4) supporting Dr. Jurgen Mulsow multisite and interinstitutional projects have implementation to achieve the objectives Mr. Gavin O’Brien received funding in excess of €500,000 of the work programme through design Mr. James O’Riordan from the Health Research Board. These of integrated care pathways and national Ethicon Foundation Travel Grants projects are looking at the effectiveness guidelines. In addition, Ms. Eilis McGovern, Mr. Michael Donnelly of a novel technique to manage diverticulitis Vice-President, RCSI, is engaged in the Dr. Paul O’Neill and to explore and design the necessary programme for hospital reconfiguration. Mr. James O’Riordan requirements for the advancement of day RCSI/Ipsen Travelling Fellowship surgery in Ireland. INNOVATIONS IN SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY in Urology Dr. Barry McGuire Two of our research fellows, Ms. Emily Boyle Our Centre for Innovation in Surgical and Mr. Princeton Lee, were awarded their Technology (CIST) continues to go from Royal Society of Medicine Section of Coloproctology Irish Travelling Fellowship MD and MCh degrees respectively. strength to strength, with over 50 innovative Dr. Niamh McCawley Our taught modular MCh programme ideas being supported and developed continues to grow and we are pleased by CIST. We were delighted to learn that Joint Research Grants in Surgery that our inaugural class will complete their CIST will receive significant funding from Joint RCSI/Department of Surgery RCSI: studies this year. This educational course has Enterprise Ireland to allow us take on the Dr. Gemma Solon necessary resources and expertise to facilitated the collaboration between many Joint RCSI/Department of Surgery UCD: continue the growth of this exciting area. of the RCSI faculties and departments, and Dr. Sheng Oon we convey our appreciation to our colleagues Finally, as in previous years, we continue to Millin Lecture 2010 throughout the College for their incredible support the professional development of our Mr. David Gerard Healy input into the success of this course. surgical trainees outside of the structured programmes. The College awarded funding LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH POLICY AND and grants to well-deserved trainees to CHANGE develop their careers through experience in Professor Frank Keane, President, RCSI, international centres of clinical excellence. began a process of engagement with Dr. Barry White, HSE National Director for Quality of Clinical Care. Dr. White was keen to establish a number of work programmes directly with clinicians to refocus the change and transformation programme of the HSE to be patient centred. One of the most immediate areas requiring attention was the crisis in elective surgery in Irish public hospitals. Through a series of meetings and consultations with surgical colleagues, a formal work programme has been established with the HSE that puts

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 19 Research

Research at RCSI integrates basic and clinical research, so that advances in medical science are translated as quickly as possible into patient treatments.

20 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Research

Pictured (l-r) are Oliver Schubert, Magdalena Hryniewiecka, Melaine Focking Professor Brian Harvey and Professor David Cotter, RCSI Psychiatry Department, pictured outside Director of Research The Education & Research Centre, Beaumont Hospital. The team were awarded funding for schizophrenia research under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Frontiers Programme.

In spite of the deep recession, which Professor Gerry McElvaney was successful has led to significant cuts in the Irish in securing Science Foundation Ireland Key Facts Government’s investment in research, (SFI)/NIH co-funding, under the US Ireland RCSI has maintained its competiveness R&D Partnership programme, to investigate the role of anaerobic bacterial infection in in research funding awards. Once cystic fibrosis (CF).T he outcome of these again, it has demonstrated its scientific 1st studies will be critical in designing strategies standing at international level, bringing RCSI’s position for citation to improve therapy of CF lung disease. to Ireland funding awards from impact in the clinical sciences the European Seventh Framework Dr. Annette Byrne is the co-ordinator among higher educational Programme (EU FP7), the European of the AngioTox programme, which was awarded €1.8 million funding under the FP7 institutions in Ireland Research Council and National Institutes MarieCurie Industry Academia Pathways of Health (NIH). and Partnership programme. The AngioTox Professor Fergal O’Brien was the recipient programme aims to understand the €13m of one of the two Starting Independent mechanisms of toxicity for clinically approved Research funding Research Grant awards made to Ireland anti-angiogenic oncology drugs. by the European Research Council. The awarded to RCSI Professor Alice Stanton is one of the €2 million award will enable Professor international partners involved in the UMPIRE O’Brien’s team to carry out a research clinical trial, with partners also from the programme that aims to develop bone graft UK, the Netherlands and India. The trial, 135 substitute biomaterials and laboratory- awarded €3 million funding under the EU FP7 engineered bone tissue for implantation Number of PhD students Health Co-operation Programme, will test in damaged bone sites. the efficacy of a multidrug pill in reducing cardiovascular events. Professor Tom Fahey and 17 European colleagues from universities and private organisations are partners in the TRANSFoRm project, which was awarded €7 million by the EU FP7 ICT programme. The project aims to aid general practitioners in diagnosis by integrating decision support directly into their electronic records systems and to speed up the recruitment, management and follow up of patients for research studies through routine electronic health record systems linked to research databases.

Dr. Leonie Young leads a research team which has identified a biomarker in patient blood that can predict the severity of breast cancer in patients.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 21 research

Orlaith Kelly, PhD Scholars Category Oral Winner and Professor Brian Harvey, Director of Research, RCSI, at the annual RCSI Research Day.

APPOINTMENTS RESEARCH BREAKTHROUGHS tumour groups that differ dramatically in clinical outcome (published in Clinical Cancer As a sign of further strengthening of RCSI’s Dr. Gianpiero Cavalleri and a group of Research; 2010). research partnership with DCU in the area international scientists made a breakthrough of Biomedical Diagnostics and Translational in understanding human adaptation to An RCSI research team led by Dr. Leonie Research, RCSI and DCU made the joint high-altitude environments. They identified Young, and funded by Science Foundation appointment of Professor Michael Berndt a gene in Tibetan highlanders that allows Ireland (SFI) and Breast Cancer Ireland as Director of the Biomedical Diagnostic them to thrive at altitudes more than (BCI), has identified a biomarker in patient Institute and Chair of Experimental Medicine. two miles above sea level, which would blood that can predict the severity of breast Professor Berndt’s research team, funded induce serious altitude sickness in other cancer in patients and enable clinicians to under a SFI Principal Investigator Award populations. The findings are published in track patients throughout the course of their at RCSI, will carry out research in the area the prestigious science journal Proceedings treatment. of thrombosis and vascular biology. of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Norman Delanty and Dr. Cavalleri are Professor Ray Stalling’s team has developed involved in a major international study a novel miRNA expression signature aimed at identifying the genetic risk factors that is predictive of clinical outcome for that influence the development of sporadic neuroblastoma patients, which is expected to forms of epilepsy. This study is carried out lead to more optimised therapy for patients by the EPIGEN consortium, which includes (Plos One; 2009). Further analysis of tumours clinicians, scientists and geneticists from with this signature also led to the important the Institute of Neurology at UCL, London; discovery that a particular tumour subtype, the Institute of Genome Sciences and Policy involving chromosome 11q deletion, is at Duke University; and centres in Australia, actually composed of two biologically distinct Belgium and Finland. A study from the group,

“Once again, RCSI has demonstrated its scientific standing at international level, bringing to Ireland funding awards from the European Framework 7 Dr. Gianpiero Cavalleri, Biomedical Professor Jochen Prehn delivering the Programme, the European Research Lecturer, RCSI is one of a group inaugural Royal Irish Academy Life Sciences of international scientists who have made Award Lecture, entitled “Bench-to-Bedside Research Council and a breakthrough in understanding human Research – A Two-Way Street”. National Institutes of adaptation to high-altitude environments.


22 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Pictured (l-r) are Professor Brian Harvey, Director of Research, RCSI, Mr. Erwan Guillou, Abbott, Professor Sarah Rogers, President of Association of Graduates, Ms. Karen Walshe, Hewlett- Packard and Mr. Bernard Kennedy, Mundipharma at the annual RCSI Research Day.

published in the Lancet Neurology, OTHER HIGHLIGHTS In December 2009 Professor Jochen utilised the latest HapMap data to study Prehn delivered the inaugural Royal Irish the DNA of more than 2,700 epilepsy In June 2010 the Minister for Health and Academy Life Sciences Award Lecture, patients, representing the first major Children, Ms. Mary Harney, launched entitled “Bench-to-Bedside Research – attempt to deliver a large-population study the Government’s new 10-year National A Two-Way Street”. of the genetics of epilepsy. Cardiovascular Policy 2010-2019, “Changing Cardiovascular Health”. The end goal is to In June 2010 RCSI launched its first Research Dr. Markus Rehm and colleagues found a translate research into policy and practice. Summer School, co-ordinated by Dr. Sarah new approach that allows the investigation This policy was developed by a team chaired O’Neill. It had a first-year intake of 52 of the signalling network coding the death by RCSI Dean Professor Hannah McGee, undergraduate health sciences students decision within individual, living, human cells. including RCSI Vice-President from the junior and intermediate cycles The findings of this study were published Ms. Eilis McGovern and Dr. Emer Shelley, of the Medical School, School of Pharmacy and included in the editorial highlights and was informed by national studies and the School of Physiotherapy. of the Journal of Cell Science in April 2010. recently completed by RCSI and partners This research was supported by SFI, the – the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care Health Research Board Ireland, HEA PRTLI (INASC) and the national Survey of Lifestyles Cycle 4, and EU FP7 Marie Curie Co-fund and Nutrition (SLAN 2007). and Co-operation Health Programmes. The RCSI bioengineering research team, Research into female-specific actions of lead by Professors Fergal O’Brien and Clive oestrogen, conducted by Professor Brian Lee won five out of eight awards on offer at Harvey and his team in the Molecular the 16th Annual Conference of the Section Medicine Laboratories in Beaumont Hospital, of Bioengineering of the Royal Academy of was the topic of a special symposium of the Medicine (RAMI) in January 2010. Physiological Society in July 2009. It also appeared on the front cover of the November issue of the Journal of Physiology and was also featured as a translational highlight “An RCSI research team led by Dr. Leonie Young, and by the Endocrine Society USA. funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Breast Cancer Ireland (BCI), has identified a biomarker in patient blood that can predict the severity of breast cancer in patients and enable clinicians to track patients throughout the course of their treatment.”

