VOLUME XLIV VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 3, 1954 NUMBER 25 Davis Elected Will Escort President Turnabout Day Friday, To Top Post /In Rat Class Corps To Be By Rats This Friday, May 7, has been officially designated as The class-to-be of '57 met in Turnabout Day—the call when old cadets become Rats and J. M. Hall Wednesday night and elected Russell Davis as president, Rats become upperclassmen, taking over all duties from Regi- John Turley, vice-president, and mental Commander down to the last Corporal. Walter O'Donohue historian. Turnabout Day will begin at Rus Davis is from Rocky Mount, Assembly for BRC on Friday morn- Va. He went to Franklin High VMI Plays Host ing and will terminate at 7:30 School, where he was president of CCQ that night. During this time the student body. He also dis- To Officers From the rats will be in complete tinguished himself as president of charge of military functions^ dur- the Beta Clubs of Virginia. At VMI ing the day. This will include he is a JV wrestler and is secretary Thailand School guard mount, drill, and parade. They will also be granted full of the Methodist Club. RusseU By M. M. BELENKY made semester Honor List. first class privileges with the ex- It was the privilege of the Vir- The vice-president, John Turley, ception of being able to go up ginia Military Institute and the is from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He town and guard duty. Corps of Cadets to have been hosts - was class president in high school Take Guard Mount to two representatives of the and played football. Since enter- They will take charge of all ing VMI, he has become a member Chulachomkloa Royal Military meal formations and be put in of the Canterbury Club and the Academy of Thailand during the full command of Guard Mount, in- Glee Club. John was captain of the past week, Col. Surakrai Eamudon cluding grading. The rats designat- J. V. football team last fall. He is and Lt. Col. Kalaya Kunjara visit- ed as commissioned officers will an English major. ed the Institute as part of a four be instructed by the actual officers ^^ter O'Donohue, historian, to five month tour of the military as to their duties at parade and graduated from Woodrow Wilson colleges and civilian institutions of drill. Durfng all company forma- High in Portsmouth, but now lives higher learning in this country. tions during the day the trans- in Richmond. At Woodrow Wilson The visiting officers said that planted old cadets will become he was valedictorian, sports editor their mission in the United States rats in their old companies. At of the annual, and member of the was to study the systems of mili- parade, they will all carry rifles. baseball team. He comes to the In- HONOR GUARD FOR PRESIDENT EISENHOWER—These eight cadet captains will tary education employed in such However, they will not take rifles stitute as a state cadet. Here he serve as a special Honor Guard for the President when he lays a wreath on the grave institutions as V.M.I, and the Unit- to company room, which will be has been active as a member of of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg next Sunday, May 9. Standing left to right they ed States Military Academy at held after SRC. West Point, and having done so, the Cadet business and as a mem- are E. M. Newton, H. V. White, D. J. Dunlap, W. F. Dunkelbefger, A. S. Mattox, J. P. The Regimental Commander will ber of the JV baseball team. He to diseminate methods and prin- be R. E. Collier and the Battalion majors in Biology and is an Honor Diuguid, W. R. McCarthy, and L. W. Cutrer. ciples which might be of benefit Commanders will be E. C. Flet- List student. to their academy. cher and D. R. Fox, respectively. The election was conducted by When queried as to the nature The Regimental Staff will be com- the officers of the class of '55. Band Wins Honors At Winchester of" the Royal Military Academy posed of J. J. Turley, Adjutant; C. '\h>ting was done by standing count. they described a system much like T. Schladitz, S-3, and; J. E. Pig- All officers were give