Purpose of Making the Said Intended Railway, and The
4971 purpose of making the said intended railway, and Kentish Coast Railway. the works connected therewith, with powers to (Registered provisionally, according to the Act of levy and take rates, tolls, and duties upon and in the 7 and 8 of Victoria, c. 110.) respect thereof, and to confer exemptions from the OTICE is hereby given, that application is payment of rates, tolls, and duties and other rights N intended to be made to Parliament in the and privileges. ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize And it is further intended, by the said Act, to the construction and maintenance of a railway or enable the said company to be incorporated as railways, with all proper works, approaches, and aforesaid, to let on lease, or sell, or amalgamate conveniences connected therewith, commencing at the said intended railway, or any part thereof, and or near the town of Dover, in the county of Kent, the works connected therewith, or with any part and within the several parishes, townships, or extra- thereof, and all or any of the powers to be con- parochial places of Charlton, Hougham, Buckland, ferred by the said Act to, and with, any other Saint James Dover, Saint Mary the Virgin Dover, existing or projected railway company or compa- East Cliffe, and the liberties of Dover Castle, or some nies, and to enable such other railway company or or one of them, in the same county of Kent; and companies to purchase, or rent, or amalgamate, terminating at near to or upon Herne Bay Pier, in with, or to execute the said intended-railway, and the parish of Herne, in the same county; with a works, or any of them, or any part thereof, and to.
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