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 23 Teaching and Learning

We believe that the patient’s interest is paramount in clinical teaching, medical practice and research, which fosters a spirit of enquiry in our students.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences 25 School of Pharmacy 27 School of Physiotherapy 28 School of Postgraduate Studies 29 Institute of Leadership 30 Faculty of Dentistry 32 Faculty of Radiologists 33 Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 34 Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine 36

24 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Teaching and Learning

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Students who received their medical degrees at the RCSI Annual Graduation Ceremony in the National Concert Hall in June 2010.

Professor Hannah McGee Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

This is my first report as Dean of the A YEAR OF FIRSTS Faculty and it gives me great pleasure to This year saw a number of firsts of which update you on what has been an exciting Key Facts we can be very proud. In October 2009, and challenging academic year. Outgoing the College began the new Masters in Dean Professor Cathal Kelly took up his Pharmacy Programme (MPharm) for all Irish 19,836 new post as Chief Executive/Registrar graduates in this discipline. The College on the 1 January 2010. On behalf of the was awarded this prestigious programme Total alumni since 1784 Faculty, we wish Professor Kelly every following intensive competition and special success in his new role as he leads the credit is due to Professor John Kelly, Professor College through the next stages of its Paul Gallagher and Ms. Judith Strawbridge. 3,399 development. Succeeding in getting the opportunity Total number of registered to run this programme greatly strengthens and enhances the position of the School students and trainees in RCSI of Pharmacy within Ireland. On 3 June 2010, the Annual Conferring 346 Ceremony was held at the National Concert Hall. This year was hugely significant with the Medicine, Pharmacy and first 50 graduate-entry students conferred Physiotherapy students along with 180 of their colleagues from graduated the five-year programme. RCSI was the first medical school to be approved by the Higher Education Authority and the Medical Council to run the four-year graduate- entry programme. It was a very proud day for the Medical School as a whole and in particular Professor Alan Johnson, Director of the Programme, to see the first batch of graduate-entry students complete this intensive programme with great success. RCSI Bahrain also saw its first graduation. The first group of Medical and Nursing students were conferred on 28 June 2010. It was a great honour to be present at this inaugural ceremony in the impressive building that is RCSI Bahrain. In such a short time, RCSI Bahrain has become a very significant part of the educational activities of the College. Its success has been due Ms. Laura Houlihan and Mr. John O’Flynn were among the first graduates from to the vision of the now-retired RCSI Chief Ireland’s first Graduate Entry Programme in Medicine (GEP/GEM) conferred at Executive/Registrar, Michael Horgan, and RCSI Annual Graduation Ceremony in the National Concert Hall in June 2010. the dedication and hard work of Professor Kevin O’Malley, Professor Faisal Al Mousawi and their talented staff.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 25 Teaching and Learning Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

“A critical component of any educational institution is how well we look after our student body. We should never forget that the students are the life blood of RCSI.”

Pictured is Professor Cathal Kelly, Registrar/Chief Executive with Professor Paddy Collins, Professor John Kelly and Professor Alan Johnson on the occasion of their retirement dinner

We can be very proud of our educational I received from the staff and students in Schools. Additionally, in the last semester programmes but a critical component of the preparation of the documentation, of their 4-year term, they coped with the any educational institution is how well we organisation of the visit and, indeed, the arrival of a new Dean and played a key look after our student body. We should enthusiasm and dedication that was evident role in many of the activities relating to the never forget that the students are the life throughout that time. We now await the degree-awarding status initiative. I want to blood of RCSI. RCSI continues to develop decision of the Minister, which hopefully thank them for their invaluable guidance and the supports for all students based on our will be received by the end of the year. support to me over this early period as Dean. main campus on St. Stephen’s Green and The outgoing team to whom I wish to extend for those studying medicine in our main PROFESSORIAL RETIREMENTS my thanks are Professor Fergal Malone, teaching hospitals with the appointment of This year saw the retirement of a number Professor David Croke, Dr. Alice McGarvey, senior clinical tutors. Further improvements of key people in the organisation. These Dr. Kenny Winser, Professor Seamus Sreenan were also made to the preparatory courses included Professor John Kelly, Professor of and Professor Geraldine MacCarrick as for students preparing to do the USMLE Pharmacy; Professor Alan Johnson, Director Vice-Deans, Dr. Jackie Daly and Ms. Judith exams, including the introduction of a very of the Graduate-Entry Programme; Professor Strawbridge as associate Vice-Deans and the successful peer-led teaching programme. Paddy Collins, Professor of Biochemistry; Administrative Staff of the Faculty Office at DEGREE-AWARDING STATUS and Mr. James Moulton, Senior Technician, Stephens Green and Beaumont, coordinated Department of Molecular and Cellular by Mr. Fintan Foy, who support all of the In January 2010 the outgoing Minister for Therapeutics. All four have made major Executive activities. Education and Sciences, Batt O’Keeffe, contributions to RCSI over many years. announced the proposal to restructure the They will be a huge loss to the organisation CONCLUSION State bodies that award national degrees. and we wish them well and a long life The last academic year was once again an This included the dissolution of the National in their retirement. extremely successful period for the Faculty University of Ireland. Following discussions in what are undoubtedly challenging times. with the Minister, it was decided to seek our OUTGOING VICE-DEAN AND FACULTY Our success is only possible through the own independent degree-awarding status. EXECUTIVE TEAM excellence and dedication of the staff. The achievement of degree-awarding status I would like on my own behalf and that of As Dean, I will strive to continue to further is important for our future in the delivery of the Chief Executive/Registrar to record my develop our educational programmes and internationally recognised education and thanks and appreciation to the outgoing the services we provide to our students. training programmes, independent of any Vice-Dean and Faculty Executive team. Over I look forward to working with both the staff other awarding body. the last four years they have shown great and students to achieve those aims. The review, conducted on behalf of the commitment and have worked very hard Minister by the relevant Irish agencies on all our behalf under the leadership of (Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Professor Kelly as Dean. Their achievements National Qualifications Authority of Ireland have been many: to mention only a few - (NQAI)), involved providing documentation the World Federation for Medical Education on academic elements of RCSI, along with (WFME) re-visit and review of medical information on the operational, service and education in 2008; improved methods support functions, including administration, of assessment across our courses; the governance, management processes and development of the student experience and procedures. This document was presented investment in the appropriate supports for to an international group of experts who our students; the focus on new methods visited the College from 19 to 21 May. The of learning such as blended postgraduate entire period from January, right up to and learning opportunities; and the increased including the visit, was a period of high focus on research and development activities activity and I am very grateful for the support around our core educational outputs across

26 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Teaching and Learning Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

School of Pharmacy

Dr. Aisling O’Leary, Programme Director of Studies, in conversation with Mr. Darragh Connaughton, “Across all the quality parameters, the School of pharmacy intern. Pharmacy in RCSI was statistically superior to all other institutions providing pharmacy education in the State.”

The School of Pharmacy was successful May 2010 saw the publication of the There was success too for undergraduate in 2009 in a competitive tender for the Pharmacy Education and Accreditation and postgraduate research. At the 2010 provision of the National Pharmacy Standards Report (PEARS) by the pharmacy Research Day, intermediate cycle B student Internship Programme for all student regulator. To reach their recommendation, Mr. Kieran Reynolds (under the supervision of the authors surveyed all students in the Dr. Steve Kerrigan) won the Harry O’Flanagan pharmacists in Ireland. three Schools of Pharmacy in the State prize for undergraduate research. Mr. Brian Interns are awarded a MPharm, which is (Trinity College, University College Cork and Cleary, a PhD postgraduate student under the qualification necessary to apply for RCSI) using a standardised instrument. The the supervision of Professor Paul Gallagher registration as a pharmacist in Ireland and validated survey instrument was designed and Professor Deirdre Murphy (University for subsequent free movement within the to measure student experience with their of Dublin), won best oral presentation at the EU/EEA under the Professional Qualification pharmacy education across a wide range 2010 Joint School of Pharmacy All-Ireland Directive (2005/36/EC). of quality parameters. The results from Research Seminar with a talk entitled “The each of the three Schools were recorded impact of methadone maintenance treatment This globally unique programme has been and analysed to permit comparison of data during pregnancy on perinatal outcomes”. made possible by the sharing of expertise across the three institutions. Across all the between the School of Pharmacy, the The School has now formed an on-campus quality parameters, the School of Pharmacy Institute of Leadership, the Colles Institute company (Dulcis) with the assistance in RCSI was statistically superior to all other and the Division of Population Health of Enterprise Ireland, which at present institutions providing pharmacy education Sciences. is licensing drug delivery technologies in the State. Commenting on the results, the to commercial parties. outgoing Head of the School of Pharmacy, Professor John G. Kelly, remarked: “This is The School looks forward to extending a result of the outcome-focused approach its expertise in learning and research in that the School had taken in the design of pharmaceutical sciences under the new its curriculum and a validation of the talent leadership of Professor Paul Gallagher. and application of the academic staff of the School of Pharmacy.” This dedication to hard work and excellence of the School is also evidenced in outputs from the research strategy of the School, with academic staff being distinguished in delivering 23 invited lectures, Pictured at the graduation ceremony on 3 supervising 19 students for higher June 2010 are three PhD graduates from the degrees, securing 13 research and School of Pharmacy with the former Head of the educational grants, publishing 40 School: Dr. Eva Bunk (Neuroscience, jointly with peer-reviewed publications and filing Department of Physiology), Dr. Neeraj Sivadas (Pharmaceutics), Professor John Kelly (previous 10 patents. Head of School) and Dr. Tamasine Grimes (Clinical Pharmacy).

Pictured with Ms. Mary Harney, TD, Minister for Health and Children, at the launch of the National Pharmacy Internship Programme on 13 October 2009 are pharmacy interns Mr Diarmuid Semple, (class representative), Ms. Linda Fitzharris, Dr. Ben Ryan and Ms. Laoise Wallace.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 27 Teaching and Learning Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

School of “the MSc in Neurology and Gerontology programme… Physiotherapy was developed to address increasing demands and to provide an opportunity for physiotherapists to expand their knowledge and skills in the area of neurological rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the older person.”


The first cohort of students successfully completed the MSc in Neurology and Gerontology programme and will be conferred in November. This programme, the first of its kind in Ireland, was developed to address increasing demands and to provide an opportunity for physiotherapists to expand their knowledge and skills in the area of neurological rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the older person.


The School of Physiotherapy continues to compete very successfully in the Health Research Board Research Training Fellowships for Healthcare Professionals awards. The most recent award is for a CLINICAL EDUCATION Researchers from the School of Physiotherapy in research project investigating conventional collaboration with Dublin Institute of Technology versus virtual-reality-based vestibular An innovative 4:1 clinical placement (DIT) received funding from Science Foundation rehabilitation and effects on dizziness, gait model was piloted in partnership with the Ireland (SFI) to develop the first ever wireless footwear sensor system. Pictured at the and balance. In addition, the School of Physiotherapy Department in Cork University announcement in April 2010 are (l-r) Professor Physiotherapy will collaborate with DIT’s Hospital. This pilot was extremely successful, Brian Harvey, RCSI, Director of Research, Department of Electronic Engineering on maximising student learning and clinical Dr. Frances Horgan, Senior Lecturer, RCSI, a footwear telemetry project funded by service efficiency.T he results have been Dr. Tony Betts, DIT, Professor Frank Gannon, Director General, SFI, Mr. Batt O’Keefe, TD, Science Foundation Ireland. This project will accepted for presentation at the conference Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation; address the challenges of human interaction of the Association for Medical Education Ms. Louise Keating, Lecturer, RCSI; Dr Max with electromagnetic communications in Europe later in the year. Ammann, DIT. antennas in order to facilitate viable radio links from footwear to electronic data- analysis systems.

28 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Teaching and Learning Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

School of Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate students pictured with RCSI staff at the Annual Conferring Ceremony in June 2010.

The School of Postgraduate Studies “At the 2009/2010 graduation ceremonies, RCSI endeavours to promote fourth-level education in RCSI and to play a major celebrated its largest number of higher degree by role in achieving Irish Government research graduations to date, with a total of 46, policy of enhancing postgraduate and postdoctoral education and training. including 24 PhD, 12 MD, 7 MCh and 3 MSc degrees.” The introduction of structured PhD programmes is an important part of the evolution of fourth-level education. these by research or by taught modules Dr. Brian Kirby, School of Pharmacy, was with dissertation. All postgraduate and highly commended for his project, An These programmes offer a breadth of postdoctoral researchers may avail of Education Skills Workshop for Health Science relevant training through taught modules the taught modules in the structured Lecturers. and laboratory rotations or research PhD programmes. A recent innovation, The School of Postgraduate Studies placements in year one, followed by in collaboration with the Research Office, continues to work closely with the in-depth PhD projects with continuous is the establishment of Co-Tutelle PhD Postgraduate Students’ Union (PGSU), transferable skills training and overseas agreements with the Universities of which organises a welcome event for new university or industry placements Montpellier and Naples. postgraduates, various career events and in years two to four. RCSI currently At the 2009/2010 graduation ceremonies, workshops, and social activities. The PGSU participates in five such programmes, RCSI celebrated its largest number of higher members in 2009/2010 were: Claire Wynne, either as lead partner or collaborating degree by research graduations to date, President; Sarah Theissen, Information institution. Two RCSI-led programmes are with a total of 46, including 24 PhD, 12 MD, Officer; ClaireO ’Leary, Welfare Officer; the HRB PhD Scholars’ Programmes in 7 MCh and 3 MSc degrees. The number Robert Wells, Treasurer; Catherine Coughlan, Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Human of new postgraduates registering for higher Events Officer; and Eamon Hughes, Sports Disease (RCSI/Beaumont Hospital/DCU) degrees by research was 68, bringing the Co-ordinator. total number registered to 211. and Health Services Research (RCSI/ The School of Postgraduate Studies UCC/TCD). The first MSc graduates in Leadership and is delighted to co-ordinate the annual Following mid-term reviews by international Management Development for Researchers Transition Year MiniMed School programme panels, both of these received acclaim were conferred in November 2009. This with colleagues in Beaumont Hospital. In and full funding for the second half of the degree course is a collaboration between January 2010, 150 students from more than programmes – a significant achievement the School of Postgraduate Studies, the 80 Irish schools attended this programme in the current economic climate. Highlights Institute of Leadership, and the Department for five days. During this period, they see from these programmes include: publications of Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics. what it is like to be a student at RCSI, in international peer-reviewed journals, As part of the programme, graduates including observing live operations, meeting including Proceedings of the National completed projects relevant to their group, patients and accessing the virtual-learning Academy of Sciences (USA); an invention department or RCSI as a whole, thus ‘giving platform from which they interact with the disclosure; and six travel scholarships from back’ to the College in a practical way. Two lecturers and programme staff. In 2010, international societies. These were achieved graduates of the programme were prize the programme was rolled out to the RCSI during laboratory rotations and the early winners at the Irish Institute of Training Education Centre at Waterford Regional part of the PhD projects. and Development (IITD) National Awards Hospital, where 120 students from the ceremony in March 2010. Dr. Orna Tighe, surrounding region attended a similarly In addition to the structured PhD Department of Molecular and Cellular hands-on programme. programmes, RCSI also offers traditional Therapeutics, won the Learner of the Year three-year PhD degrees as well as MD, award for her project on Quality Improvement MAO, MCh and MSc, the last two of in Examination Result Administration.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 29 Teaching and Learning

Institute of “Our continuing emphasis on the practical application Leadership of learning saw two of our graduates win major awards from the Irish Institute of Training and Development.”

The RCSI Institute of Leadership This year, the Institute conferred more Institute staff were delighted to contribute to continues to provide opportunities than 230 health professionals with Masters RCSI’s innovative National Pharmacy Intern for health professionals to develop as degrees in Healthcare Management, Programme (NPIP), leading to the degree leaders and managers in their clinical Leadership and Management Development, of MPharm. The Institute provided modules and Quality and Safety in Healthcare in patient safety and risk management, or administrative roles. Now in its fifth Management. Graduation ceremonies and in organisational development. It also year of operation, the Institute – with took place in Dublin, Dubai and Bahrain. contributed to the induction of tutors and more than 450 students registered for In Bahrain, a further 20 senior clinical staff the initial orientation of students. The postgraduate degrees and an equal of the Bahrain Defence Forces’ (BDF) Institute continues to work closely with the number undertaking short development Hospital were conferred with Postgraduate RCSI School of Postgraduate Studies and programmes – contributes to high-quality Diplomas in Leadership following an intensive with the Department of Postgraduate Surgery patient care through the development course of study. A highlight of the year was to provide bespoke education and training of excellent managers and leaders. the attendance of Princess Mona of Jordan to scientists and surgeons, respectively. The economic downturn and the at the conferring of our Masters in Health increased demands on busy health Services Management degree, which is professionals in the current academic delivered with the University of Yarmouk in Jordan. year prompted the development of a blended learning approach to the delivery of our programmes. This provides a learner-centred, flexible programme that has been enthusiastically welcomed by our students.

Director of Academic Affairs Ms. Pauline Joyce presents Dr. Strahil Kotsev, Consultant Anaesthetist with his Masters in Healthcare Management certificate.

30 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Professor Sultan Abu-Orabi, President of Yarmouk University and Professor Ciaran O’Boyle, Head of the Institute of Leadership.

Faculty members from the RCSI Institute of Leadership and Yarmouk University at a visit to RCSI in November 2009.

Our continuing emphasis on the practical The coming academic year will see the application of learning saw two of our introduction of two new Masters Degrees graduates win major awards from the Irish and a new Diploma in Leadership. In Institute of Training and Development. collaboration with Dublin City University In a national competition, Dr. Orla Tighe (DCU), the Institute will provide a bespoke won the Learner of the Year Award, with DCU/NUI-accredited MSc in Organisational Dr. Brian Kirby also being highly commended. Change and Leadership for Beaumont Their projects were conducted as part of Hospital and the Connolly Hospital the MSc in Leadership and Management Blanchardstown. Starting in October 2010, Development. the programme, the first of its kind in Ireland, will develop the management and leadership The Institute has broadened its collaboration cadre of the hospital. We will also deliver a with the Royal College of Physicians of new MSc in Leadership in Health Professions Ireland through the delivery of professional Education, which will harness participants’ training for Senior House Officers (SHOs) potential to become educational leaders and the development of interactive learning in the health professions. The programme programmes in patient safety and the is unique in that it combines education in training of clinical educators. leadership with the principles and practice of curriculum design, instruction, assessment, research and evaluation.

Pictured at the November conferring are RCSI staff: (l-r) back row: Dr. Orna Tighe, Ms. Sibeal Carolan, Ms. Pauline Joyce, Professor John Waddington, Dr. Aine Behan, Dr. Steve Kerrigan, Ms. Kay McKeon & Ms. Tina Joyce. (L-R) front row: Professor Kevin B Nolan, Ms. Louise Sherwin, Dr. Helen McVeigh, Ms. Laura Phelan & Professor Terry McWade. Ms. Orna Tighe, Ms. Aine Behan, Ms. Kay McKeon, Ms. Louise Sherwin and Ms. Laura Phelan were all conferred with Degrees of Master of Science (MSc) Leadership and Management Development for Researchers from the Institute of Leadership.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 31 Teaching and Learning

Faculty of Dentistry

Pictured (l-r) are Dr. Brian O’Connell, who was awarded Fellowship of the Faculty of Dentistry (Ad Eundum), Dr. P.J. Byrne, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Dr. David Ryan. Dr. Patrick j. Byrne Dean, Faculty of Dentistry

This year has been an extremely busy, INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY FACULTY CHANGES challenging and exciting year for the The Faculty remains heavily committed to its It continues to be a great honour to be Faculty of Dentistry. The Faculty has overseas programmes. The MFD examination Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI and been very active in all areas of dentistry, is currently held in the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan it is particularly challenging in the current both at home and overseas, where it and Kuwait. national and international environments. I continues to strive to improve standards am particularly fortunate to have an excellent The Faculty involvement with the Kuwait in postgraduate training. In addition, the Board, whose expertise allows the Faculty to Ministry of Health has continued to flourish. Faculty has continued to be involved in continue to develop its international links. This October, 134 candidates will take the the Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Part 1 MFD examination in Kuwait. The MFD I would like to congratulate our Dean-Elect of Training Bodies. preparation courses continue in Kuwait and the Faculty, Professor Gerry Kearns, who will The Irish Committee for Specialist Training are held three times each year. start his term as Dean in February 2011. in Dentistry (ICSTD), a standing committee The first two successful candidates from New of the Faculty, is now chaired by Professor Faculty Board York University College of Dentistry, where a Finbarr Allen. Mr. David Ryan continues as joint RCSI and NYU programme commenced the Director of Specialist Training in Ireland. Dr. Patrick J. Byrne Dr. Frank Burke in September 2009, were recently awarded Dean The Irish Committee for Primary Dental Care their Diplomas. Dr. Therese Garvey (ICPDC) has continued to meet four times Professor Gerry Kearns, Dr. Anita Nolan a year. Its remit is to review training and MEETINGS Vice-Dean training needs in the primary dental care Dr. Osama Omer The Faculty’s Annual Scientific Meeting, sector in Ireland. The committee has made Dr. John Walsh, entitled ‘Dentistry Today’, took place in Dr. Alan McMichael excellent progress in reviewing the needs Honorary Secretary October 2009. It undertook to review the in training in primary dental care in Ireland. Mr. David Ryan current status of dentistry as we know it Dr. Seamus Napier The addition of the new Fellowship in General Honorary Treasurer today. The Annual Scientific Meeting for 2010 Mr. Peter Rarnsay Dental Surgery, FGDS, RCSI examination, and Chairman of Baggs is entitled ‘In Practice’. Finance and General completes the Primary Care Training (Co-opted) Purposes Committee Roadmap in Dentistry in Ireland. An overseas scientific meeting took place Mr. Sean Sheridan on 4 and 5 April 2010 in Ajman between Mr. Ken Halpenny Chairman of Chairman of the the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI and Ajman Inspections and Education Committee University of Science and Technology, Recognitions College of Dentistry. This scientific Dr. Marielle Blake Committee conference was very successful and Chairman of the (Ex-Officio) very well attended. A new agreement, Education Committee Professor Frank for a further five-year period, was also Dr. Declan Keane signed by the Dean. Corcoran President RCSI Honorary Editor Ms. Launa Viani Council representative “The Irish Committee for Primary Dental Care… has made excellent progress in reviewing the needs in training in primary dental care in Ireland.”

32 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Teaching and Learning Pictured (l-r) are Mr. Raymond Kelliher; Dr. Emma Kelliher, who was awarded Fellowship of the Faculty of Radiologists and Mrs. Aideen Kelliher.

Faculty of Radiologists

“The Faculty continues to work in the area of curriculum development with a view to developing competency-based training rather than the traditional apprenticeship model.”

Dr. Risteárd ó Laoide Dean, Faculty of Radiologists

This year was again an extremely active NATIONAL RADIOLOGY PROGRAMME external reviews. This will be developed in one for the Faculty of Radiologists. The conjunction with the Forum of Postgraduate Restructuring of the HSE in 2009 led to the Faculty continues to proactively adapt Training Bodies. Issues to be addressed establishment of the Office of the Director of include indemnity, specific responsibilities to a rapidly changing environment in the Quality and Clinical Care (DQCC). Within this of an expert reviewer and the specific education and clinical arenas. A number directorate, a National Radiology Programme responsibilities of the organisation requesting of issues have occupied the Faculty of has been established. The Board of the the review. Radiologists during the last year. Faculty of Radiologists has agreed to act as a high-level advisory group to the programme. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE I am extremely indebted to all my colleagues Education remains the central focus of on the Board, whose outstanding support Faculty activity. Current arrangements The Faculty has engaged with a number and enthusiasm for Faculty projects has have necessitated the signing of a formal of bodies, including the National Cancer been of great assistance during the past agreement between the Faculty of Control Programme (NCCP), the HSE, the year. I would particularly like to thank Radiologists and the Medical Education Department of Health and Children, and Dr. Adrian Brady for his invaluable support and Training (METR) Office. A satisfactory HIQA, to develop a national quality assurance and advice. I would like to wish him every structure for this agreement has been programme. The programme will be formally success during his tenure as Dean. I know achieved through the Forum of Postgraduate launched in the autumn and this will he will be a wonderful ambassador for Training Bodies. The Faculty continues to hopefully give an opportunity to educate the radiology during the 50th anniversary work in the area of curriculum development public and the media on the inherent risks celebrations of the Faculty in 2011. with a view to developing competency- associated with radiology practice. based training rather than the traditional Finally, I would like to thank most sincerely apprenticeship model. Reviewing the content VALIDATION Ms. Jennifer O’Brien and Ms. Karen Milling of the radiology training programme involves for their invaluable and dedicated work The Faculty of Radiologists advises benchmarking its content with best practice in the Faculty office during the past year. the Medical Council on the validation in both the USA and Europe. It is hoped Their support and professionalism, despite of training for candidates seeking to that proposals for an updated curriculum significantly increasing pressures, has been be placed on the Specialist Register in will be available for review at the Education outstanding. Radiology. In conjunction with the Medical Committee and the Board meeting in Council, procedures have been made autumn 2010. Officers Board Members more transparent and streamlined for the FACULTY GOVERNANCE applicant, the Medical Council and the Faculty of Radiologists. Dr. Risteárd Dr. Peter K. Ellis Ó Laoide The Faculty is engaged in discussions with Dean Dr. Clare Faul RCSI President and senior executives on FACULTY WORKLOAD STUDY the issue of Faculty governance. Significant Professor Dermot Dr. Peter Kavanagh The Faculty of Radiologists is engaged in limitations, with regard to finance and HR Malone a national radiology workload study. This Dr. Barry Kelly decision-making, has led the Board of the Vice-Dean exercise has the support of the HSE. It Faculty to evaluate the current governance Dr. Maeve Pomeroy is hoped that the data acquired will help Dr. Adrian Brady and administrative model. Strategies are develop a national benchmark for workload Honorary Secretary Dr. Max Ryan evolving on how best to address this issue. and Dean Elect and contribute towards radiology workforce RCSI, with input from the Faculty, is involved Dr. Ronan S. Ryan planning. Dr. Ian Kelly in assessing and developing modern Honorary Treasurer Dr. John Stack governance structures. EXTERNAL REVIEWS Professor Frank Dr. William The Board of the Faculty has agreed B. V. Keane Torreggiani to establish a structured framework Council Representative for engagement by each radiologist for

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 33 Teaching and Learning

Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery

Professor Seamus Cowman, Head of the Department of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI, with Fellowship candidates Ms. Stephanie Lawerence, RCSI, Professor Batool Al-Mohandis, RCSI Bahrain, Dr. Áine Colgan Professor Seamus Cowman and Professor Roger Watson, Sheffield University at the Fellowship Dean of the Faculty of Head of the School of Conferring Ceremony in 2009. Nursing and Midwifery Nursing

From its foundation and inauguration In September 2009, the Faculty of Nursing RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS in 1974, the Faculty of Nursing and and Midwifery introduced a new programme The Faculty staff are working in an Midwifery has sought to maintain the of education designed to meet the specific environment that is continuously transformed highest standards in education and requirements of nurses working in the field of clinical research. This is the first programme by advances in healthcare, scientific training for healthcare professionals. of its kind in Ireland, or indeed the UK, and discoveries, regulatory demands, and As one of the earliest and longest-serving was developed in partnership with the Dublin changes in education and training needs. providers of nurse education in Ireland, Centre for Clinical Research (DCCR) and its Increasingly, the quality and quantity of the Faculty has ensured wide-ranging associated institutions, and clinical research research being undertaken within the Faculty and relevant programmes of education centres at Beaumont Hospital (RCSI), the is fundamental to its future success. The for nurses from a variety of nursing Mater Hospital (UCD) and St. Vincent’s first five-year research strategy for nursing specialties. In line with its philosophy, Hospital (UCD). and midwifery in RCSI has been developed the Faculty has an inherent aim through following consultation within the Faculty and The Faculty has developed several other new its programmes to develop a caring, with our partner hospitals. It will contribute and innovative programmes in response to towards the Faculty’s mission statement in reflective practitioner who has the ability healthcare needs. These include: relation to the development of a research to seek out and use research-based base for nursing and midwifery practice. knowledge for the purpose of improving • Authority to Prescribe Ionising Radiation (X-Ray): The School of Nursing and This strategic plan aims to develop nursing patient care. Midwifery will introduce a module in and midwifery research with a related body of knowledge that has high social relevance EDUCATION PROGRAMMES ionising radiation x-ray in September 2010 as a component of the MSc and can be used to guide patient care There are currently 467 students, all of whom Nursing (Advanced Practice) programme and professional decision-making and will are part time. The academic programmes – the first college to do so. ultimately contribute to improved patient within the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery outcomes. The Annual Nursing and Midwifery • unique Development of Masters in have been developed to address continuing Research Report of 2009-2010 was also Nursing (Advanced Practice) Programme: professional development needs in line with published. The MSc Nursing (Advanced Practice) recommendations from the Commission programme is unique in the context Staff at the Faculty enjoyed continued on Nursing (Government of Ireland 1998), of Ireland and the EU. It has been success in research this year. Dr. Zena the National Council for the Professional developed as a direct response to the Moore graduated in November 2009 with Development of Nursing and Midwifery Bologna Agreement. a PhD from RCSI following the successful (NCNM) (2003, 2004) and An Bord Altranais completion of her studies exploring (2007, 2008). The philosophy of lifelong • Innovative Content of MSc Nursing repositioning for the prevention of pressure learning and the need to demonstrate (Advanced Practice) Programme: An ulcers. This work was funded by a research continuing professional development means innovative MSc Nursing Framework was fellowship from RCSI. Ms.Catherine O’Neill that academic qualifications are becoming developed that incorporates Masters- is continuing her PhD work on practitioner increasingly relevant for those wishing to level study (Level 9 NQF), advanced perspectives of patient autonomy at the end further develop a career in nursing. An practice, nurse prescribing and ionising of life. Ms. Mary O’Neill is also preparing increasing focus on ‘evidence-based’ practice radiation prescribing for nurses. The for her PhD with a research project entitled in nursing has created an environment programme, the first of its kind in “Stroke: paving the way to integrated care”. in which research awareness is essential Ireland, prepares the registered nurse (DOHC, 2003). Employment potential for for practice as an advanced practitioner nurses completing Faculty programmes is who is also a nurse prescriber. enhanced through the acquisition of clinical leadership skills, research skills and patient- centred content.

34 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery introduced a new programme of education designed to meet the specific requirements of nurses working in the field of clinical research.”

Ms. Emma Cullen Gill and the former Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Ms. Maeve Dwyer, receiving the student bursary.

Other research projects currently being CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE BOARD MEMBERS undertaken at the Faculty include: The staff at the Faculty recognise the Dr. Áine Colgan Ms. Catherine • Safety and security in mental health changing nature of nursing education during Dean Clune-Mulvaney services. Board Member the past 10 years and the complexities Ms. Edna • evaluation of the role of the clinical nurse inherent in such changes to a profession Woolhead Ms. Maeve Dwyer specialist in cancer care. and to the manner in which education is Vice Dean Board Member delivered. The nature of healthcare delivery Ms. Maureen Duff Ms. Mary Jacob • epidemiology of lymphoedema in Ireland. has also changed and this has implications Honorary Treasurer Board Member • Maximising best practice in surgery for nursing care and nurse education. Ms. Louise Ms. Eileen Maher to minimise surgical infection. These two extremes place demands on nursing care delivery and the ability of Johnston Board Member • Dressings and topical agents for the Honorary Secretary qualified nurses to seek university education Ms. Mary prevention of pressure ulcers. and funding. The demands of nurses for Professor Seamus McMahon Cowman • the role of attitudes, behaviours and professional development are being fulfilled Board Member by the Faculty through the development Head of Department pressure ulcer prevalence. Ms. Mary Murray of bachelor, postgraduate and masters Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Board Member • undergraduate nursing education in programmes. The Faculty has risen to this wound management. challenge as far as possible within its current Dr. Anne Marie Ms. Helen Walsh Ryan Board Member More recently, Professor Seamus Cowman financial constraints.T he need for a quality- focused approach to patient care delivery An Board Atranais’ as Principal Investigator was successful Representative in obtaining a HRB research grant of and to nursing education has necessitated Professor David €257,000 to undertake a study on day an innovative approach to the development Bouchier-Hayes surgery in Ireland. and delivery of the schools programmes. An outstanding objective for the Faculty Council Representative Each year the Faculty hosts an international is the establishment of an undergraduate research conference. This is the oldest nursing programme in 2011. Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference in Europe and will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2011. With more than 100 posters and 60 free papers, it provides an ideal platform for researchers and clinicians to present and discuss their work. The conference is also an ideal opportunity for delegates to network and share experiences with others in the field. The 29th International Conference was held on 24 and 25 February 2010. Keynote speakers included Professor Janet Rankin, Faculty of Nursing, University of Pictured at the Annual International Nursing and Professor Seamus Cowman and staff member Calgary, Alberta, Canada and Ms. Madge Midwifery research conference in February 2010 Dr Zena Moore, PhD graduate at the Conferring Buus-Frank, The Children’s Hospital and are (l-r) Professor Seamus Cowman, Head of Ceremony in 2009. Dartmouth Medical School, Haverhill, the Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Mary New Hampshire, USA. Donohoe, who received an honorary fellowship of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Professor Frank Keane, President, RCSI, Ms. Maeve Dwyer, former Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI and Dr. Risteárd Ó Laoide, Dean, Faculty Radiologists, RCSI. RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 35 Teaching and Learning

Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, RCPI and RCSI

Pictured (l-r) are Dr. Paul Murphy, who was awarded Membership of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine; Dr. Philip Carolan, Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine and Dr. Philip E Carolan Dr. Matthew McConnaughy. Dean, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (FSEM), RCPI & RCSI

Higher Specialist Training is very NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE important for the continued development, EDUCATION AND TRAINING The Annual Scientific Conference held in strengthening and expansion of the This committee addresses all aspects of RCSI in September 2009 was opened by medical specialty of Sports and Exercise undergraduate and postgraduate training. European Commissioner Charlie McGreevy. Medicine, both in Ireland and in Europe. It is drawn from a wide range of interested The theme of the conference was the benefit In an increasingly difficult budgetary parties and is an interdepartmental steering of sports and exercise on the health of situation, the Faculty’s primary objective group on medical education and training. children and adolescents. The programme focussed on the important role exercise has is to procure funding to permit the The National Committee on Medical on bone health and obesity management in commencement of a Higher Specialist Education and Training meets four times this specific group. Specific injuries that are Training programme. This is essential to a year and the Dean has represented the common to this group were highlighted, and improve the status of the specialty and, Faculty at all four meetings. most importantly, to provide the highest the management and rehabilitation of these standard of care to our patients. THE FACULTY OF SPORTS AND EXERCISE injuries were presented from the viewpoint MEDICINE (UK) – FSEM (UK) of both the sports physician and surgeon. MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS ACT 2007 Prizes were awarded for the best scientific The Dean of Faculty continues to represent research presentations. Part I of the Medical Practitioners Act the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, Each year the conference goes from strength commenced in March 2009 with the four new RCPI and RCSI, and the two parent Colleges, to strength and continues to attract the best Divisions of the Register. In May 2010, Part II on FSEM (UK). We continued to promote local and international speakers from the of the Act was commenced. This brought into collaboration and develop links with the field of Sports and Exercise Medicine. effect aspects including the “maintenance FSEM (UK). of professional competence”. In practice, The 2010 conference will cover a number The Intercollegiate Examination in Sports and that means that practitioners who are on the of aspects, including roles of the team Exercise Medicine, Great Britain and Ireland, Specialist Division of the Register in Sports physician, lower back pain and posterior is run by FSEM (UK). It has been modified and Exercise Medicine, or who believe that thigh pain. The original research section to maintain the highest standards in the their daily medical practice is best defined attracts a good audience and is a forum for speciality and to reflect the requirements by ‘sports and exercise medicine’, should trainees and established doctors to present as set out in the Higher Specialist Training contact the Faculty, as the relevant training their material. body, in preparation for the implementation programme curriculum, which is common of the scheme in May 2011. to both faculties. It is hoped that a Part II examination may be held in Dublin in 2012. FORUM OF POSTGRADUATE TRAINING The London 2012 Olympics is a very BODIES important event for FSEM (UK). It plans to The Forum of PGTBs is a united body that hold a major Sports and Exercise Medicine works to achieve funding and deals with all conference that year and it is hoped that relevant requirements and aspects of training we will run a scientific section of that and negotiations with the HSE METR. The conference. Dean represents the Faculty on the Forum of PGTBs and has attended all four meetings in the past year. The Faculty will work with the executive of the Forum on reapplying to both the Medical Annual Scientific Conference 2010 delegates and Council and HSE METR to approve our speakers picture (l-r) are Lt Col Gerry Kerr, programme and, in turn, procure funding. Dr. Chris Lonsdale, Professor Nicola Maffulli, Dr. Conor McCarthy and Professor Guiseppe DeVito.

36 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Photographed during the Faculty Scientific Conference 2009 were (l-r) Dr. Pat O’Neill, Mr. John King, Professor Nicola Maffulli, Mr. Charlie McCreevy and Dr Philip Carolan.

“The London 2012 Olympics is a very important event for FSEM (UK). It plans to hold a major Sports and Exercise Medicine conference that year and it is hoped that we will run a scientific section of that conference.”

JOINT FSEM AND ICGP DIPLOMA COURSE CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE physical activity model and highlight its use IN MUSCULOSKELETAL EXAMINATION AND in preventing and managing chronic disease. INJURY MANAGEMENT We will continue to promote the skills and expertise of our specialists, as the I would like to thank the chairpersons and The joint Diploma course with the ICGP speciality has a vital role to play in the future members of each sub-committee for their commenced in September 2009. There were healthcare of our population, athletes and work and continuing commitment to the 22 participants who completed their final sports people. development of the Faculty of Sports and exam in May 2010 and will be conferred Exercise Medicine in Ireland. The Faculty The specialists in Sports and Exercise with Diplomas in November 2010. This very cannot flourish and achieve its objectives Medicine need to drive the physical activity popular course will greatly add to the skills without the involvement of all its members prescription model to help combat the major of doctors carrying out MSK examinations. and Fellows. problem of obesity in the developed world. We would encourage them to use this Our colleagues worldwide now talk of the training to submit scientific research material Officers Board Members physical inactivity epidemic and the resultant for the Faculty Annual Scientific Conference. chronic diseases. A fundamental change Dr. Philip E Carolan Professor Frank HONORARY CONFERRING is required to help promote preventative Dean Keane medicine through activity. President, RCSI In 2009 the Faculty conferred Mr John Dr. Martin The ‘Exercise is Medicine’ model is out there; McConaghy Dr. John Donohoe King with an Honorary Fellowship. He is an it is a challenge for doctors to fundamentally Honorary Secretary President, RCPI international figure in Sports and Exercise change healthcare focused on prevention Medicine, President of ECOSEP and a Mr. James Colville Mr. Frank and treatment of chronic disease through renowned orthopaedic and sports surgeon Vice-Dean McManus exercise and physical activity. from London. Professor Barry Bresnihan, Representative of Dr. Frank McGrath Council of RCSI retired rheumatologist and international In February 2010 Dublin took over the mantle Treasurer rugby player, was conferred in absentia of European Capital of Sport. It is important Prof. N. Gerald due to illness. We are sorry to report that that some legacy should follow on from this. McElvaney Professor Bresnihan died in July 2010. These I feel that the Faculty needs to promote the Representative of Council of RCPI two distinguished doctors have made major contributions to medicine and sport, both Dr. Rod nationally and internationally, over many McLoughlin decades. Representative of Irish Institute of Sport Dr. Mary Archer Dr. L. Joseph Conway Dr. Joseph Cummiskey Dr. Pat Duggan Dr. Michael Griffin Professor Michael G Molloy Dr. John O’Riordan Pictured at the conferring ceremony in 2009 were (l-r) Dr. John Donohoe, President RCPI, Mr. John King, who was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty, Ms. Eilis McGovern, Vice-President, RCSI Dr. Pat O’Neill, and the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Philip Carolan.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 37 International

RCSI continues to explore both philanthropic and entrepreneurial opportunities across the globe. We are a culturally diverse, truly international organisation with a highly respected fellowship and alumni presence in almost every country in the world.

38 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 RCSI International Projects

Pictured are His Royal Highness, Prime Minister, Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa with Ms. Eilis McGovern, new RCSI President, at the inaugural graduation ceremony at RCSI Bahrain in June 2010.

RCSI INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS AND The new sports centre represents an Ms. Eilis McGovern, new RCSI President, HEALTHCARE DEVELOPMENTS exciting addition to the campus and will congratulated the first cohort of graduates, enrich the lives of our students, staff and the acknowledging them as “pioneers, exploring 2009/10 has been a good year for the community by encouraging the enjoyment where nobody had gone before” and international activities of the College. of, and the participation in sports and recognising the trust they placed in RCSI The predominant focus has been on recreational activities. It is hoped that when choosing RCSI Bahrain as their place nurturing our investment, activity and RCSI Bahrain will become a key player in of study. relations in the Kingdom of Bahrain. the Kingdom’s effort to encourage sports General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla participation at all levels. The facility will not RCSI BAHRAIN Al Khalifa, Minister of State for Defence only be used for sporting activities but also Affairs, received the honorary degree of to host future specialist courses and events. Having successfully launched the new RCSI Doctor of Science for public service to the Bahrain campus in February 2009, the doors In June 2010, RCSI Bahrain conferred its Kingdom of Bahrain and in recognition of to a new sports centre were opened in first class of healthcare professionals.T his the Bahrain Defence Force Royal Medical November 2009 under the patronage of inaugural event, which was held in the new Services and his support for the University. His Excellency Dr. Faisal Al Hamar, Minister sports centre, honoured 72 students from The colourful procession saw Faculty and of Health. postgraduate and undergraduate courses, senior administration from four distinguished who were conferred under the patronage The completion of the sports hall concluded centres of learning: RCSI (Dublin), the Royal of His Royal Highness, the Prime Minister, the first phase of RCSI Bahrain’s $65 million College of Physicians of Ireland, the National Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. campus. The 12,000 square foot indoor University of Ireland and RCSI Bahrain. facility began construction in August of The graduates, from disciplines including 2008. Located adjacent to the University’s Medicine, Nursing, and Healthcare Ethics As a constituent university of the Royal main building, the new sports centre features and Law, marked the successful completion College of Surgeons in Ireland, RCSI a main hall for indoor hockey, basketball, of their studies at RCSI Bahrain at a Bahrain delivers education and training badminton, five-a-side football, netball ceremony in front of 800 guests, including in Medicine, Nursing, Surgery, General and volleyball. There are also separate male parliamentarians, regional and overseas Practice, Healthcare Management, and and female gymnasiums, a snooker room ambassadors, family and friends. Healthcare Ethics and Law to the highest and an exercise studio for group classes international standards with qualifications such as dance, aerobics and yoga. that are recognised worldwide. The student body is an international one, with around 30 countries represented, including Ireland. RCSI Bahrain is located on a site provided by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, adjacent to the King Hamad General Hospital and RCSI Bahrain Health Oasis sites. The entire concept extends over a combined site of circa 60 hectares. Together these inter- related components will form a truly unique medical education and healthcare campus.

RCSI Bahrain conferred its first class of healthcare professionals in June 2010.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 39 international

“RCSI Bahrain delivers education and training in Medicine, Nursing, Surgery, General Practice, Healthcare Management, and Healthcare Ethics Pictured (l- r) at the ribbon cutting for the new sports centre and Law to the highest in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain in November 2009 were His Excellency Dr. Faisal Alhamar, Minister of Health of the Kingdom international standards of Bahrain, Professor Frank Keane, RCSI President, Mr. Saleh Bin Hindi, Advisor to the King of Bahrain, and Dr. Faisal Al Mousawi, with qualifications that President of RCSI Bahrain. are recognised worldwide.”

HEALTHCARE DEVELOPMENTS services to the people of the Kingdom RCSI BAHRAIN HEALTH OASIS of Bahrain. It is a 312-bed public hospital Recognising our strengths in healthcare occupying a 227,000 square metre site Over the past year our International Project education, research and service, RCSI made located to the north of Sheikh Isa Bin Salman Team, led by Mr. Gilbert Little, has focused a strategic decision to invest in a range causeway on the coast of Muharraq. The on completing negotiations on the King of international healthcare opportunities hospital, which is constructed over four floors Hamad General Hospital management and in Bahrain. It has established a dedicated and three main blocks, will be a centre of operation contract. The Bahrain Health team to support these initiatives. This excellence in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Oasis and King Hamad projects have been diversification from our core education Orthopaedics and will be the main teaching strategically linked by the Government of and research activities is driven by our need hospital for RCSI Bahrain. Bahrain and we are hopeful that the Health to provide sustainable additional revenue Oasis Project will commence when the to allow us to meet our long-term strategic At the invitation of the Government of hospital contract negotiations have been objectives. Bahrain, RCSI signed an agreement with the finalised. Ministry of Health to provide commissioning KING HAMAD GENERAL HOSPITAL services for the hospital. A commissioning When developed, the Health Oasis will team has been on the ground in Bahrain represent a truly unique medical education King Hamad General Hospital (KHGH), since April 2008. In parallel with the and healthcare campus within a world-class, currently under construction, is one of commissioning work, RCSI has been mixed-use waterfront development – an the biggest public sector health projects negotiating with the Government of the international healthcare centre of excellence in Bahrain in recent times. Subject to Kingdom of Bahrain for a contract to manage and enterprise for the Kingdom of Bahrain satisfactory completion of outstanding works and operate the hospital. and the Middle East. When completed, (including the installation of equipment and it will integrate world-class healthcare, ICT), the hospital is scheduled to open in state-of-the-art medical education and 2011. It will provide world-class healthcare research, and health sector enterprises in an unprecedented environment designed to foster novel approaches to healthcare and healthcare delivery. It will be unlike any existing or proposed health or wellness centre in the region. It will combine an extensive and comprehensive provision of international standards and RCSI-led medical and healthcare excellence with state-of-the- art medical enterprises in a high amenity, waterfront environment.

Students at the inaugural graduation ceremony at RCSI Bahrain in June 2010.

40 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 RCSI Health Oasis Preliminary Masterplan. Model of King Hamad General Hospital.

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Medical University of Bahrain

The Oasis Private Hospital will perform “The Bahrain Health Oasis will integrate world- a central role and deliver much of the specialist medical care within the Oasis. In class healthcare, state-of-the-art medical education doing so, it will have the support of the King and research, and health sector enterprises in an Hamad General Hospital (KHGH) and RCSI Bahrain. The activity and speciality mix will unprecedented environment designed to foster novel complement that of the KHGH and will be consistent with the overall target market. approaches to healthcare and healthcare delivery.”


RCSI continues to explore both philanthropic and entrepreneurial opportunities in nations across the globe. We are a culturally diverse, truly international organisation with a highly respected fellowship and alumni representative of almost every country in the world.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 41 Development Office

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

Lord Patten of Barnes, the Right Honourtable Chris Patten Delivered the 8th Annual Leadership Lecture. Pictured from left: Terry Slattery, Master of Ceremonies, Lord Patten, and Professor Frank Keane, President Hundreds run the Mini Marathon of RCSI. for Breast Cancer Ireland.

Pictured (l-r) are Mr. Michael Horgan, Former Chief Executive/ Registrar, RCSI, Mr. Louis Copeland and Ms. Mary Kennedy at Breast Cancer Ireland’s annual RCSI/AIB Race Against Breast Cancer Day at Leopardstown Pavilion.

42 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “The establishment of a new Education and Research Development Office facility at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda will enhance the medical provision and delivery of service within the local community, improving the recruitment and retention process of key medical staff.”

RCSI is extremely grateful to its - the Centre for Innovation in Surgical November 2004. On leaving office in International Development Board (IDB), Technology (CIST) provides services Brussels, he was made a Life Peer and under the chairmanship of Mr. Dermot to assess, develop and commercialise took his seat in the House of Lords Desmond. for its ongoing support and surgical technology ideas from in January 2005. surgeons, researchers and industry. strategic advice. The Board is comprised Professor Cathal Kelly, RCSI Chief Executive/ of leaders of business and industry from • our REACH (Recreation, Education and Registrar, said: “The RCSI Leadership Ireland and overseas including Mrs. Community Health) Programme provides lectures offer a unique opportunity to hear Loretta Brennan Glucksman, Mr. Gilbert access and support to primary and first-hand of the outstanding work carried Little, Mr. James Kenny and Mr. Faisal Al secondary students, and their families, out by some of the world’s greatest leaders Mousawi, to mention just a few. from areas of social and economic and an opportunity to welcome industry disadvantage within the surrounding leaders to the College. RCSI is committed RCSI’s priorities include the following: inner city. to creating leaders in the medical • Celebrating our 200-year tradition of professions to enhance human health RECENT EVENTS 2009/10 learning on St . Stephen’s Green, the and well-being. Lord Patten is a leader College is embarking on a redevelopment BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AT RCSI in his field; the outstanding contributions programme for the Mercer Library, RAISES A FURTHER €1.6 MILLION he has made to society – not only in the heart of campus life, learning and Ireland through the Patten Commission inquisition at RCSI. With ever-increasing Breast Cancer Ireland at RCSI would like in Northern Ireland but also as Governor of numbers of students, the increasing to thank everyone for their generosity and Hong Kong and as European Commissioner move towards digital media, enhanced continuing support. Professor Arnold Hill, for External Relations – makes him most technology requirements, small group RCSI Professor of Surgery and Director of worthy of delivering the annual RCSI teaching, and the need for greater Breast Cancer Ireland, said: “This level of Leadership lecture.” community and social interaction, the support and generosity in these challenging RCSI HOSTS ITS 22nd ANNUAL GOLF current Library facilities are in need of times is truly overwhelming and greatly CLASSIC RAISING OVER €25,000 FOR renovation. A new €4 million campaign assists in our mission at RCSI to offer SURGICAL RESEARCH AT RCSI is about to be launched. Ireland a truly ‘translational’ approach to the treatment of breast cancer by speeding On 1 July 2010, the 22nd Annual Golf Classic • the establishment of a new Education up discovery and ultimate treatment of was held at The K Club, Straffan, Co. Kildare. and Research facility at Our Lady of patients diagnosed, through endeavour and The 18-hole championship course, designed Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda will collaboration amongst all relevant clinicians by Arnold Palmer and venue to the Ryder Cup enhance the medical provision and and scientists throughout the country.” delivery of service within the local in 2006, set the scene for a very competitive community, improving the recruitment RCSI HOSTS ITS 8TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP outing of 24 teams and 96 golfers. This and retention process of key medical LECTURE fantastic show of support produced three staff. An education and research focus winning teams, with Ohshima Ireland Limited is critical in the delivery of world-class Lord Patten of Barnes, the Right Honourable receiving first prize, followed by International healthcare and hospital care, and RCSI Chris Patten, delivered the 8th Annual Investments and Underwriting (IIU) (second) is committed to ensuring that the Leadership Lecture entitled “G1, G2… G20 and Sattal Print and Promotional Solutions country’s north-eastern community – Who Leads the World?” in RCSI on 6 May (third). 2010. Lord Patten was also awarded an succeeds in this endeavour. RCSI is at the forefront of surgical care Honorary Fellowship of RCSI. • the redevelopment of York Street will in Ireland. Surgical practice and the role encompass our new Colles Institute. Lord Patten is a former European of surgery is experiencing rapid change The Colles Institute currently consists Commissioner for External Relations and in its provision of care to patients. The of three centres: former Governor of Hong Kong. He was convergence of pharmaceuticals and medical appointed Governor of Hong Kong in devices into innovative health technologies, - the National Surgical Training April 1992, a position he held until 1997, the replacement or regeneration of organs Centre (NSTC) is a world leader in overseeing the return of Hong Kong to and tissues, the potential for scarless surgery the development and delivery of China. He was Chairman of the Independent and the use of robotics represent an exciting procedural-based education, training Commission on Policing for Northern challenge for the future of surgery. and assessment. Ireland, set up under the Good Friday - the Centre for Research and Peace Agreement, which reported in 1999. Development (CR&D) provides clinical In September 1999 Lord Patten was research services and facilitates appointed European Commissioner for clinical research by surgeons and by External Relations, a post he held until industry in Ireland and internationally.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 43 Community

As a leading education and healthcare provider, we are committed to finding ways in which to give back to our communities. We recognise the significance of education and health management in both the life of an individual and a community.

44 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Community

Celtic Football Club Coaches Chris Hendry, Ryan McGregor and Frank Donegan, Porter RCSI with Dr Terry McWade, Deputy CEO at RCSI at the presentation ceremony for the REACH Health Improvement programme.

In 2009/2010 RCSI continued to Activities during 2009/2010 included the 150 Transition Year students attended the enhance the standards of health, daily Homework Club; Community Health programme in Dublin and 120 Transition education and life chances among our Checks Day; the Educational Information Year students from the South East attended local communities and people worldwide, Service which supports students, parents Waterford’s Transition Year RCSI’s MiniMed and guardians regarding educational training programme which took place for the thanks to the efforts of many of our staff, opportunities; annual REACH RCSI bursaries second year running in RCSI/HSE Education students and Fellows that contribute for each of the second level schools; the Centre in Waterford Regional Hospital. their time and skill. Kiran Pathak scholarship to the RCSI School In July 2009, 25 primary science teachers of Pharmacy; an annual REACH RCSI Sports RCSI IN IRELAND participated in the ‘Come to your senses’ Day; Men’s Health Programme, Glasgow workshop delivered by the RCSI Primary The REACH RCSI programme promotes Celtic coaching sessions with young people science for Teachers Initiative (PSTI) team. Recreation, Education and Community from the local area and NALA (National Adult The workshops aim to encourage teachers to Health. REACH has involved 2280 Literacy Agency) Student Elective. Through develop their confidence and enthusiasm for participants and 443 staff and student the Student Ambassador Programme, science education in their own classrooms. volunteers since its establishment in 2007. 32 students, from 6 schools represent The Primary Science for Teachers Initiative is REACH is a partnership with schools, youth the College in the local community. a component of REACH RCSI programmes. and community groups that work together The REACH RCSI programme was highly on the design and delivery of initiatives. The Annual Outreach Lecture promotes commended at the Chambers Ireland Awards The programme aims to stimulate access interest in science among the wider for Corporate Social Responsibility in the to further and higher education, improving community and was delivered by Dr. Aaron ‘Good Neighbour’ category. retention and attainment rates at second Bernstein, MD, from the Centre for Health level; and promoting lifelong health and PROMOTING SCIENCE, MEDICINE and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical activity in the community. AND RESEARCH School. Coinciding with 2010 being the U.N.’s International Year of Biodiversity, Programmes to promote interest in research, Dr Bernstein delivered a lecture entitled medicine and science were run throughout “Life Support Systems: How Human Health the year, attracting young and older people Depends on Biodiversity” which explored alike by making science fun, exciting and how human health depends, in every accessible. conceivable way, upon the diversity of life present on Earth. The hugely popular MiniMed School, presented by leading health professionals from RCSI, provided an informative and entertaining open lecture series to members “The REACH RCSI of the general public who are interested in learning more about health, medicine programme was highly and the delivery of healthcare in Ireland. The series attracted widespread public commended at the interest with 300 members of the public Chambers Ireland Awards attending each lecture and demand for places far outstripping availability. This year, for Corporate Social the MiniMed School was free of charge to the Responsibility.” Pictured taking part in the Annual REACH RCSI public and was held on the last Wednesday Sports Day were; Dublin GAA player Eamonn of every month between January and May Fennell with Amber Rose Kelly McDonnell, Ryan 2010. A special week-long programme for Honer, Charlie Kelly and Kristy Maher from St. Enda’s Primary School, Whitefriar Street, Dublin. transition year students also took place.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 45 community

Pictured (l-r) are Mr. Declan J. Magee, Chairman, RCSI OUTREACH, Committee for International Cooperation, RCSI Council Member and Consultant Surgeon, Dr. Anthony J.V. Obinna, Archbishop of the Owerri Archdiocese and Mr. Kyle O’Sullivan, Irish Ambassador to Nigeria at the opening of a new state-of-the-art out-patients and casualty department at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Emekuku, Nigeria, in November 2009.

Global Initiatives and accessibility of surgical education and clinicians in Malawi and Zambia, under training. Under existing structures, COSESCA the EU FP7 grant framework. The Principal Mr. Declan J. Magee, Chairman countries collectively graduate only Investigator under this research based RCSI OUTREACH, Committee for approximately 60 surgeons a year for their intervention is Professor Ruairi Brugha of International Cooperation shared population of 270 million people. RCSI Department of Epidemiology. Twenty clinical officers in both countries will be Increased cooperation in surgical training, trained in essential surgery during a two As a leader in medical education, training ICT development, rollout of RCSI’s e-learning year course. and research, the College strives to advance platforms and numerous capacity sharing the quality of healthcare in the developing initiatives in syllabus development, The EU SODISWATER project continued world by sharing knowledge and providing examination and organisational development, to demonstrate the effectiveness of solar training and expertise in medicine, research, have taken place during the past year. disinfection of drinking water against healthcare and surgery. Throughout the diarrhoeal diseases. During the year, To date, the programme has been year, the College has strengthened its links Dr. Kevin McGuigan from the Department successfully developed and delivered with the developing world, particularly in of Physiology and Medical Physics in Kenya, Zambia and Uganda. Expansion parts of Africa and Asia. RCSI OUTREACH, and Professor Ronan Conroy from the of the programme into other countries Committee for International Cooperation, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health will start with Rwanda and Malawi in 2011, has been established to oversee RCSI’s Medicine visited Cambodia, where SODIS followed by Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia diverse international outreach initiatives has been a major public health success. The and Mozambique in 2012 and 2013. To date, under a single committee. preliminary analysis of the Cambodian field 10 e-learning labs have been established trial where over a thousand children were This was the second year of the Irish Aid with a total of 27 locations planned over monitored for a year showed a significant supported partnership between RCSI and the next 3 years. the College of Surgeons of East, Central reduction in the risk of dysentery. Dr Kevin and Southern Africa (COSECSA). The aim of In early 2010, the collaboration worked McGuigan received the Dean’s award the collaboration programme is to enhance successfully with a number of partners to in the College in October 2009, for his the quality of surgical care in the Sub- raise funds for a training programme in role in bringing together the international Saharan region by improving the quality essential surgical skills for non-physician collaboration, which has considerably

A Cambodian mother with her well-used SODIS Student nurses at the opening of a new state-of-the-art out-patients and casualty department bottle. SODIS has been a major public health at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Emekuku, Nigeria, in November 2009. success, using solar disinfection of drinking water to protect against diarrhoeal diseases.

46 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 “Following the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti on 12 January 2010, the Office of the President, RCSI, coordinated a number of orthopaedic surgeons to travel to the region on a reconnaissance trip and to provide much needed on the ground clinical support.”

Christina Noble pictured with RCSI students Amber Waits and Ciara Shouldice at the opening of the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation photographic exhibition held in RCSI in November 2009.

advanced the evidence base for solar briefs for policy makers on the effects of explored a pathway to create an effective disinfection. Dr McGuigan’s research into HIV specific funding on the health systems affordable malaria vaccine. RCSI has the area of solar disinfection of drinking of countries, especially in Africa. The committed to join the European Vaccine water has had a direct impact on 2.5 million Connecting Health Research Africa Ireland Initiative based in Heidelberg, a collaborative people in over 35 developing countries. Consortium (ChRAIC), led by RCSI (Dr. Elaine research organisation advocating for, funding Byrne) with colleagues in Trinity College and and fostering development of new effective RCSI continues to support the Paediatric NUI Galway has been supporting country affordable vaccine technologies. Exchange Programme which has entered its teams in six African countries to prioritise seventh year, in conjunction with Our Lady’s In November 2009, a new state-of-the- health systems research in their countries. Children’s Hospital Crumlin (OLCHC ). The art out-patients and casualty department GHIN and ChRAIC are both co-funded programme was founded by Professor Martin was opened at the Holy Rosary Hospital, by Irish Aid. The Health Research Board Corbally, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Emekuku, in Nigeria. The new facility hosts (HRB) Nurse Migration study, led by OLCHC and Associate Professor at RCSI. a range of healthcare services and training Dr. Niamh Humphries, which resulted in During the year, a team of specialists from including HIV/AIDS programmes, funded several research papers on the experience Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin by RCSI in conjunction with Irish Aid, for of non-EU nurses in Ireland, was completed; travelled to Ho Chi Minh City to carry out an estimated 5 million people in the area. and the HRB agreed to fund a new study complex surgical procedures and to help on foreign doctors in Ireland, also led by RCSI continued its annual sponsorship Vietnamese counterparts in Paediatric Dr. Humphries. The findings of these studies of a group of students from the schools Surgery and Anaesthetics achieve best will inform policy on more effective health of medicine, physiotherapy and pharmacy practice performance and so improve workforce planning in Ireland, which has an to travel to Vietnam and Mongolia to the level of care in their own society. The impact on the global health worker crisis, volunteer with the Christina Noble Children’s programme also received support from the which particularly affects Africa. Foundation, providing help and support to Christina Noble Foundation and Irish Aid. children in need of medical care, nutritional Building on their experience, the group have Professor Samuel McConkey is the rehabilitation, educational and vocational extended their objectives to include open Principal Investigator for the National opportunities, as well as children at risk heart surgery which began at Children’s Malaria Surveillance system in Gambia of sexual and economic exploitation. Hospital # 2 HCMC this year and is overseen in collaboration with the relevant arms of In November 2009 the Christina Noble by Professor Mark Redmond, Mater Hospital government in Gambia and, the Centre Children’s Foundation photographic and OLCHC. In addition, the group has for Innovation against Malaria. The mature exhibition took place in RCSI, celebrating undertaken to upskill paediatric surgeons findings of the study, funded by an Irish the 20th anniversary of Christina Noble’s in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, to deal with HRB research grant, will be presented at first visit to Vietnam and to raise awareness complex paediatric oncological problems. workshop at American Society of Tropical and funds for Foundation. Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) annual RCSI also encourages and advances meeting in Atlanta in 2010. In partnership Following the catastrophic earthquake in research, helping to improve the sustainable with Ministry of Health, the University and Haiti on 12 January 2010, the Office of the development of developing countries. Medical Research Council in Sierra Leone, President, RCSI, coordinated a number of Professors Ruairi Brugha and Sam McConkey Professor McConkey’s team has completed orthopaedic surgeons to travel to the region have been engaged in multiple programmes a synthesis of existing knowledge in the on a reconnaissance trip and to provide in 2009/2010 with the objective of country related to health equity, governance much needed on the ground clinical support strengthening health systems and disease and human resources, finding diversity of in conjunction with Partners in Health, USA control programmes across Africa. governance and dire lack of skilled staff. and Beacon Medical Group. The volunteer During the year, the Global HIV Initiatives The team are now exploring ways to address surgeons departed for Haiti on the five- Research Network (www.ghinet.org), the human resource crisis in Sierra Leone. day mission on 24 January and, under the coordinated by RCSI (Professor Ruairí Brugha Professor McConkey organised and chaired auspices of the Institute of Orthopaedics, and Ms. Aisling Walsh) and the London a workshop at the international Malaria continue to deliver orthopaedic care to the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, meeting in Nairobi in November 2009 which people of Haiti. published several journal articles and

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 47 Finance

RCSI is a not-for-profit, independent academic institution with charitable status. As we operate as a primarily self-funding institution, we must operate a sustainable financial model and thus continue to be able to create our own future.

48 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 Finance

Ms. Jennifer Cullinane DIRECTOR OF FINANCE


RCSI is a not-for-profit, independent The 2008/09 year was a significant year for Income in the group amounted to €123 academic institution with charitable status. the College, with a number of key strategic million, up 13% on 2008 levels. This increase As we operate as a primarily self-funding objectives achieved. Our new university reflects the growth in our education institution, we must operate a sustainable building in Bahrain was completed, on programmes in Ireland and Bahrain, and financial model and thus continue to be able time and on budget, and officially opened also accounts for increases in research to create our own future. in February 2009 by President McAleese funding. Operating costs increased, mainly and the Prime Minister of Bahrain, His due to support being given to our education Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al- programmes, the continued development Khalifa. Our student numbers continued of RCSI Bahrain, increasing interest rates to grow, numbering just over 3,300 across during the year and the ongoing costs of our campuses in Dublin, Bahrain, Penang maintaining our Dublin campus and hospital- and Dubai. This compares to 3,100 in the located education and research centres. previous year. Our core activities (being Education, Research and Surgery) operated to a planned From a financial perspective, the College net deficit of €2 million, compared to a net continues to move towards a near break-even deficit of €3 million in 2007/08. position, with an overall deficit of €1 million as against a deficit of €3 million in 2007/08. Our university in Bahrain, RCSI Bahrain, saw a 40% increase in income, reflecting another full year of student intake. It has now completed the roll out of the undergraduate courses in Medicine and Nursing. RCSI Bahrain operated at a deficit during the year in accordance with its business plan.

“RCSI is a not-for-profit, independent academic institution with charitable status.”

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 49 finance

Financial Highlights

Years ended 30 September 2009 and 2008

Income & Expenditure 2009 2008 € millions € millions

Income Core Activities (Education, Research, Surgery) 110 94 Investments & Fundraising 13 14 Total Income 123 108

Expenditure Operating Costs (109) (98) Interest & Depreciation (15) (13) Total Expenditure (124) (111)

(Deficit) in the Year (1) (3)

Balance Sheet Net Assets (consolidated) 9 90

50 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 finance

“RCSI Bahrain saw a 40% increase in income, reflecting another full year of student intake.”

RCSI Bahrain moved into its new building in CAPITAL PROGRAMME CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Muharraq in time for the 2008/09 academic year and this move has transformed the Capital investment amounted to €18 million While the College’s activities operated at student experience. Officially opened in in 2008/09 with continued investment in break even during 2008/09, its net assets February 2009, it marks the culmination the campus in RCSI Bahrain and additional at 31 September reduced significantly to €9 of RCSI’s €70 million investment in the works on Phase 1 of the Abraham Colles million. This reflects a write down in the value Kingdom of Bahrain. Institute at York Street, Dublin. There was of our endowment portfolio. also investment in a new Council room and Over many years, RCSI established an RCSI Dubai continued to develop its preparation works for the RCSI 200 years endowment portfolio to provide an ongoing healthcare management programmes on St. Stephen’s Green celebrations in 2010. and grew income by 50%. Our other and stable source of income. The portfolio international projects, including the Bahrain mainly comprised certain investment Health Oasis and King Hamad General properties strategically located near its main Hospital, continue to progress. Important campus in the centre of Dublin. Like all such decisions on the future of both projects are investments in recent times, the underlying expected to be taken by RCSI during 2010. property assets have lost significant value. While losing capital value, they still provided a strong positive cash surplus in the year to support our educational activities.

RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 51 finance

PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE We are currently carrying out an extensive cost review of all areas of activity. Similarly, This year marks a significant milestone other activities are being assessed from a for the College with the completion of a value-for-money perspective to ensure all number of major education investments, activities move to making a positive financial including the Graduate Entry Programme in contribution. Our constant focus is to ensure Dublin, the university in Bahrain and various that the College’s strategic vision can be hospital education centre buildings. The delivered within an ever-changing and College is now entering a period of financial difficult financial environment. consolidation with a strong focus on ensuring an appropriate return is achieved from its Again, I wish to acknowledge the great various investments. support of the whole Finance Department and, in particular, the support and help from At the same time, world economic conditions Ms. Caroline Murphy, Mr. Padraig Barry, are uncertain and none more so than in Mr. Niall Kelly and Mr. John Diviney. Ireland. RCSI’s primary financial focus will be in two areas, revenue generation and cost containment, but without having an impact on the service levels provided to students.

52 RCSI | Annual Report 2009–2010 About RCSI

The principles firmly established by our founders during The year 2010 marks 200 years of the College on St Stephen’s Green. In 1810 the the earlier years of our College are just as relevant today College moved to its present location at the corner of York Street facing St Stephen’s as they were at that particular time. The early members of Green where ‘Number 123’ was built. Since its foundation over 200 years ago, Council bequeathed to us the noble tenets of institutional the College has trained doctors and surgeons who have given exemplary service independence, academic freedom, tolerance of difference throughout the world and the advances in surgical procedures that we use today, and a commitment to humanitarian concerns. These tenets represent the culmination of centuries of learning and enquiry. are continuously upheld by our College and its staff.

We are We are committed The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland responsible for setting the highest to enhancing human health through is a Registered Charity for the promotion of standards in surgical care and training endeavour, innovation and collaboration the practice of science of Surgery, Anaesthesia, in Ireland and are an internationally in education, research and service. Dentistry, Nursing and Radiology and the provision of education, training and research recognised medical school with in Medicine and Allied Health Sciences. a 226 year heritage. We strive always to improve human health, to improve Registered Charity number CHY 1277. We believe continuously our education and research that the patient is at the centre programmes and to form strong of everything we do. relationships with our partners and communities. We value innovation, excellence, independence, academic freedom, diversity, tolerance and community.

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Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Annual Report 2009–2010 +3531 402 8610 402 +3531 [email protected] +353 1 402 2458 1 402 +353

EMAIL: TEL: FAX: www.rcsi.ie

Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Ríoga na Máinleá Coláiste Green Stephen’s St 123 2 Dublin Ireland Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Ireland in of Surgeons College Royal